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Just need to talk to my friends (189)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    The pictures are beautiful.  What a wonderful trip that must have been for you.  That would be a great place for a vacation.  The picture of the village reminds me a little bit of Eureka Springs, Arkansas.   Thank you for posting them.

    So sorry you've tested for covid - hopefully it will be a very light case and that you only have the slight temperature.  Just take it easy and rest.  I've also heard you should drink a lot of fluids.  Probably having the last vaccination so recently will be a benefit.   Good thing you shortened your trip.   Let us know how you are feeling.

    Ron, all good advice from Iris. We all care about you and don't want you to feel like we're pushing - but, maybe we are  - just wanting you to get some help so you can feel better.   You know what is always said - as a caregiver you have to take care of yourself so you can be the caregiver for the one you love.  Maybe someone in the Church can give you help - or several of them.  Doesn't hurt to ask.  We all want the very best for you and for Lou.  

    Try to sleep tonight - and, Barbara, hope you're feeling better tomorrow.  Again, thank you for posting the pictures - makes me feel like I've visited Tasmania.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    I enjoyed your pictures, Barbara. Hope you are feeling better soon. The pictures of the Swiss village reminded me of one I went to in Georgia.

    Zetta Glad you found the recipes. Was unable to get it linked for some reason.

    Ron I never did sleep studies, but I did work a lot with patients with sleep apnea the last few years. Can tell you a few things though. A sleep study will monitor your breathing pattern, respiratory rate, heart rate, oxygen level, eye-movement and leg movement. There are three different types of sleep apnea. Some people stop breathing due to airway obstruction, some people just stop breathing. Their brain doesn’t relay to breathe to them, and some people have a mixture it’s called complex, sleep apnea. The reason they check leg movement is for restless leg syndrome. If you have that it can interferes with your sleep.The reason they check your eye-movement is it helps them to know what stage of sleep you are in. Is important to get the different stages of sleep in certain amounts. If This is not happening correctly can affect how you feel also  

    Do not believe that it would show if pain is what is awakening you, though definitely pain keeps you from being able to fall asleep. If you do have sleep apnea, and it goes untreated, it definitely affects your health chronically for sure, and have seen a few patients where it acutely affected their health.

    Take care everyone we’re supposed to have a sunny day, that’ll be nice 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Sayra, I'm glad that I am able to listen to your wisdom from the front porch! You and Jo have so much knowledge between the two of you. I had been diagnosed with a mild case of sleep apnea years ago and after several attempts with different types of mask, the decision of oxygen at night was made instead of cpap. Approximately 1 year ago they wanted another sleep study which I declined and they told me that I had a open door policy anytime I changed my mind.

    Iris, the only ones I could count on to stay with Lou a few days are my two siblings. Unfortunately my sister is still recovering from her surgery and my brother's wife is about to have surgery. Our two boys would not be able to help! I know that her Dr. would ok a short time in memory care facility, but that is not a option since I have seen how her and my mom changed drastically during their stays. I know that some are excellent, but that one bad egg ruins it all.

    Thank all of you on the porch for your concerns, but I'll get through this roadblock eventually and stop complaining and begin baking again.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, I'm sure you'll get through this roadblock - you're a determined man.   I think it's wonderful that we have these medical people on our thread so we can ask questions and get real answers to questions - and get gently moved toward what we should do.  Seems like as we get older (speaking for myself) I'm more reluctant to go ahead and get things checked out or even to do things.  Example: today I'm considering going by the salvage yard where the car is and then on into town to the credit union.  I have the lease check from December I still haven't deposited.  The older I get the more I procrastinate.

    It's very windy here today and really chilly this morning.  Weatherman says it'll be sunny this afternoon and pretty warm (it's already begun to be sunny).  Tomorrow afternoon there are storms predicted for our area and south.

    Talked briefly with Sarah late yesterday.  She was discharged from the hospital Monday night.  Says the person from home health will come today and work out a schedule for visits.  I know she can't stay in the hospital all the time but seems like being at home in her condition will be really hard.  At least she's not far from the hospital.

    I haven't done much of anything today except feed cats and dogs and myself.  They came and fed this morning - bothers me that some of the girls don't get up there in time for feed - just hay.  They've begun to come back down toward the house to graze.  So glad the grass is beginning to green up.

    Barbara, I hope you're feeling better this morning.  Are you going to contact your doctor to get the medicine to take?  Nice that you enjoyed your trip and got home before ou began to feel bad.

    Battery is about gone - later.

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Lorita, thanks for thinking of me.

    I feel pretty good, actually. Headache, and sometimes a low temperature.

    Apparently, I can't take the regular antiviral pills, as they have a bad interaction with one of my meds (a blood thinner, started after atrial fibrillation during my operation last year). Instead, I am to have a different antiviral, which involves 3 infusions, 1 a day for 3 days.

    Locally they have started a system to try to keep COVID patients out of hospitals. So today I attend a shop-front clinic the other side of Adelaide, about 20 miles away. Am being collected and brought home, thank goodness, don't feel like coping with city traffic. I understand that if today goes OK, I will get the next 2 infusions at home, which will be easier.

    Will let you know how it goes. Barbara

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Feel better soon, Barbara!  Covid is no joke.

    Hang in there, Ron!  Your challenges seem insurmountable, but you will find your solution!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Barbara, so glad you're feeling as well as you are - and how great they could come and get you and bring you home after your infusion.  When you're feeling bad and are alone getting to the doctor can become a problem.  Nice that they will be able to give your infusions at home so you'll be more comfortable.   Keep us updated and rest, rest, rest.

    Well, I bit the bullet and went into town - mainly to settle up with Benny about the car and deposit what I needed to at the credit union.  I told Benny I had seen him on TV a couple of times on American Pickers.  He proceeded to tell me all about it - not what you'd think at all.  He wasn't happy with the way it went either. He's a big guy with a big, white beard but easy going if he's not angry.  Hated to think of my car being in that salvage yard but it was no good to me the way it was and it was 22 years old, too. It had a good life.

    Decided to stop in at the grocery store while I was there - not out of anything but it pays to keep stocked up.  We've always done that because you can never tell what might happen that you couldn't get into town.   The store where I shop has changed owners and as it happened I noticed a sign at the check-out counter that said seniors and two or three other categories would get a 10% discount on Wednesdays.  It's Wednesday and I saved over $8.00 plus over $8.00 because I'm tax exempt (thank you, Charles).  I don't think I was gone over 1 1/2 hr. but Mr. Stormy and Sheena were besides themselves with joy when I got home.  And, the pickup did just fine - no choking down so maybe whatever it was has worked outself out.

    The wind is so strong, gusting to over 30 mph and it's still chilly and partly sunny.   Looks like there's a line of storms that will be coming through about 1 or 2 p.m.  South of us quite a ways there could be hail and a possible tornado.  Ron, I heard Shreveport mentioned so be on the lookout.

    This weekend we'll have a hard freeze a couple of nights - down into the lower 20s.

    I found some of the prettiest avocados and great, big tomatoes that were beautiful.  Couldn't resist either but I'm sure the tomatoes will taste like cardboard - if they have a taste. Jo, when I see avocados I always think of you having that avocado tree nearby.

    Talking about beards!  I know at least three men I've been in contact with in the last few weeks that had big beards.  Carol says all of her SILs have beards.  Guess that's a going thing.  Charles used to always grow a beard in the fall but after about three months he shaved.  If I was a man, my beard would be down to my waist - could not tolerate shaving every day - shaving legs for 50 years was way enough.

    Thomas is still gone.  I hope he's gone back to his home.  I I can't imagine anyone dumping such a beautiful, friendly car so I think he may have left home for a while - maybe looking for a girlfriend (no luck here).  

    Today, after I got home, I tried on a blouse I wore about the time I lost Charles (8 years ago) and it was too tight.  So, I'm going to concentrate on losing some weight.  Iris, I think you're doing the same thing.  Maybe we can cheer each other along and make it easier.  When I've lost weight before I've never taken anything - just portion control.  Didn't deprive myself of anything but cut back on everything - guess that means homemade bread, too.

    Enjoy the evening and watch out for storms. Going to check the barn and fill the water tank in a little while, then try to find something good to watch on TV.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I'm reading your post about losing weight while I'm nibbling on candied pecans that I received as a Christmas gift.  I lost weight the last time by eating vegetarian.  Now, I don't seem to be able to fathom eating vegetables.   

    Another friend is like you, she just eats less and loses weight.  I should try that.  Yes, we can cheer each other on.  But please, Lorita, wait until April to cheer me.  My birthday is coming up, and I want to enjoy it LOL.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    There are three baby eagles on the Dale Hollow eagle cam in Kentucky!  Mom is feeding them right now.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sounds fine with me, Iris.  I have a couple of cans of cinnamon rolls I need to dispose of.  When in April is your birthday?  Charles' was the 5th and our 52nd anniversary would be April 22.  April is one of my favorite months - October is the other.   We can do this!

    Zetta, take a look at those little babies - they are so cute.  Mom or dad fed all three of them and that eagle left the nest when the other one came in and now that one has all of them underneath him/her.  I checked and they hatched Feb. 25 and the third one Feb. 28 so they're a couple of weeks old.  This is a different eagle cam I've see before - on that one there were two eggs.  It was so cute the eagle would feed one baby, then another, then the other.  Wondering if three babies can make it - guess we'll see.

    Has anyone seen a post from Judith lately?  I saw one two or three days ago (maybe more) on another thread but none here for some time.  I just tried calling her and didn't get an answer so left a message.  Hope everything's okay with her.

    Joan, you're also missing in action.  Hope you're okay - let us know.We worry when we don't hear from our friends for a while.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I went out to play bunco tonight, and we always have candy, cookie or chip  snacks.  Tonight we also had ice cream. 

    Judith and I have been private messaging each other.  I hope she isn't mad at me. Perhaps she'll be on tomorrow.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Cloudy and windy here this morning.  The Bradford pear blooms are glorious - bright white against the dark skies.

    Iris, temptations are everywhere, especially if you have a sweet tooth or bread tooth (if there is such a thing).  I have both.  Right now I'm hearing cinnamon rolls calling me.

    The Dale Hollow eaglets are having breakfast.  One is having a hard time waking up - I think one of them was sort of laying on or against him.  Mom, or dad, is there with a fish doing her job.  Zetta, you have to check these babies out - they're so cute.  (I hope I'm watching something that's going on now instead of months ago).  The best I can tell is they were hatched the end of February and mom and dad are taking good care of them.  One of them got all of the babies underneath them to sleep last night.  

    I stayed in bed until almost 8:30 this morning.  Went to bed about 10 and tried to watch Barney Miller at 11 but I don't think I saw any of it.  The GPs woke me up about 1 a.m. to go outside and I woke up at 2:30 with both of them barking constantly.  Got up and got Stormy inside so my sleep was broken.  Both are inside now, fast asleep.

    Need to do a load of laundry today.  Weather is supposed to drastically change today.  A line of storm is supposed to come through about 1 or 2 with the possibility of severe storms, then the cold front - will be in the low 40s tomorrow as opposed to 60s today.  I see most of the girls are down grazing.   Glad I got into town yesterday instead of waiting until today.

    Hopefully, we'll hear from Judith today.  I tried both numbers with no reply - unusual.  Iris, was she feeling all right when you last talked with her?  

    Back later - need some hot tea.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, those little eaglets are so cute! 

    It's been drizzly here most of the morning; it might change over to snow later.

    We're pretending it's St Patrick's Day for supper tonight (because we plan to go to the fish fry at the Catholic church tomorrow evening.) So, I have a corned beef brisket, cabbage, potatoes and carrots in the crockpot.We won't be doing the soda bread or Irish whiskey though! lol

    We had a good lunch too. I have been hungry for biscuits and gravy for a long time. Since I eat gluten free, I can't just buy a tube of biscuits. I bought (Amazon) a Bob's Red Mill gluten free biscuit mix. I needed to add milk, eggs and butter, knead it, etc. They turned out really delicious. For the gravy, I cooked up some Jimmy Dean country sausage then added GF flour and almond milk. Yum!

    Yesterday I had to go to the dentist. I had an old filling that cracked and there was decay underneath, so I got a new filling. I still have 2 mercury (silver) fillings left; they are quite old, likely over 20 years old so imagine a time is coming when these will need to be replaced as well. 

    Basketball today, tomorrow etc. I enjoy watching. My favorite team is Iowa State.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    I really do not have much to post so havn't been but I have been reading. I do not cook and my knee problem is certainy of no interest to anyone but myself.

    Iris...you are a dear friend...no anger at all we just do not agree.

    Thanks for checking on me.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Beth, they are so cute but I'm afraid the smallest one (hatched Feb. 28) may not make it.  He's about three days younger and smaller than the other two.  I hope she makes sure she feeds him.  Wonder if they ever fall out of the nest?

    Supper sounds good.  We used to like biscuits and gravy - always looked forward to the time with the FFA had Blue and Gold sausage for sale.  It's the closest I've ever found to the taste of the sausage my parents used to make.  Have you ever had chocolate gravy and biscuits?  So good - only have seen one cafe where it was on the menu and we didn't try it.

    Another wrinkle has reared it's ugly head; I put a load of clothes in to wash and it washed and washed. I checked and the red light and a flashing green one was on.  So, I reset it and it washed some more.  Checked and only the red light was on.  I couldn't open the lid - unplugged it and nothing happened.  Plugged it back in and all at once it started or sound like it was going to go through another cycle so unplugged it again and this time I could open the lid.  The clothes still haven't spun enough to get all the water out but I'm drying them anyway.  Guess I'll call Sears and have them check it.  I have never liked this washer - every time I do a load of laundry I fuss at it - sure wish I had my old Maytag back.  If I wash pants the legs are always wound up with the other clothes. Always something.

    Judith - things I post are of no interest to anyone but it's all that's going on here.  We are interested in how your knee is and are interested in anything you might be doing.  You live in a big city and things of interest are always happening there - tell us about them.  Nothing goes on here except - well, you all know.  Glad you're okay - just post.  You don't have to everyday - just enough so we know you're there and okay.

    It's really looking like rain - I probably should go to the mailbox before it rains - just hate to get out.  Talked with Sarah a few minutes ago and she said it was raining and thundering at her house so we'll get ours before long.

    Ron, how are things at your house?  You may get some bad weather this afternoon.  The weather radio just said a tornado watch has been issued for counties south of us.  Be careful.

    Going to get back to watching the babies.  Zetta, are you watching them?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita. I have not been watching those eagles I am still hoping that the Big Bear Eagles will lay some new eggs, Jackie and Shadow have been working on their nest like they are getting it ready for new eggs, so I am hoping. I would have a real hard time watching 3 babies and thinking one may not survive, it would be so sad to see one die. 

    Judith. It was nice hearing from you please don't think we are not interested in your knee. I so far have not had problems with my knees, but when and if I ever do, I will remember things you have shared. Right now, I am dealing with a sore neck. I have started sleeping on Dans side of the bed and using different pillows and still wake up with a sore neck. We all have different problems, and we are here for each other to share what may have worked for them. Have you ever had to deal with a sore neck? 

    Barbara.  How are you feeling? hopefully Covid has noy been too hard on you. 

    Lorita. Things you post are of interest to us. I love all that is shared on the front porch, we all care about each other and hopefully we can all share things that will be of help to each other. Any suggestions about what to use on a sore neck? It has been sore when I wake up in the morning and has been for a month or so. 

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Welcome back, Judith!  I don't actually cook myself, but I do heat up in my microwave oven LOL.  Ironically, I do enjoy copying down the recipes that you all use in your own homes.  One day I might get inspired to cook or bake.

    Our culture seems to tell us that only an active life is of value.  I find that I have to consciously counteract that belief.  There is a movement in favor of the slow life.  I'm in favor!

    I may have found a solution to insomnia.  It is reading a history book.  I have just the right history book--a biography of Benjamin Franklin.  I have to get it out and place it by my bed.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Well, I sure didn’t mean to, but I bought a car!  I’m sure there was a giant sign above my head when I went to look saying SHE’LL BUY!  My car was 12 years old and was used when I bought it.  It was a Kia Forte,  I just happened to see a Kia Rio S on YouTube and looked on my dealer’s website…went in to test drive and the rest is history.  It’s very pretty, blue, and doggone it’s a basic car but the technology!  A backup camera, my phone is synced to it, gps and map, I feel like I’m light years ahead of the other one.  I need to get a seat cover so Sir Chucky’s hair doesn’t get all over the place.

    So yeah that was my day yesterday.  The old car was okay but while I did regular maintenance on it I don’t think the previous owner did and the engine was starting to burn oil.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Good for you, Day! You and Chucky enjoy jaunting around town!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Congratulations on the new car, Day.  My friend, Carol, once said she wouldn't drive a car that was smarter than she.  She said it did take her a while to get used to the one she has but it's fine now.  That's what I'm wondering - will I be able to drive it?   We used to have a car seat for CiCi, I believe.  It fit over the back of the seat and he sat up high enough to see out - he really enjoyed it.  Sounds like your day was good.

    Zetta - I sometimes have a sore  neck when I wake up and I think it's because I sometimes sleep on a pillow that's too high.  Used to sleep on two pillows but had to quit.  When my neck is sore - it's on one side or even both - I rub it with Theragesic and  after a while it goes away.  One time I really slept wrong, several years ago, and had a wry neck.  I think I had a cortisone injection for that.

    Gosh, wouldn't it be something if Jackie and Shadow had more eggs - I'd like that.  I looked on the cam and it was showing something that happened months ago.  I'll try again.  It will be sad if all three babies don't make it but sometimes when there's a younger bird they aren't aggressive enough to get enough food.

    I was wondering how deep the nests are and I checked and it said there was one im Florida that was 22 ft. deep - is that possible?  I know they're wide across but wondered about the depth - thinking it might be possible for the babies to fall out.

    It's been raining like crazy here - water standing everywhere.  I have the front door open and some of the girls are coming down to the barn for the night.  It's a long walk so I imagine most of them will stay at the hay.

    Guess I'll watch one of the NCAA basketball games later this evening - Oral Roberts University (from Tulsa) will be playing Duke about 6 so hope it's a good game.

    Enjoy the evening - Zetta, try sleeping on only one pillow.  Many years ago I had cervical neuritis and my doctor told me to sleep without a pillow.  I can't do that because I get dizzy if my head isn't elevated some.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Thanks   Lorita. I was sleeping on one pillow so when my neck started hurting, I went to two pillows and changed to Dans side of the bed because I think its firmer. Now I am back to just the one pillow. I take Tylenol before I go to bed and some mornings are better than others. I have a doctor appt for a annual checkup if I am still dealing with a sore neck I will ask her about it. Is there anything better then Tylenol? 

    I saw where Jackies and Shadows nest are 6 feet deep. that don't seem possible because when I see them in it their legs don't look like they are 6 feet long. But 22 feet don't seem possible at all. Two feet seem more like it should be. 

    Day.  Enjoy your new car, my Molly goes with me everywhere I go. So I also have a blanket in the front and back, but I still have her hair all over the place. Her hair is all over my dashboard. I need to do a better job of cleaning my car out. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Zetta, try Ibuprofen.  You can get 200 mg. caplets without a prescription.  I take two of those in the mornings when my back hurts.   I also need to change to Charles' side of the bed, too.  I think, even though the mattress has been turned his side will be firmer.  

    I can't even imagine a nest two feet deep much less 22 feet - how would they ever get out.  Guess there's no need to worry about babies falling out.  So hope Jackie and Shadow have little ones this year.

    Duke and ORU are beginning to play and I have Ramen soup on the stove so I'll stop for now.  ORU has one player who is 7'5" tall - can you imagine?

    Ron - where are you today?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita.   You just made me laugh. I am not a sports fan so when you were talking about Duke and ORU I thought you were referring to the bald eagles you have been watching and I though how can a eagle be 7.5 tall. Then I realized you were referring to the players. HaHa  I will try Ibuprofen I do have some. Thanks
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Judith, I cant give you advice on your knee pain, but I can relate to what your going through. My left knee is killing me right now! Zetta and Lorita, I can also relate to your neck pain. I ended up having 2 disks replaced in my neck in the late 1990s and I still have some problems, especially turning my neck. So Judith dont ever think we are bored listening to you complain about your knee hurting. Also, Lorita if we didnt enjoy hearing about your farm life you wouldn't have so many friends visiting on your front porch.

    Had my echocardiogram at the VA today, now it's the wait game to find out the results. No calls today and I've always heard no news is good news. My leg, knee and hip is still killing me and dont know how much more I can take. I still get up every morning and GB o to bed every night, so guess that's good, just dont e joy life much anymore.

    Lou and I will have 56 years together the 31st of this month. I told her today that we would go out and eat and come home and have wild sex the rest of the day. LOL........neither of us could stop laughing at the thought!

    Suppose to have storms later tonight. But the worse will probably stay above, below and to the east of us. Mainly high winds@


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Now you've made me laugh, Zetta.  Can you imagine a 7'5" eagle?  Scary thought.  I saw the names of the eagles but have forgotten them.  I hope the Ibuprofen helps.  When you take them, drink a lot of water and don't lie down for a while so they won't burn your esophagus.

    I've given up on the ballgame - ORU is as cold as ice.  They just can't settle down and do what they can normally do.  So I'm watching "The Day After Tomorrow" - not sure I can finish it.   I need to go out to the barn to check but I already have on my gown and it's muddy and cold.  I see some of the girls going back up to the hay.  I think the rain is over.

    Ron, I hope you don't get any bad weather.  I heard Ft. Worth had a tornado and Dallas had a warning so it's probably moving east.

    Fifty-six years - quite a long time to be with the same person - you all must like each other.  I hope the weather's good so you can get out and then finish the day like you mentioned.

    If you all get tired of my farm talk, please let me know and I'll try to talk about something else.  Eighty years of this life kind of lends itself to talking about it.  It's what makes me happy.  I'd dry up and blow away if I had to live in town and I hope I never have to. However, did sort of enjoy the five months Charles and I lived in town.

    Just saw Rusty (squirrel) out on the porch gate - guess he was looking for sunflower seeds.  I fed the birds and put some seeds on the ground but the birds probably got them.  I got a little platter and put sunflower seeds on it  and put it on the front porch so maybe he'll find it.  I think everyone in the house is asleep and I may not make it too long.

    Day - TSV tonight and tomorrow is Denim & Co.  I'll try to stay awake and see what he has this time - hope it's something pretty.  Do you get a Blair catalog?  Sandy and I have talked about the fact that a lot of their clothes are very similar to Denim & Co.  

    That's enough for tonight so I'll get off and hope Joan posts tonight or tomorrow.  Haven't seen a post from Jo lately either - what about Marie, too.

    Good night.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    I'm still here...reading every day, but life here is hardly worth mentioning...lol.  Thank you all for sharing your doings...always interesting.

    Monday was a trip to take Mother to PT, and since then most of my time has been devoted to another afghan...this one is Raggedy Ann and Andy.  For some reason, I am having trouble getting into it, but am on the downhill side now.  Lots of color changes in the faces so that makes it slow going.

    Weather here has been so so.  Lots of high winds which makes it feel so much colder, and these days it seems harder to get warm again...drat getting older!

    Hope the weather improves for us all and that everyone sees some relief in their aches and pains.

    Hugs...and keep posting!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Just had to post one more time tonight - Marie, so glad you're all right.  Your new afghan sounds beautiful.  Maybe you can post a picture of it when you're finished with it.  Remind me what you do with them after your finished.  Charles and I used to be friends with an older couple and the husband made afghans - they were beautiful.  I've never learned to knit or crochet.  My MIL used to and was going to teach me but we were never together long enough to get it done.   Glad you posted.

    Zetta - I just watched March 15, 2023 about Jackie and Shadow.  I love to listen to David James - he's so good and funny, too.  It looks like there's something afoot with Shadow especially working so hard on the nest.  I wouldn't be at all surprised if there aren't some new eggs in the nest before long.  Wouldn't that be wonderful - we can hope.  I think it's so sweet how he brings in sticks and fluff and works on the nest.  Glad you mentioned it so I could watch again.

    Sleep tight everyone.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I went shopping today and picked up some baby carrots to eat as my snack, instead of cookies and chips.  I have to get to work on these.  My last package of baby carrots grew moldy because I never ate any of them.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

     Good morning,

    Today supposed to get colder instead of warmer. We’re going to be getting rain too and that’s OK. We’ll need it when if this summer gets dry.  Think the high winds are coming back also. Yesterday there was hardly any wind and it was warm. It was a pretty day yesterday.

    Loretta, I like a nice trimmed beard but those big old bushy ones those guys are wearing I think they’re kind of gross. Often wonder what all is inside them. They kind of remind me of a birds nest laugh out loud. 

    Enjoy hearing from everyone regardless of what your conversation is about. We’ve been on here, so long together, we’re all very different, but yet the same. We care and worry about one another, even though we’ve never seen each other.

    Day enjoy that new car. The back up camera to me is one of the things that has the most improved cars.  Just love my back up camera, makes driving so much easier. 

    Marie that Raggedy Ann and Andy afghan will be pretty.  Where I’m volunteering people donate a lot of yarn. There are volunteers that make blankets and little caps for the newborns, And caps for cancer patients. Told the volunteer Director that I would help make these if someone would share a pattern with me. A patient that came in the other day was also inquiring about it and wanted to help make them .  So hopefully someone will share a pattern with me.  Maybe I could just Google a pattern I don’t know why I hadn’t thought about that. I might try that before too long.

    Enjoy those carrots, Iris 

    Chicken stew on menu today

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Sara, I have a friend who crochets little mats for kitties at the animal shelter. She enjoys doing it. I have never had chicken stew; I've had chicken and noodles. Is your meal kind of like that? 

    We enjoyed our corned beef meal. The cooked cabbage I didn't really care for. I do love a good cole slaw, though. There is a St Patrick's Day parade in my town and we've gone many times. Not this time though. Too cold (20 this a.m.) 2 days ago we were in the high 50s. It turned colder yesterday and we got a couple of inches of snow. It didn't stick to the streets and sidewalks though - just on the grass. 

    Ron, I'm sorry you are not feeling well. It seems sometimes we need to be a very squeaky wheel when it comes to medical care. Just keep going to the dr and demanding answers. This pain is not normal. I have a question. If it's too nosy just ignore it. When you are in the VA system for healthcare, are you required to go to VA or can you go to any dr/hospital? The advantage of the VA system is....what? Is it that you don't have to buy a medicare supplement? And, lastly, can the spouse of the veteran also be part of the VA system for healthcare?

    Barbara and Sandy Mac, your travels sound fantastic! I hope you are recovering, Barbara. 

    Iris, I really like carrots. Probably my favorite vegetable. Put them somewhere in your frig where you will see them when you open the door so you don't forget about them. 

    Lorita, glad you got your tax info to Sam. We got ours to our tax accountant a week or so ago. She contacted me a few days ago with 2 questions, so I'm thinking she must be getting close to done. Always hopeful for not having to pay! 

    Judith, good to hear from you. I hope your knees are improving. How is the flip house project coming? Are you still volunteering at the art museum?

    Zetta, I'm sorry you were snowed in. Is most of the snow gone now? Do you have any trips to AZ planned?

    Day, congrats on your new car!!! Enjoy!

    Marie, so good of you to take your mom to PT. The several hours of driving to get her seems long! Any way she could get her PT in her home? 

    I will close for now. Have a good weekend, everyone!

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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