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Just need to talk to my friends (199)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    $900?? Is that for a month? Are you bootlegging water…lol

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Sounds like it. That was for the water leak, what the meter said had leaked. So far. This leak has used, with what we have used, 40,000 gallons. Last month we used 800 gallons. That time our neighbor had low water pressure and found the lsak. Our pressure is about the same now.

    We all just got up from a two hour nap but Sheena is still sleeping.

    Wanted to get out and see the new babies but that will be tomorrow

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    How are you going to find a leak???

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    If it's big enough they can see the water bubbling up. Mark put a flag at the meter so it will be easier to finf.

  • brs
    brs Member Posts: 33
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    My DH & I attended a Silver Sneakers exercise class together for the first time. I very much enjoyed the class but my DH quit after about 5 mins. I was disappointed for him. I'd hoped DH could adapt but wasn't able. This disease is a robber. How do others help to keep their loved one moving or do I just let him sit ? Thanks for welcoming me

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Brs, maybe your husband is just not into exercising with a group. What about going for walks together to keep him moving. We didn't have that problem because we were still feeding cattle so he got his exercise. Others may have different ideas.

    In which part of our Country do you all live?

    Be sure to look at the moon tonight. It's a bluemoon and a harvest moon along with a partial eclipse. Optimal time to.view is 9:44 central time. I know it was much brighter outside last night but didn't realize it was almost a full moon.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    brs, I live in Iowa and have all of my life. My person with dementia (PWD) was my mother. She has since passed away but I stay on this site as I enjoy this "front porch."

    Last night there were people in Iowa who saw and photographed the northern lights! I've never seen them but would like to. I also like to watch for the International Space Station. I have an app on my phone (Sky Guide) that shows when it passes over. Also, you can hold it up to the night sky and it identifies the stars and planets you are pointing it at. Did you know this fact from Nasa?

    "In 24 hours, the space station makes 16 orbits of Earth, traveling through 16 sunrises and sunsets. Peggy Whitson set the U.S. record for spending the most total time living and working in space at 665 days on Sept. 2, 2017."

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Beth, Years ago I saw the northern lights this far south. Wish I could again. That app on your phone is amazing. I remember when Sputnik was orbiting the earth, many Years ago we saw that. Be sure to look at the moon tonight.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Front Porchers.

    Iam still here getting settled in Maricopa Arizona. It's a nice-looking town Iam so impressed with how clean everything is and how well the streets are maintained. I have lived in the woods for so many years Iam enjoying my new home, with my daughter and SIL.

    Iam keeping pretty busy, me as the Mom I want to take care of the cleaning and the cooking. My daughter works from home, so she is pleased to let me do it. She takes care of her fur babies 2 cats and 1 dog and I take care of my fur babies 1 dog, Molly and 2 cats, Sammy and Emmy.

    It's been pretty hot here, a lot hotter than what I'm used to. I have been staying inside most of the time.

    Hugs to all, Zetta

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited September 18

    Welcome brs. What is your name? It will be easier for me to remember you. I have cognitive impairment and I live in Los Angeles County.

    Bon voyage Ron!

    Bon voyage JeriLynne!

    Zetta, I'm glad you're settling into your new home.

    Lorita, how horrible about the leak!

    I do most of my wardrobe shopping at Aldi's now. I'm very satisfied!

    I'm going to try to look at the lunar eclipse tonight. The sky is not overcast, so I hope it will be visible.

    I went on a trip today to downtown LA. We passed where the firemen practice climbing poles for their work. I took a photo. The sun is shedding some glare, but I hope you can see the men up on the big poles.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    IRis,I just saw the moon and eclipse. Not very big but across the left upper side. The moon is beautiful but missed seeing it being reflected in the pond. I will catch it tomorrow night.

    Thanks for posting the picture. Charles worked as a lineman on the railroad before I knew him and climbed poles like that. I think you would have to be very strong. I have never seen them climb poles .Around here they use buckets which is also interesting.

    Zetta, so great to finally hear from you and know you like your new home. I know it's been awfully hot there this summer and you have been wise to stay inside. Are your fur babies getting belong with the others? Keep posting.

    Good night, everyone.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Darn, I missed the eclipse! I just went out at 10 pm and the moon was full and bright. I came back in to check snd I see that the maximum eclipse was about 7:44 pm, over by 9:44 pm. I'm so disappointed, because the sky was clear and the moon is very bright tonight.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning all! Welcome brs!

    Went to bed at 8:30pm where I would be rested up for my trip this morning. Woke up at midnight with my usual prostate bathroom run. Woke up again at 2am, unable to go back to sleep, so got up and started loading the car.

    Guess now I'll take a shower and try to relax a little before heading out. I would like to be on the road by 5am.

    Good to hear from you Zetta!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning

    Lorita so sorry you are having to deal with a water leak. Hope you can find someone to quickly resolve it.

    JeriLynn hope you have a safe trip. Ron you take care and hope you have a nice visit with your family.

    zetta so good to hear from you. Was a little worried that something might be wrong. Know it is a big change for you.

    In thesummer since i garden that has to be my cardio exercise. There is only so many hours in a day. I do my exercises for osteoporosis all year long. Now when garden is cleaned up I have several YT channels that i get exercise with. Silver sneakers is one of them.

    Did get to see the harvest moon this morning.

    brs you can use an alias name if you don't want to use real name on here. Mint is just my name on here.

    Take care everyone

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 793
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    Good morning from Alabama and welcome BRS! My person with dementia was my father in law, who just passed in May of this year.

    The moon is shining brightly just outside my office window this morning. I missed the eclipse since we went to bed early. DH will be stirring in just a bit and we will be off to the Georgia mountains. Have a good day everyone..

  • brs
    brs Member Posts: 33
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    Good morning, this is Barb from Michigan (brs) 🙋. The moon was stunning last night. I have two small fur babies I rescued from a local dog org who I'd taken out for the last "go" before bedtime. I was able to spend a few minutes in awe of the sky, truly a memorable event. I'm looking forward to visiting with a friend today at a garden group award tea (always fun to talk with fellow gardeners). Hope everyone has safe journeys today 🌼

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 793
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    Harvest Moon leaving the sky this morning over Gurley Alabama

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    2 photos of the Northern Lights in Iowa night before last (not taken by me - got them off of FB)

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    edited September 18

    Morning, Ron and JeriLynn, hope you both have safe trips and enjoy the drives.

    Woke up at 6 and couldn't go back to sleep so went over, in my head, what I want in my will. Need to get that done. Driveway alarm kept going off so looked out and those two little calves were out again, trying to find a place to get back in the pasture. Got in the Gator, opened the gate and went down to bring them up. They knew where the two gates were so brought them back to the house and through.

    Checked out the seatbelt in the car and it seems to work. Doubt I will use it much.

    JeriLynn, that picture you posted is so nice. I love the early mornings just as everyone is waking up. So peaceful with roosters crowing and cows calling their babies for breakfast.

    Beth, those pictures are gorgeous. I always thought the lights were all green but we had a man working for us who had lived in Alaska and he said they were several colors. The pictures prove it.

    Mint, it will be Friday before the plumber can fix the leak. Thankfully, my pressure is just fine but hate to lose all that water.

    Time for juice and breakfast maybe chocolate peanut butter cheerios!

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Good morning all. Beautiful start of the day here, except its to be in the upper 90's again. Come on fall.

    Today is our twice monthly Dementia Friendly Group. We both really enjoy it and look forward to it. DH is with caregivers and nursing students. They start with exercises, and then have all sorts of activities. I'm obviously with caregivers with no set program. We share what's worked, what didn't work, issues we've had, or just whatever is on our mind. Its a small group and we are very tight, so what is said in the room stays in the room. Then at 12:15 both groups come together for a catered meal together. Very relaxed atmosphere and so enjoyable. No one cares if food gets spilled or its messy, we all are together having a nice relaxed (that's the key) time. You can leave whenever you want, but everyone usually hangs around talking until 1:30 or 2:00. I consider us very blessed to have this program available to us.

    Time to hit the shower and get us ready. Be safe everyone. More later.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning porch peeps.

    Jerilynn— I hope the trip is going well and that your SIL is behaving herself. Does her husband realize what a PITA she is?

    Ron— Safe travels. I hope you have a nice visit and get to see some awesome football. My son was in the marching band, so we attended games back in the day. High school football is addictive— anything can happen. Literally anything.

    Lorita— I hope the leak is quickly found and repaired. I had an idiot neighbor kid (the house next door seems to always be populated by families with really dumb sons— the current boys sometimes climb 2 1/2 stories to the roof and dance) once turned my outside faucet on while I was away on taking care of my MIL for 2 weeks. I have no idea how long it was on, but the bill that quarter was crazy high. This kid also broke one of my front windows doing batting practice in the cul de sac. He had a very responsible dad who made sure it was taken care of, but I didn't have the heart to tell him about the faucet. I caught the kid sneaking cigarettes behind the house once and he admitted to the water follies in exchange for my silence. LOL. Kids.

    Iris— I'm glad you like your Aldi's. I find mine a kind of creepy and sad place. My bestie shops there weekly for cheap hot dog buns/bread for her church's homeless outreach meal and is always raving about snacks she finds there. I've gone a few times, even after they built a brand new one, it doesn't appeal. The only thing I bought were some reasonably priced scallions.

    brs— It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry the Silver Sneakers thing didn't work out. One of DS's less bookish friends became a personal trainer for a time and worked with the elderly one on one. He had a couple clients with dementia he saw.

    David— I have a friend who was part of a research study for those with Parkinson's doing a specific exercise regimen. They followed the group for 6 months and she improved across a number of strength and balance metrics.

    Lady Z— I'm glad you're settling in. I hope the weather breaks soon so you can get outside more.

    Beth— I've never seen the aurora, but DS and I got a real view of the ISS in rural Delaware one night.


  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 345
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    Welcome Barb from MI. I'm Caro from SE Florida.

    Safe travels JeriLynn and Ron! Beautiful picture of the moon. Beth did you see the lights? Those photos really captured the beauty - must be amazing to witness in person.

    Zetta so good to hear you are happy in your new surroundings with your daughter and all the fur babies. I know what you mean about the AZ heat. I'm used to hot living in Florida but when I travelled to AZ the dry heat took getting used to.

    Iris love the photo of the firefighters; do you see them training often?

    David must be busy doing something, somewhere.

    Lorita I had a leak under my kitchen sink recently. I thought it would be an easy fix, you know replace old pipe that needed replacing. Turns out the pipe was leaking in the wall behind the sink. Plumber had to take down the wall outside the house to get to the pipe and replace it. Not so easy fix, but he got it done.

    Mint, HB, Judith, Sandy and JoC hope all is well xo

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    What a bust morning….thanks to all for the pics.

    Big news here. The Lacnche range is fixed …3 regulat burners, one simmer burner and and one large burner…both ovens…one gas, one electric…all working.

    Safe travels and please take pics for those of us who travel virally now.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    edited September 18

    Yes we just came back from the annual Senior Appreciation lunch put on by the mayor had hot dog,potato salad, coleslaw and an caramel sundae. And an ELVIS impersonator.

    Tomorrow we will be having a sing along then I will go to my exercise class and later we go again Spaghetti Dinner sponsored by the Friends of the Council on aging.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Doesn't it feel good to get something repaired and it works? I need a new dryer vent and a new bulb for one of the security lights, plus power to the barn and the water leak. Always something. Big or small.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Carolynne, the senior center and the county sponsor a travel group for seniors which is about taking public transportation, usually the Metro but sometimes busses, to various interesting locations around the county, and even outside the county. One trip was by Amtrak to San Juan Capistrano. On the Metro we pass the firefighters' training site. So I see them only when I am on a trip, and then only if they are training at that moment.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    I have told the councilor at the Senior Center that I Would be willing to try any clinical trial.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Barb pets and gardening are frequent topics here. I don't have pets but I garden a little. Are you a flower and/or veggie gardener. I do more flowers with a few herbs and veggies. I like to cook once I get the gardens put to bed.

    Appreciate you guys sharing the pictures. Don't imagine I will ever see the northern lights.

    Eagle that sounds like a nice group. Not much goes on in our neighborhood. Oh boy Caro_Lynne, you never know what you are getting into when you call a repairman. They never what they are getting in to either laugh out loud.

    My windshield developed a crack in it. Got an appointment set up today.

    yeah the range is fixed

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    a thought….will I now be expected to cook?????

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    😂Judith I thought about telling you that but decided not to.

    My sister works at the post office. She found out today that people are receiving packages with no sender address. Inside the package it says, if you want to know who sent this package scan here. Once you scan they are then able to retrieve all the information on your phone.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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