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Just need to talk to my friends (199)



  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I often use the Neutrogena Norwegian Hand Cream in the white tube. It's very similar to the Aveeno version as they're both made by J&J. I like both; I prefer a cream with glycerin rather than one that feels greasy and these tick that box. I have a friend who worked there and bought stuff at the company store, so we've tried many over the years. Sometimes I layer on cuticle cream, handcream and then apply a coat of Vaseline and a pair of neoprene gloves for an hour or so while I watch TV. That gives me skin like a child.

    The game changer for me was swapping out my gel-based liquid hand soap for Dove Advanced Care Hand Soap (In the pump) on the recommendation of my derm. I wash my hands constantly and it helps a lot. Still, despite my best handwashing and cleaning strategies, I caught DS's cold. Neither of us tested positive for COVID fortunately. This is not great. I'm supposed to take mom to the dentist and urogyn surgeon on Tuesday and hair Wednesday. I suppose I can mask up and leave the car windows open, but I really don't want her sick while she's healing. I could Uber her to the dentist and the salon— I don't need to be a part of that magic, but the surgeon is a good 45-minute drive away. UGH.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Mint…why would you not just buy it?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
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    Hi all

    Huricane did a number on SC,NC,and Tennessee!

    Roads gone,Cities washed away! No power for over million. Working 24 hours to try and get all power back on. Said it could be 2 wks to a month in some areas.

    generators selling for 1000, no gas for cars, stores closed no power, fresh food and meat being thrown away in grocery store. Schools out!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Shirley, are you and your family okay? Are you out of power? I know linemen from Oklahoma have left several days ago to help restore power. Years ago when we were out of power two weeks because of an ice storm, linemen from NC restored ours. I hope you all didn't have too much damage. Thank you for posting. Stay safe.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    HB, thanks for the tips, I'm going to try your method for my hands.

    I hope California can send some first responders and other help.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    The reason I don't want to buy evaporated milk is because the ingredient list doesn't just say milk lol. I like learning new things too.

    Shirley its good to hear from you. Im so sorry you and others are having to go through this. How is your family?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning!

    Shirley, praying for you, family and everyone affected by Helen.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning, hope everyone is well and safe this morning.

    Stormy didn't have a good night so was prepared to take him to the vet. Mike called at 7 and came out and gave each one allergy shots and antibiotic shots and another pill for Stormy. Hexa-Caine has pretty much taken care of the hot spots. Glad we don't have to go in. Had a nice, short visit with him. He told me about a medicine he has that takes care of things like IBS and diverticulitis so may try that. Some of his family and employees take it with good results. Toad fed just about daylight so it's been busy around here this morning. The GMC flatbeds sound alike so all the cows were bawling. Darwin called as I got back to the house. All quiet now.

    Ron, hope you're doing okay since you got home. It takes time for sure. Iris, Also hope the pain is lessening some after your loss. How long did you have Simon?

    Last day of September with 80s and low 90s predicted for next ten days.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    here…waiting for repair man

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    This was weird. Started to put ingredients in the bread maker, opened the AP flour I had in a LocknLock and the scoop in it had stringy, webby stuff on it. Some if the flour on top was sort of lumpy, soft, airy lumps. Took off the too of the flour and anything that looked odd, then put in the two cups to make the bread. Does anyone know what that stringy stuff was? I may be too chicken to eat the bread. Saw no bugs, etc. Container is airtight so nothing can get in. Was it just old?

    Judith, hope repairs go well.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    edited September 30
    Alexa tells me it's gluten!! Who would have thought that? It forms when flour is old or past its expiration date. It should not make someone sick but is best to use fresh flour. I haven't made bread for four or five months. I have bread flour so may make another loaf from it and give this to the birds.
    I was looking for a fleece shirt and found a denim vest I used to wear and it fits again! I need to shop my closet. Iris, I may have a hard time finding things to donate. Guess I will get rid of short sleeved blouses because my arms now look like grandma's did, with brown spots and little injuries where I hit my arm. Gosh, growing old-er is such fun!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    I think gluten needs moisture to appear so I vote against Alexa. I just threw out flour that had expired….going to buy smaller amounts and yes will now store in Tupperware and in the frig. However expired means expired so will note date on container.


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Hi my porch friends. Lots of football on Sat and Sunday, with a Chief's win! That's always a good thing for us.

    I've been busy on the patio and lanai the last two days. I've tossed stuff and its quite clean and neat. Now to keep it that way. As much work as this has been for me, I think I'll keep it neat and tidy. It wasn't a hot mess by any means, just things not in their correct spots. It finally got to me!

    David I'm glad that the medicine is working for your restless legs.

    Back later. The hurricane and its aftermath are so devastating. Hoping everyone is doing as best as they can.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 793
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    The latest grand dog we have visiting while my girls are at Disney. His name is Cash. Blue heeler, 7 months old. He does NOT get along with other dogs and DH’s granddaughter came back to our house today with her 2 dogs. It’s literally and figuratively a ZOO around here,😳🤣

    Shirley, hoping you’re ok.

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    We were out of power for 2 days and no cell phone or internet!

    Family is ok. Kids are lost with no internet!

    Still have no power in several areas, with it being farm land it is hard to get to. We have power companies from Virginia, Alabama, Ohio coming to help. A group of ladies are bringing change of clothes to men working and cleaning their dirty ones.they are working around the clock to fix the power. Several churches are feeding the workers and people with no power.

    Some dams on the rivers are overflow ing or broke flooding all home below dams.

    We may have another hurricane coming!! Pray that it turns or miss our area Ga,SC,Tenn,and NC

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Ptettiest loaf of bread ever but birds will get it- or coyotes. I opened the flour container and saw a weevil, didn't see any before, so guess they're get their protein. I started a new.loaf with bread flour.

    Cash is pretty, JeriLynn. Bet he i s full of energy. . Todd and Sarah had a blue healer and so did mother and daddy.Very good dogs.

    The devastation from the hurricane is unbelievable. The linemen from Okla. Are working in Georgia. It's said they will be there at least two weeks working in 16 hour shifts.

    Shirley, so glad you all are okay and have power. Unbelievable that wind and water can cause so much damage. The news said it would take years to recover. We have tornados that are devastating but they only last a few minutes, not hours like hurricanes. Stay safe and keep us informed.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Do weevils make web?Weevils are tiny worm-like insects (from grain/rice weevil larvae) and web-like silken threads (produced by the meal or weevil moth) that appear in our produce in the pantry are commonly referred to as weevils.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    edited September 30

    Yuck? Sounds like what was in the flour. I have seen that before, in cereals like MON or Cream of Wheat. Took a nap (3 hrs.)and the second loaf of bread was ready. Judith, I have always heard that weevils were in flour even if fresh, their eggs, I guess. Must be true because this container is airtight and watertight. Revolting, isn't it?

    Mark called to tell me my water bill is $385.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    Shirley glad you are ok. Glad the guys from Ohio are able to come help. We have been helped before by others so glad we can give back. Know those guys appreciate clean clothes and food.

    Messaged with my niece today and they did not have power in their home but their town now has power back. She said the roads are cleared so they can go to town and get food and charge their power banks etc.

    I am being affected by the verizon issues but none of my sisters are. At home i have service because my wifi is thru a different company and i can use it. Won’t work when I'm out but i have a tracfone so can use it if need be.

    Good night

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Good night, Mint, and everyone. Sleep tight and don't let the BBB bite.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm glad power is being restored in some areas.

    JeriLynn, what type of toy is Cash playing with? He's a good looking pup!

    I heard good news today. Drivers in California over 70 won't have to take the written driver's test to renew their licenses. That's great news for me! I could not remember all those questions about lines of different colors on the road. We just need to take the vision test. Every few years I take the driving refresher for older adults sponsored by AARP. It's very helpful.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Iris i took that course several years ago. It was helpful.

    My verizon is ok now I think.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 793
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    Good Morning and Happy October!

    Iris, Cash is looking for treats! Each of the white hickey-things slide back and forth to reveal a treat. The GD got it for him. It keeps him occupied for a bit. He's a sweet dog but very skittish. When the rescue people found him, he had been abandoned on a country road. They had to chase him. He still has some of those traits until he knows you. And, though he is loving, he is very independent as is common to his breed. He's smart and observant. He "herds" the great granddaughter, lol.

    Today is follow up with the ENT for DH. The vertigo is gone, thank goodness.

    DH's granddaughter, boyfriend and dogs should be moving out again this evening. I'm running out of ideas for vegetarian dinners, lol. Last night I made two sets of quesadillas. Meat and meatless, Spanish rice with every veggie I could throw in the pan, refried beans and chips/salsa. It's not that they expect me to cook but I feel like I must. And I want to. The GD had a rough morning yesterday.

    They left the camper to come here so the thing could back for electrical repair the shop caused. By the time she got here, she texted to see if we were up. I went out to help with the dogs. One of them had diarrhea in the backseat of her car! Thank goodness she has the "good" seat protectors. So I helped get the dogs out, washed with the hose, cleaned the seat protector and by the end she was in tears. 😢 I think she is just so overwhelmed with life right now. DH is a jokester and so I came inside while she settled the dogs and whispered, "please be gentle, she's already in tears this morning". And he was. So, by midmorning she was smiling again. Being a grown up with big girl responsibilities can just be hard. I'm glad we were here to help.

    Well, coffee's ready. Have a good day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning front porch friends!

    Looks like I went to Missouri the wrong time! My son text me last night that grandson ran for over 100 yards, 2 touchdowns and a 2 point conversion. DIL said I should have stayed.

    I went to the grief sharing Sunday night; left with mixed emotions. A lot of the discussion was what I had already experienced with the dementia, but being in a group sharing where others are experiencing the same emotions helped. It's 13 sessions, so I'll keep going.

    Go tomorrow for upper inplants and Friday and Saturday will be my 60 year high school reunion.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning, the allergy shots really helped. All of us slept through the night. Now to get the pill chart made —two pills for Sheena and three for Stormy.

    Happy October!! My favorite month. Still miss going to Eureka Springs this month.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Good morning and Happy October. It's beautiful here, I love the cooler mornings.

    DH has a cousin that's attending Appalachian State in Boone. She'd gone away with friends for the weekend thankfully. But her dorm room is on the first floor and the water was up on to the second floor - so everything is gone. Then she realized her car is gone - it was washed away and she can't find it. She was obviously very upset literally loosing everything, but then realized its a dorm, not a home. Pretty good perspective for a 19 yr old.

    Seeing the devastation on the television is one thing, seeing it in person is totally different. I never understood that until I went through a tornado. I don't know how to describe the difference, other than the raw emotion you feel when you see it in person verses on the television. None-the-less there are so many families without anything, its heartbreaking. But i will say these communities will pull together and help one another to rebuild.

    Lorita I'm glad your water bill wasn't any higher than that. I have friends who have higher water bills monthly here, ugh. I did giggle to myself this morning, Madison (our puppy) it itching constantly. I told DH "at least she likes to ride in the car to the vet. Lorita has trouble doing that." His blank look told me he didn't know whom Lorita was.

    Need to toss some laundry in before our Zoom. Be safe my porch friends.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Eagle, even the pictures we see are terrible. It's like a tornado that lasted for hours plus the flooding.

    Now I'm watching news about the imminent attack by Iran on Israel. No good news. Just said missiles have been launched . Don't understand why people think anything said by our Government would stop the attack. Looks like it was on the whole of Israel's big cities but missiles were intercepted. Seems quiet for the moment. Said 100 ballistic missiles were fired. More coming in all over Istael.

    Sorry about Madison itching so much. It's like a switch has been pulled that has stopped the itching. He gives the shot, then seven days of Prednisone. Felt like I had something in my left eye earlier but seems better now but have a headache.

    Talked with Bryon said his back is still not good but will try to mow my yard and cut the holly this weekend.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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