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Just need to talk to my friends (189)



  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Lorita, I didn't know the northern lights would be visible last night, but this a.m. there are NUMEROUS photos online of them, yes, in Iowa! I will check and see if they might be visible tonight. I would love to see them.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Thank You I found where to go to listen to David James talk about Jackie and Shadow. I was there once before I guess I had just forgot how to do it. Jackie is a little pig. I have seen Shadow take fish to the nest, and she won't even share she wants the whole thing. When she was sitting on the eggs he saw that she ate usually twice a day.  He is a good mate to her. 

    And yes, I did see him and that stick, he is funny with all the sticks he brings in and he wants everything so perfect, then Jackie comes and moves things around. 

    Thanks for asking about my neck. It is still a little sore but not as bad. I'm starting to think its not the way I sleep I must have pulled something and it's just taking time to heal. I like to move my furniture around a lot and Iam getting to old to be doing that. I probably pulled something doing that. But it is getting better.

    Sleep Well all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Beth, were you able to see the northern lights last night?  Hopefully, it wasn't cloudy and you saw them.  The one time I saw them was when I wasn't too old and they were green - not a lot of them, but some.  We had a couple of men working for us a few years ago and one had lived in Alaska and he talked about how pretty they were.

    Zetta, my furniture has been in the same place for many years.  I'm not good at arranging it so I get it in one place and it stays there.  We've had vision impaired pets and they'd learn where it was so that was another reason for not moving it.

    It's a beautiful day - pretty warm, sunny and no wind.  But this morning it was so foggy I could ony see maybe 200 yards - couldn't see them feed the girls but when the fog raised I saw the hay was a little farther south so I know they fed.  Girls are going down to the NE pasture to graze.  Everything looks so clean and green this morning.  Makes me want to go out and just sit in the sun - I may do that.

    From what I saw this morning if there are more eagle eggs, there probably will be babies.  Really hope so - I've gotten sort of wound up in watching them and the owls.  Also watch the eaglets at Dale Hollow and occasionally the hummingbird.  Still worried about the smallest eagle.

    I think I'll make some banana bread this afternoon. The three bananas won't last much longer so need to use them.

    Hope everyone's okay this morning.  Barbara, I hope you continue to improve and get over the virus.  Ron, how are you and Lou this morning?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    The wind is roaring.  Was hard to walk against going to mailbox.

    Have never seen northern lights.

    Hope you got your banana bread made.  I made brownies.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, I hate when the wind blows that hard.  Today it's calm here (I think a person could count the number of days we don't have wind on one hand) - seems like it's always windy.

    I did get the banana bread made - two loaves.  Each loaf stuck in two places on the bottom even though I buttered and floured the pans.  Last time I made it I think I sprayed the pans and it didn't stick.  So, got to have a taste of it - pretty good.  I'll have a piece with a little butter on it in a few minutes.

    I love brownies - do you make yours from scratch or a mix? Years ago I used to make them and had a good recipe but have no idea where it is.  I do  have a brownie mix and the other day thought I'd make those using the small muffin papers.  I thought I had a pan for those but didn't so didn't make them.  I've have to before long while the mix is still good.

    I was actually worn out when I finished mixing the bread - guess I hadn't stood up in one place that long for a while.  I am going to have to get out and walk more.  So, of course, I'm sitting, watching the women's NCAA basketball tournament.  I think UCONN plays Ohio next - hope Ohio wins.  It's UCLA and South Carolina now and looks like SC will win - 16 points ahead.  Both Carol and I played basketball when we were in school - not together or against each other.  I was one of the taller players but now I'd be dwarfed by some of those tall girls - and they play rough, too.

    It's 62 degrees right now.  I have an electric heater on in the bathroom and all three cats are laying around it.  No other heat in the house and it's plenty warm.

    As soon as it dries up some I have to get in touch with Bryon.  He's going to paint the porches and steps for me and I think I'll ask him to paint the porch wall, ceiling, banisters and columns.  I should ask him to paint both entryways, too.  They're wooden, painted white, but need painting.  I used to do all that but don't think I can now.  Used to like to paint.  I'm going to have to figure out where to get the paint.  The porches will be battleship gray, porch ceiling blue on the ceiling and white for all the rest.  Probably will take at least five gallons, or more of white paint and two or three gallons of the gray.  Just remembered I had new shutters made for the barn so those and the trim need to be painted, too.  White with dark green trim.  I had planned to have the corral painted, too.  My goodness, all of that would take forever. Gosh, wish I was 20 years younger  - and I was when I painted so much.

    Time to try a slice of that bread - wish all of you front porch rockers were here to have a slice with me.  

    Back later.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, one of my relatives discovered that he had been adopted after he was already in his early adulthood.  The ironic thing is, I knew when his parents talked about adopting.  Once he was in the family, no one ever mentioned that he had not been born into the family.  He met his birth family and is close to them now too.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Lou has not been fun today! That's my life though and this is how I choose to care for her. Hopefully she will get it out of her system and be more like the old Lou next Friday for our anniversary. 

    I've been researching my echocardiogram results and glad that I sent my PCP another secure message Friday with my concerns. Especially the mild concentric left ventricle hypertrophy. From what I have read even mild is not good for your heart, especially since they took me off my main blood pressure medicine. I sent the message early Friday morning and noticed they read it shortly after I sent. Normally the nurse responds right away, but I have not heard back from them. I'm hoping the dr is either reviewing my chart are consulting with the cardiologist. 

    Hope Lou does better for church tommorow and I'm not running the highway again. 


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Beautiful day here today! But overnight and tomorrow morning we are supposed to get snow! Ready for spring, tired of snow but nothing I can do to change that. 

    I  did not see the northern lights. I watch a YouTube channel "Cecelia Blomdahl" and she lives on an island (part of Norway) in the Arctic Ocean, very close to the North Pole. She sees the northern lights frequently and has shown them on her YT channel. She lives a very interesting life....there are reindeer and polar bears on Svalbard, the island she lives on.

    Have a good rest of your weekend!


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    The Northern Lights are amazing!  I saw them often in Alaska.

    Ron, I hope you and Lou can get to church okay.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Bright and sunny here in Eastern Oklahoma today - a bit cool but will warm up some.  The tornados were terrible yesterday and this morning the news said there had already been another one in Georgia this morning.  Mother Nature is really upset.  I feel so sorry for those people who have lost everything - they said one or two towns have been completely levelled by an EF4 tornado which is pretty rare - winds up to 130 mph.  Spring is scary in the south.

    I've been watching some of the news programs this morning - haven't heard anything good yet.  Are any of you all on TicToc?  

    The backs of my legs sort of hurt this morning - may be from sitting in the recliner with the footrest up with my legs pressing against the chair.  I'll have to try something different.  Already fed the birds on the front porch - moved the feeder to the south end because the wind's from the north.  Also put birdfeed on the bannisters - that way more can eat at one time and Rusty can eat those, too.  Filled the water tank in the garden and put birdfeed in that feeder.  Stormy and Sheena have been outside for over an hour - just now came in and are fast asleep.

    Ron, good luck with getting to Church with Lou this morning - hope things go well.  Let us know.

    Iris, I had forgotten you had lived in Alaska - how long were you there?  Are there Southern Lights?  

    The daffodils are about bloomed out - but I have so enjoyed them this year.  The knock-out rose out by the prickly pear is leafing out but the other red one hasn't yet.  Both need to be pruned.  Seems like the thorns on those are worse than other roses - may just be my imagintion.  I have a flowering almond and it's in full bloom - really pretty - like little carnations.  Years ago when we were working one of our coffee buddies had retired and she'd have us our for our birthday lunches at her house.  She had a beautiful flowering almond at the back of her house where we'd go in - always thought it was so pretty.  The flowering quince is beginning to bloom - it also needs to be pruned.  It's almost covered the entry to the cellar.  I think everything in the yard needs to be pruned - will really be a job.  The lawn is always hard to mow for the first few times because of all the daffodils and not being able to mow them so they'll bloom next year.

    Checked on Jackie and Shadow this morning - they were already working on the nest.  Zetta, I see what you mean about Jackie taking the food from Shadow.  Twice I saw him bring a fish and each time she ate it - one was over a pound . it said.  Saw the three, little owls - two were asleep and the third was sitting on the edge of the nest.  I was afraid one of the bigger eagles had killed the smaller one but I saw all of them asleep in the nest - at least I think they were asleep.

    Darwin just called and we had a nice visit.  He goes out and cuts wood - says he cuts for ten minutes and lays down and rests for ten.  He's 83 and says he's getting more forgetful all the time.  Told him to join the club.  

    Hope all of you are well this morning.  Sara - I watched the Ohio State/UConn basketball game yesterday - really a good one - Ohio won.  Good for them.  Hope you have pretty weather today.

    Back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning All.

    The sun is shining, and we got about 6 ins of new snow last night. I was supposed to go do a weeklong pet sitting job but with the passes all snowed in that won't happen for a while. The people I was going to pet sit for have to go over one of the passes and right now they are not safe to drive over. 

    Lorita.  I also think it is time to leave my furniture in one place. My front room is real small so I really can only move it 2 ways. But it seems like every time I move it I hurt someplace. Sounds like you have a lot of things to paint. Hope you can get someone to do it for you. I need my porches painted my nephew will do that when things warm up. Warming up is something we are all looking forward too. 

    Shadow brought 3 big fish to Jackie yesterday, he is so good to her. Sometimes he will eat the head off before he brings them into the nest. I guess thats the best part. He brought in a gopher a few days ago and Jackie was not there so he did not have to share it with her. 

    Sara.  You be careful out in that wind. Wind blowing that hard something could blow right into you. I love brownies, today I made some cinnamon drizzle cookies, they came in a box. The cookies are so good I may not even put the drizzle over them. 

    Ron.  I hope you were able to get Lou to church today, without a back-and-forth road trip. It is good you can get her out, your a wonderful husband and caregiver to Lou. 

    Have a good Sunday, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita it’s been a beautiful sunny day.

    Worked on baby afghan today.  Hope I have enough yarn.

    Zetta you are right the way that wind  was blowing yesterday.

    Quiet day

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Good day today! Lou has been great and no problem at all  during church we put our heads close together and sang right alone, she might have been late with most of the words, but it was nice. After church went to a local bbq place and got a pulled pork plate with potato salad and baked beans. 

    Still having some worries with heart arrhythmia and concerns about Lou's care if something happens to me. Hopefully I'll hear something this week.

    81 right now and I came closer to sweating when I was out than I have in awhile. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Ron glad your day was better.

    Beth thank you for sharing the YT channel.  Watched several videos today, found them interesting so far.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I lived in Alaska for a year and a half--Alaska is a great place.  I never heard of Southern Lights. 

    We had a tornado here in eastern Los Angeles county, it yore the roof off of a big warehouse.  Fortunately, there were no deaths, but one injury.

    I think there comes a time in our lives when taking care of ourselves becomes our primary job.  We have to gradually let the other stuff go.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sandy, so enjoyed our visit this afternoon.  Just looked at the pictures.  The one of the horse in the fog was so good - guess he wondered what was going on.  That tree is huge and beginning to leaf out - saw a bird in it, too.  What are those things hanging in the tree?  Watched the video of when the new horse was introduced to the other two and their reactions.  Pretty place in which you live.

    Iris, when my folks had to move from the area around Braggs, Okla. when they were forming Camp Gruber they had three choices of where to move and one was Alaska.  Pretty glad they chose this place.  I heard about that tornado in LA County - glad there wasn't more damage or death.

    Ron, so glad things went well today.  Makes your day a lot more enjoyable.  The vision of you and Lou singing with your heads close together is so sweet.  Isn't it nice when something like that happens?  

    Been a quiet day here - the laptop says it 65 but it's really chilly outside because of the north wind.  I had thought about going for a walk but too cold today - maybe tomorrow will be better.  I have to get up and get going - been sitting too much lately.  I'm going to lose it if I don't use it.

    Tomorow's trash day but I'm not going to take it down - it's still dark when it has to go down.  The truck may not run until quite a bit later but seems I can't find out when it does run - can't see it from here.

    I think I found out about Thomas.  When Darwin and I were talking I mentioned there had been a pretty, yellow cat here for a while and he said it had been there, too.  He stayed there for a while, then disappeared, just like here.  He said his neighbor - about a mile from here - has a lot of cats and he thinks Thomas belonged there.  Guess if there's a lot of cats, he thought he would get away for a while.  Glad to hear that - he probably went home after his vacation.

    Sara - I checked out the video Beth mentioned, too.  I think I'll enjoy watching some of them.  Thanks, Beth.

    See you all tomorrow.  Need to go check the birdfeeder and water tank.  Girls are in the south pasture so may want a clean drink of water before they go back to the hay.

    Zetta, just checked the eagle cam - no one there right now - looks like most of the snow is melted.  I bet we'll see eggs before too long.  Fingers crossed.  I also checked the nest in Kentucky.  Mom was there and she had a partly eaten fish in the nest.  Isn't it amazing how they take little pieces of the fish feed the babies.  Animal mothers are so good with their babies.

    Enjoy your evening.  

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, I don't use Tik Tok, it's supposed to be spyware or used to spy on us, who knows.  I don't have an account, but I can't say I've never seen a TikTok - because I know I have watched some so they're probably spying on me now...LOL.

    I see you've found the 3 owlets.  I've seen them on YouTube but I already know there used to be 4 of them and one passed - I find that too sad so I don't watch nests anymore.

    Worked today, very busy, worked an extra hour.  I got a beautiful new 34" monitor for work (they sent it and it replaces two 19" monitors I used to use.  It's like a whole new world for me, all my programs fit on 1 monitor and I can read everything without having to lean in.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Day sounds like your update is a big improvement, that’s nice. 

    Clouds are supposed to be back today. Giving some rain to just a small amount. But I’m going to go ahead and get my grocery shopping done as I have plans for Wednesday. 

    Take care, everyone 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    It's sunny here this morning but it's cold and will be all day  I'm ready for some warmer weather but not ready for the hot summer.  Guess I'm never satisfied.  We may have some bad weather by the end of the week - I've been watching the news about the tornados in Mississippi.  It said at least 25 people were killed.  How awful it is for all the destruction and deaths.

    I think they  must have just fed - looks like the girls are up there.  They'll leave to graze in an hour or so and go back to the hay late this afternoon.  If a few of them drift down this way during the day I'm going to open the gate and let them in to graze the grass north of the house.  Wish I could let them in the yard.

    The piece for the washer is supposed to be here today and the repairman will come to put it in tomorrow.  Will be glad to have it in working order again.  Still haven't gotten the breaker taken care of  - I need to call him again today.  It gets so frustrating that you (1) can't seem to get anything done but I understand it's the same way everywhere.

    The GPs woke up about 2:30 - I think they heard wolves so they were barking and I let them out.  They just came back in and are sound asleep.  I mentioned how Stormy reacts when he hears the driveway alarm - when I turned on the tablet this morning it made a little noise that sounded sort of like the alarm and he reacted.  He's really a good watchdog - glad of that.

    Day - it sound like your new, bigger monitor will make your work easier.  So glad you were able to get it.  Yes, I found the little owls and have been watching them.  I know what you mean - I was almost afraid to check in on the Dale Hollow eagles because I did see where one of them had attacked the smallest one - but they're all okay. Can't stand to see animals hurt or killed.  I watch a lot of nature shows and if I get the feeling one is going to be hurt I change channels.

    Sara - be careful doing your shopping today.  Are people wearing masks in the grocery stores there?  I haven't seen anyone with a mask on for weeks except one of the nurses in the doctor's office a few weeks ago.  Never mind that - I'll continue to wear mine.  Covid is still out there.  Sandy said she heard that 1,000 people are dying each day from it so we still need to be careful.

    Going to stop and drink my hot tea - just had a slice of the banana bread.  I'll be back later.  

  • Sadderthanever
    Sadderthanever Member Posts: 7
    First Comment
    Haven’t really used this forum since my husband was diagnosed in 2018. But today I was present watching him take the mini mental status exam and realize I have been in denial about his progression. He couldn’t draw a clock, didn’t know the season, couldn’t count backwards from 100 by 7 etc. He was a brilliant man. I think that was one reason I married him 51 years ago. I am SO SAD. Somehow I thought we could beat this disease. He was in a two year clinical trial that failed. He has now progressed beyond the possibility of his taking the new drug Lequembi. Nothing more to do. Enrolled him in adult day care which he likes but it feels like I am losing him there too. So here I am reaching out to total strangers because I don’t want to burden my adult children with my feelings. Thanks for reading.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Hello and warm welcome to the porch where a rocker is waiting for  you.  You will never be a burden here so get a cup of coffee and rock a while.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Sadderthanever I’m so sorry.  Want to welcome you to the porch also.  Very sad for us when it hits us what is truly happening.  This is why I’m here because for a period of time I talked to no one about mom except at work and here on the forum or to a stranger, to no one else including my 3 siblings and her 3 siblings.  Can now talk to my siblings but not my moms siblings.  Hopefully someday you will be able to talk with your children as might help your load to be a bit lighter.

    Rained the whole time I was out, has stopped  now and sun shined a bit.  

    Me and a handful of others wear them.  Sewer here has gone up past two weeks.  The trend for quite awhile had been stable or down.  Hope it is just a blip and not a surge.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Welcome sadderthanever, you will find a very friendly group on Lorita's front porch and the porch is always quiet and peaceful. A wonderful group of ladies will always be able to give advice and listen, also this old man who is caregiver of his wonderful wife. Not only will you will be able to vent you will also find the front porch rockers just be a friendly group talking about everything under the sun. 

    A warm welcome from this Louisiana boy!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi sadderthanever - another warm welcome from Oklahoma.  Glad you've joined us but so sorry for the reason.  Most, if not all of us, have gone through what you're dealing with now.  There's nothing easy about it and you do need someone to talk with about your feelings.  So, when you want, or need, to talk there's always someone here to listen and help if we can.

    Jimmy made it this morning and I have hot water !  I've had hot water but had to reset the breaker when I needed it. Now, hopefully I can just turn it on and it'll be there.  The breaker was okay but over the years (over 20 years since we had the electricity updated) the screws had loosened and he thought that was the problem but he did put in a new breaker.  Also had him go up in the attic to see if things looked all right up there.  He said it looked okay but did see a couple of places where a mouse had chewed on the outside of the wiring.   He measured to see how much wiring he'd need to go from the power pole to the barn so we'll have lights out there.  When he comes back to do that he'll fix the wiring in the attic with some really good kind of tape that will make the wiring okay.  He also said there wasn't much insulation up there except in one part so after the wiring is fixed I'll have insulation put in, too.  My parents had insulation put into the walls but for some reason didn't get it up there.

    The Sears repairman called this morning to say he would be here in an hour to fix the washer - but, I haven't received the part yet.  He checked and said it was supposed to be delivered today so he'll come on Thursday.

    Stormy was very watchful - he keeps an eye on anyone that comes into the house and if they get too close he growls.  Good boy, he.

    I almost messsed up a couple of days ago.  I wanted to get some in-home covid tests so called one of the numbers you see all the time on TV.  They asked for my Medicare number and I gave it (no idea why I did - usually careful about things like that). This morning I called Medicare and they said just to keep an eye on my medicare papers we get every three or four months.  They said they didn't think there would be a problem.  But, you all know me, I couldn't stop there so called my bank and talked to them.  They said with only the Medicare number the accounts couldn't be compromised but they do have some kind of flag on the accounts to notify me if there's any unusual activity.  My credit union did that when I was paying Daniel.  So, guess I'm all right.  I won't do that again.  Just wanted to let you all know in case you might think about doing that.

    It's a pretty day - sunny with a little wind and it's cold - 50 degrees right now.  

    The electrician has a new job he'll be doing soon - a couple of new houses, I think.  He's been working on a new development of rental houses.  Think he had seven or eight he was working on at the same time.  He says the same thing we've talked about - how hard it is to find someone to do work for you. 

    Girls were fed this morning and now they're scattered everywhere grazing.  Can't let some of them in today because UPS will be coming but will after he delivers the part - if he does bring it to the house.  

    I checked my red knock-out rose I thought was dead and there are new leaves at the base of it.  Beth, should I cut all of the branches off above the new leaves now or wait a while?  Even the heavenly bamboo by the back porch has a few, tiny, red leaves so I'll leave it a while to see what happens.  

    Just saw on the news there was another school shooting in Nashville.  Two or three are dead - the shooter was a teenage girl with several weapons.  What is going on in our world?

    I'd better stop before I write too much - if I haven't already.  Sara - glad you got your shopping done and are still wearing your mask.  The news said there has been 18,000 people in Oklahoma who have passed away from covid and almost 300 still in the hospital.  We'll probably never be rid of this virus so we need to stay protected.

    Enjoy the rest of your day - and again, sadderthanever, welcome.  I can remember the day Charles didn't remember how to sign his name.  He got the first couple of letters and then looked at me to help him with the rest.  That really did hurt - both of us.  Dementia of any kind is so hard to deal with.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Sadderthanever, welcome to Lorita's front porch where the weather is always fine, the rocking chairs ready, and the company is so fine.

    Dementia of any sort is an evil disease...it takes from the LO and then takes from all around them.  

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    A warm welcome to you sadderthanever but sorry you have the need to be here.

    Five planets (Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus and Mars) will be lined up this week. Look to the western horizon right after sunset; don’t be late: Mercury and Jupiter will quickly dip below the horizon around half an hour after sunset. Best viewing night is Tuesday.

    I missed the northern lights; I missed the starlink satellite train - I don't intend to miss viewing the planets!  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Thanks, Beth, I'll try to remember to watch for the planets. There's a lot of trees that sort of block the western horizon but I'll try.

    I just watched the world news on ABC.  How terribly sad for those people in Rolling Fork, Miss.  Just imagine how their lives have been changed in a few minutes.  They said this was one of the poorest counties in the country.  Brought tears to my eyes.

    Question:  Last weekend I ordered Jimmy the Baker's Cinnamon Crumb cakes (I've ordered them several times and they're so good and convenient for breakfast).  They probably baked them on the 20th and shipped them on the 21st.  Three days UPS has failed to deliver them because of "bad weather conditions".  They came today.  They're still in the shipping box, always individually wrapped.  They recommend freezing them when received to make them more moist.  Do you all think these are still good to eat?  I haven't opened the box yet.

    Drove down (with Stormy) to check on a 4-5 month old calf who didn't come up with the others.  He was just grazing but we almost got stuck.  Half the way down the ground was solid enough but as we got closer to him we were in water and mud.  I had the Gator in 4WD and still felt like we might get stuck but we didn't.  Decided he was okay,just grazing.  Then we drove up in the south pasture to see all the others - they had begun to go back to the hay for the night.  I've opened the gate to the area north of the house and closed the one going down the driveway so they can come in and eat the grass in the morning.  About half an hour later I saw him coming up to the others.

     A year or two ago Stormy was riding with me and I turned to the left pretty sharply and he literally rolled out of the Gator.  Since then I put the end of his leash over the gearshift and try to remember to hold onto him when we turn - but he still braces himself.  He has a better memory than I.  Anyway we got back to the house - he's asleep and I'm leaning against the heating pad - back hurts.

    I heard on the news that three nine year old kids and three adults were shot and killed in Nashville.  It was a 28 year old, they think former student who had two assault rifles and a handgun.  She was taken down within 14 minutes of the time the call went out for help.  

    Need to go and check in on all the nests to see how things are going today.  Ron, they're predicting possible severe weather for Oklahoma and down into Lousiana for Thursday night.  Keep your fingers crossed that the "lid" prevents them.  Hope you got to talk with your doctor today.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions
    Lorita wrote:

    I almost messsed up a couple of days ago.  I wanted to get some in-home covid tests so called one of the numbers you see all the time on TV.  They asked for my Medicare number and I gave it (no idea why I did - usually careful about things like that). 

    Lorita, do you belong to a medical plan?  They should be able to help you with the free Covid tests.  I would be reluctant to call a number seen on TV, unless it was a city or county number.

    Day, I don't think I've ever seen a 34" monitor.  I remember when I bought a 15" monitor, I was so excited!

    Welcome sadder.   The front porch is very mellow.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, you can get your free covid tests at your drug store if they have them in stock or you can go to this web site...which is an official gov. site


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    I need some advice and I don't know anyone wiser than my friends on the porch.

    My mother is 98 years old, lives alone since my dad died last year, refuses to consider going to an independent living or AL community, and lives 1 1/2 hrs from me, still drives locally and has had no falls or major health issues for several years.

    When she last went to her PCP she complained of feeling dizzy sometimes when she laid down or got up...nothing lasting just of the moment.  Diagnosis was positional vertigo.

    The PCP set her up for 10 PT sessions (2 each week) for the PV and also balance (she does not need cane or walker).  The PT sessions are at a hospital near where she lives.  Even though she could drive herself, there is no parking ever available near the hospital entrance so I have been taking her...makes an 8 hour day for me with travel, appointment, lunch and whatever else she comes up with to do.

    My problem is that the sessions were to be over Thursday this week, and now all of a sudden they have been extended thru the end of May.  I have checked her my chart and find nothing outstanding in the way of issues.  There is no cure for PV, but there are exercises which can be done at home to help...don't see any indication that this has been taught to my mother.  I have not observed any significant increase in abilities.  In my opinion she gets around very well for her age.

    I think that my mother is using this as an opportunity to have someone/anyone around for company...she even has the PT therapist talking about her personal life.  While mother enjoys socializing she refuses all efforts to get involved in anything.  There is a senior center less than a block from her house.  She complains that any activity is made up of "younger folks".  I told her she will not find many folks in her age group.

    My feelings on the extended PT are this...I feel mother is using this as her socialization.  I do not feel at her age and abilities that more PT will have any positive impact on her balance or the PV.  I think the PT therapist is taking advantage of the situation.  I am also conflicted with mother thinking I should be willing to do this for 2 more months with out even asking me (I found out about the extended visits on her my chart).  I feel mother is manipulating me and the therapist.

    I love my mother, but I am having a hard time with this.  She says "this is what I had you for"...  I also hate driving!

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Sorry this is so long.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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