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Just need to talk to my friends (190)



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited May 2023

    Goodness; I clicked on page 19 when I entered the Front Porch, but instead it unknowingly landed me on page 6; took me a minute to realize I was reading old Posts. Sometimes while I am on the current page, as I scroll to a new message, it throws me onto an old page. As said, it may be that after 18 pages, the new platform gets indigestion and hiccups the Poster up and out. Ah well, if that is the worst thing that happens, no big deal.

    Poor Billy The Bull, steer or no steer hope springs eternal in the springtime as he feels his oats in memory; he doesn't remember he is now a steer. Glad you kept him Lorita; poor fellow, he needed a protector and was lucky enough he was in Lorita's pastures.

    Ron, I am happy for you to hear you have someone coming in each day; that is a relief to know that you have that backup. It is certainly a lot you have on your hands and have had for such a long time. Will the lady do some laundry for you too? Every little bit helps. I am sorry that you have to go to a busy ER to be seen in a reasonable amount of time at the VA. They do not operate like the open community where an important need can be seen on the same day at one's doctor's office. Hang in there, it will get adjusted . . . do you have a Cardiologist you have seen at the VA? That more than likely would get you what you need for cardiac management with all that is happening with meds and treatment, etc.

    Wonder if they will give you a cardiac monitor to wear - it would be good to have one that monitors longer than 24 hours so a really good picture of what is happening over time can be seen. Some of the new ones are so tiny; they get applied to the chest with no wires and one can shower and are far more comfortable.

    Sayra; your sisters are golden, their support is awesome. I had a sister I had so dreamed of having; but she died when I was thirteen. Such a horrible heartfelt loss. I have one elderly brother who is divorced and lives out of state, and the kids moved out of state - (heartless of them because they took the grandkids with them!) All of our friends we have had are either now out of state or have died. Our circle is no longer and that is not a good feeling. It is a strange sort of thing how things have changed over time. We would have to hire someone to help IF we could find a good backup. What a blessing for you to have such loving sisters considering the recent scary event; but then you are yourself a very good sister and a very good aunt.

    HEY! Just thought - Lorita - do you not have a birthday in May? Seems I recall that because mine is coming this next week and I thought you had one before mine if I am remembering correctly. Do I wish you a tardy happy day or do I celebrate your special day next week or so? We celebrate you all the time, but birthdays are special.

    I really miss being able to send cards to our Front Porch Friends . . . . it would be lovely to be able to do so.

    Myra; sorry about the hail and hope your roof is in good stead. Nasty stuff. My son in Oregon had to have his roof replaced post hail and my brother downstate from him also had to have his roof replaced from hail damage this last year. In each case, insurance covered it very well which was a blessing considering the cost. Fuss and bother to deal with though.

    We are still feeling springtime weather; it is mid-70's and very clear. It is good to open the windows and doors and hear the birds in the trees, (which we just had trimmed.) Love to feel the soft breezes and enjoy the sweet smell of newly mowed lawns; love that smell. Shall treasure this in the moment as we know as Shakespeare wrote, "Something Wicked This Way Comes . . " and that will be in August and September's blast furnace evil. But, then autumn awaits with her glory and her paint brush; a treat before Jack Frost comes a'calling . . . the cycle continues no matter what we mortals are doing or what we want.

    DH wanted to know what I want for my birthday dinner. I have chosen salmon, couscous and zucchini with onion or asparagus for a veg. Dessert? No big cake please, BUT . . . one CostCo carrot cake cupcake with that glorious frosting . . .their cupcakes are supersized and this is a really good one. Whoopee! Sigh; I am such a cheap date.

    We came upon a really, really excellent TV fiction series from England . . . we had to bring up the already run first and second seasons - each has six episodes; the final season starts on May 22 which we will record. It is a police drama which is extremely well done with no competition for that rating of excellence and is a sit on the edge of your seat and bite your nails sort of thing with twists and turns; it is really well written. SO very well done; great story, very, very well cast, one of the best we've seen. Oh yes; it is called, "Happy Valley," as that is the countryside town's name that all this happens in and the photography is great. It is truly excellent and has received multiple awards and many plaudits. If you get a chance to see it from first season if you can bring it up on your TV, it would be worthwhile especially if you REALLY like a really, horrid bad villain that is beyond the beyond with even some sub-villains who should not be villains. Great leading character and what an actor! She is awesome, but the cast is all really excellent with top drawer acting; if all programs could only be that good in quality. Okay, nuff about that.

    Our new grand-dog that was a very sick rescue is now fully blooming like a flower and SO joyful. She is the happiest dog ever. One brown eye and one blue. Son had her DNA done and she is a mix of 22 different breeds. She is a pretty girl and just loves people and lets you know how much she cares. Swear she is smiling all the time. They lucked out with her, she is not a single problem and is a calm and obedient young lady; Son and DIL are delighted with her and she with them. When she comes to visit she cannot wait to let you know how happy she is to see you. Got to get some treats in; after all, Grammie's have to have cookies even if they are doggie cookies.

    It is 9:15 am and I hear DH stirring, he slept longer. Time for me to get going, may this be a great weekend for one and all,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Morning, It's a pretty day here, too. We didn't have winds or hail but had 1.8" of rain which was needed. This is our wettest month so if we don't get rains now, we may not have enough. As it is, the drought is still taking it's toll. It's time to start baling hay and I've heard it's too small and thin to bale so doesn't look too good for next winter. Everyone used their hay from last year and there's no reserve or carryover.

    Our lawn isn't a pretty lawn because of all the shade but there's big spots in it that's bare - they weren't there last year and I've lost lots of shrubs, too. A glossy abelia at the south end of the porch is completely dead - I've left it thinking it might come back but hasn't so I'll have to take it out and most of the holly although some of it is showing green leaves close to the base. I fed the three cows this morning.

    Susie and Penny were in the driveway so let them in. Just noticed the baby is laying in the sunshine. Guess I'll let them out this evening when the girls come out of the barn.

    Eaglemom, remind me in which State you live - sounds like it may be in the midwest. You're right about family. My family has grown smaller and smaller - only a couple of cousins left, Sarah and her brother and me - never once thought it would come down to this.

    Nothing going on today, I hope - maybe this weekend Mike will have time to come and give the GPs their allergy shots. All of us are itchy - three cats, two GPs and me - so far only my hands but that's enough. I had thought my allergy was to the Johnson grass but they've killed it and most, if not all, of the prickly pear so it's something else. Ticks are bad this year - I've gotten probably a dozen off already and my ankles itch when I come in from outside so guess it's something in the grass. Didn't call Bryan to mow this weekend because of the rain and next weekend is Memorial Day so guess it'll be two weeks. He has family and a young son and he works all week so needs the weekends with them.

    About insurance - good to have it and you can't be without it but it's a pain. When I was having to get something done to the bedroom and utility room floors I filed a claim - didn't get much - $1400, I think, but it also raised my premiums. Even though I had taken off the insurance on the hay, cattle and tractor the premium is higher than it was.

    I hope your roof is okay, Eaglemom - is it a metal roof? Seems most people around here are going to metal roofs if they have to be replaced.

    I hope everyone is feeling better this morning and had a good night's sleep. Ron, let us know if you go to the ER to be checked out and Sara, rest all you can and let your sisters take care of you. I'll be back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Eaglemom hope things go smoothly.

    having the best day so far since I’ve been home. I’m having a bit of trouble with dizziness. Know flomax can have that side effect and some of the others may have too.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Feeling better today, haven't done much and will probably order pizza for supper. Looks like the medicine is helping, I'm not coughing as much and pain is not as bad as yesterday. Just a shame that I suffered longer than I should have. If the primary care would have followed recommendation of er and inpatient Drs and saw me earlier I wouldn't have had to go to er.

    Lorita, tachycardia has been a long standing problem for me. Originally in the 70s I had a heart rate of 180 at rest and was put on tenorman (generic ateneoll was out yet), which got it under control. I believe what is happening now is when I had those spells a few months ago I was taken off deltizem and told to take blood pressure and if it's under 120 not to take the Atenolol. Both times I noticed problems with heart rate I did not take the Atenolol.

    Jo C., the ER dr said he suggested I see the cardiologist but he could not put in the referral it had to come from my primary care. I mentioned a few weeks ago I requested a consult with cardiologists and primary care's response was that my test were within range.

    Been cloudy most if the day and no rain. I have been a little lightheaded from some of the medicine so guess I'll wait until in the morning to decide on church. It is a job sometimes getting Lou ready, helping her in the car, throwing wheelchair in trunk and reversing the process at church. I do enjoy the church group and like going!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Believe I'm finally clearing up! Sleep only problem this morning, normal prostate wake up around 8:30 and Lou wake up at 2. Unable to go back to sleep and stayed up and took my medication. Had two cups of black coffee which is odd, after the coffee I'm feeling sleepy again. Probably lay back down and get Lou up a little earlier today and get her cleaned up for church. Dont know if I mentioned this; a bath has been a major pain in the rear. About a month ago I bought some of those waterless wipes like they use in hospitals. You just wet it to get it soapy, no rinsing just towel dry and I also use the waterless shampoo spray on her hair. My job has been so much easier cleaning her up now!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Glad you found a way to make things a little easier and that you are feeling a little better Ron.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Laying back down didnt work! She kept sitting up in bed confused and wondering if she needed to get up. Finally got her settled back down and since I've stayed up again she's staying in bed. Hope I dont fall asleep during the sermon today!

    Had pizza last night and ordered large where I can warm it up tonight and all I have to do is make us a salad. Will stop on the way home from church and pick up hamburgers and fries for lunch. Dont know if I ever mentioned this, but with left over pizza just sprinkle a very little bit of water before putting in oven and it will taste just like new.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Morning, Ron, sorry for the sleep problems - maybe a nap this afternoon?

    It's a pretty day - cool and mostly sunny. I was going to sleep in this morning but a little after 7 the phone rang and it was Mike saying he was going to borrow the Gator to check on a cow he couldn't get to in his truck so I went ahead and got up. Saw our girls out front and decided I needed to check on the new baby to see if he was with mom - he was. They're all in the barn now and I've fed Susie and Penny and everything's quiet again.

    I've mentioned Sheena and Stormy scratching so much with their allergies. I had called Mike earlier this week to ask him when he had time and was over this way if he would give them their shots. I can't get them into the PU to take to the clinic. He called a little while before dark on his way back from farm calls and said he'd drop by and give them their shots. I always hate to ask him but he always makes time to do it and doesn't seem to mind. Stormy is so scared of him - probably because he has given him shots - but we prevailed and this morning both of them are sleeping without scratching. Tomorrow I'll get Lilly and maybe Max over to get their shots. All of us except Sammy seem to have allergies.

    Sara, hope you're continuing to feel better each day - when do you go back to the doctor - seems like Tuesday.

    Jo, I have another month before I turn 81 - my birthday is June 21, first day of summer. Goodness, seems like just a couple of years ago I was 50. Doesn't seem possible I'm this old - until I try to do something I used to do easily. This past week I carried a rubber mineral tube filled with leaves and twigs from the yard to the Gator and I've paid for it all this week - still am dealing with it. I can't carry something out in front of me that's heavy - have to hold it against me but I couldn't with that tub. I didn't need to do that - but I did.

    Ron, that's a good tip about the pizza - never thought of that. I like cold pizza, too. Charles and I used to make deep dish pizzas that were so good. We'd have them for supper, then take the leftovers for lunch the next day. I buy those little party pizzas and cook them in the NuWave oven and they're really good after I doctor them up a bit - with extra cheese and oregano. Can't have pizza without oregano which makes them smell so good. Also like pork 'n beans with pizza - might have that for lunch today.

    Hope everyone is well today or at least feeling much better. So grateful that the GPs are comfortable this morning.

    Jo, about Billy the Bull (Mike calls him Billy the Steer). He is really sweet and sort of stays to himself. I had never seen him aggressive until the other day - Sally (the little cow who kept jumping the fence) got close and he butted her. He's a really big boy - as big as his dad and grandpa but not as heavy yet. Had never seen him even interested in a cow before but as you said, hope grows eternal. Everything's back to normal now.

    Jo, will wish you a happy birthday now - might forget it later. Hope you have a really good one. I'll be back later - enjoy the day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    JoC so sorry about your sister. Know that loss is still deeply felt.

    Which day is your birthday? Have quite a few marked but doesn’t look like I have yours.

    Lorita can tell gain a tad of endurance almost if not every day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    This morning is not going well! Always a chore to get Lou ready for church. The waterless soap towels are easier, just dry off after washing but it's still gets a little fussy. Got her dressed and make up and hair combed and a little difficulty getting her in the car, but we made it. Drove to church and she refused to get out. Went on a got a early hamburger and came home and guess I was aggravated and not paying attention and bumped my head on cabinet door. Did call the VA ER since I'm on blood thinner and talked to a nurse. He told me most of the patient they see who on blood thinners have fallen but it's always better to be safe than sorry. Dont know what I'm going to do yet, according to if it gets to hurting to bad, it wasnt a hard bump.

    Just upset right now and need rest!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Ron hope you are finding time to rest and doing ok.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, don't be lifting anything this afternoon - rest and if you have a bag of frozen peas in the freezer, wrap them in a handtowel and put them on your head if it's hurting. I went through a period a few years ago of hitting my head on everything - even got a concussion once. I made fast friends with a bag of frozen peas - in fact, I had those for years. A couple of years ago, maybe last year, I actually hit my head on the gate latch. It was hurting so had it x-rayed and nothing was cracked, as my doctor says, but it did hurt for a while. Hitting your head on a cabinet door or the corner hurts like the dickens. Hope it's okay. Sorry you didn't get to go to Church but you got out a while and had hamburgers and fries.

    Sara, so glad you're gaining some each day. Seems like it just takes time, more than we'd want, to get over something. You were so ill it will take some time. Thank goodness you don't have to worry about planting and taking care of plants.

    It's been a lazy afternoon - I think I took a couple of really short naps while trying to watch TV. Can't seem to get away from the cats today - every time I sit or lay down there at least one or two on me. Got the carriers ready with towels in them to take Lilly and Max to the vet tomorrow or Tuesday. May wait until Tuesday because Anthony is coming tomorrow to check the generator - yellow light has been on a few days. It's still working because the power went off for a couple of minutes yesterday and it came on. Don't like to leave the place if I know someone will be coming.

    Tomorrow morning is trash pickup so I'll take it down this evening and put it in the barrel. That's working out pretty well.

    Jo, I had one sister but she was ten years older than I and got married when she was 15 so I wasn't around her except for five years. We were much closer when I got older although we didn't see each other too much but did talk often. I really miss those talks we had.

    It's partly cloudy and has warmed up some - I think it will be in the 80s all next week. Enjoy the rest of the day.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Those cabinet doors just jump out at you and smack your head and it seems they are all sharp edges and corners. Additionally if they break through the skin you bleed oceans.

    Beautiful day here to do not much but piddle the day away. I did not even come downstairs until @11.

    No allergies here yet but I do take a Zyrtec every night. I am having a battle with a yeast infection. Went to Urgent care. There and to the pharmacy and back home in 1 1/2 hours. I really love where live. The only place that I go that is more than 10 minutes is to the museum downtown.

    Garden report...the Peonies are going to be gone this summer. The wandering Jew i have battled with for years is now being viewed as a positive addition. Actually, I am going to make a major change to Buffalo Juniper and mulch.

    Critter report...birds still scarce but the rabbits appear every afternoon.

    Food report...lox/ bagel. cream cheese and capers yesterday and this morning. Trader Joes tomato feta soup for the other meal. I was very tempted by the Vitamix on QVC this morning but decided it was "over kill" and moved on.

    Good news that our friends in sick bay are getting better and taking it easy.



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    It is good to know you are feeling better bit by bit, Sayra; I am really glad to hear that. And; thank you for your kind words regarding the loss of my sister. I sometimes, just for a moment, wonder what it would have been like had she lived and how close we probably would have been.

    As for birthdays, I sure erred on recalling your birthday date Lorita, I was a whole month off! Mine is tomorrow, so Tuesday will feel a bit different from the rest of the week. I prefer not celebrating with parties, I am far past wanting that, nor do I want a fuss or gifts, but as "mature" as I am, I still feel each birthday as a single happy special day that is a bit brighter than the rest. I have a picture of me when I was six years old; our teacher used to make each child a birthday crown made of construction paper with our age number on it, and there I am, wearing mine, smiling a big smile under the crown. No construction paper crown tomorrow, but I will have extra big giddy smiles from time to time throughout the day even when by myself. Silly me.

    Ron, I am truly and deeply sorry that the VA has a system that keeps you from open access to Cardiology; how frustrating that must feel considering the complexities of your multiple health issues and the meds you are on, and the different onset of important symptoms you are feeling.

    If you are up to it, you can contact the VA Hospital department that has persons who advocate for patients, (cannot recall their title in the VA), and let them clear the way for you to see Cardio by getting to the primary by being your advocate; perhaps they can get through the jungle of staff more easily. THEN, when seeing Cardio, I would ask the Cardiologist to set up a written safety net that gets you into their service when necessary and at short routine intervals. Could the ER Doc have sent a message to your primary MD advocating for the necessity of a Cardiology appointment for you I wonder. The Cardiologist can set up a plan of care with needs for ongoing visits to take place at intervals and when your condition changes.

    At the risk of sounding like a bad person, I wonder if there are times that you could have the nice person come and stay with Lou on some Sundays to permit you to attend church services with your new church family by yourself - it could be lovely to go and worship and be with these very nice supportive folks without the stressors of Lou's preparations which upsets her and then having her refuse to enter the church and having to miss it all. Lou could go some Sundays when she is open to it, but it would save a lot of fuss and upset for both of you while sometimes permitting you the time to go to Sunday services in peace yourself. There is nothing wrong with that.

    Lou has been changing; she is at a different state now; she does not recall the various bits and pieces of life and people. Since she is calm and accepting when you are not personally present, it may be that she does not need the constant presence of yourself and it may well be that this permits you more latitude for some free time and that you will not have to wrestle her into ablutions and grooming which are now often upsetting to her and creates stress for both of you. I do understand how much you love your Lou and how much you have been and are doing for her - you have been lovingly exemplary. Sadly, as changes evolve in not only our Loved Ones, but in our own selves, it is no longer business as usual. We too have to begin to make changes. Sure wish I could find a magic wand, I would be waving it in all directions. (And I would weigh 110 pounds again with everything in its correct anatomical position!)

    Found myself laughing; got a text from our son who has that sweet new rescue dog, Olive. Here is what he wrote: "I had bought a large pork loin and today I was cutting it into chops and vacuum sealing them to be frozen. I cut an even amount of 12 chops. After I had vacuum sealed most of them, I went back to the cutting board to get the last few and thought I was one short but then thought that I had miscounted and took everything out to the garage freezer. When I walked back into the kitchen, Olive was standing there in front of me, very nonchalantly with a big pork chop hanging out of her mouth looking at me with innocent eyes. She obviously got it when my back was turned. Little thief."

    She did not chew on it or try to eat it, she just had it hanging out of her mouth while looking quite innocent. Maybe it was a new toy that smelled good? How funny. Of course if she begins to use the vacuum sealer, we can figure she was trying to help him.

    Got a cleaning lady through someone who has her, but still need to keep looking for someone else and they are not easy to find. Sadly,the new person is not dependable and keeps changing days and suddenly not being able to come every other week. Sometimes that makes it a month before she arrives again. Not soon enough. She arrives later in the day despite not having an earlier client; it is not easy to have her ever changing, setting a day and time and then calling to change it again. She is in her 50's, has no children or others she cares for at home and her health is good. Would love to have a person scheduled every two weeks who is reasonably reliable - everyone has changes sometimes, but not most of the time - we do not want a "team" of people we do not know coming in, and because we are not bilingual, we need reasonable English so we can communicate. We are easy clients and we actually pick up, empty trash cans, make our beds, remove towels and ensure the areas are clear for the cleaner and never, ever leave a dirty kitchen with dirty dishes or pots to be done and we do not expect laundry to be done.

    Last person we interviewed had three non-English speaking people come in at once, could only come on Saturdays, and charged $250 each time for, "light" cleaning. Gulp! Thanks but no thanks; that was the highest quote by a bit over $100. Sure do miss our sweet, dear person we had for decades. She retired which was surely good for her, but oh how we miss her. Dratted arthritis and wonky knees; I used to do it all myself, but not any more as much as I wish I could.

    We are still in the 70's for temp, but for some reason, the house seems to get too warm at about 8:00 at night. Summer is lurking and will soon be upon us. Hard to believe we are almost through May already; seems it was yesterday folks were fighting snow and freezing. So much wonderful planting going on; Beth's garden will be a show place again, how wonderful that talent is.

    Today will be a simple day. Am going through paperwork and SO much will need shredding which is pretty much too much. Sure wish we had a better way of doing it. We are not permitted to burn things otherwise that would be easier, but we must comply. How in the world we have so many paper files accumulate, I do not know but it seems to have a life of its own.

    May today bring some smiles to everyone,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Morning, Jo, talk about lots of papers to shred. I have income tax papers from waaaay back that need to be shredded. If it was safe to burn things here, I'd do that but too scary. My parents used to burn their trash and after daddy was gone mother was burning some and the fire got out and burned 50+ big bales of hay. Luckily, there were some men working on the road about a quarter mile away and saw the smoke and came to help. Mother came into the house after fighting the fire and set the floor just inside the back door on fire. I was at work and by the time I got home (she called me) things were okay but one of the men mentioned to me he didn't think it was safe for her to be living alone. I remember there was still a few of the bales burning even at night so I stayed the night with her and watched it. After that no more burning.

    The generator man just left - said everything was okay - it was just the yellow light that he said comes on when it needs to be looked at.

    I have another cute story about the new baby - Clifford I'm calling him. At least I think it's a boy - haven't been close enough to check for sure. Yesterday afternoon the girls came out of the barn about 5:30. I saw his mother go by the gate without him so went out to check. There were still several in the barn including Clifford. About 7:30 I happened to look out just as two cows and Clifford were leaving the barn going up to the herd. Neither cow was his mother. About 9:30 I heard a cow bawl - knew instantly what had happened - mom hadn't found Clifford and she came to the barn to look for him. It was dark but shined the flashlight and saw her eyes glowing. She went in the main part of the barn and came out the cowshed door - no baby. She bawled, calling him, and I heard a cow bawl in the south pasture. She bawled again and this time I heard a baby answer. Another time each bawled, then I saw her going up that way and baby met her and had supper. It's amazing to me that a mom and baby can communicate with each other with all the others around. You know a cow starts to talk to her baby as she's having it so there's a big bond and they know the sound of each other even though they might sound alike to us. I thought that was so cute. This morning they were all back in the barn before I got up and out. I'm so glad they have the barn and with 50-60 of them, there's plenty of room without anyone being hurt. Guess I better stop and go feed Susie and Penny. I'll let them out with the others this week.

    Judith, never had lox and bagles with cream cheese. Do like cream cheese and bagels though. I also looked at the Vitamix and thought about it but at my age I don't need to be buying more things. If those things he made with it could magically appear it would be nice but that doesn't happen.

    Jo, hope you have a wonderful birthday - Karen always called it "special day" after we got older. Carol sent me some pictures taken way back in the 80s at a couple of retirement parties. Seeing Karen and I together brought back a lot of memories.

    Called this morning to get an appointment for Lilly and Max to have their allergy shots - I wanted to go in the morning but no appointments so they'll work me in between 10 and 11. That is the busiest man ever but he still finds time to help anyone who needs it. Lucky to have him as a friend. I remember years ago when we needed to take Barclee to OKC for eye surgery his wife offered to drive us - both really good people.

    See you all after while. Hope, Sara, that you're feeling even better this morning. Ron, do talk with the Patient Advocate at the hospital - maybe he can help. Sounds like the VA has really changed since I retired and Charles wasn't going there anymore. Back later.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, have you tried a Roomba to do your floors?

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Happy Birthdy Jo C!

    May there be many more, with each being better than the last.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Iris, I was thinking of you this morning and realized we hadn't seen a post from you lately. So, hope you're okay. Sasue has a roomba and really likes it. I've seen this cute commercial advertising them on TV with a cat riding on one. Ours would probably attack it.

    Made a loaf of bread this morning and after about ten minutes realized I hadn't added the yeast. I think I was putting the ingredients in when Anthony came so got distracted. I've made it so many times I don't get the recipe out - but, you know, it made the tallest loaf of bread it's ever made - maybe I should do that every time. I think it got the ingredients mixed before I put in the yeast.

    It's getting warm outside. Moved the PU closer to the gate so I wouldn't have to carry the carriers so far in the morning and gave the girls some more water. My right leg, by my knee is really bothering me today - started yesterday so must have turned it somehow. I have a few enlarged veins in that area and years ago they bothered me a lot but haven't until now.

    I feel so sorry for Lilly - she scratches so much. She was sitting on my lap just now and I was able to trim her front nails - really surprised me that she'd let me do that - still have a couple to do.

    Do you all get a lot of calls on your cell phone from numbers you don't recognize? Seems like I get three or four almost every day - I never answer and they never leave a message so guess they're trying to sell something or it's some sort of scam. How do they get cell phone number anyway?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions
    edited May 2023

    Jo C, I hope your birthday is full of memories and good times. Lou will be 85 Sunday and probably all I'll do is take her to a restaurant.

    The ER Dr. did tell me if he could put in the referral for cardiology he would, but it would just be turned over to primary care. Cardiology is like all the speciality clinics here, they expect primary care to only refer cases they can not handle and I believe my primary care feels like it's a reflection on her if she sends anyone that's not half dead. The person you are thinking about is patient advocate and I have used them in the past. I have a appointment with primary care June 8th and hopefully she will be more receptive especially since I've turned in paperwork for primary care change.

    Talking about dog stories; the first dog we had was a smart one. I had surgery one time and a gift basket of cookies was given me. Lou and I went out one day and left the unopened basket on the coffee table. When we came home the basket was on the floor with all the single wrapped cookies on the floor and cottonseed looking g at us with one in his mouth. A month later he was digging at the side of our couch cushion and when I moved the cushion a cookie was there. No telling how many more he had scattered around we never knew about.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Happy birthday, Jo! Enjoy your special day!

    Went for a dog walk, then a bike ride, then to buy some "Woodpecker Gourmet" birdseed. It has nuts and fruit in it and will bring in a variety of birds. We have orioles coming now; we feed them grape jelly.

    Garden is looking good. Will share a few photos. Peony called 'Circus Circus;' Lupine; Petunias in an old laundry/wash tub. Petunia variety is Supertunia 'Vista Bubblegum' They drape over the sides beautifully (much more than they are doing now, as they grow.)

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Happy Birthday JoC💐🎂.

    Lorita get lots of calls from unknown numbers. Best policy is not to answer.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Happy Birthday from me too. Enjoy that cupcake.

    Beth...is that a tree peony in the bakground?

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Judith, Yes, that is a tree peony in the background - the yellow blooms. It is called 'Goldfinch.'

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Happy Birthday, Jo C! 🥳

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    🌷Happy Birthday Jo C. 🌷🌷🌷😀 Enjoy your day!

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Happy birthday, Jo!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JO. Hope your day is wonderful. Remember when we were young how we looked forward to birthdays? Now, not so much, at least for me.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
    Seventh Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Insightfuls Reactions 500 Likes

    Happy Birthday @Jo C.


  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy happy happy birthday Jo 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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