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Just need to talk to my friends (169)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


Guess it's time to start #169 - can you all believe that?  Anyway, wanted to begin the new one tonight so Sara's morning post would be on it.

 Iris, I had no idea my laptop had that option.  I was trying to delete and it was sort of dark so don't have any idea how it happened.

 It's been a windy, somewhat chilly day - same for tomorrow.  We had wind gusts up to 37 mph.  Saturday morning they're predicting we'll be at 32 degrees - maybe this will be the last time until fall or early winter.

 I cooked some brown beans with potatoes and carrots.  Just had a few beans with the zucchini I cooked yesterday - this was before the potatoes and carrots were cooked enough.  I'm waiting for them to cool enough to refrigerate them.  I used the slow cooker or crock pot and didn't soak them overnight but they're soft enough.

 When I was in town the last time I bought a quart of chocolate milk.  I don't remember ever buying chocolate milk before but it looked really good - must have been hungry - or dry.  I tasted it tonight and it's still good so decided I'd freeze some fudgecicles and see if they turn out all right.  I had one of those little containers that has four compartments with the little plastic thing that sticks down in it to make bars.  We'll see how that turns out.

 Tired tonight.  Filled both water tanks after I went to the mailbox, then since I only had a little bit of feed left decided I'd get some out of the creepfeeder for April's mom.  It needed to be leveled out anyway. So, did that and fed her and gave her some more hay.  There's a little leak at the hinge on the creepfeeder so there was a big basketball sized bunch of feed that had gotten wet and sort of fermented - at least it smelled bad so got that out and got rid of it.  Then put the five gallon bucket of feed in the back of the car.

 Guess I'll stop - about time for Barney Miller and then Frasier.  Really enjoying watching Barney Miller.  That was a good show and so was Frasier.

 Got a box of dog and cat food from Chewy so opened that and brought all of that inside - another reason I'm tired.  Those cases of 22 oz. cans of dog food are heavy and so is the 40 lb. of catfood.  Got some birdfeed, too, and filled the feeders - at least one of them - forgot the other.

 Tomorrow is feed and hay day so I think I'll ;et April's mom out to get her feed and close the gate until she gets back to April.  She was running around today and nursing - quite an improvement on how she was last Friday.  Very good outcome for the baby.

 Hope all of you are well tonight and can sleep well.  See you tomorrow.  Thank you, Iris, for letting me know that's what probably happened.



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good morning,

    37C, 3F.  Giving rain, snow and thunderstorms today.  

    Butterfly believe it was your brother that was in car accident.  Was thinking of him this morning.  Hope he is continuing to improve.

    Lorita I made brown beans this week too.  Even though I like chocolate, never cared for chocolate milk.  It always seemed too rich for me.  You will have to le us know how it tastes frozen.

    The two bronze fennels sprouted yesterday so just leaves parsley.  Good Lord’s will in about a week will sow tomato and pepper seeds.  

    Saw the egg lady might have dahlia plants at her plant sale.  Hope she does and maybe I can get one or two.  She is having it April 28th I think.  Hopefully weather may have improved some by then and I could keep them on porch.  So far haven’t been able to put platnts out there too much.  We’ve not had much sunshine for awhile.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Judith, I dont recall posting a lasagna receipe, but you know me, I have one.

    Lasagna made easy: 30oz jar Prego Spaghetti sauce, 1 pound ground beef or Turkey,  1 8oz pig lasagna noodles, 1 12oz cartoon cottage cheese, 1 12oz pig shredded cheddar cheese, 1 12oz pig mozzarella cheese 

    Brown meat in skillet; drain. Season with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Pour Prego over meat and simmer 5 minutes. 

    In separate container, boil noodles according to directions on package.  Drain. Begin layering in pan with meat and sauce mixture, noodles, cottage cheese, cheddar and mozzarella cheese. Repeat for two more layers. Heat in 350 degree oven for 30-45 minutes. Serve 4 to 6


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     It's 44 here this morning with a strong north wind (what's new?) but we have loads of sunshine. 

     Sara - I've never drunk chocolate milk much either but this just looked so good when I was in the grocery store. I'm anxious to see how it is frozen, too.  It's pretty thick but might should have added some chocolate syrup to it before I froze it.  When I cook brown beans, I always cook a pound pkg and usually end up freezing some of them.  I put one huge potato in and three good-sized carrots.  I think I let the carrots cook a little bit too long but I got busy and forgot about them.  I've always liked beans best the day after I cook them.  I grew up on brown beans and fried potatoes.  When I was little I'd put mayonnaise in the beans and stir them up - also liked it on fried potatoes.  I don't do that now but still like it on sandwiches.

     Toad and Mike just came and fed.  I was out on the porch when Mike came back through - he said someone's going to come and move about 30 big bales of hay they've had at one end of the meadow.  Guess they're getting ready to fertilize.  Last night on the news they were interviewing one of our State Reps who's a rancher.  He said last year fertilize for his pastures cost about $450 a ton - this year he said the cost would be about $1300 for the same fertilizer.  Seems a lot of what's used in it is from Russia.  Besides the cost it may be hard to get, too.

     Ron, I used to love lasagna.  Shortly after Charles and I got married we invited a good friend of us and his family over for dinner.  We made lasagna.  I haven't made it in years - I know you can make it vegetarian but never tried.  We also liked manicotti - kind of hard to stuff them but good.

     Are you rested up from your trip yet?  It takes a while.  I bet Lou is enjoying being home and also that Little Bit was happy to see you.

     Stormy is nervous for some reason this morning.  Keeps going to the window and barking.  He's such a good boy - this morning I went out on the porch to the south end and was looking at the girls.  He came and put his feet up on the bannister.  He's just about as tall as I am when he does that.  I was talking to him about "his" girls and his gaze was very intent.  I know he watches after them at night.  Sheena's always out there with him but not as "into it" as he is.

     Hope you all are well this morning.  Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Finally got to talk with Sarah.  She's not well at all.  She said they're trying to find a hospital-like setting where she can go for a month or so like she did a couple of years ago and until then have a nurse check in on her during the week.  She's not able to use her feeding tube so nothing's going well with her.  Also trying to find a PCP who deals with seizures - her medication isn't working.

     And, I'm also concerned about Jack.  I called to check on him just after noon and he says he's not doing too well - not hurting from the GERD but something's going wrong with him. He sounds weak.  Day before yesterday he hadn't eaten anything and I suggested boiled eggs - yesterday he said he didn't eat them and I doubt he's eating anything.  I tried to get him to go to the doctor a day or so ago but he won't.  Nothing I can do that I know of.  He called me yesterday to talk about his daughter.  She has awful headaches and went to a new doctor who told her to go to a psychologist and come back in a month to see him.  Jack says she won't do that.  He's concerned but nothing he can do there either.  Life gets hard sometimes.

     Daniel and his guys have the utility room painted.  Gray walls and celadon ceiling and inside the closet area.  Looks good. I'll put white curtains and the trim is white so it'll be okay.  He found what he thinks was wrong with the dryer.  It had been setting outside with the back vent open and something had built a nest inside - either a mouse, rat or squirrel - probably.  Great big pile of leaves and grass. 

      I had planned to let April and her mom out this morning but I think I'll wait until tomorrow when it's supposed to be warmer.  She was standing at the gate with her mother this morning so I guess she'll be okay.  Chucky seems to be doing all right and he's younger.  April's a week old today.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    So; did our gal Sally actually calve or not, I wonder.  She always has been one to get around, but usually alone out of the gate to a preferred eating pasture.   Still makes me smile.  Wonder if Mickey was wooing her.

    The photo of April was really sweet.  She is so tiny in calf terms, she almost looks dainty.  Why is it that I always want to put a pretty pink ribbon on those baby girls heads . . . too much imagination, I guess.  I am really relieved to hear that her legs straightened out and she is doing well.  Had me a bit concerned there for a little while.

    Ron's cooking is making me hungry again.  Especially love hearing about his baking recipes.   We need a "Ron" cookbook. That is a fast and easy recipe for a good lasagna meal.

    Hint:  When making lasagna, you may want to use ricotta  cheese instead of cottage cheese so you do not get fluid from the cottage cheese into the lasagna sauce, which can happen.  Flavor can be enhanced if you use Italian sausage browned out of the casings too; but some like to use hamburger.  Personal choice and what you may have on hand.  Either way you do it, deliciousness is on its way.

    As for stuffing manicotti shells.  I have made a lot of manicotti.  To my delight, I found Ronzoni shells can actually be stuffed raw without cooking, before baking.   It actually works BUT you must have a lot of sauce and follow the directions on the box explicitly.  I found the best way to fully and firmly stuff the shells was to use the raw shell recipe and use a metal baby spoon to insert and press the cheese into them.  (Using a pastry bag just does not do a good job and a lot of air gets in.)  I always seasoned the ricotta cheese also adding a bit of parmesan and romano cheeses, a bit of seasoning and sometimes even a tiny bit of Italian sausage to the ricotta.  Made the shells extra yummy when it baked.   Always made the sauce with Italian sausage.  It was so very delicious; used to get asked to please make the manicotti by family and guests.  Lots of work, so always made two 13 x 9 baking dishes and a 9 x 9 so we would have plenty.   Labor of love.

    Goodness, we hit 102 degrees in our backyard yesterday.  Will do the same today; in fact, it is expected that we will be one or two degrees higher.   AND our AC went out two days ago.  Omigosh in a two story house.   We have our AC automatically serviced early every year and did so in February.   Thank goodness the AC repair person was able to get to the house yesterday afternoon.  Turned out that we were very, very low on refrigerant.   He put four pounds in and thankfully it has been doing okay since.  So hope that continues.  Looked up the cost for a new whole house AC installed and it would be between $7,000 and $10,000!   Oh boy.  Thing is, cannot do without it where we live.  Hoping this unit will continue soldiering on as it has for years.  Really appreciate it.

    It will be an extraordinarily hot summer coming our way.  Need to find low growing bedding plants that can withstand the heat and still provide color.  Not sure what will do well; will have to look them up.  Want low growing, color, and heat tolerant.  They will go in front of the established greenery that is in all beds/planters which extend across and around the small property both front and back. 

    DH continues to recover from his eye surgery.  Eye still a little bit red and a little bit swollen.  Surgeon said the eye is doing well, so I am delighted for him.  Today is his appt. with the Endocrinologist re his Type 2 Diabetes.   Dr. had inserted a FreeStyle Libre button onto his upper arm two weeks ago to track his glucose numbers.  No finger sticks with that and takes readings of glucose levels at various times that can be read on a cell or other device.   She had him keep a food diary and is able to see where any upticks in glucose are happening, etc. at different times of day and what he is eating.  She wanted that re adjusting his meds.   It is comfortable to wear; he forgets he has it on and it is waterproof for showering.   It has a 92% - 93% accuracy rate. He will have it removed today.

     Called our Internest yesterday afternoon to ask about having a second Moderna Booster.  He advised us to get it.  So hard to know what is what, but it will be years until all the data and science is far better; it is a new and rapidly evolving disease.  Evidently not as protective for the Ba2 virus, but helps keep the hospitaliztion rates down.  Being mature is certainly a factor in needing to keep as safe as possible.

    The newest additional surge appearing across the country is the big and nasty Norovirus.  It is extremely easily catchable; exposure comes from surfaces, (not airborne), and all it takes is a touch of one or two of the virus particles and it is in to do its worst.  Dreadful persistent vomiting and diarrhea.

    So; we need to really, really think about where our hands are and to wash, wash, wash hands often and thororoughly.  Door knobs, handles, counters, chairs, steering wheels, faucets, items others may have touched. Grocery stores, churches, professional offices, work, telephones, service agencies and so much more.  Drats.  Guess I will be carrying gloves with me and a bag to discard them in.  Grocery stores would be a very easy place to be exposed with touching handles of chiller and freezer doors, canned and boxed items others may have touched, carts, etc.  Fiddle.  Even having food pickup, one then has the exposure of the container and the items in it.  Wiping them down with antibacterial wipes or spray will not contain this virus.  Tis hardy and very opportunisitic.  What next . . . . !   Sure could use some good news.

    While looking for new summer tops, I found Macy's has some nice items online. Will go back and look again and buy a couple.   Belks Dept. Store online had terrible stuff this year.  Some of the freestanding catalogs that are also online have awful offerings.  Wonder what happened this year.  Draper and Damons has a few nice tops, but boy are they ever pricey.  I will buy nothing with rayon or spandex in it, no "hand wash only," and all tops must be a minimum of 27 inches long; prefer 28 but most do not come that extra inch.   Want to be able to bend and stretch without exposing skin.  Being "mature" certainly makes a difference in that regard.   How silly to even think about such things considering all else going on, but there it is anyway.

    Donating to Unicef and Red Cross for the Ukraine.  Unicef doing a good job and mothers also benefitting from their assistance.   Red Cross is agency getting buses and daring to go into the Ukraine interior hard hit zones to try and rescue people to get them out of the war arena and the devastated areas.  Very dangerous and so hoping that they get safe passage through the troubled areas to get the people out.  Many are elderly, infirm, caregivers of the elderly often with their children, so much more.

     The band, "Pink Floyd," which I have so enjoyed is recording their first song in 30 years. They will sell a jillion of the recordings and raise a lot of money; they are doing it for the Ukraine.  Roger Waters and the entire group will be together to do this. Good for them.

    Got to get going and address some things needing doing.  So hope all will be well with one and all,


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Afternoon, All,

    It was very warm at my house yesterday we had record breaking temps in the low 80s. today it is much colder right now it is 52 cloudy and windy. 

    Lorita,  You're sure lucky that your dryer did not catch fire, you can imagine how much dry grass and weeds might be in there if there was a nest being built.  April is so tiny and cute. Hopefully her legs continue to get strong. I am curious how you fudgesicles turn out I might make me some, 

    I hope they find a place for Sarah and that she will stay for as long as she needs too. Being alone in her condition is not good. 

    Jo.   With you talking about pork chops a few days ago I had to go get me a few. How do you cook yours to keep them tender? for some reason the last few times I did some they were pretty tuff. I dip them in flour and cook them on very low heat. It is nice to hear that your husband's eyes are starting too feel better he is lucky to have you there for him. With the hot summer coming up lets hope your AC continues working. 

    Nicole.  It was nice that you stopped in I was worrying about you. Your Uncle was such a big part of your life for such a long time, I am sure you feel at loss and miss him very much. Hes at peace now. 

    Iris,    Happy belated Birthday Day to you and I hope you had a big piece of Strawberry Shortcake with lots of whip cream on it. YUM. I wish I had some. I did bake me a lemon cake and put some cream cheese frosting on it now I just need to try not to eat it all in one or two days. 

    Day.   I am glad your hand is doing good and a bit surprised it is taking so long for finding out what the problem was. I would think it would be a priority for the medical people to want to know. 

    Ron.    Thank you for the lasagna recipe. I plan on using it soon. How did Lou enjoy the trip. Did she have fun and enjoy herself? I hope the 3 of you got to go to Red Lobster. That is very thoughtful for you to take your neighbor with you guys. She sounds like a real good neighbor. Hopefully you get your results soon.  

    Lorita.   I am watching Gunsmoke and its the same one I saw last week. Seems like they keep replaying the same ones over and over. I have started watching Wagon Train in the evenings. It comes on at 8pm so I watch it just before bed. 

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Jo, seems like this stuff is going on and on and on.  Will we ever be able to be around people without masks and not being wary of being with anyone?  I doubt it.  It seems most of us on this thread are still being very careful.   I know I'm trying.  When the men are her working I wear a mask if I'm around them - they aren't wearing them.

     This afternoon when Daniel was getting ready to leave we were on the front porch talking.  I have an old oval water tank with holes in the bottom I was going to give him to put little chickens in to sell at his auction.  I told him about another big, round one with holes in it (they're metal and rust out) so I went to the end of the porch to show him where it was, turned around and he was beside me - about 1 1/2 ft. away.  He said something and I answered and we moved away.  Now, this has me a bit worried.  Hate it when you have to second guess yourself.  We were outside and there was some wind on that end of the porch.  So, guess I'll do that countdown.  Do you all think I need to do that?

     I have an appt. on the 15th for my labwork so I'll probably get the second booster that day - don't really plan on being in town before then.

     So glad your husband's eye is still improving.  Does he have any pain? and is his vision in that eye good?

     I don't think Chucky is Sally's baby.  Sally has some reddish hair on her back and hips and this one doesn't - otherwise, they look alike.  But, Sally's bumping a calf as my mother would say.  I'm not sure when Sally calved last because I wasn't calling her Sally then.  Most of the calving will begin in May and then scattered out through the next few months.  Trouble is having those little bulls who think they're big guys. Three of the moms had put their babies down and went off to graze - just looked and the three little ones were coming down to the edge of the smaller pond to get a drink maybe.  Looked again and they were gone - guess they went to find their lunch. April is tiny - probably the smallest I've seen but she's all there and is doing good.  It'll be a few days after she's out before I can really relax though.

     I saw some plants on QVC this morning that are supposed to be almost indestructible.  They're low-growing - yellow or red.  I've bought plants from QVC and the only luck I've had is two knock-out roses and, hopefully, the gerbera daisies.  I'm so hoping they'll come up.

     Jo, I've  never bought clothing from the places you mentioned - most of mine now come from QVC - Denim & Co.  Their prices have gone up, too.  Even t-shirts are in the mid to upper 30s and blouses up to $60 in some cases.  I have more clothes than I'll ever be able to wear so try not to be tempted.  When all of this stuff gets finished I'm going to take a day or two and go through the closet and try on things and if they don't fit I'll donate them.  It will be so nice to be able to get things back in place.

     The utility room is finished except for another coat of paint in the closet - he didn't think it covered enough and a little touch-up where the walls meet the ceiling - and they have to install the new AC unit.  He says he'll be back Monday to finish the bedroom.  The dryer is running okay now - had a big pile of grass and leaves that he got out of the dryer vent.  Now I can feel the warm air coming out of the outside vent.  He says it's safe to use.  I was afraid of lint fires you hear so much about.  I bet it was a squirrel who made the nest.  This morning I saw all three of them playing in the Elm tree outside the kitchen window.  I could watch them for hours.  I think they're red squirrels - no gray on their backs.

     When we made lasagna we didn't use cottage or ricotta cheese that I remember.  I've eaten it made with CC and it was good - but, I like cottage cheese with anything.  One of my favorite meals is air-fried crinkle French fries, pork 'n beans and cottage cheese.  Charles would not take a bite of cottage cheese or yogurt but he loved ice cream.

     Sara - I tried one of the frozen chocolate milk bars.  If I ever do it again I'll add chocolate sauce and more sugar - probably won't though. The one I ate was really hard to get out of the container they were frozen in - finally used the microwave for ten seconds and that did the trick.  So, guess I'll just drink the rest of the chocolate milk.  I think frozen fruit juice would be good frozen though.

     It has been so windy today and cold.  It was in the 40s at noon and is supposed to be about freezing in the morning, then 70 in the afternoon.   Isn't it unusual to have temps that high this time of year in California?   Jo, hope your AC unit makes it through the summer.  The one in the bedroom isn't doing too well so may have to have them replace it.  I started trying to get the one in the utility room replaced the end of July, last year- and it's still in the box.  It took a good two months to even get the replacement and dozens of phone calls.  I hate to drop the coverage because if they can't repair something, they replace it so don't know what I'll do about that when the contracts expire.  The refrigerator is 22 years old so probably about time for it to quit on me.

    Today I've seen all of the Gunsmokes and Rawhides that are on so I'm watching Dr. Pol right now.  Mike should have a show of his own, too.  I asked him this morning how his ankle was doing and he said "not good".  I saw him limping when he went back to his truck. 

     I may lay down on the divan and take a nap - almost went to sleep in the recliner a while ago. 

     Enjoy the rest of our day.  Okay, nap on the divan is out - Stormy was asleep on the floor, woke up and now he's on the divan.  Guess it's whoever gets there first - or is it whomever?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Iris and other cat owners - have you ever tried Pretty Litter?  I just checked and it costs $22. for six pounds.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Pork chops, pork chops, everybody talking pork chops. Jo. had mentioned them, my niece today posted in line she was craving pork chops for tonight and now Zetta wants some tender chops. 

    Zetta you want some really tender chops this is what I do. I always cook some dry beans to go with my pork chops. What I do is brown them a little on each side, then throw them in with the beans cooking for a 1 1/2 hour or 2.

    Lou doesnt even remember our trip and even though we had some challenging times, it was manageable. 


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    I have a moral/ethical question I would like your opinions on:

    My mother has asked me to write  my dad's obituary for when the time comes (another story for later).

    My sister had a daughter.  As an adult, her daughter only had contact with any of us whenever she needed money or to be bailed out of some problem. When my sister died over 8 years ago, the daughter disappeared from our lives.  My father very specifically had issues with her and was very insistent about her exclusion from their wills.

    Do I include her as a third grandchild without name, or exclude her entirely?  I have no idea at this point how my mother will want it.  It can always be changed at her request, but I would appreciate your thoughts on the subject.

    Thank you in advance.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    I use Fresh Step Light clumping litter for my cats.  I use the light because it is easier to manage as it weighs less than the same size box of regular litter.

    I pay about $15 for a box just over 15 lbs. from Amazon.  For a while Amazon was several dollars cheaper than the store, but even now with the price about the same it at least gets delivered to the front door...meaning less carrying for me...lol.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron--throw the pork chops in with the beans--I like this!  Easy as pie!

    Lorita, I used a silica litter once before, also pine litter.  Right now I use "The World's Best Litter" which is made from corn husks.  Don't your cats go outside?  

    Someone threw out a boysenberry plant and I got it and watered it and placed it in the sun.  I hope I can get some boysenberries in the summer.

    It was 100 degrees yesterday, a record high; possibly the same today.  Costa Mesa, on the ocean, was hotter than Palm Springs, deep in the desert!  It's cool on my balcony now. 

    Zetta, thank you.  I love my strawberry shortcake. 


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    So you all have probably figured out that I am not a cook. However this is "my" recipe for Bolognese Sauce. It really is easy.

    https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/ukraine-crisis-relief-fund/. Pork chops? Thin and sauted with onions.  I donated to  https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/ukraine-crisis-relief-fund/ Re Sarah...I am surprised they are not looking for a neurologists. I have a long list of poor ones including the one who is my neighbor. Fingers crossed that they will find a good placement for her and that an extended stay can get her on track. Do they know what kind of seizures she is having? Marie...I always view obits as historical reference. In that case I would include all grandchildren. 
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Zetta, I think we must have been posting at the same time.  The grass and leaves were black or really dark - don't know if they were still wet or charred - but it was scary.  I even turned it on high for a little while, then thought better of it.  I usually set the dryer on casual.  I looked down in the vent after I pulled out the filter and you can still see a little bit of gray lint.  I know he got all out that he could.  Don't know if I'll ever really trust it.  I'd hang out clothes - sometime - if I had a clothesline.  That's how we did it when I was growing up.  Love the smell of sheets dried in the sun. Do any of you all remember hanging out clothes on the clothesline in the winter time and when you went to get them in, they would be frozen stiff?

     Marie - this is just me - but I'd just say he had three granddaughters and not add the names. 

     I've used different kinds of cat litter - I like the clumping kind but was just wondering if anyone had tried the Pretty Litter - kind of expensive, I think.  I like to order those heavy things, too, so I don't have to carry them so far.  I may try that kind from Amazon.

     Iris - the GPs would not allow them to be in the yard.  They're very territorial - it's their yard and nothing else is to be in it.  Remember a couple of years ago a raccoon was in the yard and they had it standing up with it's back against a tree.  They're fine with the cats inside but wouldn't work if they were outside.  Tom or Jerry never came into the yard. 

     Ron, I used to like pork chops - that and chicken were the meats we had mostly when I was at home.  Charles liked to cook them with kraut.  Sorry that Lou doesn't remember the trip - but she did at the time and maybe the pictures will bring back some of that memory.

     Judith, I hope they can find a place for Sarah, too.  That's what she needs - to get everything taken care of at one time.  She's at home alone all day and that isn't good.

     I let April's mom out a while this afternoon to graze. You all should have seen all the pushing and shoving that was going on.  Always happens when we have a cow up for a while - guess the others are jealous.  She grazed a while, then came up and I let her in.  I was out on the porch a while ago and she was out in the lot - asked her where her baby was and she looked toward the cowshed and bawled softly.  They actually know a lot of words - and all of them know the word "baby".  When you ask them where theiri baby is, they always look in the direction where they've left it. 

     I was on the porch late this evening and the newest baby (Chucky) and his mom were coming up. I had my camera but couldn't get the picture in time.

    Sandy - about chickens - Daniel has all kinds of chickens.  He says some of them sell for as much as $30. each.  Can you imagine that?  He has an auction every Saturday and he has lots of chickens to sell tomorrow.  Made me think of your DIL's chickens.  He said he sold day-old chicks for $4.50 each a while back.

     Can't believe this week has gone so fast - time is flying.  I called our Health Dept. this afternoon to see if they were giving Pfizer's second booster.  They are so I made an appt. to get mine after my labwork next Friday.  The first three days of next week are supposed to be rainy and stormy so don't want to go in then.  Getting it next Friday and my labwork will let me do two things in one trip.

     Time for Gunsmoke, Zetta, hope I haven't seen it.  Do you get Rawhide?

     See you all tomorrow.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Heat broke records today in several areas.   It  was 104 degrees in our back yard - SO glad the AC is working well.   It is forced air whole house AC and heating, so we keep the AC on a bit in the hot evenings as all of our bedrooms are upstairs and the house gets hotter in late afternoon and evening for some reason; also use fan at night so we do not keep the AC set as it is during the heat of the day.  So thankful for the AC.  Utility bill always a stunner when the envelope is opened; it is part of the summer budget.   The really scary part is when we are hitting BIG bad heat in the summer time and the power goes out.  Not good at all; people get sick.

    As for the pork chops; it was one of the "cheater" recipes.   Had some nice chops.  Had a box of Shake N Bake for pork chops, but went over the top and added to it.  Put garlic powder, parmesan cheese and a bit of panko bread crumbs in the mixture.   Brushed the chops with a bit of olive oil then dipped them well, both sides in the crumb mixture.  Placed them on a rack over a cookie sheet and baked in the oven, turning them half way through cooking.  Boy; they were good; so tasty.  The chops were nice and moist inside, with the outside being just a bit crispy; great flavor.  I find if they are breaded, it is far better to put them on a rack in the oven so the heat and air can get around them and they do not gunk up on one side.  Had potatoes au gratin with them and some steamed broccoli with a bit of lemon.  A bit of balsamic vinegar (a good brand) is also nice on the broccoli.  Trick for the pork chops is to get really good chops when one can find them.  These chops were regular thickness, not the extra thick ones.

    Iris; I missed your birthday; though the Happy Birthday wishes are belated, they are just as strongly wished as can be.  May your "new year" be a wonderful one with many blessings both large and small.  So hope your strawberry shortcake was delicious.  Isn't it fun having your own special traditional treat on your own special day - a lovely childhood memory. There is still a child somewhere in all of us and it is truly delightful when it can come out even just for a tiny bit of time.  Happy, Happy Birthday!

    Here I sit wondering how much bad I am doing to my cells in my body.   I drink water in plastic bottles, and once a day I have a Perrier for the bubbles as I do not drink soda pop.  Sounds peculiar, but I sure do miss having liquids in glass bottles.   I really do like glass, but alas; that has gone the way of the Do-Do. 

    Got some strawberries from a stand that pops up nearby every season.  They were delicious.  Huge, red, and juicy and not hollow in the middle.  I do however, prefer the smaller berries; easier to eat and seem friendlier.  They will be out soon.  Every year, this stand has the most awesome berries from a particular berry farm and sure does beat what we can get in the markets.  Not cheap; but what is these days.

    The news this morning was chirping how the gas prices have fallen - only $5.89 per gallon for regular today.  Don't know if we are supposed to applaud that.   Still way over the way over. 

    Sending soft wishes for all to have a night of sweet slumber with lovely dreams  . . . "Winken, Blynken and Nod one night sailed off in a wooden shoe . .  . "  Yawn . . . .


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    37F,3C.  Chance of rain/ snow.

    Sounds like your utility room is starting to look nice.  Happy for you.

    Can remember stiff clothes coming off of clothes line.

    Iris hope you get boysenberries, I don’t know what they are.

    Marie I don’t know the right answer.  Think I would talk with your mom and let her make the decision or make it together.  

    Beth did you get around to trying tortillas?  I make them about once a week.  If you make corn tortillas with Meseca, salt and water will be gluten free.  Double check packaging if you ever try this to be sure nothing has changed.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning Friends! It has been chilly and very windy for much of the last 10 days or so. Today will be nicer (55) and I think I will start my lettuce and spinach seeds outside - direct sowing in the ground. The grass is starting to turn green now. 

    I haven't made the tortillas yet however I did find some corn tortillas at the store yesterday and bought them, then made a wrap sandwich. 

    We plan a trip to Houston next week to see our daughter and her husband and their 3 little boys. Looking forward to it.

    Plans for today are the outside work, plus going out for ice cream. My son and family were to come over today for dinner but one of the children is sick so they won't be coming. Tomorrow is my son's 40th birthday. 

    I hope you all have a good day!     Beth

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
    500 Likes Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hi friends,

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day and weekend. This has been a hectic time for me (even more than usual) and I am trying to just go with the flow. DH is on his first respite stay. Lots to do to prepare for that, and it also is a little nerve-wracking for me. I had to get some important things done that had piled up though, so could not be helped. Maybe will get to a point where a respite stay can be for me to just relax and garden or sew...? Who knows. Time will tell. I actually enjoy being at home, not getting away, and enjoy spending as much time with my DH as possible -- though it would be nice to have home help if the shortage in aides can be resolved. We have been approved for 30 hours weekly HHA assistance for caregiver support for a year, but none to be found. Still looking when I can - otherwise going through the 36 hour days as we do!

    Sayra - yes, my DB is on the mend! Miraculous and such a blessing. I pray for all those families who also have loved ones in harms way, knowing or unknowing -- that they may be protected, and receive the best possible care. We are very fortunate to have this outcome.

    Ron and all you foodies on this thread, you keep me hungry, or imagining great feasts! I love lasagne too, and mainly have made it with ground turkey for years. The italian sausage additions sound yummy. Lorita my veggie option is what I prepare most often, and use whatever I have on hand. Always saute the veggies a bit to soften them and release the flavor before adding to the sauce. Then layer all as usual and bake. Some basics I usually have are "the trinity" - onion, celery, bell pepper, and always lots of fresh minced or crushed garlic, then small slices of carrots, mushrooms, have used diced or sliced zucchini or yellow squash, and if I have broccoli or cauliflower (not usually) I also have used that in the past. Super good! and I started making a veggie lasagne, plus another pyrex dish with the same loaded veggie sauce plus the browned, seasoned turkey added to it for my meat-eating family members. I am a hybrid I guess, could do with or without meat poultry or seafood in any given meal (and even all day) but eventually will want something non-veggie and don't feel bad about it either way. 

    OK, I don't know if I chimed in about the technical difficulties a while back when it seemed so many of us had appliances or services going out and needing repairs at just the wrong time. BUT, speaking of refrigerators, my 2 year old Kenmore side by side stainless steel fridge conked out a few months ago. Hot as your California weather, JoC. Threw out all food in fridge and freezer (after it all spoiled and smelled up the kitchen). Turns out it is a well known lemon, LG model with Kenmore label on it, and there was a recent class action lawsuit settlement apparently during the time mine just stopped cooling. I am one of many people getting stiffed by Sears, Kenmore, and LG. Costs upwards of $1800-$2k to repair the defective compressor. (The fridge cost around $2k new, not counting delivery and installation, so it is a shame and a scandal that the companies did this). And the scarce repairmen say that may buy another couple of years. It is an expensive piece of junk and I'm so mad I could spit. Sorry, that's a gross image. Anyway, you get the picture. Not a lot of time to fight for a refund for the pretty new lemon, plus the lost food. But I will figure something out. They sold it knowing the defect. And to be told I may as well buy a new fridge now -- different brand this time, makes me disgusted. I've been using a dorm fridge and cooler for now and just not stocking up on lots of perishables, but can you imagine? 

    So many things to take my mind off dementia caregiving, right? lol 

    For those who are grieving recent (or current, or long-time) losses, I pray for your full recovery with loads of precious memories that comfort in time. Take all the time you need -- we are here. Sending good wishes for health, peace of mind, positive distractions, good rest and good sleep, loving pets and charming animals, beautiful surprises in nature, plentiful flowers and gardens, good weather and intriguing + entertaining stories, books, movies, and links. *Quality time with loved ones, even if virtual. That about covers my list for today. Take good care!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Where has the morning gone?  Seems like I just got up.  I bit the bullet and let April and her mom out this morning.  First her mom went out by herself, then came back for April - stopped at the gate, gave a soft noise and here the baby came, right past mom and on to the pasture with mom right behind.  Watched them for a while.  I've never had kids but to me it seems like it would be like sending your youngster off to kindergarten.  I closed the gate to the NE pasture (too big for little ones to be in) but they're wanting down there.  We'll see if I give in.

     Carol called - she had her first real outing yesterday with her daughter.  Daughter (Sally) has an SUV so Carol can get in and out better than in a car. They drove through Honor Heights Park to look at the flowers.  There's always a two-week azalea festival in the Park - The VA Hospital is at the top of Honor Heights Drive and the park is below west and north.  The cold weather has killed lots of the azalea but in years past there was nothing prettier.  They looked at the flowers and were stopped at a red light when a car bumped them from behind - it was a police car!  The officer was very apologetic saying he just let his foot off the brake too soon. Only a 3" scratch but papers had to be filled out.  So Carol was laughing about all that - first time out and got hit by a police car.  She's much improved - wheelchair went back to the store a couple of days ago and is not using the walker very much.  It's been 13 weeks.

     Talked briefly with Jack. I'm really concerned about him. He doesn't sound good at all.  I asked him how he was and he was okay - I said "really" and he said said he wasn't really all right but wouldn't talk about it.  I asked if he needed to see a doctor but he dismissed that.  He says he isn't hurting but something's really wrong.

     Beth, glad you're finally some green grass up there and you're thinking about planting.  Always a good time of year.  Maybe tomorrow I can get my parsley planted.  I go to the doctor Friday and may stop by WM and get some bedding plants for the bathtub and maybe a couple of tomato plants.  I'd like to have a hanging basket on the front porch for all of us to look at but they just don't do well out there because of the wind - maybe I could just put it in a planter on the porch.  Wanted to get that painted this spring. 

     Beth, I know you are looking forward to your trip - that's a long distance to Houston.  Do you make the trip in one day?

     Butterfly - I know you're hoppin' mad and I would be, too.  Such a shame and only two years old.  Sears used to be a store with a good reputation but things have changed.  My maintenance contract is with them and I got a taste of what they're like now dealing with them about the AC.  Used to be I could call and they'd be out on Thursday (when they came to this area) with good service.  Are you going to buy another refrigerator?   Good news that your DB is continuing to improve.

     Iris - I love boysenberries but have never raised them.  One of my favorite pies is Boysenberry and I also get jam or jelly made from them.  Sara - they're sort of like blackberries but bigger and they have a different taste.  Many years ago my parents and Charles and I would go to Arkansas and on the way there was a little café on a bluff above White River that had the best boysenberry pie.  We always a stop there to enjoy and look at the pretty scenery.    Hope your berry vine makes a good recovery and will produce for you.

     I'll be back later.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Hate to follow one of my posts with another of my posts but...

     Had a good example of herd behavior this afternoon.  Around mid-morning I noticed the girls were acting differently.  They were staying together - as a bunch - sort of like the ad on TV showing flamingos moving in unison.  They'd go to the south pasture - together - stand around a while, then come back - together.  Decided I needed to find out what was going on so went out on the porch when they were in the south pasture and lo and behold I saw three, big, white things about a quarter mile from the house - a ways from the girls.  Got the binoculars and it was three Great Pyrenees - doing nothing, just hanging out but they had really upset the girls.  I've never seen them act like that even when a coyote would go through the herd.  They came back down after the GPs drifted away and are now in the NE pasture - grazing.  As they moved about they were keeping the little ones with them - so thought that was a good example of herd behavior that our girls tend to practice.

     I had a visit with Jack this afternoon.  I've voiced my concern about his condition before but now I'm really concerned/worried.  He told me he was okay and I asked if he really was and he said he wasn't.  Finally got him to confide in me.  He's so weak he can hardly get out of his chair.  Says he sits in the recliner 24 hr. a day with nothing to look forward to and just wanting to not live longer.  He told me he fell day before yesterday and his side is sore.  He had said - that day - that he hadn't eaten anything so I told him to boil some eggs.  He said he did and they were good.  Now he says he thinks he can make it to the microwave but not sure.  He said if he fell again he wouldn't be able to get up again.  He had a real struggle when he fell getting up.  He's thinking about going to live in the NH where Patsy was.  Zelda is outside and he's not sure he can get her in tonight. Told him to let her stay outside - it's warm and it won't hurt her.  I'm afraid he'll run out of food or Boost.  He says he has some because he hasn't been eating.  Now, it's only been a week since he was going to town, to eat at Boomerang and to get groceries.  He says he hasn't had a light stroke - doesn't know what happened. 

     I did tell him to not wait too long to call the NH - he asked why and I told him they might not have a bed so he might have to get on a waiting list.  I told him to keep his cell phone with him all the time, in his pocket, and to call for help if he fell or needed something. 

     What do you do in a case like this?  He doesn't have friends or relatives here so he's truly alone.  I'm really concerned.  He said he might have to get someone to come in to take him to the NH.  He says he has no purpose and I told him his purpose was to take care of Zelda.  I feel so bad for him.

     I received my driveway alarm yesterday and got one of the sensors installed by the gate not far from the house.  The receiver has 35 different tones to let you know someone has come through the gate - even a dog barking (I didn't use that one).  The only thing is I can't tell if it'll work when a car comes through.  If Toad comes through that gate in the morning I'll be able to tell but sometimes he goes through a different gate.  I have another sensor and may put it on a tree farther down the driveway.

     That's been my afternoon.  Just wondering what you all would do.  It wouldn't help to call his daughter in California - he says she wouldn't know what to do about anything and it's not my place to call anyone really.  I did tell him to use a walker they have and to use the cart Patsy bought.  He said it's cheap - but it cost about $2,000 (not cheap to me).  There's no way he'd be able to get in the car and drive into town - what happens if he falls again or runs out of food - or worse?

     Sorry to lay this on you all but we're all friends and discuss everything.  Any suggestions?

     Lots of new cases of the virus in the White House.  Heard Dr. Fauci is going to be on at least one of the news shows in the morning. 

     Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    It is not hard to understand Jack's wanting to die. 

    What can you do? Since you and Jack have the same Dr I would get an appointment and take him.

    You can also have a check done on him like you do Sarah.

    Additionally you can call the person you called last time who lives close by....BIL???

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita.  I am with you Where did the morning go? I got up this morning had my coffee let Molly out to potty then Molly Sammy and I got in my recliner and went to sleep. We slept for 2 hours. I have westerns on all day so this will be a lazy day for us. I do get Rawhide but only on the western channels on Saturdays. I also get to see the old black and white Gunsmoke's and a lot of those I have not seen. Right now, Gunsmoke is on.  INSP and WeTV are the channels I get that have all the westerns on. 

    I bet your getting ready to enjoy your new bedroom and utility room. They both sound like they turned out real pretty. Yes, I do remember the cloths line. I don't remember them being that cold when they came off the line, but I grew up in Sacramento, and we never left cloths on the line overnight. I remember how good they would smell. 

    Marie.  I think just mention how many grandchildren they have and just not say the names, would be the way to do it. The best thing would be to ask your mother and do as she wishes. You are being a real big help to your parents, please make sure your getting some rest. 

    Butterfly.    With your refrigerator only being 2 years old it sounds to me like they owe you a new fridge. My MH is 27 years old and  I have had to replace everything but my hot water heater. (knock on wood) that I don't have to replace that anytime soon. And this respite is also for you to get some rest. Please try.

    Ron.  I like that idea of cooking the pork chops with the beans. The next time I cook beans I will put a few pork chops in with them. Thank You. I bet when Lou looks at the pictures they took she will remember, maybe part of the fun. Did she enjoy all the company and did she remember the people?

    Beth.  I bet your looking forward to your trip to Houston, it will be good to be with your daughter and SIL and the grandboys. I miss my daughter she moved to Arizona a few months ago I am hoping to spend my winters in Arizona and get away from Oregon's winter snows.  Enjoy your ice cream, I just had some vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup on it. 

    Jo.   Thank You for telling me about how you cook your pork chops. The next time I do pork chops I'm going to do them that way. I also like the way Ron does them with beans. You guys are going to make a cook out of me yet. If Dan was alive he would be proud of me learning how to cook. It's almost been 4 years since he has passed it does not seem that long. 

    Take Care all Sleep Well, Hugs Zetta 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   I am so sorry to hear how Jack is doing. It sounds like he is just giving up. Judith had a good idea that maybe you can take him to the Doctor. Maybe he will allow you to schedule a home health care person to check on him a few times a week. I think it is time he leaves Zelda out of her crate I wish he would understand that. What's going to happen to Zelda if he goes into a NH? It sounds like that is where he wants to be.  Poor guy, how old is Jack? Can you have Senior Services get involved, due to his condition?  I think you need to try to get someone else involved, this is way too much for you to deal with. Hugs Zetta
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions


    Does your county have an Agency on Aging?  Or perhaps it is time to call Social Services to express your concerns.  They can do a home check and determine what actions should/can be taken to insure Jack is not left with no one who can care for him.

    I know we don't like to "butt in" on someone else's personal business, but when a person is unable to care for themselves and has no one to take care of them...their situation needs to be reported.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Judith, you did not post your Bolognese recipe, you duplicated Ukraine relief.

    Jo C, thank you for the birthday wish.  I have bought strawberries from the stans you mentioned, they are beautiful but too expensive, IMO.  The same for the farmers' market berries, beautiful but more costly than supermarket berries.  Berries used to be a summer treat, now they are available year round.  Where do they come from?  Mexico? A greenhouse?

    I saw Arco regular unleaded gas for $5.39/gallon.  I usually buy Arco or Union 76. 

    BethL, enjoy your trip to Houston and seeing your children and grandchildren!

    Butterfly Wings, I never heard of the "trinity" until I visited New Orleans.  Their food is tasty!  

    It's terrible about your refrigerator!  Why do they need a class action lawsuit to make things right?  They should repair at their cost or replace!  I don't want to jinx myself, but my 40 year old refrigerator from Montgomery Ward is going strong!  I believe the secret is to cover it with refrigerator magnets LOL.

    Lorita, you could request a wellness check from Adult Protective Services.  But they may not do much if he is not willing to cooperate.  Nevertheless the dog should be rehomed.  He is neglecting the dog!  If he cannot feed himself how can he feed or walk the dog?  He needs to make arrangements for himself.  

    Ron, despite what people believe, I have learned that it's possible to enjoy life without strong memories of the past.  It is good to enjoy activities and experiences in the moment, even if they are forgotten shortly afterward.  That's what I do.

    Marie, I think it would be good to mention all the grandchildren's names, but do what your mom wants.

    I went out for brunch and crafts today with some ladies.  Afterwards they talked lady-talk.  About bring pregnant,  breastfeeding their babies, their children and their grandchildren.  I had nothing to contribute.  I have had an interesting life but my life was nothing like theirs.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    34F, 1C.  Giving a sunny day, 55F and wind not too strong.  Hope to get my plants out on the porch.  Several parsleys sprouted yesterday.  Looks like I’m going to get almost if not 100% germination.  

    Beth I plan on direct sowing lettuce, greens, carrots, zinnias etc.  much simpler and think maybe they do better.  Hope your things do real well for you.  Wishing you a safe and enjoyable trip to Houston. My uncle and aunt lived there many years.  That is where I learned to like Mexican food.  Those pinto beans were so good, different than how us briar hoppers cooked them.  

    Butterfly glad your DB is continuing to improve. Hopefully you will soon be able to relax and have a little time to yourself.  Think I would like your veggie lasagna.

    Lorita nice to hear Carol is feeling better.  Meant to mention this to you but forgot.  Would be good for you to soak your parsley seeds for 6-8 hours before planting they say.  I soak mine and it still takes a good two weeks for them to come up.  Have neve planted them without soaking first so not sure if it really helps or not lol.  They say it does.

    Lorita I would call the sheriff department and ask them to check on Jack.  Would tell them what you told us.  Also ask them to check on the dog.  They can get him sent to hospital if it is needed and from there they could get him into a home if needed.  I understand how Jack feels, he may just be ready to go on.  You are very kind to him.  Marie’s suggestion on area agency of aging might be helpful if he will allow them to help him, if he gets to feeling better.  Right now sounds like he needs medical intervention.

    Lol Iris I have a few magnets in my refrigerator too.  Hope they keep mine working for me too.

     Also I have become aware of a warming house in our community.  It is totally community supported, no government funding.  It operates November through March.  They can come there for an evening meal, shower, and a warm place to sleep.  People in community often supply an evening meal.  You sign up to do that.  You can do home cooked, bring pizza etc.   They have an Amazon wish list for very practical things.  They also help some by having a home that was donated to them where people can live up to six months I believe.  They pay $200 a month for rent.  This way they can get a reference for a landlord.  Think that might be a good way to help.   If I see someone that I think might need that, could suggest it to them. Feel like maybe I have been given a way to help others.  It has been open quite a few years but I wasn’t aware.  A lady started it.  She became unable and asked the man who runs it now if he would be willing to take it over.  He was someone she had helped. He is actually an educated individual who was a homeless alcoholic.  He used this facility.  He eventually got straightened out.  They do not tolerate people being drunk etc at the facility, there are requirements.  I like that.  He himself was not allowed to stay sometimes when he was battling his own problems.  I like that someone is in charge, not a free for all.

    Ron glad your sister sees you need help.  She is so very kind.  Know you appreciate it.  Think we were typing at the same time.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Sister called yesterday and is coming Monday to spend several days with us. She told me to get out even if I just went to a motel and watched tv all day. If course I cant do that, will worry to much about what's going on at home, but will get out of the house some. Also, since she's coming I'll definitely prepare the beans a d pork chops. Soak some baby Lima beans tonight, cooked tommorow with some chopped onions and butterfly pork chops. Cut up some cucumbers, tomatoes and onions in vinegar and cornbread. Oh boy, I'm drooling already!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Another windy day - this time the wind's from the south - but it's warm and partly sunny. 

     Don't think I mentioned it yesterday but I drove up to see if the GPs were still there - they were but two ran away and I yelled at the other one and he looked at me for minute, then took off.  Mike or I don't know of anyone closeby that have GPs - the man who gave me Stormy is two miles away in the other direction.  GPs do tend to wander if they don't have a job.  Cows don't seem concerned this morning. They were up at the MH this morning and I called them down to feed.  I saw truck lights at the enetrygate but I was parking the PU and didn't see him come up to feed.  I was wishing he'd go through the gate where I put the alarm but he didn't.  During the night I did hear it (I think) a couple of times.  I have it pointed lower so it may have been a cat or something else.  The instructions said to point it sort of downward toward where an exhaust would be but I'm going to raise it some.  I think I may put the other one up, too.  It says the receiver can handle as many as 35 sensors.  As the girls were coming down I think I saw both tiny babies.  I'll check later.  Everyone's grazing now.

     Thanks to all of you for the suggestions about Jack.  If an ambulance came he would not go to the hospital and I doubt if he'd even answer the door if someone came to check on him.  Iris, he doesn't walk Zelda.  All he does is let her outside - he feeds her on the porch, lets her stay out as long as she wants to - then lets her in and puts her in her cage.  He really hasn't been able to walk her since they've had her because of his hip surgery a couple of days after they got her.  If he'd just let her stay out of the cage and in the room with him, she'd be so much company for him. 

     I don't think our county has an agency on aging - phone number didn't show up on the tablet.  There are at least a couple of home health agencies I could contact - but, again, I don't think he'd even answer the door.  If his daughter was a capable person I could contact her.  I've never seen or talked with her but from what both he and Patsy said, she wouldn't do anything or know how.

     Judith, he wouldn't go to the doctor.  I mentioned that last week but he said it wouldn't do any good.  He's a very stubborn person.  Patsy always said that and I'm finding it to be true.  He didn't even want to tell me what was going on until I pressed it.  He has said to me to not lecture him or talk about going to the doctor.  How you deal with a person like that, I don't know. 

     I did have Adult Protective Services check on my sister when LMG was involved and the only thing they did was go to her house and stay about five minutes.  They said her house was clean, she was clean and everything was okay. 

     Jack said he sits in his recliner 24 hr. a day - that may be part of the problem with his inability to stand very long or walk - his  muscles are atrophying from not being used.  Only a week ago he was going to town and trying to deal with his new phone.  Maybe trying to learn to use it has brought him to this point - or at least contributed.

     I'm going to call him and see how he is this morning.  If I don't get an answer in a couple of tries I will call the Sheriff's office and ask them to check.  As for Zelda we have a very good no-kill animal shelter nearby his house that would gladly take Zelda.  I'd take her but I don't believe she and the GPs would get along.  She's never been socialized and they're territorial.  How many times both he and Patsy have said they wished they had never gotten her.

     Judith, it is a BIL who lives closeby.  They don't get along although he did go over and check on him when I couldn't reach him.  I doubt he'd help but it's something I'll try if I need to.  How awful it is to get to the point that you're not well and there are no relatives to help.  I'm well but no relatives around that could help.

     Thanks again for the advice.  I'll call and see how things are this morning.

     Ron - how nice that your sister is coming for a visit.  That will enable you to get out a while or just relax in a chair in the sunshine.  I know you said she and Lou get along really well so that will be a treat for Lou, too.

     Sara - thanks for the tip on letting the parsley seed soak for a while before planting them.  You know, this is silly but true - with 130 acres of dirt all around me it's still hard to find dirt to fill a flower pot.  I need to put some more in one of the caladium pots but almost everything's covered in grass.  Sometimes moles or something other animal makes piles of dirt in the south pasture and I have collected that for flower pots.  Glad your seeds are germinating - that's always a lot of fun to watch and then to see then get their true leaves and grow.  Nature is a wonderful thing.

     Little bit worried about being so close to Daniel.  We were outside and I was wearing a mask.  I was showing him something and turned around and he was about 1 1/2 ft. away from me - he said a few words and I answered and moved awzy - only about 20 seconds that close.  I wonder if  we'll ever get to the point we're not concerned when being around people.

     I'll be back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    I called Jack and he answered.  He's never had a strong voice so can't tell a lot of difference.  Asked him how he is this morning and he said "not good".  Asked where Zelda is and he said he had fed her and put her outside.   He's able to get up and walk a little bit.  I've never been to their house so don't know the layout or how far apart things are.

     I told him we should call an ambulance and get him to the hospital.  He said maybe in a day or two.  He said, "please don't do this to me".  I'm afraid he thinks in a day or two he won't need to go to the hospital.  I told him I'd call the Sheriff's office and have them check.  Again, he said "don't do this" and said he was going to hang up.   So, what do you do?  I told him I wasn't just going to stand by and let him die.  I think this is what he wants to happen.    And, Judith, I also can see how someone might want to die and get out of all of this.   But, if you know someone is letting/wanting this to happen, can you just stand by and let them be?  If an ambulance was sent to his house he can refuse to go and they won't make him.  That happened a couple of times with Patsy - with a Sheriff's Deputy there.

     Maybe I'll call his BIL and see what he thinks.  Any more suggestions?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita I wouldn’t worry too much about exposure to Daniel.  Outside, masked, vaxxed, very short exposure.

    Would just continue to call Jack a couple of times each day.  If he answers, ask him if there is anything you can do for him.  If you call a few times and get no answer then call for a welfare check.  

    This isn’t really unusual.  Quite a few people choose to avoid medical care.  My mom is that way as you know.  Have had patients like that.  Dealt with someone once not real old like that.  Came in very bad off. When I started talking about what we were going to do to try and help, they said nicely think I will just sign myself out.  A child probably in 20s sitting there.  I kindly said since you are thinking about doing that I’m going to tell you what my concerns are if you do that.  Talked about what two possibilities I saw occurring, which one was dying.  A day or so later I come in and they’re gone.  Very few days later obituary in paper.  What does Jack really have to look forward to?  Hope becomes gone.  I kind of understand that.  If it wasn’t for God I would probably feel that way.  Glad to hear there is a shelter nearby for Zelda, had wondered about that.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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