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Just need to talk to my friends (183)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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Thought it was about time to begin a new part of our thread.  Time gets away from me and we have been talkative these past few days or weeks.

It's a beautiful morning.  Rain yesterday - only .5" but it really seems muddy.  It's sunny this morning with a little bit of wind.  I think the next couple of days will be warmer.

Toad came and fed the heifers and girls and gave the girls a couple of bales of hay - they'll be happy about that when they come back up.  I had thought maybe Mike might come and feed hay while he fed but he didn't.  I had planned on waylaying him and asking him to look at Stormy's cyst or tumor.  I think it's a cyst.  If it isn't something bad I may not have it removed right now but I need to be sure.  The problem I have is getting him to the vet.  The car isn't back yet and I've always had trouble getting him up into the high-up pickup.  I did manage once to do that and got him to the vet.  He got an injection and when we left and I opened the PU door, he jumped in.  He was ready to get out of there.  

Iris, when I was growing up and grown everyone usually came to the elder's home for gatherings but when everyone's gone, that doesn't happen.  I imagine/know there are millions of people, women and men, who live alone without much contact with other people.  In the past people visited neighbors.  One of our neighbors had a TV when I was very young and sometimes we'd go over there on Saturday night to watch wresting - other times we'd go to other neighbors and I'd play with their kids.  I doubt that happens much anymore.  In our area there used to be lots of smaller farms with families living there.  Now, there aren't nearly as many.  I can think of half a dozen homes/families that are gone.  This used to be a farming community - now it's pastureland, very little farming.  I don't mind at all being alone 99% of the time but sometimes it sort of gets to me - just too many memories of things goneby.  I enjoy my solitude.  I'm never by myself - always cats, dogs or cows around.  When we're young we don't think of how things will be when we get older - but all of that's life.  Things never stay the same.

I'm watching Dr. Fauci on Meet the Press.  I hate to see him retire.  He was the one person who we could look to for good information.

Just had breakfast and put in the ingredients to make another loaf of bread.  I can remember when one of the men I worked with was telling me about the new thing - a machine that could make bread!  He was going to get one for his wife.  Not too long after that Charles bought one and we used it quite a bit.  We were both working and I'd put in the ingredients at night and set it to finish baking about the time we'd get up.  I can still remember the smell of baking bread when we woke up.  Then, it fell to disuse but came back out during the pandemic and I'm addicted.  We've had this one for at least 35-40 years and it still works. 

I watched the best college football game last night - The University of Oklahoma (Sooners) and Texas Tech (Red Raiders).  They were playing in Lubbock.  It went into OT and the Sooners missed a field goal - then the Red Raiders made one and they won by three points - total score was 99 points so it was highscoring and really good.

Day, Denim & Co. will be on a little later for two hours which I will watch.  But, won't be with Carolyn.  She's there this morning but on other shows.  I guess I'm just prejudiced but I think all Denim & Co. shows should be with Carolyn and Gary.  They're fun to watch.

No news here so I'll stop and finish my hot tea while it's still hot.  Hope all of you are well this morning and are having pretty weather.

Ron, I know you and Lou will be going to Church this morning - hope it goes well.  I believe Tuesday is when you all may have storms but it looks like it will be mostly east and south of you - but watch out!

Enjoy the day.



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Thanksgiving is now a memory to add to a tall stack. When I was a child we had a family who lived in the city join us. I clearly remember sleding next door and returning covered with cockle burrs.

    We always started with an artichoke served on it's own special plate. Turkey, stuffing, green beans and mashed potatoes. One desert and it was not pie.

    Growing up in the country had to be so different people wise. We lived on about 3/4 of an acre in a neighborhood with siilar sized lots. Every one knew every one and we children played together all the time. Weather permitting we were in the ravines or on the beach. We rode out bikes to school and rode back for lunch. Occasionally we could ice skate home after skating after school.

    Where I live now is also a neighborhood. We all know each other and sstop to visit outside all of the time. For many years there was little to no turnover but in the past 2+ years 4 homes have been torn down and another home has been remodled and put on the market for 2.2 million. 

    Now my home is certainly not in that bracket but if it sells for near that it will only increase the value of my house.

    100 tulip bulbs have arrived!...a rose pink...can't wait for spring to see them.

    Now to get online and get the Christmas list shopping going. 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good morning, Rockers.

    It feels good to be home. I got home Friday around noon. There were many people at the airport I only had 1.5 hour wait in in Seattle both flights went really well. I was tired when I got home Arizona has a 1-hour time difference. That and us getting up at 3am, to get to the Phoenix airport I was very tired. Molly and Sammy were really glad to see me and my little cat Emmy, was not too sure who I was she is such a skittish cat anyway it did not surprise me. she did not recognize me till I sat in my recliner and covered with my lap blanket and there she was on my lap with lots of purrs and snuggles. 

    Lorita.  I bet your enjoying your new fence and gates. I am like you I enjoy the old shows with the original characters. I used to watch Everyone Loves Raymond but switched to Two and Half men. When I was at the airport the plane loading up right next to the one, I was going in it was on its way to Oklahoma. It looked like everyone knew everyone I wonder if it could have been a sports group. Different people were being introduced as they started boarding the plane. 

    Day.  It sounds like Chucky has recovered very well I bet he is really enjoying not having to deal with problem teeth. 

    Iris.  Native American food sound interesting. It is nice you can celebrate the holidays that way. I also as a kid grew up with big family gatherings at my grandma's house. The family I have left has all scattered and I have lost track of most of them. 

    Beth.  It is very nice you still have close family and friends to enjoy the holidays with. I do have good memories. 

    Sara.  I agree with you, holidays are just not the same anymore. I am going to fix a big turkey dinner tomorrow for my son and nephew. I told them both that when I got back from Arizona, we would have our thanksgiving dinner. My turkey is thawing out right now. Yum. 

    Hugs to all, Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sounds like all of our childhoods were different depending on where we lived.  I haven't gone anywhere - I'm still living in the house where I was born 80 years ago - kind of feels like home to me.

    Judith, where are you going to plant your bulbs?  Wondering if it's going to be around your deck or porch where the caladiums were?  Planting 100 bulbs will take some time and I'd have a sore back and legs afterwards if I planted that many.  

    I can't imagine how a house could cost over two million dollars but I know they do - right now everything costs so much.  

    Zetta - you'll need a few days to rest up after your trip, won't you?  Bet those little guys were happy to see you and won't let you out of their sight.  No idea about who might have been on the plane to Oklahoma - the big universities football games were not out in that direction.  

    Did a little brushing and trimming on Stormy today in case I can get him in the PU.  I'm kind of afraid to wait very long to see what the growth is - no idea how long it's been there.  I pet him all the time but somehow I missed it unless it just happened.  

    Sarah called a while ago.  She sounds pretty bad - I can tell she's in a lot of pain.  She said she had been sleeping almost all the time - just up long enogh to go to the bathroom and then back to bed.  She hasn't been able to feed herself through her feeding tube for a couple of days.  She's dressed and says she'll call the ambulance and go to the hospital this afternoon.  I know she's afraid to go and I know why.  She needs IV nourishment and says she doesn't know how they'll find ai place to put the IV - plus having to wait so long to be admitted, if she is.  I told her to be sure to wear a mask because of the uptick in RSV, flu and covid.  I'm afraid we'll have a long hard winter with bad weather and the viruses.

    Day, did you watch Denim & Co. this morning?  Allie Carr was the host.  She talked so much that Gary could hardly get a word in.  To me he sounded a bit upset because he didn't laugh at some of the things she said.  They had some pretty things but I didn't order anything.  Kooloburro by UGH is going to be on later so may watch some of it - will have to switch between it and the KC Chiefs game.  

    Zetta, you know I haven't been down the driveway to see the fence or gate yet.  I don't know if it's the permanent gate or not.  Peter left one but Mike said he had one he wanted to use so don't know what happened with that.  I did see Toad get out of his truck to open it so don't know if he closed the main gate or not.  Peter builds pretty fences and they work so fast - they use the front end loader on his tractor to set the posts - not like using the post driver like Darwin and we did.  For the life of me I don't know how they get the fences so straight.  The ones Charles and I built were not always that straight but they did the job.  Tomorrow is trash day so I'll see it in the morning when I go down.

    Judith, you have me curious - if you didn't have pie for dessert, what did you have?  I didn't make anything pumpkin but I do love pumpkin pie with whipped cream.

    I'm really worried about Sarah.  Each time she has been hospitalized I had hopes they'd be able to do something to help but they never have.  I'm always afraid of what will happen when she's there and that it may be her last trip.  I know that's what she's thinking, too.  

    I hear a baby calling his mother.  Some of the girls are still down in the NE pasture grazing so guess the baby stayed up here.  I heard one a whike ago and saw his mom coming up and then saw him getting his supper or late lunch.

    Time for the ballgame so I'll stop.  Don't forget Yellowstone tonight.  

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good to know you are home again, Zetta, snug as a bug and feeling the love of your little friends.  Good to have your own bed and pillow again, I would bet.  

    We had a quiet Thanksgiving too.  Our house was the house for so many years filled with relatives come all holidays.  I thought about that on Thanksgiving morning. I used to get up at 3:00 am to get all and sundry completed from scratch for the arrival of everyone later in the day and still have time to get me ready.  Many of the relatives are no longer with us and our children and all of the grandchildren live far out of state.  Grateful for all the dear and happy memories. We had phone calls from family; kids and grands wishing us a happy day; very sweet of them.

    Good to hear that your carpenter showed up, Lorita and that your barn is under way. That must be a nice feeling and a big relief.  Now if they can only hurry with your vehicle, that would really be terrific to have it all back.

    Toni, 67 years!   It is wonderful that you are now with family and feel comfortable and seeing those sweet grands and the greats.  I can well understand though how much you miss your beloved,  the heart never forgets.

    Ron; I was sorry to hear that weather kept you from getting to the family Thanksgiving gathering; must have been a big disappointment.    Hope the weather let you and Lou get to church today, she seems to enjoy it so much as a new activity and socialization, and it is great to know you are developing a lovely church family.

    Judith, you will have to take pictures when all those tulips bloom; bet it will be beautful.

    Now if I could only get Sayra out here to help me get these closets done; especially the big walk-in . . . . sigh.  Dratted knees of mine.  It will take a bit of doing to get it all done; so much needs paring now.   How in the world stuff continues to gather, I do not know, but it somehow does.  Clutter is unsettling to me, good thing the closet door shuts.  Ha.

    We are wending ourselves closer and closer to Christmas; seems a bit far, but it really is right around the corner and will be here before we know it.  This year seems to have gone so fast.

    Take good care and hope the new week is a good one for all of us,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Rainy, dark day.  About half an inch so far.  Night light has been on quite awhile.

    I have gotten two new neighbors in past month.  One closest started moving in this weekend.  They look so young, lol - like kids, at least from a distance. Have seen one child so far.   Several have moved in after me.  

    We had very few holidays with extended family as we are spread out a bit too.

    Zetta hope you and the boys have a nice dinner.

    No news here either Lorita, I took a day of rest.  

    Good night everyone 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Today's newspaper had a small article stating that 26 million people over age 50 live alone, 60% of them women.  This is a dramatic societal change, not just personal changes for us.  Personally, I like being able to spend my holidays the way I want to.  I live with animals, they are pleasant and not argumentative, not like roommates.

    I don't know if I mentioned, but I thought my senior cat Simon was blind, but after his new blood pressure medicine, he is seeing again!  Hallelujah!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Yea, Simon!!

    That's a lot of solo people, Iris.  I think it would be hard for me to live with someone after being alone almost eight years.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, I'm glad I missed Gary and Allie - that combination doesn't sound like Gary would get to talk about the clothing at all.  I agree that I only like Carolyn with him.

    I worked today, Chucky hung out with me.  Hs pain pills are done and he has a few more days of antibiotic.  He has an appointment on the 9th to see how he is healing.  

    Nothing much going on here except work!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Day, so glad Chucky is doing well.  Amazing how much company they are.  When my GPs don't sleep in the  bedroom it seems lonesome.

    Allie told stories about her husband and kids, told one two times about what they wore to Church.  I think this is the second or third time she's been on with Gary on Sunday.

    Had a good visit with Mike this afternoon while he was moving hay for Toad to feed.  I told him about Stormy and described the growth.  He says it's probably a Lipoma but will check it when he's over this way.  So don't have to take him in.  Glad of that.  Barclee, our Shin Tzu had those and Charles wanted them removed.

    Haven't heard anything from Sarah. Said she would call when she could.

    My eyes are super dry today.  I have three or four different kinds of drops and ointments.  I know some of you all also  have dry eyes so wondering what you use.  Saw a new one advertised starts with an "a" I think.  Wondering about it.

    Been a quiet day here, too.  Just watched Yellowstone. Pretty good so may watch it again. Always get more out of it the second time.  I saw 1923 advertised. It stars Harrison Ford - can't remember  the  woman but do like her.  How do you get streaming?  Harrison Ford has really aged. 

    Watching the Eagles and Packers.  QB for the Eagles is a past quarterback- for OU.  Chiefs won this afternoon!

    Day, do you have different days off or the same each week?

    Lost one of the nose pads on my glasses today. I have another pair from two years ago so guess I need to wear them.  Will order nose pads, too.  Had no idea I could until I.checked.  Guess you can order most anything.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    THe gates are open!!!  Took down the trash, in the fog, and the main gate was open.  The one close to the house had been closed but is open now.  They've been closed since early this year. Really seems nuice.  Zetta,  the new fence looks good, if a fence can look good.  There's a 16 ft. orange gate up but Mike will change that out.  He wants a heavier one.  Now, to get deliveries to the house. Things will be easier then.

    The girls are bawling.  They heard the PU and that made them think of feed.  Need to go out and fill the water tank.  They have water at the barn so no big hurry.

    Hope everyone is well today. Supposed to.be in the 50s today, then very windy later.  Guess I need to take down the flag.

    Back later.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Where is Judith (jfkoc)?


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    For my dry eyes I use Systane Ultra drops.  I like it a lot better than the Optiv drops I used to use.  I also have one of those Bruder ? microwaveable eye masks and since I use it at least 3 times a week my eyes are less dry.

    My days off are Tuesday and Wednesday every week, I can take care of appointments and things without using my paid time off.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Day, was the Bruder thing suggested by your eye doctor or did you just decide to try it?  How do you use it?  I think I've tried almost all kinds of drops and ointmrnts- some help for a while.  My eyes were so dry even when I was in my 20s I couldn't wear contacts and it's gotten worse.  I think that allergy I developed this summer made it worse.

    I just had a nap sitting in the recliner - had a cat on my legs and Sammy asleep on my chest.   I think I could use more.

    Saw a vehicle coming up the drive this morning and a man got out and went to our electric pole.  I went out and he was replacing our electric meter.  He said it wasn't working along with seven or eight others along our road.  He said there must have been a lightning storm to burn all of them.out.  Guess that's what burned out the power to our barn and my router.  I wasn't aware of a storm so guess it happened at night.  It burned out one guy's AC unit among other things.

    Iris, maybe Judith is planting tulips!  I had some yellow ones by a rose bush but the cows must have pulled them.up and ate them- no blooms this year.  After the drought and then some rain the pretty white flowers have come up in the front yard.  They're so pretty and bloom in early spring.. Also have noticed my day lillies are up, even saw some new leaves on the Heavenly Bamboo.

    Time for some lunch.  Zetta, did the fur babies sleep with you after you got home?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita.  It's nice how simple things make us happy, Like a gate. I wish I had a gate at the bottom of my porch, easy thing to do, someday I will do it. Sarah is in my prayers, I hope they are at lease controlling her pain. Stormy is also in my prayers. I took care of a dog a long time ago and he had growths that did not seem to bother him. 

    Like you said you did not notice a storm, last night we must have had strong winds because my carpets on the front porch were blowen all over the place. We have about 3 inches of snow but it's a beautiful day with the sun shining. 

    Yes, all my fur babies sleep with me all in their special little places. Also, when I nap in my recliner, they are all 3 with me. Sammy the big cat is on the back of my recliner on the headrest and Emmy the little cat is on one side of my lap and Molly is on the other side. I sure missed them when I was gone. 

    Sara.  I hope you like all your new neighbors, I have had the same neighbors for 30 years I really hope it stays that way. I am the last house on our street I have a neighbor next door and 2 across the road, we are all seniors with no kids running around just dogs. We have a total of 8 dogs, and a few indoor cats, between us. 

    Iris.  What a happy surprise that Simon's eyesight has come back. Do you think it will stay that way? I bet he was surprised.

    Day.  You have given Chucky a very special loving home. I bet he hangs out with you all the time. 

    I have a turkey in the oven and my house is starting to smell really good. Iam getting hungry.

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Dark day.

    Cleaned house 

    You’ve had quite of bit of snow already Zetta.  Made a soup/ stew for supper with left over turkey.

    Won’t it be nice Lorita not to have to mess with those gates.

    Lorita my eye doctor recommended Bruder. Haven’t tried it because so far the systane preservative vials twice a day do me pretty good.   Don’t have near as much trouble as you.  Did order one but gave it to my sister.  Don’t know if she likes it or not.  May order me another one later.

    Take care everyone

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    About the Bruder compress - my ophthalmologist sells them, didn't necessarily recommend this particular thing, just said that even a wet warm washcloth would serve to achieve what I needed, but I found the washcloth would cool almost immediately, so bought the Bruder.  I put it in the microwave for 10-20 seconds, no more than that, and I leave it on for about 20 minutes 3 times a week.

    I also have never been able to wear contacts - I've tried all kinds and always a failure due to my eyes hurting by the end of the day.  The Systane works okay right now - I also have the ointment for nighttime but I don't like it at all.  

    Chucky must be feeling a lot more comfortable because he's started being very affectionate.  He's way more cuddly than my old chihuahua, Nita.  She liked to be near but didn't really care to be hugged or petted a lot.  Chucky is like velcro and I can tell he's getting the hang of knowing when my breaks are and when the end of the work day is, because that's when he puts his little pumpkin coat on and gets to walk.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Good morning everyone from the front porch! Not a good night, Lou needed to get up at 10pm fir a bathroom break, again at 2:15 thinking she needed to go and again at 3:30. The only time she really needed to gi was 10pm! At 2:15 I just stayed up, might try to lay back down if she stays quiet a little longer. Also, lately she eats a good balanced meal and 30 minutes later she wants to eat. I have to remind her she just ate and she's ok but at times, even though I know she's full, she still wants more. Hard to manage at times, but I do!

    Cystoscopy Thursday morning! Anybody want to take my place?? I'll pay airfare!

    Took son and his family to a local Mexican restaurant Sunday and enjoyed having lunch with them before they left for home. Daughter in law cheated! She's from Mexico and ordered from the menu in Spanish and spoke with the waiter several times. When it came time for the check, even though I had told him earlier to bring me the check, he went directly to her. Guess I need to learn the language if I want to pay at a Mexican restaurant. 

    Suppose to be in the 70s today with thunderstorms and back down in the 50s tommorow. 

    Hope everyone has a good day today!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, your mention of the Mexican restaurant reminded me that when we'd go to Borger to see Charles' folks his brother usually took all of us to their favorite Mexican restaurant.  The food was so good - they had the best Chili Rellanos.  At that time I did eat some meat and they were stuffed with hamburger, then all that good cheese.  There's also a good one in the town where I used to work, well, there's two or three.  I do like Mexican food - or used to anyway.

    Don't worry too much about the cysto.  I never really heard any of our patients complain about the pain and we had an Army doctor who wasn't too gentle.  Hope it comes out all right.  Let us know.  Will your sister stay with Lou while you're having it?

    Watch the weather this afternoon - but it looks like the worst might be just east of you - hope so.  It's warm, windy and sunny here this morning - in the 60s but the cold front is coming through this afternoon and it'll be in the 40s tomorrow with strong, north winds.  The wind is what's so bad here - nice in the summer because if there's a breath of wind, we get it because we'd higher - us and the neighbors west of us.  But, in the winter, the cold, north wind comes up that slope and really chills you.  I wear thermals from now until April. Funny that when i was growing up I never wore them.

    Zetta, I let Max sleep with me last night - he cuddled up next to me and I don't think he moved all night.  Some of them like to sleep on my feet and can't stand that.  Stormy and Sheena usually sleep in the bedroom - he sleeps on the chaise lounge and she sleeps on a throw rug.   Kitt has his special places to sleep and those places change every week or so.  Right now he's sleeping in a chair with an afghan in it.  He's so sweet and quiet.  He'll get up and go to the kitchen for a drink or to the litter box, then back to his chair.  He knows his sway around the house but raises his feet to walk more than the others. Sometimes one of the GPs might be in his way but they don't bother him when he touches them.  

    It doesn't take much to please me, Zetta, like the gate.  Seems like the older I get the more I appreciate little things.  This morning when I got up I went out on the porch to see where the girls were.  They were way up in the pasture grazing so knowing Toad would feed I called them down.  Charles used to call them and they'd answer - now they answer me.  I thought all of them came down but after he fed I saw several up in the pasture that didn't come down.  I'll have to go out and give them water soon.  Some of them ate their feed, then came back to the hay.  I think he only sat out one bale this morning.  They had most of another one.  They're being careful with hay this year - just being sure they have what they need.  When we fed we closed the gate and would honk three times in a row, pause and repeat.  We'd wait until everyone came down before we opened the gate.  Toad doesn't have time to do that because he feeds in at least a dozen pastures eadh day - one day east of town and the next day west of town, then repeats.  We babied the girls and that's why I go out and call them before he comes.  I saw little Susie last evening.  Saw a cow laying down by the hay so walked up to see if she was okay.  She was - Susie was standing close to her and when I talked to her she backed up.  She's still dark brown or fawn colored but will turn soon.

    Zetta, we have a gate at the top of the stairs on our front porch.  I keep it open so the GPs can go on and off but if I need one to stay on the porch I close it. However, I've seen Stormy jump over the porch railing - scares me but he does it.

    Thanks Sara and Day for the information about the Bruder thing.  I may order one of them to see if it will help.  Last night I thought I'd wet a washcloth in really warm water and try that but the water ran and ran and barely got a little warm.  Then I thought about the guy changing out our meter so checked the breakers and, sure enough, the one for the water heater had been tripped.  I was anxious to see if there was hot water this morning - there was so breathed a sigh of relief. The change-out didn't seem to bother anything except the clock by the bed and the water heater.

    Sara, it will be so nice to not have to open and close gates.  When I would leave the farm I'd have to get in and out of the PU four times, twice for each gate and it's getting harder to do that.  Toad still has to open the gate to the west pastures, then the gate to the NE pasture, then the gate at the MH but before that he had another one to open.  There's lots of gates in cattle country

    Zetta, I used to love turkey. Always tried to get mother to bake one on Thanksgiving.  I bet your house did smell good and think of all the good leftovers you'll have.  I love leftovers.  (somehow this paragraph got displaced).

    Day, did you watch Gary and Carolyn this morning - good show.  Pretty clothes but didn't order anything.    

    I'm so glad you were able to bring Chucky home with you - so good for you and for him.  He's settling in and knows this is his forever home.  I remember when I brought Sheena home.  Her master who was a client of Mike's, had passed away and his daughter couldn't take Sheena so asked Mike to find a home for her.  He knew I wanted another Pyrenees after losing Prince, so he asked if I wanted her.   For sure I did.  She was only a year old when she came to live with me.  I still tell her how lucky I was that she came to live with me.  This was a couple of months after I lost Charles.  A month after I got Sheena, Mike told me about a neighbor who raises Pyrenees and had some puppies.  I called him and he told me to come and look at them.  I waited about a week (don't know why) and called him.  He said he was sorry but they were all spoken for (he kept one).  So I told him to let me know when he had some more.  The next day he called me and said a man who was going ot take one changed his mind so I could still have one.  I went to town the next day and stopped by.  There was the mother and father and four puppies.  So I had my pick of them.  (he did keep one female) but I wanted a boy so watched them a while and decided on Stormy, they were all Badger faced.  He was about eight weeks old and little - so many times I've told him his head is bigger now than he was when he came home with me.  I brought him into the yard and put him on the ground - Sheena came over and from that time on she took care of him.  He became her baby and I actually think he thought she was his mother because his mother was completely white like Sheena.  I have some pictures of that and one of him trying to climb the steps to get on the porch.  Sorry, I've gone on way to long with that - just got to thinking.

    I better stop and go fill the water tank. I've written way too much.  I'll be banned from the thread if I'm not careful.  Enjoy the day.  Ron, sorry you had such a bad night - try to take a nap today.   Sorry for mistakes - won't take time to proofread.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good evening,

    Sunny afternoon but giving a rainy night.  Suppose to be warm tonight but temperature drop during day tomorrow.  Guess I won’t have a very pleasant day for buying us all groceries.  Think suppose to be sunny in afternoon.  I’m going early, good Lord’s will.  Would rather tolerate rain than crowds lol.

    Made turkey soup again tonight.  Turned out good.  Made 3 bowls so there’s two meals I won’t have to cook.

    Ron hope you get some rest tonight 

    Good night everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, I bet your soup will be good tonight.  I do the same thing when i cook-  making enough for several meals.

    Does the store where you buy the groceries have a delivery service? If so, that would really make it easier for you this winter.   I know WM does for in-town deliveries, even our Supercenter - but not out here, of course.

    It has turned much colder here - earlier it was in the low 70s, then dropped to the low 40s within an hour or so and the north wind is blowing.  Supposed to be 27 tonight so had to disconnect the water hoses.

    Ron, looks like you missed the bad weather - glad of that.  Hope you sleep well tonight.

    I drove up and sat with the girls a little while this evening.  Little Susie had been grazing with her mom but came up while I was there.

    Sleep well tonight.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Had trouble getting Lou to bed last night, but once in bed I had a good 6 hours of sleep. Feel much better today! Yesterday was tough, along with no sleep I had a lot of washing to do.

    Sayra, when you mentioned "the good lord's will", I was reminded of a old saying around here. "If the good lord's willing and the creek doesn't rise". I knew a song by Jerry Reed had that but didnt realize it first was a quote from someone during fighting with the Indians when the president called him to Washington. I dont remember who it was but when the president requested him to come he said if the lord's willing and the creek dont rise. I believe he was from either north or South Carolina.

    This blood clot is something new for me and dont understand a lot about it's concerns. I'm reading and learning but hard to deal with! My leg still hurts a lot and yesterday evening something different happened. Dont know if it has anything to do with the blood clot but my knee started buckling up on me in the same leg. Several times when walking I almost fell when my knee gave in. Something else to worry about!

    Day, your chucky has a good mommy and he will always be there for you. I was reminded of a joke I once heard. When a man had stayed out late, who would always be at the door to greet him with their tail wagging....the wife or his dog? That isnt exactly how it went, but close. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Cold and sunny.  This time yesterday it was 62, this morning 29.  Will be a roller coaster ride this week, temperaturewise.  

    Ron, I've heard that saying all my life but didn't know how it originated.

    Sorry about your knees - maybe you can find out tomorrow.  I injured my left knee  probably 60 years ago doing exercises and I still have problems with it.  Just be careful and don't fall.

    GP s slept outside last night or in the storage building.  When I went out on the porch Sheena was coming out of the building.  I haven't turned on the heater yet so will stop and do that.

    Enjoy the day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Ron that was interesting, I’ve heard the complete saying all my life. 

    Yesterday on YT channel celebrating Appalachia they made croutons using light bread, store bought bread, white bread or what ever you call it lol.  I used my home made bread.  Preheat oven 425.  They used 6 slices bread laid out on cookie sheet.  Mix together 1C+ olive oil, s&P, oregano, garlic, parsley.  Brush it on top of bread covering entire slice, turn them over and repeat.  Place in oven and flip them after 7 minutes.  Bake 6 minutes more.  Made one slice.  Today I just ate the slice with spaghetti.  Looking forward to cutting them up and eating on a salad.  

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Ron, that saying is attributed to Benjamin Hawkins of North Carolina.

    From what I have read the "Creek" did not refer to a body of water, but to the Creek Indian nation.

    So many interesting tidbits out there!
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Interesting in that it is believed that my paternal grandfather’s family were in North Carolina before Kentucky.

    Had to babysit people today lol.  Tonight at midnight my market place insurance ends and my Medicare begins.  Had my supplement put on auto withdrawal.   Don’t like auto withdraw but thought maybe in this case for the best.  So have been checking this week to see if taken out. Still not out today so called insurance company.  It comes out on first day of month, which I knew was possible but wanted to be sure.  Well some where something went awry and I was not set up for auto withdrawal.  So glad I kept on top of it.  We’ll check in tomorrow to make sure it happened.  Checked in with drug plan while I was at it to be sure it was set up to come out of my social security, it was.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    It turns out that the phrase was written by Benjamin Hawkins in the late 18th century. He was a politician and Indian agent. While in the south, Hawkins was requested by the President of the U.S. to return to Washington. In his response, he was said to write, “God willing and the Creek don’t rise.” Because he capitalized the word “Creek” it is deduced that he was referring to the Creek Indian tribe and not a body of water.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Welcome back, Judith!

    Ron, my cystoscopy was actually invigorating, because I could feel my bladder being flushed.  However, afterward was painful.  Ask for pyridium, which is to reduce pain at the urethra.  It turns your urine bright orange! 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Front Porch Friends,

    Goodness Zetta, bet your house smelled wonderful with the turkey roasting and the other dishes being baked and simmered.  Also bet your son and nephew really enjoyed their post-Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving meal and really were thankful. 

    Lorita; a 16 foot gate . . . that is a BIG one; somehow I pictured it being about half that size for some reason. Wonderful to have that all taken care of and how much simpler things will be.  You have had a lot of work done on the ranch property and house, and it must feel good when things are set to rights. Is all the new fencing in now?  I have wondered if there is any way that Mike can put in new water systems for the cattle's drinking water so you do not have to go out and continue to load water in the big tanks for them; that would really be nice not to have to deal with in the cold, cold days of freezing winter.  Some systems keep ice from forming and you would not need to be out there breaking ice which is not easy, and can cause pain in body parts and also be a bit risky.  At the "mature" status, every little thing really counts.  Might be interesting to talk to Mike about that, especially since he has first option to buy your property when and if you decide to sell as you have mentioned.

    Sayra, so you got new neighbors, hope they are good neighbors; it is always interesting to meet new people on the block.  Hope you got your groceries alright in the cold weather.  We order online and do grocery and goods pickup at Kroger (Ralphs), Target, WalMart, Sprouts, and other stores; it is paid for on a credit card in advance.  We drive up in the special parking area, call on the cell and within just a couple of minutes a person delivers the items to the car trunk; no tipping is allowed. We began this during  the worst days of COVID and now being more "mature," it has become a real blessing in multiple ways.  We have been fortunate in that all of the groceries including produce has been good and nothing missing.    CostCo does not do pickup, but if one buys $35 worth of groceries, delivery is free.  It is all very much appreciated.  Perhaps some of  the stores in your area will have the pickup service.

    Ron; glad you got a good night's sleep after that bad night.  It really does make a difference.  So Thursday is your cystoscopy.  Some physicians will prescribe Pyridium post procedure - it eliminates the burning while voiding.  However; it turns the urine quite red and it will stain any clothing it gets on and it won't come out.  So, old underwear not a bad idea and if male pads are used, that can also be helpful during that time period.  Just good not to have painful burning for that first day or two.  We females if we have ever had a UTI have usually used Pyridium and it works well. Sometimes we need to remind our physicians to prescribe it for us as they do not always think of it.

    With the changes in your leg affected with the DVT, and the increase or persistent level of discomfort, it would probably be a good idea to let your physician know so he/she can assess any needs for changes in treatment.  Also, I imagine you have let the Urologist know you are on medication for the DVT so that he/she is aware of the increased risk for bleeding?  I am willing to bet you have done that.

    Day; it is great that Chucky is feeling much better and is getting used to his new home and his new best friend; he is blessed that he has found a loving and caring forever home.  Dogs are really great "people."

    Sayra; welcome to Medicare, it is good you were on top of the insurance issues with the secondary supplement; saved yourself alot of fuss and bother if you had not done so. 

    Tomorrow will be the first of December.  Guess I'd better get the cards ordered.  I do them only for the elderly and close family relatives and a few others who are closer.  Found some really interesting ones on Tree Free card site.  One of them made me laugh that had a pig on it, will get that to send to my brother as we always send each other funny cards along with a nice one.  The Hallmark cards that are the 3D ones with Santa Claus that lights up the tree and fireplace and plays music is pricey but really cool - I will send those to two elderly aunts.  Did it for my 103 year old aunt last year and she was so delighted with it, she was showing it all over her apartment building activity room.  She is still living independently; doing her own work, her apartment is beautiful, and she walks, walks, walks around the five floors in her building every day.  She is an awesome person.  Wow, 103!

    Hope everyone is doing well and staying nicely snug in the chilly weather; we will be thinking of you tomorrow, Mr. Ron,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Pretty but cold morning.  To be in the 50s today and windy.  Girls are waiting for their feed they're pretty pstient.  Will need to turn on water for them soon.  Jo, the only thing I have to do to fill the tanks is use a quick connect and turn on the faucet.  I have that set up at the barn with a float valcve.  In the garden I  have to disconnect the hose when the tank is full because Stormy bites the metal hose and ruin s it.I've lost several that way.  The tank at the barn is really too far from electricity to use a heating  element but might be able to in The gsrden.  I also found  a battery operated one that might work.  I know  I can't chop ice this winter because the costo is bothering me too much.  

    Sara, I used to make crotons. I used mostly French bread. I cut it in cubes, then added all and everything to make it good.  After I cut the cubes I let it dry for a few hours, then added oil(may have sprayed it), and the herbs.  Then baked it.  I liked to eat them for a snack.  Much better than the ones you buy.

    Guess Ron is having his cysto about now. I know I would dread it, too.  I did have an IVP once - hardest thing about that was laying on the table.  

    Lilly needs another allergy shot.  She scratches a lot and I see tufts of hair she has pulled out.  I'm hoping the GPs won't need another until spring but they're scratching, too.  Allergies have played havoc here this year.

    Never had heard that about the Creek saying.  We live in the Creek Nation/Reservation.  The Creek Capital is not far away.  Cherokee Nation/Res. Is about the same distance away.  I just saw Chief Hoskins on TV this morning.  They're having a big meeting in  Washington about preserving  the Cherokee language.  There's about 421,000 Nation members and only about 2100 speakers.  I used to work with a Cherokee Social Worker who spoke some.  Talk about pretty squash blossom  necklaces - she had beautiful ones.

    I'll stop for.now- need to take a Motrin.  Can't figure out why the costochondritis is bothering me so much lately.    My sister also had it and it kept her from playing  basketball.  Mine didn't begin until I was about 30. 

    Enjoy the day.  Happy December!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, do you remember the website we ordered masks from?  I just checked and it says KF94 on them.  Was reading another thread where Jo said KN95 and N95 are the best.  All this time I have worn the blue, pleated procedure masks, many times two of them.  

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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