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Just need to talk to my friends (197)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Glad you're enjoying Oklahoma,Ron. My sting is really hurting. It's red and swollen some. I'm putting Benadryl cream on it without much result. I'm going to try the baking soda and water paste. I thought about soaking it in Epsom salts water but that's one thing it doesn't mention. I don't remember the stings hurting this much before. There one in the house now. Saw it on my gown last night before I went to bed. Any more ideas?

    Todd called earlier. He is having trouble with hospice letting him give enough pain med to keep Sarah comfortable. They're coming about 8:30 to talk about it again. I think he's giving morphine every two hours. I just saw a couple if examples if the man's work on the news story. Hope he isn't too expensive and can do the work.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    edited July 24

    The news just said that earth temps are higher than they have been in 125,000 years due to global warming,- that some people don't believe is happening. I tried to find the temperature where it was the hottest yesterday - 120 in Algiers but it's been just about that high in Death Valley.

    I need to start #198 but because of the recipes I'll wait a couple of days so they're not missed. Beth, for the cobbler, do you make pie crust? For our quick cobbler I use canned peavhes, not the pie filling.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    here watching a movie about the Cheyanne Exodus…

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, I don't make a lower crust for the cobbler. If you want to start 198, I can copy and paste my recipes to it.

    I hope and pray Sarah can be made comfortable. So sad!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited July 24

    thank you, Beth. I hope to try the peach pie if I have time if not, I’ll have to do the quick cobbler again.

    Lorita I had 10 stings last year at one time and I want to tell you it was painful for quite a period of time and yes they did itch. I took Benadryl orally and used Cortizone cream Per directions on the box. I was doing better actually think I had stopped maybe all of it and about a week later they became red and swollen and hurt and itched again. So I ended up going to the doctor and I had to be on steroids for six days. I researched it before I called the doctor and that can happen and the issue with that is if you don’t get it treated sometimes it’ll make all your joints and everything swells so Just a word of caution if it does start improving and then flares back up .

    Lorita when my sister was dying, a hospice got called in and we only had them one day, the last day. I felt as Todd is feeling about hospice. Did not find hospice, comforting or supportive. That may not be real fair to them as we didn’t even have them for 24 hours. I don’t think they really knew what to do for us as our family had taken care of my sister, who had some difficult needs for around a year We probably knew what to do better than they did. I’m pretty sure of that. Our dad and her husband did very good job dealing With everything. I remember telling the hospice intake nurse that the only thing they could do for us was to help keep my sister comfortable, because that was all that was left for us to do for her. And she says to me well that’s a fine line. I was fortunate enough that my sister had to use a pain clinic for her pain in her ear to be controlled. So she had done very well with the two medication‘s that were ordered for a long time. She also had morphine ordered every two hours if needed and i had it available. I never did give it until that last day. I gave it one time because she was struggling to breathe and I’m so thankful that I had it to give her. She lived for about six more hours and I don’t think she ever got any more that I’m aware of . She didn’t need it. She was resting quietly no longer struggling to breathe, which is why I gave it to her. I will say that I was very disappointed in hospice RN response. I could’ve use some comfort and support that day. I do understand that just walking in and maybe she didn’t have a feel for things , but I would’ve liked to of heard was we will help you to make sure at the end she is not struggling to breathe and is comfortable. Todd probably would like that comfort also. I hope things get worked out whatever way is best.

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
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    Lorita my mom always put snuff or tobacco on our stings. It draws out the stinger.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Shirley, if I had some, I would try it. I wrapped three ice cubes in a cloth and am keeping it on it. Helps with the pain but still itches. Good to see your post. I think of you often and you are in my prayers each night. Hope you're doing okay.

    Mint, I remember when you had those stings. Were they from wasps? I haven't tried the cortisone. Cream, but will. I can't take antihistamines because of the narrow angles in my eyes. Our vet told me his little grandson had seven stings, three on his head. Said they liked to never stopped the pain. A couple of years ago I got stung on the hand and it really hurt. Our gates are made of pipes and they build nests in the open end of the pipe. When I was stung before I had opened and closed a gate and it disturbed them and one got me. Same thing yesterday -opened and closed a gate. Guess I need to carry a can of wasp spray with me.

    Mint, we only had hospice a couple of days with Charles so don't know much about them except what I read here. Looks like to me she should have all the pain medicine she needs to be free of pain. I'm anxious to see what was done. Thanks, Beth, I'll wait a couple of days so everyone can catch up before 198.

    I'm getting worried about Zetta. No posts in bc quite a while. Was she going to Arizona for a while? No posts from Jo or Barbara lately either. We worry about our friends when they don't post.

    I'll be back later.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    The water was shut off for my entire condo complex yesterday all day without warning. Cold water was turned on briefly, but now today, all the water has been shut off again without warning, because the plumbing repairs are not completed. I am using hand sanitizer for hygiene. Fortunately I have bottled water for drinking for myself and for my cats.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    I fired the first Hospice. The second was wonderful.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    judith, this hospice is now letting Todd medicate Sarah every hour. They changed her bandage and he wasn't happy with how they were kind of rough with her. He said he would see how it goes. He would like to have a morphine drip but they refused that.

    He did learn there us a hospice house in Norman. They have one vacancy but he promised Sarah he would keep her home. He feels he can give her better care one on one. He says she is aware of what is being said. The nurse told him he should take her rings off because her hands might swell. He said she grimaced at that. He will leave them on, at least for now.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    The rings can be moved to a smaller finger.

    Dick's hospice nurse came about noon…good report…lungs had cleared up. 18 hours later he was gone. That quick.

    I hope Todd is taking advantage of all of the services Hospice offers him. Our social worker was sent straight from heaven.

    Are you coming over?

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Hi all, I had to get a new cellphone today my old one wouldn't charge anymore. Now am learning how to use it.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited July 25

    Good morning, everyone

    mine were yellow jacket stings, Lorita.
    I have wasps this year and two or three have gotten into my porch but I’ve killed them. One morning I got up and there was one dead in the kitchen floor. I’m guessing he got into the ant candy

    we haven’t heard from Joan in a while either. I hope that Zetta is just busy.

    Had my first BLT last night. It was good.

    That’s no fun Iris. Hope they get it fixed soon. That’s why I keep several gallons of water drawed up.

    Judith, I did not know that then. But I have learned that on this support group. So if I ever use hospice again and it’s long-term and things aren’t as I would want them to be then I’ll definitely remember that. Because for me most important thing for my family in that situation is not to have pain. Pain is so wearisome. what quality do you have if you’re in horrible pain. My friend’s mother is in about the same situation as my uncle. He told me that’s all I care about is that they stop her pain. His mom has refused treatment and he is fine with that. She’s at home now and I believe he said they have her pain controlled.

    Take care everyone

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
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    When my dad was on hospice they put him on a morphine pump. That way if he was in pain he would hit the button for a shot. He was a very large man 6'3 and at first weighed 380 lbs but not in the end. It really helped his ending of life.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Shirley, was your dad at home on hospice , or was he in a facility? Reason I ask (and I don't know everything) is that I've not heard of having a morphine IV pump (PCA: patient controlled analgesia) in the home. It is used post op in hospitals.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I got my new cell phone and am now trying to set it up

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    David hope things go well for you setting up your new phone.

    Beth when I lived with our mom, the neighbor lady, who was not that old got cancer. They only gave her a year to live, and she lived seven. She had a pump that she wore that controlled her pain is what my mom told me of course I have no idea what type of pain meds she was getting but she did get it by pump that she wore according to mom.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    David….good luck with the new phone. I got and have an Iphone because that is what my family has. I only use it to make and receive calls….

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    I'm here, Judith. My sting woke me up st 3:30 with terrific pain. Finally went back to sleep but called my doctor to see if I could get in today. Didn't have time to post before I had to go. It's healing but he gave me antibiotics. Went to my pharmacy and they were closed because of computer problems so had to go to WM to get it filled..

    Really nice that I can call my doctor and get in the same day. Small town for you. Was halfway home when I thought I should have gone by the vets for antibiotics for Sheenas ear. Went back a different way and they were closed. So called them and told one of the girls what I needed.. Got it and got home before 1. Stormy and Sheena we're tickled pink to see me. Nice to have someone to welcome you home. I hate going to WM and stayed within the pharmacy area. Was going to pick up groceries but no time slot I needed.

    Haven't b heard anything from Todd. Judith, I won't be going over. Just not up to the trip by myself in this weather.

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
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    He was home on hospice and only had weeks to live.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    Lorita…that must be some bite.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Shirley, I will tell Todd about that. Or it may just b e that particular hospice that doesn't do it or they think.Sarah couldn't do what you have to do. Did your dad control when he got the medication?. Doubt Sarah could do that nut Todd could.

    Toad just came and changed out big creep feeders. I met him going each way on the road a couple of hours ago with big creepers on the back of his truck each time. I hope they're going to start feeding the calves creep. He also checked the Gator and did a couple of things to it. Hope it works right. I will try it in the morning.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    edited July 25

    I starred out using it first talking to my kids now I use it for banking and everything else. Right now I can't use my phone with my hearing aids do have to contact the VA check them out

    I just got my appointment for my iron infusion test on August first after the results I will probably go for another sleep test.i will let you know when I get the results.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    David…my hearing aids are linked to my Ipad (great) Iphone (not as great)

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hello cobbers, from Australia

    Winter is still with us, but I am happy to say that today is sunny though chilly. I have hung my washing outside, and the sun and the breeze will probably mean it will almost be completely dry by late afternoon. Haven't had a day like this for weeks.

    I think I told you I picked up COVID back at the beginning of June. I took the antivirals, and didn't feel sick with the COVID. However, I did get the 'post-viral' side effects, of complete exhaustion, depression and so on. Took almost 6 weeks before I felt anywhere like normal again. But at last, I think I am just about well again. At least, I am starting to do some exercise.

    As the Olympics are being held in Europe, I won't be watching any of the competition as it happens, will have to be satisfied to get the results early the following morning. But I am hoping the Australians do well, especially in the swimming.

    While I was so miserable, post COVID, I did a lot of reading. Now I am back writing again. It is a wonderful hobby, as it keeps me interested, does not create storage problems for what I create, and [sometimes] people tell me they like to read what I produce. It's a great way to stop me feeling sorry for myself!

    Cheers to all, Barbara

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Welcome back, Barbara!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    good morning everyone

    glad you’re feeling a little bit better, Barbara

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Morning, Barbara, so glad you're feeling better. Covid is still out there. I'm still wearing my mask. Guess it gives me a sense of safety. Take it easy and start turning out those good books again.. Carol's granddaughter writes books, mostly for young people, and she is making lots of money. Good to hear from you.

    We all slept eight straight hours last night. After I was up a while that sting area hurt like the dickens. Put on some Triple Antibiotic cream and it's a little better. I did get some Neosporin pain relief yesterday. Better get it out. Time for Sheena's and my medicine. Back later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Two months today I lost Lou and its no easier! At least I'm with family!!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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