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Just need to talk to my friends (189)



  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    About the afghans, many of them are special orders given to my daughter.  They will ask for a special logo, personalization, or something they have seen on some web site.  Most of these are what they call "graphgans".  Each colored square on the graph is one stitch.  Most of them are about 150 stitches across and up to 200 rows...lots of stitches!

    I also have many probably hundreds of small baby blankets for the Premi-ward at the local hospital.

    Have done pull on caps for the local cancer center, and donated lots of afghans to local nursing home and the women and children's shelter here in town.

    Most of the donations of larger afghans are from odds and ends left over from paid projects.  Always try to make them from bright colors and a variety of stitches.

    Daughter also makes crocheted animals.

    The ladies of my family all crocheted, but I had never gotten into it since I am left handed and they could not teach me.  For a long while I did counted cross stitch embroidery for gifts to family.  It was not until I was about 50 that I found 2 things which got me into crocheting...a book specifically for left handers and a kit for a simple scarf.

    It has been a great pass time in my "golden years" and the paid projects give my daughter a little extra spending money for her kids.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Beth, the advantage of VA if your at 30% disability or more you dont need a supplement insurance. You can have a PCP outside of the VA and still use the VA, but you still need to be established through the VA system and have record sharing. Spouses of a disabled veteran is entitled to VA benefits, but in my case Lou has been established with her primary care for so long I have not checked into it. Myself at 100% permanent and total disability I'm sure she would qualify for quiet a bit if VA care. Another advantage of using the VA is your dr doesnt have to fight with insurance companies on test.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Thanks, Ron! 
    I just found out that a good friend of mine has been diagnosed with an abdominal cancer. If you are a pray-er, please keep Linda in your prayers.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    The Tricolor is flying today and I have sent oDick's favorite Irish quote;

    “May those who love us, love us; And for those who don't love us, May God turn their hearts; And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we will know them by their limping.” The Tricolor is flying but no corned beef.
    Spring break in OKC so it is Family Week at the museum....free admission sponsored by Sonic. It is family and children wall to wall with activities for the children. Thank you Sonic.
    Flip house? Not going real well. Now I hope to break even. Oh, well...some investments are not great.
    Still not certain what is wrong with the knee but I am leaning back to the notion of shin splint. Dr. said no Ibuprofin and prescribed something else but have not made the switch yet.
    The pear trees lasted a full week this year and the jonquils are now in full bloom. Such a happy flower. In Santa Fe one of the local charities sells them and everyone buys them to take to their friends.
    My younger grandaughter has plans to get married in June 2024 inn the Catskills. She livesin Manhatten so that makes sense for her but not for me. I would have to change planes twice and then drive 3 hours and then submit to complete sensory overload. Starting to study for the Rodin exhibit. I think I like the study part more then the touring.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Got the chicken stew made.  Then went out and did the things I needed to do as giving it nasty tomorrow.  

    Beth it is just my made up recipe. First, I poach some chicken. Then I drain the chicken and shred it and I put it back in the pot. Next I cut up potatoes, carrots, corn, onions. Add some of my frozen cabbage and chicken broth. Then season it with whatever you like I use onion, seasoned salt, salt, pepper, garlic, parsley, celery and a little sage. Cooking about 15 minutes till the potatoes are almost done. Then I break up spaghetti into little small pieces and add.  The last five minutes or so I add some frozen peas. This makes me quite a few jars of fast food.

    Learned a new way to poach chicken.  Tried it today.   It’s from the same site where I got the meatloaf recipe.Use a pan that will hold your chicken in one layer.  Water needs to be deep enough to cover chicken by two inches.  Bring water to boil. Lay chicken in, put lid on.  When returns to boil turn burner off and remove pan from burner.  Let set at least 20 minutes and no more than 60.  Let mine go about 30 minutes and then checked with meat thermometer.  Cannot add salt to water but can do garlic, peppercorns etc.

    Not sure if I have ever eaten corned beef.  So very sorry about Linda.

    Judith you must enjoying learning new things.  If you think you may have shin splints, Bob and Brad YT channel has several videos on this.  They are physical therapists. Have found helpful things on there before.

    Stopped and saw J while I was out.  She is not doing well.

    Want to use bright colors of yarn tooMarie.  

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Lots of posts this morning - that's good.  Iris, I bought some more carrots when I was in town - this time they had whole ones - last time it was the circles cut like krinkle cuts.  I think for those they use old carrots they can't sell whole.  I didn't care for them.  I like steamed carrots, cauliflower and broccoli so may have that tonight.

    Ron, sounds like the VA has changed quite a lot since I retired.  In the past the only time you saw an outside doctor is if your VA didn't have that specialty.  Then you could see an outside doctor on fee basis.  I don't believe there were many, if any, benefits for the veteran's spouse either - at least I didn't quality - or really need - any at that time. I could get treatment as an employee though. The VA has been so good to Charles and I and to Carol and her husband. Provided a good living while we worked there and are still providing.  I hate to hear people complain about it but, of course, they have problems just like the private sector.

    Judith, sorry the flip house isn't going so well - maybe things will pick up.  Weren't the pear trees beautiful this year - I can imagine how they were in town.  We had really cold weather last night - and it's still cold - but didn't seem to bother the daffodils.  The rain did knock some blooms off the pears.  Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Sounds like you'll be busy at the museum.  Can you walk around all right to take the people on tours?

    I slept in again this morning and when I got up and looked out the window some of the girls were in the garden.  Wasn't long before they disappeared - Mike and Toad were feeding - but they left two little babies down here - guess because it's so cold they thought they could stay here and not make the long walk up to the feed.  I've checked off and on and they're still down here.  Saw Rusty on the porch so got the platter and put some sunflower seeds on it and put it out for him.  I checked and saw him eating them - so cute how he picks one up, holds it with both feet while he eats it, then gets another.  Just checked and they were all gone - guess he ate some and the birds ate some. 

    Sara - I agree about the beards - I think they look nice if they're trimmed and not too long.  I always liked Charles in his and it keeps their face warm in the winter.  Also agree with what you said about the people on our thread - we have been posting together for a long time and have gotten to know and really like each other - and we do worry when someone doesn't post for a while.  It doesn't make any difference if we have something really important to say or just to visit a while. 

    Beth, I've never eaten corned beef but I do like cooked cabbage.  I like to cut a head in quarters or eights and cook it until it's tender.  Charles liked it coarsely shredded and cooked until it was really tender.  Also like cole slaw.  I remember when we raised cabbage we'd get cabbage worms on it and if we didn't pick them all off we'd sprinkle it with Sevin.  I know that grew into the places between leaves but it never bothered us.  We used Sevin for a lot of things.  Don't even know if they make it now. 

    Glad I got the tax papers in, too.  Just tried to call to make sure they got them but no answer - I'll try later.

    Need to do dishes today - already swept the LR/DR - have to do that every morning with the GPs tracking in dirt and leaving bunches of white hair everywhere.

    It's a pretty, bright, sunny morning but the north wind is so cold and it's only 40 degrees right now - won't warm up much today.  Wasn't a very good spring break for kids.  When I was growing up we never had spring break.  Carol said they let school out in the fall for the kids to help pick cotton but they had to go to summer school.  Guess they had quit doing that by the time I was in school.

    Hope all of you have a good day.  Day, watched Denim & Co. a while ago - had Julia on with him.  Didn't see anything I needed to buy.  They had some short-sleeved seersucker shirts on for $50.  I got a Woman Within catalogo a couple of days ago and they had really pretty long-sleeved ones for $25 (said they were half price).  I like seersucker in the summertime.  QVCs prices have really gone up.

    Enjoy the day.  Need to check on the eagle cams.  Zetta, I bet we have eggs in the nest before long.  Surely hope so.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Zetta, who is that on the nest?  Both of them are there - are they waiting for an egg to be laid?  Really interesting.  I've been watching about ten minutes and they're still there.    It's just like they're waiting for something to happen.  No work on the nest but they worked like crazy yesterday, especially Shadow.  We need to keep our fingers crossed.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Afternoon.

    Lorita.  The nest has been busy all morning. Jackie and Shadow both were bringing in sticks, and Shadow brough in a fish and Jackie ate it. Shadow was real busy putting the sticks on the nest and that was Jackie blocking the camera she was supervising the stick placement. I hope this means they are getting ready for some new eggs. They were both on the nest for a little over an hour this morning. 

    I took the ibuprofen last night and it helped me sleep but Iam still a bit sore this morning. I will take some more before I go to bed.

    Judith. What did your doctor tell you to take for your knee, and why not ibuprofen? Is ibuprofen something that you can't take? 

    Beth,   Sorry about your friend Linda, and she will be in my prayers. I don't plan a trip to Arizona, anytime soon, I wish I could go more often but it's too far to drive and I don't want to take my little dog Molly, on a plane. I would love to go on the train, but I guess they won't let a dog on the train for anything longer then a 6-hour trip. I might have to check that out again maybe things have changed. 

    It sounds like a lot of us are having chicken. I have a chicken, potatoes, carrots and onion in my slow cooker right now. 

    Happy St Patrick's Day, Hugs Zetta 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Ibuprofen can be bad for your Kidneys and mine seem to be slightly less than perfect. Moxifloxacin in the substitute she prefers.

    Yes, I can still lead tours but the marble floors do take a toll.

    I will check out the Utube guys. Thanks.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Beth, Linda is in my prayers that God will help her through these treatments she will be going through. 

    Lorita, the VA is constantly changing! My first surgery for achalasia of the esophugus was at the VA in Dallas due to Shreveport VA not having the expertise. When I needed the second achalasia surgery care in the community had started and the VA sent me to a local hospital.

    Cold again in Louisiana! Cold through the weekend and expecting freezing temperatures by Monday. Two weeks from today will be 56 years with Lou and I, I hope it warms up. Any of you ladies have suggestions for Lou? My current plans are to get her corsage, take her out to eat and have a cake. Doubt if it will be anyone else, just us two.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    The corsage sounds wonderful. I had forgotten all about those and how special they were. 

    I do suggest going out to eat during Lou's best timeof day and how about a little dance with that cake.

    Oh, and please take a pic for all of us to see.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Turned out to be a pretty day - if you were out of the wind.  It's 47 right now - warmest it's been all day.  Picked a lot more daffodils today - there's bouquets in three or four room - just can't resist.

    Ron, your ideas are great and so is what Judith suggested.  The only thing I can think that might be nice is getting Lou a pretty card and if you have a picture of the two of you when you were younger or even your wedding picture, you could make a smaller copy and tape it inside the card.  Maybe that way she might connect the two when she looks at it.  I know you'll do just the right thing.

    Wish you all were here to have a big bowl of stoup.  It turned out pretty well with the exception of those krinkle cut carrots.  They never got tender so I took them out and steamed some fresh ones and put them in.  If you see those things in the store, run the other way - at least that's my experience.   Made a fresh loaf of bread and got the dishes done.  So I'm good to go as far as food or cooking goes for ao while.  Might need a chocolate cake (Iris, it's not April yet).

    Ordered dog food, cat food, bird food and squirrel food from Chewy today to be shipped Sunday so should get it Tuesday or at the latest Wednesday.  When I peeled the carrots I put the peelings and ends out om the back steps to see if Rusty might like them.  Ordered peanuts for him.  I saw him this afternoon way out on the smallest limb on the big Hackberry by the carport.  I've seen him go from tree to tree - really agile.

    That's been my day and I've felt pretty well.  My ribs are hurting some now - I think from lifting the heavy dutch oven.  I'd like to find a pretty brasier - think that would be a good size.  

    Called to see if my tax papers arrived - they got them today so that's off my mind - until he finishes them and I have to pay - again.  What happened to the good old days when we got something back.  I can never understand how people can get thousands of dollars back.

    Day, the TSV was skimmers so didn't order them.  I still wear long pants - usually gauze (can't see through them) in the summer.  Can't understand paying $50 for a pair of shorts either when you could cut off a pair of pants you no longer wear and have shorts.  Guess that comes from a pretty frugil upbringing growing up on a farm where you save everything and make-do.

    Judith, guess there's no way to get around walking or stamding on those marble floors at the museum, is there.  I can imagine it does make your knee hurt.  Did they ever decide what caused the problem?

    Been watching the three eagle cams this afternoon.  I wouldn't be surprised if there aren't new eggs pretty soom at Big Bear.  I watched the one at Dale Hollow but the little ones were pretty well covered up a lot of the time so couldn't tell if there's still three.  Are there eggs at the one in Iowa?

    Again, my battery is low - happens every night - so I'll close for now.  Sleep tight.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, there are 2 eggs at the Decorah Iowa hatchery nest. "Hatch watch" is the first week in April. If I see they have hatched, I'll let you know.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Ron,    And after the dance have one of the servers bring Lou, a rose. Hugs Zetta
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    It's cold here in Oklahoma.  Temp. is 41 but the windchill is much lower.  The north wind just goes through you - if you're out of the wind and in the sun it's tolerable.   I looked out this morning and most of the girls were together south of here - couldn't figure out what was going on.  After a while they disbursed but I checked later and there were still some there.  So, got into the Gator and went up to check.  One tiny baby and a bigger calf were laying down on the south side of the creepfeeder out of the wind.  Didn't see the other three little babies.    The girls were in a flat, dry place just standing in the sun trying to warm up.   I drove on up to the hayrings and found the other three babies laying down on the south side of a bale of hay out of the wind.  You would not believe how muddy it is on the way up there and it's getting muddy up there - but I made it back.  Went to the mailbox for the first time in three days.  I heard yesterday that hay is in such shortage here that it's selling for $175 a bale.  Thankfully, there's only a few weeks left to feed.  We usually fed hay and grain until the middle of April.  

    I've been checking the eagle cams this morning - saw all three babies at Dale Hollow.  If the little one can survive a few days maybe it'll be okay - sure hope so.  Looks like Obey and River are doing a good job.

    Thanks, Beth, I'll be watching, too. Would be exciting to see the babies hatch.  Hope you all don't have snow or rain about the time they're due to hatch.

    Zetta, I've been watching Jackie and Shadow this morning.  Looks like they're settling in.  Funny to watch him yesterday bringing in sticks and arranging them.  I heard David say they had been together yesterday so maybe that's a good sign that eggs will be forthcoming.

    Talked with Carol this morning. She had read an article in the Tulsa World about the pear trees - really interesting.  It said they've become invasive just as I read the Royal Empress trees have.  They are absolutely glorious this morning - so bright and white and everywhere.  Finally got to see some of the ones west of the house when I drove up that way - they are so pretty but with this wind it won't be long before the blooms are gone and just pretty, green trees will remain - which is fine.

    Nothing on tap for today - not really interested in watching basketball which is on many of the TV stations.  Watching Planet Earth now.  There's always something interesting to watch on it.  It's showing a mother grizzly who just came out of hibernation with her two tiny cubs.  

    Don't have to cook except maybe something sweet.  Glad I made the stoup yesterday. 

    Ron, hope your leg is feeling better today.  Keep it elevated as much as you can - which I know is really hard to do.

    Enjoy the afternoon.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good afternoon,

    We had a little snow this morning, no accumulation. Sun is shining now, and the wind is blowing strongly.

    Seems like a very quiet day, even though several people have texted back-and-forth with me. Guess just because I don’t see anyone I’m just about isolated as you are Lorita laugh out loud.  Theres houses all around me, but I rarely see anyone.  Try just to be thankful that I am safe and quietness is a good thing.

    Meant to call my cousin last night but I fell asleep. I had the alarm set to call him at 7 PM so know I fell asleep before that. When I woke up it was 10:40 PM. Today is wife answered as he’s out getting a tobacco bed ready for planting.  Her and I had a nice long chat, probably the most I’ve ever talked to her, it was nice.

    When I get done here, guess I’ll look at my seeds and see what I have. Will only be direct sowing things, but not sure what I have. Don’t wanna wait till the last minute to get seeds because usually they’re hard to find then.  Bought some onion sets a few days ago so soon as we have a nice day again I’m gonna try to member to get out and plan a few of them. I’m just gonna plan a few every couple of weeks to have some green onions.

    Think I will have a hamburger and fried potatoes for supper.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    30 and a cold wind this morning. 

    I knew I was in Louisiana when I saw a misquote on the hood of my car; wearing a sweater and sniffing pollen.

    Lou has not been fun this morning! I finally realized why, she did not take her seroquel last night. I normally watch her but was doing something else and both pills I give her at bedtime were gone. This morning I found her seroquel way off to the side hidden behind her Kleenex. Hopefully the morning mood relaxer will settle her down before church.

    Still haven't seen results from my echocardiogram, usually results are posted on line by two days and sometimes 24 hours.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    It's cold here this morning, too, Ron.  It was 24 and still not much warmer but it's sunny with not much wind.  The wind and cold was awful  yesterday - made me think of winter.

    People can be tricky about taking their medicine.  I sometimes had trouble with Charles - they can hide them in their cheeks or under their tongue or under the pillow.  Glad you figured out what happened.  Guess they don't realize that it's for their good we give the medicine to them.

    Hope you're feeling better this morning and your leg isn't hurting too much.  Seems like when we're waiting for something it takes much longer than we think it should - you'll probably see the results of your echocardiogram by tomorrow.

    Sara, I'm glad you're not going to plant so many things this year - it kept you way too busy.  Just planting a few things you really like will be better - you're busy with volunteering and you really don't have time.  

    They came and fed this morning.  I had worried that some of the girls weren't getting their grain because it takes them a while to get up there sometimes but (and I didn't ask) Mike told me they put out the hay which gives the girls time to get up there before they feed the grain.  I don't think they're giving the eight little girls hay now - Toad did give them feed but guess they think they're getting enough grass and some of the older hay is enough.

    Sometimes I feel like I've lost my purpose in life.  I don't have the responsibility of taking care of the girls so there's not much else.  I wonder if I did the right thing selling them but then I feel like I probably wouldn't have been able to feed them - lifting those 50 lb. sacks of feed - and Mike had been feeding hay for almost seven years.  So, maybe it was the right thing - just makes me feel almost useless sometimes.  Without a purpose, we're nothing or that's the way I sometimes feel.  Still have the responsibility of feeding and caring for the Pyrenees and cats - and Rusty, of course - but is that enough?  I don't know.  Don't mind me - I'm just in a weird mood this morning.  I know I should take those pills my doctor prescribed.

    I think I mentioned I put the carrot peelings out on the backsteps yesterday and after a while they disappeared.  I also put the krinkle cut carrots I had cooked in the soup out there and they're also gone.  I imagine Rusty got them - didn't know squirrels would eat carrots but guess they do.

    The daffodils are sort of laying down this morning - maybe they'll straighten up when it warms up later.  I have five caladium bulbs left that I didn't plant last year so I'll have a big pot of those.  Would like to get some vinca for the bathtub.  I found some seeds of small, orange zinnias in the freezer and I think there's another kind of seed or two so I'll plant those.  I need to trim the dead limbs out of the knock-out roses - hope they're not dead. The red ones aren't greening up yet but the other two are. The drought really took it's toll on the shrubs.  The maple tree still hasn't budded yet - always worries me - but then, seems like everything does.

    Years ago we used to have lots of wildflowers in the pastures and meadow - liatris, coneflowers, pretty, wispy blue ones, some kind of tall plants with the prettiest purple blooms on top and several other kinds - now I seldom see any of those.  When I was up by the hayrings a couple of days ago I did see tiny, little flowers blooming.  Guess spraying has done away with the wildflowers.

    I'm going to quit before I bring everyone down this morning.  Sorry to be such a downer - I'll be better later today.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    We all have our down days Lorita.  I have plenty of them.  Try to remember to go look out a different window when this happens.  Sometimes I forget though.

    Took the trash out a bit ago.  Was very cold.

    Hope Lou got calmed down and the mosquito disappeared laugh out loud.   They can sure be a pest can’t they.

    That’s why I enjoy volunteering as it gives me a purpose.  One day this week I wheeled a visitor up to his wife’s room.  When we got there she was on a vent.  All still looked familiar.  He asked me to lay the teddy bear beside his wife that he had brought.  When I went over and did that heard a familiar noise and I knew what it was and why.  I could have fixed it.  Know this may sound crazy but it was comforting just knowing that I would have been right at home fixing it.  That is what I miss most is using my knowledge and think I found it comforting that it was still there.  

    Don’t know if you feel like volunteering anywhere Lorita but it might do you good.  Maybe Mike could use a volunteer at his clinic.  Think you would need to do something involving your animals. Just a thought.  Might not be practical, I don’t know.

    Hope each one’s aches and pains are a little less today.  Think I’ve heard a few of you complain about neuropathy.  Bob and Brad just did a video on things to do to help and said they would have a different one in a couple of weeks I believe.

    Today my nephew is 24, made him a loaf of bread that he likes.  Had not done that in quite awhile and had been thinking about it so thought today would be a good day.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Lou gave me trouble on the way to church....got there and had to turn around and head back home. Half way home she decided she wanted to go, so I turned around and went back. Got inside and she wouldn't stay, so ended up coming back home.

    Not a good day and Lorita I have a purpose and I'm miserable. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, I'm sorry today hasn't gone well for you.  I hate mosquitos, too.   I don't want to laugh at what went on this morning but for some reason it struck me funny - sorry.  I can just imagine someone watching the road and seeing your pretty new car go by six times in a short time.  Has Lou settled down some by now?  Like Sara said, we all have our days - guess this was Lou's day - and yours - and mine.  Please don't take offense - I know how frustrating this was for you with you not feeling well .  Tomorrow will be better - for both of us.

    Sara - I've thought about volunteering at the local animal shelter - but, if I did that I'd want to bring all of them home with me.  I know the woman who runs it and someday I might do that.    I think Mike has about a dozen people working for him and the clinic is so busy I wouldn't enjoy being around that many people.

    I know you enjoy your volunteering and it sounds like you kind of miss the work you did.  I do sometimes, too, when I get in the seretarial mode - makes me think of all the reports I used to do.  Really don't miss the daily commute though but I do miss the people.  All of the men I worked with were older than I so don't imagine they're around now.  

    I'm better this afternoon - did some paperwork and have been watching a zoo show and how well they take care of the animals.  It's still cold here - 44 degrees - so I haven't been outside except on the porch a couple of times. Haven't even been out to feed the birds and Rusty.

    Sara- nice of you to make the bread for your nephew - bet he'll enjoy that.  Have you ever made Asiago cheese bread?  I love it but the last couple of times I was in WM they didn't have it.  I watched a couple of videos this morning about making two ingredient biscuits - self rising floor and heavy cream.  Looks really easy but I never keep either of those ingredients.     Glad I don't have to cook this evening.  I ate too much last night - soup-cottage cheese and avocado so I'll cut back on the portions tonight.  Carol said she had a steamed avocado a few days ago at a restaurant in Tulsa.  Never have heard of that.  It was a restaurant where robots served the patrons so her husband had to go check it out.  What about avocado toast?  Anyone tried that?

    I did get the trash together to take down tomorrow morning - it'll still be dark and I hate that but I didn't take it down last week.  I did make the sacks lighter.

    Iris, I read your post on another thread - how creepy to get a call for you in your own voice.  What'll they think of next?  Guess it is better to not answer the phone when you don't recognize the number.

    Think I'll put on a coat and go feed the birds.  

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Lorita...take the prescribed medicine!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Lorita I do miss what I did.  I miss using my knowledge to help people.  Miss gaining new knowledge. I love to learn anything knew.  Love when pieces of knowledge fit together like a puzzle.  Use to tell my students that medicine is like doing a jigsaw puzzle.  But what I don’t miss, and why I never renewed my license is the stress of no staff.  Never wanted to be able to go back if I got tempted to do that, got rid of that option.  

    Ron sounds like Lou had you chasing your tail this morning.

    Don’t know what Avocado toast is.  Have heard of it though. Have never made asagio bread.

    Got my trash out.  Got my trash out.  Just ones all bag and my drive way isn’t near as long as yours.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Just came back in from taking the GPs for a walk.  They walked - I rode in the Gator.  We stopped by the pond for quite a while and they walked around, smelling - you know what.  Met three or four heifers coming up from the north pasture and when we went by they followed - sort of scared Sheena and Stormy.  They are curious animals.  I wanted to go up where most of them were but it's too muddy - could have gotten through in the Gator but they would have gotten muddy.  You wouldn't believe how muddy it is - everywhere almost. 

     I feel better now - I just have to get outside more and will when the weather warms up.  It's cold, wore a coat and gloves but it's nice.  I think the GPs enjoyed it - should get them out more often.

    Judith, I probably should but since I had that reaction to the medicine a few months ago it scares me to try something new.  I thought I was going to die.  I've been reading comments from people who have taken it - Celexa - and how they did.  Seems like it's kind of hard for the first few days.  I'm going to try Librium - a couple a day and see how that works.  I know it's for anxiety but maybe it'll work okay.  

    Sara - how many years did you work in the hospital?  I remember when you were a year away from retirement and looking forward to it.  I almost retired at 33 years - got to the last day and decided I just wasn't ready.  I waited three more months and was ready.  I don't think anyone should retire until they're completely ready to do it.  Had a good friend who worked in the EENT Clinic for years and he retired and passed away the next day - didn't want to wait that long.  I enjoyed my work and the people I worked with - I think that's what I missed most - the people.  Really didn't miss that 27 mile trip each way, every day.  I think the car could have been one of those self-driving cars because it had made the trip so many times.

    Need to stop and check Sheena's feet for cockleburrs - she seems to attract them.   The daffodils have straightened up.  That soup was really good this afternoon.  I probably have enough for three or four more days.

    I saw all three baby eagles at Dale Hollow this afternoon - surely hope they all make it.  Checked one time and it looked like Jackie who was on the nest at Big Bear. 

    Judith, how is our knee - is it still swollen?  Do they know what caused it?  

    Enjoy the evening.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Last night wasnt much better, but hopefully today will be. Lou woke me up about a hour after going to sleep last night grunting and fiddling with her bedding. She kept pulling on the sheet and spread and was sitting on the side of the bed. I got up, had her lay back down and the bedding was so messed up I practically had to remake the bed around her. Layed back down and noticed she was still fiddling with her cover. Spent the next half hour trying to convince her it was ok and after several attempts finally got her to settle down.  Woke me up again a little before 3 this morning needing to go to the restroom. I haven't been able to sleep since and she's sleeping like a baby. 

    Was thinking about yesterday and remembered seeing a state trooper pulled off the side of the road with radar gun. All the trips I made back and forth from the church probably had him wondering if I was warning everyone about him. Guess I'm lucky he didn't pull me over.

    I'm really tired this morning, more than usual and hope today is a quiet day. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, try to rest all you can today.  Maybe you can sleep some before Lou wakes up this morning.  So sorry you've lost sleep.  You know what you said about Lou fiddling with her covers reminded me of something - before we had to place mother in a nursing home, she fiddled with her covers all the time - seemed like she had to keep her hands moving.  After she left I was stripping the bed and I found a knot in the corner of her sheet.  I didn't have the heart to untie it - the sheet, knot and all are still in the linen closet.  She moved her hands all the time until you put your hand over them and then they'd stop moving.  I think they just have to have something to do with their hands.   Seems like someone on this forum a long time ago had something they gave to their husband or wife to keep their hands occupied - can't remember  what - fiddle something?

    Just got back from taking down the trash - it was still dark.  Didn't see any wolves 

    .  It's cold this morning but not as bad as yesterday.  The sun's just now coming up - red and bright.  Finally got a text yesterday that the washer repairman will be here at 9 in the morning.  Will be glad to have that fixed.

    The driveway alarm just went off - Stormy was sleeping on the divan but it woke him up and he went to the window to check it out.  It's one of the little girls standing across from it so it keeps going off.  He's learned the sound of it and when it goes off he knows someone's coming so he goes to the window to check on it.  He's a good watchdog.

    Time for juice and hot tea.  Back later.  Hope everyone's okay.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening 

    I’m tired and ready for bed. Got quite a bit of stuff done today. Got my crabgrass preventer put down. Hope it works. It was sunny but very cold. I wore my face mask and gloves don’t take too long to get it done. 

    I’m eating supper right now, hope mom is ok when I call her at 4 so I can lay down then.

    Hope each one of us gets a good nights rest.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Wonderful Spring Break Week at the museum. We had ovr 1000 come through each day!

    Lorita...you did the right thing. That does not mean that you like it or that it is not depressing. You have so many health problems and they are probably also pulling you down. Add to that Sarah's health and the lack of enjoyable focus you a facing.  The ageing and geting nearer to death is no picnic either. I know I need something meaningful and I bet you do too. 

    Call your Dr. and tell him you fear taking the antidepressant. 

    Librium is for anxiety. Celexa is for depression. They are not interchangeable. If you trust your Dr. call him and tell him your fears then do what he says. At least try what he says. What medicine made you feel like you were going to die.

    The 100 tulips are finally pokeing through the soil. I was begining to think the bulbs were upside-down.

    Went to my otolaryngologist today. No further hearing loss. Yippee!

    I had tree work done. Thankfully a huge branch was taken off an ancientt elm. Turnes out it was rotten on the inside. Could have been a bad problem.

    Next is the plumber to figure out the leak onto my livingroom floor. Turns out the same  company that "fixed"  the leak is coming out again. Opinion...do I pay them twice????

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Judith glad you had a nice week at museum. Love tulips. Something are mine off last year so probably won’t have any this year. Hope you have nice weather and yours will be beautiful.
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Judith, glad you are enjoying the museum. 

    Sara, I'll bet deer or rabbits ate off your tulips. The bulbs are still in the ground so they could certainly come up again this year. I spray my tulip foliage with Repels All, Deer Fence, etc. It works.

    Lorita, I found an owl cam. There are 3 babies named Pip, Tootsie and Hoot. I don't know where this is located or anything else about them. I do think they are cute, though.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqvrR6dkWeg

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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