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Just need to talk to my friends (196)



  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Ron you did exactly the correct thing, calling the hospice emergency number. I'm so thankful you have them available to help you. Your porch 'family' is here for you.

    Lorita you are having a time of it. I'm so sorry. As you've said, you just aren't used to being down and feeling poorly like this. It's dragging you down. You need some pasture time to chat with your girls. Hopefully soon you'll feel like doing that.

    We had the oddest thing happen the other day. I backed out of the driveway and headed down the street. When I got to the end of the street I saw a huge dirty yellow lab mix dog running wild / loose. I've never seen this dog before - but it was running / wild looking. I told DH I was going to try and catch it - his comment - no, its wild. I very quickly drove around the block to follow it and it was gone. But what I saw scared me - our dog likes to sit on an ottoman in the formal dining room and look out the window when we are gone. In the time it took me to very quickly drive around the block that dog had tried to attack our dog - through the closed window. Our dining room window screen was torn / ripped / shredded. I'm sure our little 13lb Shih Tzu barked and this wild dog tried to come after her - through the screen. I've never seen or heard of that before. Upon looking closer, the window has scratch marks where its nails or teeth were biting the glass. That all happened so quickly. Now, I never open those windows. But if per chance that window would have been opened to let fresh air in, I have no doubt in my mind that dog would have come through that screen and destroyed her. And probably my entire house. No one's doorbell camera caught anything except a fast moving object in the street. Everyone on the block has been notified & animal control. I've never seen nor heard of a dog attacking a window screen and then vanishing in less than 2 or 3 minutes.

    Enough from me for now. My phone just notified me that we have a Severe Thunderstorm Warning. Hopefully its nothing. Be safe everyone.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
    100 Likes 100 Comments 25 Care Reactions First Anniversary

    Eagle what a scary situation with that dog. Thank goodness your doggies were safe. Was the dog still there when you got back home? Hope the storm stays away from you.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Praying for you Ron and Lou. Lean on Hospice, the Lord and your porch family ❤️

    Everyone stay weather aware. Prayers for us all 🙏

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi everyone. My bold only works if I select and bold it. It’s very crazy to me. Must have been a result of the updates. I’m not sure .

    I’ll try to do it after I finish typing. Happy belated birthday Jo C and anyone else I missed. I’ve been busy writhing physical therapy. I’m feeling somewhat stronger. I found out Tuesday that I need a new hip. That’s partially causing weakness and neuropathy. I’m not looking forward to more surgery, but hopefully this will get me back on my feet. They are booked out until late July, so I’ll see when I get scheduled.

    We’ve been having a lot of storms here too. It has warmed up some, but our temps are still in the 60’s and low 70’s. It’s ok because I really don’t like hot weather, but I do like it nice and warm. I guess I better just enjoy what we get.

    My little house is looking like home. I’m getting things unpacked and put away, but need a couple more pieces of furniture to complete a couple of rooms, so I’m looking online for ideas. Thank God that my close friends are keeping in touch and coming to visit me.

    Ron, you and Lou are in my prayers. I’m happy you have Hospice coming every day. It gives a great peace of mind.

    I would love to see the silkies too. I’m sorry they don’t like going through the coop to the run. Are they spoiled? My daughter had a bunch and had them spoiled rotten. I didn’t realize they have such unique personalities.

    Zetta. I wish you good luck moving to Arizona. I hope it is good for you in every way.

    Lorita, I sure hope you’re feeling better soon. It’s no fun not being able to eat. I hope Sarah gets her appointment soon.

    Hi to Beth. Mint. HB, Jerilyn. Eagle mom, Judith. Caro, and everyone else reading. We are growing.

    Hopefully I can get up to speed reading all the posts and checking in more often. I really do miss you all. Have a good night. Joan

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Good night everyone.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Good night, Iris. We went to bed early and I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. Finally settled down and dozed off, then Stormy either had a bad dream or wanted out. So he is outside for a while.

    The bedroom is cool enough with the fan but it feels great outside. My family used to sleep on pallets on the front porch in the summer when it was so hot. We didn't have air conditioning or even a water cooler. I would be afraid to now because of bugs and snakes. Cats are.awake so I may watch a little TV. Also hungry somay drink a !ittle- cranberry pomegranate juice. Very good.

    Prayers have been said for Lou and everyone else. See you all tomorrow. Feel better soon, Sandy. Enjoyed our visit.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Good morning.

    Joan, I'll try to get a picture of the silkies this morning. Yes, they are spoiled, but they're also very young. They always stay close to each other and kind of keep to themselves from the rest of the birds. "Our" Blue Heron visited yesterday AND we discovered a pair of BLUEBIRDS!!! I need to fill all the feeders today. Two hummingbirds are back this week and those feeders need refilled as well.

    Thinking of you and Lou this morning Ron.

    The coffee's ready. I'll be back.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning.

    Had a surprise visit last night! One of my grown granddaughters decided to make a quick trip to see me. She loaded my two great grandchildren in the car, asked DIL and the other two Dallas grandchildren if they wanted to come, and all of them came and spent the evening with me. My son who was working didn't even know they were coming. The visit really helped my mental state! I was worried about them driving back home last night with the memorial weekend traffic and storms, but had a text telling me they were home.

    Lou has stop gurgling and has been resting piecefully, but still unresponsive. I haven't had to give her any medicine since noon yesterday. Had daughter in law and granddaughter help me turn her to change and clean without any resistance. A big difference from two days ago when she yelled anytime you tried to move her.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron was happy to hear that some of your family came to be with you for a while. Know , this is so very tough. Glad your family had a safe trip.

    Thinking of you Lorita I hope you got a good nights rest.

    So nice to hear from you Joan.

    Bluebirds are just beautiful. They are just such a pretty blue. Where I used to live, my neighbor had a pond in a blue heron came there a lot too. That’s one thing that’s nice about where I live now when I sit on my back porch I hear lots and lots of birds in the woods. I see a few but more than seeing them. I hear them. Almost every day when I’m out, I hear the woodpecker pounding on the tree. I’ve also heard the barred owl Several times this summer already. I didn’t hear them last summer so I was afraid something happened to them but I’m hearing them this year and I so enjoyed that. It’s just so peaceful just to sit on the porch and hear all the birds.

    Seems like I remember hearing on the YouTube channels that silkies make great mother’s, it seems like thats what I recall.

    Eagle that was a scary situation with that dog. Glad everything turned out OK for you.

    The new flower bed I’m trying to establish I’m having a little problem with things getting eaten because I tried to start a lot of stuff from seeds but hopefully it’ll work out. I see my first tomato bloom. It’s on my single cherry tomato so far my tomato plants are looking nice. I’ve been reading up on watermelon‘s head. We’ll see if I can do any better than I did last year I didn’t get a watermelon last year. It looks like from what I can tell. They’re pretty heavy feeders so That’s what I’m gonna work on next now is fertilizing my plants.

    Thanking of all of you and hope each one of you have a peaceful day.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning.

    Eagle, that dog situation is so scary. Wonder if the dog was rabid. Labs are generally mild mannered, loving creatures. I am so glad your dog is ok. I hope the dog is caught as it sounds like a very dangerous situation. I'm also hoping you didn't have severe thunderstorms. So many storms lately! It has crossed my mind that it may get very, very expensive to purchase homeowner's insurance in the future, given all the losses. I cannot imagine the devastation and the fear and that putting lives back together from the EF5 tornado that you experienced in KS. The tornado that hit Greenfield, Iowa last Tuesday was an EF4. It reportedly damaged/destroyed 153 homes in one minute! One minute! 5 people lost their lives in Iowa tornados that day, 4 in Greenfield and one was elsewhere when a woman's car was blown off the road. Eagle, anxious to hear about your new car!

    Joan, I am sorry you need a hip replacement. You have already been through so much. Hoping and praying this will get you back to where you need to be in your health and mobility. It sounds like you are enjoying your new home. Are you living close to your prior home? I know you said your friends do come and visit.

    Lorita, I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. It seems this has gone on for a long time and it must be frustrating for you.

    JeriLynn, bluebirds are beautiful! We see them occasionally. I have bluebird houses but the sparrows seem to claim them for themselves. :( We do see catbirds, orioles, goldfinches, house finches, woodpeckers, rose breasted grosbeaks, doves and hummingbirds and probably others I can't recall right now. We feed birdseed and also grape jelly.

    Ron, I am so glad family came and that Lou is resting peacefully. You are both in my prayers.

    Mint, it sounds like your garden is doing pretty good other than where someone comes and munches on the seedlings. Rabbits or deer, perhaps? I'll bet you are enjoying your peonies! They smell so fragrant. The rains are always hard on the blooms. I have had a vase of peonies on my table for several days now. There are still 3 plants that haven't yet bloomed so will look forward to seeing them. When I was a girl, my mom and I would go out to the cemeteries where our family members were buried and we usually put a vase of cut peonies from our yard on the graves. In addition, Mom planted peonies on the graves. A few years ago, I dug up two peonies (I left most of the plants) from Grandma's and Mom and Dad's graves and planted them in my yard. Those peonies are special.

    Judith, Lorita, I am not familiar with laundry balls that go in the washer. Do you use them instead of detergent? I do have dryer balls (wool). They stop the static and seem to work well.

    HB, Wow, 36" of flood water on the 2nd story of your home. Hard to even imagine. What a horrible thing to go through and I'm sorry you had to.

    Caro, Zetta, David, Jo, Iris, Sandy, hope you are doing ok and that you have a good weekend. Sorry if I forgot anyone.

    Below: Red bellied woodpecker and male Baltimore oriole Beth

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Good morning. I slept only 3 1/2 hours, so got up.

    Ron, it's so nice that your family gave you a surprise visit!

    I use dryer balls instead of dryer sheets.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, went to bed early last night and couldn't go to sleep. Happens very seldom. Finally went to sleep about 2, then Stormy woke me shortly after that so let him out and did a little paperwork. Then went to sleep. Before 8 Sammy started rattling the bedroom doorknob. Darwin called just after that so I gave up and got up.

    Beth, I haven't used detergent to wash for years. The washer balls do a good job and are better for the environment. I use something else in the dryer that keeps all the lint off clothes. Can't remember the name, it's flat with three holes in it, silicone, I think. Saw it on Shark Tank and found it at WM.

    We don't have blue birds but I think they're beautiful. We have quite a few birds but they've pretty much quit eating the birdfeed. Haven't had hummingbirds for several years.

    We didn't have storms here last night but they're predicted for tonight. We've had about a foot of rain but no flooding I have heard of. There's water over the road in places north of here when it showers.

    Feeling pretty good this morning, some pain in LLQ that comes and goes. It usually takes about two weeks to recover. No idea in the world what caused this flare. My doctor says it sometimes just happens.

    Ron, so glad Lou is peaceful now and happy your family came to visit. That gave your spirits a lift for sure. Hoping all goes well today.

    Joan, glad you're enjoying your new home. I think when we leave one we still think about it. I have sweet memories of our first apartment over 50 years ago. Have you fully decided on the hip replacement?

    Better go and do something breakfast because I'm hungry.

    Sandy, maybe I can get the dishes done today and sweep the floors not sure about that but maybe. Do hope you're feeling better this morning. Are they still burning tree limbs? Be sure to wear a mask if you go outside.

    JeriLynn, how did it go with the Silkies this morning. Looking forward to those puictures.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    here….off to the museum

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I have a question. Seems like I have a lot of trouble with WM shipped items being damaged. Received three jars of applesauce and two were ruined, broken open. Got a refund and ordered two more. They came in a small box yesterday. When I opened the box there was liquid in the box, not much. It's Motts applesauce in plastic jars. The lids have a plastic ring with I think a metal center, no freshness seal. I think something pushed against the lid enough to push the center down away from the ring enough to let some liquid escape. The lid is tight. What do you think about eating it?

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    I would not recommend eating it, Lorita. Can you order your groceries and then drive to the store and have them loaded? Shipping seems to be an issue. An alternative, try Target.com, Costco.com or Amazon.com and see if you have better results. You can order some (not all) items from Costco.com even if you are not a member.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Baby Silkies and a Chicken pool float for the Greatgrand

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    JeriLynm. Those little silk II ed are the cutest things. Those and the little goats are previous. Do you name all of them?
    I agree with you, I.wasn't going to eat the applesauce. If something can get out, something can get in. I do pickup things at WM. Just wasn't going back for a while I have more trouble with UPS leaving things more than a quarter mile from.the house.
    So far no storms are forming so maybe the warm air cap is going to.hold. Certainly hope so..

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    back home…tornado watch now in effect but it looks like it will stay around Norman.

    Ron…how is Lou today?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I would not eat anything that was not fully intact. The other day I found a slightly cracked egg--out it went!

    JeriLynn, the silkies look other-worldly. Do you keep them for eggs?


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Yes Lorita I name everything, it seems uncivilized not to. Yes, Iris we do keep our chickens for eggs. We have 8 now. The silkies are still too young as are 4 other birds. We get about 4 eggs per day currently. Enough to share with my daughter and granddaughter. Ron, wondering about you and Lou today

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Just saw the first snake of the year. Stormy and I were walking toward the house and it slithered across the path and under the rocks and went under the porch. I think I probably squealed and did grab Stormy's collar so he wouldn't go after it. I'll be glad when Bryon mows next week. He says they normally see at least one when he mows.

    Judith,keep a weathereye, anyway, but it looks like some will go north of here and some south. Hope that pans out.

    JeriLynn, I'm the same. I used to name all the girls I could tell from the others.

    Ron, we're anxious to know how Lou, and you, are today.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita …you need to put the bird feeder far away from your house!!!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lou is resting and I'm trying to keep her as comfortable as possible. I keep her mouth moist, reposition as I can, make sure she us not in pain and tell her how much I love her often. It's hard to see her like this and I do have some bad moments, but I'm OK.

    It helped my emotional state when family drove from Dallas to spend a few hours with me, lady from church came yesterday for a couple of hours, son from Dallas is coming today and staying till tommorow and preacher said he was sending out a text with my address. I'm better when people are around, but I have so many moments to myself.

    There was a book in the Hospice package; "THE ELEVENTH HOUR a caring guide for the hours to minutes before death." The book goes into detail on what to expect.



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone

    Beth thanks for sharing the birds. Have only seen a Baltimore oriole a very few times. Sounds like you’ll get to enjoy your peonies for quite a while. I just have the one variety. Moms are later cause they’ve not bloomed yet but they have a lot of buds.

    Lorita I have not ordered food items a lot. Several years ago, I did order lard, which was in a glass jar from Amazon. It arrive safely recently. I ordered a jar of chosen mayonnaise from Amazon. It’s difficult to find around here only one store, carries it in there out of it frequently. I’d like it because I think it has good flavor and it’s made from avocado oil. I got it yesterday and it’s fine. It’s in good shape I have never ordered anything from Walmart.

    JeriLynn I fixed the yogurt pops yesterday. I used black frozen cherries that I had bought. I was a little disappointed in that really couldn’t even tell that there was any black cherry flavor at all. That being said they were still good it would be great on a hot summer day.

    Made carnitas for the first time ever. It turned out really good and I made tacos with them. Was able to freeze several jars to so that was nice.

    Ron thinking of you and Lou this morning.

    Good morning JoC.

    Take Care

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Good Morning,

    Ron, you and Lou are in my prayers. You are a faithful and loving husband, caregiver and friend. Mint, I haven't eaten any of the yogurt pops we made. We added so many different fruits, I'll be disappointed if they don't have the flavor I had expected.

    Great grand will be here tomorrow, so I'll try one with her.

    I haven't turned on the news yet, so hopefully everyone is OK from the weather. Our storms are moving in tonight with 50 mph winds expected. After dark, of course. This certainly has been a stormy Spring. Have a blessed day everyone. BBL

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lou is gone! I'll check in later!! Love you guys!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    You're right. Judith. I have one in a tree south of the house I can use. Very stormy with tornados West and north of Tulsa. Quiet here. Guess part of the cap held. Sleep well. ((wrote that last night and it didn't post).

    Just read what Ron posted.Think he said a relative is coming today which will be really good.

    Ron, when you're up to reading, please know that even though we're not close physically to you, we could not be closer in spirit. Please rely on your son. So glad he will be with you. I know how devastating this is for you, and us. We've come to know Lou through your posts and the lovely pictures. Lean on God now for stength. We're here when you need us. I'm so very sorry.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I am saddened to learn of the passing of your dear, sweet Lou. Your absolute devotion to her shone in every post you made.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Oh, Ron, I am so very sorry. You two had a good life together and you were there for her in every way during her illness. You are a compassionate, gentle, loving husband. My prayers are with you and your family. 💔

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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