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Just need to talk to my friends (183)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Back home and cystoscopy wasnt that bad. Bladder is ok, seems like the main problem is still from my prostate. I have had a TUIP, TURP and radiation treatment on the prostate and still having problems. If I would have been younger when they found the cancer it would have been taken out and maybe things would have been better. Dr. said to follow up in may for the prostate and the nurse had even said something about adding another pill.

    I ordered lou and me all weather moxecans the pillow guy. this is the first time I've ordered anything from him. They looked comfortable and Lou and I both needed some type of comfortable shoe. Not use to ordering much on internet so will see how this goes.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, glad that's over for you and that it wasn't too bad.  Sounds like things looked okay.  Most of the time the dread of something is worse than the actual thing, thank goodness.

    It's been sunny today but the clouds have moved in.  This seems like Friday to me for some reason.  Called Darwin to see if he'd heard from the carpenters.  Said he understood they were coming Friday and planned to do my work first.  Someone is going to have to go under the house so they can give me an estimate.  Won't be cheap but has to be done.  I bet they have to go through the floor.  Hate to lose the 120 yr. old hardwood but we'll see.

    Jo, I have gotten some things done this year but more to do.  Still have to get power to barn plus the other work on it.  I need to get a couple of loads of gravel on the driveway.  All the place has new perimeter and cross fences except for a little over half a mile.  All but  a quarter of that has old fences but in good shape.  The wire is up and so many trees in the fence line that the girls couldn't get through.   Like paid for the last new fence.  Surely a lot of t-posts and a six wire fence.  Peter and son really build nice fences so straight .

    I'm watching American Pickers and they just showed a pair of women's jeans with a side zipper.  I think I had a pair of red ones when I was in the sixth grade.

    Back later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    I forgot to mention my problem was and still is, not emptying my bladder completely.  He showed me all the bubbles in my bladder and told me that was from urine retention. Guess my follow up appointment for prostate will tell me what else he can do. Besides the TUIP and TURP I'm on 3 medicines to help with bladder emptying. Just hope something can be done to keep from having kidney failure. Those bubbles floating around was weird!

    Dont feel much like cooking tonight so a large salad for Lou and I will be supper. I do that ever once in awhile and we both enjoy it. I hope the next few days i feel up to making those Christmas cookies. It takes awhile but sure are good! I believe i shared the recipe with the front porch last year; it has green and red maraschino cherries, dates, pecans, brown sugar and buttermilk. I can taste them already!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Ron glad the day went fairly well.  Those cookies do sound good.

    Lorita it is behealthyusa.net.  They do not have N95.  I wear KF94.

    Opened a jar of pickles I canned.  Think they were called sweet and sour, excellent.  Will make them again if able.

    Take care

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Ron, a salad sounds good about now.  Every once in a while I get a craving for a big salad, I think I'll fix one this week.

    Work was busy, busy.  Airlines still creating havoc with changes and cancellations of flights.  And then of course you have the people who cannot seem to stop fiddling with their hotel reservations.  Will call and cancel 1 night of their stay and a couple of hours later want the night back--sorry it's sold out!  And much upset and anger ensues.  

    Chucky is transitioning back to his kibble and we're on a weight loss plan.  Lots of walks but also I'm being careful to portion out his 1 cup a day of his weight management kibble.  He, of course, will go over to his empty bowl a number of times during the day and just look at me.  Honestly though, he acted like he was starving before and no matter how much food you gave him he would gobble it up so this is the way it has to be.  He gets a tablespoon of wet food mixed in before bed.  And tooth brushing!  Maybe he'll lost a few ounces before Tuesday when he goes to the doctor.  

    If we go a month or so and no weight loss, I'll have to get the prescription food (which I know works but it's so expensive!), but I'm going to be very strong in my resolve and not allow the soft brown eyes to make me feel bad!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Day, how much does Chuck weigh and how much should he weihh?  I've never had to tty to get a dog or cat to lose weight but bet it is hard.  .  I keep dry food down for Sheena and Stormy all the time.  They eat about four cups a day p!us a can of food..  Usually give them a large milk bone daily plus.a vitamin and glucosamine.

    Sorry your day was so.busy but bet it made the day go fast.  I don't know how you deal with upset and angry people.  You must have the patience of Job.  You'll probably sleep well tonight.

    I took  down the flag.  We'll high wind warnings tomorrow so don't want it to.blow down or break the pole.  FedEx delivered a pkg. to the house this afternoon.  Thanked him and told him to tell the other drivers to do so. Evidently we get deliveries from two places and sometimes Tulsa.

    Sleep well, everyone.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Sorry to be such a slacker in posting, but the past week have had depression.

      Thanksgiving was less than what we had hoped for.  Last minute there were 2 who could not come, so there were only 4 of us...most every year there are at least 10.  Of course this was the first without Dad.  Also had problems with the order from Bob Evans and the food was not that great after we managed to get it.  I had to remind myself and others at the blessing time, that even with all this we still had lots to be grateful for...as so many have so much less.

    The Saturday after Thanksgiving was my aunt's funeral, mostly just family so was a smaller group than expected.  Many I had not seen in years, and Mother had a good visit with all.

    My cousin's wife is still hanging on.  Their adult daughter had to take leave from her job to care for her.  Cousin was going to take leave from his job, but couldn't without having to pay for their insurance out of pocket and of course no paycheck.  They have had a hard time with his wife's health for some years...heartbreaking for all so sure.

    Now on to better news.

    The weather here has of course turned cold, but not too bad.  Worst is when we get strong winds.  This is my least favorite time of year...all the trees are pretty much bare of leaves...the grass has turned brown...and the sun is not so bright.  Grateful to have a warm place to live and food to put on the table.

    Mother turned 98 this week, and I took her earlier in the month to get her driver's license renewed!  A mixed blessing...she can still get out to local spots (cleaners, church, hairdresser, etc.)  She no longer drives at night or stormy weather (her choice and a good one).  We do worry about her though as her reaction time is less than we would like, and there are so many on the road these days who don't pay attention to what they are doing!

    Day, glad to hear Chucky is doing well after his surgery.  His food habit sounds like as some point in his little life he had to eat in a hurry to get enough to survive.  I am sure it is hard to resist those soulful brown eyes when the bowl is empty.  Could you change to half the amount twice a day?  He is very fortunate to have such a caring Mom as you.

    Lorita, you continually amaze me with all you do.  I am so glad you have good friends to all on when needed.  I know you are glad to have the gate situation resolved to be able to get deliveries to the house.  It will be a life saver this winter.

    Ron, I hope you and Lou are feeling better and can get more good sleep time.  The body and mind need that time to recharge, and you have a lot going on.  Loved your story about the Mexican eating place.  You have a very sweet daughter-in-law.

    Best close this out before I loose it.  Will try to get on later and mention others of you as I have been reading daily.  

    Wishing you all good days, better health and whatever makes you smile.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Marie, sorry for your loss so near Thanksgiving.  I know how that feels - we lost my grandma the day before Thanksgiving years ago so the day was hard.  Also Patsy passed away on Thanksgiving two years ago.  

    Holidays can be very hard.  I hope your cousin's wife improves.  Your mother is 98 and still drives!! How wonderful. I know that gives her a sense of independence.  My mother got to the point she couldn't drive but she still would get in the PU and drive forward and backward in the driveway.  I remember she and were going to town  and she insisted on driving.  When we got to the highway she asked me to drive.  She knew she shouldn't drive on the highway.  She has been gone for 27 years and I miss her every day.  I lost daddy and then lost mother 13 months later.  Really hard.

    Waiting for a call from the carpenters but won't hold my bresth.

    The GPs stayed out last night and when I got up didn't hear them.  I went out on the porch and the first thing I saw was an open yard gate.  Evidently the FedEx guy didn't close it enough.  Scared me. I could imagine them.chasing wolves and getting hurt or lost. Started calling  them and lo and behold Stormy came around the house and I heard Sheena barking!!  Made my day for sure.

    Marie, I don't do as much as I should or used to such as feeding.  My costo has been really bad so have to.be careful during the day and while sleeping.  I wish I could feed the girls because some of them don't always get around in time to get feed.   We fed late in the day and kept the gate closed until everyone was there  before we let them through to the feed.  Toad has so many to feed he doesn't have time to do this and they feed early. The drought was hard on all cattle so are trying  to recover.

    Going to be about 70 today but the wind is awful.  Marie, remind me in which State you live.

    I'll be back later.  Ron, bet you're glad this is the day after.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Just took a freshly baked loaf of bread out of the machine and it smells good.  I've noticed that the loaves are getting smaller while using the same ingredients.  Thought it might be the yeast but it's refrigerated and good until June 2023.  Can't understand why this is happening.  The bread is of the same quality anxd is really good.  Any ideas?

    I talked with the mechanic who's working on my car.  He has it running but really not drivable.  If you step on the brake or turn on the lights, it dies so that's not good.  He's has been a mechanic for years and owns the shop but says he has never seen this before.  He thinks it might be in one of the computers which would be expensive to replace, if you could.  It's not worth too much for a trade in even if it was in good shape.  He'll work   more on it next week but it sounds like it's a no-go.  I doubt I would ever trust it again.  Just my luck.  Guess I was lucky to get home with it when I did.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good evening

    Nice to hear from you Marie.  You are definitely going through a rough patch.  Don’t think I’ll be able to drive when I’m 98.  Guess we never know though.

    Not sure why your loaves are getting smaller Lorita.  I need to bake buns when I get a chance.  Cooked and washed today.  Made an Angel food cake, chocolate chip cookies, cornbread and oatmeal pancakes.  Mom requested the cake so split it with her.  Wanted to make zucchini bread but got tired so hope to do that tomorrow if I’m able.  Able to freeze all these things so will be handy later, my fast food.

    Think we’re getting your wind tonight and tomorrow Lorita.  We have had a very windy year.

    Hope each one is able to get a good nights rest.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Marie, I'm so sorry things are bad right now and I hope you start feeling better soon.

    Lorita, Chucky weighs 16.6 pounds and really he is obese.  From his records when he came to the shelter in September, he weighed 15 pounds then, gained while he was at the shelter but they did say he was so cute and they felt bad for him and gave him food and treats on demand.  Vet says "too fat!" and just because he's 10 I think I should get some of this weight off him so his joints don't end up hurting later in life.  I would guess if he lost 5 pounds he would be much better off.  Luckily, he loves to walk so we do lots of that and I think the portion control will help a lot.  He actually has food in his bowl right now that he didn't finish, so now I won't feel bad about him going to an empty bowl.  

    Wall-to-wall calls today - December is the month where everyone is worried about getting enough nights in hotels to maintain their elite status (or achieve it) for 2023, so much of the day was those calls.  Nobody angry, just more begging because they can't imagine checking into a hotel and not getting their room upgraded or getting their breakfast.  I empathize, but also know there are far worse problems one could have and they will not cease to live if they don't get an upgrade.

    Here's a picture of Chucky in his pumpkin coat - a lady at the shelter makes one for every dog.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, you have been one busy lady today.  Surely wilp be nice to have all those good things frozen and ready togo when you need them.  It's good you are now on Medicare.  I don't think I got on it until about 67- they kept sending letters telling me I should do it. 

    Mike and Sidney cams by to put out some mineral tubs for the girls vans heifers.  Three, I think he said about 200 lbs. each.  The cows and calves live them and they were down to licking the bottoms.  He always calls when he's a few minutes away so I'll know it's him coming up the drive.  Glad he does that.

    He checked the growth on Stormy's neck.   It's a small cyst and is okay.  Also checked Sheena's hygroma.   It has gone down a little in size but he said if it gets bigger he'll have to remove it.  She has one on each elbow.  Stormy acts like he's scared to death of Mike don't know why unless it's because he has given them allergy shorts here several times and he may think he's going to do that again.  I tried to get him in the pickup again today but no luck.  If the car can't be fixed I will have to get some other vehicle so I can take them in if needed.

    Made an appt. Monday to get the PU.diesel and injectors drained so will get groceries after that and pneumonia shot if the pharmacist is there.

    I want to watch the USA play the Netherlands in the World Cup in the morning.  First time they've gotten this far in a long time.

    I'll keep making bread in the bread machine- maybe slightly adjust the ingredients.

    The news just said that Harrison Ford is 80!  Did not know that.  How did all of us get so "mature"?

    Very windy here all day from the south but will change to the north later tonight.  I bet I can count on my ten fingers the number of days we don't have wind.

    No carpenters today!

    Sleep well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    What a nice warm coat on Chucky!

    Lorita, I had to purchase a refurbushed computer for my 1995 Maxima, it worked for a few years.  It cost about $200 about ten years ago.  The only place to purchase it was some vendor in Texas. After a few more years, I could not get it to pass the smog test, so I could not get it registered, and I donated it to a charity.  That was four years ago.  So my Maxima lasted about twenty-one years.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Day, I missed your post, sorry.  How cute is Chucky in his pumpkin coat!  Barclee weighed about 20 lbs but he was a little.bigger.  Never had to help a little guy lose weight.  Good luck.  I made coats for our poodles when we had them.  Still have one of them and they loved to wear them.

    You have to.be a very patient person to do your job.  I bet Chuck helps you relax after a long day.  Thanks for posting the picture of Chucky.in his pretty coat.

    Iris, Robert said a computer now would cost about a thousand dollars.  I like the car but that's too much since it's s 21 years old already.  If he can't fix it, guess I'll sell it to the junk yard or donate it.  He's going to keep trying.  I think it's a challenge to.him.  Insurance is due shortly so doubt I'll keep that but not sure yet.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Thanks to all for the sympathies expressed.  It has been a tough year with one more loss expected...cousin's wife is on hospice with only weeks expected to live.  

    The bright spot of the year was the birth of my great grand daughter Zoey.  What a delight to finally have a girl...the 4 other great grands all boys!

    Lorita, I live in Virginia...the most northern part near the West Virginia line.  Originally was from closer to D.C. but by the time I retired wanted a more rural setting and this is the area where my daughter lives.  The only down side is that in recent years when my folks needed more help, we are about 1 1/2 hours away.

    As for why your bread loaves may be smaller, not for sure, but I think the flour we get these days at the store is very different from the quality we had in the past.  Seems less dense to me.

    I have run into change of quality and quantity differences in "tried and true" products, especially since the Covid shortages.  Seems like when things disappear from the shelves, they come back smaller and not as good.  I have even stopped buying many things because they aren't as good as they should be...especially when the price is higher.

    As for getting the doggies into the PU...until you can get a replacement or fix for your car you might want to check out "pet steps for larger dogs" on Amazon.  They are a bit pricey, but look to be pretty good.  You never know even with a new vehicle you may need to get them in the PU in winter or for other reason you have to use the PU.   Look for the ones that fold up...so you can take with you to get them out when you arrive at your destination

    I have a table full of Christmas gifts to wrap before our celebration on the 17th!  I had every intention to wrap as they were delivered...but you know how that goes...lol.  It ended up that I have a late order for an afghan...would have said too late for this year...but lady is a good friend of daughter's and has been a great customer...so will work to get everything done.

    Hope all are feeling better today than yesterday...and that Mother Nature is kind to you and all you care for.  Hugs

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Not a good day today! Have been up since 2:30 and Lou has had one of her up and down mornings. I tried laying back down and was good for 5 minutes before I had to take care of her. Biggest problem is no matter how hard I try, i cant sleep during the day when she's napping. To top it all off, the shoes i ordered came in and they dont fit! Also, guess it's the harmone shot but I've been showing my agrivation over everything and i know it just makes it worse. So many times i just get tired of it all and just want to stop. I know better, she needs me and I'm here for her, but sooo tired right now.

    On a positive note, i made the Christmas cookies yesterday and they turned out good. I still cant get use to eating with my teeth and need to make a batch without the pecans for me. 

    Sorry for unloading on my front porch friends but I'm getting close to the looney bin.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, don't be sorry for telling us how you feel.  I'm sure all of  us have been there and had those feelings more times than we would like to admit.   I know I did.  Listening and empath using is what friends are for.

    You know, if you could somehow manage to take a daytime nap just once or twice I bet you could do it every day.  That's what Charles and I did.  Habits are easy to form. sound really good.

    Cookies sound good.    I imagine Lou enjoys them.  

    Ron, just do the absolutely necessary things for now.  Everything else will be there when you feel up to doing them.  You need to pace yourself.  But, I know how you feel.  

    It's a pretty sunny day but was really cold early.  I woke up about 3:30 and couldn't go back to sleep until about 5.  Unusual for me.

    Let Stormy out and watched TV until I got sleepy.  I've put off sending in donations so trying yo get that organized this morning.  Toad came and fed and since most of the girls were waiting I think everyone got a little bit.  They're off grazing now.

    Watched soccer this morning.  Netherlands beat the USA but it was a good game.

    Watched the second night of the national finals Rodeo from Las Vegas last night.  Bull riding has always been my favorite event and it was really good.  They had about a dozen riders and only two stayed on the eight seconds.  One boy was really hurt and was carried off on a stretcher.  Two of the bull fighters were hit by a bull and thrown up in the air.  The bulls were really bucking last night.  Did watch some barrel racing.  One of the girls has won five million dollars doing that.  There's several more nights of it.

    Found a college football game to watch for a while until something better comes on.  Mostly basketball now.

    Ron, try to rest this afternoon.

    Marie, congratulations on the new great granddaughter.  What's her name?  Does she live close by so you can begin spoiling her?

    Thanks for mentioning the steps.  I looked at them.  Yesterday I put a short, empty mineral tub by the PU and Stormy put his front feet on it and balked.  If they can't fix the car I'll have to get something they can get in.  The car worked fine    because it was low enough.  Stormy has been in the PU twice but that's it.

    I've found that the corn meal mix is different - much finer and I don't like that.  Hardly ever see five pounds of things now, like flour or sugar and prices online are ridiculous on a lot of things.

    Guess Bryon isn't coming today and there's a chance of rain in the morning.  Guess I should call Darwin to see if he heard from the carpenters.

    Back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good afternoon, Rockers.

    Lorita.  I had to laugh when you told us about your mom driving the PU back and forth in the driveway. Thats cute. She wanted to drive. Its good she had a safe place to do that. That's interesting about the big meeting regarding the Cherokee language. Hopefully the generations keep passing it on. 

    That would be a scary thing to come outside and see your gate open, so many things can go through your head in those few seconds. Good to hear that Mike said not to worry about the growth on Stormy's neck. It's sad that Stormy is scared of Mike when he comes to your place. It's bad enough when you have to take them in to get shots. I had to take Molly in for her 8-year checkup and Sammy in for his 1-year checkup and shots. Iam glad that's over with for another year. 

    Day.  So good to hear that Chucky is doing good. Iam surprised they did not keep him overnight with that many teeth having to be pulled. He must be a strong little guy. My Molly also weighs 16 lbs she is 8 years old that is her in my avatar. She is also overweight, but Iam not as strong as you are I let her big brown eyes get to me. That is a precious picture of him in his pumpkin coat, I wish my Molly stuck to me like Velcro, she gets on my lap but that's about it. You're a good mama to Chucky. 

    Sara.  Your croutons sound really good I think I will try to make me some. Welcome to the world of Medicare. You are so right you do need to keep on top of things. I have been really lucky with Medicare and my backup ins. 

    Ron.  I am sorry your and Lous shoes did not fit, Iam sure you were looking forward to them. What else is the Pillow Guy going to come up with??? Please try to get some extra rest. Even if it is just a short cat nap during that day each time you can close your eyes. Maybe set a timer for 20 minutes and close your eyes. Have you tried giving Lou some Sleepy time tea?

    Marie, Congratulations on your new great great granddaughter, what a good thanksgiving present. Sorry for what your cousin's wife is going through. I love the name Zoey. It's cute that your 98-year-old mother still drives. I hope I will be able to drive when Iam that old. 

    It's cold at my house with lots of snow. My son and nephew are keeping everything plowed. They plowed an area off of my back porch for Molly it's an area about 10ft by 10ft with snow banked all around it and she can't jump over the banked area. It gives her a nice area to run around and do her duties in and stay close to the house. 

    Take Care all Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    Another dark day.

    Ron you have your own needs.  I’m gently saying you need to think upon taking care of Ron and how to proceed with it.  Many you read about here reach that point of having to care for themselves and many didn’t have, as far as I could tell, near as many health issues as you have.  Don’t ignore what happens if you don’t put your own oxygen mask on.  You have taken good care of Lou.   Saying I can’t do this anymore alone might be how you continue to give her good care.  The care may be different than the care you give but that’s ok.  At least if you have your oxygen mask on you can help be sure that things are good enough even if not perfect.  If you need to seek more care for yourself you won’t have the panic of trying to find care for Lou also, you will already have that done.  Again I’m saying this gently as I’m not in your shoes.  Glad your cookies turned out well and hope you get to rest tonight.

    Got my buns and zucchini bread made today.

    Goodnight everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Just a short post before I have to go out and disconnect water hoses.  I have one tank filling now.  When I went out there were three calves waiting for water  They drink a lot.

    Sara, your advice to Ron is good but I know how he feels.  No one else can provide the care we do.  But sometimes the time comes when we have yo make the hard decision.

    Glad you got your buns and bread made.  That will be delicious.

    Zetta, mother was a strong, independent lady and it was hard for her to be not be able to do things.  I think of how hard mother and daddy worked to pay for this farm and it hurts to think about selling it.

    I'm so glad you have your son and nephew there with you.  I know it gives you a sense of security.  Helps to to have someone with you, especially in cold winters.  Sweet that Molly has her own little place to go outside.

    The open gate did scare me.  For some reason I just didn't check when the guy left.  Yoh know in the country yoh leave a gate as you found it opened it closed.  That gets guy s sort of hard to close so I'm sure that's what happened,- he thought it was closed.

    Sandy, maybe you're reading so wanted to tell you about a Nature show I just watched on PBS.  You can watch this one and I bet you'll enjoy it.  It was American Horses and how the different breeds came about really interesting.Nothing bad at all.  How are your Belgians adjusting to Virginia?

    Time to turn off water.  Enjoy the evening.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    A man I know says his family has a Clydesdale ranch in Virginia.  Are there Clydesdales in VA?

    I had tacos tonight with spicy hot salsa.  It wasn't bad.  I usually get mild salsa.  Now I've graduated to the HOT salsa!


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Iris, I don't know about a Clydesdale  "farm" in Virginia, but we do have a Busch Gardens in Williamsburg.  They have some there for show, so I guess they must live close by.

    Other than that, there are other breeders in the area.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Sayra, thank you for your concern and excellent advice. Advice that I'm to hardheaded to listen to, but do appreciate very much. The problem I have is; lou's mother had alzheimer and my mother had dementia. Both passed away while in nursing homes and for years just sit with glazed over eyes, staring at you. One of the hardest time in my life was trying to talk to my mother with no response from her and left with the feeling I might have helped more to keep her out of that state of mind. I will not let that happen to Lou! I am aware my own health takes a toll on me, but it is what it is. I truly believe if I hadn't kept Lou with me that she would now be like her mom or mine. I do not have a life without her no matter how hard it gets!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Sayra, oh my . . . . bet your kitchen smelled wonderful with all the varied baking you did.  Still wish you were my neighbor, you are a dear and exceptional person.   All that baking will have a big payoff when winter is cold and you can take the items out of the freezer and indulge yourself with them along with tea or coffee, soup, chili, etc with all the different things you have baked. Did you freeze any of your turkey soup?  I love being able to pull homemade soup out of the freezer and have it on a cold gloomy day along with homemade items; it is so cozy feeling, it is a bit like being given a gift.

    Ron; I am sincerely sorry. Never apologize for sharing your feelings; we all do that and we are your friends here on the Front Porch and we listen to one another.   You are stuck in the midst of a muddle that has no easy answers and we here all understand your heartfelt decision regarding Lou's care.  Only concern is that our Mr. Ron has a myriad of serious health issues himself and is under significant stress and with consistent lack of sleep and rest which can negatively affect those conditions and cause them to worsen.  If only there were a way for you to obtain more respite for yourself.  Sure do hope you are using your neighbor more often to help with Lou to get some breathing room.  Suggestion . . .

    NOTE: Ron, the other day I was thinking; I understand your position in regard to Lou, but there may well be a way to get things doing better than they are now and with Lou benefitting from it. Lou is a social person, she is delighted with the new activity in suddenly going to church on Sunday morning and being around other people.   So . . . . one option would be to assess local Adult Daycare Centers seeing which one is the best fit and having Lou attend the best Adult Daycare a few days a week or even five days a week.  They specialize in dementia; some of them are really great. She would have socialization, oversight by professionals, varied activities to take part in or simply just to watch; sometimes there is pleasant entertaintment.  She would get meals AND it would engage her and actually tire her out a bit so when she got home, she would sleep better at night.   That would give her socialization and something new that is  tailored for persons with dementia, and it would give you some valuable down time and also perhaps help you to be able to get your own sleep since she would sleep better from all the activity and not be waking you.  Just an option idea that may be worth a try.

    Day; the picture of Chucky is really cute.  He has such tiny little feet; I love his gray muzzle, elderly gentleman that he is.  Yes; he certainly was one lucky dog to get his special person in his forever home; it is sweet how he has managed to bond to you and sticks to you. He recognizes you as trust and care and he feels secure and happy. Wonderful match.

    As for Clydesdales, what awesome horses.  I did find that how they are bred makes a really big difference in their size.  There are Clydesdales and there are CLYDESDALES.   When we were in Scotland, I was in the countryside. One day walking about,I saw a corral with a Clydesdale in it and walked over to see the horse who was amazing looking. He was HUGE!  Far, far larger than the ones we usually see.  Many of them out in the country were bred huge for heavy duty work. Anyway; that fellow was really, really way tall and of awesomely great girth. His hooves were astonishingly huge.  I was fascinated by him; he was gentle.  A young boy walked up to where I was and he said, "Och och; tis da Clllddsdl," and then a bit more which was very north country in accent and I missed it, he was really a sweet boy.  Anyway, that was the first Clydesdale I had ever seen of that monumental size.  Beautiful animal. I love Scotland; one of my favorite countries to visit not counting the Haggis nor blood sausage which I could not bring myself to eat - black blood patties and the name just turned me off.  Chicken me.  Sure would like to go back there, but not in the cards now.

    Here is a link to a Clydesdale farm in Northumberland (borders England and Scotland).  Seems to be "average" sized big Clydesdales; the farm sounds like a fun place to visit.  The photo display moves automatically.  Take a look at  the breakfast names at the bottom of the page.  Had me smiling.  If you look at the breakfast plate, you will see the blood sausage pattie on the left and then a big serving of pork and beans and tomatoes.  Just about everywhere we went in England and Scotland, and we were there for quite some time, pork and beans and tomatoes were on the menu and blood sausage was always available.  Breakfast pork and beans and sliced tomatoes are also common in the home setting.  (It must have made a musical morning at work.)  


    Zetta; clever the way the fellows have made a place for Molly with snow barriers; what a good idea and also practical.  Hope this winter will be a milder one for you.

    Well, Lorita; looks like it is time to get a new car.  Drats re that computer anyway.  A new car will hopefully be dependable and trouble free for a long time.  You deserve it.  Marie had a good idea about the big dog steps sold on Amazon. Even if you have a car, the steps would be good to have as you never know what needs will arise with those big dogs.  Perhaps steps would be familiar and not as scary as stepping on a mineral tub; poor Stormy.  Wanted to, but just scary to put his feet there.  Bit pricey, but really not that bad and it is something that would last for all the time that would be needed in the future.  

    A nice cup of tea sounds good, think I will get a cup along with a biscone, have a good Sunday and a very good week to come.


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Just saw a couple things I wanted to add my 2 cents….the med that relieves the burning pain from UTIs is now available OTC, without a prescription. It may be pyridium; it also makes the orange-red colored urine, and will stain any clothes, just like pyridium did. It doesn’t fight the infection itself (neither did pyridium IIRC) so a doc visit in order, but it Does give pain  relief in the meantime. I can’t remember what it’s called, but just ask the pharmacist for the OTC med that helps UTI pain.

    That is so interesting about the “Creek.” I heard that saying all my life growing up in SC—“good lord willin and the creek don’t rise”—but always thought it referred to waterways. But there were Creek Indians there and the full historical reference makes total sense.

    I have been consumed with hurricane repair etc, as is most of my area. At least my house is livable. Most neighbors are still unable to live in their homes; some have repairs under way, some will just demolish. Cars are still in high demand.

    Still far more demand for workers than actual workers, and of course, the bigger jobs get priority. (That was true before the storm,  just worse now). And so many elderly lost everything. Thousands still need homes and/or places to stay. FEMA  not sending trailers to help—less than 100, nowhere near the need—they say they can’t find enough places to put them; landowners not exactly welcoming, and public land doesn’t have utilities.

    But..I’m at home, DH has settled down a lot, and I’ve learned that giving him his Seroquel before workers come, makes things easier for everybody. I even found a few Christmas decorations I had tucked away that escaped  the flooding!

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    I am so sorry that you are still striving to get your home repaired after the hurricane; what a nightmare or so many people. Our grandaughter and husband lost their entire home in the Louisiana hurricane; they too had no FEMA on the ground assistance and sadly, being in the bayou where hurricane insurance rates are unaffordable IF you can even get it, they were woefully under insured.   They have lost pretty much everything and are not wealthy, so it  will be a long process recovering. They just last week bought a small three bedroom house so the two children and the parents will be under a safe roof. They will have to start from the ground up getting things again, but sure do hope that all works out well.  We will buy their refrigerator or washing machine and dryer as a house warming present; they need to do some painting and some of the flooring needs replacement to update, but they are happy to be in a house again even if the children did have to change schools.

    I wish you well and hope your repairs soon be completed with a nice cozy house once again for the both of you.

    NOTE:  The OTC Pyridium is of lower dose than is the prescription Pyridium.  In some instances, that can make a difference.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good evening

    Zetta you and I must have been posting at same time yesterday evening.  Was thinking about you yesterday.  Glad you have people to help you with snow.  We just had our first big frost this morning.

    JoC ate all the turkey soup without freezing any.  Still have some turkey frozen though.  Made a homemade pizza in cast iron skillet today and it turned out nice.  Had not done that in a very long time. Froze the rest of it. Nice because I only used 2 oz Mozzarella on whole thing.  Used Parmesan/Romano mix as it does not have lactose.  Worked out good, did not get sick.  Took lactase too.

    Ron I understand, everything we experience in life influences decisions we make about other things.  

    So nice to hear from you Rescue Mom and for the update on how things are coming along.  Wonder about the people in SE Kentucky also.  Don’t know if anyone on here is from that area or not.

    Take care everyone

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Sayra, your homemade turkey soup sounds delicious!

    Marie, I've never been to Busch Gardens, I'll have to put it on my list to visit.

    Rescue Mom, it's good that you're home now.  Why aren't there more FEMA trailers??

    Jo C, I don't mind beans for breakfast, but blood sausage?  I don't know about that!  The Scottish Clydesdales are beautiful!

    Ron, you have to get some rest!  It does make a difference. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Rescue Mom, so sorry for all you're going through. Hopefully things will get better soon.. So many are dealing with damages from hurricanes and tornados.  Mother Nature is upset.

    Quiet day here and cold.  Talked with Darwin and he hasn't heard from the carpenters.  Like you said the carpenters take the jobs that are.bigger and there does seem to be a shortage or others just don't want to work.

    Started to shampoo my hair this afternoon and the water was barely warm.  Finished, then checked the breaker and it was thrown for the water heater.  Don't know if it's the water Heater or breaker.  Called the electrician and left a message.  The wiring was redone about 25 years ago and the heater is 10-12 years old.  I have asked the electrician to check all of it but he's working on a dozen new homes so may be a while.  Really frustrating when you need something done and can't get it done.

    It is time for a new vehicle, Jo.  Both of ours are 21 years old but both have low mileage.  Hope to get the PU diesel drained tomorrow and will look at new Jeeps if I feel in the mood.

    Ron, I know how you feel.  I couldn't put Charles in a NH either.  Had to do so for both my parents and it was really hard.  Jo's suggestion might work.

    Sara, watching the Bengals and Chiefs play in Cincinnati.  Weather looks good there.  Have you ever made butternut squash soup?  I bought one last year to make it and never got it done.  Saw some on QVC today and it looked good.

    Hope all of you have a good evening.  Yellowstone tonight.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Morninf,  busy morning. I had an appt just before noon to have the pickup worked on but heard from the carpenters who are coming this afternoon.  So cancelled the appt.  Don't want to muss the carpenters.  Called Darwin and let him know they're still around.

    Talked with the electrician about the water heater.  I still have hot water and he thinks it may be an element in it going bad.  Thinks it's safe but will get over as soon as he can to check it and the other wiring and barn lights.

    This is feed day and the girls were way up in the pasture so drove out and called them down.  Still half a dozen kept grazing.  Toad fed and gave them hay.  I counted the heifers yesterday and kept getting 30- supposed to be 29.  This morning I noticed Mike had brought over a little bull so there are 30.

    Need to talk with someone at the bank and would have to wait 20 minutes so will call later.

    Talked with internet people about a trip charge to replace router.  Will have to think about that.

    Did have breakfast and working on hot tea now.    

    It is Monday so guess this to be expected.  But, I did sleep well.  Hope all of you are well and slept well.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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