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Just need to talk to my friends (189)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


Thought it was about time to start a new segment of our thread.  Sounds like it's a gloomy, cold day everywhere.  I know it is here - it's cold and the north wind is blowing.

The girls were down around the house this morning drinking clean water and grazing some.  Saw two of the tiny babies and talked to them.  Good to see them - I really miss them being here.  Filled the water tank for them.   I think they've gone back up to the hay to eat some - not much grass yet.

I went out to feed Thomas and didn't see him so called and he came out of the carport.  I think he's sleeping on a feed sack in the Gator.  He looked like someone had rolled him in the dirt - or he did himself.   His hair had been wet with a little mud.  The GPs were out this morning for a little while but his hair was dry so it wasn't them.  He isn't sitting on the back steps - maybe because it's colder today.  Still thinking about bringing him inside.

Zetta, I'm here - just giving you all a little break.  So glad your nephew got you shoveled out so you could get out if you wanted to.  I don't like to go anywhere much anymore but I want to be able to if I want to.  I can still see water standing everywhere from a pond overflow, I think, in Darwin's pasture.

Beth, I enjoyed the link, thank you.  Are there two nests being viewed?  Yesterday one looked like there wasn't any snow and there was a pond or lake in the background - the other had snow all over the nest.   Are the eagles named?  The tater tot casserole sounds good - bet that'll be good for lunch.  I'm thinking about pizza - love the way the house smells when it's cooking - that's the oregano for sure.

Day, I'm watching Denim & Co. and Monifa is driving me nuts - even had to turn down the volume.  Sometimes I think those hosts are paid by the word - she talks constantly even interrupting Gary to the point he has to interrupt her.  They made one big mistake in getting rid of Carolyn.  Guess tenure doesn't make any difference there.  Sorry but I'm just not liking many of the new hosts they've hired.

I'm going to work on taxes after this is over - want to get those in to Sam so I can see if I owe something this year - probably will.

Judith, what's going on with you - I haven't seen a post on our thread in ages - did see one on another thread.  Are you okay?

Carol called late yesterday to tell me she had seen one of the women we had worked with at a restaurant yesterday morning.  She was the secretary in Fiscal Service.  And, she's probably ten years younger than I.  She came in the restaurant with her son and daughter, walking with a cane and barely getting along.  She did recognize Carol so they visited a bit.  She has alzheimers and she told Carol she wouldn't remember talking with her five minutes after she left - sad to hear that.  Carol couldn't remember where she worked - one thing I remember about her is she had a huge poster of Tom Selleck facing her desk.  As you came in the building you didn't see it but she saw it all the time.   She worked in one of the buildings that used to be the quarters for the doctors but was later turned into service buildings.  Guess we never know what will happen as we grow older.

The two main Oklahoma women's basketball teams lost yesterday so I probably won't be watching basketball much, at least not this afternoon.  I usually do watch a lot  of the NCAA tournament though.

Hope everyone is well this morning.  I stayed in bed until after 8 this morning so don't think I lost an hour's sleep.  But, I do not like it to be dark so late. When I take down the trash in the morning it will still be dark.  Why they say there's more daylight with this time change I don't know - it's the same, just at a different part of the day.  I'd rather have daylight earlier.  Maybe this will be the last time we have a time change - hopefully.

Ron, how are things in Louisiana this morning?  Hope you're feeling better and Lou is all right today.

See you all later.  



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    I messed up big time last night! On Saturday evening I always get Lou and my pill organizer ready for the next week. I lay our nighttime medicine for Saturday night on the countertop. At bedtime I took mine and when I picked Lou's up to give to her, I noticed two of mine and her seroquel was missing. Surely I didnt take her seroquel......all I did was take our medicine out of the planner for that night and layed on countertop. I got another seroquel out of her bottle and finished getting her ready for bed. She woke me up several times last night and each time I was so groggy I didnt know if I would make it. This morning after getting up I've had a dry mouth most of the day and been a little fuzzy. Guess I did take her seroquel !!

    I noticed neighbor is in from west Texas to finalize the sell of his house. Sure will miss his mom being so handy to help with Lou. She will still drive up to help some but it's notice being right next door. One of the ladies at church today told me they were compiling  a list of names that might be able to help when needed.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, I'm so sorry your neighbor is moving away.  She was a good backup when you needed help.  So good the woman in your Church is making a list for you to have if you need help.  

    Ron, sounds like it's time for you to keep yours and Lou's medications completely separate.  Maybe keep yours in the bathroom and hers somewhere else so that mistake won't be repeated.  Glad it wasn't any worse than it was.  

    I used to fill Charles' pill organizer for him and I can completely see how that might happen.  I didn't take any kind of medicine so we didn't have to deal with that - but, sort of dealing with it when the GPs are taking medications - have to keep theirs separate.  Also it's getting a little harder for me to remember if I've taken a pain pill so I won't take another one.  This getting older is not easy.

    I've worked on taxes this afternoon and all that's left now is to fill out the form he sends or make one like I always do and get it in the mail.  I'll be glad to have that done and off my mind.

     I had a 40 lb. sack of cat litter and wanted to get it into a pail I'd gotten some in before so dipped about half of it into the pail,  then lifted the rest of it and poured it in.  Didn't seem to bother me much so got the trash together for tomorrow morning, then back to the taxes.  All at once my chest and neck hurt and I had to quit and lay down - I'm okay now but my costo in my chest and my back where it goes straight through are hurting - I'm leaning on the heating pad.  When will I ever learn I can't lift things.  Really hard to realize you can't do things you've always done.  You feel all right and lift or pull something, then pay the consequences.  I hated to sell the girls but after I did I've finally realized I couldn't lift those feedsacks anymore so know I did the right thing.

    Makes me wonder about selling the farm to Mike before something happens.  I can do the lifetime estate and stay here as long as I can but I just do not know if I can do it or not.  My family has been here 87 years.  I was telling Carol that I can remember so many families who used to live out in this area and they and their houses are now gone - and, no one remembers them - except she and I.  When a person passes away and are gone - they're gone to the rest of the  world.  I think that's so sad.  Not that I want to be remembered but I just hate to give up on what I had wanted to do.

    Probably shouldn't post this - you all will think I'm wiggin' out but you've known me for at least 15 years so I feel like I can safely say these things to you all and you won't judge.

    I'll be all right - tomorrow's another day and maybe the sun will shine.

    Hope all of  you are well this evening.  Don't like the time change but don't think it's bothered me - but, maybe it has.

    Sleep well.  Ron, keep those pill organizers in separate rooms and stay safe.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Like many of the rest of you...cold and blustery day here with some snow showers.  Not enough to cause any problems...which I am glad for as I have to take Mother to PT tomorrow and don't want bad roads for the long trip.

    The weather sure has been strange...just last Thursday (another PT day) I was enjoying the farm scenery on the trip and noting that the grass was greening up enough for the cattle to graze.

    I agree that the time change never made any sense to me either...guess they were trying to get more daylight time after folks got home from work.  They originally said it was for the farmers, but their work starts early and ends late no matter what the clock says.

    Lorita, as long as you set up the lifetime estate, you will be there.  You and Mike seem to have a good working relationship and I am sure he would be a good steward of the land.  

    Ron, please take care with the meds.  Maybe you could use a small container, one marked for each of you, that you put meds in.  Would be a way to help with the problem.

    Hope the weather improves for everyone and spring comes to stay soon.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Lorita do not see you as Wiggin out.  You are just getting older like me.  Things are starting to feel overwhelming.  Glad you are able to come here and express how you are feeling.  It helps to have someone to express it to.  Have said before, no way could I do what you do.  My body would get into a terrible shape.  This is why I have backed off from some things this year.   Think you are starting to see it is too much for you.  You might feel better at least mentally if not physically too by just getting rid of the burden.   It is becoming a burden to you.  This is why I ponder on moving to a different living situation on down the road.  Know it is a hard decision for you as it is all you have known almost.  Have lived many places so not attached to one place. Hope something good works out  for you and me as we mature.

    Good night Lorita,  hope you get a good nights rest

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hello cobbers

    Just wanted to let you know that I am back from my holiday -- it was certainly different. About 45 of us on a bus, together with a driver and tour leader. Stayed in hotels every night, and ate in their restaurants most evenings. But the days!

    Being a retired botanist, I chose a tour that visited national parks , all very interesting. What I did not realise was that we would have to walk a lot, to see everything. Despite my limitations, I did walk more than I have done for years, and was so glad I packed a folding walking stick. Really, I saw all the things I most wanted to see, the things I missed out on were more touriet attractions like waterfalls and beaches.

    We did get a conducted tour through a whisky distillery-- had a taste, but not for me. Also a winery, but just tasting and a meal there. Again not specially interesting to me.

    I left the tour after 6 days, and really I was glad to go. Others stayed on for another 6 days. Flew home, and seems I have picked up a chesty cold on the way [NOT COVID!] Coughing a bit, and don't know if I will be able to sing at choir practice tomorrow, as I am croaky.

    Already planning another short trip later in the year, but no more than a week long.

    Photo of our hotel in Hobart, overlooking the docks where fishing boats tie up.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Thank you, Sara.  It's not that I feel like things are so much of a burden.  I don't have the girls to think of so much except to kind of watch over them (just something I want to do).  I just have the GPs and cats to take care of and, of course, things that need to be done to the house and things like that.  I have to have a purpose, otherwise I'd dry up and blow away.  Just hate that I can't lift like I used to but as you said I'm getting older.  I don't think of myself as being almost 81 until I say it out loud or type it.  I'll be okay when the sun shines and I can be outside more.  

    When I filled the water tank this afternoon I noticed there are Bradford pears blooming all around the west pasture - hadn't thought about that one.  I think I'll walk down so I can see it better tomorrow.  I don't want to leave here - I've lived here all but a couple of years of my life but who knows what time will bring.   You're a very sweet person, Sara, and I'm glad you've decided to cut back on all the work you've been doing, too.

    Barbara, did you make it to Tasmania?  Your vacation sounds like fun.  One of the women I worked with and her husband, after they retired, went on such a trip to Yellowstone and across the northern part of the country including Niagra Falls.  They enjoyed it but said it was hard to have to follow a strict schedule such as getting up early, getting your suitcases outside the door, etc.

    Glad you enjoyed it but I bet you were glad to be home.  When you're not used to walking a lot, it is tiring.    Your hotel was really big - interesting to have the harbor out front where you could watch the boats.  I've never seen anything like that - nothing in Oklahoma like that.

    Just heard the weather - doesn't sound like it's going to be a very warm and sunny week.  

    About out of power - see you tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita wrote:

    Makes me wonder about selling the farm to Mike before something happens.  I can do the lifetime estate and stay here as long as I can but I just do not know if I can do it or not.  

      Not that I want to be remembered but I just hate to give up on what I had wanted to do.

    Lorita, what is it that you had wanted to do?

    What are you thinking about being able to do the life estate?  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Thomas is gone - I guess he rested up, ate well and then moved on. I checked the carport and went out to the barn and didn't see anything of him.  Thought maybe he'd had a run-in with a opossum or something else.  Guess I should have let him into the house but I was afraid he'd get in a fight with the other cats or the GPs.  I let them touch noses a couple of days ago and they hissed at each other.  Anyway he wasn't hurt when I saw him yesterday - just looked like he'd been wooled around some.  It seems empty out there.

    Iris, I had wanted to keep the farm in the family.  But there's no one left except my great nephew and he isn't the kind that would work well out here - wouldn't be a good neighbor.  That's all I had wanted.  I had hoped Scarlet would be able to take over - I had told her I was leaving the farm to her and I'm so glad I did that - it made  her happy.  But, MS took that away.

    It's cold here this morning but it was sunny for a while but clouding up now.  Mike and Toad came and fed the girls so guess they're okay.  I'm going to finish up the taxes today and get them in the mail tomorrow.  It's only the income papers that need to go to him along with the sheet that shows the deductions so I think I can mail that in a manila envelope with stamps and not have to go to the post office.

    Maybe Thomas has gone hunting but I doubt it - he was always out there for breakfast - should have brought him inside.

    Hope all of you are well this morning and happy.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning.

    Lorita. I bet Thomas, will be back he's probably out hunting. Please don't feel bad about not letting him in, you are protecting all your inside fur babies. I would have done the same thing. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    You're probably right, Zetta.  Three tom cats probably wouldn't get along - the two in the house are father and son.  While he was here he didn't leave to hunt and was always there for breakfast.  I looked several times on the back porch where he laid and he wasn't there so he may have left yesterday.  I do hate that I didn't let him in though.   I would have felt awful if Stormy or Sheena had killed him.  Stormy chased him around the yard three or four days ago so maybe he decided this wasn't the place for him.  I hope he's okay.  Not many houses out in here for him to go to.  I think of little Lilly being left and trying to live among the bales of hay.  I don't know how long she was there until Darwin picked her up but she's made a really good cat and mother.  

    It's cloudy now and windy .  Pretty cold - only 37 degrees.  Supposed to be cold all this week. 

    How's your weather, Zetta, has the snow melted yet?  Have you looked in on the eagles in Iowa? Yesterday they were covered in snow just like the ones in California.  Seems like it's sort of early for birds to be nesting but the weather this year is so weird and unexpected.  Life is hard sometimes.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Gloomy, fine snow all day so far. Very little accumulation. They’re giving one to 3 inches though starting tonight and into tomorrow. Then though it’s supposed to warm up so it shouldn’t last too long.

    Just doing the usual Monday things. Do have to run mom a few supplies in a little bit. 

    I made the meatloaf. I talked about over the weekend. It was the most moist meatloaf I’ve ever made. Did stick together well though.  You used breadcrumbs and then you grated an onion over the top of the crumbs. Then you mixed it all up which made the crumbs very moist with onion juice.  Made a quarter of the recipe but I used one egg because I didn’t want to divide an egg, but it was fine.  The topping was different than my usual, like my old topping better.

    Had the same thought as Zetta, Thomas is liable to show back up. 

    Take care 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    I have not looked in on the Iowa Eagles. I got so attached to the Big Bear Eagles I keep watching their nest. They do go in and out of the nest during the day. I also like seeing the woodpecker and the little flying squirrels Fiona and Fast Freddie going in and out of the nest. 

    I still have snow but not as bad as it was a few days ago. The roads have cleared up, so I have no problem getting out. Weatherman says rain and more snow this weekend. 

    Thomas will be fine, he knows where to go if he gets hungry. So, he may be back. If you had let him in you would have made all your fur babies, uncomfortable, so you did the right thing. I would be so afraid to let a stray cat in my house. 

    I have wild rabbits outside that I feed, and Molly chases. They are faster than her and I am glad because they are also bigger than her. She loves chasing them and I don't think they are even afraid of her. It's a game. 

    Have a good day, Hugs Zetta 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hi Sara,

    Your meatloaf sounds delicious. Please let me know how you did it and everything you put in it. It's been a long time since I have had a meat loaf.  Sounds Yummy.  Thanks Zetta 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, there are 2 eagle cams in Decorah that I know of. One is the north nest which is on private property. The other is at the fish hatchery, and on the Upper Iowa River. The hatchery one is the one I have been looking at. Those eagles are named Hatchery Mom (HM) and Hatchery Dad (HD). That is the one I watch.

    Hoping Thomas is ok. I think you absolutely did the right thing, not bringing him in. He might not get along with your others. 

    How is Sarah? 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra, how much breadcrumbs for the meatloaf recipe?

    Lorita, I think Thomas will come back, now that he knows where you are.  I have a formerly feral cat, Sammie.  If I let him out in the evening while it is still light, he sometimes stays out all night, or even a couple of days.  But he always comes back because he knows this is where he gets good meals.  I tell him not to use my place as a hotel, but he doesn't listen LOL.  My cat Simon was gone for four day once.  I looked all over for him and put up signs.  I thought he was gone forever, but I one night I heard a little meow at my door, and there he was!  I hugged and kissed him!  He has never gone away for so long again--he has learned thst the outside world is not so kind for a house kitty.

    I understand what you mean about your family legacy.  I had hoped that my brother and I could pass on our family's legacy of professional careers.  But neither of us had children.  Most of my other cousins who are professionals also do not have children.  So there is nothing to pass on.  I have made my peace with this.  My legacy will go to animal welfare.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Barbara hope you had a room with a view.

    Zetta recipe can be found at www.recipetineats.com or YT channel Recipe Tin Eats. Three or four will come up.  It’s the one that says most delicious and has like 197,000 views on vlog.

    Iris calls for 1C Panko crumbs for 2 pounds of meat.  Also calls for two bullion cubes, I don’t use that so left out.  Crushed up seasoned croutons I had made in place of Panko.

    Zetta tried to link the blog and channel.  Created a link but wouldn’t work.  If you can’t find it let me know.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Conversation about meatloaf has me craving a good old fashioned meal. I remember mom making meatloaf, blackeye peas, okra and tomatoes and cornbread often. Getting me hungry!

    Sent my primary care a secure message stating mo sign of dvt after ultrasound but I'm still having severe pain in leg and hip. Received a response from nurse stating Dr. is out this week and advised me to go to ER where they could evaluate. Guess I'll probably go, not sure right now. Foot dr is now on the way here to hopefully cut her toe nails. Not sure how that's going to work since she fusses when I try. Medicare will pay twice a year for foot care if your diabetic. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Thanks, everyone, for the good thoughts about Thomas.  He may or may not be back.  He may have been on his way somewhere and stopped off to rest.  He is fat and well cared for so he must have come from someone's house.  Such a nice cat - can't see why anyone would drop him off. Not sure about the neighbors half a mile west of us - if they have cats.  I know they have dogs.  The two neighbors at the corners of the farm - one is a bachelor and I know he doesn't  have cats. No one else closeby - but I know cats travel.  I hope he does come back.  I always thought if you fed a cat, he stayed.  Tom and Jerry were here for a long time - probably had been off hunting and got caught by wolves away from trees.

    Iris, same with me - what I have left will go to eight or nine charities I donate to on a regular basis.  I have some VA Insurance so should take care of that, too.  I started donating to charities for things my family had - like MS , blindness and alz. but it has grown.  Seems like I get more requests weekly.  I wish I could contribute to all of them but there's too many.

    You know, I've never made a meatloaf.  Mother made really good ones and so did Charles.  He made some kind of really good sauce he put on his.  Never have cooked a turkey either.  Sara, I always made my own croutons, too.  I think I used french bread, let it dry some, then put on a little olive oil and spices.  They were so good I'd sometimes eat then for a snack.  I like to use Panko bread crumbs, too, but homemade croutons would be just as good or better.

    Beth, is the eagle sitting on the nest with snow the one in the north?  Also discovered on that website you can watch other animals, too.  Hoping I can see some elephants around the water hole.

    It's still cold here but the sun is out a little bit.  Going to freeze tonight and rain tomorrow night.  Haven't talked with Sarah today.  Yesterday the doctor told her she could only have one swallow of a liquid or spoonful of pudding - that's all - so it's won't come  out from around the feeding tube.  I marvel at how strong she is.

    I worked on getting the rest of my tax papers together this afternoon.  Got it all done and in the envelope to take to the post office in the morning.  Normally I'd put stamps on it and put it in the mailbox but not sure how many and really don't want to lose the papers in the mail system.  Also need to return a little rug I ordered from QVC - ordered two - to put in front of the cabinets but  I think one is all I need.

    It's snowing in western Oklahoma but it's not reaching the ground - air is too dry.  I wish we could do without rain for a little while to let things dry out.  You wouldn't believe how muddy it is around the barn and in the pastures.  Didn't make it down to see the pear blooms today - maybe tomorrow.  Last week I did notice the Asian Pear trees are blooming at the MH.  Do wish they'd make this year because they are so good.   I haven't seen Rusty today but put feed in the birdfeeder and sunflower seeds in a dish on the front porch.  I see birds coming out of the carport so guess they're eating catfood.

    So glad I finished with the tax papers.  Sam will probably fall over when he gets them because he always has to file an extension for me.  This year I was determined to get them in on time - last year I paid penalities so don't want to do that again.

    Thanks again, everyone, you all are the greatest.  I hate to always lay my problems on your doorsteps but I'm thankful you're all there and willing to listen.  

    Going to drink a Pepsi and watch Jeopardy for a while.  Rest well tonight if I don't get back.

    Ron, so sorry your leg is hurting so much.  When you lay on your side put that little pillow between your knees and always keep your feet elevated when you sit down.  As a caregiver I know that probably isn't very often though. ER might be a good idea.  It sounds like you're close to the VA.  I think Lou will be okay with the guy cutting her toenails - seems like they always do better when it's someone besides the caregiver who is trying to do something for them.  I know it was like that with Charles.  He was on fee-basis and the podiatrist was in Tulsa. He always talked about how much better his feet felt after he saw him.  It's getting harder to cut my toenails, too.  Guess that's because as you get older you're not as limber as when you're younger.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra, thanks for the YT recipe address.  I love meatloaf, like a lot of people.

    Ron, you must rule out deep vein thrombosis.  Push the doctors to give you a diagnosis.  You need treatment for DVT.  Don't cross your legs.

    Lorita, one of my older first cousins has five generations in her family,  she has a great-great-great niece. I suggested that the family get professional photos of her and the baby for posterity.   She was not that interested.  I feel strongly about family legacy, although I have no legacy.  Those that do have a family legacy, don't seem to care that much.  Oh, well.

    News for all of you Big Bear eagle watchers:  Big Bear just has a 3.something earthquake!  I hope the birds and the cameras were not disturbed.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Iris, I just checked the Big Bear eagle cam and it's still working - everything looks calm.  I saw on the evening weather that northern California and Oregon are about to get more bad weather.  Also on the east coast they're going to have snow - New York City has already declared a disaster?

    Iris, it may be that if people are used to having children and big families they don't think much about it whereas we who don't have kids or much family think about what we'd do if we had them.  I feel envious sometimes of Carol who has four children, grand children and on down the line - and most of them live closeby.  It makes me think about when I was growing up - mother had three brothers and they had kids, daddy had four brothers and their kids and the aunts and uncles in Arkansas.  Now, there's no one to carry on daddy's family name - what kids there are happen to be girls so the name changed.  Only one cousin left on mother's side - he has one son that I know of.  So our family has about run it's course.

    I wasn't going to go back out to the barn to check tonight but I had to - thankfully, no one was in there.  I saw two young heifers playing together, then they took off running toward some of the girls who were up by the south fence.  I imagine by now everyone's back to the hay.

    Strange that it's just now gotten dark - that's okay but the darkness so late in the morning I don't like.  I hope they do decide not to keep doing the time changing.

    Did any of you all watch the Oscars last night?  I didn't - hadn't seen any of the movies, just clips of Avatar: The way of Water.  I thought it would win something and maybe it did.  That's the only movie that I would care about seeing - guess I'll wait until it comes on TV.

    Going to stop for tonight and see if I can find something to watch on TV.  Rest well everyone.  

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I believe you are right about people who have children.  I do have a stepson that I keep in touch with, in fact, he just moved to Texas.  I don't know if I'll ever see him again because I don't do long travel anymore.

    I don't watch the Oscars because I don't see the movies that they feature.  I watch Christian themed movies and I know they will never win an Oscar in these days, not like Lilies of the Field with Sidney Poitier.  I like to watch the Red Carpet arrivals but this year I forgot all about them. I think Angela Bassett looked very glamorous, like a Hollywood star.  I saw pictures in the newspaper.  I still get a paper delivery so I can keep up with the news.  I don't watch TV news.

    I'm glad the eagles were not disturbed by the earthquake.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Here is the nest at the hatchery:  https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/decorah-eagles/

    Some history of the hatchery eagles/nests: A Brief History of the Decorah Eagles: OM, Dad, Mom, DM2, HM, and HD

    Dad Decorah and his first mate, OM, began nesting near the fish hatchery in 2002. OM disappeared in the early fall of 2007 and was replaced by Mom, Dad’s second mate. Mom and Dad stayed together through three nests and eleven years before Dad disappeared in April of 2018. Mom accepted her second mate, DM2, in the fall of 2018 and the two nested near the hatchery until the end of 2020, when they built a new nest behind the Walmart in Decorah.

    Nest N1 sat empty in 2021 and 2022, although we began seeing another pair of adult bald eagles in and around the nest in March of 2022, and Canada Geese hatched young at N2B in April. For the time being, we have christened the new Decorah Eagles HM (Hatchery Mom) and HD (Hatchery Dad), although those names could change. Whatever we end up calling them, we are hopeful they will lay eggs in 2023!

    Nest Territory and Locations: N0, N1, N2, N2B, and N3

    Five nests (N0, N1 [twice], N2, and N2B) have been built on the Decorah territory. Bald eagles built N0, N1 (once), and N2. Neil Rettig and *$%& Arnal built nest N2B in August of 2015 after N2 was destroyed in a storm, and *$%& Arnal and Amy Ries rebuilt nest N1 in September of 2021 after the original nest dwindled away.

    • 2022: Canada Geese hatch young in N2B: https://youtu.be/rhQCa2yUPuA and a new pair of bald eagles adopts N1.
    • 2020: Mom and DM2 begin a new nest (N3) behind the Decorah Walmart and begin nesting there in 2021.
    • 2018: Dad disappears in April of 2018. He is last seen at N2B on April 18, 2018. After two male eagles come and go, Mom accepts new mate DM2, for Decorah Male 2. The two begin working on N2B in October.
    • 2015: N2 is destroyed during a storm the morning of July 18. In August, humans build a nest (N2B) to encourage the eagles to begin building near the former location of N2. Mom and Dad adopt N2B in October of 2015. Watch the N2B rebuild here: https://youtu.be/2-xRSBBeIYs and read about it at our old blogspot: http://raptorresource.blogspot.com/2015/08/n2b-or-new-decorah-nest.html.
    • 2012: Mom and Dad begin a new nest (N2) in mid-October on the north bank of Trout Creek about 700 feet from N1, which is still standing
    • 2007: N0 is destroyed during a storm. Dad and OM begin building a new nest (N1) in the yard of a home just north of the hatchery. OM disappears in early fall. 2007: A four-year old female (Mom) joins Dad at N1 in early December.
    • 2002’ish: the male eagle (Dad) and his original mate (OM) build a nest (N0) in the hills to the east of the hatchery

    Here is the north nest:  https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/decorah-north-nest/

    History of Decorah North eagles/nests: Decorah North Bald Eagles: DNF and Mr. North

    The male is known as Mr. North.  The female is the Decorah North Female, or DNF, who replaced Mrs. North in the summer of 2018. We don’t know exactly how or when it happened. You can read more about it here: https://www.raptorresource.org/2019/01/20/north-nest-announcement/


    The first nest at the North site was built in a pine tree. The branches collapsed after the second nesting season and the eagles moved to a dead elm tree. They nested there for just one year before moving to their current location in late 2013. In August of 2018, their nest collapsed and slid or fell out of the nest tree during an extremely heavy storm. None of the tree branches were broken or damaged, so we decided to build a starter nest in the same spot. 2020 will mark their seventh season and fourth nest on this territory.

    • 2018: A female eagle (DNF, or Decorah North Female) replaces Mrs. North over the summer. The nest falls out of the tree following a storm in late August. *$%& Arnal and Amy Ries build a starter nest in mid-September. Mr. North and DNF adopt it in October.
    • 2015: RRP adds cameras to the North Nest in September.
    • 2013: The tree falls. The eagles begin a new nest in a white oak tree.
    • 2011: The branches holding the nest collapse. The eagles build a new nest in a dead elm tree.
    • 2009: A pair of eagles establishes the Decorah North territory, building a nest in a white pine tree.
    • The North nest is 56 feet off the ground.
      • In 2021, the nest was 8.25 feet at its longest point and 6.25 feet at its widest point. Measured outermost stick to outermost stick, the nest measured 12 feet across. We can’t really get a height on it, since we can’t get anywhere near the bottom and the nest slopes downward from the top. Our best guess is six feet high at its tallest measure.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Beth, that is quite a history.  I knew the nests were large but didn't know they were that big.  They must really be heavy.  I'd like to see them build a nest - bet it takes a long time.

    The eagle's nest we see with the snow is the one in the north?  And there are some more we can see.  Guess they're all in Iowa?  The one we see most, with the snow, is HD and HM, right?  Are you all still having some snow?  Hope the weather improves soon for them.  

    I've discovered I have five different varieties of daffodils - where two or three came from I'm  not sure - guess a bulb here or there and they've multiplied.  The white one I kind of remember and there's only one cluster of it - so pretty.

    Looks like a pretty morning - sun is bright but it's cold.  Stormy and Sheena wanted out about 2 a.m. - must have heard wolves but I let them back in around 7 and they're asleep now.  No sign of Thomas so guess he's moved on - at least I hope that's what happened.

    Last night after I let the GPs out I remembered I'd received a little bit of money from the insurance company for work on the house - I had forgotten about that so will have to open the envelope and add that amount.  Couldn't send the guy a 1099 because I didn't have an address and he wouldn't answer his phone - doubt that could have been counted anyway.

    Day - I see that host that's with David on Sunday is probably going to do Denim & Co. today.  Has Gary said anything at all about Carolyn?  I'm not on facebook so don't know - doubt he would anyway.  Just think QVC made a mistake but Gary seems to be making the best of it.  I just need a calmer host - one that doesn't rattle all the time.

    Weather just said it's snowing some in western Okla.but it's supposed to warm up later this week.

    Enjoy the day - back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi again,

    Just got back from mailing my tax papers.  I could have put on three stamps and put them in the mailbox but didn't know for sure if that would be enough and surely didn't want to get them lost.  Stopped in the little convenience store next door and got some RC so I'm good to go.

    The road still has water over it in some places but it's not bad.  Saw where someone had lost a bale of hay - looked like bermuda grass and was probably an old one.  Girls are all out grazing.  Checked on the water tank before I left and it needs to be filled but Stormy has chewed on the metal hose again - it had fallen down so was too tempting, I guess.

    I checked the  yard and carport and I've checked the barn and there's no sign of Thomas.  He may have gone to find a girlfriend or went back home.  He wasn't a feral cat - too pretty and fat and friendly.  I miss him and he was only here a little over a week.

    It's a beautiful day - sunny, no wind but cool. I can't begin to tell you all how beautiful the pear trees are - they're everywhere but many more of them right around the farm but they're scattered around everywhere.  I got my camera out to take pictures but something has gone wrong with it so can't.  I probably have some pictures on the laptop from last year - I'll check.  It's so good to see that a lot of the trees OG&E sprayed along the north property line has survived.  I should call them and tell them to not spray anymore - none of them are near the power lines.

    Day, I watched Denim & Co. this morning.  Leah Williams was on with Gary and I like her.  Their TSV today is an Alegria sandal - they look really pretty and looks there's good arch support - but they're $100.  I've never paid that much for shoes but I'm tempted.

    Tried to call Sarah but no answer.  I left a message for her to at least text me to say she's there and OK.  Maybe she's sleeping.  

    Guess I'll go and fill the water tank.  Haven't seen all the little babies in a couple of days and I need to.  Also haven't fed the Pyrenees yet either.  I think Sheena has one more Prednisone so I'll stop and do that.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Just returned from ER as was suggested and was basically told there was nothing they could do to help. I was diagnosed with post traumatic  syndrome and told it would eventually improve. I did send my primary care a secure message to let her know that I'm only getting approximately 3 hours sleep a night. 

    Will catch up on front porch gossip and back later


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Afternoon.

    Lorita, Sorry that Thomas, has not come back but he still may.  Have you thought about ordering smaller bags of litter so they will be easier for you to carry. My son gets me the large boxes of cat sand, but he has to be the one to pour the first half of it its way too heavy for me to pick up. Be careful not to overdo something, especially when your there by yourself. 

    I did not get to watch the Oscars, I wanted too but I forgot all about it. I was disappointed in what little they showed on NCIS last night about the nest at Big Bear. I guess I thought it was a documentary show, and I was wrong. And I waited up to see it. That was an hour past my bedtime. 

    Sara.  Thanks for the recipe I did get it, along with a few others that look good. I will go shopping tomorrow and get what I need, and I will be making me a meatloaf. Yum!!

    Ron, Sorry you had to go to ER as we all know you need more sleep. Is it possible for you to nap every time Lou naps. And just let other things go. If you can get help with housework, then that will give you more time for yourself. What about Meals on Wheels, that will keep you out of the kitchen more. Elevate your legs as much as you can.  Did Lou, like her foot doctor and her nail clipping? 

    Barbara.  It was nice you had a good time on your holiday. Being around 45 people for that long and on everyone else's schedule, I don't blame you for cutting the time short. It also was good that you did take your walking stick with you. I hope by now you're all rested up and your cough has gone. I bet your looking forward to your next holiday. I never was a traveler. Iam more of a homebody. 

    We are still getting snow but not as bad as it was a few days ago. Molly, Sammy, Emmy and I are all staying inside and keeping warm. Hugs to all Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Stormy and I drove up to see the girls.  They seem comfortable up there - there's lots of trees to get under but no real shelter.  Saw all four little babies laying in the hay - one was eating hay from a hayring.  It's so muddy on the way up - you have to cross an area where the water runs off the hill into the pond.  Asian pear trees are still in bloom but it's supposed to be in the low 20s in a couple of nights so I'm afraid the buds may be killed.  I do wish they'd make this year - the trees are pretty old - think we planted them in the mid 70s.  Lots of daffodils blooming up there, too.

    When we got back I took Sheena for a little walk down to the meadow and before we got back she was limping on one of her front feet.  She had picked up a cockleburr in her left front foot.  Seems like she's always getting them in her feet - she has long hair on her feet so maybe that's why.  She didn't like it but I was able to get it out.  

    When I left the house my phone was almost out of power but took it anyway.  When I got back and was still in the Gator the wife of the cousin I recently lost called and we talked until the phone completely discharged.  Got in and put it on the charger and couldn't get it to come back on.  Called Consumer Cellular and they told me to hold down the power key - I did and it was all right.  Guess that's one reason I don't get rid of the landline - if the cellphone goes down, there's no way to call out.  Anyway, had a nice visit with her.  Since she lost J.W. she's been in the hospital twice - one for atrial fibrillation and just the last few days had a pacemaker inserted.  She is so lucky to have two daughters to help her - one across the road from her.

    Still no sign of Thomas.  He must have gone back home or went to find a girlfriend.  Hope he's okay wherever he is.  I was sitting in my chair just now watching the news with Max on my lap and fell asleep.  Ron, are you able to take little naps during the day?  Zetta's suggestion of napping when Lou does is a good one.  If you can get her to take a nap a couple of days in a row, she'll get in the habit and then maybe you can rest and get some more sleep.

    Sounds like we're due for some more rain tomorrow, I think.  My camera isn't working - just has a streak across the lens that lights up.  I have pictures in it on the card but I've imported them into the  computer, I think.  Better check before I lose them.  I may try to post some pictures of the Bradford pears I took last year .  They're even bigger and prettier this year.The first one is the trees along the west side of the meadow and the second is the big tree in the edge of the meadow.  Looks like they were taken in the morning with the sun on them.  When the sun's up they look much whiter.  They are glorious this year.  Whe I look out the front door I can see a huge one about half a mile away in the middle of the section east of us.  Wouldn't it be nice if they stayed in bloom for a longer time?  

    See you all later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Sent primary care a message stating what ER Dr. told me. Response from nurse was, try and get some rest and follow prescribed instructions. Not that easy! I hear all of you and appreciate your concern and input. The pillow at night doesn't work because not only am I I side sleeper, but a side to side toss and turn sleeper. I try to elevate my legs as much as possible but I've also discovered when I am able to my hip pain is worse. Lou does take frequent naps during the day but for some reason I'm not able to. I've tried several times and just not able to doze off. I might be afraid if I do Lou would need me and try to get up without me and fall again. That might be some of it, but I've never been a napper. I did put the neighbor on a weekly schedule and she does take a lot of the workload off me. One test I'm thinking about checking on is a sleep study. They wanted to do another one several years ago but I declined due to not wanting to leave Lou at night. Now with this neighbor I fell more comfortable. I dont know if a study would show me waking up due to pain or if it just shows waking up.

    Sorry I rattled so much.....just tired and frustrated.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, you had relatives come for a visit recently.  But you are no longer at the visit stage.  You need help.  Could one of your relatives come and stay for a few days to give you respite? 

    If not, you have to think about an alternative respite.  I think you already know the alternatives but don't want to think about them.  Your health is important!


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Have just tested positive for COVID, probably caught on the way home in the plane. I have had 5 of the anti-injections, the last just 3 weeks ago, so hopefully won't feel too sick. At the moment, I think I have a slight temperature, and just feel a bit under the weather. I did want to attach a few photos taken on my trip to Tasmania.. it is certainly well worth a visit.

    Most of Australia is flat, certainly the parts I know best. In contrast, Tasmania has many high mountains, which is why I found it so attractive.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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