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Just need to talk to my friends (169)



  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good morning. Lorita, you are an amazing woman.  Seems that you got Jack set up to go to the AL facility in record time. How nice of you to step up and take over helping him get things done. Sounds like you have the movers ready to schedule as soon as you get a date. I’m thankful for you that Jack is agreeable to the move and that everything went so smoothly yesterday. I’m sure you were worn out last night, between the emotional stress and all the running around. You earned one of Crushed’s badges of courage for sure. 

    All you ladies planting and getting ready to grow your veggies and flowers have me in the mood to get out and work in my flower plots. We have had snow off and on all month. It’s finally warming up here again, so maybe it won’t be long before I can do that.  It’s cloudy here this morning but I don’t believe we’re expecting storms to come through. 

    I’ve been keeping busy helping with funeral dinners this week.  Seems we’ve had way too many lately. I don’t do it in a regular basis, only when they need extra help. It’s a good thing to do, but exhausting and rewarding too. 

    Sarah, I used to volunteer at the hospital, showing people where to go, and also in the gift shop. I really enjoyed doing that.  The hospital stopped all volunteer work after Covid hit, and still haven’t started using volunteers. I miss having the interaction with people.  I hope someday soon, I’ll be able to do that again,  

    Ron, sounds like you had a nice anniversary trip. I’m sure it’s nice to be home with good memories. You have a very caring sister. So nice she comes to help. 

    Hi to all. Have a great day and awesome Easter weekend.  Joan

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dearest Lorita, thank you for sharing with us your time with  Jack; I found my eyes filled with tears.   No solid food for ten days!  What a treat that McDonald's stop must have been for him and then you lovingly picked up some groceries to help sustain him before his moving.  It even sounds as though he was buoyed up in spirit by being with you and also talking with others - what a blessing and so good a message to hear on Good Friday!  It is also good to know he was better than what he had shared earlier.  He now has a future and as said before, may his quality of life be ever so much better and may he feel safe, warm of heart, cared for and happy.  Happy tears in my eyes now. Truly; I am deeply moved by your being his merciful Guardian Angel; just imagine how much a difference this is making in his life.  Blessings to be sure.   Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart, I was so concerned on his behalf. Did the day tire you out?  It was a lot in one day plus the ranch.  Take good care and know that you have done well above and beyond.  You are awesome! Good Friday today, always affects me more than Easter Sunday.  Will miss being at church.  When I mentioned the children and Easter in my last Post, I left out what I did when hiding eggs each year . . . I would hide one decorated egg in the toe of a shoe to be worn to church.  For some reason, the four of them would always forget I had done that, so for the few years it was done, they would go to put on their shoes and then squeal and laugh and laugh at finding the bunny hid an egg in their shoe.  Fun times those.  Now if I find an egg in a shoe it means something has really gone Uh-Oh, for myself.  Ha! Glad the parsley did well, Sayra; I love the flavor of fresh parsley, it tastes green and refreshing.  You sure do have a green thumb.  Alas, my own brown one.  Sigh.  Did not put out pansies this year, it has been too frying hot. I like only the brighter colored ones, and choose the large faced; so pretty.  One year I did Johnny Jump-Ups but did not care for them much and oh my . . . . once you've got them, they stay forever and spread like someone is paying them to do it.  Did not do nicely in the planter I had them in with other things - they took over and seemed to do so overnight. Whoops - phone ringing; later . . . J.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, you are truly an amazing lady...all those in your sphere are blessed to have your care and concern...no matter 2 legs or 4.

    I am managing ok, but is a very busy time.  So many calls to make and arrangements to see to.  Complicated by the fact that there are 2 churches involved and 2 services...one where they have lived for over 60 years and then one where all the extended family is which is about 2 hours away.  So the process will take 2 days.

    Also complicating things is that it is Easter weekend...but we are managing...my son, daughter and one granddaughter are in the thick of helping get things done.  What a blessing.

    As I have thought about my dad dying on my birthday, I believe God gave me the best birthday present ...  he released my dad from the shell here on earth to be in His heavenly home as the vibrant man he was before this terrible disease.  I am at peace.

    Lots of calls yet to make and things to get before first service next Tuesday.

    Thank you all for your condolences, and caring support

    Hugs, Marie

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     It is so windy today with storms later.  Weatherman said our average wind for the last month was 26 mph.  I bet I could count on one hand the number of days we don't have wind during the year. 

     Thank you for the kind words but I only did what any one of you all would have done in the same situation. Just sorry I didn't get it done earlier.  You know I think of Jack sitting there in his recliner, and sleeping in it, surrounded by who knows what, not able to sleep in his bed and not being able to see to drive.  He had been driving pretty well but he said he just got afraid to do it anymore.  He lives in a nice neighborhood and has a really pretty brick house - neighbors everywhere.  I saw two women sitting on the porch across from his house when I got there and a man or two just behind that house when we got back  Not sure how people can live in town in close proximity to others and not know them but it does happen.  It's happened with Sarah, too.  Many people just tend to live in their own little bubble - guess I sort of do that, too, but there aren't many neighbors around here. 

     I was tired, mentally and physically when I got home - slept pretty well but I've gotten in the habit of waking up about 3:30 but I do go back to sleep within an hour or so.  I've been coughing a little bit so called the health dept. and asked if they were doing testing today - they're not but a fairly new urgent care in town is doing walk-ins. The woman at the health dept. said it would be better to be tested before taking the second booster since I was coughing some - said if it wasn't negative and I took the booster I'd get really sick.  I took it and it was negative.  They don't do the PCR but the PA told me he has as much faith in the rapid test as in the PCR.  I'll get my booster when I go in for my labwork.  I was going to stop at WM to get some bedding plants but their parking lot was FULL  - I didn't want to get in that mob of people so just came home - I'll get them later.

    The GPs were outside while I was gone and UPS had delivered a pkg. and left it outside the gate - guess he didn't want to get in the yard with them.  Stormy can sound ferocious and they're both really big.  I went out to the lot to open a couple of gates - Billy the Bull had gotten on the west side of the lot and couldn't come on through.  When I got back I saw that Jack had called so called him back and he said he was still laying down, staying warm and just wanted to hear my voice.  My heart breaks for him - being alone (now completely without Zelda), not seeing well and living in those conditions.  I know how I'd feel.  If you all think I'm ever really losing it, tell me, and I'll get something done before it's too late.  Okay?

     I came back home on the section road east of us - the roads are awful - the one just east of the farm is the way I went in and it was fine.  There's a woman who lives a mile east of me who has a lot of dogs and I wanted to see if she had those three GPs.  Of course, this time I didn't see dog-one.  Usually there's half a dozen barking at the PU.  Passed Darwin's house and he has some equipment out front to sell - hay baler and other things.

     I do hope the rest of this goes well and we can get Jack settled in early next week.

     Marie, I'm so glad that you're feeling that way about losing your dad on your birthday - that's a wonderful way to think of it and you're right - in one way it was a blessing for him.  I know making arrangements is a hard thing to do.  I did it for my parents and sister and then Charles.  Then decided I'd get it done for myself.  Being near Easter is making it harder, I'm sure.  I hope your mother is doing all right.  When we lost daddy mother was in the throes of alz. - I remember her asking me if Roy had died.   Now, I've gotten myself crying. 

     Joan - glad to see your post and to know you're doing all right.  It'll warm up soon and you can get your gardening done.  Before long we'll be talking about how hot it is.  One of my SILs always helped with funeral dinners and volunteered at a place called Good Sams - I think they resold clothing or gave it away probably.  Hospital volunteers are invaluable - I know all of ours were at the VA.  If I was closer to a hospital I might do that, too.  I've thought of volunteering at the Animal Shelter but guess I'm taking care of enough animals anyway.

     Jo - what a cute idea to put the Easter egg in the toe of the shoe - were they real eggs or chocolate?  I used to love to color Easter eggs.  When I was pretty young I had a dog named Butch and I'd hide eggs and he'd actually look for them.  I haven't colored eggs in years - for some reason, they always tasted better than the white ones.  Now, Sara won't even have to color her pretty, colored eggs from the Aracana chickens (sorry, can't spell that).    I remember we always dressed up for Church, women wore hats and gloves - also when we went to town.  Guess that's a thing of the past now.

     I really don't care for many herbs - I do like parsley, oregano and chives.  I don't think I like basil but probably should try it again.  Love the smell of sage at Thanksgiving though.  I need to look for those parsley seeds - I think they're in the freezer compartment.

     You know, thinking of Jack - just think how many people there probably are in the very same situation that no one knows about.  What a sad world it can be for them.  You know I think Jack has done well since losing Patsy until his vision got to be so bad.  He hasn't mentioned it to me but I imagine he misses knowing Zelda is in the other room - what good company she could have been for him if he'd have let her.  I'll check with Kate in a few days and see if she knows anything about Zelda.  I hope she can find a loving home.  I think of the first year of Sheena's life - I don't think it was a happy one.  I think I mentioned when I'd put my hand out to pet her, she'd flinch like she'd been hit.  She wouldn't have a thing to do with junk food - now I tell her she's a junk food addict.  Probably not good but she's happy with a little bit every once in a while.

     Enough of all of that.  Need to find something for lunch.  Oh, by the way, our doctor was happy to see Jack so I know that made him feel better, too.  He was afraid he was mad at him because of something he said on his last visit.  I told him he was just probably having a bad day.  Our doctor is a sweetie.  And, Jack got to talk to the admissions person and ask all the questions he had.  I know that made him feel better, too.  He was very talkative with her.

     Back later.  Sorry this was so dratted long.  Just get to talking with all of you and lose track of time.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita you are not losing it.  You talk just as long and as much as you need to.  There is a whole porch full of us that would love to listen.  Will be glad when Jack-can be living with others.  It has helped J so much.  Way decreased the anxiety she had.  

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    The sun is out, and the snow is melting, we are supposed to get more tonight but not a lot. Iam inside staying warm and watching Gunsmoke. I have a dentist appt tomorrow and that's good because the roads should be all good by then. 

    Lorita.    You amaze me all the things you do, as I said before you're an angle, and Jack is so blessed to have you there for him. Everything seems to be going well for you and Jack and I will pray it continues. Poor Jack, needed to know that someone cared for him and with what you have done his life will be easier. 

    Ron.   It was nice all you had to deal with was the electricity. Iam afraid it could have been worse. It sounds like you plan on getting out a little bit for yourself, please do that you need to find time just for you. You are blessed to have such a caring sister.

    Jo.   I remember when I was little there was 3 girls, me and my 2 sisters. Every Easter we had new dresses and shoes, hats and gloves and went to church with our grandma. Those days don't seem to be the same anymore. I was a single parent when I raised my boys and dressing them for Easter was not as expensive as dressing a girl. My boys could ware there new Easter cloths to school. They both had Easter baskets with all the goodies, and we colored eggs. I still color eggs. I had to start doing that so Dan would know the ones that he could eat. I never have stopped I still color them I just put food coloring in the water as they are cooling down. The look so pretty.  I think I will do some now. 

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, the way you stepped up to help Jack was truly AMAZING!  There are many people who just wouldn't want to be bothered.  My two closest friends, who I thought of as sisters, wouldn't even give me a telephone call.

    I believe people in Jack's position become so debilitated that the mere thought of making a move is too much for them to envision, so they automatically say no.  They need someone to step up and take them by the hand.  That's what you did for Jack.  You are an ANGEL!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     If it's clear where you all are, go out and look at the moon.  It'll be full tomorrow afternoon but right now it's gorgeous - forgot to look to see what this one is called.  It's really pretty reflecting in the pond.

     Just made a hurried trip down to the pasture - I saw a cow going down there by herself and all the others are south of the house.  When I went through the gate to that pasture I saw her little baby laying behind the gate - so that's why she was down there.  The others are beginning to drift that way.   Now Sandy and probably some of the rest of you might not want to read this but...  the cow who has the new baby hadn't passed her afterbirth (placenta, I think).  Anyway it was dragging way behind her and the bottom part was dried.  I saw something black that hadn't come out yet but remembered a few years ago a cow had a calf and I could still see something black and it was another little hoof.  We lost the baby.  I touched it and realized it was just a couple of sacks of blood.  Thought I pull out the afterbirth but after I got hold of it decided I better not - I've done that before.  So, all I got was bloody hands.  I was walking around behind her a little bit later and stepped on the end of it and she passed some of it so maybe the rest will deliver.  I know - gross!

     Iris and Zetta, kind worda you both have written - and Sara.  I just decided something had to be done to help Jack or he'd expire in that house.  Up until a couple of days ago he had resisted but now he's ready to go.  Sara, I know he'll be much better when he gets a little bit acquainted - he's very sociable.  I'm so glad it's been good for Jean and what an angel you've been to her.

     Our problem now is coordinating things if he's accepted.  Things like getting his things from his house there the same day he goes in - and getting a bed and chest for him and there the same day.  He'll be confined to his room for five days so he needs those things to begin with.  I've made some calls and I think I've found where we can find what he needs.  I was trying to find good prices but he says don't worry about that - it's a one-time thing (but I will anyway)  The moving company will pick up the things if we can figure out how to pay for them.  He has a debit card but is afraid to use it for that so it'll have to be a check - and how to get it to them.  I don't want to get him there until his things are in the room and set up.  It'll work out somehow.

    When I talked to him earlier he said he'd had a big banana and a Big Mac today.  He said it didn't taste good - just had to force it down.  Anyway he ate today.

     Zetta - I heard parts of Oregon will have 5 1/2 ft. of snow.  So hope that'snot near where you are.  If you get out in the morning, watch out for black ice.  It can really fool you.  I know I've fishtailed on it not knowing it was there. 

     You know on the way home today I was looking at the meadows and pastures as I drove by and I think ours looks the best (of course I'm prejudiced) - but the pastures are pretty and green and the meadow is greening up nicely - just a feeling of pleasure and contentment when I came through the gate.  Now I'm getting sappy!

     \I called Daniel a while ago.  I talked to his wife earlier in the week and she said he was sick with the same infection.  Hadn't heard from him since so I called four times before he answered.  He said he was asleep but has been really sick with the same infection he's had off and on all year.  He's on antibiotics but it's not reaching whatever it is. He's had tests done and they're expecting to get the results from a lab in Florida.  He's not a healthy person although he looks like he is.  He's nearly finished - one good day and half of another would get it all done. 

     Day - I see that Denim & Co. is going to be on for an hour at 9 tonight.  Probably a rerun but I'll probably watch anyway.  I ordered a set of two t-shirts yesterday - one solid pink and the other a pink print.  I don't think I have a pink one so anxious to get them.

     I'm tired tonight and my back hurts a little bit.  I'm still sleeping on the divan but tonight I think I'll sleep in the bedroom.  I haven't put up the curtains yet so it'll be pretty light in there (we have a security light on the storage building outside the window and with the lace curtains up the light is deflected just enough so you can sleep).  Maybe deflected isn't the right word - too tired to think now. 

     Can't believe it's Easter already.  Zetta, don't you think the colored, boiled eggs taste better? I just peeled three I had boiled a week ago and decided I didn't even want to give them to the GPs - maybe I'll boil some more and put food coloring in the water.  I like them, just warm, and mixed with a little mustard, salt & pepper and eaten with crackers so guess that's deviled eggs but mixed up together.   Remember when we used to have Easter egg hunts when we were in school and how beaten up the eggs were and how good they tasted? 

     Hope all of you wonderful friends sleep well tonight.  I'll see you tomorrow.  Go look at the moon!   Ron, hope you'll have a really good time getting out and about while our sister is here.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    How I color my eggs is I drain the hot water off then put in enough cold water to cover the bottom half of the eggs. Then I take food coloring and pore just enough on each egg to have it run down the sides. Let it set for a few minutes the slosh the pan and eggs around, so the eggs are rolling around in the water. Then let set for a few minutes. Then take out of the water. They turn out so pretty they will have different shades of the color you used along with different markings. I just did some blue ones I wish my son was home to attach a picture of my eggs. It's easy and fun and I do it to all my boiled eggs. Yes, the colored ones always taste better.   

    Good Night All Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    45F, 7C.  Giving some rain this morning and a sunny afternoon.  That has been a bit of a pattern past few days.  So windy yesterday.  Put my good mask on and stuffed my ears and worked out for a hour or two.  Wind is so hard on my sinuses.  Another good use for a mask.  Got the last bed cleaned up in front yard.  Had a mum wanted to get rid of.  It was very big, got very tall, fell over and blooms so late that you really can’t enjoy it.  Tried cutting it back some so it would not get so tall and then it didn’t get to bloom at all lol.  Dreaded digging it up but actually that was quite easy.  Lots of earthworms in the clump.  Love seeing them.  Now to the back yard.   

    Lorita cannot see the moon this morning.  Probably too cloudy.

    Zetta hope you don’t get all that snow.  Think I saw some snow flakes in the extended forecast here too.  Have had quite a bit of snow rain mix here but nothing that has hung around very long.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, you remind me of the Energizer bunny, just keep right on going, your energy level is remarkable. I know it must be hard for you at times, but if I close my eyes I can see you have already earned your wings while on earth because of the wonderful compassion you have for others.

    I really enjoyed breakfast with a old friend. He filled me in on some other coworkers! One had a heart transplant several years ago a d had been doing remarkable well. He started having problems lately and a lot of fluid buildup so he went back to Dallas for heart cath. Nothing serious a d test showed body was not rejecting his heart. They changed his medication and he's doing fine! It amassed me how much it changed over the years on what the medical field is a learning to do.

    Sister has gone but said she would be back 1st of May. She told me that her small town was hiding 5000 eggs for a Easter egg hunt. I asked her if she remembered how some children had trouble finding them all and the parents would have to help. Lou a d I could come up and hide them and some would never be found because Lou and I could never remember where we hid them. 

    Still waiting on mail from VA benefits on the active malignancy. I wonder if they realize that by your local VA Drs not being notified, that the veteran is being mentally harmed with not knowing. Guess this is something else I need to address with our patient advocate. 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, still thinking about what a wonderful, kind, truly angel of a friend you have been for a person who was in true distress whose life had become a misery .  Despite your own needs and hard work you do on your ranch each day, you stepped in and have made a huge difference in Jack's life.  I agree that if things had continued as they were, in all probability, Jack would have died in that chair.  I believe you have saved his life.  He had not even eaten solid food in ten days - how despairing he must have been feeling within himself.

    Really; I think your gently stepping in and doing the actual actions to help him is what made the big difference; he just did not have the mental or physical energy to help himself and I can understand that.   Getting the bits and pieces together will complete this phase of needs; all that is needed are the movers and someone to transport Jack.  Would the shop where the bed and dresser are to be purchased make a delivery?  Just need a way to get Jack's personal stuff and him to the ALF.   Then . . . a new way of life begins to shine. Since Jack is a sociable person, this will open up so many doors for him and he will be safe.  Thank you very much for your outreach and management of a very dire situation.   I think that a little later, Zelda would want to thank you too.  (Smile.)  I agree with Ron, you have earned your wings here on earth.

    Marie; you have a beautiful way of looking at your dear father's passing; so hope your mother is doing okay.  I know you are busy with arrangements; we will be thinking of you.

    Joan; it is good to hear from you.  So you are still getting some snow too - time for Mother Nature to kick off her snow boots and find her sandals!  Seems to want to hang on sometimes. I have mentioned before, going to school on my birthday at the end of May and still having some snow on the ground.  Br-r-r-r.

    Lorita, as for the question about what kind of eggs I hid in the toe of the children's Sunday School shoes on Easter Sunday morning - no; they were not chocolate, they were dyed eggs.

    With four children, had to write down where I had hidden the eggs so we did not miss finding any after the egg hunt and having the house begin to smell.   When dying eggs, the kids also liked to decorate some of them.  One favorite was dying an egg light pink, the when dry, using yarn, making two small yellow braids.  I would paint a cute girl face on the dyed egg with non-toxic paint, then glue the braids to the side of the "head," with white glue; then take a pleated cupcake liner, fold it in half and make a "bonnet," glue that on and finish up with yarn bangs across the forehead.  So cute.   Also made Indians with headbands with construction paper feather and black yarn braids . . . had so much fun also making others  including making outerspace aliens, etc.  Kids had a ball doing it.  Some eggs, if we put sticky forms cut out in a shape when dying, the eggs then had designs on them like polka dots.  Other eggs were  just simply dyed different colors.  Kitchen smelled like vinegar for a couple of days.  I always padded the kitchen table with newspaper so the kids could have at it.   What a mess to clean up, but worth it for the sweet fun for the children.   

     Kids got egg hunt, all real eggs; we did it inside the house early a.m.. They did get chocolate eggs and a chocolate bunny and other sweet stuff in their baskets.  How they loved running downstairs in their footed jammies and finding their baskets on the hearth.  Jelly beans pre-breakfast!

    I do remember those hats and gloves; new shoes and new dress for each Easter, Zetta.  I recall shopping with my mother for hats and each department store had an actual millinery department . . . don't see that now.  May Company had tables stacked with hats at Easter time; my poor mother, couldn't have had much fun getting it all done. 

    One of the big mistakes was made at our church at a pre-Easter annual outdoor picnic/bbq.  Some of the church ladies had put candy into a huge number of plastic eggs and hid them outside for all of the children.  Well . . . . the mistake that was made, was that it was a very, very warm day and the ladies had stuffed the plastic eggs with chocolate!  It had melted.   Omigosh, you should have seen the children!   Chocolate everywhere - hands, face, clothing, hair, shoes; it was startling . . . . talk about a major cleanup project and crying children!  They never did that again.  Memories.

    Finally had my hair cut yesterday; had not done so since December.  It had grown down to my shoulders and was driving me nuts.  I have thick hair and it is not straight and is not quite curly enough; so I tend to look like a mad woman when it gets far over grown. Anyway, the cut disparity happened again.  Beautician asks how much I would like cut, I state how much and then she proceeds to cut it waaay much shorter.  Geeze.  But hair grows, so won't fuss, and am glad to have it cut; what a difference and I imagine much easier to rinse when shampooing in the shower.  Should have seen the floor after the cut, I am not kidding; there was enough hair to make a small dog.  Even the beautician laughed when she looked at it.  Whew!  She probably needed a rest.

    We are 69 degrees today.   Will stay low 70's to high 60's through next week, that is very nice.  Now if we could just jump from May to November without deep dog days of summer, that would be perfect.   The lawn is so green as are all the shrubs and trees they too seem to be enjoying springtime.  Azaleas are getting ready to bloom, as will the day lilies in May; the agapanthus will not do so until summer and then they are glorious.   So pretty to look out and see the colors.

    Started reading some of Rosamunde Pilcher's novels; good reading.   "September," is a long novel; which since I love long novels, suits me well.  Usually read in bed and sometimes fall asleep with my reader glasses still on.  

     So; another Saturday, time for me to get going and get some things done - like laundry, and whatever else moves the spirit - may your Saturday be a lovely and soft day,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    It has been an interesting Holy Week here. Winda and I have been doing a lot of studying. I always want to know just how things came to be like easter eggs and rabbits...why is the ressurection always on a Sunday instead of three days after the Passover seder...and many more. Winda is very strong in her Christian faith and a great bible studier. Our conversations are most enlightening. Next week I am going to delve into Isiah since much of Holy Week is prophisized (sp) there.

    A google;


    St Louis son and grandaughter arriving today. Family dinner with daughter's inlaws tonight. She will also do  breakfast tomorrow and then at least some will go to church. I know she and herr husband will participate in the vigil so bless her for entertaining.

    Weather not cooperating. Chilly, windy and storms expected. No moon viewing here. It is a pink moon in  honor of spring...it will not actually be pink.

    May all have a blessed Passover, Easter and Ramadon season.

    A bit of news. I may be the docent for our program for MCI-dementia  persons at the museum. Hope it comes to pass. Please cross your fingers for me.

    Favorite egg dying memory involves the first time a child dyed eggs. Always they dipped into every color until the egg was brown. Always.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    I had forgotten that Judith; you made me smile at the memory.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     I wrote one of my usual long replies, thought I'd check out Judith's link and lost it.  I'll do better later.

     We had hail last night, several times and 1.7" of rain so it's muddy and today it's cloudy and cold with a north wind.  I want to get down to see if all the babies made it through the rain and hail all right.  Toad fed about 8 a.m.  I didn't sleep too well or was just tireid so laid back down on the divan after I'd had juice and a roll and fed everyone and slept about an hour.  Woke up and my back hurts - I can feel the costo so probably was sleeping on my side.

     Jack called.  He's already trying to get things together in anticipation of his move.  He said he didn't have any boxes and right now neither do I unless there's some in the storage building.  Anyway he can put whatever he wants to in plastic bags and that'll be okay.

     The one problem we have is trying to get everything coordinated so it all happens at once - like getting his recliner and what he takes from home and his bed and chest and him there at the same time.  The moving company can pick up the furniture he buys but another problem is getting it paid for.  He only has a debit card and won't use it - afraid it'll compromise his accounts.  So, how do we get a check to the furniture store.  It'll work out.  He said he'd had some cereal for breakfast - didn't sleep too much so told him to try to take a nap - there's plenty of time.

     Ron, Energizer Bunny indeed!  I think my battery is about run down this morning but it'll revive.  Did you all get hail last night?   Glad your sister's coming back in May and so glad you were able to have breakfast with a friend.  I know you enjoyed that.

     Zetta - I'm going to boil some eggs and when I do I'll color them using your method - they sound so pretty. 

     Jo, I can imagine all that chocolate in the plastic eggs. Doesn't take much to melt it.  I can remember riding the bus home from an Easter egg hunt at school and eating one of those crushed, colored eggs - so good.

     Judith - sounds like you and Winda have had a good week.  I'm so glad you have such a good friend.  Also sounds like you'll have family around this weekend so I know you'll enjoy it.

     I can't remember what else I wrote - maybe I can later.

     Iris, I think you're right.  Things got in disarray in Jack's house and he kept feeling worse and worse and just almost gave up.  I think he initially wanted to expire in the house where he and Patsy lived but then decided that wasn't going to happen so finally agreed to try for something better.  I think he'll be much better when he gets moved and can be around people.

     I hope I have earned my wings - needed those - but it's the same thing any one of you would have done if you had been in my place.  I just happened to be the one nearest to the problem.  It doesn't hurt to help people.  Mike did something really nice for me once (many times more than once) and I was thanking him and he said "maybe the time will come when I need some help".  Good way to look at it - all of us need help at one time or another.

     Stormy has reclaimed the divan so everyone except me is asleep again.  Glad I got the test done yesterday - hope the result was right.  And, hope I didn't catch the germ Daniel has but I was wearing a mask so guess I didn't. 

     I'll be back later - need to check on those babies and take a pain pill for my back.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Happy Easter Weekend!!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Lorita don’t know if this would work for you or not.  When  helping Theresa I paid for her bed on my card, then her son sent me a check.  Wondering if it would work for you to pay with your card and then Jack write you a check.
  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
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    I'm so sorry for your loss Marie.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     Nicole, I hope you're doing better - just takes time. Take care of yourself.

     Sara - I had thought about that so talked with Jack a while ago and asked him if that would be all right with him.  It is, so we'll do that.  In fact, I'll be able to save him up to $50 depending on how much things are because I don't have to pay tax.  Thanks so much for the suggestion - that should make it much easier.  The movers can pick up Jack's things at his house, then pick up the bed and chest at the furniture store and get everything there at one time.

     He has taken a nap today and sounds good.  He wants to go to WM to get some short-sleeved shirts and leisure pants, socks and a couple of sets of sheets.  We'll also get some Ensure or Boost for him to keep in his refrigerator and some things to snack on.  He says it's the hardest thing he's ever had to do but knows it has to be done. 

     He did say I didn't need to visit him while he's there - just talk on the phone. Told him when I was in town I would visit.  I think he'll make friends and be much happier.

     I drove down to see if the babies are all right.  Everyone, almost, was laying done and everyone seems okay.  We had 1.7" of rain and I was driving through water wherever I drove.  Mike called and said they had over 3" of rain just east and south of us.  He says the roads are washed out and awful.  Another thing he said that was scary; he and Toad feed together - Toad has a big feeder on his one-ton truck that he feeds from and Mike feeds hay with help from Toad when he finishes feeding.  He said the last rainstorm we had they were out feeding - he was about 1/8th mile ahead of Toad - got a phone call from him asking if he made it all right.  He didn't know what he meant until he said a little tornado had picked up his truck and turned him around 90 degrees.  He was traveling east and when it sat him down he was facing north - crossways of the road.  Said it really scared him.  When fronts and squall lines come through there are little flare-ups of small tornados that do damage so that's what got him.

     I made some ranch dressing and had some with potato chips just now - of course, Stormy and Sheena had to have theirs, too.  Do any of you make the homemade ranch dressing?  Really easy and so good.  I tweak the recipe just like I do with all of them - little bit of sugar, salt and hot sauce.  That's what I use fresh parsley for mostly - but had to use dried. 

     I think I'll lay down on the divan again and maybe take another nap.  Stormy has finished his nap so it's empty except for one ccat.

     Sort of hate to go to WM- haven't eeen in there for over two years but I'll wear a mask and it'll be okay.  I'm happy that he's planning on what he needs and seems sort of excited about it.

     Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     One last post by me for tonight.  I just wanted to update you all on how Zelda's doing.  I called Kate this afternoon and she said Zelda is doing great.  She's in with two other dogs, one older dog about her size and a younger one. She's friendly and enjoying being there.  It's a nice place - there's an inside area for those three and it opens to an enclosed place for just them.  She said Zelda is doing fine - still very sweet.  Sad that she had to spend those years alone and in a cage. I told Jack and he seemed pleased for her.

     So far the Rescue hasn't found a home for her but will.  Kate will keep her there until they do and she assures me it will be a good home.

     She was very pleased that Jack, hopefully, will be going to an assisted living facility instead of the NH.  I thanked her for telling me how he really is and that she thought that would be better for him. There are good people everywhere.

     Jack is planning what he needs to take.  Charles had a lot of clothes but not quite the size of Jack  - anyway, I feel like he just wants a new start, new things so he can begin again.  Maybe I'm wrong but we'll do what he wants.

     Still cold, cloudy and windy here with rain expected tonight and parts of tomorrow.

    Rest well tonight.  See you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good morning

    Hope each one has a nice Easter.

    30 F, -1C.  Sunny today but cool.  Giving snow/ice/rain Monday and Tuesday.

    Nice to hear Zelda I’d doing ok and sounds like Jack is happily anticipating moving to his new home.

    Ron so nice that your sister is being able to help you.  Always nice to be able to get together with old friends.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good morning

    Hope each one has a nice Easter.

    30F, -1C.  Giving sun today but cooler.  Giving snow, ice, rain Monday and Tuesday.  

    Nice to hear Zelda is doing ok.  Sound like Jack is looking forward to going to his new home.

    Ron it is always nice to get to talk with an old friend.  Your sister is definitely trying to lighten your load.

    My house is popping and cracking this morning. Have read up on it and they say it normal.  I don’t remember any other house I’ve owned doing this.  Does seem like it isn’t as often as when I first moved in.

    Take care everyone

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Good morning!

    30 degrees!  Still winter here!

    So happy to read about Jack's plans and of course that Zelda is doing well.  Lorita, there are people like me who specifically look for an older, more settled dog to adopt, and I'm sure she will find a home with someone who will be happy to let her snuggle up or just be near her family.  Already the quality of her life without being caged all the time is better.

    I have a feeling that once Jack is around others and is getting a more balanced diet he's going to perk up a lot and maybe even enjoy his remaining years.  At any rate, he also will be improving his quality of life tremendously.  

    Thank you for doing all the work to get him going into another chapter of his life.  

    I'm off today and I have to do a new resume because I'm applying for a promotion.  I don't know if I'll end up getting it but we'll see.  A lot of it also depends on what hours I'm offered if I do get it - I am not taking anything that would require me to go back to a night shift.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Image result for cute easter bunny pictures

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Happy Easter to all observing.

    Cold and dreary here but better than what was forecast.

    Lots of family here with the group shifting from place to place for meals. Easter dinner willbe here with homemade Quatamalan tamales/tortillas and hominy casserole. 

    A dear friend just brought me a box of Frango mints. I thought they became obsolete when Macy's bought Field's. 

    I am not sharing!!!

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Happy Easter.        I had some easter eggs for breakfast, sure were good.

    Jo.   I do remember the big family gatherings we had at easter. It was always at Grandmas house and she always had a big easter dinner. All us kids would go out in the back yard and have a easter egg hunt. I do miss all of that but most of those people are no longer alive but I still have the memories. I miss my kids not being at home so I can hide their eggs. My hair also gets frizzy when it gets longer. I have started using mousse on my hair to get rid of the frizzies. It helps a little, Iam still trying to figure out how much I need to use. 

    Marie.  You have been on my mind and in my prayers. You sound like your dealing with things pretty well. Please get some rest when time allows. 

    Ron.   That was nice you had breakfast with a old friend I hope you continue to get out as often as you can. 

    Sara.   I think our snow is gone for a while. We got about 6 ins Friday night none last night our weatherman is just predicating rain now. I like rain so that will be good.  My floor also pops and cracks. It worries me at times. I think its giving away and I will fall through it. I think this is normal as the floor ages and with the weather changes. I hope that's right. 

    Lorita.   It sounds like things are falling into place. That was a good idea that Sara had on paying for Jacks furniture. You are so right when you say there are people like Jack that need help and they are not reaching out for what they need. Just look at how you have changed Jacks life and rescued Zelda for a slow death. When this is all over and Jack is in his new home, just sit back and feel good for what you have done. You saved Jacks life. 

    Will the movers be able to take Jack with them? or is that something your still working on? Will Walmart deliver to his house if so order what he wants and needs on line then have them deliver to his house. Unless he plans on trying on his new cloths first. Hopefully he knows his sizes so he can order online if he wants to do it that way. Thanks for keeping us all updated you know we care.

    Enjoy your Easter Sunday, Hugs Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Jo, where did you find that old picture of me?
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Ron - so it is you in that picture - oh my; so adorable, cute and fuzzy!  And cuddly. Now we are all going to want to hug you, feathers and all.  (Grin.)

    That is one of my favorite pictures I found online one year at  Easter.  For some reason, it makes me smile just to look at it  - I think it's the joyful childlike feeling it exudes. 

     Zetta, me too. I really miss the ones who are now gone and think of them especially at holiday times.  It was wonderful to have had those special times that have made such sweet memories and I am thankful for them and do remember to say, "thank you," often.

    When we first moved into our house, it was new construction and it creaked quite a bit, especially could hear it when in the downstairs family room and the upstairs would creak.  After awhile, it  stopped.  I think that it was wood adapting after the new building process, etc.; but that is only a guess. 

    So Jack is making plans for new clothes at WalMart, that is actually a healthy process for him.  When getting sheets, it would be good to buy a pillow or two for the bed as well as a mattress pad for under the bottom sheet.  Will he need towels or does the facility supply them?  It will seem like a lot to do at the store, but one fell swoop and it will all be done. WalMart has those nice electric carts to ride hither and thither here and there across the big store while piling up the goods; that may be good for one or both of you considering the different departments that will be needed.

    You are literally being a life saver; cannot say enough how much I admire and respect you; this is not an easy thing to do.  I know you are making sure that the movers will be willing to give Jack a ride to the ALF.  They may not have room in the cab of the truck as there will be at least two movers, and also, their insurance may not permit them to give a passenger ride.  If they can do so and will, that would be great.

    Thank you for telling us about Zelda.  How different her days and nights are now.  It sounds as though she is getting along very well and is doggie happy; how different it must seem to her.  It takes time to have the new dogs adapt before they can be adopted out.  She will be a wonderful forever dog for whoever adopts her. 

    Our grandson and son adopted a larger and bit older dog about two days before he was to be put down.  The poor dog was so nervous when he got to son's house that he wet the floor and actually threw up twice.  Then . . . in no time, he became the happiest dog ever; so well loved and well cared for, and loves to play which son accommodates.  He sleeps on the bed with son and when grandson comes home for visit from his air base where he is stationed, the dog remembers him well, follows him around kissing and nestling and sleeping on his bed.  Had a picture of grandson on his tummy fast asleep in bed, and the dog on the other side of the bed fast asleep on his back with feet in the air.  So cute.  I think there is no better way to have a dog than to adopt.

    We no longer keep a dog, but enjoy our other son's four rescues.  We are older now and cannot exercise a dog as it should be nor take as detailed care as we used to.  We are in the business of being grandparents to grandkids as well as to a host of dogs; all rescues.   When they come to visit, they recognize the street and we can hear their happy noise as they get out of the car; they start running around and around the rooms, all excited, until finally settled, then on up on our laps or lying next to us, kisses, and looking for the balls to play with.  Whew!



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     Here's hoping everyone has had a good Easter.  The weather here has surely not been conducive to hunting Easter eggs.  It's in the mid 50s, dark, windy and not pleasant at all.

     I found my first tick of the season on my upper arm this afternoon.  Darn ticks, anyway - hate them.  You never know they're there until they sort of hurt - it was little so I'll start being careful.

     I've talked with Jack three or four times today.  He said he didn't sleep a bit last night so I've encouraged him to rest and take a nap today - didn't do it.  He's been getting things together to take.  Even went through one of the closets and found some clothes but they were a bit too small.  Sandy -- he found the key to the back door so he can lock up the house so all that will be open is the garage. He doesn't seem to mind that.

     He wants to go in to Walmart.  Says he has to try on a shirt to make sure what size he needs.  I've found new shirts that Charles had never worn but they're medium and he says he takes a large.  Also found a couple of new pairs of pants but they're too small.  He's only 5'8", weighs 161 so can't see how he can wear a large.

     He has a list of what he wants to get - shirts, pants, socks, two sets of sheets, two blankets, a pillow and washclothes plus shaving stuff and a small radio.  I hate to go in but WM's delivery is somewhat erratic so he'll need these things from the get-go.  I'll make him mask-up with an KN95 and so will I.

     Jo - the moving company can't take him because their insurance won't cover it.  I have been in contact with them today to make tentative arrangements for Tuesday so they can pick up his things and the things from the furniture store, deliver and set it up so it'll be ready for him when he gets there.  Fingers crossed that the DON says he can move in.  I don't see any reason why she wouldn't but you never know.

     I also remember those holidays when we'd have big dinners and lots of people.  At least there are the memories.  Good times had by all and such good food.  Mother always made an Easter cake - chocolate layer with seven minute frosting covered in white coconut with little nests holding jelly beans.  After she was gone I continued the tradition - but I usually dyed the coconut for the nests a pretty green.  I have pictures of Charles holding one of the cakes. 

     I'm also happy for Zelda.  She's only four years old so she has several years left to enjoy in a new home.  Life span of a Boxer is about 11 years - same as for the GPs.  Just think how different her life is going to be.  Patsy used to tell me how Zelda would make her bed for the night when she came inside.  She's work and work until the towel they had in the bed was wadded up to make a pillow and then she'd lay down with her head on it.  Just think how much company she would have been for Jack if he had let her out of her cage.  And, what a different life Jack will have when he gets settled in.  Just think of having to sit in a house filled with things, alone, not well, not seeing well and all the rest.  Makes me sad to think of it.

     When I got a few groceries for him he told me to not get more than two bananas.  I got two really big ones and he's already eaten them. Bananas don't seem to last long before they get too ripe.  The ones I got at the same time already have dark spots on them.  Anyway, he's eating some.  I hope he can rest tonight and get some sleep.   I think he's too keyed up and excited but he needs rest.

     Hopefully, things will go smoothly tomorrow and we can get him moved Tuesday.  He is ready to go.   I've had two friends there and have visited several times.  It's a really nice, clean place with nice apartments - one bedroom apartments are about 380 sq. ft. and they have activities for the residents if they want to join in plus Church services which he will probably enjoy after he's there a while.  He likes to talk Religion.

     I just finished watching The High and Mighty.  I had seen it years ago but had forgotten so much of it.  Really a good John Wayne movie.  I haven't done anything today except feed cats and dogs and watched the girls from the porch.  Did eat too much lunch about 3 p.m. so will try not to eat anything else today.

     Keep your fingers crossed that things will go well the next few days and that Jack can enjoy the new chapter in his life.

     Still need to order my caladiums.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good plans.  Don't forget about a mattress pad and towels for showering . . . most ALFs do not supply towels, but of course do not know about the place he is going to.

     Oh that seven minute "boiled" icing, have not had that since I was about six or seven years old.  LOVED it. 

     When the church had their springtime Easter bbq picnic on the grounds, I would make chocolate brownies with icing and little green coconut nests with tiny jelly beans on each one.  Each brownie went inside a pleated paper cup and I lined a rectangular wicker basket with Easter basket grass and put the brownies on top.  They were always gone quick as a wink.

     But that icing would be the best.  Do not even know how to make it; now I am hungry. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    32F, 0 C.  Saying less than half an inch of snow today and windy.  Saying 55 Wednesday and 79 Saturday. So will not stay around too long.  Guess I’ll clean house etc.  Will be an adjustment for me staring to volunteer.  Might take me a week or two but will get it figured out.

    Day hope things work out on your job.  Do not blame you for not going back to nights.

    Did read that heat and cold, expanding and contracting  cause the cracking sounds.  Said also the very least bit of settling does too.  Says it is normal and does not mean anything is wrong with the structure of your house.

    Agree Lorita, think Jack is excited, makes it hard for him to relax and sleep.  You are well vaccinated, going to wear your N95, think you should do ok at WM.  I’ve been going to any store I want to and take my time these days and I’m comfortable with that.  

    Do think that since I’m going to be at hospital that I’m going to go ahead and get my second mRNA, probably this week.  Six months since my last one this week.  That is good timing to get maximum breadth of long term immune response is my understanding.   Will give me three vaccines total, each six months apart.  Then for me that is the end of vaccinations unless I see a significant increase in hospitalizations or in death among vaccinated. I’ve done what I know to do and will trust God for the rest.   That was what I lived by when I was working and worked well.    So far it is remaining slow and steady here.  Will continue to mask.  Discovered a couple of days ago  that I can go to Ohio Hospital Association website and see daily how many Covid admissions for state and also for just North Central Ohio.  Like that,  as state just giving statistics once a week now.  

    I got a sweet, pleasant surprise yesterday.  My one nephew brought me an Easter basket.  Has been a long time since I have received an Easter basket.  My sister invited me to her family’s dinner.  Went and saw Jean, then went and helped my sister cook.  Wore my mask except for eating.  Ate at table and took my time.  Was a nice day.

    Take care everyone

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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