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Just need to talk to my friends (169)



  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, thanks for all you are doing for Jack. I am praying it all goes smoothly.

    There was one tornado in Iowa that caused some damage, and I think a few others seen. I went to bed last night wondering if the sirens would go off during the night. They did not. We had some rain and wind but nothing severe here. Thanks for asking. 

    Getting ready for our trip! Very excited to see my daughter and her family. 

    Hugs, Beth

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    We are in the watching and waiting stage with Dad.  On last trip to ER (5th in 2 weeks), Mother decided no more treatments.  The attending doctor did a great job in helping Mother to understand that there was nothing more to be done, other than keep him comfortable.  He has been in "sleep" stage now for several days.

    Yesterday, Mother signed up Hospice at the MC facility.  All meds, except those for comfort care, have been stopped.  That is only a matter of form, since he has not been able to take oral meds for many days now.  The comfort care meds can be administered under the tongue, with no swallowing required.

    Thank you all for your care and support.  It has helped me more than you will ever know.

    Hugs to all.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     We're in the midst of a heavy rain storm.  A cold front is coming through and it's raining really hard and will be much cooler in a little while.

     The first part is done.  Kate called me just after 7 to see if Jack was still home.  She and her husband were going to pick up Zelda  while he was there in case they had a hard time getting her.  I called Jack and he said she was on the porch.  He just now called and said they had gotten her.  He put her back in her cage so it was easy for them to get her.  He also donated all of the dog food he had.  So, that part is done.  I assured him that Zelda would be taken care of and would find a good home. 

    We're going to wait until the bad weather goes through to call the ambulance.  I can only imagine how sad he is right now - or, at least, I would be.

     Jo - he has worked with an attorney in town so that would probably be the answer.  The attorney is well known and his family has been in different businesses in town for years.  Jack was satisfied with the work they did for him.  But, not right now.  He needs to have time to settle into wherever he will be.  Don't want to crowd him at this time.  The house will be all right - I imagine the neighbors would report anything that might be going on over there even though they weren't well acquainted.  The attorney will know what and when to do something - if Jack wants to go that way.

     The NH where he, hopefully, will be going isn't strictly private pay.  They have Medicaid so he won't have to move when his finances are used.  He has enough to last quite a few months, then Medicaid.  I sort of hope he is admitted to the hospital to be sure everything is okay with him.  Something happened that caused this downslide in such a short time - maybe it was the fall. 

     Sara - how nice that you will be volunteering.  I hope you like it.  When I worked at the VA Hospital the volunteers were needed so much and there were lots of them.   They took a big load off the employees and just became part of our "family". 

     Glad you got the crabgrass stuff down so that part is done.  I'll be glad when Bryon and Shane can do some work in our yard - trimming shrubs, etc.  This rain storm is moving toward Daniel's home so doubt they'll come today.  I'm considering calling him and suggesting they w-ait until Monday to come.  I think it'll take a couple of days to wrap up and do the check-off list - I'll be gone Friday morning anyway.   Just tried and his phone isn't set up to take messages.  If he comes, he comes, but I doubt it.

     I think the storm caught all the cows outside - just now saw a couple around the barn.  When I went out on the porch, before the storm, I saw one mom with her tiny baby going to the NE pasture.  As I've mentioned, when it rained Charles always said the babies were getting a good bath - well, they got a good one this morning for sure.  There has been hail in the storms we've had lately - up to 5", as big as a man's hand - looked sort of flat.

     Jo - haven't read all of your post - I need to go feed Tom so I will when I get back.  Again, thanks for the information. 

     Day - glad your hand is doing well.  Maybe today you can find out what was really in there - really a puzzle.

     Kate just called.  She told me what a sweet dog Zelda is.  She sat on her lap on the way back to the Shelter - then, while she was doing something when they got there she sat on her husband's lap.  She says she beautiful and as sweet as can be.  She said Jack walks slowly but seems like such a nice man.  She wanted me to assure Jack that Zelda will find a good home.  I'm so glad we were able to get that done.

     She thinks, from what she saw, that Jack would probably do good in an assisted living arrangement.  They have a couple of really nice ones in Muskogee.  I'm hoping they will admit him to the hospital for a little while and then the case worker can make arrangements for him. 



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dear Marie, I am so glad that your mother has been able to process and accept all that is happening and that she has made the Hospice decision for your father.  How difficult that must have been for her.  So hope that the entire family will be able to find loving support with one another and that your mother will feel that love as the time for your father's leaving approaches.  Let us know how you are all doing, we will be thinking of you. Beth; glad to hear you were not in the torndado path - that is so scary.  Hope all is well tornado wise for one and all.  Been a really bad season for that weather activity. Sayra; what an interesting time it will be as a volunteer.  Will you have a uniform such as the "pink ladies" do at some hospitals?  Do you know what your duties will be?  Back to helping people - that is such a good feeling.  Let us know how it all goes.  That is something I think you would be very good with. Day - such a long time to find out about that little "bump," that has been removed.  Glad to hear the finger is healing well. We will get the second booster.  When looking at the data, one must be careful to look for the most recent 2022 data.  Seems that the effectiveness after the first booster wanes after four months and moreso after six months.  It is now recommended for those who are over age 50, get the second booster due to waning effectiveness and the not as strong immune system due to age.  And of course for those with immune system issues. Out here in LA, our numbers are climbing.  The COVID numbers went up last week by 28% and that is without much testing being done, so the numbers are actually higher.  Our Public Health leader recommends once again masking when in indoor public spaces.  Pennsylvania has actually mandated masks to be worn in indoor public spaces due to their numbers climbing.   Other states are also seeing the climbing numbers.  So many have removed the masks and are freely out and about to bars, restaurants, church, meetings, etc.  problem is, not much testing happening. So . . . since our doctor after researching feels it best we get the second booster, (it has been six months since our first booster),  we will do so.  We are over 50, and DH is a diabetic.  It will then be October when another six months passes since our last booster - who knows what will be by then.  If the vaccine is to be tweaked, it must be done by May or June to have the vaccine ready by the fall/winter season.  We shall see. If we were younger than 50, and DH did not have diabetes, our decision may have been different and waited a little longer as we are vaccinated and have the first booster.  Sure wish the vaccine did not wane so quickly.  UK stated that in their population the second booster seemed to keep protection up longer for the older population; we shall have to see what is found in the future. Weather has finally cooled.  No longer 104 in our backyard; we are 71 degrees to day which is lovely.  If only could stay that way during summer . . . . as if! Think we may have found someone to assist with house cleaning; so hope it works out.  We shall see.  Interesting in that she sees her mother in a NH twice a week, so she is tested for COVID each time she goes.  She also wears a mask while working as she does not want to catch anything to bring to her aged mother and father, so that works nicely.  It will be four hours once a week or every other week, we shall have to see what is needed as time moves forward.  Will start in a week or so.  Gads.  Strange to have a new person moving through the house. Guess I will have to get dressed earlier or hide!  Ha!  Really will help especially with floors and bigger jobs due to the degree of arthritis and joint issues for both of us.  Grateful if it works out well.  Our other lady had retired over a year ago.  She had been with us for 22 years!  Started when I was working, etc.; she is such a kindly, sweet and very honest person and I miss her.  Me; the short haircut lady has now grown out down to my shoulders and since I do not have straight hair like I wish I did, it sticks out all over because it is not exactly nicely curly either; saw myself in the mirror yesterday; I looked like a mad woman - goodness!  Time to get it cut again; just not as short. Guess I will let my pandemic gray/white hair stay. Could go back to tinting which I liked having my original dark hair, but it took a year to grow it out and I do not enjoy sitting in a salon marinating in dye for several hours and highlights every four weeks.    Some days I really envy women with straight hair, how simple to tie it back or have styles that look great straight.  Nope; I shall continue to have crazy hair which has to be dealt with - BUT - I am very glad to have hair, so really not complaining - just observing.  My story and I am sticking to it. Has anyone heard from our friend down in Mexico?  Her name is eluding me at the moment.  I so hope she is well and all is okay.  Our friends down under, it is always wonderful to hear from them too.  Sandy, our "down under" friend, is off on some more new travel adventures. She leads a wonderful life filled with so much since her new marriage; but our Sandy has always been a very dynamic lady.  Need some of her energy and life outlook.  Awesome. Well . . . oatmeal time once again; it is 7:40 am out here, take good care and will be thinking of Jack and so hoping all goes well.  Prayer being said on his behalf. J.
  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    The final pathology is back and it is a cellular fibrous histiocytoma with aneurysmal changes.  Benign.

    Being the medical transcriptionist that I am, I also note that they wrote the result was relayed to the surgeon's office on "03/06/2022."  My surgery was 03/22/2022.  LOL

    I'm so happy to hear that Zelda is now sitting on laps and being sweet.  I wish I lived nearer because I would have taken her in.  
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Lortia...bravo. Now it looks like baby steps with the first being getting some medical care for Jack. Based on that care the future might look very different for Jack. He might just return to his home. If so it would be great to figure out a way to get it in some sort of order.

    Re the house. I might be able to help. My step daughter is the office manager for McGraw. Her degree is in social work. 

    Opinion...I do not think Zelda is housebroken therefore she is kenneled.

    Now back to the weather. The wind has died down and the sun is out.

    Activity here included another meeting with the LaCanche repair man, an afternoon with Mr Rooter and the plunber. Have I ever told the story here about the cement truck falling into the septic tank which we did not know we had? 

    Taxes turned in sans some papers which have not arriver. Extention again. Oh, well.

    Iris, I think we should plan a virtual trip. Where would you want to visit? I am thinking Portugal. Any one else up for one?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     Day, glad the path report was benign.  I know you must be relieved, too.

     Judith - cement truck falling into septic tank - not good.  Sounds like you're getting some repairs done, too.  When you own a place, there's always something to be taken care of.  But, that's life.

     I hate to belabor this but - there has been a change of plans.  This resulted in Kate laying eyes on Jack and reporting back to me.  She says he seems pretty good - not feeling on top of the world but is ambulatory, slowly.  She thought maybe an assisted living arrangement might be better than a NH.  Both she and I have had friends in a really good AL place in Muskogee.  I contacted them and the cost of care is about half what a NH would be. He'd have his own little apartment with private bath, large closet, kitchenette with a microwave and small refrigerator.  They provide three meals a day, give his medications, clean apartment and do laundry weekly and have social activities that he might or might not enjoy.  All he has to provide is a recliner, TV, bed and chest for his clothes plus linens.  He has a good recliner and TV - his bed (not used anymore) is king sized and no chest.  There is ia furniture store across the street that delivers.  I might be able to get Daniel's son take his TV and recliner up. 

     He has to see his PCP to make sure he's all right and has to be assessed by the RN at the AL Center.  Jack is okay with this - but there is a delay which we hadn't thought about.  I can probably make arrangements for KATS or Sooner Ride to take him to and from doctor's office - or I can pick him up if I can find his house.

     It's confusing to Jack and to me.  Had a call from his daughter who is much happier with this.   She said her mother didn't like the NH.  In the NH he'd share a room with another person  - one TV and not much social activities.

     I hope this can be worked out.  He's concerned about cost but it's half of the NH and he has just about enough retirement to cover it.    He, I think, would be happier in AL.  He's a talker and friendly so he'd make friends. 

     Sun's not out here yet and it's much colder than it was three hours ago.  This would mean Jack would have to be in his house for another few days which isn't good.

     I doubt that Zelda was entirely housebroken but Red Dirt Rescue can take care of that training and find a good home.  Kate said several times what a sweet dog Zelda is.  I can't understand why Jack felt he couldn't have her in his room with him.  Maybe Zelda knows she's going to a new, better home.  You think?

     Thanks, Judith.  It'll be a while before we get into the house thing - just have to work through all of this now. It's confusing to Jack so hope he doesn't back out and decide to stay in his house.  He really didn't want to see his doctor again but relented and said he would.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    NOTE:  OOOPS!  The following was written before I saw your recent Post, Lorita.  The information you give sounds SO much better.  May it all work to Jack's benefit.  Anyway, I am leaving the following contacts should there be other readers who may be able to use them.  So hope Zelda does happily fine, too and that we do hear how she is doing.


     Lorita:  Did some calling around and found some information.  For Oklahoma University Case Management; they can help Jack only if he is on Medicaid as the university has contracted with Medicaid.  So; when he spends down and can meet Medicaid criteria, they can step in and help with Case Management oversight.


    You probably do not need to know this, but for others who may be reading and want to know, here is some information on Oklahoma's Long Term Medicaid Qualification Criteria:

     In 2022, in Oklahoma, to qualify for Long Term Medicaid, a person can only have $2,000 in their savings assets.  Their monthly income can only be up to, $2,523.  (There is a 60 month "lookback" period.)  Houses and one car do not count for assets.  Pre-paid funeral insurance policy does not count as an asset.

    HOWEVER: if the income is above that criteria amount, but not enough to cover the cost of care; Oklahoma has a "Miller Trust," also called a, "Qualified Income Trust."   In this, all income is placed in a Trust.  Each month, when the NH bill comes in, the money is paid out of the Trust and Medicaid then makes up the shortfall. This has been very helpful for people who do not quite make the income mandate.  The person is allowed to keep $75 a month for essentials such as haircuts and toiletries, etc.

     Here is a link to 2022 Criteria for Medicaid (regular and Long term) for Oklahoma: 



    For future reference, the number for Oklahoma University Case Management Department is:

     (405) 271-2428,   Extension:  18767

    A helpful person answered the phone; she sent me on to a person by the name of, Katy Logan who works with the RN certification program.  Feel free to contact them at any time.


    There are 211 phone numbers for two areas in Oklahoma.  They have a catalog of listing for helping entities in the state.  Here are the areas and numbers for the usual 211 assistance which must be based on Jack's zip code:

     Oklahoma City and Western Oklahoma:  (877) 362-1606

     Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma:  (877) 836-2111

     When calling, they will need Jack's zip code for finding services in his area.


    If he really wishes to go into care at a facility; that is fine.  If he really wanted to stay at home, it is sad because if he just let helping entities in to help him, that could possibly have been worked out.

    My best wishes for Jack would be that if he does go into care that he is happily surprised and pleased at the care, the food, the contact with other people and that his quality of life is much better.  I have a feeling that with a little P.T., with adequate diet, etc., that he will regain his strength and do well.  I fervently hope this for Jack.

     If he goes into assisted living, there may be a need for some furniture, one would have to inquire about this; facilities can be different.  While some are unfurnished, some come furnished and some even "rent" furniture for a fee.  TVs would be another question if there isn't one, and if he has one he would want to move from home if he can have that done. 

     It may be that there is an organization of kindly people or even through a church, of someone who as a volunteer can be assigned to be a friend to Jack and visit him from time to time. I just feel bad that he has no one to visit and see him.  However; he still has his faithful friend, Lorita, who can visit on the phone, that is a blessing.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Lorita...bravo again. It really helped to have some evey on the situation. Some medical  evaluation seems important. I can send you a google map to his home...lol

    Zelda behaving?  When we adopted Gaby she was an angel. Then she acclimated and it turned out she was very high energy. We ended up rehomeing her to an "active" family. I visit occasionally...she seems to remember me.

    Ron....how was the storm in Shreveport?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C. wrote:

    Has anyone heard from our friend down in Mexico?  Her name is eluding me at the moment.  I so hope she is well and all is okay.   Jo, are you thinking of Anne? Judith, I'm still working on my taxes and I won't be able to go on even a virtual trip until after that is settled. Iris

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Storm knocked out our electricity around 10 last night and was out a little over 12 hours. Went out for breakfast and was able to get a little charge back on the phone. These newer cars are something; car charger, phone, a lady asking who you want to call if you push the right button. I'm still looking for the switch that sends a pair of hands out to massage your neck while driving. Saw damage all around us, but was lucky with nothing but electricity out.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, glad you got your electricity back on.  We are such creatures of habit - I bet you flipped the light switch a dozen times.   I know I would have.  Storms east of here again tonight.  We had 1.3" of rain this morning - very hard so the roads are packed but water's still standing.  I know the road by our entrygate was  flooded.  I went to the mailbox a while ago and there was still water over it.

     I missed my labwork appointment.  I've been thinking it was Friday morning.   When I called this afternoon to make an appt. for Jack, Susan told me I'd missed my appointment.  Darn - I'll have to reschedule that again.  At any rate it was storming to beat the band when I would have gone anyway so it's all right.

     I did make an appointment for Jack with his doctor for tomorrow afternoon.  The woman from the AL place will meet us there and talk with him.  The RN will have to evaluate him, too so she may have to go to his house to do that on Friday, hopefully.

     I'm still trying to figure out how we'll get his apartment furnished if he's accepted.  Will have to work on that - to get him and the furniture there close to the same time.  I'm tired mentally and it's just beginning.

     Sort of dread picking him up tomorrow - he's had both vaccinations but no booster.  I'll have him, and me, double masked.  Thanks, Judith, appreciate that but I think I can find it - he has a chain link fence and a toadstool in the front yard and the brick is light colored.  I'm not sure how much he can walk so that's something else.  We'll see how it goes.

     I haven't seen a post from Anne in a long time - do hope she's all right.

     More tornadoes in Iowa - Beth,  hopt it wasn't close to you.  There was one in Oklahoma near Stilwell, F-1 I think they said.

     Seems like when you try to get things organized there are so many things that have to come together at the same time so it's hard to plan.  Sort of like cooking a big meal and trying to get everything to come off at the same time.

     Have you all seen the round hot-dogs?  They look like a hamburger patty until you cut into them.  I remember years ago there was round bread and it was really good - also potato bread that was so moist.

     Judith, do you ever think about getting another dog?  They're so much company but as we get older it's something to think about.  I'd sort of like to have a little dog but doubt I'll get one. 

     Did I mention that Jack's daughter called me this morning - told her what we were thinking about and she was happy about that.  Maybe I did, sounds familiar.

     Zetta, are you still getting snow up there?  We're going to have another freeze in the morning - frost around here I think.  Our elm tree and one maple have pretty good sized leaves on them and the beautiful tree I didn't even know was that big until we took down the big, old tree has lots of leaf buds.  I was really worried.  Sara, so far no sign of the Gerbera Daisy plants but I'm still hoping.  Roses are fully leafed out - I need to trim out some old wood and tie some of the long branches to the fence.  I don't think about it until I go by them.

     The girls haven't been up today - they're all down in the NE pasture - so pretty - black cattle scattered all over the green pasture.  Things have turned green almost all at once.  Truly Green Country again.  I saw pictures of the Okla. panhandle yesterday - it's as brown as can be out there because they haven't had rain in months - not much hope for the wheat.

     Hope all of you are well today.  I'm sorry I've monopolized the thread the last few days - just have to talk about it.  Stormy and Sheena are good listeners but not too good at replying or offering suggestions.  I hope it all works out - I think Jack will be much happier being around people.

     Enjoy the evening.  By the way, the little four-year old boy who was lost was found in 7 ft. of water in the lake.  Another very young boy was run over by his dad's PU this morning in Tulsa.  Can only imagine how all of those parents must feel.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Ron...no electricity is no bueno.

    Booster....guess it is a go

    gardening....I will pick up some herbs at Trader Joe's an put them in pots in the sun.

    The big Boston Ferns have arrived at Homeland. I will get at least 2.

    Dog? No. I do not want to do the stairs at 10p  to let one out.

    Anne...last I remember she was comfortable still  in Mexico with her little dogs.

    Lorita...tomorrow will be challenging but often doing something we think is hard or we fear gives us a boost. Since Jack has not been anywhere he is has not been exposed. I bet the AL will know how to get a bed etc. and you can always rent short term.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Dar Lorita.      You're an Angel.  Jack is so lucky to have you there for him and once he gets settled, he will be so thankful for all you have done for him. I am so glad that Zelda is no longer with Jack, she needs some love in her life and people to hold her. She could come live with me if she was not so far away. 

    You are not monopolizing the thread we are here for you and want to help as much as we can. You are a very strong lady you see the need and take it upon yourself to do what is needed. Thanks for all the updates, we do care. 

    Moving Jack into AL will give him the freedom he still can deal with. The AL that was with the MC that Dan was in was a very warm and welcome place. I told my kids when I need AL that is where I want to go. With everything you are doing for Jack you will see all the cards fall in place thanks to you. 

    Yes, I am still getting snow. We have about 6 ins with more coming tonight and the next few days. I had to drive to the store today Sammy ran out of food, and I did not want to feed him my tuna. For such a little cat he sure makes a lot of noise when he wants his dinner.

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    59F, 15C.  Windy.  Had a half inch of rain yesterday and another half inch overnight.  My front yard was a bit wet before the rain started.  Not complaining thankful for the water in our water table.

    Miss Lorita you are not hogging space on here.  You are doing your very best to help Jack and the rest of us are trying to be cheerleaders lol.  Hope AL works  out well for Jack.  Know that would be a much happier situation for me.  Lorita here, there are small local moving companies who move people locally.  They will move everything or just the items you want them to move.  AL might be able to recommend someone or Judith might be able to find out for you if this is available.  She seems to be very good at that.

    Beth have a safe trip and glad you are getting to visit.

    Marie glad your mom ran into a physician who cared enough to take time to be honest and explain things well to your mom so she could understand and accept.

    Lorita I have never seen hail that large.  That would be a little scary.  Have only seen small hail and not something that we get very often.

    Zetta hope the sun finds you soon and melts all that snow. 

    JoC I get a vest and a badge.  Nice that you have been able to find a house keeper.  My mom surprised me.  Thought she might not like me volunteering.  When I told her she said I think it is good you are doing that.

    Day was thankful to hear your pathology was benign.

    Plumber came yesterday and I’m very happy with all of his work.  Use Mr Rooter too.  Have used them for a long time.  They have always done a good job for me.

    Glad your electricity is back on.  Thankful for our utility workers.

    Haven’t seen the round hot dogs.  They might be less of a choking hazard.

    Feel sorry for the poor dad who ran over his son.  I have had to take care of a child when this happened.  Always felt so terrible for the family.  

    Judith herbs are getting to be one of my favorite things to grow.  Have used them all winter and flavor so superior to anything I could buy.

    Take care everyone

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    My Dad died this morning, April 14, at 6:20 a.m.

    Today is my birthday.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Dear Marie, I am so very sorry.  I know how hard this is for you and on top of that being your birthday.  Remember your dad is well now - no more pain, no more confusion.  He's like he was when he was young, Marie.  That's what we have to try to remember - just about all that got me through losing Charles.

     We're here when you need to talk.  Again, I am so sorry.  I hope your mother is all right.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Oh, Marie. You must be having so many emotions jumbled around you this morning....hard...so very hard.

    I remember clearly when my father died many years ago so as one daughter to another please accept my sympathy.

    Instead of sending wishes for a happy birthday I send lots of hugs.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    (((Marie ))) I am so very sorry for you and your family’s loss.  It is very hard to lose our dad’s regardless of the circumstance.  One day in the future you will think of him and smile.  I have never forgot that moment, it will feel good.
    Take care and come to the front porch whenever you need too.
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Marie, you have my deepest sympathy. Prayers for your family at this difficult time.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dearest Marie, I am truly sorry and send my heartfelt condolences.  Though we know what the result is going to be, it does not make it any less difficult when the death happens.

    I will be thinking of you and your dear mother.   Let us know how you are, we truly do care.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Marie, I'm sorry about your loss on your birthday. You have been a very caring daughter, but someday you will all be reunited with no pains and worries.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Dear Marie, I am sending big Hugs your way. I am so sorry your father passed away. Your parents were blessed to have a loving caring daughter like you. Please take care of your mother and yourself. We are here for you. Your Dad is at rest now. Hugs Zetta
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Thank you Iris, yes; it was Anne's name that was escaping me.  Last we heard she was still living in Mexico with her little dogs and chickens; I seem to recall that a neighbor helped out now and then.  Did she not have to move to a smaller house?  Again, do not recall completely.  So hope she is doing well.  Wonder if she will ever move back up north again.  Was it Canada where her family lives?  I may have that wrong.  I did think of her during the worst of the pandemic days and so hoped all was well in her village on that front. Perhaps she will drop by soon to have a little chat.

    Sayra; sounds good with the volunteer work at the hospital; do you know what your duties are to be as yet?  It is lovely of you to give of yourself.  Once in healthcare, the spirit seems to always go to being involved with people.  You will be wonderful at whatever you will be doing.

    Judith, two big Boston Ferns!  Where will you put them?  They are such beautiful ferns.   I used to keep one on shady  the corner of our front porch in a high ceramic urn type thingie (don't know what to call it).  It greeted people so nicely but was never long lived.  I have never had luck at all with them inside. When we were in the Hoh Rain Forest on a hike, we saw ferns nearly as tall as I was - it was surreal, but the entire Hoh Rain Forest is surreal; that is where they did some of the filming for the movie, Star Wars with the Ewok creatures.  Could not imagine ferns that tall.

    I think the two herbs I like to grow fresh the best are Rosemary and Basil.  Smell so good and oh; the rich taste. 

    Been thinking about growing some alfalfa and bean sprouts.  I do not buy sprouts from the store any longer due to the high rate of dangerous contamination.  I really like alfalfa sprouts on sandwiches.  Thought I would look to see if there were better ways to grow sprouts, and found the following.  The first video re bean sprouts is really a very good, very detailed short video with the most adorable,enchanting young woman showing everything we need to know to do it right.  In a few minutes, she had me smiling big smiles - bet you cannot watch the entire video without grinning at least once:


    Next was growning alfalfa sprouts:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw6SMf2zvzQ

    I am not certain whether I am up to nursing the alfalfa sprouts. Either way, as the videos are, they would be far too much for me to use; DH won't eat them.  Sure is interesting in how they grow.  I noticed that the woman growing alfalfa sprouts wore gloves when handling the items.

    Lorita, never, ever were you, "too much."  Everyone has been concerned for Jack, and dear L; you have done an amazingly wonderful and kind guardian angel oversight for him.    I hope and think his life will take a much better turn and that will all be due to your loving efforts.

    If you are concerned about his moving; clothing, shoes, shaving gear and toileties should not be too difficult. The furniture is another thing.  If none of the workers from your house can assist, the staff with the ALF may know small businesses that specialize in such a move.  If he wears glasses, don't let him forget them.  Probably good to have a written list of items he will need from underwear to socks to long and short sleeve shirts as well as perhaps a sweater and other warm items for when cold weather comes along.  He can store seasonal items in a box under his bed.   Many places actually have lists to assist with what to bring. 

    And to get him to the doctor - what a miracle worker you are!  I wish I could be there to give you a great big hug.  I personally do not think there is any danger being near Jack in re to COVID.  He has been nowhere and no one has been in his house. Good idea to mask both of you for your comfort level and he will have to mask at the doctor's office anyway.

    Sorry you missed your lab appointment; another one is in the works and so hope it gets done for you without difficulty. 

    Ron; you are home and snug as a bug again.  Your sister's plans sound wonderful, what a dear sister you have. I am sorry to hear about the power outage; did Lou do okay?  That is such a dismaying thing when it happens.  I always think how close to the caves we really are.  No lights, no TV, no powering up electronics for books, phones, garage door is uh-oh; etc.  Really do not like that when it is extended in time.  I need to try and find where to buy some used paperback books to have on hand to entertain myself for, "the next time."  I looked to buy used online, but they were SO far too pricey. 

    My gosh Zetta, still that much snow!   Time for winter to get booted out of town.  Seems like the last try of winter to hang on - sure will put a crimp in the Easter Bunny's hopping along if it keeps up!  Had to smile at how much noise the little purr friend makes when hungry.  Knows how to run the house when needed.  Stay warm, snug and safe. 

    Getting our second COVID Booster next Friday; it has been six months since our first one.  In another six months it will be October. News reports today; our county is now up 75% in new cases and it is beginning to ramp up in other cities also.  The big concern is re spring break as well as for the schools when spring break is over.  If  hospitalizations are down and deaths do not increase, it will be a better situation.  Two new B variants have surfaced in New York and they seem to be doozies.  This appears to be something that will continue happening for awhile.

    Round flat hot dogs - a new one on me; reminds me of bologna. I remember cutting the hot dogs in pieces that would not choke the children; guess that takes care of that concern.  I hated "baloney" sandwiches when I was a child.  My elementary school lunch would have bologna on white Wonder Bread with a little catsup - ick.  Had veggie sticks and an apple, but sure was boring.  A big day was also finding a cookie in the bag.

    Tomorrow is already Good Friday; Easter on Sunday - it seems to have arrived so fast this year. Still seems rather strange each year that we are no longer doing the big Easter Sunday dinner for extended family; did that for years.   Could not pull that off any longer; as it is, LOs are either passed on or have moved out of state.  As always said, thankful to have the memories.  How fun it was to dye Easter Eggs with the children, and to fill their Easter baskets as well as hiding eggs for them to hunt.   I remember as a kid my mother always buying new hats for Easter with shiny new shoes for church and often, a new Easter dress which would be my best dress for the rest of the year; had to wear gloves to church, I still have two pair of my mother's church gloves wrapped in a drawer.  That was the way things were done "back then."  What a lot of work and difficulty it must have been for the parents who were on a very tight budget.

    I send warm thoughts to all of you dear folks, take good care -


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes
    Marie. I am so sorry to hear your father passed. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.  You have been a faithful, caring daughter and I know it had to be appreciated. Take care and know we are all here for you.  
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Marie, please accept my condolences in the loss of your dear Dad.  I'm sorry for sadness on your birthday, but your Dad is finally free!


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    Marie, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your father.  What a sad day for him to so.  I am so sorry.

    Lorita, I have David and Carolyn doing a home and garden show right now, which is right up my alley.  I'll just be looking, though!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Marie, I've thought of you often today.  It's so hard to lose a parent.  I lost mine within 13 months of each other.  I was with daddy when he passed away and I still remember every moment of it and it was 27 years ago.  I was a daddy's girl, sort of a tomboy so it was hard to take.  I hope you're doing all right tonight.

     Thank you, Day, just turned to it - it's on from 7-11 so I'll be watching.  Just saw some beautiful flowers but I won't be ordering either.

     Things turned out well today - more about it tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone

    43F, 6C.  Giving a sunny day but very windy.  Gusts up to 50 miles per hour this afternoon.  Got a little outside work done yesterday, not a lot.  It is so very wet.  Did get all my onions into the dirt.  Hope I can get some more done today, will have to see how bad the wind is.

    Lorita so thankful to hear that yesterday went well.  That makes me smile.  

    JoC  I meet with my director this coming Thursday.  What was implied though on the phone was that I would be taking patients to where their procedures will be done and to doctor offices.  She said my badge would be fixed to allow me access to all those places.  I have never been in this hospital so learning where everything is will be part of my training.  

    I enjoyed the bean sprout videos.  Hope to try that sometime.  Very hard to even find fresh ones here.  I subscribed to both of those channels, will go back and nose around in them later.

    Realized yesterday that a good friend died 10 years ago yesterday.  It seems like a lot longer than 10 years since I’ve been able to talk to her.  She died fairly young.  We were from two different cultures but we respected each other and could talk about our differences and find humor in it.  

    My last parsley sprouted yesterday, so everything germinated from that sowing.  One bread poppy seed died though.  It is so much nicer this year with so fewer plants to tend to.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     It's a pretty morning - warm without much wind which will come later today.  I went out to feed Tom and on the way back saw a little bitty calf - thought it was walking sort of unsteadily so checked and it's another new baby. Just saw her/him nursing so I think that must be six or seven since Mike got them - three tiny ones.  At least I saw her nurse and she's walking so guess all's well.

     Sara - glad your seeds are sprouting - you're on your way to a nice garden this summer.  If you planted poppy seeds, guess you'll also have pretty poppies, then the seeds.  I'm glad you decided not to plant so many things - that'll make it easier for you and you'll probably enjoy it more.

     Sorry about your friend - time does go fast.  My best friend, or one of them, passed away I think three or four years ago - doesn't seem that long.  Time flies.

    Yesterday went very well.  Jack gave me directions to his house - of all the winding around you never saw.  I got close to where I thought his house was, then decided I was lost so called him.  I was two houses down from his.  He saw the car so I got there all right.  We made it to the doctor's office about five minutes before 2:30, went in, sat down and the woman from the ALF came over and introduced herself.  We all had a nice visit before he saw the doctor.  He checked out just fine and the doctor wrote his scripts and they completed the paperwork.  She thought he would do well at their facility.  The next thing is that the Director of Nursing has to lay eyes on him and okay him and he'll be in.  She's working nights now and will be available to go see him on Monday.

     I did get the name of a moving company from Tamatha - in fact, there's several.  Jack wants to get there when his recliner does so I'm going to call them after he's okayed for sure and ask if he can ride back with them when they pick up his chair, TV, walker and clothes.  If not, I'll take him over.  You can't believe how appreciative he was that I was able to help him.  I was surprised at how well he does walk, slowly with a cane but he can get around without much help.  He said he hadn't had any solid food for ten days) - he'd lost five pounds since his last visit so that was good.  We stopped by the grocery store and I got a few things for him that he'd need to eat until we find out for sure - bread, ham, milk and bananas.  He said he had cheese and soup so he'll be all right.  There's a furniture store across from the ALF so we'll be able to get a twin bed and small dresser from them.  He wants a bed - he hasn't been able to sleep in one for a long time so I think he'll probably rest better.

     She told me before he goes in he'll be tested and for the first five days he'll have his meals in his room and stay in there.  He'll be tested again and then he'll be able to do whatever he wants.  She thinks he'll fit in just fine and I think he'll be happier around people.  The doctor gave him a new prescription for a couple of small abrasions and we got that filled, then went by McDonalds.  He got a large milk shake and finished it, almost, by the time we got him home.  Also got a couple of Big Macs.  Seems like he really perked up.   I so hope this works out all right and I think it will.  I didn't go into the house - just took his groceries to the door and gave them to him.  Just from what I did see at the doorway, it looks crowded - small entryway but I didn't want to bother or embarrass him.

     I left here at 1:20 and got there at 2, then to the doctor's office at almost 2:30.  No wonder he had gotten afraid to drive - winding roads, interstate highway, etc.

      I have an appt. this morning for my second booster.  I had thought my labwork was today so scheduled it after that.  Turns out my appt. for labwork was Wednesday but I think I'll keep this appointment so I'll be even better protected. Might stop by WM and see if they have bedding plants - maybe a tomato.

     I put a mask on Jack when I got there and he wore it until we were on the way home - had trouble breathing with it on.  I felt safe enough - the ALF woman also wore one as did everyone in the doctor's office.

     I was tired last night but Jack said he wasn't too tired - but, I bet he slept well.

     I'll be back later.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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