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Just need to talk to my friends (189)



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Good Morning.

    Happy Anniversary Ron & Lou. Enjoy your day. 

    Beth.  Thank You for letting me know how you do the stir fry, I have everything but the bag of stir fry vegies and I will get some today and we will be having stir fry soon.

    Iam a little concerned about this Forum change, hopefully I can figure things out. I would be so lost if I couldn't. 

    Another snowstorm is on the way for this weekend, I am so lookog forward to spring. 

    Hugs to all, Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi again,

    I'm a little concerned, too, Zetta.  I do not like changes - I thought everything was okay with the forum, as is, but guess we'll see what the changes are.  Last time the change lost three years of posts for Judith and I and probably others - don't know what else.  Those old posts are never referred to anyway so guess there was no loss.

    When you make your stir fry, make some fried rice to go with it.  It's so easy and so good.  We used to make that and several other dishes at home.  Charles liked Chinese food so we decided we'd learn how to do it at home.  I haven't made any in years.  

    Hate that you're going to have more snow - hope there isn't more in Big Bear - Jackie needs a dry place to lay her eggs.  It's 80 degrees here now and sunny.  We missed any rain or bad weather this morning but the humidity is dropping like a rock - that along with high winds has the whole state in fire danger.  

    Things are really greening up - looks so good after all the dry grass this winter.  The maple tree I've been concerned about is starting to bud - still nothing on the magnolia, abelia or holly.  Next week I'll call Bryon to see when he can trim back all the shrubs.  I don't know if he can take down the magnolia or not - it's awfully tall.

    Remember the snakes in the house?   I think it's been two years at least and the cats are still snake-hunting.  I was just in there and Lilly came in and looked under the dresser and chair.  Guess that shows they have a good memory.

    Talked with Mike this morning - he called to see if the cacti had died.  We think it has - the paddles or whatever you call them or either dull green or white - hope it's killed them and the Johnson Grass.   He said they had killed at least 40 beavers on the south side of the section he just bought across from us.  I hate for them to be killed but they're ruining the ponds.  It's been so muddy the 40 acres of trees haven't been taken down.  Still want to see how that big machine works.

    I've been able to get three more cockleburs out of Sheena's feet but there's a pad of hair in one of her back feet.  I don't know if she'll ever allow me to get that or not.  I'll have to hold her foot, get it all together and cut it out.  Last time Mike held her foot and I cut it out.  When I finally get a car they can get into, I'll take her to the vet and have her nails trimmed - I know she won't let me do that.  I am handling her feet when she's close to me so maybe eventually she'll get used to it. 

    Lots of bad weather predicted for Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi and other States.  Spring in the south is hard.

    I bet Ron and Lou are having a nice anniversary lunch right now - wonder where he's going to take her - Red Lobster?  I used to like their sword fish.

    There's a story about feral hogs on our news right now.  They're in all 77 Oklahoma counties.  The story is about a couple of men who trap them.  It said from  four hogs they can produce 144,000 in 10 years. You know a sow can have 12 or more little pigs at a time.  Thinking back to my childhood when daddy raised hogs.  You know they can't sweat so you have to have a big mud or water puddle for them in the summer so they can stay cool.  A sow with little pigs is a scary thing - don't want to fool with her.

    I'm begining to ramble into things of no interest to you all so I'll stop and finish watching the news. Might take a nap this afternoon.  Hope everyone is well today.  Remember how we looked forward to Fridays when we were working?  

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    I too am concerned about the new platform.  The moderator already posted that they will only keep the past two years' threads.  Does that mean that there will be no Archives?  What about the pre-2012 Archives?  I have been copying threads from the Archives but I will not be able to copy all that are important to me.  There was much wisdom in the earlier Archives! I am unhappy about this.  


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,365
    Seventh Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Insightfuls Reactions 500 Likes
    Happy Anniversary Ron and Lou.

    I hope the day is a pleasant one for you both.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Happy anniversary Ron and Lou!

    Am sure you all are the most handsome couple to be seen.

    Prayers that the day is all you wish for and more.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Happy Anniverasry....don't forget to post a pic!!!

    Marie...I have what your mother has and have had it for over 5 years. I am under the ccprrect medical care for it and am 99.9% certain that PT can do do much of anything I do know that there are certain eye exercises that are "helpful". 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    I too am concerned about the platform changes...must be significant if they have to have site down for so long.

    It will seem strange not to get on to see how all you front porch rockers are doing.

    Hope we can manage to find each other again after the down time.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Thanks to all for the anniversary greetings. We just returned from eating at a new  restaurant and I ordered Lou a steak. Guess what....hers was late getting to the table so she started eating my pasta with swimp. That's ok, one of the few things that still makes her happy is eating. Going to rest a little right now!


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes
    Happy Anniversary Ron and Lou. I love your picture together. Joan
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

     Happy Anniversary, Ron and Lou.  

    I’m concerned also that we won’t all be able to get back together laugh out loud.  Think I got an email giving a new address.   New  web address will be alz.org/alzconnected.  Will have to create a new password when first sign in.  Hope each one of you are able to work thru this. If not call them and get help.

    Been rainy and windy but not bad.  Tomorrow winds may be stronger.

    How do you make your fried rice Lorita?

    Take care everyone

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Ron, your new photo looks wonderful!  Happy Anniversary!  I'm glad you and  Lou had a good dinner.


  • Sandymac
    Sandymac Member Posts: 15
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Hello all……so pleased I popped in today, so caught up with your trip Barbara.  You certainly saw some of the highlights of Tassie, those places are beautiful.   45 on a coach trip is a lot, and especially when there is a lot of walking involved, sorry you’ve come down with Covid, hope you only have a mild case.    We went away for a short trip in our van a couple of weeks ago, which developed into quite an adventure……one I could have done without!   We were camped in a free camp, 80kilometres from the nearest town, no phone reception, when Bob collapsed!, fell out of the van.  Luckily I have a very loud voice and when I called for help people came running. We got him back in and sat down with blankets around (he was only half dressed because he was shaving prior to his shower) when he passed out again.  One man drove to the top of the closest hill to ring for an ambulance then a park ranger came in and called on his CB for one.  3/4 hr later they arrived and took him to the hospital, then transferred to another town another hour away for 4 days, then flown to Sydney and a pacemaker put in.  Scary, but all good now, but gives you an idea of distances here, as it is in many places in America I think

    We leave for New Zealand on Monday for 10 days.  There is an air show on that Bob wants to go to.  He used to go every couple of years to them, but of course with Covid they haven’t been on so this is the first for a long time, and he said will probably be the last one that he will go to. We are then home for a month then Alaska and Canada…..really looking forward to that! And when we come back we are going house sitting in Victoria for another month.  We’ve never done this before, but it’s a way to see another area of the country, without paying for accommodation.   Getting colder here now, but at last daylight saving is over, so mornings will be lighter.     Cheers everyone…Sandra 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    We had a thunderstorm during night that was a little feisty.  Mom lost electric for awhile.  It’s warm enough though that she was ok.  It is back on now.  Giving high winds all day.

    Sandra that would have been stressful.  Nice to hear from you.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning all my friends on the front porch.  It sure is comfortable out here this morning.........just rocking in my designated rocking chair and enjoying all of God's creations.

    56 is over now and ready to start on 57 with Lou! The new restaurant we went to yesterday had octopus on the menu and I couldn't talk any of the guest to try it where I could taste it. Told my SIL in the phone last night about the octopus and she was excited about it and said she loved octopus and cant wait until their next visit to try the restaurant. Was disappointed that neither pair of the pants fit and couldn't take them back since I had the length himed. One of the blouses was to small, so I gave it to the neighbor. Turned out only half of the new clothes I bought for Lou at Dillard would fit. It's hard to get her dressed in the morning, much less try on clothes before buying.

    Weather stayed above and below us once again!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    It's calm this morning and sunny.  Yesterday was one bad day.  The winds were horrific - many, many prairie fires north and west of here.  We had a power outage that lasted for a couple of hours - burned out the new gooseneck lamp and the TV in the bedroom - and the security light, again.  The TV was on - I had just gone in to take a nap and had just barely gotten to sleep when it happened.  Last time we had that outage it ruined a heating pad and electric blanket.  So, I don't know if I'll get another bedroom TV or not - they say you shouldn't have one in the bedroom.  I don't know what happened to cause the outage - the girl from the electric company said poles had snapped but don't know if it was around here or where - lots of power outages.  There were wind gusts up to 57 mph here and over in places.

    When we went in to go to bed, Stormy was doing his thing laying on his back kicking his feet in the air - then, he had another seizure.  It lasted about a minute and then he was a little groggy but went to sleep a little later and seems okay this morning.  Judith, I remember you talking about sitting on your stairs holding Luke when he had a seizure.  I'll talk to Mike today and see if he thinks we should start medication for the seizures.  We used to have a poodle who had seizures and we gave him Phenobarbital every night which worked.

    Sandra - so glad to hear from you but how scary.  I'm so glad there were other people around to help you.    Has Bob ever had anything like that happen before?  Sounds like the two of you are really enjoying some wonderful trips together.  You seem very happy.

    Sara - I guess that was a little of the weather we had yesterday that caused your power outage.  That was one powerful storm.  I heard North Little Rock had a couple of tornados - once I heard there were 600 people injured.  Weather just now said Tuesday we may have a repeat of the same thing.

    Ron - so glad everything went well for your anniversary - now you begin #57.  Sorry about the clothes you bought for Lou - I know it's hard to buy clothes for someone else.  Octopus - I'm afraid that's one thing I'd never try - but then, I'm a vegetarian.  

    My goodness - a new way for people who have had tracheotomies to communicate - it's some kind of app that reads lip movements and says the words.  I used to work with a doctor who had a tracheotomy and he used a vibrator he'd hold against his throat to talk.  Some people thought he was hard to understand but I think they were trying too hard.  He would dictate to me or on the dictaphone and I didn't have a problem understanding.  So many good things happening and so many bad things happening at the same time.

    Stormy just came in - Sheena wouldn't so he went back outside with her.  The sun is shining on the pond and it looks like a million diamonds sparkling.  I'm so thankful there's no wind this morning - hate when the wind blows so hard.

    Time for juice and hot tea.  I baked some cinnamon rolls yesterday so guess I'll have that for breakfast.  Going to have to do dishes today (you all know I don't enjoy that but it's a necessity).

    Beth, were the tornados close to you yesterday?  They're showing them on the news now.   So many bad weather things happening - seems like it's worse this year than ever before - global warming which will only get worse if something isn't done to help.

    On that note I'll stop and get my day started.  Sometimes I wonder if it's all worth the effort.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Sara, forgot to tell you about the fried rice.   You need to cook the rice the day before or at least early in the morning before you're going to make the fried rice that evening.  It needs to be cold and not sticky.

    Scramble one egg, or two if you wish, remove from the pan to another dish.  You can use just about any vegetable you like - we used to use finely diced mushrooms and onions, peas if you like.  You don't need a lot of vegetables. Saute them until done, then add the rice and toss until it's hot through, then add the eggs back in to warm.   I also add some soy sauce while the rice is heating.  That's all there is to it - very easy and you can vary the recipe to include whatever vegetables you like.  This is also good the next day.  We usually used a wok but any kind of skillet will be fine.   Hope you like it.  Makes me want to make it again.

    I don't understand what was wrong with the system - I thought things were working well.   Are we going to be able to have the same threads with all the posts for the past two years or will we have to start a new one? Will everyone have the same avatar so it's easy to get into the forum?  I read what they posted but still don't really understand the reason or what we should do.  Lots of questions - plus we're going to have to be without the forum for three days.  That will be hard.  I always look forward to hearing what everyone's doing - sort of company for me.  But, guess things are never really constant - change is always in the offing.   We'll get through it.

    Called the electric company to tell them about the security light - they're closed so it gave me the option to report an outage (which I don't have) - couldn't explain what it was so they may call me to see what's going on.  I know they have outages - they were working in Bixby and two other larger towns yesterday.  Need to call the vet's office to see if Stormy needs to start Phenobarbital or whatever he prescribes.  

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 100 Insightfuls Reactions

    Just a quickie;

    Sandy...always an interesting post...the pacemaker will make a big diffefrence.

    Lorita...Luke was never given medication but the vet told me to never touch a dog having a seizure. I just sat with Luke while he was on the stairs. 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, when you have electric company or repair person out you may want to look into a full house surge protector to at least make sure your appliances are safe.  You probably want to have the outlets checked where the impacted appliances connect to make sure they are ok.

    Even if the appliance survives a surge (without the protector) it can shorten the life of the appliance.

    For as much as you use your TV in the bedroom, I vote that you replace it.  They are relatively cheap these days unless you are going for a monster size...lol.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

     Well, it turns out the wind was really pretty feisty last night. I didn’t look at the clock to see what time it was, but I guess it was around 2:30 AM. There was a bit of damage in my mom‘s neighborhood. The township hall lost half of the roof, they said no houses were destroyed, but some of them look like they had pretty major damage to me. There’s not been a determination yet if there was a tornado. The wind continues to be very strong. Think it’s supposed to last until 8 o’clock tonight.  My understanding is, there were no injuries or deaths.

    Ron, I find it very hard to buy clothes anymore. A lot of times the same size does not fit the same way. 

    Lorita that sounds like how I usually have made my fried rice too. Thank you.

    Would like to go see J today, but Not going to get out into that wind. They’re giving a sunny day tomorrow, so if it’s pretty, I might take a little drive over there.

    See the neighbor daffodils are starting to bud out. Think there’s blooms a little earlier than mine.

    Lorita I posted yesterday the new web address for when we log back in. You might want to take a screenshot of it if you’re able to do that or either just write it down. Then you’re going to have to hit sign in and you will then have to enter your email and create a new password it said. Hopefully that will all go smoothly, but if it doesn’t, they’ll get it worked out.can’t remember what the new web address is off the top of my head, but it was in one of my posts yesterday.

    Take care, everyone 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions
    Lorita wrote:

    On that note I'll stop and get my day started.  Sometimes I wonder if it's all worth the effort.

    Yes!  Lorita, you are making a difference in lives, both animal and human.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi again,

    Thank you, Iris, you're so sweet to say that.  At least I'm keeping the GPs and cats fed and still watching over the girls.  In fact, a couple of days ago I saw a tiny, very black baby and didn't really recognize him.  Today when they were coming up from the NE pasture I watched and, sure enough, I saw the four little ones and then the tiny baby coming up with his mother.  He's a few days old because he was running - but, they can do that when they're a day old.  Makes me feel much better to be with them and be outside.  I went to the mailbox, filled the water tank, fed the birds and, hopefully, Rusty, then hooked up the float valve on the tank at the barn.  Decided I'd check the barn while I was out that way.  I go through the chute because it's not so muddy, then around the corner into the barn - ran smack-dab into a cow - surprised both of us.  No idea why she was in the barn - doesn't have a baby and doesn't look like one is due.   Opened the gate to the parking area for them to eat that grass if they want to.

    I literally sat on the porch for a while.  It's amazing how different two days can be.  Yesterday it was all wind and fires and today not a leaf is moving and it's warm.  While I was out there I called Mike to tell him that Stormy had another seizure.  He was out in his Gator checking cows.  So glad he was able to get some time to do that - his favorite thing.  He said as long as the seizures are that far apart (the best I can tell it's about six weeks - doesn't seem like that long) he wouldn't give him medication.  Glad of that.  He and Sheena have been outside but he came in and is asleep on the divan - Sheena decided to stay outside a while, on the porch.

    Joan - so happy to see your post and know you're doing all right but wish you were able to be up and around and walking like you love to do.  You will again, just takes time.  So your cataract extraction went well - glad of that.  Eventually I'm going to have to have it done but I'll wait as long as possible.  My ophthalmologist retired (sort of forced retirement - they sold the building he did his surgeries in) a couple of years ago.  I think he did cataracts for everyone in this part of the state.  My problem will be getting there and back home again.

    You're doing what Carol has done for four years - getting rid of things that she knows will be disposed of when she's gone.  She has three daughters so that makes it easier for her.  Sometimes I think about everything that's in this house and what will happen to it - guess it doesn't matter - just material things.  Jack solved that problem - just moved out, left 99.9% of everything, sold it and forgot about it.

    Doesn't seem possible that your granddaughter is growing up so fast - but I know they do.  Hope you're able to be there when she retires her FFA jacket.  Take care and post more often - we like to hear from all our friends.  

    Marie, thanks for the idea about the surge protector.  I'll talk to Jimmy about that.  Did I mention he's going to get in touch with one of the guys from the electric coop to meet him here and they'll find out what's wrong.   This morning the driveway alarm went off and one of the electric coop's trucks was out there.  I went out thinking he was going  to replace the security light but he was here to replace the meter.  He said it was discolored so that was probably the problem.  This is the third meter we've had in just a few years.  I asked if there were others who had been out of power and he said there were so many, poles snapped off and wire broken.  When something happened to our electric Charles always talked about swinging shorts.  He said the same thing.  

    Also thought the internet was out - kept saying I wasn't connected.  That lasted about an hour (after I posted early this morning) and then everything seemed okay.  No idea what happened there.  

    Just shampooed my hair - really need a haircut - maybe sometime this summer.  Driveway alarm just went off and Stormy's going to the window to check it out.  I'll stop and see what it is - probably one of the little girls.

    Sara, so sorry about the damage done in your town.  It seems to me that storms are getting worse and more frequent - more snow, rain and droughts.  The powers that be should be trying to do something to rectify what we're doing to our world.  I found that address and wrote it down.  I probably need to start #190 tomorrow so we'll be able to find each other when we can get back on.  Three days will be a long time without talking with each other.

    See you all tomorrow.  Rest well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Lorita, you are a role model for me.  


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    No storms at all where we lived, just a few sprinkles and lots of wind gusts. However, there were some tornados reported and some storm damage in southeast Iowa.

    My brisket turned out delicious, but it seemed like a lot of work. I found a recipe on the internet for cooking brisket in the oven. It tasted a lot like a roast, actually. 


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    I heard some startling report on the 11 o'clock news tonight after watching The Ten Commandments. The Rose Parade will now allow the use of hair in the floats.  

    Not!  This was an April Fool's joke.  I admit, I got caught.  I really believed that!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Not sure yet if the rocking chair is the same one! Hope my front porch friends find their way!

    Rain rain go away, come back again some other day. Flood watch and no relief in site!

    Lou and I are doing ok, not a lot going on. Poor littlebit is not......the 18 years of love he has given us is getting close to the end. Even though he us getting blind, his eating and doing his business had been good until yesterday. He now will not eat, drink and eyes are staying g mattered up no matter how many times I clean them. Need to take him to the vet and see what he says. Littlebit has been a true and blue help for me with his love. He always would greet me at the door wagging his tail......Lou never did LOL.

    Hope to see some of u soon!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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