Just need to talk to my friends (200)
Anyone have a recipe for jalapeno cornbread? I used to eat that whenever the cafeteria across the street from my office had ham and beans, and I loved it.
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Iris, do whatever you need to be happy. They have your number if they want to call.
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Good morning
My dad Charolais cattle sometimes.
i might have some pinto beans and some macaroni and tomatoes today.
HB glad your mom is doing better
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You've made me hungry for beans and cornbread! I have canned beans and dry beans here so will have to figure out what I want to do.
We had next door neighbors from the other house (where we moved from) come over last night for "the tour" and dinner. They have four lovely children, ages 12 down to 1 1/2. We had such a good time. We need to keep in touch. Social connections are important to me.
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Morning, rainy and cool here .Looks like we'll have rain all day with storms tonight.
Carl, I don't have a recipe for jalapeno cornbread but I bet someone does. I thought I was out of meal but found a new sack. We use Shawnee 's cornbread mix, very good. I need to get a good recipe for vegetarian chili. We used to make a lot of chili we served over rice. Anyone have a recipe?
Mint and Iris, it's amazing how white the Charolais calves are. Not many in this area, mostly black Angus. On one of the ways I used to drive to work I passed a ranch that had Charolais. Always thought they were so pretty. I feel so bad about the little one - he was so active. Didn't have other little ones to be with so must have gotten separated from the herd. They have the run of four pastures that go from east of the house wrapping around to the North. Our house and barn are in the middle of the farm with pastures all around them.
Better stop, I just heard the washer stop so better get the clothes dried. Back later.
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Mint, I love macaroni and tomatoes with beans. Used to have that when I was growing up. Do you fully cook your macaroni, then add the tomatoes or partially cook the macaroni in water, then finish cooking after adding the tomatoes? I like it with brown beans but would be good with butterbeans, too. I noticed a sort of bitter taste to the beans,at least the first Bite so may add a spoonful of sugar. Hot sauce might work, too.
Carl, are there any herds of Belted Galloway cattle in your area? There used to be at least one herd of them south of Fayetteville but didn't see them the last time we were through there. I think they are so pretty and unusual, just like Hampshire hogs.
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Likewise I hope they have good beans
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Ron's Red Bean & Rice recipe is awesome. Just sayin'.
Judith. My buddy from NOLA claims the same about it.0 -
There is a terrible wildfire, over 20,000 acres, in Ventura County, which is west of LA county, over 130 houses have burned to the ground, fortunately no deaths reported.
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Saw that on the news, Iris. Wildfires are so scarey. Glad we've had rain to stop them here. Also big fires in New York and New Jersey.
Are you feeling betyer?
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That is sad Iris.
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I feel fine but I still have coughing spells.
Many home insurance companies have already reduced or dropped coverage in California due to previous fires. Even homes that are not in fire-prone areas are at risk for losing coverage.
I saw the belted cattle, so interesting looking.
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I've never seen the belted cattle. My grandfather milked Jerseys and Guernseys for many years, then gradually switched to black Angus. White faced Herefords used to be popular around here, but I don't see them much anymore.
Missouri farmers have reduced their herds in the last year or two due to the drought. Beef prices (to farmers, not at the supermarket) were down during that time, but have stabilized as the herds have stabilized at a level the farms can carry, and the farmers are making money again.
Grandpa bought his black angus one at a time. His youngest daughter was living with him and working near the stockyards, and the stockyard workers knew she would buy any angus calf that was born in the stockyard. She carried burlap bags in the trunk of her 1940 Ford coupe and wrapped the calves in the bags for the trip home. This was in the early 1950s, when I was a little boy. I think she paid about $5 per calf.
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I used to get rice & beans with andouille at a place called The Big Easy. A couple of cooks from Louisiana moved here to Missouri and opened a restaurant. They had other things like crawfish poor boys, and I always meant to try them, but my mouth opened and I said "rice and beans" every time. Add sweet tea and a rainstorm outside, and it felt just like I was in Louisiana. I took my mother there a few times. Nice memory.
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Iris, homeowner's insurance is becoming a thing of the past in several parts of the country. That means no home mortgages, because lenders won't "go bare." We may be moving back to the old days, when houses were less than 1,000 square feet and paid for in cash. Or the real old days when people lived in tents and log cabins. Oil companies don't want us to believe in climate change, but it's right in front of our eyes.
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Found a recipe for jalapeno cornbread online, and it's really simple. Just dice a small jalapeno after removing the seeds and white membrane, saute' it in butter for a couple of minutes, and mix it in the batter.
I used to make cornbread on backpacking trips in my little mess kit. I carried a dry mix, added water to the mix, and poured it in my greased skillet. I topped it with the matching steel bowl and set it on a shovel of coals, then topped it with another shovel of coals, like a Dutch oven. Made a crispy little round cornbread. Went well with fresh caught fish on a gravel bar or on the edge of a lake in the wilderness.
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Good morning
Carl I have never made jalapeño cornbread but my sister does. You brought back memories. When I was a child my dad would take back seat of car out and bring his calves home.
i went to visit mom yesterday afternoon. They had her hair braided nicely. She was in wheelchair. First she complained how tired she was. Then she told me she wanted to go downstairs which is the front lobby. She told me she set down there til bedtime day before. She said they were making lots of cookies and using her bowls. She says i soaked my feet in one of them. I said mom I think they just look like your bowls. She said no I told them they were using my bowls and they didnt say anything. They were starting a veterans day celebration when i got her to lobby. Guessing she got one of the cookies.
Zetta hope you are ok just busy with life
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Good morning.
Carl— when I make jalapeno cornbread, I add diced jalapenos from the jar— not the tamed variety— as my people like the heat. I also add jalapenos to some batches of my cheese bread, rolling them in like a swirl.
David— Having a move-in date must make things feel very real. It sounds like this move will afford you social and entertainment options to keep you very busy. I look forward to your photos.
Iris— I hope you're feeling better everyday. I hear you on the home insurance situation. I have a friend who has a cabin in Idlewild— a modest A-frame that is her happy place. She's stripped the coverage to barebones but is paying a ridiculous premium for little more than accident liability. We sold mom's place in FL (central- about an hour north of Orlando) because the homeowners premiums had tripled in the 12 years they owned the place. New FEMA flood maps put about 3 sqft of the guestroom in a 100-year-flood plain so it was getting to a point where neither a seasonal nor year-round rental would be worth the effort.
Mint— All things considered, it does sound like your mom is well cared for and settling in. But, yeah, the tales one hears when they visit.
Lorita— Maybe you should order yourself a modest home shredder to safely dispose of your sensitive papers. Shredding can be cathartic. The wildfires are somewhat unusual near me in PA; NJ has them fairly often in the Pine Barrens area much of which is designated state forest and proactively managed to limit fire spread. A friend was driving from Philadelphia to Cape May for her class reunion and had to detour around a good sized one.
A quiet day here today. I maybe putter in the garden or maybe I'll just relax. I was even thinking of making a trip to Ikea; I need a new wastebasket for my powder room as DS swiped it for next to his chair. Target wanted $20 for a plastic one. And my niece has asked for a hanging clothes dryer like the one I have. Seriously? I always like to look around Ikea and they likely have their Christmas stuff out. The week ahead looks pretty good. I have another crazy driving day Monday— DS to school, mom to Philadelphia for eye injections and then back to DS, mom's house and finally home. That's it for appointments for mom until she sees cardiology after Thanksgiving. If she wants a haircut, I told her to Uber. She wants a pedi, I'm sure, but she refuses to get that done at the same salon which irks me.
I took mom to Wegman's to grocery shop yesterday. That's always an adventure. I'm trying to help her maintain the low-salt diet she's supposed to be on. Her ankles never swell, so she believes she's not holding fluid but I suspect she does. Three weeks of a "heart healthy" diet and she's lost about 6lbs and is finding her shoes and rings are loose. She's very happy with the weight loss which I hope will keep her on the straight and narrow.
I helped her find a couple of convenience items and substitutions to make life a bit easier for her. Her vision is so poor that she can't read most nutrition labeling— especially if it isn't black on a white background. It's funny, I can find so many vegan, gluten-free and sugar-free things, but very little stuff that's truly low sodium. And the reduced sodium is still too high to be practical.
I made her some low salt bean soup and chili last week and will do a mushroom soup today. We even ordered her a standing freezer for her garage to give her a space to store prepped meals for those days she doesn't feel like cooking 3 meals a day. My people will eat sheet pan nachos for dinner. I'm not wild about them personally, but they're quick, easy and popular.
HB0 -
off to the museum for training….the sun is bright and very welcome
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Carl, here is how I make jalapeno cornbread.
1 1/2 cups corn meal, 1 heping T. flour, 3 t. salt, 1/2 t. soda, 1 cup buttermilk, 4 to 5 chopped green onions, 2 eggs beaten, 1 small can cream style corn, 3 to 6 chopped jalapeños, 1/2 chopped green pepper, 2/3 cup salad oil, 1 1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese.
Mix dry ingredients then add buttermilk, oil, eggs, and corn. Beat and mix well. Stir in jalapeños, green pepper and onion. Grease 9 x 14 inch baking dish with bacon drippings; heat well. Pour in half of batter; sprinkle with half of cheese and repeat. Bake at 375 degrees for 35 minutes or until done.
A lot of trouble, but worth it!
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Hello everyone, for those following my story I have finally told my kids when I'm moving they are happy knowing I will be well cared for last night I did a 3 way call( because my daughter lives in Texas) and I told them what I was leaving them when I move. I said what do you want son took my good silverware, the chest for my clothes my daughter want the oil painting of my wedding to her mother there are other items that I told them to decide who gets what. This is going to be hard on me but it needs to be done at least I know ow what's going where and ther shouldn't be any fight
Right now my nerves are all mixed up. I know after I move my nerves will calm down.
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Hb yes it does I just worry about my wife will do. Like I told her we both got over loosing our spouses (I know it's not exactly the same)but we will be o.k.
Although I am extremely nervous.
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Morning, pretty and sunny here, too, Judith and no wind. I bought a new flag so need to get it up. Had thought I would double over the edge of the striped part so the wind wouldn't Frey it so quickly- probably won't. We have had 8.25" of rain this week. The ponds look full but not sure they're running over. Darwin says the creek is full and running.
The GPs are outside in the sun. I think I saw a new baby up in the pasture . I would like to get.out and check all of them but I know one of the Gator tires is low. The power to the carport where the air compressor is out so can't use it. Maybe if they feed today I can see them. I am so sad about the Charolais baby. Asked Mike last night if the guys had mentioned it but they hadn't.
Carl, like you said, in years past everyone had Herefords but I see very few now. My parents used to have a small dairy and milked Jerseys. Now you mostly see Black Angus and some Red Angus. Charles and I raised Brangus cattle, quite a bit bigger than Angus. My avatar used to be a picture of Jasper, our bull. He weighed 2200 lbs. I still own his son, Billy and he is really big.
Finally remembered to dry my clothes. Since Gary put on a new dryer vent, they dry much quicker. I need to use some white lithium on the pipe gate hinges in the corral but I know it is really muddy. I think there are 14 of them so would take a while -haven't done that in a while.
I have to get my trash down to the road this weekend. This will be a job because I missed the last two weeks so the barrel will runneth over.
Happy that everyone and their loved ones feel better this morning.
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HB, forgot to mention , Years ago I bought a smaller shredder and a Couple of Years ago ordered a larger one. Have used it quite a lot. Does help but still have to open all of the mail. got in the habit of sorting mail on the front.porch and putting the things I didn't need in a box. Tried burning them the other day but with all the rain the paper was damp and didn't burn well.
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back…it was a good morning
I open my mail at my desk and immediately shred. Most thing I shred are not opened.
David…change is anxiety provoking. You will be busy and will miss your wife but you will still be able to do things together at the facility and outside as well. Maybe even some short trips?
We just open a box of Jiffy cornbread mix. Now I am thinking maybe from scratch would be 1000% better lol.
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Hi again, glad your morning went well, Judith. I need to do the same thing, shred as I go.
Looking for something to watch so turned to Paramout. Yellow stone is on, from 221, but it said it exceeded the rating I had set. Called Directv and they got it fixed. I had not set any parental contros. Anyway they said there is a Christmas special I could get. HBO, Cinemax and some other movie channel free for two months or three months so lots of movies to watch until next year. I need to change my pkg. It shows dozens of channels I don't get and they can't seem to be able to remove tthem. Always something.
Jufith, you may be right. I use the cornmeal mix in 5 lb. Sacks, just add egg, milk and a little grease or oil. I heat oil in iron skilet, then pour it into the batter. When I pour the batter into the skillet, t sizzles so has a head start on baking.
Does anyone like cornbread and milk? Just crumble the cornbread into milk in a glass or bowl. Delicious! Daddy usually had some every night an hour or two after supper. I like onion with mine.
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Depending on the help I need I might be able to take some day or longer trips a d my wife can visit whenever she wants to. May come for Thanksgiving or Christmas or hopefully I can come for the holidays only time will tell when I what my schedule will be.
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Judith, what type of training did you do today? One of the old Ranchos was asking for volunteers to be docents to talk about sheep raising in the old days, early 1800's. They mostly teach to schoolchildren. I used to do adult literacy tutoring and I liked that a lot.
I also use Jiffy mix, but lately I have been avoiding grains because I want to lose weight. I'm down 30 lbs, 30 more to go.
David, It's a great idea to pass on beloved heirlooms early, so you can observe the young people enjoying them.
I have a nice shredder, I just need to use it more.
Today, my locality has a Veterans' day Celebration at a park, also they close down the street to Cars, but open to bikes, scooters, roller skates, and of course to pedestrians. I feel too tired to go.
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Irisl, I agree that is why I asked them what they wanted. I also gave a tote bag to my daughter in law that i received at my 60th class reunion it had the name of my high school Bishop Fenwick which was printed on it . She recently got hired to teach seniors
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