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Just need to talk to my friends (183)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    What happened to your range, Judith?  That's a lot of money - have you ever considered one of those french-door stoves you put on the counter?  They look pretty big and not nearly that much money.  That is, if you aren't going to be cooking big meals.

    Just talked briefly to Sarah.  She said it was really raining at her house.  She has an appt. in the morning with a PCP.  Her voice is so hoarse and raspy you can hardly understand her.

    I've been using the new Windows 10 HP laptop and like it.  Still just doing the things I normally do.  I know it will do a lot more but for now this is enough.  Right now there's a popup that says Your device will restart to u pdate outside of active hours - whatever that means.  It said something about restarting this afternoon and installing something -  updates, I guess.  Then when I just now turned it on it took a long time to get going.  The way things have been going I just wondered.

    Our water is off.  Has been for about an hour. Guess they're working on it.  I think I'll call our neighbor and see if his is off.

    Glad you had a nice weekend, Judith.  A neighbor once told me she was always glad to see her kids when they came home but was happier to see their tail lights when they turned the corner to go home.  

    When is the Miss America contest?  I thought it was tonight but can't locate it.  The weather girl on Channel 6 is Miss Oklahoma and will be competing.

    Enjoy the rest of the evening and hope we don't have storms.  Watch out, Ron.

    Remember I told you all that I had nailed up two signs at our gate for UPS and FedEx to bring packages to the porch - well, I started to go to the mailbox late this afternoon and saw FedEx down there so thought he was coming.  He didn't - can you believe he left a package right by one of the signs.  The road's kind of muddy so guess that was his excuse.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Lorita,  to get a broken bulb out of a socket take a potato with the end about the same size as the socket.  Gently push into the broken bulb and turn to remove.  I have done that before and it works with no chance of injury...of course you must sacrifice the potato.

    I too had to replace a goose neck floor lamp and here are some of the things I considered in making my choice:  Foremost was that it was well weighted on the bottom...some of the cheaper ones will hardly stand in a slight breeze.  The next thing was how much light from each socket on the pole...(mine has 3 sockets) didn't want to have to turn them all on just to see a little bit.  The next thing was is there a single switch controlling all or one for each socket...this was not as much of a deal breaker either way.  Hope you are able to get one which works for your situation.

    Don't know for sure, but catching rats alive may be so that they don't rot in place.  The exterminator may be allowed to destroy them elsewhere.  

    Weather here is cold and chance of bad weather on Thursday...of course that is the day I need to take mother for eye appointment 1 1/2 hrs away.  Don't want to wish it for another day as Saturday is our Christmas with the whole family.  Keeping fingers crossed.

    I got the last minute afghan order done and all my Christmas packages wrapped so I don't have those things to worry about.

    I will be glad for this year to be over...too many losses...Dad, aunt, cousin's wife, and my sweet kitty.

    Everyone stay safe and warm!  Hugs

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Thanks,Marie.  I'll be sure to check on that.  The one we have has a heavy bottom - I don't even remember where it came from.  It's really handy when I work at the dining table doing taxes - I can get the light over what I'm working on.  The ones I've been looking at is from WM.com.  Do you remember where you got yours?  I was looking at one that just had a sort of long light with three flourescent bulbs.

    Waiting for the storms and rain.  They're just west of us - already gone through OKC.  There were some tornados down around Lindsay - south of OKC.  Lindsay is where Charles took me to meet all of his folks.  The line is moving pretty fast - going east and it's a fairly thin line.

    I need to get Lilly and Kitt to the vet but I know the roads will be awful today. Our road is getting bad so going to have to get some more gravel on it.  I know all the other roads will be bad so will have to wait until tomorrow.  It's supposed to get cold tonight with highs in 40s - not too bad for winter but next week it gets really cold.

    The girls are out front getting ready for feed.  Surely Toad isn't out in this weather trying to feed - probably is though.  Girls will go into the barn when it starts to rain.  So glad the barn is closed up and is a good place for them to go in bad or really cold weather.

    I'll stop and watch the weather.  Lightning is getting brighter and so is the thunder so it's really close.  Be back later.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    I got my lamp about a year ago from Walmart.  It has 3 individual lights, so a bit different than what you are looking for.

    Just make sure if you are ordering on-line that it gives the weight of the lamp...some look sturdy, but if the bottom is not weighted will tend to tip over...like the one I previously had.

    I actually went into the store and started picking up boxes...lol...looking for heaviest.

    I know with health issues at store you probably don't want to do that, so just look at shipping weight.

    Good luck!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Thanks, Marie.  I saw the one with three lights.  I think it's really pretty but I think I want one like I have now. Wish I could fix it.  No, I won't be going into WM - the store is just too big and things are scattered out. I like to order online and to buy groceries just go to the little grocery store.  They have about all I need and it's easy to get in and out.  I will look at the weights - in fact, I think I'll weigh the one I have and compare before I order.

    We had rain, rain and more rain.  I went out on the porch a while ago and it was still raining lightly.  They said we may have some sun  this afternoon.  We haven't had sun in quite some time.  I feel sorry for the girls.  This morning was feed morning and they were all gathered behind the barn where he feeds - then, the rain came and he didn't so they've drifted off again.  I know it's awfully  muddy out there.  I remember one time when we were going to feed it was so muddy we couldn't even get out there with the PU so had to carry the feed from the road.

    Day, just watched Denim & Co with Carolyn and Gary.  Good show.  I ordered a pair of those duo-stretch pants to see how they are.  Got white and black houndstooth.  Not sure I'll like them but you never know.  I like all their clothes.  I have one of the white utility shirts so think they might go together well.  I love the utility shirts.  In fact, I have a lavender one and a shell to  match so every time I've gotten vaccinated I wear it.  Silly, but guess I feel like it's my good-luck shirt or blouse.

    I think I'll take a nap this afternoon.  Every day I say that and never get it done but, maybe today.  The Pyrenees have gone back to sleep.  Kitt slept with me last night and had a coughing spell this morning.  Seemed like he was having trouble breathing.  He does that sometimes but then is all right.  I gave them Friskies this morning with gravy in it and he ate almost a whole can.  I need to get him and Lilly to the vet.  Her allergies are bad.  So, that's four that need treatment.  I brushed Sheena and Stormy last night and got loads of loose hair but this morning tufts of white hair was all over the floor.  I don't know where all that hair comes from - looks like they'd be almost bald.

    I think I'll go out and see how much rain we had.  Really wish we could have gotten the recent rains two or three months ago but we take what we can get - at least, it's not snow.  Some places in the western mountains have had five feet of snow.  I can't imagine that.  I think they said somewhere around Donner Pass.  Just imagine what those poor people went through with all that snow.  

    Enjoy your day.  Zetta, be careful if you go out in the snow.  Ron, there were three tornados this morning south of OKC and that's the part of the storm that's coming your way - so, be careful and watch the weather.

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions


    I ordered 2 lamps from Amazom. 1 is a table lamp with storage for books and the other was a pole light.

    I really like them. I have Led bulbs in them.

    MMerry Christmas to all.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    What a strange day it was yesterday.  We had quite a bit of much needed rain and it came down like gangbusters.  Sounded like nails hitting the side of the house  The wind was fierce, thunder roared.  Just as it was getting dark outside, the electricity went out.  Uh-Oh!  We have some good LCD lanterns that are small but put out a tremendous amount of light, so that was okay.  I was really glad that I had my cell phone and Kindle reader charged in the early part of the day, so all was well.  Happily, the outage lasted only an hour, hurray! 

    Got the Collins Street Bakery Fruitcake ordered.   Also got to Hallmark to get "Thinking of You"  and "Get Well" cards as well as one for a new house and cards for very elderly Aunties for Valentine's Day.  It took quite awhile to sift through the Thinking of You cards.  Hallmark is just not doing the nice job it used to do. Disappointed.  Wouldn't it be nice if they made cards for persons with dementia - nice bright ones with good design and nice non-commital messages on  the inside.  Thought about that while I was doing my online shopping.  I did find some good cards for my one Aunt who has Alz's; two of them were three dimensional design and expensive, but what the heck, she will really enjoy them and that is the idea, to delight her in the moment.

    As for the rat exterminators having to catch those rodents live, I am betting the reason is probably for health considerations.  No rotting bodies under the house or in walls with all the disease risk that would cause not to mention the reeking odors.  Ick.  We have never had rats where we live, but we had one teensy little Christmas mouse . . . . .

    I had decorated the living room fireplace mantel and hearth for the holiday .   I put a wooden bucket of nuts with a nutcracker on the hearth.  I noticed over a couple of days that the bucket nuts looked a little bit disturbed. Then . . . . one day, I was walking toward the living room and there it was - - - a teensy, teensy tiny mouse who had accessed the fireplace through a very almost not able to be seen *$%& in the mortar inside the fireplace . . little mouse had got one nut from the bucket and was backing out backwards through the little mortar hole with the nut grasped in its front paws and was working very hard to get it through.  Frankly; though startling to see a mouse in our house, it was actually very cute and it worked and worked to get that nut out. So; DH fixed the tiny area of mortar in the fireplace.  I did not put out poison outside the house; it was the only mouse I saw and never ever saw another one after that.  There had been an empty field of grasses behind our block, but it has since been built on with more houses.  Little mouse had his/her nut for dinner, but that was the end of its smorgasbord.  A tiny Christmas mouse of all things!

    Had to smile at the cat bringing you gifts of rats, Iris.  We had a labrador that could NOT be trained from digging holes, he was happily making bomb craters every chance he got and no amount of interventional training helped.  However; his favorite thing when he was outside was to dig up my bushes and bring them to the back door for me where he would sit chuffing and with a dog smile to let me know he was there with a "present" for me.  My poor Azaleas. Sigh.  Love dogs.

    Got a phone call from our Oregon son; he and his dog made it home safe from and sound from SoCal.  (Happy Mom.)   He said they hit some terrible downpours with rain coming at them sideways but they did okay. About a 12 hour drive.  I had been thinking of him all day being just a bit concerned, guess I am good at worrying. Was really nice to see him when he was here.

    Other son called.  He and his wife are the ones that had four rescue dogs.  Two months ago, they had to put one very elderly dog to sleep which was truly hard for them.  Then this last month, their other rescue who had always had issues developed severe liver failure; they had a lot of vet care, but she was in dire straits and nothing more could be done; she could no longer eat and was listless as well as uncomfortable; she too had to be put to sleep. They have been heartbroken.  Their other dog that was rescued is going on 17 years old as described here before; vision going, hearing going, poor balance, but still loving and not uncomfortable, but they know that time is very short.  WELL . . . this weekend, they got a brand new three month old rescue that needed placement quickly.  It is a little girl; small, will not grow over about 25 pounds.  She has one blue eye and one brown eye and is black, white and brown and has a very loving, happy personality.  They named her, "Olive."  Within one day she was adapting.  Son said she is very smart and is doing her potty training really fast and well.  Good for that.  So; once again, I am a new fur "Gram."

     Our other out of town son called and he said the rain was also hitting them hard where he lives and they were having to watch out for flooded areas as well as mud coming down from some of the hills, but so far so good. He had just got his bivalent COVID booster and Flu shot on the same day and said he got quite a headache and severe fatigue but it is now lessening and glad to have it done.  He has had bypass surgery and his cardiologist had him wait a bit before getting the vaccinations done.

    Will call dear daughter this weekend; she has been working long hours. Sure wish they all lived nearby.  However, the cost of buying houses is much less out of SoCal.

    Lorita, one can find lots of table and floor lamps on Amazon and also at the Lamps Plus Store where they can be ordered online.  When looking, be sure to ask about weighted bases for the floor lamp; well worth to pay a bit more to have a floor lamp that is secure and steady especially with all the pets around.  Any furniture store will have lamps and many do ship.  It is difficult for me to choose such an item online as I like to see the item in person first, but not always able to do that for some things, so I do a lot of online research.

    Cotton fields are pretty to look at. Bet yours were too.  There are cotton fields going up Interstate 5 to NoCal; I remember stopping to get some bolls lying on the side of the road so the kids could see and feel them.  So many big growing farms going up that Interstate - lots and lots of many different kinds of vegetables, double trailer trucks barreling down the road filled with tomatoes and citrus; also fruits and nut orchards. Lots of nut trees.  Also have a lot of cattle; but there are the many holding pens in one area which are beyond awful with cattle literally crammed up against one another with no room to move or turn - inhumane in any sense of the word, and the smell literally can intensely be detected a mile away; when passing the pens, one's eyes water. It is a scandal of animal cruelty.  Evidently nothing can be done as it is legal, but sure do wish the cattle would be treated more humanely.  Sad.

    So now will be waiting for the delivery of the Christmas cards from TreeFree and other cards from Hallmark, and oh boy; the fruitcake!  Will want to get to the door quickly.  Our front walkway inside the gate is covered up to the porch and on the porch; but it is very damp so do not want anything to get negatively affected.  I am sorry that your deliveries have not made it inside the gate up to your front porch Lorita; do you think they are afraid the dogs might be outside and a risk?  Also, those poor drivers are literally timed as they make their deliveries; it is a hard and highly stressful job they have.  They have no choice but to move fast and faster shaving as much time as they can on their routes.  However; some of them are very thoughtful, sure wish you had that; maybe it will happen.

    Time to go and get some breakfast, a little late this a.m., almost ten o'clock; I am behind for sure; have a good Tuesday everyone,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Wayfair has a big lighting sale right now. I have orderred from them, Overstock and  Hayneedle and would not hesitate to use them again.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    Marie I will have to try and remember the potato trick.

    Did you get your nap Lorita?  I take one now and then since I’ve had the palpitation issue.  Seems like this past week feeling less tired in afternoon, hope that continues.

    Hope the holidays are peaceful for you Shirley.

    Yesterday at the bulk store they had two small loaf pan sized fruit cakes.  They were locally made.  Looked really good but we’re $20 each.  

    Think my treat to myself will be a bag of caramel peanut clusters

    Hope each one gets a good nights rest

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    FYI........Lou and I are fine so far! Tornados all around us, but none here. Some still moving our way but looks to be weakening. 
    Pray that anyone else in the storms path the next couple of days will be fine.

    Keeping Lou calm has been a job!!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Shirley, I hadn't looked on Amazon until just now.  After a while they all look alike.  I weighed the one we have and it weighed eight pounds -seems like most of them weigh up to six pounds.  I'll keep looking.  I ne two table lamps, too.  i have three in the LR and one works.  If I get the broken bulb out of one of them, it should work.

    Hope you and Bill are well and can have a good holiday season.  Is it warm down there?

    Jo - the Christmas mouse story is so cute.  Poor little guy - he thought he had found a lasting supply of nuts.  I can just see him trying to get that nut through the mouse hole.  I haven't seen a mouse in a long time - guess that's because we have four housecats.  In the fall when it starts to turn cold, the mice come in from the fields, or try to, to find a warm place for winter.  I guess that's how Lilly was living when Darwin found her.  She was living in a big, open place where he had big, round bales of hay so guess she was living on mice.

    They're talking about the canine flu and precautions people should take.  Wonder if cats can have the flu?  I need to get two of them to the vet, however, tonight they seem pretty well.  They're encouraging people to get flu shots for their dogs.  I wonder if they have to have contact with other dogs or if the germs can living on clothing - like a vet who has seen dogs with the flu.  It just said the shot costs from 30-60 dollars depending on the clinic you go to.

    Ron, I've worried about you and Lou today and whether you all are safe from the tornados.  I heard there was one SW of Shreveport - hope it dissipated before it got to you.  I can imagine that Lou was upset - I hate stormy weather, too.  I think that comes from the fact that my grandma and mother were scared of storms.  Daddy wasn't and neither was Charles.  We have a big cellar but I wouldn't go down there by  myself.  I spent a lot of time down there when I was growing up - even got Charles down there a few times.

    They're showing how they made Avatar: The Way of Water - the new movie that's coming out soon.  I think I'd like to see that because I really enjoyed the first one.  Guess I'll wait until it comes on Amazon Prime - probably a few years.

    Sara = I didn't get the nap.  I always think I'll take one but time gets away and then it's too late.  I like to take one about 2 p.m., when I do.  Pretty expensive for a small fruit cake, wasn't it?  I know the cakes and things on QVC are really expensive or seem so to me.  I like those little fruitcakes that are long and slender but haven't had one in years.

    I went out to fill a water tank on the south side of the house and when I came back there was a truck and a long trailer north of the house.  A young man came from toward the barn and said Mike had sent him over to weld in the new gate in the fence we just had built and to fix a couple of places in the corral fence.  I had heard someone down at the new fence so he had already welded in the gate.  So the barn and corral are in good shape except for lights.

    FedEx delivered WM things today and said the roads were really muddy.  I know half of our driveway is getting muddy so need to have a couple of loads of gravel put on it.  I forget to call David during the day and don't like to make business calls at night.  He's a really tall, big guy with a long, full beard - the most softspoken man I've ever seen.  Seems like a lot of men have beards now.  Carol says all of her SIILs have beards.  Charles used to grow one every fall and would keep it for a couple of months, then shave.  Said it kept his face warm.

    Judith, I checked those two places you mentioned for lamps. They really have a lot of them but seem expensive.  Did you get your tulips planted?  The pretty white flowers in the front yard are about 6" tall now but, hopefully, won't bloom until February - even the daylillies are up.  Funny, everything was brown and now things are much greener but from what the weatherman says that won't last too long.  Looks like it's going to be really cold the rest of this month.

    Hope all of you sleep well and stay safe from the storms.  Looks like this is a really big one - from the Canadian Border to the Gulf.   See you tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Jo C, when I got up this morning (Tuesday) the ground was damp but not wet, so I knew it had rained during the night.  I heard no thunder.  I hope it will be dry tomorrow because I am going out to a Christmas dinner, I rarely drive at night.  It's nice that you have a new grand-dog!

    I hope everyone can stay dry and warm! 


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Lamps....there were a bunch on Wayfair tahat the price was for 2 so I thought they were a bargain. Have you thought of filling a sock with sand to place at the bottom of a lamp to add weight???

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning Rockers.

    Lorita.  How are your rats doing? Have you found someone to come take them away. Iam glad you figured out that popping sound it sure would scare me. Hopefully that's been taken care of. Iam still having a hard time finding some Bear Creek soup. Bi Mart and Walmart were both out. How is Sarah? did she finally get into see her doctor. Iam glad you're getting the much-needed rain. 

    Lorita.  How much decorations do you do for Christmas? I have not done any for a few years. With my cats being young they would knock them all over the place. 

    Marie.  I remembered about the potato and the broken light bulbs. I have never tried it, but it probably works really well. 

    Ron.  I hope the danger of any tornadoes has passed by you. Lou is so lucky to have you there comforting her. Your all she needs in times like this. 

    Jo.  I loved the mouse story you must have not scared it as well. Congratulations on your new grand puppy, Olive. I would love to have a puppy, but Iam way too old to care for a puppy. 

    Betty. Nice hearing from you I am sorry that thanksgiving is such a sad time for you. Holidays seem to be sad for a lot of us, especially if you lost your LO on that day. Hopefully your family has all recovered from their illness. So, they can enjoy Christmas. 

    Iris.  I bet you miss all those little gifts that kitty brough you. When I was a little kid, we had a kitty that used to bring us a lot of things. Mice, birds and even snakes. Sometimes they were alive. Yuk!!  I hope you enjoy your Christmas dinner tonight. Let us know what you had so we can enjoy the thought. 

    I better stop rambling on before I lose all of this. Hugs to all Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    Very cold gray day.  Giving rain tonight.  Friday starts the downward trend.  Not much going on here.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, I saw Carolyn and Gary yesterday, great show!  Good to see them together.

    I worked some overtime with the hotels job yesterday and more today.  I decided tonight that I am going to give up the transcription job - I decided this as I got some feedback about not putting a date of service in a job I did 2 days ago.  This was on a dictation where the doctor has someone call the dictation number and he yells the dictation across the room, along with the banging of operating room equipment, other staff conversations, etc. and having to leave blanks through much of the dictation.  So on reading that feedback I said "I think I'm done" and I deleted all the time I had signed up for for the next 2 weeks.  I will turn in my 2 days of work when it's time to do that and I will slip away into the fog. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    My internet has been down all day - I called to see what was wrong and, again, someone had broken or cut a fiber optic line so didn't bother trying again.  They said they hoped it would be on today.  Feel sort of cut off when it's out.  I can think of so many things I want to do or look up.

    Been cold here today, Sara, it's 20 degrees colder today than yesterday and it's going to keep getting colder for two or three weeks and after that, who knows.  But - we had sunshine which helps our feelings anyway.

    Zetta, I called today and made an appt. for Lilly and Kitt - tomorrow at 1 p.m.   Lilly has allergies and scratches a lot and has those bumps under her neck and Kitt sneezes and he's short of breath on exertion - even getting up on the bed.  It takes him a while to settle down but even then you can feel him breathing.  Doubt there's anything Mike can do for him but I want to know for sure.  I'll have to take two carriers and it's all I can do to carry the big one with a big cat inside.  Guess I'll take one in and come back and get the other.

    Couldn't look for exterminators anymore today.  I think maybe rodent control would be the one I'm looking for.  I really don't want them to spray under there and kill them because one might get out and one of the Pyrenees might get hold of it - and the stink, too.  

    Tornados in the south are awful.  A while ago the weatherman said there was about six warnings going on.  Ron, there was one just south of you - I'm sure you know that - and I think that's the one that killed a woman and her son.  Also one just hit New Orleans.  

    Jo - I remember typing that the Christmas mouse story was so cute - but right now not sure that posted.  I typed something this morning and that's about the time the internet went out.  Anyway, it was a cute story.

    Judith, that's a good idea about the sandbag if the bottom of the lamp isn't heavy enough.  The table lamps I found was two for one price - on WM I think.  Still haven't gotten around to getting the broken bulb out of the lamp.  I know it does work because a bulb in the barn was broken and that's how I got it out of the socket.

    Cooked some mac and cheese for supper.  I do it stovetop - never have baked it.  I usually cook two cups so it lasts several days.  I like the tiny shells and farfalle.

    Zetta, I found Bear Creek soup on Amazon, I think it was, but it was way expensive.  Have also found that malt-o-meal is really expensive online, too - and pop.  To me, that's price gouging.  Also sometimes if you find something you want to order, it's some company besides WM who makes it and WM ships it.  Ran into that a couple of times including the electric "blanket".  It wasn't a blanket, it was like a velvet throw.  It heats sometimes but is hard to keep in place on the bed - under a light weight quilt.  I e-mailed the company to send it back and they only gave  me a 20% refund and I keep the throw.  I could kick myself - this summer I was straightening out the closet after they replaced the floor and found a white, king-sized electric blanket.  I thought I would never use it again - hadn't in ten years - so threw it away.  Guess the moral of the story is "never throw away anything" because you'll need it in a month or so, maybe the next day.

    I put birdfeed and sunflower seeds and a couple of other things in my cart to be shipped.  This morning when I checked, before the internet went out, it had been moved to Pickup.  I've never done that.  I guess when you find something you want to order and it can be shipped, you better place the order then.  This has happened to me a few times.

    Weatherman is talking about the arctic cold breaking off and coming down this way the end of next week.  Really hope it's not like winter before last.  With the hay shortage that will be awful for the girls and people breaking ice.

    I'm sure I've forgotten something but better stop for now.  Hope everyone is well and safe from the storms.  Shirley, just saw there's going to be really bad weather in Florida so be careful.  A former boss has a home in northern Florida so hope he's okay, too.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita.     Please ask for help carrying in the carrier with the bigger cat in it. I would think someone in the office would help you. I took Molly and Sammy into the vet last week, I had my nephew with me, he was a big help because Sammy is a heavy cat. It's not safe carrying the carrier with the cat in it moving around it could be very easy to throw you off balance. 

     Thats a bad thing they would only give you a 20% refund. Thats a company I would not want to order from. 

    Have a safe trip to the vet tomorrow. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Thanks, Zetta, I'll do that.  Not sure which I'll put in which crate - Lilly, I think is heavier than Kitt and some bigger so she should probably go in the big carrier.  I'm going to put them in the wheel-barrow type thing to take out to the PU.  I know when they move round it does make it harder to carry.  I can park near the door so it should be okay.  

    I wasn't satisfied with the way the company dealt with the blanket/throw either but nothing I could do.  I've only used it on low so tonight I'll turn it up and see if it's better.

    Day - I enjoyed Gary and Carolyn, too.  It's already been repeated a couple of times.  They are so good together and seems like they really like each other.

    About the transcription.  When Karen and I went to work at the VA Hospital we were both teenagers - no experience with medical terminology at all.  We started in the dictapool to gain experience.  At that time the doctor used a dictaphone and we transcribed from that.  One thing that really sticks in my mind and we'd tease Karen about it - she was transcribing either a history and physical or maybe a discharge summary and the doctor said he prescribed Sitz baths for the patient.  She had no idea what a Sitz bath was so she asked the woman who was helping us why in the world would he order six baths.  It became sort of a running joke.

    We found that medical terminology wasn't too hard to learn.  We had two foreign doctors but neither of us ever worked with them.  My first ward was working for the Chief of Medical Service and the Chief of the EENT Dept - both had patients on the ward.  Neither of them used the dictaphone so everything was dictated verbally.  I took speedwriting instead of Gregg.  The EENT Doctor lived in the quarters and made rounds very early, then went to Mass.  When I got to work at 8 a.m. he called me on the phone and dictated all of his histories and physicals or discharge summaries.  I have the knots on my fingers from the dictation.  I think both of us were ward secretaries or medical secretaries for at least ten years before we transferred to other Services to be the secretary.

    Enough of that.  I know what you mean though about some being hard to understand.  I worked for one medical doctor who had had a laryngectomy so he used a vibrator to talk.  He dictated, both verbally and on the dictaphone and I was able to understand him very well - I think it was because I didn't try too hard.  Those were the good, old days - high heels and dresses.  No high heels for me and I seldom wear a dress now.  We worked there for probably twelve years before we were allowed to wear pants suits which had to be tunics.   I said enough of that and continued - sorry.

    I wanted to let you know that I understand how hard transcription can be if the person dictating doesn't do it in the right way.  I think this is something you do outside your regular job.  Is that right?

    Watching Shark Tank.  Can't stand "Mr. Wonderful" but I guess he's on there for a purpose.  Robert is my favorite one.

    Rest well tonight.  Hope the storms aren't too bad.  Sandy, are they going to go through your part of Virginia? - and Marie - both of you be careful.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    Lorita, I heard on our morning news that the Miss America pageant is streaming on computer at 7 pm central time at MissAmerica.org. The "pre show" streams starting at 6 pm central time.

    Sad about the tornados, loss of homes, loss of livelihoods, loss of lives. Our weather has been ok, we got much needed 1" of rain Tuesday and it's snowing today with up to 2" possible. 

    Day, glad Chucky is doing well. He sounds like an affectionate little guy. I totally get it about the transcription job. It had its purpose but it isn't meeting your needs or expectations now and you don't need the aggravation.

    Sara, I like Fuji apples too. My top 3 are honeycrisp, gala and fuji. I eat an apple most days. Someone sent us a Harry and David box for Christmas and it had really nice pears in it; we are enjoying those. 

    How was your party, Iris? Hope you enjoyed it. 

    Marie, I enjoyed hearing about your memories of Christmas past. I too have many happy memories of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day - time with extended family (cousins, aunt and uncles).  Out to the farm on New Year's Day, and sledding down hills in the pasture. So much fun!

    Ron, praying that you and Lou stay safe. I heard there are still storm warnings in LA. 

    Zetta, sounds like you have a fair amount of snow. It's good there is an area for Molly to go out and you don't have to. Porch steps and sidewalks can be very slick. 

    Judith, Betty, Jo, Shirley, Toni - always good to hear from you. I enjoy your newsy posts. 

    I enjoy this thread a lot. My favorite "social media." Everyone is so nice here and we all have been or are dealing with a LO with dementia. For me, it was my mom. She passed away November 5, 2017. Truly it was a blessing given her condition. A sad disease that destroyed such a remarkable, generous, giving and kind Christian woman.  I attached a pic of her, my cousin, myself and my sister at Disneyland probably in the mid-60's.

    Love and Merry Christmas, Beth

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Decided to buy an electric blanket....gas bill was shocking. I looked for the one I used to have but now had some bad reviews. Also agree that it is very misleading to call one a blanket/throw. Lorita, no wonder you ended up with the wrong size.

    Only one address to mail gifts to this year. Yippee!!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Beth, thanks for the information about the pageant.  I'll try to watch it.  Will be interesting since Miss Oklahoma is a meteorologist on the station I watch all the time.  She's really a pretty girl - has been living at an assisted living center in Tulsa for a few months.  I guess she moved in there to show that she's really interested in older people - since that's her platform.

    Did you get any snow from this cold system that's going through the Country?   I think we may have a little bit next Monday or Tuesday and cold weather with highs up to about 30 in the daytime.  I'm not ready for that.  It's cold here this morning but sunny which makes a big difference at least to how we feel.  

    Toad just came and fed the girls and gave them a couple of bales of hay.  I called all of them up that would come over an hour ago but there's a dozen or more who didn't get up to the feed.  I think they're younger ones who aren't used to it all yet.  He has so many to feed and just can't take time to let them get up before he feeds.  We used to keep the gate closed, then put the feed in the feeders and wait until everyone was at the gate before we let them through.  I know or have found it's kind of hard to "let go" of something I've done for so long.  Darwin feels the same way.  We just had one herd to feed and sort of babied them - but that's okay.

    Judith, I ordered a full-size - didn't see the need to get a king sized when there's no one on that side of the bed.  I can't get why they call them a blanket when they're not.  I ordered mine from WM and thought it was a blanket.  I was wrong.  I had ordered an electric throw earlier and it's the same kind of material.  Hope you like yours.  Could kick myself for getting rid of the one I had.  Normally I keep a soft-heat heater in the bedroom and for the last several years hadn't needed an electric blanket.  Looks like we may have a cold winter.

    For some reason, thank goodness, Stormy and Sheena aren't scratching so much - noticed it last night. They woke me up at 2 this morning to go outside and now they're sleeping.  Dread taking Lilly and Kitt to the vet - but it's going to get colder as time goes on and today will be the "warmest" day for a while.

    Better stop and go fill the water tanks.  Turned off the water last night.  I can tell the level of water in the pond has risen some since we've had rain - but not nearly enough.  Haven't looked at the other ponds.  There's pretty green grass but guess that'll go away pretty soon.  Just wish we had gotten rain back in August and September.

    Judith, good luck on finding an electric blanket - where are you looking for one?


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Looking online everywhere and reading reviews. I really loved the thin wired ones we had but now bad reviews.
    Rats can cause allergies. Ask Mike if that could be the prolblem.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Lorita, thanks for asking about weather here in northern Virginia.  The forecast was for ice, sleet, and freezing rain.  They also warned that even the interstate might be closed in some sections.

    Thank goodness the temps stayed just above freezing.  We had a bit of mixed ice and snow but not enough to worry about.  Has been raining steady most of the day.  The temps are to keep going up over night so that is a blessing too as I have to go to my mother's tomorrow to help with food prep for our big family Christmas on Saturday.

    I really do hate ice storms.  They cause so much disruption and harm to trees and power lines.  Way to dangerous to be on the road too even when treated...just can't always tell where the slick parts are.

    I can't believe the bad weather across the country...so very many impacted...and the variety of storms is really strange.  Hope all the front porch rockers are safe and warm.

    Hugs to all...may you all have a better day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Follow up appointment on prostate cancer went well. PSA still looking good and still need hormone shots. Once I have six that will be it! I really like this Dr., she listens and addresses other concerns when she can. I told her Urologist said that me having bladder retention was from the radiation.  She said they blame everything on radiation! I mentioned the problems I had been having with getting answers to the reaccurancre of right lung problems. She looked at my imagining that I've had and said I needed a ct scan which is more accurate than the xrays they've done. She put a order in for a ct and I had it done before I left. I also asked her to look at my knees, that I thought the left was getting bigger than the right. She looked and said it was larger and probably due to the DVT in that leg. She is radiation oncologist but has always been willing to help what she could with other issues. 

    I believe tuna tetrazzini will be supper tonight. Will fix a salad, rolls and either corn or green beans to go with it. Picked up everything for a peanut butter cake and if Lou let's me sleep tonight, I might make it.

    Hope everyone is well and relaxing in their front porch rocker today.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    Dark and rainy.  That’s ok, we could use rain.

    Ron sounds like you had a good doctor visit.  That’s nice.

    Thanks for sharing the picture Beth.  Got my coconut oil and have the black beans so maybe one day I will get the brownies done.  

    Had an electric blanket years ago but didn’t last long and never got another one.  Have any of you tried the electric mattress pads?  A girl at work use to talk about getting them.

    Glad you stayed warm Marie. We stayed a little warmer than they gave and did not have all that strong wind they predicted. 

    Hope each one has a good night

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, black bean brownies?  
    Glad you're getting rain - we need much more but won't catch up this winter. I can tell the pond is up a little bit.

    Got Lilly and Kitt over to the vet - didn't have to wait but about five minutes and they were beginning to get really busy before I left.  Both of them got injections and medicine to take at home.  Told him about Max always upchucking after he ate so he also has medicine.  Kitt has respiratory problems with swollen lymph glands.  I'm glad I got them over there.  It was cold but it will be colder.  He hadn't forgotten about the Pyrenees' allergy shots.  I told him about the two really thin cows and he had planned to come this evening to check on them.

    Judith, I liked the electric blankets that were blankets with thin wires.  The wires on this throw are bigger.  

    Just another thing about rats that isn't good.  I doubt they're the cause of the allergies because they normally go away during  winter time.

    Seems like the weather is bad all over the Country. So glad, Marie that you and Sandy didn't get ice.  We have awful ice storms.  Can't count the times we've been out of power for up to two weeks at a time.  They just mentioned something  about the weather two years ago - hope it wasn't that we might have the same thing.  I don't want to have to chop ice in the water tanks.

    Beth, thanks again for the information about Miss America.  Wonder why it's not going to be on regular TV like it always has been?  

    I'm filling water tanks so better stop and take care of them.  It's cold enough I have to disconnect the hoses even though the hydrants are frost free and don't freeze.  Just another thing about winter that makes it hard.  At least we have a way to get water to the girls.

    Enjoy the evening.  Sandy, when did you get that picture of Stormy?  Looks just like him.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Hi again,

    Ron, glad your doctor's appointment was good.  Always a relief when they're over.  Someday I'm going to make that peanut butter cake.  Is it a white cake with peanut butter frosting?  I think that's what you said.

    Mike and Sidney came and gave the girls and heifers some more protein/mineral tubs.  After they did that, they gave Stormy and Sheena their allergy shots.  Judith, he doesn't think the rats caused their allergies - or mine.  I know mine was from the Johnson grass.    Stormy acted up but I think it's that it's dark and the lights of the truck are coming toward him and he can't tell who it is.  Anyway, Mike thinks he would bite but I stand by his side and he gives him the shot in a second.  Sheena's laid back - no problem with her.  She does have a little, fatty tumor on her chest - like the one Stormy has.

    So,  I have six furry babies and four got hands-on medical treatment today and the fifth one got medication.  The only one who is okay is Sammy.  The others will be - just have to give them medicine.  I'll have to make a chart to make sure I give what I need to give to the right one.  

    It's cold out there and while we were waiting for them to put out the tubs to the heifers I heard Sidney talking.  Asked  her what was happening and she said she was trying to pull a tub off the truck - they weigh 250 lbs. and are hard to move.  All I could do to get the 200 lb. tubs off the PU - had one turn upside down once and that was really hard to get upright.  She said she got the minerals on her hands - it's very sticky - and he had her wash her hands in cold water.  They were going back to the clinic to do a C-section on an English Bulldog - coming to them from Shawnee - about 100 miles away.

    I'm going to sleep late in the morning.  I try to watch Barney Miller from 11-12 at night but usually go to sleep so tonight I'm going to try to stay awake and watch it before I go to bed and then sleep late.  As far as I know tomorrow will be quiet - no one coming and me not going anywhere.  I still have to get the PU diesel tank drained but today it did just fine.  It's about 12 miles to the clinic and all but about a mile is dirt road.  I can go all the way to town on dirt roads except for about a mile.  Today I met three vehicles on the road - very unusual.

    Talked to Carol this afternoon to wish her a happy 86th birthday.  So hard to believe she's 86 - I met her when she was 24 with four little kids to raise alone.  She did a wonderful job those kids and I know it wasn't easy.

    Hope all of you are well tonight and not being threatened by storms.  I'm afraid this may be the first of many this winter - hopefully I'm wrong.

    Enjoy the rest of the evening.  Judith, I did my Christmas shopping on QVC - you can purchase whatever you want to and have it shipped directly to the person.  Really makes it easy.

  • Joydean
    Joydean Member Posts: 1,498
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    Sayra, the mattress pad warmer is great. My dh is ALWAYS cold so I bought one last year and he sleeps all night and stays warm! Thank God for that. It shuts off after 10 hours.  I finally had a few minutes to myself and was reading (which I haven’t been able to do for a while) and saw your question so I hope this helps! Hope I get some time later to write. 

    Hope everyone is doing well! 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions
    The cake is a toss up today since Lou was up several times last night.

    Lorita,  it's a yellow cake with peanut butter icing. The icing I use consist of 2 cups evaporated milk, 1 cup of sugar, bring to boil and add 1 cup of peanut butter.  Bring to boil stirring over medium heat with a spoon that had holes in it. When the icing will no longer go through the holes it is ready to remove from the heat. The cake is delicious and one of my nieces won 1st prize at the state fair with this cake.

    I dont believe I've mentioned this before but for about a month Lou's bedtime manners has changed. I go through the routine of cleaning her and putting her gown on to get ready for bed. Once I get her tucked in and tell her I'm taking my medication and will be right back, she says "ok mommy, I love you". I take my medicine and come back to kiss her goodnight and she remembers who i am. It's just something about tucking her in her thoughts go back to her childhood and her mother putting her to bed.

    Haven't made up my mind about driving 1 1/2 hours to my sister's for Christmas dinner. Legs are still hurting a lot and concerned about Lou not making the trip in a good mood. Guess I'll make up my mind when the time comes. 


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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