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Just need to talk to my friends (190)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Thanks, Marie, I was having that problem, too.

    Joan, glad you're having a good day. Tell me how to watch your Eagles I think they're cute, too.

    Sorry but this frustrating. I paragraph ed and lost h4. Has anyone discovered how to delete a post you've decided not to post?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Now what have I done I can't see any posts except my last one??

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Okay, realized our thread had gone to page 6 so couldn't see page 5 until I clicked on it.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited April 2023

    Good evening,

    Long day, we had an appreciation dinner for volunteers this evening. Enjoyed dinner with the other volunteers.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    Oh dear, even when using the Bold function from my laptop, the size of the font changes and is smaller when I Post.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Seems like it's feast or famine. I typed "morning", then paragraphed and had to redo the size. It's really big but seems like it's always smaller when it's posted. I'm seeing fewer posts so maybe we're thinking it's not worth the effort to try to figure it out - maybe that's just me whining.

    It's a beautiful morning. Toad or Mike fed the girls this morning - lots of the smaller calves didn't even bother to go up to the feed. I went to the mailbox about an hour ago and everyone was down in the pasture grazing. There was one cow - Penny, Jr. - babysitting with five little ones. When I drove by they started running along with the pickup - so cute seeing those babies racing. Sort of concerned Penny though. The grass is green, the sky is blue, it's warm and there isn't much wind. What else could we wish for except rain for northern and western Oklahoma. They're still in severe drough - still hauling water for their cattle. The weather this morning said there has been 410 tornados so far this year and we're just into April.

    So, paragraphed again and had to "redo" everything. Jo, why not ask the admin. if we can go back to what we had before - that seemed to work just fine. Have they said why we had to have this change?

    Got the paperwork into the electric coop about my losses. Probably will be a long time before they get everything settled. I guess I'll get another TV for the bedroom and have Directv bring out an HD receiver instead of the standard one I have and they can hook it up. The carpenter is supposed to come later this week to fix the side of the cowshed door at the barn, replace the bottom of one of the columns on the porch and I want him to see if he can fix the closet doors in the bedroom. They're heavy sliding doors and when they replaced the floor they took them off including the thing on the floor that keeps they in line so now when I open the doors they're either hard to open or close and I'm afraid they're going to come off the track. He said he couldn't find another one of those things, whatever they're called. Called Bryon yesterday about mowing - he called this morning and will be out this weekend. He'll try to mow the yard after he picks up limbs and trims shrubs. He has a teenage son who is really into baseball so he'll be busy with tournaments this summer. Luckily this weekend is free. I'd like to move some of the Star of Bethleham plants so they won't get mowed but I imagine the ground is pretty hard to dig them up. A few weeks ago I mentioned the old house-place south of us where we dug up some tiny daffodils - I drove by there a while back and didn't see any of them. Was down that way earlier this week and they were everywhere - in full bloom. Maybe after Bryon mows some I can figure out where to put some of them. I've noticed at least three of my clematis have leafed out - not sure about the others yet. My maple tree I was worried about is leafed out and I think I see some tiny leaf buds on the Royal Empress trees - nothing yet on the Magnolia or three of the holly bushes. Crepe myrtles and Althea are leafing out - and so are the Heavenly Bamboo. In fact there are five little ones that have come up from the roots around one of them. I'd like to move them to the north side of the house where we lost the shrubs. I'm so sorry about this long paragraph - just easier to keep typing instead of resetting the bold and size of the font. There has to be an easier way.

    Sara, how nice of the hospital to have the appreciation dinner for the volunteers. I know you all are a big help. When I worked at our VA Hospital the volunteers were so much help - to take patients to different places and everything else. I don't think I've mentioned it but Karen, the friend we lost a few years ago, was secretary in Voluntary and Chaplain Service.

    Still giving Lilly and Max and the GPs medication. I have to crush and dissolve l l/1 pills for Max, one pill and a dropperful of medication for Lilly and a pill each (in cheese) for Sheena and Stormy. Had trouble with Max this morning - he didn't want to take his medicine. This will continue for another week. Everyone's asleep right now. Let the GPs out about MN, woke up at 3 and heard Sheena barking so got them back inside. I think she hears wolves and is barking at them. Nothing else going on so I'll stop. Please excuse the long paragraphs. I do hope this can be made easier. I know my font is large but it may print smaller. I click on H2 and H5 to get this size and bold. Trial and error, trial and error.

    Ron, hope things are well with you and Lou. I think you all are having pretty weather, too. Hope all the rest of you are well. I'll try to see what's going on with the little eagles after while. It's almost noon - where did the morning go. Jo, you were up bright and early this morning. Enjoy the rest of the day. May be back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good afternoon all!

    Yes this new site is hard to get used to, but we can't get discouraged...need to press on...our "family" is more important. I just tried something different about the font size and bolding. Wrote all in what is the default and then highlighted before I did the double left click to select the "H3". It changed all of it at once.

    Lorita, I meant to mention this last week when I took Mother to PT. Drive takes me past some pretty country with lots of black cattle. Saw 6 or 8 little ones all "taking their rest" with several larger ones watching over them...so cute. Weather here is spring time so they are getting fresh grass to eat now. Your reports about your place and your animals has made me more appreciative of the scenery I pass on the long trip.

    Not much going on here except crocheting items for daughter to take to a local sale next week. I don't usually do animals, but did a bunch of jellyfish...they were pretty easy. Now working on a dino...hope he looks ok when done.

    Hope all are doing well and have good weather and good health.

    Hugs, Marie

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Good morning. Lorita, the eagle watching site is on Facebook. Just search for Glenwood Springs Bald Eagle Nest. It has still pictures and videos. It’s fun to see them moving around.

    Nothing major going on here. I need to go to pharmacy to get booster shots for pneumonia and tetanus. We have a big covid breakout at one of our assisted living homes. Sure hope they contain it and it doesn’t spread further.

    Sara, how nice you volunteers got treated to a nice dinner. That sounds fun. I’m sure the hospital appreciates the time you put in.

    I’m off to get a few things accomplished here. I’ll check in later. Have a good day. Joan

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning All.

    Lorita. I totally understand why your paragraphs are long, mine will be long as well. I hate all this change. I have not been posting a lot because I am learning what everyone else is doing. At least I am trying to.

    Sara. That was nice you had a appreciation dinner to go to and be honored as a volunteer. You're a good person for all the things you do for the hospital, your mother, J and others.

    Ron. I hope all is well with you and Lou. You will miss littlebit for a long time but hopefully the sadness has dwindled a bit. I still miss all my little fur babies but it did take a while and I still have memories of them around the house.

    Lorita. You are a real good mama to all your fur babies, the big and the small ones. I really hope I never have to give medicine to my younger cat Emmy, she is so skittish any loud noise or anything different and even if I try to pick her up, she panics. She will sleep in bed with me as long as I don't try to pick her up, but she will let me pet her.

    It looks like the eagles I have been watching may not be laying any more eggs. They are still working on the nest, and everyone is keeping fingers crossed but so far nothing.

    Take care all hopefully we get this figured out, if only they would go back to the other way, but I don't even think they are listening to all our concerns. I do appreciate any learning tips I pick up on our threads.

    Hugs Zetta

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita. When you get a minuet go into Jackies and Shadows nest and see how Shadow has arranged all the big sticks he has been bringing in. He has made a wall all around the nest. Sometimes Jackie will come in and try to rearrange, and Shadow will put it all back the way he wants it. They are so smart. 🦅 🦅 😍 If you go back, you will be able to see Shadow bring in a big stick this morning and put it right where he wanted it. They are so sweet.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    Has been a beautiful day. Eating supper on porch for first time this year.

    Zetta you are always saying kind things to others. There is still kind people, they just seem not to get much attention.

    They mowed my grass for first time .

    My BIL came and got all the landscape rocks from around two of the trees they will be cutting. He also took all the irises except for two small clumps I planted by the peonies . Got hoops around my peonies so hopefully they will stand tall and proud this year.Got front yard ready now will work on back yard. My nephew helped me today.

    Take care all

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions
    edited April 2023

    Haven't been on much lately, but still try to keep up the best I can.

    Zetta, your right about missing your pet for a long time. I try to stay busy, but everytime I see something that reminds me of him, certain times if the day, dog calendar on the wall, pet commercials......I tear up. I grew up with the old saying; men dont cry, bull....I'm a perfect example. Veterinarian office sent a nice card today! Lou still hasn't mentioned him being gone.

    Finally heard back from my PCP; according to her my test were within normal range and no changes on ekg from previous. She did send a consult for sleep study, but not cardiologists. I mentioned that i was aware that web research could be misleading, but was concerned about the concentric left ventricle hypertrophy. Even though its mild what I understand you still find out why and treat. I also have not heard why after over 40 years of taking blood pressure medicine, it's now under control without the medication with no lifestyle changes.

    I have a appointment with pulmonologist friday which is under the community care program. Even though he's not a cardiologists, I will ask his opinion.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron, so glad your tests were good. Good luck with your appt. Friday.

    It will take a long time to get over your loss. I still miss all of ours.

    Have you thought about another fur baby or maybe it's too soon.

    Morning, I started this yesterday but didn't finish.

    I just paragraphed and had to do all of the font and bold again. Aggravating - makes you lose what you were about to type. Guess I'm in a fussy mood this morning. Marie, how did you do that again? When you paragraphed did you have to do it all over again to make the font larger and also bolder? When I typed this it was large, now it's changed to smaller.

    Joan, thanks for the information about the eagle's nest. Do you watch them often? I've looked at the one at Dale Hollow - I think there were three little ones to begin with. I worried about the smallest one and when I checked I didn't see him. There's one in Decorah and still no eggs at Big Bear. I think there's two in Bartlesville. I read somewhere there are 300 eagle's nests in Oklahoma.

    Just got Sheena inside. It's so pretty they're wanting to stay out and are staying out at night. I think the girls have gone into the barn where they stay during the day in the summertime. Stormy has chewed on the metal hose again to the water tank in the garden. I have to figure out something to prevent that. Day, I found a two hour Denim & Co. show with Jane Brown this morning so have been watching that - pretty clothes. I'm so sorry but I'm going to continue with this paragraph before I get too upset. Jerry, the carpenter didn't make it today - maybe tomorrow. One thing I forgot to mention to him is fixing the closet doors. I have costochondritis and pushing and pulling on those heavy doors is not going to work. If he can't find the thing that goes on the floor, don't know what to do. When the other carpenters did their work they said you had to buy the doors to get the piece - so may have to do that.

    Is H2 bold and H-3 thru H-5 the size of the font? Glad you all are noticing the cows grazing on the pretty green grass. Ours are so enjoying it. Wish I could figure out a way to let them graze in the yard (at least one or two) but it's so hard to get them back out again. Wanted to tell you all something that happened years ago. We had a cow with a new baby and she wanted to go to the others. She started toward them and there was someone's big dog between she and the others. She was afraid to pass the dog so one of the cows from the herd came over to her and walked back with her to the rest of them. She came to help to protect the baby if needed. A lot of people think they're just old, dumb cows when they see them in the pastures. But, they're not - they are very smart, learn easily and take good care of their babies. When you have a herd it's like their family - they grieve when one passes away and always come over to see the new additions. Okay, enough of that - I just like cows.

    Nothing going on here this morning. I want to move some of the Star of Bethleham plants that are in the grass - moved one a while ago and the ground is very hard. Hard to believe that after all the mud we've had. Need to cut the dead wood out of the roses and move the Heavenly Bamboo but think it would be better to wait until we get some rain.

    I'm going to stop for now. Seems like none of us are posting as much as we did. Maybe Jo will find out how this problem (at least a problem to me) can be solved so it's easier. I'm sure there must be an easy fix - See you all later. Oh, and it looks like we won't have to worry about starting a new segment of the thread.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    And slowly we learn.

    Beautiful day here...wish I could work outside but holding on to the rollator and working just does not work well at all...lol

    Not one of the 100 tulip bulbs bloomed. What a disappointment. Oh well, I will get the beds cleaned out and just put in some white vinca. I like mothing in the winter except some good black soil.

    The crab apple is still resting on the house. Maybe tomorrow it will be removed.

    Met this morning with a man to do the "as built". Hopefully my design will work within accurate measurements. The work on the "plunge" pool is almost finished and it is a huge improvement. It went from yuk to ahh. Good for selling. Now for some more of those moments.

    Zoom meeting in a few minnutes to go over grant proposals to the OK Arts Council. It has been way too much work to be on the review panal so never again. You would be surprised at the inability to write a proposal that asks for money. Really surprised. It will be very interesting to see who actually gets funding.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi, been Reading on some other threads.Iris, I wanted to read what you posted to the admin but could never find it. There are people who are unhappy about the change in format. I also had found you can't delete a post or get rid of one you don't want to post by editing. Just seemed like everything was much easier before - people who were caregiving could come here and get answers to their questions without having to figure out how to do it.

    Judith, sorry about your white tulips. Did they make foliage? If they did, they might bloom next year if you leave the foliage until it dies. I also like vinca - I try to always plant it in the pink bathtub - I get pink ones. Didn't have any last year but maybe this year. Judith, what's a plunge pool? Is this the flip house you're talking about? Did the tree do any damage to your roof when it fell?

    This is what frustrates me. I think of something I want to write, paragraph, then have to try to get the font size and bold so sometimes I forget what I wanted to say - guess that's my advanced age showing up. I guess we'll (I'll) finally get used to it.

    Fedex is delivering to the front porch - guess my call did some good. I ordered some things this past weekend and they made three deliveries out of it - guess things come from different warehouses. I'm going to stop - tired of fooling with this right now. Still haven't figured out is H2 is bold or what - I always have to click on H2 and H5. I wonder why this was changed - we never had to deal with that before. Jo, did you ever get answers to your questions about the new format?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Judith sorry about your tulips. Here a lot of times, things such as chipmunks eat the bulbs.

    you’ll have to share pictures of house when complete.

    Lorita the typing thing is wearisome. Hear no one else c/o this but for me when I start a new paragraph it doesn’t capitalize the first letter. All I do is hit H3, but we should not have to do that for every paragraph it seems. Try to just deal with it and not let it frustrate me. Hope those closet doors get figured out.

    another beautiful day.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    edited April 2023

    Hello All! Sorry the "upgrade" has been so difficult for many. I am just using the type (font) that is automatic. If I remember, I can bold it by highlighting and then hitting bold on my computer itself. I am not too concerned about font - but do hope all can read what I write, that it's not too small for your eyes.

    I'm traveling! Currently in Miami - to be more specific, South Beach. People watching here is amazing. Saw quite a few VERY skimpy bathing suits. Not a fan.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    To edit.....go to the to of your post...go to right hand corner....click on the three dots

    Yes, I have tulip 'leaves". Just no blossoms.

    Correction. I will plant Impatiens.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    I am not positive, but I think the H1, etc. are in bold because they are for headings. Once you move to a new paragraph, they unbold. It still works to type with them. Mim still trying to figure this out too. I use my computer’s bold and it is fine. I noticed too that when I start a new paragraph, the first letter isn’t capitalized. Crazy little problems.

    I don’t watch the eagles too much, but noticed today that they are all fuzzy, so are getting feathers. Cute little things.

    It’s a little windy today and cloudy. We’re expecting a storm tomorrow.

    Have fun traveling Beth. I’m sure it’s nice and warm in Florida.

    Have a nice rest of the day. Joan

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,364
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    Good morning.

    It's a perfect spring day here. My cherry tree and forsythia are in full bloom out back and my magnolia has gone nuts out front.

    It's time to mow. I need to see if my little lawn tractor starts. 🤞 My son does most of the mowing these days but he's working today so I might do the front to make it look presentable.

    I need to have 2 or 3 dead trees removed, too, Sayra. Two of them are Eastern Mountain Ash that were unintentional weed-trees that happened under the watch of the previous owners (my parents) and are diseased. The other is a White Pine planted by the builder some 35 years ago.

    I ran my mom in to see her optometrist yesterday. She's been clumsier than usual and isn't reading. Her baseline vision is pretty bad, and she lost her glasses again. She has a number of pair but these had magnetic clip-ons and were her favorite. This is the second pair in 5 years to go missing. She has some serious ADHD and I suspect she throws them away with her piles of magazines and catalogs.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    When I open a thread, it opens on text beneath the writer, so I have absolutely no context of what is being discussed until I scroll up to see the author.

    Lorita, on the other board I had posted that I was very unhappy with the new changes and that I had felt like I was a pawn in a game. I since found out that the new changes are a type of gaming platform, with "points" and "likes" and other things to keep the users ( that's us) engaged and wanting to compete with each other for more points. We are not here to play games, we are here because we have had devastation occur in our lives from dementia and needed some way of dealing with it. We want help and support, not whimsy and games. I posted that I felt manipulated and felt less motivation to post. I was told by the moderator that my feedback was not welcome, they only want questions.

    So that's that. All the questions that they answer are that they are satisfied with the new system and they are not going to change except maybe enlarge the font.

    I responded to a new member this morning, clicked "post comment", but it never posted--when I came back, it was in draft form. I finally posted, hours later. What a system!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Beth hope you have a nice vacation.

    Deer think tulip buds and day lily buds are candy.

    Marie think today is your birthday. Happy Birthday🎂💐

    Good luck with those trees HB, they aren’t giving nice weather next week so will see if that delays the process for me.

    Busy day hope to stop back later

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions


    Don't give up on your tulips yet. The leaves come up first, then the flower stem emerges later.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    edited April 2023

    Testing - trying to post a photo on new format. A past garden and butterfly photo. Not sure why you have to click link to see it. Others, when they post pics, they come up automatically. Oh well. It does work if you click on it.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Thank you Sayra for the birthday wishes...76 today. It is also the one year anniversary of my father's passing.

    Will spend the day quietly with my kitty Smokie. Had early birthday dinner out with my mother yesterday.

    Daughter and granddaughter are taking mother on road trip...to see my ailing aunt and then to the cemetery. It will be a long day for all of them as daughter will have to take mother home and then backtrack to her home 1 1/2 hrs.

    Hope the weather is fine for all of you and you feel fit as a fiddle...lol.

    Hugs, Marie

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Beth. Your photo is beautiful. I love that butterfly.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Good Morning Rockers.

    Iam still trying to figure all this out. If you look at my profile hopefully my email does not show up. When I look at it it shows up. ????

    Iris. You were so right with what you said, I feel there will be no change.

    You're all in my thoughts as we work through this mess.

    Hugs Zetta

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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