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Just need to talk to my friends (189)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Still no report on my echocardiogram but like I said earlier, I've heard no news is good news. Now I'm saying, no news at all is worrying news! I realize my primary care was out last week, so I'll give her until tomorrow and if I don't hear about the results up I'll contact them.

    Going to a church lunch today with Lou, hopefully it will be a good day!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    It's been an eventful morning here.  It was raining when I woke/got up - didn't see the girls anywhere.  I got dressed because the washer repairman was coming today.  A little later heard a cow bawl and looked out the door and they were streaming out of the barn going up to be fed.  It was raining and there was a strong south wind so everyone was walking with their head down.  I think they waited until everyone got up there to put out the grain.  In a little while I saw a baby coming back to the barn (one of the little brown ones) - guess he didn't think the walk was worth it.   I always worry (you know me) so got my coat and boots on and went out to check out the barn - I always worry that someone will be left in the barn and needs help.  The little baby was in there but stayed in when I left.  In just a little while he came out and made his way up to the others.  I watched to be sure he made it.  So, now they're coming back down here to graze some.  It's not raining now but the wind is really blowing and it just goes through you.

    Got a call from the repairman - said he was on his way and would be here in about an hour.  He came and checked the washer.  Evidently this kind of washer (Kenmore, top loader) has had problems (same kind I've had with it) so they have to order a main part and have it delivered here and they'll come back and put it in.  I asked him if any washers had the water level control and he said he thought some of the lower end models still do.  Wish I had one.

    I had a call from FedEx in McAlester (that's where our deliveries come from).  Yesterday I called FedEx's number I found on the internet and told them what's going on. I had to go down yesterday, open two big boxes and bring the items to the house (I can't lift the heavy boxes).  The main office had contacted McAlester so they called to assure me they were taking care of the matter.  Seems like it's one delivery guy that does this so he'll be talked to.  Just now received the rest of the order.  One of the guys who has delivered in the past brought it to the porch.  So maybe that's taken care of - we'll see.  She said to call if I had more problems.

    That's been my day so far.  Beth, thank you for the link to the owl cam.  They are so cute.  Looks like they're in a nest not built by them - and it is full.  I've checked the three eagle cams and the one in Big Bear is full of snow!  This morning I watched David James telling what happened yesterday - lots of nest repair going on - fun to watch them.  The three little eagles in Kentucky are still going.  I'm still a little worried about the latest hatched one - he's smaller than the others so they may be getting more food than he.  The one in Iowa had one of the eagles on the nest - absolutely beautiful in the sunlight.

    Ron, hope today goes better than Sunday.  I hope you have warmer weather there than we have.  It's 49 here, cloudy and windy while it's almost 70 west of OKC.  There is a promise of warm weather here tomorrow.

    Just had some more of the soup for lunch and the last of one of the avocados I bought.  Still have three so will have to watch and not let any of them ruin (they're in the refrigerator).  I think I've mentioned that years ago we were able to buy great big, light green avocados with a huge seed (never see them anymore).  We rooted the seed, then planted it and the plant grew to about 5 ft. tall - straight middle stem or trunk with one on each side from the trunk - looked like a person almost. We kept it several years and would put it outside in the summer and inside in the winter - but we forgot one time to bring it inside and that was the end of that.  I may try another one.

    Good news - yesterday I noticed that three or four of the Manhattan Euonymous is coming up from the roots.  I hope I can transplant them along the north side of the house - it's looks so bare without shrubs. I think I saw tiny buds on the maple that's so pretty in the fall - still nothing on the Magnolia.  

    I have two small bunches of tulips - one on the south side of the house - purple, I think and one out by the prickly pears - yellow  - no bloooms yet. I need to find out what to spray on the Johnson grass and prickly pears to make sure they don't grow again this year.  The grass looks dead now but I'm afraid it'll come out later - lots of the prickly pears are dead but don't know about the roots.  They're next to a power pole and underneath the guy wire so can't use some kind of machine to get them out.

    Judith, glad spring break week was good at the museum.  That was a lot of people to come through every day.  Did you work all those days?  What color tulips did you get?

    Zetta, how are things in Oregon - do you still have snow on the ground?

    I saw this morning on the weather than Los Angeles is going to have a lot of rain and lots more snow in the mountains.  Seems like it said LA had had 14" of rain so far this year.  We've had 11" so almost an inch a month but that's for this part of the State - Western Oklahoma - Guymon in the Panhandle hasn't had a quarter inch of rain in one day for 202 days.  

    Hope everyone's well today and enjoying life - it is a wonderful world in which we live.  Honestly, I didn't mean for this to be so long but I start typing and the words flow.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,365
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    jfkoc wrote:

    Call your Dr. and tell him you fear taking the antidepressant. 

    Librium is for anxiety. Celexa is for depression. They are not interchangeable. If you trust your Dr. call him and tell him your fears then do what he says. At least try what he says. What medicine made you feel like you were going to die.

    I have to pile on. Please let your doctor know what you're planning.

    Librium is a great drug for short term situational anxiety, but it's a benzo and comes with risks of tolerance build-up, abuse and addiction. Lexapro is meant to be taken on a continuous basis.  You should start to feel better in a couple of weeks if you start now. One nice thing about Lexapro is that is treats the combination of depression and anxiety with a single medication. Often psychiatrists will prescribe something like Lexapro and give you a Librium or Xanax to take-- as needed-- until the Lexapro has kicked in in about 2-4 weeks. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Beth I agree that is what happened to my tulips. There are plenty of both.

    Planted 6 green onions today after I got home from work.  Beautiful day, good day at work.  

    Fixed myself a chai for supper.  Glad I felt like doing it, was tasty.

    Lorita you sure have a lot of stuff to worry about and attend to.  Does give you purpose but think the amount of purpose has to be overwhelming at times. Can only speak for myself but I cannot handle as much as I use to.  When I let myself get excessively pushed and/or tired start getting palpitations.  Fill much better if I don’t allow either of those two things to happen.

    Take care everyone  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi again,

    Sara, not familiar with what you had for supper.  What is Chai?    Also, what do you use your tortillas for - to make wraps?  When I was in the store the other day I passed by a display of them and had to buy some flour tortillas.  Don't really know what I'll use the for - maybe wraps.

    Did you all see on the news that in the Houston Zoo, Pickles, a 90 year old turtle and his 50 year old wife had three little turtles - all named for pickles - Dill, Gherkin and can't remember the other name.  They're almost extinct so they're really excited about them.  The little ones are beautiful - such pretty shells.

    Day, I watched Denim & Co. this morning.  Jane Brown was on with Gary and I enjoyed the show - still miss Carolyn and have never heard anyone mention her.

    I do have a lot to take care of, Sara, always been that way.  I make a to-do list and take off one thing and add two.  It'll all work out.  At least I don't have to think about finding someone to mow or spray the pastures or bale the hay.  I guess it's just part of owning acreage and trying to take care of it.  I don't know how my parents managed - they worked so hard.

    It's been a cold day - the far eastern part of our State has been near 50 all day and it was in the low 80s in western Okla.  Our time is coming tomorrow - but the next day we'll have storms and rain - this coming from California.

    I'll be fine, everyone, don't worry.  When I can get outside in nature and around the girls, I will be fine.  I've had Librium for years and only take one occasionally.  In fact, the prescription of 30 capsules is still half full and I got it probably ten months ago.  I'm not a medicine taker - no routine meds except vitamins when I can think to take them.  

    Judith, the medicine I took that gave me a really bad reaction was Clindamycin.  My doctor prescribed it for I thin maybe Shingles (not sure about that).  When I had the reaction it was at night and the next day he was gone so I went to urgent care and got a different medicine.   

    Sara - when I was growing up my parents had a huge garden - my job was planting the onion sets and plants.  Then, when they were ready I always had to go to the garden and get some for supper.  Couldn't bend over that much to plant them now.  I had some of one of those tomatoes I bought the other day for supper - hardly any taste at all.   Are you going to raise tomatoes this year?

    Beth, I watched the three little owls some this afternoon - they are so cute.  Do you know when they hatched?  They seem to be pretty big - the nest will be too small before long.

    I thought of a British comedy Charles and I used to watch every weekend so looked it up and it was called "Last of the Summer Wine".  Did any of you all ever watch that?  Also saw that I can watch episodes online.  I love British comedies but hardly ever see any now.  

    Going to try to find something good to watch on TV tonight - won't have to get up so early in the morning - had to this morning because I didn't know when the repairman would come - as usual, time span for arrival was 8-5.  Glad he got here this morning.

    Enjoy the evening.  Ron, I'm wondering how things went at the luncheon today with Lou.  Hope things were better today.  Looks like Shreveport will get storms again Thursday - so be on the lookout.

    See you all tomorrow.  Thanks for the information about the medications, hb, really appreciate it. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Lorita chai is type of tea. Use one chai tea bag. Steep bag in 1/2C hot water for 10 minutes. While it is steeping heat 1/2C whole milk til has bubbles around edge but don’t let boil. Use my immersion blender and froth milk once it has reached that stage. Mix a little honey into tea and add frothy  milk

    Tortillas can be used to wrap anything, such as scrambled egg, refried beans, etc.

    Probably will raise just two or three tomato plants this year. They are a lot of work and I get a few to freeze in the past but not that many I still had to buy them to make enough tomato sauce and stuff. So this year I’m just hoping to have a few nice fresh ones to eat and everything for freezing and canning I hope to be blessed to be able to just buy them. There’s several local farmer markets where I can get them if we have a good growing season.  

    Hope all of us have a peaceful day, off to the dentist for me.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Had a nice fellowship at the church lunch yesterday. Lou was in a good mood and enjoyed herself. 

    Still hadn't seen ot heard from echocardiogram results so I sent PCP a secure message this morning. Already heard back; "pcp has sent veteran a letter explaining results of ecocardigram and veteran should receive a letter by the end of week". First time this has happened, now a wait on letter. Still dont understand why it's not online. 

    Hope all is well this morning!


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita wrote:

    Day, I watched Denim & Co. this morning.  Jane Brown was on with Gary and I enjoyed the show - still miss Carolyn and have never heard anyone mention her.


    Lorita, Jane is another person who won't surprise me if she goes "poof" one day.  Been there for years.  She is a calm person so it doesn't surprise me that she does well with Gary.

    The only time they mention someone leaving is if they are retiring.  If fired or laid off or chose not to renew their contract there is never any mention of them again.

    I've been working a lot - I did 2 hours this morning and have more this afternoon, then back to the regular 8-hour shifts along with a couple hours overtime each day.  We are so busy there's unlimited overtime right now - people are booking further and further into the future.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good morning Front Porch Friends.   While I have not been writing,  I have been reading and following.   So much has been happening.

     Had a glitch with my knees and ouch for quite some time and was getting really decompensated - so I have started P.T. and asked for it to be done in home setting and off we go.  I am given my marching orders yesterday and am striving to be a good student.  Puff, puff, pant, pant and ouch, but will do what is necessary.  A  walker -  harrumph; I am tempted to give it a name, but will have to wait until my language cleans up a bit and think of it as a new best friend for awhile. 

     However; the big issue that came about -  a totally unexpected death occurred.  My DIL's father, in his early 70's, died suddenly at home; he had not been ill and was working, so it has been a shock; he was a very nice man.   Stunningly, when my DIL went through the legal papers she found her original birth certificate; to her utter shock she found that her father was not her birth father. She had absolutely no idea of that; it had been kept a secret, so she is trying to process all of that on top of the death of who she always knew as her father.  I can only imagine.  He is a coroner's case as no one could sign his death certificate, so services will not be until mid of next month.

     He belonged to several social organizations and was well placed at a very busy workplace and also with a union, the services will be hugely attended.  My DIL has diabetes and there is concern re COVID risk.  His business is giving a huge luncheon in his honor the day after the services, so a two day exposure; not good as she stated, yet she feels she and our son must be there.  While they are vaccinated, there is still a much increased risk.

     Spent day before yesterday searching for services for a 30-ish woman and her nine year old son.  No job, she is about to become homeless, so the hunt to keep them out of a shelter has begun. I was still in my nightgown at 3:30 in the afternoon calling and calling many resource numbers.  To my utter surprise many of those I was given were no longer in service.  Found some good leads which may work out well, so will follow up with that.

    Whoops, I am being called, will be back.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    It's partly sunny and 69 degrees this morning but the wind is blowing a gale.

    Sara, I think it's a good idea that you don't try to raise too many vegetables this year.  It really kept you going and you'll be busier this year with volunteering, too.  I had thought I'd get a tomato plant or two but probably won't.  I'm still a bit concerned about eating the seeds because of diverticulitis even though my doctor says they're probably okay.  When you use the tortillas as a wrap, do you use them cooked or not?  But you make your own so maybe that wouldn't apply.  The Chai tea sounds pretty good - do you have it often?

    Ron, I wouldn't worry that they're going to send a letter with the results - may just be a new procedure.  Glad Lou and you enjoyed the luncheon yesterday and that all went well.  You just can't tell how things will go

    Day, I think you've hit the nail on the head - calm is the key word.  It seems like the new hosts feel compelled to sound so excited and talk so much - like every word counts.  They talk so much it bothers me - I'd rather hear the designer talk about their clothes.    Sometimes when I want to watch something and it's one of the new hosts I change channels.  Wonder if I'm the only one.  Hope the rest of your workday goes well.

    Jo - so sorry about the death in the family - unexpected demise is always hard and such a shock.  And, your DIL finding out that she was adopted was probably a shock to her, too.  Guess they thought it better to keep it a secret.  

    Good you're getting PT at home - hope it really helps your knee.  I think once you've injured your knee, you never really get over it - I know I haven't.

    Good for you trying to help the woman and her son.  If anyone is able to find a good resource, it'll be you.  I always think I'll stay in my gown and robe all day - someday I'm going to do that.

    It seems like most people have forgotten about covid and the risk still involved.  When I go into town I hardly ever see anyone wearing a mask - but I still do and will continue to do so.  Yesterday when the repairman came he didn't have one on but I did and he was in the utility room and after I let him inside I left and went into the other part of the house - but I forgot to spray after he left - wasn't out there but to get birdseed for the birds and some peanuts for Rusty.    

    I hate for the wind to blow but guess that's just a part of March.  I can remember when we gardened we started planting in March and the wind was always so strong you had to bend way over to put down the seeds to keep them from blowing away.

    Girls are way down in the NE pasture - so glad the grass is growing so they can have something fresh.  Just like us having a fresh, green salad.  

    Hope everyone is well today and the day goes well.  Be back later.  

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita,  Have you ever heard Ken Curtis (Festus) sing? His voice is beautiful. I did a search by putting in his name and it came up with him in his Festus cloths singing Tumbling Tumbleweed's. It said he was a singer long before he started acting. I was surprised to hear him sing. And the close up of his face warmed my heart. 

    The snow has pretty much gone, looks like spring is on the way. Hopefully you will be getting out more and spending more time with the girls. Maybe bring one home with you. How would one be as a pet? would they get lonely for the other cows?

    I had tortillas a few nights ago, I put refried beans and cheese and salsa on them and rolled them up and heated them in the microwave. Sometimes I warm the tortillas up on the stove rolled up with the stuff in them to melt. I also do what Sara, said with the scrambled eggs I also put cheese and salsa in them it makes a delicious breakfast burrito. 

    Sara. Thanks for reminding me how good chai tea is. I found I still had some tea bags and I found my little handheld frothier, so now I will be having some chai tea. Iam glad you get enjoyment from volunteering, your love of people shows. I wish there was something I could be of help doing. I could not work around animals seeing one in pain would be way too hard for me to handle. I was thinking about the food pantry, then I remember my nephew is living with me and that keeps me pretty busy. 

    Ron.  I had to laugh about your car going back and forth to and from church Iam also glad you and Lou enjoyed your lunch at the church. Please take care and get as much rest as you can. 

    Judith. I hope your knee is feeling better and it looks like you're still enjoying your time at the museum. I hope you're not having to do a lot of walking while you're at the museum. I hurt my knee pretty bad a few years ago and I limped on it for almost 6 months, I was lucky the fall I took did not do any permanent damage. 

    Jo. Looks like you need to stay off your feet for awhile and let your knee get better. You do so much for everyone it's time to be good to yourself. Sorry about what your DIL found out, that would be a hard thing to hear especially if you had no idea. When I found out that my grandfather was not my real Grandfather, I remember I was pretty sad about it and surprised, but it never changed the way I felt about him. He was my grandfather. I hope you still have your nightgown on. There are times I leave my PJs on all day. I have them on right now. 

    Hugs to all, Zetta 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Jo, I'm so sorry about your DIL's dad. What a shock; the death and then the birth certificate.  I'm sorry, too, about your knees giving you so much pain. I have heard (from a PT) that knee pain, even with bone on bone knee joints, can be greatly helped by strengthening the muscles around the knee. Hope that is the case for you. 

    Sara, I was reminded about using the deer repellant yesterday after you posted about your tulips so I went out and sprayed them. There was already some evidence of deer munching, but the flower stems aren't up yet so just a bit on the leaves. I sprayed with "Repels All," and later went out and spread Milorganite around - it also has a smell that repels deer. 

    I worked a bit outside today. It's still a bit muddy. I got some cutting back of old plants done. Much yet to do. 

    We went to Costco today. I bought a membership in November when this location opened. I must say, I'm not really loving it. I make a weekly grocery list - and never can I get everything I need at Costco, so end up having to go to two stores. I can get pretty much everything I need at my other store - with an occasional Target run. 

    Nothing blooming yet here. Hopefully soon!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Zetta, I happened across a hummingbird live cam.  She is so cute sitting on her nest - it said second clutch of this year.  I'm going to watch off and on and maybe see the eggs and little ones when they hatch.  Did you see Shadow when he came in with his breakfast and then brought that huge branch - so funny to see him moving it around to find the right place.

    I couldn't bring a calf in - there's just outside the yard on two sides anyway.  He'd have to have his mom for milk.  They're all pets - even the 29 Mike brought over have gotten used to me.  When the weather gets better - not so muddy - I'll be out with them more and more.  This afternoon Stormy and I went to the mailbox and we stopped along the fence on the driveway and talked with them.  Lots of fun watching the little ones get together and run and play.  I'm okay today - just had a bad day Monday.   Staying inside is not good for me - I'm not an inside person.  I need to be outside doing something.

    Glad your snow is almost gone.  It's 80 degrees here right now - 30 degrees warmer than yesterday - storms expected tomorrow evening and night - large hail most likely thing to happen.  

    I used to make breakfast burritos for Charles.  I'd cook sausage and scramble eggs with cheese and put them inside the tortilla and freeze them - when he wanted one all I had to do was brown it in a skillet.  I'm going to try a sandwich using one.  I used to get pita bread (is that the one that has a pocket?) and use half of one of those for sandwiches.  Got them at WM but the last few times I checked they didn't have them and my little store doesn't for sure. 

    Got the dishes done - always feel good when that's done.  I think I'll make some banana bread tomorrow.  I have four medium sized ones that are almost too ripe.  I like to put chocolate chips in the batter.

    The news is showing San Francisco and how awful the weather is there.  I should call Jack and Patsy's daughter and see how she is - they don't live too far from there.

    Beth, I bet you do have a lot of work to do in your beautiful garden to get it ready for blooming.  I need to cut out all the dead wood from two of my knock-out roses.  I do hope they're still living.  Four of my roses have leaves but when I last looked those two didn't have leaves yet.  I have one Tropicana rose (my favorite) so need to check it, too.  It used to be so pretty - had it in the corner of the fence with a beautiful purple clematis.  When they worked on the fence they cut it back and it hasn't done too well since.  Not sure any of the clematis have survived either.

    Put birdfeed in one of the feeders and hung it in a different place on the porch.  I see a pretty Cardinal in the holly close to the feeder.  I had to move it because the south wind is so strong - it blew it down and cracked the top of it a couple of days ago - so put duct tape over the crack.  The old saying is a farmer couldn't make it without duct tape and baling wire - so true.

    I'm so glad I grew up in the 40s and 50s - I see so much going on in the schools now that wasn't happening back then.  I watch Leave it to Beaver which was made in the early 60s.  The cars are so pretty - big and beautiful with fins.  My first car was a 1960 Chevrolet with the flat fins.  Now all the cars look alike - my sister called them Jelly Beans.

    I'll stop and finish watching the news.  Enjoy the evening.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Jo, I am so sorry for the recent loss in your family.

    I know it must have been a shock to your DIL to find her beloved father was not her biological father.  Had she never had to produce a birth certificate for identification in the past?

    I hope that she will remember that biology does not a FATHER make.  It is the love and caring which grants that title...the other is just a sperm doner.  While it may prove helpful  if she needs to research for medical reasons, the man she loved all her life has her heart.

    Hope your PT helps you with your knee troubles.  Nice that you can get it at home, especially with the weather your area has been having.

    Wishing all on the porch good weather, good health and good times.  Hugs to all.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Day don’t work too hard, enjoy that new car a little too lol. 

    JoC sorry to hear all you and family going through. Have found Bob and Brad a little helpful with knees. Don’t know if you would or not. Also have found in my massage book to work on muscles   above knee relieves knee stiffness for me. Hope you can find a little something that helps.  

    Also want to encourage you not to fuss about having to use a Walker. Start thinking of it as your friend. Will try to remember to attach a link if I can about this. Standing on my marodyne with I phone right now and would rather do that from iPad.

    Zetta and Lorita like your ideas about using and reheating tortillas. Usually with food tortilla have reheated them by sprinkling a tad of water on top, placing between two paper towels and heat in microwave about 10 seconds  

    Glad you are going to enjoy a cup of chai Zetta  I find something  comforting about it. wish I weren’t so lazy and would make it more often  

    Beth hope your tulips get to bloom beautifully.  

    Thinking of all of you, today is work day

    They’re giving rain for three days. Common for us to get a bit of rain in the spring

    Take care 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Ok won’t link properly, don’t know why.  Had this trouble the last time too.  When I paste it, doesn’t seem to have copied right.  Go to You Tube channel Neurolastic Institute.  Close to top will see video Are Canes and Walkers Bad For You?  Think you may find this encouraging.  It encouraged me to do what I need to do if that time comes.

    See a patient come in using  one that is tall which looks more comfortable if you have trouble standing up straight.  Would be a little more cumbersome if a short one works fine for you.

    Got accepted by a new doctor yesterday.  My doctor that I trusted died from melanoma and she was not that old.  They replaced her with someone that I was not comfortable with.  This guy is young, from our community and an internist.  It was quite simple and think that was because they are in same health care system.  She said I see you already have a my chart.  Go in May to get established.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Finally saw my results on line! I know you guys are probably tired of me going on and n about my health issues when so many of you have your own.....but here it is anyway.

    Good news is heart is strong and EF is 60 - 65%!

    Not sure about the other news!

    1. Mild concentric LFH

    2. Impaired LV relaxation 

    3. Left atrium mildly dilated 

    It also said image was poor quality but from what I read that is not unusual for someone with copd. 

    Trying not to overanalyze this, but my understanding is even though some conditions are mild it can lead to more serious complications. From what I read it is usually caused by high blood pressure and as you know they recently took me off deltizem due to low blood pressure and have me taking my blood pressure before taking my ateneoll. Normally my blood pressure is running in the 140s over 70s, but every once in awhile it drops to 110 over 60. When it gets low I feel light headed like I'm going to faint. No follow up appointment tment till May, so guess PCP is not concerned at this time.

    I might go ahead myself with another sleep study. I was told a few years back that they had a open door policy for me anytime I was ready. I usually sleep good the first couple of hours after laying down, but after that sound sleep is impossible. 

    Lou has been much better so far this week. I just hope it stays on the up side at our anniversary. I finally took your advice that I have been given several times. Last week I bought her some always discreet adult diapers and it has worked out good. The first day she complained, but after staying dry a few days I believe she realizes the benifit and puts them on without a fuzz.

    Hope all of you are feeling better.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Marie, I've been wondering how you are - sounds like you're doing all right.  You're so right about what makes a parent - it's what you do for the child.

    Barbara - how are you?  Haven't heard from you since you tested positive.  Hope you didn't get too sick.  Please let us know.  Hope your weather is okay - we've been on a roller coaster ride for the last couple of months.  It's 75 degrees here right now but the cold front is about 35 miles north of us so it will get colder as the day goes on.  My computer says flood warning - may be up to 3" and it's already muddy.

    Jo - I played you today - I just now took off my gown - it was warm enough I didn't even have on a robe.  Not doing anything except watching TV - did make another loaf of bread and just now had the top slice with some peach preserves - delicious.  

    Sara - I had forgotten about the YouTube video you watch - Bob and Brad.  They're really interesting.  You mentioned one of those tall walkers - when Charles was in the hospital they had him use one of those - seemed okay but it would be hard to haul around unless it breaks down to be shorter - that is if you had a small car it would be hard to move around.

    Jo - I understand how you feel about using a walker.  Friend, Carol, should use one but she won't.  She does all right as long as she is within a few feet of someone or something, otherwise, she can't move.  She had PT for it and it has made her stronger but didn't change that problem.  You know they have colored walkers - when I was at the ophthalmologist's office a couple of years ago there was a women there with a pink one.  Charles had a really nice one and when Scarlet needed one I boxed it up (looked awful) and sent it to her.  She called it a rollator.

    The girls were thoroughly confused or stubborn this morning.  When they came to feed the majority of them were in the NE pasture - they feed about a quarter mile from there.  They honked and honked and they didn't move.  After they left, they walked on up there.  I guess they get tired of all that walking through the mud.  It's drying up some but with the rain predicted for tonight it'll be muddy again.  The corral is horrible - ponds are full which is good going into summer.

    Day, I happened upon another two hour Denim & Co. show this morning.  Jane Brown was with Gary again.  I'm wondering if they're going to pair her with him on Tuesdays - I really hope so.  Didn't order anything but was tempted with a couple of their pretty blouses.  

    I need to stop and go to the mailbox before the rain begins - we may have large hail.  The biggest hail I've ever seen is baseball sized - many years ago - not many hailstones that big but enough.   

    That soup I made a few days has really come in handy when I don't want to cook.  May do that again.  I ordered some crumb cakes from QVC on the 20th and their webpage says they were shipped on the 21 and were out for delivery on the 22nd - then the next entry said it was delayed because of weather conditions in the town where UPS delivers from.  On the 23 it was it was out for delivery, then the same thing as on the 22nd about the weather.  I called the UPS office (I'm on first name terms with the woman who works there - I've complained so much) and she said there wasn't a delivery scheduled for me today so I don't know what's going on.  I'll call QVC customer service after a while to see if they know.  Surely don't want they to leave them down at the gate with the rain coming.

    Ron, glad you got your echo results.  Also glad Lou is in a better mood the last day or so.  We all have our bad days - I know Charles did.  Hope the good humor continues.

    Back later.   Oh, forgot to mention I checked on the Hummingbird cam and as I was watching she flew off the nest and there were two little eggs in the nest.  I also saw all three eagles in Dale Hollow and the three owls - I think they're somewhere near the west coast because when I check on them early in the morning after it's daylight here, it's still dark there.  Zetta, have you started watching any of those yet?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita.  I am still watching Jackie and Shadow. And yes I did see Shadow bring his breakfast into the nest yesterday it was a gopher. It was nice he did not have to share it with Jackie, she is such a pig. She takes things from him, and he just gives it to her. The ravens are in the nest right now looking for leftovers. There was a beautiful view of J and S in the nest last evening they were both looking out towards the lake, they were there for almost a hour. 

    I like the way you did your frozen breakfast burritos. Sounds like you cooked everything then rolled them up and froze them until you were ready to cook them. How did you cook them? Did you use the microwave or the stove?

    Jo.  I understand how you would feel about a walker. I use walking sticks when I go outside for a walk. I have 4 broom handles without a broom on them, 2 by my front door and 2 by my back door I usually take 2 of them with me. 

    Sara.  I have not made my Chai tea yet, but I have everything out on my counter so Iam all ready. 

    Beth. Iam also not too excited about shopping at Cosco. Most of the stuff comes in bulk. My kitchen is small I don't have enough space to store stuff in bulk. I can see how it comes in handy for a big shopping when someone needs to buy in bulk. My friend used to buy a lot of frozen stuff from Cosco, but she had a big freezer to hold it all. She would always get me my coffee, when you could get 2 big cans for the price of one. I had room for my coffee. 

    Ron.  It's nice you got your results back and please don't overanalyze those results, and yes, I know how easy it is to do that. But if your doctor was worried, he/she would want to see you sooner. You just need to get as much rest as possible whenever you can. 

    I have had rain, snow, wind and sun today. We are under a winter storm waring right now and for us that just means, rain, snow and wind. Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Just reread what I posted this morning.  Can’t see as well on my iPhone.  Edited it so hopefully sounds more sensible now.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Dont know if any if you remember this but I was seeing a care in the community pulmonary Dr. last year. His office manager and someone else in the back office never would never call me back when I contacted them with a problem. I really liked the pulmonary Dr., but told the VA I would not use him again because of his staff. I was contacted today reminding me of a upcoming appointment and told them I would not use his service anymore and why. I was contacted later by his NEW office manager! I found out the office manager and the other individual had been let go due to problems like mine. She convinced me things have changed and after she gets a new referral for me; since I cancelled the old one. I'm glad it has worked out because I really liked that Dr.. 


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hi Lorita, thanks for thinking of me.

    I am feeling good, I'm sure I am no longer infectious, but am still being cautious, as I don't want to alarm anyone by close contact .. just in case.

    Can't remember what I told you last. Specialist wanted me to have antivirals, but could not take the tablets, due to possible drug interactions. So had to have 3 infusions. The hospital transferred me to a diversion clinic (ambulances are ramping at our hospitals, sometimes patients have to wait in the ambulances outside ED for hours, before the hospital can admit them.) Anyway, they provided a driver, not an ambulance, to take me to the clinic, was seen by a doctor, and got the first infusion there. The 2nd and 3rd I got here at home, by qualified nurses. The hospital has a service called Hospital@Home, also trying to keep folk out of hospital.

    I had an appointment with the specialist yesterday. I waited in my car in the carpark, and he came out to see me .. for about 5 minutes. he was very pleased, claimed the antiviral worked. Can't argue with that.

    Still have a bit of a nose problem, may just be hayfever. Only conspiculus problem is tiredness, I do a few jobs, then have to sit down for a while. Not interested in cooking, but bought some frozen meals that just go in the microwave. One of those, plus a bit of salad, and I am done. Appetite seems a bit down.

    Hope all of you keep well. Barbara

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Went outside at 3 this morning with littlebit and didnt even need a jacket. Sure is nice to see a little spring weather, now if the storms just dont get to bad. 

    Jo, I hope your therapy is helping your knee, I know mine still hurts but my hip is worse. Just dont like this old age crap, it's no fun.

    Still not sure about my heart health! Yesterday after washing dishes I got to feeling bad and decided to rest a little. Kicked back in my recliner, relaxed and desided to take my readings. Blood pressure was ok but heart rate was 110. Went back and forth in the 100s for awhile and finally settled down. After it got back in the 80s I noticed it was skipping beats! This morning everything is fine but I still sent my PCP a secure message with my concerns. I'm happy none of my test show anything bad, but I also know something isnt right.

    Yesterday my neighbor told me some plumbing work she needs on her house will cost her 650$ which she didnt have. She asked if I could advance her any money on her weekly salary, which I gladly did. This is how someone is suppose to act when they need help and not steal from you like the other neighbor. I remembered one time the other neighbor tried to sell me a pearl necklace (which she probably stole from someone), I told her Lou didnt wear necklaces but I would give her a advance and she could work it off. She refused and said she wanted the money she worked for. Didnt make sense to me that she needed money but didnt want to work it off!

    Lou's adult diapers are working great and no complaints at all from her. I wish I would have listened to my front porch friends earlier, it sure would have saved me a lot of trouble.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Looks like spring has sprung here in Virginia.

    On yesterday's trip to Mother's for her PT appointment saw the fields were a nice green, the cattle were enjoying their grass, the trees were budding, the daffodils were in bloom along with the forsythia.

    Wishing all of you better health, good weather and ease of mind and heart.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, I am sorry to learn about your DIL's father.  Please accept my condolences to you, her and the rest of the family.

    I went on a short vacation to Laughlin NV.   I went with a travel club and I had a good time.  Now, back to my to do list.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Zetta, I browned the burritos in a skillet when Charles was ready for them.  Never thought about using the microwave.

    I watched the review of the 23rd by David James this morning.  He is so funny talking about them working with that particular stick to get it in just the right place.  They both were bringing in fluff to line the nest but were having to put it on top of the snow.  

    We had a lot of rain last night or early this morning - 1.4" which makes almost 13" of rain so far this year.  Carol said they got 2.5" last night - seems like they always get more than we do.   You all just wouldn't believe how muddy it is.  I went out to the barn this morning to make sure there weren't any little ones in there - still had my gown and robe on - that with a coat and boots - really made a weird picture - glad no one saw me.  It's sort of foggy out now but I think the rain's over.

    Ron, glad Lou has accepted the adult diapers - makes it a lot easier for you and more comfortable for her.  I wouldn't worry about not trying it sooner - at that time she might not have accepted them.

    So nice of you to do that for your neighbor.  I know she really appreciated  it.  When is she going to move?  

    Good that you spoke up about the way the office staff had acted - sometimes it just takes a word or two to get things changed.

    Marie, sounds like Virginia is having pretty spring weather. Always so nice to see flowers blooming and green grass after a long winter.   Some of the cattle in our area have left het hay - guess the grass is enough for them right now.  I know ours are grazing so they're finding nice, green grass, too.  

    I've been watching the birds and Rusty this morning.  I put seed in the bird feeder and when I looked out Rusty was on - not sure how he got up there - guess he used the holly.  When I went out he jumped on one of the branches and he got down like that.  I put some birdfeed out on the bannister for him and it wasn't any time until he had found it.  So I moved the birdfeeder and looked a few minutes later and he had gotten up on it.  No idea how because there weren't any branches around and it was hanging probably 3-4 ft. above the bannister.  I'm giving him a few peanuts each day along with bird feed and I'm sure he's also eating black walnuts.

    Quiet here today - I slept in because it was raining.  I don't feel as well when I sleep in so I'm going to start getting up earlier.  I hope all of you are well today.   Barbara, so glad your covid wasn't too bad - just shows how much the vaccinations have helped.  So nice that they were able to give your second and third infusions at home so you wouldn't have to travel to get them.  Is covid really bad  down there?  When I go to town I don't see anyone with a mask on - I think I dreamed last night that I was somewhere and everyone was wearing a mask - I think that came from something I saw on TV.    Has your weather turned cold yet?  Good to her from you - keep us posted about your weather and how  you're feeling.

    I checked on the three little owls this morning and they were all bunched up on one side of the nest.  Didn't check the three eagles but I'll stop and do that now.  Enjoy the rest of your day.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita.  I think the burritos would taste better browning them, so Iam going to fix some and freeze them.   How do you watch David James?   I think I accidently watched him one time, but I don't remember how I did that. 

    I was watching Jackie this morning and she was watching the ravens flying around. One came in her nest, and she gave it a wing slap. I saw yesterday where they was bringing the fluff in and placing it on the snow. Poor Shadow he wants more eggs. 

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Good evening

    Marie sounds like you’re having spring.  We are getting spring rain but very cold today.  No pretty blooms yet but you give me hope.

    Stayed busy but just same o, same o.  Got outside activities done .  Giving quite a bit of rain tonight and tomorrow.  Stopped and visited with J.  She seemed to be thinking more clearly but looked very tired and not sharp as she was.  

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Zetta, on my tablet when I go to Big Bear Eagle Cam and then to Live Cam -1, there's little pictures of things to watch on YouTube underneath.  You go to Jackie & Shadow - review of March 23.  Click on that and it's David James.  On my laptop, these selections are on the right side of the screen.  I get a big kick out of things he says - he's really funny.  Did you see Shadow fooling with that big stick?  He just can't seem to get it in the right place.  One time both of them were working with it.  I checked on the little eagles and mom was on the nest so didn't see them today.  The little owls are growing like crazy.

    You know, I don't think I ever ate one of those burritos - I made them only for Charles since I'm a vegetarian.  I do eat eggs so may try that someday.  In the mornings I'm always so hungry I don't really take time to make things like pancakes or anything much except crumb cakes or malt-o-meal. I'm out of crumb cakes - ordered some from QVC (Jimmy the Baker) - they were shipped on the 21st and when I checked with QVC three times it said they were out for delivery - then just a bit later each time it said there was bad weather delay. Don't know if I'll ever get them.  

    There's a lot of flooding mostly north of here - some roads are still closed.  The sun did come out for about ten minutes once this  afternoon - it's 53 degrees now - pretty cool without the sun.

    Sara - sorry that J isn't doing as well as she was.  Does she have alzheimers?  If so, sounds like it's progressing some.  I think about Jack quite often.  I think he had almost reached the end of his rope - Patsy was gone - he was alone except for a little contact with Zelta - he just lost the will to live.  I think he decided to go into assisted living so he wouldn't be alone or pass away in his house and no one would find him.  I think I've mentioned I had a good friend who did the same thing.  It's really something to think about - and I do - sometimes.  Life does get harder as you get older.

    Just saw a little something on TV about something they've come up with about Alz - something to do with testing saliva that might show you had or might get Alz.  Maybe, eventually, they will find what really causes it and then a cure.

    Talked briefly with Sarah this afternoon.  I could tell she was really in pain by the way she talked.  She doesn't have an appt. with her new PCP until April 18.  She says they're trying to get an earlier appointment but haven't been able to so far.  Can't undertand that.

    Enjoy the evening.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Zetta, I see what you mean - I was watching the eagles and Jackie was in the nest - Shadow brought a fish and she ate it - after she started he left.  So,  he's a sweet guy to do that for her.

    How is your neck?  I really hope it's better.  I noticed a while ago that the right side of mine is a bit sore so I'll rub it with good old Theragesic and it'll be better.  I ordered some of the stuff that took it's place or at least has the same ingredients but I'm on my last tube of the real stuff.

    I saw the best-sounding recipe a while ago on YouTube - a no-bake pineapple dessert:  You make a graham cracker crust with crackers and butter. Press it into a 13 x 9" pan and refrigerate.  Beat 8 oz. cream cheese and add two cups of powdered sugar, then half a can of drained, crushed pineapple.  Add the other half of drained pineapple to 8 oz. of cool whip or whipped cream.  Spread the cream cheese mixture over the graham cracker crust, then spread the cool wipe mixture over the cream cheese and top with the reserved 1/2 C. of graham cracker mixture.  Refrigerate four hours.   Doesn't that sound good and so easy - and calorie free (we wish).    I thought flaked coconut would be good on top, too.  I enjoy reading the recipes that are always under the live camera things I watch.

    Have on my gown and robe and just started watching Shark Tank.  Some of the girls are still out grazing so they must be finding some fresh grass.  

    See you all tomorrow. Ron, hope you're feeling better tonight.  I saw on the news that some of the northern States will be able to see the northern lights tonight.  I saw them once or twice many, many years ago.  Probably the only times they ever been down this far south.  Beautiful.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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