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Just need to talk to my friends (183)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Joydean glad you found a moment.  Hope you can sit on the porch a bit soon.  Thank you, will keep that in mind.  Right now I do ok with my comforter and 2 rice bags I put in my bed each night,  wasn’t pleased with the electric blanket I had.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    It's cold but sunny and very little wind which makes it more bearable.  

    I had one heck of a time this morning trying to give three cats and two Pyrenees medicine; a couple had two kinds.  They're pills and liquid.  Giving the Pyrenees their Prednisone isn't bad, I wrap it in cheese.  Anything I wrap in cheese they'll eat.  Two cats have liquid Amoxicillin and the rest are pills.  Tried crushing one and that didn't go over - liquified one and gave it to Kitt and she spit most of it out and drooled the rest.  Going to have to figure out something different.  Guess I'll concentrate on giving one their medicine at a time.  I need to rest!

    Hadn't been out to see all the girls lately so while I was filling a water tank drove out and saw them.  Of course they thought I was going to feed them.  I was a bit worried about Susie since I hadn't seen her in a day or so but she was bedded down with two others and a cow.  

    I had visions of sleeping late and staying in my gown and robe all day but that didn't happen.  Did sleep later though.

    JoyDean - I've always worried about those heating things you lay on - I guess because I've read you shouldn't lay on a heating pad or electric blanket.  But it works okay?  Glad you found something to keep your husband warm.

    Thanks, Ron, for telling me about the cake.  Do you make a layer cake or 13x9?  Last night I thought about making a cake in a mug - microwave but didn't get it done.  I think I have at least six recipes for those and they're pretty good.

    Marie, I'm glad your weather didn't get too bad.  Seems like the persimmon seeds were right, at least how the winter had started out - well, it isn't officially winter yet though.  I need to send Leanne an e-mail before Christmas.  I bet they're snowed in.

    Do you all have a specialty you make for Christmas?  Mother always made the best dressing.  She usually baked it in a separate pan, didn't always stuff the turkey.  She worked for White Stage Mfg. Co. and she always took her dressing to their Christmas dinners.  The only dressing I've ever made is Stove Top - and it's pretty good.  Now, I don't do any of that.  I remember a year or two ago I had beans and cornbread on Christmas.  As cold as it seems it's going to be I imagine it'll be soup this year.

    Zetta, talking about soup.  I found some Bear Creek on Amazon and WM but it's really expensive.  When I bought it last summer it was somewhere around $4. a pkg. , now it's about $12.  When I make that I always dice a potato and cook it separately.  When the soup is ready I puree it with an immersion blender, then add the potato cubes.  I don't care for those little pieces of potato in the soup mix but do like to have a little bit of potato now and then.

    Going to have to do dishes today.  I'm out of bowls and silverware and I need to make another loaf of bread.  I think I'm finished giving medicine today except for the Amoxicillin.  It's not too bad since it's a liquid.

    I need to get the gooseneck light ordered.  I noticed Mike has one in his exam room but it looks like it has one bulb instead of the fluorescent kind.  Judith, if you find a real electric "blanket", let me know so I can order one.  I don't want to go inside WM with the virus and flu so rampant now.  I didn't see one person yesterday with a mask on but granted I was only there for a little while.  I saw on the news there's another illness going on with little kids so that makes four different things.

    Sara, do you hear the rice bags in the microwave to keep you warmer?  Something I've used the last several winters is a fluffy throw I ordered from QVC.  They're light weight and so warm.  I've sent them to so many people for presents over the years.  They used to come in a set of two so that made nice presents for a couple of people.

    They're still talking about a little bit of snow in the next few days with super cold weather around Christmastime.  I do hope they're wrong.

    Enjoy the rest of the day, Front Porch Rockers.  We'll be here even if it is cold.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita I do heat them in microwave.  

    Lorita those animals would wear me out lol. 

    We never had anything special that I can remember.

    We have had a lot of sick children the last two weeks I worked coming in to ER.  Thursday one came in critical and was transferred to a children’s hospital.  The others I have seen have not been critical but many have that look that sick kids get.  And of course here in central Ohio the measles is still being passed around.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Thanks, Sara.  Are people wearing masks in the hospital?  I know you are - really glad of that.  We don't want you to get sick.  I wouldn't be surprised if they start requiring people to wear them again - really wouldn't hurt with this much sickness and winter not even officially begun yet.

    Driving myself nuts looking at "electric" blankets.  You really can't tell by looking if they're really blankets or the soft throw kind.

    I'm going to have to make a chart of some kind so I'll be sure to give each of them what they need.  Like I said giving the GPs theirs is okay.  They take glucosamine and vitamins every day also.  It's the cats that take longer and harder to give.  They don't want to cooperate.

    It really looks nice outside but it's cold, even cold inside.  I only have the one propane stove in the LR but it heats it and the kitchen comfortably.  I have two soft-heat electric heaters - one in the bathroom and another I use in the LR at night.  I don't leave the propane stove on at night or if I go somewhere.  Considering ordering another heater.  The company I've always ordered from has gone out of business for heaters - Bioaire.  I've ordered stove from them for years - nice soft heat and quiet.  Things change.

    I need to go to the mailbox but think I'll wait until I have to go out to fill the water tank in the garden again.  The girls know that if it's empty they can go to the corral and get water.  I don't think I hooked that one up this morning - it has a float valve so it fills automatically and keeps filled but can't keep it on when it's freezing.

    Sara - did you get any bad weather or snow from this front that has gone through?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Just remembered...I substituted a small floor space heater (Lasko) for the electric blanket. It is a tower that I put very near to the bed, then i pull the covers back to warm up the sheets. It has a remote if needed. Now to find it.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Hope you can find it.  Isn't it amazing how much we forget until it comes forward for some reason.  Do you leave the heater on at night?

    I've looked and looked and everything I can find looks like or says it's a throw.  Getting frustrated.  The throw I have works okay most of the time so may have to go with it

    Just put a loaf of bread in to bake - or make.  Still having done the dishes - and may not.  Just not in the mood to do much.  I happened to see the bottle of eyedrops on the kitchen counter so put those in Kitt's eyes.  Supposed to do that 3-4 times a day.  Need to make that chart but watching "In the Kitchen with David" right now - at least for a little while.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good day to all.   I am pretty sure most of you have heard that the government is once again sending COVID Test Kits to homes through the mail; four test kits per household.  If you have not heard, here is the online ordering address:  COVIDtests.gov 

    Need some new NIOSH approved N95 masks; wonder if any of you have found N95's that are a bit more comfortable . . . the ones we have now are pretty much flat to the face and not much breathing room; I think they are rather small and for the new ones, would like to get something effective but a bit more user friendly.

    Ron; I am delighted to hear that your checkup went well, that is a golden win for sure. Would be nice to have some of that delicious sounding peanut butter cake here on the Front Porch.

    As for special dishes at Christmas I would enjoy hearing more about this from more of you   . . . for us; each Christmas Eve, I would make a Farmer's Chowder which is a ham,  corn and potato chowder with some onion in it - it is rich and delicious and is served with both cornbread with honey butter and popovers with cherry jam. 

    Christmas Day I was known for my from scratch turkey dressing with sausage, bacon, and lots and lots more in it, always made it in a couple of casseroles; never stuffed the bird as it came out better the other way - made my own croutons and broth; it is as bit of work but well worth it.  Also did a broccoli souffle casserole  (family favorite), and of course cranberry and orange compote; sweet potatoes with pecans,  fresh green beans with bacon and onion or the notorious green bean casserole depending on what family wanted, and more . . . never ever could I forget that sour cream fruit salad; the kids loved it; and lots and lots of rich homemade gravy to put on top of the mashed potatoes made with cream and other good stuff.  I think I just gained ten pounds typing this.   Homemade cheesecake and an array of multiple kinds of homemade Christmas Cookies for dessert.  One out of state son continues the tradition and makes it all; he enjoys cooking.  One out of state granddaughter also does some of the dishes with her mother.  Tradition I guess.

    Only had one electric blanket many years ago.  It had two controls, one for each side of the bed.   I remember being cold and my husband complaining of being too warm.  Turned out I had the controls reversed; he was controlling my side of the bed and I was controlling his.   Have to say, I never got to loving it so never bought another one.  Nice thick down comforter sounds nice, but the upkeep can be a bit of work. 

    Iris, the rainfall where I am not far from you gave us about 1 1/2 inches of rain. The thunder came about 3:15 am and again later that day about 4:00 pm.  Lots of happy trees outside.

    Uh-oh; doorbell ringing, it looks like a delivery; off I go . . .



  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    All this talk of comforters and blankets got me to thinking and remembering. My paternal grandmother made all our families wonderful comforters. After World War 2 she bought parachutes from Army surplus stores and made the quilts from that silk fabric. She would first dye it a beautiful soft pale blue, then work her wonders with it. They were so warm. I don't think there was microfiber that long ago for the stuffing. Perhaps she used kapok or feathers...I was a little girl so don't remember exactly but they were all so comforting for sleeping. I think there were some feathers involved because I remember when something would poke us, my sister and I would pull out the little feathers from inside the quilt...probably got in some trouble for that! Good memories.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Betty, what a nice story and how wonderful those comforters must have felt - I bet they were warm.  I remember Judith talking about silk underwear being warn.

    It brought to mind a memory of when I was a little girl mother somewhere got a parachute.  No idea where.  She made herself a beautiful negligee set - somewhere I have a picture of her in it.  It was so pretty but I bet she hardly ever wore it.  Back then when you had something really pretty and nice, you put it in a box under the bed in case you had to go to the hospital.  Well, maybe she didn't do that.  She also made me a cowboy shirt out of the silk and embroidered flowers on the yoke.  Also have a picture of me in the shirt with ringlets.  I hadn't thought of that in years, Betty.

    Marie, the picture of the electric blanket looks like mine except a different color.  It's slick and slides around.  I have to reposition it every morning because it moves around - or maybe I move around.  It's thin - no sherpa on one side.  When did they stop making just plain, old, blankets that are electric without the wires pushing out.

    Jo, the masks I've wore except for a few times are the surgical/procedure masks.  If I'm going to be somewhere like a doctor's office I doublemask.  They've worked well for me, so far.  I did buy some BOTN Health Care Particulate Disposable Respirator masks.  I think Sara told me about them.  I'll probably wear them this winter because they're pretty hot in the summertime.  We probably ordered them from BeHealth.com - not sure about that.

    All that food sounds wonderful.  I gained weight reading about it.  I remember when the table was set with all the food on it, there was always a picture taken of it with the guests seated.  All that work and everything was gone in an hour.  We lived in a house with a dining room but it wasn't large so people ate in shifts - men first, then women and then kids or the kids ate in the kitchen.  Mother's brothers were usually here and they were big men so no room for the women - they waited on the table. 

    We always had either turkey or ham - usually turkey.  Mother made the dressing and cooked it separately, always mashed potatoes and giblet gravy, cranberry sauce, (we ran the cranberry and oranges through a meat grinder, probably green beans adn sweet potatoes.  Mother always made a big fruit cake she made a couple of weeks ahead and wrapped in cloth and saturated it with grape juice. She always made jello with fruit.  I enjoyed that after Christmas with the fruit cake.

    I think the story about your electric blanket was funny - that could really happen.  How long before you all figured out what was going on?

    I've given everyone their medicine but still have to eyedrops in Kitt's eyes.  Supposed to do that 3-4 times a day.  I'm keeping it in my pocket so it'll be warmer and not scare her.  When I do that you can hardly tell when the drops go in.

    Gotta stop - battery is low and I don't want to lose this.  See ou all tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    It's a pretty day - sunny, no wind but cold.  It's supposed to be around 41 today and 51 tomorrow.  May get into town to get supplies before the really cold weather next week.  Wish that we wouldn't get that.

    I managed to get all the cats medicated - was not easy.  Had to fight some.  I did one at a time medicinewise.  Two of them have two medications plus eye drops for Kitt.  I have to dissolve them and squirt it into their mouths because if I put it on their food, they won't eat it.  Still have medicine to give to the Pyrenees but that's no problem.

    Toad came and fed the girls and gave them a bale of hay - wish it had been two.  I hope Mike gets over here this weekend to see those two cows who are so thin.  I feel so sorry for them.  I know they don't much, if any feed, because they're timid and the big Brangus cows are not.  You'd think I wouldn't be concerned too much but I am - can't help it.

    Todd sent me a text early this morning saying Sarah was asleep. He was going to let her sleep a while and then take her to the hospital.  I'm so worried about her, more this time than any before.  She says she can't even keep a bit of water down and it hurts all the way from her chest down when she tries to swallow so something is really wrong.  I wish she wouldn't have to be in the ER so long but from what I hear on the news hospitals are being stretched from the virus, flu and RSV.  They have told her before there's nothing more they can do for her but maybe at least they can help her pain.

    This is really a hard time of year.  We lost my grandmother around Thanksgiving, then lost Patsy two years ago around Thanksgiving, Charles was in the hospital around Christmas for three years, then lost him in January.  Now, with Sarah being so bad it's just almost too much to handle.  But, I have all of you and that makes it easier.  Thank you for being here when I need to talk.

    I'll be back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    A little powder sugar on the ground this morning, not much.  Pushed it off in just a few minutes

    I’m so very sorry for Sarah.  We’ve had several things to happen in our family around the holidays too. Hope they will be able to ease her pain and make her comfortable.  Talk all you need to.

    I use flannel sheets all year long, dislike cold sheets.  Have some lighter weight flannel for summer.

    Masks are required at hospital if we are in red zone, we are in red.  Any other color your choice.  Has always been red when I’ve been there Lorita.

    Thanks for the test kit info JoC.  Didn’t know they were doing that.  Not really sure where the best place is for ordering N95s.  Behealthyusa.com does not sale them.  I have a few but they are a little more annoying.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Back again,

    Had breakfast and fed all the cats.  Just gave the Pyrenees their glucosamine, vitamins and Prednisone and fed them.They were eager to get outside to see what's going on. 

    I hadn't heard from Todd so called and he was getting ready to get Sarah up to go to the hospital. I know she's afraid to go even though she knows she has to.  She's afraid she won't be able to ever come home again.  I don't know the life expectancy of a person with gastroparesis but she's had it for at least five years.  Prayers will help.

    Sara, you all can keep all the snow up there - probably lucky you didn't get more.  Some of the places have gotten up to 5 or 6 ft.  I can't imagine that much snow and never want to see that much.  We had 20 inches on the ground many years ago and that was more than enough.

    I have a couple of things I want to do at the barn so I'll get that done this afternoon when it warms up a little bit.  Need to fill the water tanks, too.  There's a FIFA game on TV - Croatia and Morocco.  I saw them play other Countries earlier this week.  I do want to watch the finals tomorrow, I think.  I don't know the rules but kind of enjoy watching.  The crowds are so noisy so I turn down the sound.

    Hope all of you have a good Saturday - seems a little like Sunday to me.  Hope your weather is good.

    I talked with Carol yesterday and it's been almost a year since she broke her ankle - still going to PT - this time to help her be able to walk in open spaces. She says she's fine as long as she can see a wall or something next to her but if there's nothing around she freezes and can't move.  She's unable to walk out to their mailbox, just down the driveway.  The doctor explained it to her - it's a part of her brain that's been disrupted - he says because she's been inside for almost a year and not out in the open - and other things, too, I imagine.  He told her this is the second section of the brain - the first, when disrupted, doesn't allow a person to know when he stops   - like in driving a car.  Seems strange to me.

    Better go fill the water tanks.  

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Jo, about cards (a little late now but you got me down the search rabbit hole.

    I used to get the best,  beautiful cards by a company called Marcel Schurman in San Francisco. Haven’t seen them in years. So to Google. They seem to be available on some  websites such as Etsy, EBay, Poshmark. I can’t figure how old their boxes are, but the newer single cards shown don’t look as nice as I remember.  C’est la vie…(I saved a lot of the old ones) I’ve wished for more of those cards for years, but never pursued…

    Funny though—there seems to be a linkage? between that company and Papyrus cards, which you liked IIRC. 

    MOMA in NYC has gorgeous cards, but pricy. Kids loved the cut-out pop-ups. For more nature-related, snow and scenery,  one of the big conservation groups had beautiful cards in its catalogue. National Wildlife maybe? Another catalogue (book-related, for readers) called Bas Bleu, is good for cards.

    I sent a few, got more than usual largely due to hurricane inquiries. We are doing fine, just waiting on some work that’s not urgent. I put up a few decorations in and outside, not many around to see but those who do, say they appreciate it.

    I see the news about all the sickness. It’s not bad at all here now, maybe because no tourists to speak of. It’s actually supposed to be cold here for Christmas! I know that’s relative—I mean lows in 40s and day highs in 60s. We had a little neighborhood gathering last night (much smaller than in past) but had a fire pit that actually felt good! Of course some people wearing shorts, but

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes
    Lorita, I just started watching Yellowstone on a streaming service. I can see why you and everyone loves it. The scenery is so wow, and a great cast.  I’m about halfway through season 2.  I already knew a lot of the plot but had a few things confused (duh me!). Knowing a summary (or ending) is OK with me. But that show must really resonate with  ranchers and livestock people.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Rescue Mom, glad you got connected to Yellowstone.  The scenery is beautiful.  I think one of the prettiest is from the front porch through the arch at the end of the porch. 

    They really don't show much about ranching except the show last week when did a roundup - they called it a gathering.  When you have cattle, they come first.  They get fed and taken care of before anything else.  However, Charles and I always fed late in the day.  There were studies done that showed if you fed late in the day the cows were more apt to calve in the daytime.  Our girls got used to that feeding time and it's kind of hard for them now that Toad feeds early in the morning.  I go out on the days he feeds and call them down.  Charles used to call them and they'd answer - now they answer me.

    We used to have a lady on this thread who lives in Montana and she posted beautiful pictures of her horseback rides into the mountains.  I write to a lady in Missoula which is very near the place Yellowstone is filmed.  I think the scenery is breathtaking.  I can't imagine being able to see snow-capped mountains.  No mountains in our part of Oklahoma - there are some in southern Oklahoma and NE of here but not like those in Montana.

    Went out and turned on the water to one water tank, then shoveled some dirt to keep the north wind out of the barn.  I'll pay for that later today with costo pain but it had to be done.  When I went back to turn off the water the tank wasn't quite full - girls had been drinking - so I saw down on an upturned planter and enjoyed the sunshine for a while.  Watching nature shows now.

    Someone asked a while back if I decorated for Christmas.  The only decoration I use is a chalk Santa Clause about 5" tall that Karen gave me years ago.  I put it on the TV cabinet last Christmas and it stayed all year so my decorating was done.  Somewhere I have a string of lights which I like but didn't even look for.  Haven't had a Christmas tree for probably 35 years.  The last one we had was when Charles' mother was visiting and they put one up while I was at work.  When I was growing up daddy would cut a red cedar tree to decorate.  I like decorating the trees but hated taking it down.  Our local weatherman is from Nebraska and the other night he said the same thing about his dad going out in the pasture and cutting ai cedar tree to decorate.  Those cedars are sticky so are hard to handle.

    Haven't heard anything from Todd - hope they're at the hospital.  He said he'd call so guess I'll wait.

    Stormy had a stomach upset this morning - threw up in three different places.  He went outside and when he came back in he ate a little more and is sound asleep now.   I think he ate too fast.  Need to stop and put drops in Kitt's eyes.

    It's a beautiful day but chilly.  Do hate for it to freeze and kill the grass.  It's pretty and green in places after several months of nothing but brown.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Rescue Mom, thank you very much for your kind information re greeting cards, it is appreciated.  I love sending very nice cards to people and hopefully delight them.  Nice to get something in the mailbox when not expecting it.   I used to like the Papyrus cards way back before they went out of business.  The "Papyrus" that are released by a different group now are nowhere near as nice, I no longer bother with them.  I will check some of the other sources you list,  I used to always get the Bas Bleu catalog, but have not got one in the mail this year.  Didn't get the Wind and Weather catalog either, and I like seeing their wares.

    Well . . . . I got the cards I bought from that company that is environmentally conscious that I mentioned earlier; they looked really good online and graphics were good, BUT unfortunately, the cards were not of good quality, especially the inside printing, they really look very cheap.  I do not like sending out cards like that, but had to this year, I was stuck.  Learned my lesson.  All are addressed and sent.   One of my elderly aunts has Alzheimer's, I  got her the Hallmark, "Merry Christmas," Pop-Up card. It is 3D, plays music, "O Christmas Tree," and has lights that come on in the shadow box on a Christmas tree and in a fireplace and Santa is coming with his sack . . . it really is fun and I think she will enjoy it as she is still able to process such things. 

    The saddest thing happened.   A young man, a great-nephew who we have not seen in years since his childhood; (he lives out of state), abruptly died of a ruptured brain aneurysm.  Deeply heartfelt sad.  He did not have an easy childhood. He was an extremely smart child, very, very bright and also a handsome child.  His father and mother were not together; his father did drugs and died early - his mother simply more or less walked away from his life. He was raised by his paternal grandmother who evidently had Bipolar Disorder and more or less lived in a kind of fantasy world of her own flawed thinking.  

    He went through school brilliantly and he wanted to be a physician; his grandmother had all sorts of plans for this, that and another sort of big time university which were fragments of her imagination.  They lived in an area without much in the way of services and other resources.  He never went to college after graduation due to the bad situation he lived in and not a whit of guidance.  We were not part of their life, so there was no way to know this at the time.

    For awhile when he was able to get out on his own, he was rather lost, BUT he again dreamed of  becoming a physician.  He married a lovely young woman and they had a small child.  He managed to get to college and was taking all the science courses and doing well and graduated with honors.  However, he never made it to med school.  He became a Certified Surgical Technician.  He also became active in church and it was a big positive in his life.  He was very, very happy with family, work and his church.  To have this happen is so terribly tragic; his poor family, and at Christmas.  Such a helpless feeling; one just never knows what will be one moment to the next.

    OOOPS will be back soon, phone ringing . . . okay back.  My Oregon brother called and we spent some time laughing about our childhood and how hard we worked to get ourselves through college and work ourselves up in life.  Have to say, we were not part of the "entitled" or "me" generation; hard work and finding our own way was just the way it was. Different.

    Oh my goodness; the house across the street, our model, but really terrible on the inside and not much in the way of a yard front or back just sold for $1.5 million.  Heavens!  The cost of purchase when new was about $30,000.  Of course a house is only an investment if one is willing to sell and move, BUT then one has to have a place to live, so if re-buying, the market is still awfully expensive.  We have done so much to our home inside and outside; guess our kids will benefit one day when we exit life's stage.  Back when we bought this place, we never could have foreseen what the price of the same house would be in 2022.  Of course, we could not have foreseen the cost of gasoline or food or a lot of other things either.

    Enjoyed hearing about your Christmas dinners Lorita, sure did have a nice lot of food.  How about others listing the holiday dishes; Ron, bet you had a lot of YUM!  down there in Louisiana.

    Lorita, my husband's family did the same thing with holiday dinner seating until I came into the family.  First Christmas at the in-law's house, the women had been working hours and hours day after day making and baking everything from scratch.  From appetizers to main dishes and dessert.  I was helping to set the table in the dining room, the kids table was set up in the family room next to the kitchen.  I told my MIL that there were not enough places set for all the grownups in the dining room.  She then told me, the children were given their food on their plates in their space and the men sat at the dining table and ate with the women waiting table; after all of that was done, then the women cleared the children's table and took it down so the men could sit in the family room; and also cleared off the dining room table and THEN the women got to sit down to eat what was left. WHAT?????  

    The men sat after gorging themselves on the women's hard work; smoked cigars or cigarettes and talked; then when they felt like it, they left the table to be cleaned and the women got to sit down and eat what was left and often not quite very warm.  Then we got to clear the table again and then got to go and clean the kitchen.  It did not sit well with me at all. 

    I asked the men what did they think they were doing and how did they think that was in any way appropriate after the women's day after day hard work to bring the dinner about . . . I also explained to my husband I would no longer be  attending holiday dinners at his parents house; we would continue to go to my families house where everyone sat to eat at the same time.

    They asked me how they could do it differently; I suggested setting up a second adult table in the living room OR doing a children's table and a buffet for the adults so all got served at the same time. They actually opted for a buffet the next year and did it that way ever after. Geeze; how thoughtless that all was and it was in the city, not on a farm.   Upstart me; but the women were pretty pleased.  

    Sure do love the music at Christmas time, all the old familiar traditional Carols; I love to sing even though I do not have a decent voice.  Just lovely.  Used to go to the midnight service at church that was candle lit, but we do not do that any longer and I miss it.  What wonderful music; I sometimes wonder if such beauty in music will ever be written again.  Where are the next Tchaikovsky's, Chopin's or Brahm's, etc.?    Shall have to wait and see.

    Son called and said he is making his annual boeuf bourguignon (sp?); or as he calls it, his special "stew."  He makes it every year at the holidays; it is amazingly delicious.  He always gifts us a pot to our absolute delight.  Being in law enforcement, he is always working during the holidays; he is the only child that lives near enough to drive a reasonable distance to visit when he is not working multiple shifts. 

    We have on the news today, heard that LA County has only about 200 hospital beds available for 10 million plus people.  Our county is now one of the worst in the nation for the dreadfuls.  The sewage water is showing high levels of COVID and has been climbing.  It is a bloomin' disaster with influenza and RSV on top of it.   They expect the counts to rise even more following the Christmas and New Year holidays.  So many people evidently think that it is all back to "normal;" they can't see it, hear it, taste it, or touch it, so it must not be . . .  This has now become overtly concerning.  Hardly anyone masking.  The many malls are packed with shoppers; they show that on TV and not a person wearing a mask on the news that I have seen.  Wonder what with the games and the Rose Parade and party celebrations, and all what is going to be brought to pass.  That hospital bed count is terribly concerning; elective procedures are once again being cancelled. Hard to even find a pediatric bed.  Need to take politics out of the loop and approach this in a concrete, appropriate medical way.  Sure do hate to see this happen. 

    Am craving a frosted cutout Christmas cookie, but do not have any.  I saw some decorated cut-out cookies for sale online; they cost $89.00 for six of them!   Gosh; when I used to bake and decorate boxes of them, who knew!   Still have my old fashioned metal cookie cutters; will not give them up yet.  Much better than the flimsy plastic ones but only if someone uses them.

    It is a pretty but rather chilly day today; sun shining but still jacket weather. Feels good to see the mountain tops with snow in the distance.  Skiers and ski boarders abound up in the mountains; snow has been perfect making really happy snow bunnies.

    Well; off I go to do something that needs doing and also to get a bite of lunch.

    Take good care and stay warm and snug,


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Jo, that was an interesting story about the men eating first, etc. You did the right thing. They had no idea they were being entitled or rude. It was just the way it had been for years.

    My mom had 5 living siblings - one in Downey, CA but rest local to us in IA. We got together and the food was amazing. Turkey, ham, potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, scalloped corn with oysters, dressing, cranberry sauce and various desserts. A unique dessert was date pudding - anyone here tried it? It was very, very rich and so yummy. I don't make it as I am the only one in the family now that likes it. 

    We got 1.7" of snow Thursday and a dusting since. Very, very cold here.

    Take care!

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Today was the family Christmas get together at my Mother's.

    It started off with a frightening phone call from my daughter.  I was about 10 minutes out from my Mother's when she called and said that there had been a fire in mother's oven, the house was full of smoke, fire department had come and Mother was very upset, needless to say.

    By the time I got there, everything had calmed down and not nearly as bad as it had sounded.  Very small fire in oven from bag turkey was in melting on oven wall...mother got it out with baking soda before fire department got there.  They were good about getting the smoke out of the house.  No perm damage to anything and turkey was still good and oven operational for baking dressing.

    There were 20 of us...ages 98 to 5 months.  Everyone had a good time and ate too much!

    God blessed us today.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    I think I took a nap?  Not a long one - I don't lean all the way back in the recliner - makes me dizzy, so I sort of drape over the right side of the chair.  I got nice and warm and went to sleep for a little while.  Got up and fed the cats again - still have to give Max and Kitt Amoxicillin.

    I hadn't heard from Todd.  He was going to his mother's house today and she was having a birthday party for him and someone else, Sarah said.  I called the hospital earlier and she was in the ER - just now called and she's been admitted.  Maybe I'll get to talk with her later tonight.  I know all the stuff that goes on when a new patient is admitted so I'll wait a while.  Do hope they can do something for her, at least to make her comfortable with less pain.

    I covered up with a fluffy throw I had had over me a night or two ago.  I can still smell my perfume from that day.  I've worn the same fragrance for probably over 50 years - it's L'Origan by Coty (think I spelled it correctly).  Used to get it in town or in the VA Canteen, then later from some little catalog I get.  Lately I haven't been able to find it.  Still have parts of two bottles (don't know how that happened) so will have to try to find it somewhere else.  It smells so good - kind of spicy and just so good.  When I wear it I can still smell it on my clothes when I wear them again.

    Watching The Incredible Dr. Pol.  I think I've seen most of them a couple of times but still enjoy watching.  It's amazing what a good vet can do.  We've always been lucky - when I was working there was a vet's office at the foot of the street going up to the hospital so it was very convenient.  Then we started using a young vet for large animals and sometimes Mike.  When Gary passed away we switched to Mike and he has been a Godsend.  Such a nice person to everyone.   I think it takes a special kind of person to be a vet just as it does to be a nurse, doctor or nursing assistant.  

    Jo - good for you for speaking up about the eating arrangements. When things are done a certain way for a long time people often don't think about changing them.  I remember as soon as mother's brothers and daddy would finish, they'd go to the LR, then the women could eat. i don't remember ever hearing complaints - it was just the way it worked out.  Sure wish I had a big piece of mother's fruitcake.  We made a white fruitcake once - guess we used white fruiti, can't remember,but after that we started making the Orange Slice Cake.

    Going to watch some TV tonight if something good is on.  Sometimes,even with all the channels, it's hard to find something you want to watch.  

    Beth, glad you didn't get any more snow than you did.  I bet you're already looking at seed catalogs and planning your garden next spring.  But I imagine most of your flowers are perennials so you don't have to worry about planting.  Wonder if Judith ever got her 100 pink tulips planted?

    Hope all of you have a peaceful, restful night.  Ron, hope things are all right with you and Lou.  See you all tomorrow.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    Very light snow on the ground here!

    Cards - when my mom was still alive and in a nursing home just a few miles away, I was there all the time but I would send wonderful cards to her - pop-up cards, musical cards, and there were some pretty cards from a company called Papyrus I would send her and when I would arrive at the NH, she would be clutching one of the cards that had just arrived.  The staff said she would just look at the card, open it and read it over and over.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Need to clarify; I did not get "in their face" with the men about the dinner arrangements, but I did speak politely and firmly.   Those guys would sit at the table and talk and talk after eating, smoking cigars and cigarettes for those who did smoke . . . then finally, when ready, they would go to the den after the women cleaned the children's table in that room and took down the children's big table. 

    In the dining room where the men had eaten, the table cloth would be stained with gravy, cranberry drips, smoke ashes on the cloth and ash trays amongst the dirty plates, silverware and food platters and bowls with now cold food that had to be re-heated.  Then the women sat down to the dirty table after cleaning the kids and the men's table. 

    My poor MIL was exhausted to the marrow of her bones; she did SO much and prepared so much which was her way; she could barely move she was so tired and most of the other women by that time were pretty tired too dealing with the kids and their part of the prep.  It made no sense. If they put up one other table in the living room which was adjacent to the dining room, all would be seated and eating nice warm food; however, it appeared the women were to be waitresses and do the bidding of the men if they wanted something more or something adjusted.  Just pathetic and completely thoughtless.   After the "adjustment," the women were really delighted to be seated and eating at the same time as everyone else and even talked about it; truly was a big deal to them. 

    I am very sorry about Sarah; gastroparesis can be dreadful and is also very dangerous when it is severe.  So hope they can find relief for her soon, how awful it must be for her.

    Beth; your traditional dinner sounds amazingly delicious.  We will all be hungry reading these Posts re what our traditional dinners were like. 

    Lorita, as for the switched dual controls on the electric blanket; we figured it out by the second evening  and got it fixed the right way.  I never liked the electric blanket.  It was a very nice one with actual blanket fabric, but I do not like the wires in the blanket. That one from WM in the photo looks like it is very light, almost like a throw.  I find the thicker blankets in the larger department stores such as Macy's in the bedding departments.  Perhaps somewhere online?  Amazon?  Hard to tell how good something will be on Amazon anymore since so much comes through different purveyors and ability to return or adjust can be an issue.

    Speaking of how our LOs really enjoy(ed) getting cards.  Here, on AlzConnected, years ago, we began a card sending campaign for our LOs.  One woman Member who was completely trusted had a master list of all of our names and addresses and our LOs names.  The only way one could get to the list or on the list was if the person was active in sending out cards.  We would buy cards and send them for the LO who was on the Master List.  The person holding the list was the one who placed the addresses on the envelopes.  The mail started coming to our LOs and OH MY!  Our LOs were head over heels delighted; many of the LOs used to wait for the Postman. One LO lived on a farm and she would walk to the road where the mailbox was and wait for the mailman's usual arrival time.  Some would carry their cards in a bag; and one LO would throw away her cards but she kept every envelope and would show them to visitors and family.  It was really lovely, but after awhile like everything else, it slowly drifted away.  For the time it was up and running, it was really fun for all of us.

    Time for dinner; it is 5:30 here.  Chicken breast, rice, carrots, fruit and maybe a couple of cookies or a slice of Fruitcake.  Naughty me.  Smile!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning front porch rockers! Its 30 degrees here which is normal Louisiana weather, will probably be back in the 70s and 80s before you know it. That's one good thing about Lorita's front porch,  the weather is always perfect for visiting. 

    I had forgotten about how eating arraignments use to be during the holidays. A little different, but similar here. I remember a small table for the children, the men would eat first and some of the women (dont know how the women was chosen to eat first, probably the grandmother and pregnant ladies). The men didn't talk much while eating, they would eat, clean the area in front of them and make room for the next person. Some of the younger men would be next that was left out of the first round and would eat with the rest of the women. After everyone finished the desert was served to everyone and they would eat it wherever they were. I do remember my dad was always good at helping to clean things up. On a side note........my mother never asked me to clean the dishes every since she told me one time when I was young to wash the dishes before she got home. She failed to tell me what to use and I used comet!

    I'm still having problems with my right lung and really dont know if it's the copd that is causing all the problems or something else.  Radiologist report stated; "moderate emphysematous changes, 6mm ground glass nodule right upper lobe. Multiple 2mm nodules right lung base. Scattered focal in tree bud opacities. " everytime I have a ct scan it shows some type of nodules and opacities.

    Legs are still hurting a lot and left knee above the DVR is still swollen.  I still haven't made up my mind about going to my sisters for Christmas dinner. It's about a hour and half drive and never know how Lou will be from day to day.

    Guess I'll get me another cup of coffee and finish enjoying my quiet time before getting Lou up for church.  Enjoy your day rockers!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Ron hope you got to enjoy your quiet time.  That drive is a little long when you don’t feel well. 

    21F, -6C, gentle snowflakes falling.  They say a little sun will come out later on, it would be most welcome.  Would make it feel less cold and melt the snow so I wouldn’t have to push it off, we will see what happens.  Weather channel says one inch.

    My sister fixed a meal yesterday for her side and my BIL side of family.  There were 19 of us.  We all ate at once.  Ate mine setting on living room hearth.  Suited me fine, didn’t want to set at the table. I was the only one of course wearing a mask so prefer to eat to myself.  Think there were just two others eating with me in living room and we were spaced pretty good. 

    Already fixed my lunch, tuna noodle casserole.  My kitchen smells good.  Should give me a few containers of fast food.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Sara, I used to love tuna noodle casserole - made it often.  I still have a can of tuna im the pantry - guess I'm saving it for hard times - or a really sick cat.   Got all the meds down everyone this morning - what a job.  Makes me feel like the person who gives medicines in a hospital.  I have to fight them to get the pills down which I dissolve first.  There's a couple - Max and Kitt who get Amox and a dissolved pill.  My goodness you'd think I was trying to kill them.  The other one isn't much easier.

    It's cold here this morning but sunny, at least for now.  The quick connect on the faucet was frozen but I turned on the water and it thawed quickly - there was a thin film of ice on the water and there was a big frost.  Supposed to be 51 today - then down from there with a high of 10 on Thursday.

    Ron, I agree with Sara - that's a long trip with you not feeling well and your leg hurting and not knowing how Lou will be on the trip.  I know you want to be with your family but Christmas is just another day and there will be others when you feel better.  

    Well, took two things off my to-do list and had to add another one yesterday.  I have Directv and yesterday every once in a while the picture would go off for a couple of seconds - this happened off and on, then last evening it went off completely with an error message that there was a bad connection between dish and receiver.  Called them and it will be tomorrow before a tech can come and fix it.  So, I will miss Yellowstone tonight but tonight's episode will be on next week before the new one.

    This reminds me of when I was growing up before we had a TV.  I think I was about 12 when grandma bought our first one.  Everything was quiet unless you listened to the radio.  Nothing to do but read or talk with someone.  Last evening I talked to cats and Pyrenees but they didn't respond too much.  

    Sometimes it feels like I'm being drowned in "stuff that doesn't work".  I'll be glad when this year is over and things can straighten out - if they will.

    I may go up to our little convenience store later this morning and get some milk and pop and a little diesel in the PU so i won't run out.  Don't think I will but with a broken gas gauge who knows.  Might get a little bit of gas to put in the Gator.  I haven't been driving it - just using the PU if I need to check on something.

    I got the broken light bulb out of the lamp - didn't use a potato but used a pair of needle nosed plyers - worked fine and the lamp works.  Checked the other one that wasn't working and it still doesn't - so guess it's done with.  We bought both of them years ago from a resale place so guess they've been worth what we gave for them.  I think I'll order a couple of new ones.  I did order the gooseneck light and it will be here, hopefully, this next week.

    It feels strange for it to be so quiet - I always have the TV on for white noise if I'm not watching it - just odd.

    Sarah was admitted to the hospital.  I called to talk with the nurse but didn't have the "code" but she did say she had been given pain medication and was sleeping. Sarah called me about 11 last night and said she had tubes down her nose and throat.  She was hard to understand with the tubes and with her voice like it's been this past week but it sounded like they were trying to get rid of feces that had somehow given loose, I guess from her colostomy.  Also said there was something - not sure what - across her stomach that a doctor said they might be able to take care of without surgery.  I'll talk with her later today and clarify what I'm not sure about.

    Talked to our dear friend, Sandy, last night.  I didn't clear  this with her so, Sandy, hope I'm not overstepping my bounds,  but she has covid,  Symptoms began about a week ago - she's on medication or has finished them.  She's feeling some better but still weak and not feeling well.  She went with her son to Target and putting on her mask completely slipped her mind - she wore it a couple of days before to another store.  I know it's easy to forget when we have other things on our minds.  But she has been so very careful  and has had all of her boosters. Hopefully, she'll be out of quarantine in a short time and will be able to enjoy Christmas  with her family.  We wish her well.

    I think I may make one of those wacky cakes after while.  Doesn't take but a couple of minutes.  By the time the oven is preheated, it's ready to go in.  

    Had to adjust the brightness on my laptop screen - finally got it done.  The light gets into my eyes because of cataracts and the laser surgery I had years ago so it was so bright I could hardly see much when I finished using it last night.  I have to wear sunglasses when I go outside and I often forget and then it takes a while for my eyes to get back to normal.  

    I'll be back later.  Think I'll bring the clock radio out and listen to it - or maybe I can find something on the laptop.  Last night I listened to Chinese zen music for a while - hadn't done that in some time.

    Hope it doesn't snow much, Sara.   Just discovered I can watch QVC on the laptop!

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hey Ron; good to see you on  the Front Porch.  I do not wish to be a downer nor am I trying to scare anyone, but from your description, in all probability, it would be a good idea to get an quick appointment with your physician to check the affected leg with the DVT and to do a peek at your chest.  Just a good idea to ensure stability and no increasing problem issues.  DVTs are no small thing as you know.  You have probably already done a lot of knowledge research on DVTs with Mr. Google, but for others who do not have such knowledge, here is a good Mayo link:


    As for making up your mind about the holiday and going on an hour and a half drive one way; three hours round trip with your legs in a stationary position and the addition of Lou perhaps not being in a good frame of mind through it all, that seems like a hard call to make.   Perhaps if you have that leg checked as mentioned above and get the physician's input re the drive and assess the recent historical reaction of Lou on such trips, you may have your answer.

    Sayra, your tuna noodle casserole sounds delicious.  I LOVE that dish especially if it involves crushed potato chips on top and cheddar cheese. (Of course, my big  flaw - make it all the more fattening.)  I used to make a good tuna casserole, but for some reason, it isn't the same any more.  Do you or anyone have a good recipe?

    Have you heard anything about Sarah as yet, Lorita?  So hope she is getting relief and improving.  As for your fur friends; it must be hard to remember all the meds for all the animals and all the times to dispense them, it is almost a full time job!  Hope Stormy is doing alright after his upset.

    Beth with her dusting of snow; a white Christmas!  Stay warm and snug and enjoy looking out the window at the beautiful landscape while it is cozy inside.

    It is still chilly here with today ranging from the low 40's to the low 60's.  No rain in the forecast.  Think I would like to have a big pot of Italian sausage tortellini soup. Really tasty with Parmesan and some nice crunchy bread.  That will last another dinner and perhaps one lunch if a big pot is made; which, why not.

    The discussion re holiday tables.  We chose a large dining room table because we had a big extended family and it has two huge leafs.  It will seat ten comfortably and twelve if we squeeze a bit.  With the really huge gatherings, we set that main table and also put a large long table in the adjoining living room.  Everyone talking and laughing and eating; great sounds to my ears. Going down Memory Lane: 

    The largest sit down we had was one Easter . . . the expanded dining room and living room tables were set up, but we also needed a smaller table in the family room and heavens; a long table out on the front patio court yard as it was a lovely warm day . . . all the teens and very young adults chose to sit out there and they had a really great time by the sounds of it; we all did. When doing that, I was careful to decorate each table so everyone felt they were part of the celebration.  At pre-Christmas night time parties and some other times, we did buffet style so everyone could eat at the same time and that worked well too. It makes me truly delighted to see everyone enjoying themselves.

    One year, not that many years ago, we had the church "Saturday Nighters" group Christmas party at our house; talk about a crowd . . . buffet style of course and needed one long expanded table for the main dishes and another for the desserts.  We had brought in lots of extra chairs and had people sitting everywhere.  After the buffet, we all sang Christmas carols; it was a wonderful night. That too is no longer as most of the original Group have moved or passed on.  It is no longer the same, nor of course are we.

    A couple of Thanksgiving dinners, we had family as usual, but we also extended an invitation for "drop in" to the police officers who were assigned to our area and that was lovely and also fun to have the drop in's and feed them since they were not home with their own families on the holiday.

    We have lost brothers and sisters and in-laws of both myself and my husband as well as the parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles, and the rest have moved out of state so here we are with china for sixteen with an additonal set of plain white dishes for another sixteen, etc. and no one to use them for.   No one today seems to set that sort of entertaining any longer so I have all that stuff and nowhere to give it to anyone who would use it, not to mention all the different colors and sizes of tablecloths.  Today sure is different from the yesterdays. I miss everyone who has passed or moved away so much, but also know that my knees would never ever tolerate doing that sort of entertaining any longer, so I miss the old me too.  (Smile.)  Yet; I am deeply grateful to have had such years; that has been a gift.

    I can imagine how great it must have been to live on a farm or ranch and have family that gathered for special occasions making wonderful memories. It is different and down home warm.  The older folks; the parents, siblings, and grandparents and even great grandparents with aunts and uncles and cousins, they certainly enriched many lives.  The small families of two or few also make wonderful memories which are stored in hearts like treasure.  It's all about the people we are with.   Well; enough of that - Christmas brings out the fond sappy in me.

    Isn't that the greatest Marie; sounds like you had an exceptionally enjoyable time with all ages with family. I am glad to hear there wasn't an actual fire and that the oven was still workable. Must have really had the house in an uproar for a little bit. That will go down in the annals of family memories too.

    Sayra; you are the champion of appropriate.  I can see you eating on the hearth and being the only one masked in that group of family.  You did the safe thing and are also a good example without having to say a word.  When our out of state son was here last week for his meeting and then visited with us; we all wore masks. We asked him to wear one and if he did not have one we would have given him one.  Even though masked we stayed at least six plus feet away.  He works in busy hospitals installing and caring for large radiology equipment, sometimes with patients in the room and he had been in public settings out here, so he was more exposed.  He contracted COVID a couple of months ago from a radiology work exposure even though he and the infected person wore N95s.  Fortunately, he is in good shape and not elderly so he did very well recovering swiftly. We are not in the same group an DH has diabetes as well as other health issues being present, so we understand it is every person for themselves to do what is best.  You really are an inspiration and I thank you for reminding us. We heard on national TV news last night that we are a very bad state in numbers and the worst county in the U.S. for lack of hospital beds due to the COVID and influenza surge. As mentioned earlier, we have about 200 acute hospital beds left in LA County for 10 plus million people.  Not good news to hear.

    May this be a good Sunday with a very good new week for everyone,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Zetta, forgot to mention that I found Bear Creek Creamy Potato Soup on Amazon.com for under $4.00.  I ordered four so with the two I have that may be enough for winter.  
    Sometimes I find something and put it in my cart and don't ordered just then and by the time I get back to place the order, it's out of stock or pickup only (WM).  Thought you'd like to know.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Marie glad all was ok, I have set the fire alarm off lol but so far no fire.  When I was young we had a fire in our hospital one night.  Patients were allowed to smoke then and he caught himself on fire.  The unit had a lot of smoke.  He had to be transferred to a a hospital with a burn unit.  The fire department was amazing in how fast they got all that smoke out.

    JoC used a 5oz can skipjack tuna, 1/2C peas and 1/4C carrots cooked, 1 C cooked noodles, 1/2can of Pacific cream of mushroom, 8oz. Beef broth saved from a roast, S&P, little celery flakes and celery seed, garlic powder and dried onions.  Topped with breadcrumbs.  Went into maybe 1.5qt dish.  375F for 30 minutes. It was good.  

    Think we got about another inch.  I pushed it off and set my trash out.  Sun hasn’t came out yet but snow has stopped and windy and cold. 

    Lorita don’t have a TV but still know a bit about how you feel as I feel really disconnected if I lose WiFi.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Well, got two more things done.  Went up to our little town and stocked up on RC Cola (hardly ever find it anymore), milk, sherbet and a loaf of bread, believe it or not.  They also had a few bananas so had to have one of those - seventy-nine cents - never paid that for a banana before.  Also got eight gallons of diesel in the PU so I would be sure not to run out and a gallon, I think, of gas for the Gator in case I need it.

    When I got home, wiped down things and took all the trash except for the one sack in the trash can and put it in the PU so I won't have to do that in the morning.  It may be raining and I know it'll be cold.  Have to get it down to the road early.

    I'm pooped - feel like I've run a marathon.  I need to get out more.  Feel like a fish out of water when I go somewhere.  I can really see how a person can become a recluse.

    Filled the water tank again and will have to do it one more time before night.

    Sara - glad you had a nice dinner with your family.  Don't blame you for wearing your mask.  I wear mine everywhere I go or if someone comes here.  It's just gotten to be a part of me, I guess.  Better safe than sorry.  No one has ever commented and wouldn't matter if they did.

    I bet that tuna casserole was good today.  It's cloudy now so guess the front is getting close. Really wish we could miss it and the next one with all the arctic air.  Hope we don't have another polar vortex like we had a couple of years ago - that one did Darwin and I in.

    Sara, every time I come in the house I think about turning on the TV.  Can't get over how quiet it is.  Have you ever had a TV?  I do feel sort of disconnected but can get the weather and a few things on the laptop so guess that'll sufficeth.

    Guess it's about time to start 184 - will do that later tonight or in the morning.  Rest well tonight.  Oh, forgot, Todd called.  He stayed with Sarah las night until 4 this morning, then went home to sleep a little.  He was going back. She had seen a doctor and he said they were looking for some type of pump to use to get her medications in without swallowing - they think that might work instead of more surgery.  One doctor has already told her they can't do more surgery so hope they find the pump.   I think he plans to spend the night if he can get a friend to stay at the house with the pets.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All You Rockers.

    I have been waiting for 184 to come up this thread is so long hopefully I don't lose this. 

    Lorita.    Sorry to hear that Sarah is back in the hospital, hopefully they can do something for her. Thanks for the update on Bear Creek soup Iam going into Bi Mart tomorrow and see if they finally got some. I know what you mean about background noise I always have my TV on and most of the time Iam not even watching it. 

    I hope Stormy's stomach has settled down. How much longer will your babies be on meds. I have one I am supposed to give Molly once a month and I am lucky if I even get 1/2 of the pill down.  I know how hard it must be for you to want to feed the girls. Will Mike let you tend to the ones that are skinny and need the extra food. 

    Beth.  You are so right that porches can be slippery. Last year I slipped and feel a few times on my back porch. I have walking sticks at my back door I use if for some reason I need to go out there. I loved that picture you shared with us; I also use to have some Micky Mouse ears. 

    Marie.   Sorry to hear of the scare you and your family had, and glad to hear it was not as bad as you may have thought. At times here they also close some of our interstates. Sometimes the highway between me and the closest town, Bend Oregon will be closed due to ice. 

    Ron.   Sounds like your appt went well and you got some good news. As far as that long drive, please give it some real good thoughts. Lou would probably be happier home having some Peanut Butter cake and you tucking her in bed. She is so sweet. I got a laugh when you told us you used comet to wash the dishes. No wonder your mom did not want you to do the dishes.  

    Sara.  I like the idea of flannel sheets, Iam going to get me some. Please tell me about the bag of warm rice you put in your bed, I might try that.

    Jo.   Sorry about your great nephew, he was so young. My great nephew who lives with me also has had a bad upbringing. My niece his mother and his father were both into drugs, he was neglected a lot when he was growing up. I enjoy him being here with me, we have some neatness issues we are dealing with but other than that he is a joy.

    Jo.  I loved it when you told us about the drop ins at your holiday meals, you are so sweet.

    When my family all got together during the holidays, we were at my Grandparents house. There was one big table in the dining room along with a few card tables. In the kitchen was a smaller table for all us kids. When I got old enough to help clear off the table, I always wanted grandma to use her good China, because I knew she would not want me to help then. 

    I hope your all having a good weekend. Hugs Zetta 

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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