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Just need to talk to my friends (196)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, Judith, don't talk to me about snakes.. Already saw one go across the path upon front of stormy and I. The cats still snake hunt when they go in the bathroom, looking under the chair and dresser.

    I trimmed Stotmy's nails today and discovered a huge hot spot on his hip. Hurried and called the vet's office. She said to bring him in and Mike would work him in. Thought I might as well take Sheena for nail trim but couldn't get her in the car. What I thought might work didn't.

    We got there the parking lot was full but we found a place. It was a car dealership with a big parking lot, too. There were cattle trailers band all kinds if vehicles in the lot.

    Had a hard time getting him out of the car. He knew where he was. Got to the door and he had a seizure. A woman came out to see if she could help and I told her out names and if she would ask them to check me in. He has a nice swing outside so after he recovered we sat there until we could see him.

    Surprisingly he walked in and they put us in another area away from everyone. He have him three injections, antibiotics and allergy medicine with more to give at home beginning tomorrow. He weighs 93.6 lbs. So has gained weight and I think Sheena is heavier. Just gave him some Di Gel by mouth to help with sift stools.

    FedEx just came. Gray Lady had just gone down to graze and he asked if I knew I had a cow out. He is going to close the main gate on his way out.

    I awoke this morning to cow's bawling. Our cows were locked in the NE pasture..Called Mike and he said the heifers' pastures were short so Toad closed the gates and let them in the S and E pasture for a couple of days until the grass catches up. I have had a busy day, good thing I feel better.

    HB, it does make a person feel better when their doctor says we're doing okay. I've had MOM and yogurt today. Thinking of cereal for supper.

    FedEx just delivered a floor fan and the box looks suspect. Better check. Has to be out together tomorrow if it isn't broken. Enjoy your evening.

    Ron, you and your family are in my prayers as well as all of you.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    HB so sorry about your accident. It is so easy to do especially when we have so much on our mind. Hope your niece gets ok. Septicemia is a bad thing and personally for about 4.5-5 days I didn’t know what was going on. She may well be unable to answer the phone.

    I see snakes in my garden from time to time. They act more afraid of me than I am of them.

    No cicadas here so far. I think we may have had them not that long ago.

    House cleaning went well. HB I get tired. Have to keep pushing if i can, as I like my house to be clean. Im not comfortable if it isn’t. I have to do a bit there so like to be comfortable. That being said my house is cluttered a bit. Dont like that either but don’t seem to have the energy to prevent that.

    Got down into the 40s last night. 46 so far, they’re giving 44 I think. My friend’s mother interestingly has just found out that she has three types of cancer and they are the same ones my uncle probably has. She has renal lung and bone. my uncle definitely has renal and bone, he has places in his lungs, but where they’re located, they were unable to biopsy them so chances are they are too. His mom had been showing signs of dementia before she started having all this pain in her hip. So he’s been having to deal with a lot for quite a while and of course, now he’s got even more to deal with. He messaged me yesterday evening and asked if we should cover our tomatoes. I told him it probably would be good to do that but that I was too tired and they were on their own. If they die, I’ll plant some thing or just mulch it. He said he was very tired too and I told him we just have to take care of ourselves before we take care of plants. They are giving it in the 40s tonight too and then it’s supposed to warm back up. My tomato plants look really healthy and all of them except the one I started from seed have set bud. I have a few things that have been sort of eaten by what I think is a bug but I haven’t seen a bug. It’s not deer for sure because I don’t see their tracks and I would see their tracks. It’s possibly rabbits, but I don’t feel it’s rabbits either. I think there would be more damage if it was rabbits . So anyways this is mainly happening in my new bed. It’s happened to plants in the ground and plants ingrow bags also. In my front bed things have done really well and I’ve not had too many if any issues with that. So I hope starting maybe today I can start transplanting the extras out into the new bed and maybe they’ll survive we’ll see. Nothing lost because what I do is I plant like three or four seeds in each spot and I got really good germination with my zinnias out front. so I have to just cut them off if I don’t transplant them so I might gain and I won’t lose.

    Take care, thinking of all

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, just got up. Mint, 44 degrees? It's 69 here this morning. Why so cold there? It's a beautiful morning , all is quiet now but by noon we should have thundertorms. There are two or three complexes out west moving east.

    I'm hoping to get those drafted dishes done today. Also want to change out some clothes, put away winter gowns and robes and get out the summer things. We will see how it goes.

    Stormy slept well and is outside. He has two pills to take,one twice a day which is .Amoxicillin and one prednisone daily. They will be given with Cheese. Miss Sheena just got up and is napping again.

    Mint, have you thought it might be a squirrel eating your plants? I can't keep anything green on the porch. Finally figured out it was Rusty eating them.

    Darwin just called. Donna had nightmares and was awake all night. He said he just woke up. Told him To go back to sleep. He has been having nightmares, too. Wonder why? He overdid three or four days ago and is paying for it now with hip pain.

    Time for juice. I'm having cranberry pomegranate and just got some cranberry blueberry yesterday. Bet that will be good. Right now drinking orange cranberry with a splash of pom. I had some cottage cheese and peaches last night and it was so good.

    HB, sorry about the accidents glad everyone is okay.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    here….stayed in bed listening to the trial. Two news channels had in depth discussion re procedure, Fox was discussing Biden, Little tono mention of the trial at all. I always check all three for as balanced a perspective as possible.

    RRained last night. Raining again. It is like living in the tropics.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    this is just my guess,Lorita. The rain system that we got yesterday was coming down from Canada.

    I messaged with my cousin today and my uncle is not doing well at all. I had to shed a few tears. He is my last living uncle.
    Haven’t got out to check on my plants yet but I hope to in just a bit. The watermelon plant looks good from the window. I can’t see the tomato plants.

    I do not believe it’s a squirrel. Again like the rabbit. I think there would be more damage if it was a squirrel. I have a net light fencing around that bed where I’m having trouble. It usually works very good at keeping the bigger animals out including deer surprisingly. They could easily jump over it. It’s probably like 4 feet tall but it’s narrow and they don’t like to be in a narrow enclosure so I think that helps.

    rain. I’ve been keeping the cotton at bay but it’s flying through the air today. I was hoping maybe the rain and washed it all away but I guess no such luck.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Mint, when Rusty eats something, nothing is left. I ordered those four bee plants and he has eaten them twice. Three are again a bout three inches tall. Doubt they will ever make it.

    Sorry about your uncle. Hard to lose any but particularly the last one. I used to have seven but lost the last one many, many years ago.

    The rain is getting closer so should roll up the car windows, be sure FedEx closed the main gate and open the other one so GL can graze if she wants to.

    Darwin went down and cut wood a while. He just got home and said he thought he would go to bed. I'm worried that he is doing too much. Our doctor told me the aneurysm was about to burst so he was lucky.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Please keep your car windows closed or you may find a slithering visitor!

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Today was like the worst game of Telephone/Whisper-Down-the-Lane ever.

    Basel Niece texted me to ask if either Mom or Driver had been in touch with her hospitalized sister. Niece had gotten a cryptic text saying "The patient is now in the operating room". It's probably her sister, but it could also be her dad. She asked me to investigate on my end and text her back.

    I called mom to ask (and remind her of her imaging appointments). Mom said Driver had and that we are good to go on the plan to spay/neuter both cats as the boy-cat's owner would love to have this done. Mom also said, he was willing to facilitate getting them into the apartment to collect the cats. Mom didn't know anything about current health conditions aside from the general infection and need for additional surgery. I reached out to Driver who texted that she was going in to see her oncologist and then to a job interview and would call me later.

    Driver called between mom's mammogram and MRI. Driver says hospitalized niece was supposed to have a surgery but she wasn't aware of details. Niece was mostly upset that the nurses confiscated her vape pan. Niece also reported that she was scheduled for an "internal ultrasound of her heart"— perhaps she means echocardiogram. But mostly she begged Driver to bring her a new vape pen. Fortunately she won't although she planned to stop by the other hospital to see her and get a key to get cats. No word yet if that happened.

    I texted now Paris niece what I knew so far. She's on Ile de la Cite having dinner. I suggested she stop at Berthillon for dessert. I'm still waiting on a callback from Driver.

    After I dropped her off, I talked with BFF whose lawsuit settlement is going to be much less than anticipated. She was harmed by a prescription medication. She was awarded one million and it looks like she'll see about $180K which won't be of much use if she has to move to an AL because of blindness.

    I got my rental car ordered for Tuesday and stopped by my regular mechanic's shop to schedule an oil change, safety inspection and ask about DS's check engine light coming back on after 2 weeks in the shop.

    Mom's test results are back. Mammogram is fine but there are some concerns on the MRI. We'll see her PCP for a follow-up on Monday.

    Pizza and beer out of the wall for dinner tonight. I wish I was in Paris.


  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Lorita, Judith- verdict reached.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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  • ScaredyKate
    ScaredyKate Member Posts: 5
    First Comment

    Good luck,JeriLynn66😀Your FIL’s situation is my biggest fear. I just turned 60 and was diagnosed with the big A(lzheimers) I’ve been asking people to repeat what they just said to me for about a year. I chose to think it was no big deal. Do you know if most people with Alzheimer’s end up in a Care facility? I just came across this site. Hello everybody 👋 Kate

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited May 30

    I was wrong….up to 4 years per count.

    I did not think he would be found guilty on all 34 counts.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited May 30

    Hi Kate! Welcome to the porch.

    No, not everyone with dementia ends up in a facility. Not by a long shot. You will, however, need assistance as your disease progresses.

    That said, I want you to realize that many who post here do so as a resource they felt was needed. Many , many more are living relatively well within the peramiders (sp) of a dementia disease.

    Please do not assume what you read here is going to apply to you.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    edited May 30

    Kate, my father in law went to an Assisted Living facility of his own decision after he lost his second wife. He was 94 years old at that time and was beginning to need assistance with managing finances and medications. He could have stayed with us in our home but wanted “to be around people his age”. He passed this month at the age of 98, after a fall resulting in a hip fracture.

    I’m glad you found this forum. Lots of good, caring and very knowledgeable folks here. Please read lots of threads, and call the ALZ Hotline @800.272.3900 to ask to speak to a Care Consultant. They can be of great assistance.

    Please let us know how you’re doing.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Welcome to the front porch, Kate. Glad you decided to post. As Judith said, not everyone has to go to some kind of care facility. It depends on their individual circumstances. I'm glad you found our thread. Come and ask any questions you may have. Do make use of the alz hotline when you have questions or need help.

    I took a nap again this afternoon. I think it's turning into a habit. It rained some so is cooler. I'm feeling more like my old self, slowly regaining strength and on low fiber diet.

    Sarah just called. She's going back in the hospital tomorrow. Her feeding tube is not working at all so maybe this time they can help it. She has a newb PCP. Saw him today and he said she needs to be in the hospital. Still having problems getting meds. I have heard there is a shortage of some medications. Why, I do not know.

    So, asking for prayers and good thoughts for her. I was reading my 2019 journal about my last diverticulitis flare and saw it was when she had her first surgery. I will always wonder if he did something wrong during the surgery that caused all of this. Guess we will never know. We thought everything would be okay after the surgery. Thanks in advance for your prayers.

    Ron, thinking of you today. Hope you are doing all right.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm still here--enjoying Oregon.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    edited May 31

    Hi Iris

    Hi Kate, welcome to the porch. Kate it will be important for you to get all your things such as durable power of attorney etc. in place. A lot of us feel a Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA) is a good place to start. They are the most knowledgeable about how to proceed with things that you might need help within the future. You could Google certified elder lawyer attorneys in whatever state you’re in and that should help you to find one.

    43 this morning, supposed to warm back up now. The only thing that I seen affected by it was basil. I should’ve covered my basil last night. I wasn’t thinking. I wasn’t so tired last night. I could’ve done that. It may have got done under. I don’t know we’ll see. I have seeds, so maybe I can plant a few seeds. Basil does not like it less than 50° it becomes very unhappy.

    whatever is bothering my plants does not eat it, or does not pull it out of the ground. Instead, it’s just poking holes in the leaves and they become like a skeleton. It’s affecting even the bigger plants but of course they tolerate it a little bit better. They are ruining my Borage. I don’t think anything has ever messed with it before. So far it’s mainly the things in the back of the house. The stuff in the front beds don’t seem to be dealing with that too much. I’ve transplanted some of my extras into the areas were things have been affected. We will see what happens.

    good morning everyone

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Good morning.

    Mint, ?? would a little Sevin dust help? We pulled several cucumbers and a couple summer squash yesterday from out little raised beds. The peppers, onions and cabbage are really coming along. One of the grandkid's inlaws raise sweet corn every year and I'm looking forward to that. I used the last bag of frozen corn from last year's harvest. Only have a couple bags of corn on the cob left.

    I helped DH cut grass yesterday. He's so particular about that "yard" (which is actually about 3 acres). He also INSISTS we cut the front of the north pasture and around the barn with the lawn mower instead of using a bushhog. But it looks so pretty when we finish. We also cross-fenced some of the north pasture. He hung 3 gates. We separated Boogie and Baby girl from the boys fixed the pasture entry so we can pull into it without having to herd everyone away and guard the exit. Today, I think we are bringing some of the other goats down from Huntland. It should be interesting to watch Lilly and Jake the GPs adjust.

    I spent a good bit of yesterday on the computer dealing with FIL business. A representative from the Defence Finance department called me on his PERSONAL cell phone to say "do this, do that". I couldn't believe the man used his personal cell phone. He stated he saw where another staff member had responded to my inquiry and "couldn't believe" they didn't just pick up the phone and call me. So HE called me! It made all the difference in the world to me. He was so nice and so caring. AND, he told me to save his number in case I needed further help! He doesn't realize how he restored my faith in humanity yesterday.

    I'm rambling. The sun will be rising in just a bit, so I'm off to begin the day. Hope yours is blessed. BBL 💁‍♀️

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, Mint, I bet it's some kind of bug working on your plsnts. As JeriLynn said I bet Kevin will probably work. I know when we gardened we always used it even on cabbage.I have probably eaten a !ot of it evrn on cabbage leaves. Sort of cool and Misty here this morning.

    JeriLynn, on QVC this morning they have a Beckman show with lots of baby goats. They are soo cute. If we had those I would be playing with them all the time. They have little sweaters on them.

    Back later. Time for juice.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    JeriLynn I have never used Sevin dust.. The sulfur powder that I was using does seem to help, the problem is we’ve had so much rain that it’s very hard to keep it on so guessing it would be hard to keep Sevin on too. I did see this morning that I have some lime in my stash. I know my mom and grandma used to use lime, so maybe I’ll sprinkle little lime on too it won’t hurt, right. It’s so nice when you run into someone tying to tries to help you.

    Went to Amish country this morning and I bought 5 quarts of strawberries. Think I’ll cut up a couple and keep in the refrigerator to eat on and then the other three I shall freeze. I probably have enough but when I smell them strawberries it’s hard for me to not buy a few. I broke down and made a cake from cake mix. It’s a yellow cake. I love that we cut up strawberries. The lady told me they’ll probably have peas next week when we come. if they have enough and I have time, I think I will try to free some peas. I couldn’t even look into canning them to and maybe fix a few that way also. We’ll see how much time and energy I have.

    Sky is a beautiful blue today no clouds, and the birds are singing

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Mint…how about some strawberry preserves?????/??

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    That sounds good, Judith. Carol make refrigerator strawberry preserves. I never have. Mint, we use lime here on pastures and meadows. Not sure what it does - maybe sweetens the soil but makes grass grow better.

    I had never heard of Borage. Looked it up and the blue flowers are pretty - love blue flowers. Do you cook the leaves and also use the flowers?

    Got the dishes done!! Only took half an hour after I got started. That shows I am better. Standing to do them makes my back hurt but always has.

    Still cloudy and cool here. Some rain around but none here yet.

    Did any of you who were caregivers have nightmares? I never did but am asking because Darwin has been having them the last couple of weeks. Just wondering if it could be related to caregiving or maybe his surgery.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Cat litter definitely doesn't sound like a snake-proof weapon for safeguarding your home premises, but the unlikely pet essential is usually a foolproof way to keep snakes out of your yard. The science behind this lies in their bodies. Snake scales are pretty sensitive — as sensitive as your fingertips — and so slithering over hard objects can irritate them. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Judith my days run out of hours. They sell strawberry preserves they make it at the store. That’s what I buy Lol.

    Lorita I raise borage for its pretty blue flowers, and it attracts pollinators. I know they say you can eat the leaves and that their cucumber flavored. I’m wondering though if the person that wrote that ever ate them they’re very prickly lol.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    What do you do, Judith, sprinkle it around the perimeter? That would fake a lot of litter. Guess I could put some in front of the rocks by the porch. Never would have thought of that.

    Mint, I remember when I was a teenager we bought strawberries three quarts for a dollar.How. much are they now? Carol's daddy used to raise the best ones and people could pick them on the halves. Daddy got a start of ours from him. They were big and red all the way tbrough.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    people could pick them on the halves.?????

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Yes, they pick and keep half and the owner gets the other half. Very common practice, especially when picking up pecans. That way the owner gets his crop in and the people who do the work get half of what they pick.

    Bryon is coming in the morning to mow. Will be glad so the snakes can't hide in the grass.

    Sleep well tonight, everyone.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita they are $4.50 a quart. When I was a teenager we had about 1000 strawberry plants and we sold strawberries. I didn’t remember but I think my sister said we got $.90 a quart. I don’t begrudge them a penny, because raising strawberries, and taking care of them is a lot of work. Picking them is a lot of work to. I’m thankful that they’re willing to do it. I consider it a blessing that they’re available and I can get them and freeze them and I’ll have them if nothing happens to eat all winter long.

    I was looking at the blueberries, the other day at moms and it looks like there’s going to be a very nice crop of blueberries if nothing happens.

    hope each one of you has a pleasant day

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Good morning,

    I slept in a bit this morning. It may be fix the Huntland barn roof day depending on the rain. DH has rounded up grandsons to help. If it rains, he will stay home and work on our barn. The housework is done, but my baseboards need a good cleaning. Not my favorite thing to do.

    Strawberries are selling for $4.65 a quart or 3 for $10 here yesterday. The strawberry farm across the road from me had to close their season early. Too much rain. I was sad for them because as Mint said, the work that goes into making a crop is intensive. So they lost this year.

    I'm taking a break from even thinking about working on FIL affairs today and tomorrow. My brain is just fried. And I still don't have a death certificate or DD214 military separation form. So, really can't do anything more except stew and worry. Which I am doing in depth.

    I scheduled a little get away trip for us beginning this weekend. We'll take the motor home and go down to the Mississippi Gulf coast but will be staying at a campground on one of the back bayous. Very small, rural and lots of wildlife. But also close to several small towns and Biloxi. It's pretty. We'll pull the smaller car behind so as to be able to zip around. I want to go over to New Orleans for a day/night. It's only an hour away from where we will be camping. It's been YEARS since I've been and never with DH. And, maybe we can skip over to Jackson, MS on the way home so I can go bra shopping. That would surely be the highlight of the trip.

    It's cloudy and damp this morning, but time to go get the girls out of the chicken coop. Which I hit with the zero-turn lawn mower while trying to get around the corner (the coop, not the chickens). No real damage except my pride. lol. Also need to fill the bird feeders out front again. DH told me yesterday I need a different set up for the doves that are now coming to eat the scraps falling from the small feeders I have. They're too big to sit on the small perches. BBL

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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