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Just need to talk to my friends (190)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Beth you are a strong lady. Beautiful.

    Congratulations Nicole. Hope you are blessed with a nice retirement.

    Iris we have discussed on here before different options. I never really got settled on one. In this case it would have been of no value. I simply was becoming unresponsive.

    Have an appointment with urologist Tuesday. Will probably find out their plan then.. saw my echocardiogram report yesterday. The right and left bottom of heart working normally. Amazing.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
    Seventh Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Insightfuls Reactions 500 Likes

    I'm glad you're home @Sayra and hope you are on the mend soon. That's quite the ordeal you've been through.

    @ronald71111 that's a great picture.

    @Lorita I do enjoy the animal stories. I hope your cake turns out. Enjoy your lemon cake. My favorite desserts are always lemon. I wonder if what you are seeing at the bottom of your feed is a saved draft of a post you didn't make. If it is, you could erase it.

    @BethL That is some spread you've got there. That's a lot of mulch. I prefer the cedar, but DS who lays it for me wanted the icky Preen-infused dyed black stuff.

    @SQBEAR50 Great picture and Happy Retirement!

    I took mom to get her hair cut this afternoon. I don't know why she needs a cut and blowout every 4 weeks but she is insistent. I need to go back to my mom's tomorrow and plant the coral bells we got to replace the daylilies I tore out Monday. Her neighbor across the street was happy to take them off my hands-- she's south-facing so they should work well for her. Win-win in my book. I felt guilty taking them out. I have also been instructed to procure some peonies for the one bright spot in her yard. Normally I like bare-root plants for the price and ability to get exactly what I want but at 85, I feel like I need something in a pot. Instant gratification and all that. I also need some cheap and cheerful annuals to pot up for my own front step.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    SQbear 50, beautiful lady enjoying retirement! Come often to Lorita's front porch and enjoy the view with friends.

    Yesterday while I was out a stranger came up to me and handed me a card. We had a nice conversation and I told him how much I appreciated the card.

    It feels good when a total stranger does something like this!


  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Good morning porch friends🤗

    Haven't written lately, dealing with the change in Bill. Afternoons are the worse, just have to agree on everything and all goes well.

    I don't know if i told you but his 80 yrs old sister has also moved here in the senior resort, so I care for her also. She has never had to care for anything while her husband was alive!

    We have a saying here in the resort this is Gods waiting room😢.

    Have a great day.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Nicole, congratulations on the new part of your life - retirement can be wonderful - know I've enjoyed mine. Also a very good picture of a pretty lady.

    Sara, hope your Tuesday urology appointment goes well and that they can do something about the calculus without surgery.

    Shirley, good to hear from you. Sorry about Bill being disagreeable - we learn what we have to do to keep peace, don't we? I remember you saying his sister had moved to the retirement center and that you're watching out for her, too. I know all of that keeps you busy. Just be sure to get your needed rest, too.

    It's a beautiful morning here and nice and cool - wish the whole summer would be like this but it won't be - I think the humidity returns next week. I'm trying to decide if I want to try to take Lilly and Max to the vet today for their allergy shots or wait. I feel sorry for Lilly - she has those bumps around her neck and just seems miserable. Both she and Sammy, her son, have been laying on my lap giving each other their baths - they're all eating now.

    Fed Susie and Penny -Susie is walking much better but I'll keep her up anothe week or so. Not so worried about her getting hurt with just our girls here and the barn not being so crowded.

    I had gotten little packets of flower seeds - zinnias, coreopsis, marigolds and shasta daisies so this morning cleared out a place next to the side gate and planted them. When the magnolia lost it's leaves they all piled up against that fence so had a big container of leaves to get rid of. Took them down and put them over the west pasture fence - after all of that I was tired. How I'll get those limbs moved I don't know - little by little, I guess.

    The girls are still out in the pasture grazing and eating some hay - just enjoying the cooler weather.

    The lemon cake was pretty good but doubt I'll try another one. It made a rather small, 9x4 loaf and I happened to have a Lock'n'Lock container that it just fit in, so turned it over and it's airtight - and ant tight. Judith, did you say half and half, vinegar and water, to get rid of them? I have Zivo and that works for a day or so but had rather use vinegar and water.

    Day, wish you'd post again - miss talking to you about QVC. They just said Susan Graver has six grandkids - I remember when her daughter was working with her for a while - doesn't seem that long ago but guess it was.

    Thought I got rid of that comment but it reappeared. I wrote it quite a while back and posted it but it keeps showing up so I keep deleting. Something weird happened with that - I remember there was some problem with my internet about that time.

    My costo is hurting after lifting that big container of leaves into the Gator and then over the fence so need to get that calmed down some. Hope all of you are well today. Sandy, I saw where there were to be storms in your area. Hope they missed you all.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    You look way too young to be retired!

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy Thursday,

    Thank you all for the compliments. Will be turning 57 in July.

    After my uncle died I went through a depression. After a few months I tried to go back to work, though my heart just wasn't in it. I felt like my clients needed more than what I was giving them. Hubby had told me I could retire whenever I felt I was ready, I was ready.

    I didn't realize how emotionally and physically drained I had become after my uncle passed away.

    Friends and family ask me what I'm going to do now that I'm no longer working, right now I'm spending time with my grandson. Taking him to school, his sports, just enjoying my time with him. He's 10 but before i know it he will be all grown up.

    Hubby and I plan to travel a bit, though he won't be retiring anytime soon (he loves his job)

    It took me awhile to learn I will never be the old "me" again, so I'm just living day by day. Taking my time finding the new "me"


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    My goodness, Sara, it's so good to hear from you. I'm so sorry - what in the world happened? Was all of this because of the kidney stone or was it your heart? So many questions but the answers will come later when you feel better. Thank God that your sister came to your house when she didn't get an answer. What wonderful people you had caring for and watching over you. I believe as you do - that our days are numbered and we don't go until it's time. It just was not your time and we are so thankful for that. You were truly missed. I felt something must be wrong because you're faithful in posting. Did you get to go home today? I know you'll feel better at home.

    This is an old post so please disregard it. I'm reposting it so I can get rid of it. Every time I get ready to post, it shows up. Maybe this will take care of it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Looks like that did it. Decided I better not take the cats to the vet today. I have to take two carriers and they're heavy so with his costo/chest and back hurting so much already, didn't think it was advisable. I'll get them there tomorrow or Monday. Hate to put it off but I'll err on the side of caution.

    It's pretty out but it's getting more humid - it's 74 right now. I think the girls have gone into the barn - don't see them anywhere.

    Nicole, I remember that period of depression you had after you lost your uncle. It'll take time to fully recover from that. If you were ready to retire, that was the time to do it. I remember when I thought I'd retire - it was in September 1995 - I couldn't decide for sure if I wanted to. Even the last morning I was to work, I was still undecided so told my boss I decided to stay a while. Called Personnel to tell them and he'd already called them. Three months later, in December, I was ready and I've enjoyed every day of it even though I miss the people I worked with and the work - loved my job. I think a person shouldn't retire until they are completely ready, then it will go well. It's another part of your life you're beginning and it sounds like you're going to enjoy it. Good for you.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Nicole, enjoy your grandson while you can! I know for a short period my youngest son and his two children lived close. That time was some of my best memories, now all 5 grandchildren and two great grandchildren live in other states. I would love to be able and drive even to Missouri, where I could watch some sports are go to one of their concerts. Now, I just look forward to pictures and videos!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Congratulations, Nicole! You look so beautiful, and happy!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Shirley I like your guys saying.

    May you get many beautiful flowers Lorita.

    Nicole hope you and your grandson can create many good memories.

    Nursing assessment done today, I will not need them.

    Physical therapy assessment done today also. They gave me a plan and I realize now it is impossible for me to just push through this. For each day I was out of it will take around a week to get that strength back..it’s ok that I feel tired. Will need to rest a bit. Nurse stressed to me not trying to do too much. I’m heeding their advice.

    occupational therapy will come tomorrow probably. Ron the kindness of others is amazing isn’t it. Hope you are having a decent day.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Front Porch Friends, good to meet with you again. I have been reading, but could not type. So much has happened with so many and I cannot type too long.

    Most important - dearest Sayra - I am so very sorry for what happened. Kidney stones are not easy and sepsis is one issue that most do not realize can happen. Septicemia and the drugs you needed to stabilize your blood pressure and an ICU care level, that is a stunning need so not expected.

    I am deeply grateful for your healing and keep you in my prayers. Yes; that trip to urology is something that needs to be done asap which you are doing.

    As I had mentioned before, I had a very large and very dense stone that was a dilly. Seemed to happen out of the blue, but it must have been with me for a very long time. It had moved and lodged where it caused much pain and that is an understatement. The blasting of the stone and removal were not bad procedures for me.

    First; I had Lithotripsy which failed - the stone was far too large and dense. SO . . . off I went to UCLA where I had a Ureteroscopy with laser which blasted the stone to smithereens and all was removed. I had no stone fragments pass after the procedure, it was all fine.

    With each procedure, one is anesthetized, so nothing is felt. Waking up was easy and recovery was excellent. After the ureteroscopy, I was kept overnight - I live an hour and a half or more away from the med center, so that was best. There was no bleeding or pain after the ureteroscopy with laser. I did have a bit of lag time voiding well, but after one dose of Fosomax, I was just fine. Did use a filter screen for awhile to ascertain whether I had any pieces of stone passing, but I did not. Hopefully it will all be that easy for you too. I was sent home with pain meds (not needed) and stool softener if I had to use pain meds, and a lighter non-narc pain med and even Fosomax. Good old UCLA sends you home with meds from their pharmacy which was great and I did not need them.

    When you have a procedure, it would be good to have someone with you and who could go and get any prescription filled before you leave the med center for home. Much easier that way. Take good care and if you develop ANY untoward symptoms of elevated temp, or feeling very "off," or urinary symptoms, I feel sure you will get yourself to the ER quickly. Let us know how you are; we are all thinking of you and we care very much, you are special to all of us.

    As for me, I did a few heavy duty significant things I should not have done - I am left-handed, and the over use caused a severe tendonitis of my left arm/hand. PAINFUL. Could not even close my fingers on the affected hand for days. The palm was horribly painful as was the inside of my left wrist and inside left arm; especially at the edge of the arm. Could not use it for anything. Eating with my right hand was difficult and I made little messes. Brushing my teeth even with an electric toothbrush was weird. Could not even shower for awhile. I still must be careful; if I overuse, it begins to ache and I do not want to have it start up again.

    Congratulations to Zetta on the new job, and to Ron for realizing he must begin to take things more easy and adjust to the new way of being instead of fighting it and causing more issues; so glad, Mr. Ron, you are important to all of us too. Well; I think we are all important and cared about. Isn't that lovely?

    Any of you having any trouble getting kicked off the Board and having to sign in again after you write a Post? That has been happening to me for quite awhile; I reported it but have had no response, so if any of you have experienced that, it would be helpful to know if it is just me or not.

    Take good care, and I am going to go give my hand and arm a rest.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Jo, so good to see your post - we've missed you just as we miss anyone who doesn't post for a while. We are a tight-knit group of front porch friends. Take it easy and don't overdo - we all tend to do that even though we know better.

    I've done nothing this afternoon except lay on the divan and watch TV and dozed off a while. Sarah called and we had a good visit. I'm watching the weather now and there's rain in the panhandle - which will be here early in the morning. Since my costochondritis was hurting so much I decided not to do anything this afternoon but I did bring in the cat carriers - those things are sort of heavy when they're empty and when you add a 12 pound cat in each one, they are heavier. When I get to the vets take one in at a time and usually one of the girls helps me get them to the PU when we're finished. I happened to go out on the porch a while ago just at

    the time the new mom was hotfootin' it to the barn. She went in and came back out, alone, in a couple of minutes. Guess she left the baby in there when they came out to graze and came back to check on him. I'll have to be very careful when checking on him to not get too close - those little week-old guys, or younger, can run like the wind and go through barbed wire fences like they weren't there.

    Sara, glad you're getting along as well as you are and won't need nurses at home. As active as you are I know it's hard to not do things you'd like to do but you'll realize what not to do - just be careful.

    Guess I finally got rid of that old post - it didn't show up when I started to post this time. Jo, I haven't had the trouble you talked about. I had thought I would have to report the problem I had with the post so was going to ask you if there's a way to do that - like we used to have.

    I'll stop for now - need to trim Stormy's nails - or maybe I'll wait until tomorrow. I won't go to the mailbox today - have a letter to mail but don't like to leave outgoing mail in the box overnight. Again, Jo and Sara - take it easy. Ron, that goes for you, too. Sounds like you're doing all right - don't remember a post from you today but I'm getting forgetful so hope you're okay.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dear Sayra, we were writing about the same time. I am glad that you are taking it easy; amazing how fast one becomes weak after such a happening. I had eight days in the hospital over a year ago, no big procedures, just a bit of medical management and an undiagnosed kidney stone . . . when I was sent home, I was dragging and actually oofy weak with no stamina. Took me several weeks to recoup. You are on your way!

    Really great you do not require visiting RNs or ongoing P.T. but have their plan, that says a lot for your reserves which is great. OT can be very informative and helpful, so that is good you will have them make an assessment and they often have great helpful suggestions.

    Very wise of you to stay quiet and permit your body to heal, that is a very good plan.

    It is wonderful to hear from you and I will be looking for you each day.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Jo C, I knew it was something special about you, I'm also left handed. We use to be a rare breed but lately I've noticed more and more left handers out their. My sister and I are left handed and my two brothers are right handed. We had to sit at special places at the table where we wouldn't be bumping elbows when we ate. Just wondering.... how many lefties on the porch?

    I've been having a progressive pain between my shoulder blade, more to the right which is the lung that had pneumonia. The pain is not as bad until I'm up and doing things. Might go to the VA tommorow, not sure yet. It's just aggravating more than hurting bad!


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Don't know if I told you, but a few weeks ago I thought I might behaving heart problems. Called an ambulance and went to ER. Had all the tests and scans, and absolutely clear of all heart problems. The cause was my old friend [and Loritas] costochondritis. Just ocasionally it hits BIG, with pain between the shoulder blades, radiating through to the chest. I thought that might be the problem, but the doctors always tell me not to take a chance, and to get it checked out.

    This is the 4th or 5th time this has happened in the last 20 years. Last time was before Graham went into the NH, and we had to take him to ER with us. That's how I know how long ago it was.

    Apart from that, I am doing pretty well, gardening and writing. Lots of osteoarthritis pain in the hands, which makes typing difficult. I have had to give up knitting, all my charity work now is crochet.

    Thanks for asking about me, Lorita. I read every day, to find out what is happening on the porch [the veranda, here in Aus.]


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Ron, I was also wondering about how many "lefties" are here on the porch...I am so, that makes 3 so far.

    I was the first on my father's side and then his sister and brother had one in each of their families. It skipped the next generation and then one of my granddaughters is left handed.

    Hope all who have been having health issues recently are on the mend and feeling restored soonest.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All Front Porch Friends,

    Iam also a leftie so that now makes 4 of us. I remember being a kid some people would try to change their child from being a leftie. My folks never did that, so I was brought up as a leftie.

    I took Molly to the vet yesterday to get her teeth cleaned, it was her first time. She came home minus 4 teeth. She is doing well, not too happy with me for not giving her, her milk bones but vet says nothing hard for 14 days. So, her treats are turkey lunch meat.

    It was 85 today, it's nice not being cold, rain tomorrow but still going to be a warm day.

    Barbara. It's nice hearing from you and good news that you're not having heart problems. But it is good that you are having it checked out. Enjoy your gardening.

    Ron. Are you doing a lot of heavy lifting that may be causing the pain in your shoulders? Iam one that's always moving my furniture around, the last time I moved it was a few months ago and the side of my neck has hurt ever since. I had the doctor look at it and she said I just must have pulled something and to stop moving furniture around.

    Lorita. Iam still watching Gunsmoke, I have found the older ones that only go for 30 minutes, and they start with Matt going up to Boot Hill. A lot of those I have not seen.

    I have enjoyed my 4 days off I go back to work tomorrow, my 3-day 4-hour job. So far Iam enjoying it.

    Good Night to all, Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi, Ron, I'm right handed but have been told I use a hoe left handedly (is that a word?_ My left hand is the fartherest down the hoe handle. Sounds like you might have lifted something too heavy or twisted your shoulder. Might be good to have it checked out.

    Barbara, I hate costochondritis. It gets better and I do something that aggravates it. I've had mine since about 1972. I remember exactly when it started - I put my arms over my head while laying down and heard a pop and from then on I had it. Mine minics a heart attack. When it first started I had pain in my chest, back and down my left arm to the wrist. A PA at the hospital told me what it was - touched the exact place where it hurt. Mine starts in the chest and after a few minutes goes straight through to my back. I have to be careful to not lay on my left side which I loved to do. Today it was on the left side and somewhat on the right - then through to my back. It's almost okay tonight after leaning against the heating pad. Glad you didn't have any heart problems - costo is enough in itself.

    Zetta, rest well tonight so you'll be up and at 'em for your tour of duty tomorrow night. I'm glad you're enjoying working and you still have time to do what you want to during the day.

    I've spent quite a bit of time out in the pastures this late evening. I mentioned seeing the new mom go to the barn, then right out again. I watched and she never came back. Drove up into the pasture in the Gator and sat and watched her - kept telling her to go get her baby. Finally gave up, then saw the girls going into the south pasture - not toward the house. By this time it was almost dark but went out and by this time the baby was wanting out (I had closed the gates before I went up into the pasture.) He was trying to get through the gates. Drove the PU up and honked and called the girls down to the corral. While they were all around the corral I opened the gate and the baby ran out and straight to his mom - he was hungry. I left the PU out in the pasture in front of the house but just now went out, in my gown and Dawgs and got it back in so I'm in for the night. Don't know why she's acting like this. Baby is a week old today. Forgot to mention was within a couple of feet of Samson - no problem. It's really good to be able to walk among all the girls without any problems and they are so much happied with just their family. They've all gone back up into the pasture.

    Supposed to begin having heavy rain about 4 a.m. so they'll come back and get back in the barn. Weather just said they're predicting big hail and really bad weather in my area - this around 4 p.m. until 6. Dread that.

    Jo, that old post was in the comment section again so had to delete it - how do you report something like that? I knew how to in the old format but not sure about this one. Sara, hope you can sleep well - give your body time to heal - like Jo said, it takes time

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    JoC appreciate your first hand knowledge. I don’t drive at all yet. Just don’t feel strong enough yet.

    nice to hear from you Barb.

    Zetta hope your work days run real smooth.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good Friday morning from the porch. Had a fairly good day yesterday, warmed up the beef tips and rice and made salads, so supper wasnt to difficult. Yesterday I fixed Lou her favorite meal; talipia, corn roll and salad and she didnt eat half of it. It seems like she eats something simple like corn dogs, sandwich or large salad better than anything else.

    Still not sure about the VA, probably will go but will make up my mind latter6when sitter gets here. Will have a lot to do on if she can stay as long as its needed. Never know how long it takes when you go to ER. I haven't done anything g physically that could be causing the pain and my concern is right shoulder blade and radiates downward and I am constantly coughing. The right lung is where I had pneumonia and also the right lung is where I have been having a history of either ground glass and nodules.

    Suppose to have storms moving in tonight, the most severe is suppose to stay north of us. I had a guy come out and take measurements for a carport yesterday, which is something I've been needing for some time. Also had the porch and wheelchair ramp repainted with a sand/paint mixture which should stop any slipping down when I take Lou out.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Back from the VA ER! Seems like the pneumonia hasn't completely cleared up. They gave me a breathing treatment, took chest xray and blood work. Was told to rest and sent home with bottles of pills to take; antibiotics, steroids, cough pill and something to loosen up the congestion. Hopefully this time it will clear up.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Morning, Ron, that paint sounds like a good idea. When I asked Bryan about painting my porch he said there's some kind of paint that would be good for it and would last longer. Maybe after May is over we can get that done. You surely don't want to slip down again when you're taking Lou outside. A new carport - how nice that will be. Will it be freestanding or attached to the house? I've been meaning to ask you about how your new car is doing? Hope you're enjoying it.

    Your bad weather or the weather that will be just north of you this evening is what we'll get. We had some heavy rain this morning and later this afternoon the front will come through with some potentially severe weather, mostly hail and winds, they say.

    I haven't seen a single cow this morning - they may all be in the barn because it was raining when I got up.

    Sara, you're smart to not be trying to drive or go anywhere until you're much improved. You do so much for others, maybe one of them can help you if you need groceries or something else.

    Very quiet day here - nothing going on so far. I went out on the porch a while ago and Rusty was draped around the bottom of the bird feeder. At first I was afraid he was stuck because I was close to him and he didn't move. I watched a while and after he finished eating, he got down. I hate to stop using that feeder because it's so convenient - I have the bird feed out there and all I have to do is fill it. The other one is out south of the house by the water tank so have to go outside to fill it but it might be better. The University of Oklahoma girls play softball this afternoon. It's on a station that I'll be able to watch.

    Hope everyone is doing well this morning and had a good rest last night. I'll be back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    I have used Valspar anti-slip paint

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita, you can go to the bottom of the page and look at the instruction for tech support, or if there is no response or it does not work, you could always use the "Flag" and make a report to the Moderator to obtain help. It is still a bit unsettled for many Members including me sometimes on how to move about and process various items on the new site; don't feel bad about not figuring it out; you are not the only one having difficulty, the new platform is more complicated and a bit scattered re various items than was the old platform.

    So; left-handers unite! Out of our four children, only one is left handed and I know no one in the extended family on either side that are left handed. Some ancestor's gene got to me I suppose. I played tennis left handed, but bat right handed. I write left handed but use scissors right handed; some of the very fine delicate sort of work I will use both or either hand. Strange. When I was a child, the early grade teachers tried to force me to be right handed for penmanship, but it did not take. Left handed and upside down with a pen. When having to use wet ink in Gregg Shorthand at school, I always had blue ink stains down the outside of my left hand.

    Ron; it really was good you got to the ER before the rains hit; good for you. When I read about the position of the pain and symptoms, it sounded probable lung related. Please do follow up closely on this with a physician in whatever setting you can get into at the VA. This is now in a rather extended serious phase and you cannot let things lie, "as is," or continue on without monitoring; it needs active attention until resolved and that is going to take a bit of time. I am so sorry that this is happening and can imagine what a bothersome and taxing effort it is to keep on top of it having to get to the hospital to be seen while getting Lou cared for not to mention not feeling well and being exhausted. Take very, very good and slow care with rest. Perhaps having someone come in each day for awhile to do some of Lou's care and laundry, light housekeeping and maybe even starting dinner would give you the rest your body needs. Perhaps you could even find a nap is possible on some days when the helper is there. We would love for you to get you some nurturing and find ways to reduce your stress.

    Barbara, that costochondritis you and Lorita suffer from sounds awful; especially since it mimics a heart attack and one cannot let it lie without having an eval. Hope it does not happen often and that it stays away. How nice you can crochet; I so wish I could knit or crochet, but alas on that one. I have tried, but end up with snarled messes and frayed yarn . . . left handed me just cannot seem to get it, it is such a talent to do that. I cannot do needle point either; snarls and missing ways and means so to speak. I do blank canvas counted cross stitch using only really good patterns with tiny squares and they look good enough to frame, but have not done that in quite awhile. I have a large square magnifier that hangs around the neck on a cord and has a legged rest that sets on the chest holding the large magnifier outward; love that thing as I can put my canvas under it and stitch away at the teensy tiny squares - of course with a light by my shoulder. Very relaxing. Hm-m-m; maybe I need to look up my supplies and begin again.

    When you get the the front porch painted, Lorita, it would be good to have them use the "non-slip" paint. It is excellent and will keep you and anyone else from slipping and having a fall. They had to re-do some porches at the church as some folks were slipping. The non-slip paint looks great and works great. Worth it to take a bit extra step. Older bones do not heal quickly.

    My friend who lives out of state, I have known since the fifth grade; she just had a fall in her kitchen, fell flat on her back, hit her head, and thankfully those areas did not sustain injury, but she fractured her wrist. She lives alone and it has really caused a lot of difficulty to say the least. She was blessed in that her son flew in and stayed for nine days and then his wife took his place for seven days, but she is now alone. Cannot use the shower, getting dressed is a marathon - so difficult. She said trying to pull up slacks with an elastic waist is a painful and wearing marathon. Heck, I would find a pop over summer dress or a decent nightgown and wear that in the home as it would be easier all the way around and when needing to use the bathroom. She is using frozen dinners and is not driving right now. The one difficult thing is that she has twenty stairs to climb to get to her apartment door. I would never be able to manage that with all she must do, but she is slowly managing and sometimes is doing it sideways. I am a bit concerned on her behalf.

    Don't know about anyone else, but since this has hit page 18, I find that there are hiccups with pages sometimes flipping to other pages which is irritating as one then has to go find the right page again. Perhaps when it gets close to the 20th page, the system gets indigestion.

    Continue taking good care everyone, and special outreach to Sayra and Ron . . . big hugs for all,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron hope the meds help you to start feeling better.

    Lorita my sisters are taking very good care of me. My one sister does not work. She resigned her volunteer RN job that is one day a week for right now. Another sister still works but she is on vacation this week and she cooked supper for me last night at her house, then brought me home and stayed all night with me. That gave my sister a break. She is also going to cook supper for me Sunday and stay with me Sunday night. My other sister has a job where she works a lot of hours and we have told her to just take care of herself. They are totally dealing with mom right now getting her groceries etc. I’m going to turn my phone off tonight because she called me three times this morning between 2-5am. I really need my sleep for my recovery. She had been calling my sister like that. My sister told her to only call before a certain time if an emergency. Mom also knows to call 911. Guess she won’t though because she continues to be uncooperative about things. Know she still knows to call 911 because not that long ago she confirmed it with me. If she can’t call 911 or my sister she can’t call me either. Have mentioned assisted living to my mom, of course not receptive. Know God has ways of taking care of things and will just leave it in his hands. We need his help with her.

    an RT I use to work with who works night where I volunteer now also reached out to me and very sincerely offered to help me this weekend. Was so very kind of her and have always respected her because of how she has cared for her exhusband who developed mental illness after they had two children. There was no way she could be married to him because some things were out of control I wonder if he realizes how lucky he is. She sees to all his needs including buying a double so he lives right beside her but she can be in control of things. She cooks, cleans etc. for him. She told her boys you will need to care for him if something happens to me first.

    sorry your Lemon Cake was a little disappointing.

    Ron JoC made some good points, hope you are blessed with some help.

    Take care everyone, one minute at a time, Love you all

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Jo C., I started the sitter on a weekly salary to come Monday thru Friday to mainly help with the house and watch Lou when I need to go out. All I ask is that she keeps the house clean where i dont have to deal with dust or cleaning liquids and help with lou.

    I'm now wondering if some of the medicine they gave me is messing with my HR. Been mainly in my recliner all afternoon and HR has been over 100. It's trying to go down now at 104 and it was 108 earlier, but I took my ateneoll at 5. If I'm still having trouble with it tommorow I'll call Lou's sitter and go back to the ER if I can get the sitter. Hopefully it will be better in the morning!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Evening, Ron, maybe you need something for anxiety. Sometimes my pulse rate gets really high especially when I'm nervous. If I take a 10 mg. Librium it's back to normal before long. I've taken Librium since I was 20, maybe get one prescription of 30 filled once a year. If you're not better by morning do go to the ER and see what's going on. Glad you have the sitter to help with the housework - maybe she would also start your evening meals or lunch for you and Lou - every little thing you don't have to do is better.

    Thanks, Jo, I think I found out what happened. I think that post went to my drafts. I checked that today and when I started to post just now, the old post wasn't there.

    Sara, so glad you have your sisters to help you and be with you while you're not well. Sisters are a blessing for sure. Maybe they can start to help with your mother after you're better, too. Just rest all you can and let your body heal, then you can get the calculus taken care of.

    I've had a busy evening. You know the new baby - mom leaves the barn with the others and leaves him there which bothers me. Late today I saw three cows, Billy and a baby. Billy was amorous even though he's a steer so he was bothering Gray Lady. I guess they had come into the barn and the baby came back out with them. He was following them - none of them were his mother. Got all of them in the lot and called the others down. Baby got under a gate and latched onto his mom when she came down. Got her and the baby north of the house and fed her some. Maybe if I can keep them together for a while, she'll take him with her. If he's asleep and they leave the barn, he doesn't know where they've gone. If the heifers and little bulls were still here I wouldn't have felt comfortable being around all the girls but with just them, I do. Probably should have gotten Gray Lady up but this means she'll calve again in nine months so she'll be kept here.

    It was chilly when I was out - didn't have much rain this afternoon but 1.6" earlier today. Guess my rain gauge isn't broken after all.

    Sara, the lemon cake was good, just not very lemony. Maybe that's because it was Meier lemons and I probably didn't use enough glaze.

    Zetta, I made some potato soup today. It was cooler and will be for a few days and I just felt like soup - really good - so, I'll be having potato soup for three or four days. Good thing I like leftovers.

    Time for the news and weather so I'll stop for tonight. Hope all of you can sleep well tonight and feel better tomorrow. Maybe it's just me - but, I love this thread and the fact that it's brought all of us together. We truly care about each other and worry when one of us isn't well. Guess you could say we're family. See you all tomorrow.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 524
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    Lorita I couldn't agree more, I love this thread also. While I don't post on it often, I do read it frequently and certainly care about each one here. As I've grown older, dare I say more mature, I do understand that family is a very broad term. It isn't defined by blood relative, as I'd thought. Our personal 'blood' family is very small & frankly unaccepting of Don's diagnosis. However, our family - friends and such is quite large. That we care for one another here is simply another family.

    We had quite the storm blow through yesterday afternoon. Heavy winds and rain plus hail. Our hail was smaller than a golf ball but it came down with quite a force. I'd not replaced the hot tub cover from the last hail storm so that's a bonus. I'll have a roofer come and look at the roof, but I won't be using a storm chaser, as we call them. I'm hoping its ok. Its such a headache dealing with insurance, then the roofing company. The replacement noise is awful and then there is the huge expense. Ya, I've hoping not to be replacing a roof anytime soon.

    The storm ushered in beautiful blue clear sky and a north breeze, which is unheard of in May. I believe I'll venture out and at least look up at the roof to see if I can see any damage, then the patio swing and a cup of tea is calling me. I hope everyone is feeling better today.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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