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Just need to talk to my friends (169)



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    I think this Thread, #169 has got to the point of maxing out at six pages; I think we need #170 if it is okay with Lorita.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     How in the world did that happen?  Interesting, though, to read what we were talking about them - the pandemic and masks - Sara was making her own at that time.

     Joan, you posted about Red Rock.  I remember Yanni had a concert there but I didn't know where it was - or if I did, I'd forgotten.

     Jo - I'll start #170 in the morning.  Sandy just posted today  and she doesn't post often so didn't want to cut it off until everyone has read her post.

     So, Jack called me about an hour later and said they had come in and made his bed.  He got Navy blue sheets and a set of cranberry colored ones - they put the cranberry ones on.  He hadn't slept on it yet but will tonight.  He just let his anxiety get away from him. I'm going to order a shower curtain and hooks for him from Amazon - won't get them until early next week but that'll have to do.

     I did a load of laundry today.  I had a pair of flannel-lined pants and a heavy, heavy shirt so put them out on the back porch in the sun to dry.  I wish I had a clothes line.  I'd put heavy things out there but it's going into summer before long (feels like it today) so won't be having heavy things for a few months.  Guess they'd freeze on the line in the winter.   The dryer worked just fine - dried the other clothes in no time flat.  What a pile of grass and leaves he got out of there.  They were dark so don't know if they almost caught on fire or what but glad they're out.  I went out and checked the place where the dryer vent comes out and there was a lot of warm air so guess it's okay.

     I haven't done much of anything else.  I did talk with Sara.  She's in terrible shape.  She had a doctor's appointment today - some kind of gastro doctor.  He told her, after looking at her records, that he couldn't find anything to be optimistic about.  She has an appt. with a gastro surgery May 4.  She says Todd cries all the time and she was crying so, of course, I began to cry.  I can't see how she's holding on but as long as there's breath, there's hope and we can't live without hope and faith.  She has asked me to tell you all and also asked for your prayers and good thoughts.

     I think I mentioned I took the wrap off of Stormy's foot.  Good news is that he's not limping. 

     I had steamed cauliflower, broccoli and carrots for supper plus instant garlic potatoes.  Very good but I put the vegetables back in to steam a bit more.  I like to eat those with ranch dressing.  I'm going to have another helping of that cobbler after while too.  I should make one for all of us to enjoy on the front porch!

     I've opened up the bedroom and this afternoon three of the cats were asleep on the bed.  I can't sleep with more than one cat on the bed - they seem to want to lay on my feeet and I can't stand that - I have enough trouble with my feet as it is.

     I'm watching "America Says" on the Game Show Network.  It's a good show and it makes you think. 

     I can't imagine how #128 or #126 came up.  If I tried my hardest I would not be able to find that.  Sandy's so good at finding things but not me.

     It has been hot and humid today - in the 80s I think and it's stuffy now.  Turned on the ceiling fan in the LR.  I have one in the bedroom but because of dry eyes can't use it at night.  They say even if you're asleep with closed eyes the air still gets in and dries your eyes.  Watched several nature shows this afternoon.  Yesterday I saw the births of a baby orangutan and a baby hippo.  The little orangutan was yelling and waving his arms as soon as he was born and the mother was so sweet taking care of him.  You known their hands look just like a humans..  The little hippo was running around xploring .  All baby animals are as cute as can be. 

     Girls are coming up so I'll stop and go out and watch as they come up - they've been way down in the NE pasture today so haven't seen much of them.

     Sleep tight and don't let the BBB.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     Just saw a post from Iris on another thread - How to use message board questions - so guess she's okay.  Glad to see that.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good morning

    55F, 13C.  Suppose to get in low 80s today.

    The farm does have a long lane.  Imagine the honor system is way less disruptive to their life.  A friend went and got eggs from them too the other day.  It’s very close to her house.

    Saw Iris’s post too.

    Jack May get less antsy as he adjusts and learns the routine.

    Daniel could be in the hospital.  

    I looked up Americana chickens.  Seems there are different varieties of them.  Have not seen her chickens.  

    Marie I order online a lot.  The only way I can get a lot of things.

    Good to hear from you Sandy.  Glad I do not have to contend with bears or wild hogs.  Nice that your granddaughters are getting to come home for the summer.   May her flower bed be beautiful.  

    Beth my grass needs mowed.  We have had a lot of rain so no one has came yet.  Rain continues to be in the forecast.  Worked out a little yesterday and ground very wet.

    So sorry that S. is having such a rough time.  

    Lorita I’ll bring some vanilla ice cream for the cobbler.

    Go to my volunteer job Tuesday and think once I get my badge and sign some papers I get to go with the guy I’m working with.  So think next week I will actually start.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Humid yesterday (rained over an inch), 70 degrees. Humid today too and expecting more rain. Hubby mowed yesterday. I have radishes, spinach and lettuce sprouting in the garden. Took the bottom part of 1) leaf lettuce, 2) butterhead lettuce, and 3) celery and planted in garden. That'll be great if they grow for me. Need to get some basil and rosemary to plant. I have seeds for bronze fennel which is for the butterflies. Last frost date here is around May 10 so will plant more then. Have a good day everyone.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     It's 70 here already with wind gusts up to 43 mph.  It's been super windy all this month and supposed to be all next week.  Rain and storms predicted for this weekend.  It says we may get 3-4" of rain - there goes the rest of what's left of the roads!  I saw the sun come up, then disappeared and it's shining again.  I drove the Gator down to the edge of the meadow to make sure no one was having problems in the NE pasture and guess the girls heard it because they began coming around to the feeding area.  I shouldn't have done that but didn't think they'd hear it because the wind's from the south and that was north.

     Daniel may be in the hospital, Sara.  He's surely not answering his phone.  I did talk with him briefly last Friday and he was expecting to get results from lab tests the next Monday.  I just hope they come back and finish what's left to do.

     I've tried to call Jack to see if he slept well on his new bed but his phone goes straight to voice mail and it isn't set up.  He may have done that by mistake - I doubt he'd know how to do it - know I wouldn't.  So, I'll just have to wait until he calls.  I hope he settles down - he's just not used to waiting for someone to do something - tried to explain to him that there's a lot of residents there and the staff is probably shorthanded, too.  I'm sure he'll adjust.  He agreed they seem to be shortstaffed.

     Beth, can you really get things to grow from planting the root part of the vegetable - lettuce, celery, etc.?  I've never tried that but it makes sense.  Do you plant them directly into the ground.?  We always planted our gardens in March - English peas I think are supposed to be planted here on Feb. 22.  By this time of the year we'd have all kinds of things  - radishes, lettuce, onions, etc.  I remember one year Charles and I went to Arkansas on our anniversary and when we called mother she said we'd had a big hailstorm.  We had tomatoes kneehigh with tomatoes on them but didn't get much damage.

    Found another tick behind my knee yesterday and I have an itchy spot on my back - of course, in a spot I can't reach.  When the girls were trimming Sheena's toenails one of them found a tick on her - she said they were already really bad.  I have the Vectra 3d for the GPs but I don't want to put it on them until after Stormy finishes his antibiotics and pain pills - three more days.  I think I've only found a couple of ticks on the GPs since they've been here - 7  years.

     Sara - our yard needs to be mowed, too but there's daffodils leaves, wild violets and those beautiful, little, white flowers scattered around so it would be really hard to do.   Also noticed I have a spirea blooming.  I forget it's there until it blooms - it's in a big bunch of honeysuckle.  Mother always had two of them on each side of the path straight out from the front porch to the front gate.  I don't think it'll be too long before I have rosebuds - roses are growing like crazy - need to tie them up but they have such awful thorns it needs to be calm before I can do it.

     Those darn cats are driving me nuts this morning.  I have a weather radio on the table sort of behind my chair (part of it is) and they step on it and it comes on and gives the weather - another one knocked a crystal vase off the windowsill into the sink a while ago - always doing that and they're running amuck.

     Enough complaining - I'll stop for now and I'll staft #170 in a little while.  Ron, do hope Lou is settling down more and more each day.  Is sit windy down in Louisiana?  I saw something on the news last night about wind farms.  It said the largest one in the world? is in central Oklahoma - something like 300+ of the windmills.  I think there's one between here in OKC and I've seen the one west of OKC when it was smaller - always went by it on the way to Texas

     Jack just called.  He had his phone set on airplane mode - whatever that is.  He said he slept some of the night in his bed - going to take a while to get used to a bed since he's been sleeping in his recliner for ages.  He was in his recliner just now trying to take a nap.  He says the food is good and he's trying to eat all of it.  It'll take a period of adjustment but I think he'll do all right.  Do wish someone would come down and talk with him about things like when laundry is done, etc.  Tamatha was very busy yesterday and doubt she's working on weekends.  It will work out all right if he'll just try to be patient.

     Back later.



Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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