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Just need to talk to my friends (183)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Well, I'll try this again.  Wrote a long post, almost finished and lost it.  

    The three carpenters have been here since 10 - just left about 45 minutes ago.  They really worked hard, most of the time underneath the house.  The barn looks great - new doors and new shutters.  The floors in the kitchen, dining room and bedroom are now solid and level.  Good thing they did this because they found a hot water leak underneath the house.  Had to go to town and get parts to fix it so that's done.  I'll turn the water on in the morning.  There were rats under the house - and big spiders.  One of them said they were really big and light colored.  Guess they were living on the leaking water and walnuts.  I'm going to keep one of the crawl spaces open so they can get out if they want to - can't stand for any animal to be without water or food.

    I'm really pleased with their work and the price they charge.  Wish I'd known about them earlier this year.  They'll be back Monday to do the work at Darwins.  They work fast and are so polite.

    Stormy and Sheena are probably glad that's over - me, too.  Stormy couldn't understand the noise under the house - every time one of them would come in the house Stormy would stop them - even Sheena stopped two of them.  I feel protected.

    Zetta, a foot of snow - is this early for you all?  Just saw the weather and it talked about the bad weather on the west coast.  We'll get rain again tonight and tomorrow, then again Monday, then really cold weather.  

    Judith, what time do you want us to come for homemade cinnamon rolls?  I love them but have never made them.  The wife of one of our social workers used to make them and he'd bring them to work - so good.  How nice that your grandson can cook.  I bet you did enjoy the NFR last night - it was good.  I think there's at least two more nights of it.  Did your grandson rodeo?

    Iris, my bubble is rather small and that's fine.  I now know why my parents didn't care to go to town - or anywhere as they got older.  We did always enjoy our trips to Rockaway Beach - near Branson - every Labor Day.  I could stay here all the time and do just fine - almost do that now.  When you leave home you never know what you'll encounter before you get home.   Yesterday there were nine calls to schools in Oklahoma saying there was a shooter in the school and had killed students and teachers.  This, of course, brought out the police to take care of it.  It was what they call swatting - none of it true.  I can't understand why people would do something like that.

    I better stop before I lose this.  Jo, I always enjoy reading your posts - always so informative and interesting.

    Ron, this is sort of a down-time for me, too.  Seems like most of the year has been.  Yesterday I thought of what might be wrong - last New Year's Day I didn't eat black-eyed peas.  I will for sure this year - already bought them.  Next year will be better - for all of us.  It's so nice though that we have all the memories of holidays goneby - all the people we saw and enjoyed.  Thank goodness for those memories we have.

    Not going to take time to proofread this - don't want to lose it.  Hope all of you are well and don't have really bad weather.  See you tomorrow.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I just LOVE a Honeycrisp apple, I have one every night!  I swear I paid almost $10 for a 3-lb bag at the store the other day.  

    The desperate pleas from people to give them extra nights on their hotel stays continue, very creative our guests are, many different ideas on how I can help them maintain or achieve elite status in the loyalty program.  Alas, I would have to be willing to lose my job to involve myself in such schemes, and that's not going to happen.

    Chucky just ate his supper and is sleeping on the end of the couch.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Iam so happy for Chucky, he has a very loving forever home. Lucky little guy. You're right the Honeycrisp apples do cost a lot I only get a few at a time I could never go through a bag. Although the bags at times are pretty small.

    I totally understand how you feel about lodging hospitality. I retired from that a few years ago. I did not deal with the travel part just the lodging and all the activities the resort offered.  I do miss it at times. Big Hug to Chucky. Zetta 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Memories of Christmas past.

    When my children were young, my parents and grandparents would come to our house very early for the grand opening of presents Santa had left and for breakfast...always pork tenderloin, fried potatoes, grits and what ever else to add to the meal.

    Then just before noon, the kids and I would go to my parents home for lunch and more presents for the kids.

    The evening meal was at my grandparents house where all would gather, including aunt, uncle and cousins.  Another feast and more gifts from the grands.

    I always did a lot of decorating for the holidays, including "wrapping" hanging pictures in festive wrapping paper and ribbon.

    When my children were very little, every year I did a tracing of their hand on cardboard, cut out felt and decorated with glitter or buttons or whatever was at hand (plus initial and year), and put a cord loop on it.  These were given as gifts to my parents and grandparents.  My children continued the tradition with their children, and now with the next generation.  Every year my mother puts them all around the bottom of her tree.  At last count there were nearly 70!

    Lots of good memories

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Hi again,

    What would we be without memories?  Sort of makes you think about how a person with dementia feels, doesn't it? or, maybe they don't realize it too much.  

    Day, I'm so glad Chucky is settling in to his new home.  Sounds like he's very content.  So happy for him - and for you.  Dogs and cats are so much company.

    Zetta, are you going to make some snow ice cream?  When i was growing up we had big snows and the air was much cleaner so we usually made some - and it was good.  Doubt I'd do it now.  Be careful if you go outside.  So glad your son and nephew are there with you.

    I'll be glad when the holidays are over but then comes January and February.  After we had the rain my daylillies are coming up again and the roses have leaves, however, I'm so afraid the Southern Magnolia is dead.  Really hate to lose it even though it's never bloomed.

    Sandy, I was watching Heartland Docs a day or so ago and they were treating a Belgian.  What beautiful horses they are.  I bet you're enjoying watching them and feeding them carrots.  Hope you're well.  We'll talk soon.

    Stormy and Sheena have gone to bed in the bedroom.  I guess having someone around and all the noise under the house today and protecting me has tired them.  I know I'm tired.  

    Something odd is happening to my internet.  I have a 10" and an 8" Amazon Fire tablet and the laptop.  I've used the 10" several times today but a couple of hours ago I was going to use it and it wasn't connected to the internet.  Tried the 8" and it was fine.  An hour or so ago I tried the 8" and it said the same thing but the laptop is okay, for now.  Guess I'll have to call India but the tech I like and can understand is off on Saturday.  If I don't post for a day or so you'll know why - but right now the laptop is okay.  

    Ron, I hope you're feeling a bit better tonight.  Holidays, especially Christmas, is hard, thinking about how things used to be and are no longer.  This will be my 7th Christmas alone.  Hard to believe Charles has been gone eight years - Sarah and Todd were with me the first Christmas.  But as fast as time is going we'll be into January before we know it.

    Going to stop before I lose this and finish watching the NFR - good tonight.  Almost time for bullriding.

    Sleep well.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Day, Chucky is very lucky to have you! His worries are now over!! Speaking of apple's, Lou loves gala apples. Her morning breakfast consists of a boiled egg, grapes,  slices of gala apples, strawberries and bagel. The only time that routine changes is if I take her to Denny's are if I make potato gravy with biscuits, sausage and scrambled eggs. 

    Zetta, Lorita talking about the snow ice cream had me remembering the very few times it snowed in Louisiana when I was young. We would go outside and gather a pan full of fresh snow and to the best of my memory it was delicious. We were warned to stay away from the yellow snow. LOL 

    Lorita, you mentioned it had been 8 years since Charles was gone. I believe last May was 8 years since this journey with Lou's dementia started. I know this time of year must be hard for you without Charles. It's hard for me and I still have Lou!

    Jo, I've been meaning to answer you about Lou socializing. She has never been one to socialize with others much and when she does, she insist I be with her. Yes  she enjoys meeting and talking with others, but quickly gets bored. Most of the friends we had were mine and over time we lost the majority because she would always find a reason to stop seeing them. It's odd that we lasted so long because I always enjoyed being around others and never had a problem going up to someone and talking and Lou never could without me.

    Hope everyone e Joy's the weekend. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, you were up early this morning.  Hope you slept well before you got up.   It's rained all night here - lots of puddles of water outside.  I haven't been out so don't know how much we got.  Still have to go out and turn on the water.  

    Ron, I had nine years of caregiving after Charles began his journey with dementia.  Doesn't seem like it was that long.  They say opposites attract so that must be what happened with you and Lou.  Charles and I were sort of the opposite - he was extroverted - never saw a stranger.  People would talk with him in the stores.  I'm introverted but not as much now as in years past.  

    I remember the warning about yellow snow, too.  We've always had dogs so the warning was warranted.  I hope we don't get snow and ice this year - hay is in pretty short supply.  It is supposed to get really cold mid week - I'm not ready for that.  

    Glad the work in the house is finished.  Still have to get power to the barn - no idea when that will happen because the electrician is backed up with work.  He'll come as soon as he can.  Bryon is coming tomorrow to close the big, sliding doors of the barn.  I've always done that except I think the last two years the man I bought hay from (a good neighbor) closed the doors for me.  There's shoveling to be done and that bothers my costo and then moving a heavy cattle panel across the barn isn't easy.  Getting old is for the birds.  I want to be able to do all I've done in the past but that's not to be.

    I'll stop and finish  my juice but will be back later.  The tablets are still offline.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Hi again,

    Well, I got the water turned on!  Felt like I'd done something good.  I need to wait a while, then turn on the water heater to fill and heat.  When they cut the water line, he said it emptied under the house.  Guess those rats and spiders will have a good drink.  Bothers me that I'm walking around on top of rats and spiders but nothing to be done about that unless I get an exterminator.  I think I'll open one of those crawl spaces so they can get out but they probably won't.

    Watched some of the morning shows and a bit of the FIFA World Cup.  England plays France in a few minutes so may watch some of that.  Watching Dr. Pol now.  Some people pulled a breach calf and dislocated it's hip so Dr. Brenda is going to put it back in place.  Charles and I have pulled so many calves and, thank goodness, never had that happen.  I remember one time we were trying to pull one and the rope slipped off it's leg and we both felt flat on our backs, got right back up and finished the job.  As we got older we got more hesitant about starting something we might not be able to finish.  Girls have been off grazing but are drifting back in to the hay.  Not much left but there's some in two rings.  Toad will set out more tomorrow.

    I've been fooling around with the new laptop and found all my pictures.  Opened one folder of pictures of Charles and the tears began so had to get out of that.  I'm so happy I took a lot of pictures of him - someday maybe I can look at them without crying.  

    Drats, I'm in a crying mood today - not sure why, maybe just the relief of getting more work accomplished.  I'll be glad to get the barn closed up before the cold weather next week and I know the girls will be happy.  I found some green paint so hope it's still good.  The trim on the barn is white and green.  Our gates are green and the rest of the pipe corral is white.  It needs to be painted next spring, too.  Always something that needs to be done but guess that's life as we know it.

    There's lots of new threads on the forum this morning - that's good.  Then, there's this one that's been going on for 14 years - can you all believe that?  Sometimes I think of all the people who have posted during that time and wonder where or how they are.  There's one lady I've been thinking about - can't remember her name - but she lived up in the NE, somewhere close to a race track.  She had horses and told me about giving Bute to Buck.  One time she posted a picture of her big yard with beautiful flower beds.  Does anyone remember who that might be?  I know Judith has been here that long so maybe she will remember.

    Hope all of you are enjoying the weekend.  Zetta, be careful if you get out in the snow.  I used to love to get outside during and after a snow and walk in it and take pictures.  You know it's hard to walk in deep snow.

    Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good evening

    Zetta I feel for you.  How were things today?

    Oh my Lorita, could not handle the conditions under your porch.  Glad someone is able to do it for you.  

    Marie all of that activity would have wore me out.  Did you get all your orders done yet?

    I cry a lot too Lorita. 

    Got those date cookies made today.

    Dark all day, I’m ready to go to bed after I eat a bite, cold out.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, it's dark and cold here too, today.  I just turned on the stove to warm it up a bit.  Your mention of the date cookies reminded me of a neighbor we used to have.  She and her husband moved here from San Angelo, TX with cattle and sheep.  Every Christmas she made pralines which were delicious and a date roll - enjoyed that, too. This was, maybe 65-70 years ago.  It just floors me when i think about things in the past and it was that many years ago.

    I've been watching a quarter finals of the FIFA - England and France - France won.  I don't know the rules but do know when someone scores.  The crowd noise is horrific - I can just imagine the headaches those fans must have after the match.  I think I mentioned that Karen and her husband and Charles and I went to a football game in KC years ago and our seats were in front of a bunch of the opposing teams' fans.  After it was over I had the worst headaches I've ever had.  It was awful - just from the noise they made.

    Sara - it's not just the porch - well, not the porch really - it's underneath the house. The porch is closed in with rock and there's a partition between it and the main house.  It bothers me, too, but if they hadn't told me I'd never have known.  I do hear gnawing from time to time at night when it's quiet.  I always thought it was probably one of the squirrels we have - but, guess not.  As long as they can't get into the house it's okay.  We have two squirrels - one has a reddish-brown tail and the other one is gray.  It's a lot of fun to watch them in the trees but I worry sometimes that Sheena or Stormy might catch them but I think squirrels could prevent it if they were close to a tree.

    Sara, I think the emotions we have, especially at this time of year, is because of the memories we have and the fact that things can no longer be that way - plus, being alone in the house.  Summer holidays don't bother me because I can be outside.  I feel so much better when I can get outside with the girls and nature.

    Just had some rice and  meripoix  I made a few weeks ago and froze.  Had to have a pumpkin-spice muffin afterwards.

    Zetta, out of Bear Creek Potato Soup?  That's not good.  I ordered some things from WM and was going to order the soup but I think they only had it for pickup.  I think I have three packages plus one of the cheesy potato soup.  It's good but I think it has a bit too much cheese.  Also have a package of tortilla soup which I don't really like.  This next week will be soup week for sure.  I'm hoping tomorrow will be sunny and a little warmer - really not nice outside today.  I want to get the barn closed up so the girls can be inside when they want to (feel sorry for the 29 little heifers and bull but guess they're used to being outside).  I don't know of any other place that has a barn for the girls so ours are spoiled.  I can see from the house that the shutters are closed so when the north door is closed the only wind will be from the south.

    I'm beginning to ramble so will stop.  I went to sleep during the soccer game - just for a couple of minutes, I think.  Just got a warning that the battery is low.

    Judith, I imagine you and your grandson watched the NFR last night and will again tonight.  Which event do you like?

    Enjoy the rest of the day.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I hope your all having a good weekend. As for me I am staying inside with my fur babies were all staying warm. The sun is shining on all the snow it's really pretty, but I am already tired of it. There were a lot of tracks in the snow this morning, pretty big ones going right through my front yard. Looks like a herd of something went through. 

    Lorita.  I get shivers thinking about rats and spiders. Maybe you can have an extinguisher put something under there to shoooo them out then close things up. Big rats make baby rats, or maybe get some more barn cats. Stormy and Sheena are good protectors they are doing their job. My Molly if something spooks her, she jumps on my lap. Iam not sure how much of a protector she would be. She barks a lot I guess that's her job. 

    I also find holidays hard not because Dans gone for me it's because no little ones around to make happy. 

    Sara.  Thanks, for thinking about me. I stay inside as much as I can, I respect the danger of the ice and snow. I don't even have to go out with Molly when she goes out to potty. My nephew dug her an area right off my back porch with snowbanks too high for her to jump over. It's probably 10ft by 10ft so I can stand at the back door and watch her the whole time she's out. Believe me she's not out too long. 

    Take Care All, Hugs Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Sayra, your date cookies sound good. Reminded me of a corney joke; "I had a date last night but believe I'll have a fig today".

    Zetta, good idea to stay inside, as senior citizens we cant be to careful. Reminds me to be careful next week; its suppose to rain then have a cold spell. I need to be especial careful this year walking down the wheelchair ramp. 

    Lorita, all the rodeos going on lately reminded me of a vacation one year. I believe I've mentioned this on the front porch before. Either the late 70s or early 80s we vacationed Colorado and New Mexico. It wasn't far out of Texas and I was pulled over by a police car. Behind the police was several other cars and as I was approached someone with a tv camera and mic came with the policeman. Seems like every year during a Bowie county celebration they stop a family from out of town to be their guest of honor. We were put up in a motel, taken around town in the police car, head of the line at bbq and box seats at the rodeo where we were introduced to the crowd. Very memorable event in our life. Downside, I was bragging the next day as we continued our trip about how we had been on vacation a whole day and not spent a penny when I was caught in a speed trap in another town. Had to pay the fine right then are wait till the next day for town constable. 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lovely day today; our dear son from Oregon was in town on business for just the day.  He came to visit which was a delight.  So, so good to see him; it has been such a long time.   Had to laugh, he had not seen me after not tinting my hair anymore and when he walked into the room he was big time startled - "MOM!"  Then he laughed but kept looking and saying how strange it felt to see me with me gone au naturelle. Thank goodness I had my haircut earlier in the week and washed/blew it dry today and due to a good cut, at least it looked nice.   Sweet, fun conversation and hated to see him leave.  Of course now I will worry about him driving all the way back up into Oregon early tomorrow morning considering the heavy rain and winds that are expected as well as snow in the passes.   Of course, Mom worries.  Will be glad when he calls once he is home. 

    For the second time watched the PBS show with Andrea Bocelli in New York's Central Park tonight.  Great music and multiple others performing with him.  Wish I could sing; I am awful, can't find my key and if I manage to find it for a second, can't keep it, but I LOVE to sing and do so anyway.  My poor husband on long road trips used to ask me to PLEASE stop singing and be quiet. Sigh.

    Lorita, I do remember the woman you are asking about who owned the horses; she was a very classy lady as I recall.  While I do recall her, I do not recall her name. Sorry.

    I send you a big hug; I can understand how you miss your beloved Charles; the heart never forgets and such a loss is beyond the beyond of measurement.

    As for the Amazon tablets and calls to customer service assistance.   I too ran into that and of course was shuffled off to India where communications were difficult and help not robust to say the least.  However, if you ask to be transferred to the United States they will do so and it does make quite a difference when there are problems to be solved.

    Oh gosh; the rats under the house.  I know what you mean about not wanting any animal to starve; but the other side of that is . . . with leaving openings to go in and out under the house, the rats are not going to stay gone. They will continue under the house as that is where their nests are and where they reproduce.  AND if there are openings now, more rats and other unwanted critters will find their way in too.  Think SNAKE as in the last couple of years.  Dear compassionate Lorita, the more rats have a place to nest they will indeed continue to rapidly reproduce and soon they may find a way to gnaw themselves into the house.  So, considering vermin, disease and damage to the house and wiring, etc. probably best to think about this a bit more.  Personally on the very real health issues alone, I would have an exterminator out, but that is just me. 

    Yes; me a bit tearful too.  It must be the time of the year; I miss so many and all is different and do wish sometimes I could turn the clock back and have everyone together again.  I got a note and Christmas card from a dear Aunt today.  She is 103 and as I have mentioned, lives independently and is a hum dinger for exercise walking and has it all together.  What a sweetie, and she is so funny; great sense of humor.

    Since I cannot bake cookies this year, I am thinking about buying a fruitcake from Collins Street Bakery in Texas.  They are good. 

    Son and DIL who had to have two elderly dogs put to sleep over the last few months look like they are adopting another rescue.  Their poor eldest dog is now almost 17 years old and she is really beginning to decline; it is sad.  She was a rescue that her owner came to the vets to have her put to sleep when she was a pup as the owners daughter who was an adult but with severe mental handicaps had thrown the pup against the wall and broke legs, ribs and jaw. DIL was the Vet Tech who received the puppy and well; she got the poor wee thing taken care of and nursed it and the dog did extremely well and has been a very happy doggie. Seventeen years she would not have had if it had not been for the dedication and careful care of DIL and son.

    Love those apples too.  They have been so nice and crisp and juicy; I eat one every day. Wish grapefruit were easier to eat.  Don't like to buy the sliced ones in a jar; they have been processed and have lost some of their natural nutrition; just not the same.  Haven't had much luck with citrus this year, wonder what caused that or perhaps it is just our area; but it is California for goodness sake.

    Marie, the handprints of the children; how wonderful and what memories!   I have a big old fashioned tree with old fashioned and unique ornaments of all different kinds, (no plastic allowed), and also put homemade ornaments the kids and grandkids made when small and finish it off with swagged popcorn garlands.  Surprised me that when I put all the popcorn on strings that they could be kept multiple years.  I handled them carefully and then wrapped them in single layers in acid free tissue paper in a large box to save; it worked like a charm.  No tree this year; DH will not abide it or any deco's, so just plain wrap.  Miss it so much.  Nothing like the kids and grandkids at Christmas.  Sure wish I could have them ALL out for Christmas, but will have to wait; not this year for sure.  Always also put a small table top tree between the dining room and living room and it was decorated with tiny white lights and all small crystal ornaments, and swagged crystal beads; it really sparkled and shined.

    Now if I could just find a way to make ME sparkle and shine, that would be a very good thing, but cannot find the way to make that happen.

    Had to laugh today. Someone was talking about how Cher was criticized about having some plastic surgery done; her response was,  "It's my body; if I want to put my nose on my a**, I'll do what I want."   Sure did make me laugh; she says it like she sees it.  She is 76 years old now. 

    When I was a child I got told about yellow snow too. But one day, when walking to school by myself through the snow, I passed a gas station and by the side of the building was pink snow!  I thought it would be good to taste it, so went to try to do that, but when I got to it, thankfully it reeked of oil or gas or something; too rank to taste. Saved by the stink.  Children just are naturally curious.

    Time to go; nightie night to Chucky, Molly, Stormy, Sheena and all the others;


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Jo C. wrote:

    When I was a child I got told about yellow snow too. But one day, when walking to school by myself through the snow, I passed a gas station and by the side of the building was pink snow!  I thought it would be good to taste it, so went to try to do that, but when I got to it, thankfully it reeked of oil or gas or something; too rank to taste. Saved by the stink.  Children just are naturally curious.

    Oh, no, that was probably antifreeze, very toxic!  You were spared!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    That is for sure, Iris. I sometimes smile thinking of my Guardian Angel by now with halo askew and wings a bit singed from having to fly so fast and so often to keep me from disasters.  Lucky how we can be saved from bad things.  I do recall my being about five or six and a disheveled looking man calling me over to his car to give me some money . . . now my parents always stressed to me never to talk to strangers nor to go to someone's car, etc., etc.,  BUT . .  I was also taught to have very good manners and to be polite.

    Good manners overruled the warnings and there I was; little girl with curly hair - I approached the car and the man gave me a handful of coins when I remembered the UH-OH part of my parents warnings; I stepped back and went swiftly away, but due to the "manners" I muttered a thank you.  He may just have been a "nice" person, but thank heavens I did not have anything dreadful happen.

    Children; when small, they can get signals mixed.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Fruitcake....now I remember that was what we had for dessert after Christmas dinner...with hard sauce. Thanks Jo...just ordered one from Collin St. to be shipped right away...gives me some time to slosh somme you know what on it. 

    I am sorry that your holiday has a bit of a damper on it but iit happens and really...it is not about cookies, right? I remember going to church Christmas morning....not many were there. It was quiet and oh so lovely. Now I just go where I am  told and at what time...lol. All is good except I miss my love so very much. 

    Marie....the hands....what a wonderful idea. Just think....how many generations could keep that going and the wonderful memories and disussions they provoke.

    Lorita...get the exterminator out asap. Brown recluse and rats??? Do not think for one minute that they can not get into your home.

    Thinking of you and Stormy and the truck. I vowed I would only have a dog that I could wash in the kitchen sink. I hope you can find transportation for the three of you.

    More gaes today then I will cook dinner for all. Probably Chili.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Elderly people, too, Jo.  We were taught to be polite and not hang up the phone on people - that's why so many elders are scammed.  I just don't answer any calls when I don't recognize the number or something gnaws at me to answer.  I still  have a landline and occasionally someone will call that number on business but I try to be careful.

    You were, indeed, a lucky person.  God was with you for sure.  Nice that your son could come for a visit. I can imagine how happy you were to see him, especially at this time of year.

     When you mentioned your hair I thought about my sister.  She always had black hair (I really don't know the original color - but do think it was black when she was young).  When she got older and just before she went into the MCC she quit coloring it and it was completely white or silver.  She looked so different.  Now, mine is silver except for about 6-7" at the ends.  When I had my picture taken for driver's license renewal the top of my head glowed - the light was on it just right and the silver shined or shone, whichever it is.

    Bryon just left - he came to close up the big, sliding barn doors.  Didn't take much time.  I feel so awful not doing it myself but I did go out a few days ago and shoveled a little and really paid for it.  So, the barn is closed up for the girls this winter.  Toad came to feed while we were out there.  Still can't get all of the girls to come down for feed.  On feed days I go out and honk to call them down - most come but there's still quite a few that keep grazing.  He gave them a bale of hay - wish he had given them two but maybe they're getting some grass.  Otherwise, they wouldn't be grazing.  There's still some green grass after the rains.

    I had several leather coats and jackets so gave them and a box of jeans to Bryon.  Maybe he can wear some of them.  I have another big, storage box of all sizes of jeans in the storage building so I'll give those to him, too.  He's the nicest young man - probably in his late 30s or 40, not sure.  He works at the cemetery - said he had a hard day yesterday so he came early - maybe he can rest some this afternoon.  He has a teenage son, early teens, who is really into sports so that keeps him busy on the weekends.  He'll paint my porches and steps when the weather is better.  He always tells me to call him if I need something.

    Called Mike early this morning to ask for a farm call for the GPS allergies.  I thought the allergy problem would be over by now but he said sometimes it lasts all winter - could even be their food.  I feed them Beneful dry food and Pedigree canned food. Guess I'll change one of them and see if that helps - if not, change the other until I see if it is the food.  Need to get Lilly over for her allergy shot sometime this week, too.  

    Day - Nancy is going to be on with Gary this morning, I think.  She's on now with Cuddl-Duds.  I don't believe I can take two hours of her - maybe I'll turn off the sound and just watch.  I don't understand why Carolyn isn't with him on Sundays - she was on earlier this morning.  The younger, new hosts are not nearly as good as the others - too much oohing and aahing about the clothing.  Maybe it's just me and maybe I'm losing my patience in my old age.   It just came on and it is Nancy.

    Jo - don't know what I'll do about the varmints.  I'm afraid if I get an exterminator somehow they'll get from under the house and die in the yard and one of the GPs will get them.  Doubt they'd eat them but who knows.  I don't have outside cats so that's okay.  The two squirrels - sort of afraid they might get under the house and get exterminated, too. Then, there's the smell.  You know when Daniel and his crew were working they never mentioned anything being under there but they weren't under the main part of the house, just the south and west. I've thought about opening one of the spaces but not sure I'll do that either. 

    I'm just getting really tired of things coming up that has to be dealt with.  At least everything's done now except the power to the barn and having Jimmy check the wiring in the attic - and the PU and car.  It's been a trying year with all the things to be done, worrying about Sarah and dreading the phone call and the thing about the Hackberry tree I lost this year.  I have always said that when the tree goes, I will go, too.  Every time I would say that to Sarah, she'd say "don't say things like that" but I've always felt that way.  Guess this is just an old woman thinking.

    I'd still love to be feeding the girls but know it would be too hard.  Guess I made the right call when I sold them but it was hard.  Somehow I still feel they're mine, guess that's because they're still here and I can interact with them.  Haven't been able to see little Susie this morning - she's probably on the other side of the pond with the other cows.

    Hope all of you are well this morning.  Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Lorita I knew it was the house, don’t know why I said porch.  I have never seen a rat.  Do know though they through history are often the carrier of diseases.  Do not want to see a rat.   I’m for an exterminator asap also.  I’d have that done immediately lol.

    Those fruitcakes look nice.  Way too big for me though.  Hope to try the cranberry cake, we’ll see.  

    Know Lorita it has to be tough when you have lost most of your family. 

    Talked to J a bit ago.  She is hanging in there.

    Dark day today, doing ok though

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, I used to love fruitcakes.  Mother used to make a big one a couple or more weeks before Christmas.  She'd wrap it in cloth and saturate it with grape juice from time to time. Kept it high up in the cabinet - wonder why?  I made a white fruit cake once but after that we always made an orange slice cake - so good - but so hard to mix.  Haven't made one of those in years.

    You know I don't know that I've ever seen a rat either - that was alive at least.  I do remember seeing a couple of dead ones around the carport some months back.  I bet it was those under the house that ate the wiring on the car.  Even if I still had barn cats they couldn't/wouldn/t come into the hard because of the Pyrenees.  They don't want anything in the yard.

    It is hard, Sara, I think of how it used to be - so many family members.  Now those that are left are 80 and above and not in good health.  I need to call J.W., my cousin who is a few months younger than I but has Parkinson's, and see if there are any family members to carry on the family name.  He had two daughters and I'm thinking there is or used to be a couple of boys from other of daddy's brothers.

    Sounds like J. is getting along all right.  Are you able to visit her in the NH?  I know some around here are restricting visitors because of the flu and covid.  From what I hear on the news shows on TV it's getting pretty bad.  Even heard that Los Angeles, I think, is considering reinstating having people wear masks again.    I did hear the flu is worse than it's been in a decade but that the flu shot is helping.  Only about 13% of eligible people have gotten the third covid booster.  What can people expect?

    Day, this Nancy wears an XS - where do they find all of these skinny girls that are so talkative?  Give me Carolyn, Jane Brown (not the other one) and a couple of others.

    It's dark, cloudy and cold here this morning, too, Sara.  I doubt we'll see the sun this week.  Really supposed to get colder after tomorrow.  Do you have any snow?  I saw on the weather there's a pretty strong cold front that will be going across the north.

    I think the Chiefs play at 3 p.m. today so I'll watch that.  The NFR is over - really enjoyed most of it.  Judith, did your grandson know any of the world champions from last night?

    Enjoy the rest of the day.  

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    I can visit the nursing home.  For quite awhile I am the only one there with a mask on except for if there are outside health care workers there.  They tend to wear masks also.  They had a whole bunch of little kids in there last Wednesday when I went in, in a small room with the elderly, elderly.  The room was packed.  Guess we’ll find out if the adaptive immune system is still holding up in the elderly, elderly where she is.  We should definitely know by the middle of January, if we have no surge of hospitalizations and/or deaths, it’s holding.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    I hope your all having a good afternoon. Iam staying inside keeping warm watching the snow fall. 

    Lorita.  Iam, wishing I had some Bear Creek soup. I will go back to the store tomorrow and hopefully they got some more. I hope your crying mood has gone and you are able to sit back and enjoy all that you have had done. It's not fun having to change your pet's food trying to find something they like. It would be nice if they had small single serving bags of different foods. I had 5 different bags of cat food before I found something both Sammy and Emmy liked. 

    Marie.  I love your idea of making hands of all the children as they grew. One time I had enough handmade ornaments that my kids had made I was able to decorate my whole tree with them. 

    Sara.  It is so sweet of you to continue visiting J at the NH. Iam sure she really looks forward to your visits. When my DH was in MC during the holidays many groups of children came and sang Christmas songs, and the MC unit was decorated so nice. One little resident there loved the kid's and the music she would dance all around without a care in the world. Some of the little kids would dance with her. There were some special times in MC, those are the times I choose to remember. 

    Jo.  What a surprise your son showing up. Your right mothers do worry about everything. His trip home will be good they keep that freeway very well groomed. We are getting snow today but so far, no wind in the Bend area nothing worse than it has been. Iam glad you did not eat a lot of that pink snow. It probably looked like a snow cone to a little kid.  I saw Cher on a TV show a few days ago she is still very pretty and does not have that look that some do after they have so many face lifts. I loved watching her and Sonny. 

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Hi Lorita...I wonder if this would help with your internet connectivity problem. Sometimes simply turning the tablet, Ipad, etc. completely off, then turning it on again can solve an internet problem with a device. Sometimes my iPad gets a little balky and that solves the problem. Worth a try. 

    Holidays can certainly evoke feelings gone by. Thanksgiving is always difficult for us now because my husband died on Thanksgiving 7 years ago. To add to that this year, my son and his family couldn't be here because they all had that terrible flu that's going around. They were so sick. So there were only 4 of us here. Hopefully everyone will be well for Christmas. If that happens there will be 14 of us. They're all not wanting to get me sick so we've missed several gatherings these past few years...just like all families. 

    My dear neighbor across the street is 94, fell and broke her femur. So sad! I've had a broken femur due to a head on collision with a truck, so know the drill. I was only 40 though and this will be a long haul for her. After a time in the hospital she was transferred to a physical therapy facility, then was told she had to move from there in a certain amount of time. So she was transferred again and now has Covid. Says a light case...has had all of her boosters and they're giving her the medications for Covid. Hopefully she will weather this storm. She's a retired Navy nurse so knows the score. Falling is my main concern at this ripe old age of 79. I will never climb another ladder.

    Take care everyone...Betty

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    There were 30 trapped rats in my home several years ago...not a happy time and very expensive. In OK, at least in OK Co, they must be removed alive.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Almost time for Yellowstone so this will be short.  
    Betty, I've tried that a dozen times.  First one went offline and the next day or later that day, the other one.  I wonder if it's something with Amazon.  The laptop works fine.  Thanks for the advice - wish it would work.

    Judith, how did they catch the rats? bet I know what they did with them afterwards.  How were they trapped?  Guess I'll call an exterminator tomorrow and see what he says.  

    Saw a cow on the other side of the pond with what I was thinking might be a new baby so drove over.  I was kind of worried about Susie.  When I got close I saw there were two babies - they were getting up.  One was Susie and another little one - the cow was babysitting.  When i got back a cow had come through the gate.  I think it's Sally (the one who kept getting over the fence a few months ago).  She's very thin, she's timid and I don't think she's getting feed and if there's not several bales of hay she may not get much of that. She's smaller than the Brangus cattle.  So, gave her some hay I had - she ate that so gave her more.  I'm going to call Mike and ask him to bring some feed when he comes so I can try to fatten her up.  Worrying never stops.

    A strange thing just happened.  A couple of days ago I heard a loud popping sound, one pop.  Could never figure out what it was.  Sort of worried me.  Tonight I was watching TV and all at once there was a loud pop and a bright light in front of me.  Scared me so I called the electrician and had to leave a message - guess it's his work phone.  He'll call me in the morning, I hope.  I've checked the breaker box and everything's okay and nothing electrical went off.  Always something.

    I'm better this evening - except for the above. I got outside and that always helps.  Bryon came and got the barn doors closed and I gave him several leather coats and jackets and some jeans.  I think I wrote this in a previous post - sorry.

    Judith, Stormy can get up in the PU if he will.  He has done it a couple of times.  Not sure Sheena could with her hygromas.  I'll call tomorrow about the car and if he still doesn't think they can find out what's wrong, I'll have to get another one.

    Zetta, I hate to try to find a different kind of food for the Pyrenees.  They really like what I'm feeding them but if it's the cause of the allergies I will change for sure.  It could be something else.  Like I said, always something.

    It's been dark a long time and not even 7 p.m. yet.  A couple of days ago the sun sat at 5:09 and the weatherman said that was the earliest it would set.  I think the days begin to get longer on the 21st of December.  I'm ready for that.

    Day - they've been selling lobster on QVC.  Two hundred dollars for eight - I think lobster tails.  I don't like lobster - tastes sweet and I didn't like that.  

    I hope everything's okay until he can check in the attic.  
    Think I'll unplug a light I brought in to be by my chair.  I wasn't using it ia while ago but was the first time but the light didn't go off.  Can't imagine what it is.  Maybe a rat got into the attic and nibbled on something.  

    Sleep well.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, I don't get QVC and this new host business, they may even be testing the new ones to see how sales go during the shows.  I know for sure that there is a real-time sales tracker to the penny that is always shown to them during their presentations so the host knows whether what they and the brand person are saying/showing is a hit with the audience or not, plus the producers are in their ears reminding them to talk about certain aspects of the product or if what they're saying is a turn-off.  The new hosts spend most of their time on QVC2 and that's why I stick with the regular QVC even if it's a show I'm not interested in.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Many years ago when I lived in Washington DC, there were a couple of dead rats placed at my back doorstep.  I thought neighborhood kids were playing tricks on me.  But one time I found a dead rat while I was home and there was no person around.  I deduced that the sender was the neighborhood feral tomcat that I had befriended, he was giving me a "present".  Fortunately, that was the last "present".


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Those were some presents, weren't they, Iris?  Glad you found out that it was the cat instead of the kids.

    Cloudy, dreary day here.  It was raining a little when I got up this morning.  Tonight we're supposed to have rain and thunderstorms.  Ron, according to the weatherman you may get severe weather tonight.  Do you have a weather radio?  My diretv goes out when there's rain or bad weather so I rely on it and the internet to let me know what's going on.

    I didn't sleep much, or well, last night.  I was worrried about the fireball I saw but everything was okay.  I talked with Jimmy this morning and he said as soon as he could break away from his work for a little while he'd come and check - but, I think I found what it was.  I have a gooseneck, floor lamp and I had it by my recliner, both times when I heard the pops.  I unplugged everything from that outlet last night and this morning I checked the cord and where it goes into the lamp it seems broken or frayed so I imagine that's what it is.  I'll let him come anyway and check the receptable - it may have ruined it.

    I saw something on Barnwood Builders this morning I haven't seen in a long time.  They were in Louisiana rebuilding or taking down a barn.  They showed a huge cottenfield with the cotton all ready to pick.  There used to be a lot of cotton around here but I haven't seen any in many years.  Daddy raised cotton and corn, sometimes headfeed.  I can remember seeing the rows of cotton, all white and ready to pick.  I've picked a lot of cotton and pulled bolls, sort of backbreaking work because you have to either bend over or get on your knees to pick it.  One year he had a beautiful field of cotton and the plants were so tall if you were on your knees you were actually shaded from the hot sun.  Sometimes when I start a new part of our thread I say it's like starting with an empty cotton sack - at least that's sometimes the feeling I get.  Starting over with an empty sack that doesn't pull good until you get a few pounds of cotton in it.  One year daddy had a small cotton patch in front of and south of the house.  Lorita, my sister, was a little kid (I wasn't here yet).  She had a big can that said so many pounds on the side.  She'd pick the can full and then try to convince daddy that her cotton weighed what the can said.  There's more of those memories rattling around in my brain.  You know the only person I can talk to about those things who understands is Carol.  She grew up three or four miles south of us and her daddy was a farmer, too.

    This morning the little cow I had up was walking the fence so I went out and gave her some more hay.  She ate some but started walking again so decided I'd let her out.  When I went out I heard her softly call her baby and then Susie appeared.   I had unknowingly separated them overnight.  They got together and they took off to the NE pasture to graze - baby wanting her to stop for breakfast but she wasn't having any of that.

    Do you all know a good place to order lamps from online?  I have two , tall, table lamps that aren't working plus the gooseneck floor lamp.  Don't want to go into WM unless I have to because of the flu and virus.  The canine flu is going strong around Tulsa - did you know they have a flu vaccine for dogs?  I didn't.  Probably 40 years ago I had a terrible case of the flu - was in bed a full two weeks and off work for three weeks.  Napoleon, one of our poodles, stayed in bed with me all that time.  He got really sick for a couple of days so I've always thought he got the flu from me.  You know Charles slept in the same bed with me all that time and he never got sick.  We used a lot of disinfectant spray so guess it really works.

    Enough of memories of times gone by.  

    I looked for numbers of exterminators this morning so I'll stop and do some more research.  Judith, why do they have to catch the rats alive in OKC?

    Day, I switch from QVC to QVC2 - on my TV the people on QVC2 look a lot taller and thinner for some reason.  Mary Beth was on this morning with Isaac.  Really like her.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.  Hope you all are well.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita glad you found the problem and that there was no fire.

    Have never bought a lamp on line but sure there are plenty out there.  Hopefully maybe someone else has.

    Another gray day.  Did get out and run a few errands, was snowing real fine and light. The kind I like, pretty and no accumulation.

    Got the house cleaned again and made shredded chicken.  Have several things in frig so shouldn’t have to cook for a few days.  

    Never heard of headfeed Lorita?

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara,  I think headfeed is just a cover word for things like maize and hygiere..  Just tall feed with heads of grain.

    I found lamps onAmazon and WM.com  Found a set I like and also a gooseneck floor lamp.  Before I order I want to check one of them - the cats knocked it over and the bulb broke off in it.  I think I can get it out.  Years ago Charles bought a used tool box for the PU that all kinds of things in it.  I found an old, old, pretty iron lamp that was in pieces.  I put it back together and still use it on top of the desk.  That was years ago not sure about now.  I have to get fairly heavy lamps so they won't knock it over.  

    Glad you got out and got your errands done.  I love to see snow falling - I like big, fluffy flakes.  That usually happens here at night so seldom see it.  I hope we don't get any this year.  We did already have just a tiny bit that stuck to the grass for a while.

    Nice that you have things cooked so you won't have to cook much this week.  I have two packets of cheesey broccoli soup that I may try again.  Seems like I tried it once and it was a little bit too cheesy - if that's possible.

    It's getting darker here - guess it's getting ready for the front to come through.  FedEx should deliver some things I ordered today - hope they bring it to the house.  I still have my two signs down at the gate.  The guy who delivered last week will but he said there are four that work this area so we'll see.  Also need to mail a birthday card to Carol - her 86th birthday is the 15th so if it goes out tomorrow, it'll be there in time.

    I think there's also a place called Overstocked - might try that for the lamps, too.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    The rats were caught in gages. I do not know why they have to be live trapped but the exterminator will loose his license if they are caught killing them. Maybe itwas the squirrels but I think it was both. The mice could be exterminated. It will cost 2K to get my range rewired. 

    Everyone is gone now...very quiet. 

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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