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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Marie, that little dog is beautiful. Any little kid would love to cuddle it. You are so good at making pretty things. Who will get this little guy? Thanks for posting the picture.

    Forgot to tell you all - a few days ago I was driving by the pond in what used to be the hog pasture and this big goose ran out of the water and along the ground like it was trying to fly but couldn't. I drove on and when I came back I saw the mother goose in the pond swimming with three little ones. Don't know what happened to them but today I saw three or four geese take off from the big pond. Maybe they moved them to the bigger pond. Also, I've heard a bull frog the last couple of days. We used to have a lot of bullfrogs but haven't heard one until now. Love to hear them.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning front porch friends! I actually slept 7 hours except for my normal prostate get up and go.

    I dont have a lot of a activities and life events to share on our porch, but this is the main reason I come to Lorita's front porch; their is so much going on here I can live a life through my friends eyes.

    Haven't made up my mind yet about Lou's birthday dinner. Her birthday being on Sunday I'm not sure about after church crowds at red Lobster. That is where she loves to eat and just might do her dinner on friday are Saturday.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Morning, Ron, I think having Lou's birthday dinner on Saturday afternoon might be a really good idea. I remember Charles got to the point he didn't like to be around crowds so we eventually stopped going to restaurants and opted for drive-ins. Don't think Lou is there yet but the fewer people and commotion the better for her - and you because you could relax more.

    I'm with you - I don't get out much - had rather be here at home with the dogs, cats and cows. I was around people all the time for over 33 years so I've had my share although I do like people and conversing with them.

    It's a beautiful morning here. I got up at 7 anxious to see if mom had come back to get her baby last night. I went to bed at MN and hadn't heard her bawl so was a bit worried. When I went out on our porch I didn't see cow one but decided I'd check the barn. Everyone was already in there - really early. Guess maybe to get their place for the day. Kept looking and saw Susie - seems to be doing all right. Then I saw the baby with mom. For some reason they're staying in the bigger - probably darker - part of the barn instead of the cowshed. I may open the back doors and shutters today but I know they're going in there to be in the dark away from the flies.

    I don't have a back rubber now but told Mike if he'd bring one and some insecticide I'd put it up. Hope he does this weekend. He said flies are really bad this year and nothing seems to work. I think backrubbers are the best and easiest thing to use. We used to get them all up in the lot and spray them - not safe and it excites them so we stopped doing that and put up backrubbers.

    Internet, here, is very slow this morning - was getting worried that something was wrong but it finally came on. I think I'm going to have to order another weather radio - this one doesn't seem to be working today and when it storms and the TV goes out, I rely on it.

    I'll stop for now and find something for breakfast. Need to find the new float valve and put it on the water tank in the lot - the one that was on it quit working.

    Enjoy the day. Again, Ron, I think your idea is a good one - Lou will enjoy the birthday dinner at Red Lobster more and so will you if it's quieter without so many people.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    I agree...I would go to Red Lobster mid afternoon on Saturday. I do not think Sunday would be enjoyable at all.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited May 2023

    . . . you are very kind in honoring Lou's birthday, Mr. Ron. I agree with the others; best to avoid crowds for Lou as much as possible considering the issues that have cropped up. Best birthday for her would be to feel calm and good.

    The most important treat is the food . . . . if it seems that Lou may not be going to be in a positive frame of mind for being away from home, another option would be to skip being inside the restaurant and instead order it on the phone as takeout; once you arrive with it home she can enjoy the tasty favorite meal while feeling calm and secure in her environment. A "just in case" idea.

    Marie, those crocheted figures are adorable! My favorite is Mr. Penguin and the dog looks cuddly. What talent you have! Do you sell these figures at Christmas Bazaars? They look like they would go over very well as they are unique and as said, adorable.

    We used to see geese flying in their V formation from time to time out here, but I just realized after what you wrote, Lorita, I have not seen that in years. Used to love to watch them and could also hear them. Too much city now. We have multiple parks in our small city with man made lakes and every once in awhile we find ducks swimming about in them. Used to have multiple dairies owned mostly by the Dutch dairy farmers, but they too are now all gone. Too bad really, it was nice to have them even though summer time brought interesting odors. (My mother used to say that it was a "healthy smell", and she wasn't even a farm girl.) Loved to see the cows and especially watching calves being born and standing up for the first time. The dairy owners sold their lands for BIG money and houses, businesses, a city civic center, parks , huge library, schools and a large and smaller malls were built. Actually; an entire city was built upon those dairy lands and vegetable farm lands. It happened very quickly. The dairy folks took their dairy farms to another city a few hours away, but that too ended up the very same way; land is extremely valuable out here. It is rather sad to lose the nature of things.

    DHs lower back is horrifically painful; he is miserable; Ibuprofen not helping. I feel so bad for him. He has to go for an MRI on Saturday - they want him to have two mgs. of Ativan 45 minutes prior to the procedure. Just hope he can stand lying flat on a hard surface for the duration of the MRI considering the level of back pain. We shall see. He does not want to have back surgery as they often come with negative effects, and spine injections are an option but they too have their own risks. He is a diabetic, so injection with a steroid may ramp up his blood sugar which would have to be watched. We shall see. We have a two story house and it kills him walking down the stairs on each step, BUT he stubbornly refuses to use the stair lift which is in very good order and easy and no pain. I softly suggested being careful and taking modification steps during the acute phase of the pain flare, but that's not accepted. Does what he wants and the effects are what they are. If it isn't one thing . . . . I simply stay quiet; no nagging or commenting. He is an intelligent man and he knows. Sigh.

    It is a sleepy day again today. I woke up about 3:00 am and never went back to sleep, so I am a yawning machine. Think I will go take a shower and shampoo and hope that energizes me; it's almost 1:30 my time. If not feeling energized, I am going to simply stay put with a good book and be a lazy person for the rest of the day. Will probably sleep well tonight.

    Off I go to get me spiffed up . . .


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Marie your little animals are so cute. Especially like the snowman.

    Lorita I would love a big piece of cake too. Like to sit on your porch and watch the cattle.

    Appreciate all prayers Joan. Notice small improvements almost every day.

    Got registered with anesthesia today via telehealth. Glad my sister could help me with that.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    The photographs are wonderful. This new site is worth it to have them.

    Geese everywhere in my "bubble"....year round.

    Jo...I know how you hate having your husband hurting so and having no way to help.

    Everyone feeling poorly, take it easy in order to mend as quickly as possible.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Marie, your creations are incredible!!! Thanks for sharing photos so we all can marvel at your talent. 😊

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Don’t know how I missed so many posts when I posted earlier.

    Ron lucky Lou, being taken to Red Lobster for her birthday.

    Canadian geese are thick as thieves here. They fly in the V formation.

    zetta how were your work days?

    Sorry JoC, know this is as hard on you too.

    yes the photographs now are so superior to the old ones.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    Thank you for the comments on the animals. I have just started making them recently to help create an inventory for daughter who will be participating in a Christmas Craft sale in October.

    It seems the dinos are a big hit...have created a "herd" of them in the last couple of months...lol...each of the great grands got one!

    Sure wish that all who are feeling unwell could get some relief...it is so difficult to get thru the day when not feeling up to par.

    Please each of you take best care of yourself.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Today is my first day alone. I’m doing well. Just taking my time. I did one load of laundry. Swept four rooms, cooked rice, chicken and flat bread. I’ve tolerated it well. Going to take a nap after dinner and go from there. hope to plant two more petunias lol.

    felt like I might do better alone and know my sister would be right back if I need her. Will go to her house two evenings a week for supper and my other sister has me for supper one day. That will be a nice break til I’m driving and get totally back to normal. Anyway it is an encouraging day.

    hope all of you are doing ok and getting a little encouragement.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    edited May 2023


    Sara, it sounds like you may be doing a bit too much - sweeping is hard work. Please take it easier and rest a lot. You've been through a lot lately.

    Marie, just saw the other two little animals you made - my computer took a while to show the whole pictures. They are absolutely beautiful. I would like to be able to create things like you do - you're an artist for sure.

    Beth, also just saw (yesterday) the pictures of your wisteria. How beautiful they are. The pergola reminded me that years ago daddy was in a NH for a while and in the back there was an open area for the patients with a pergola that had wisteria growing over the top. It was also beautiful and made a pretty good shade, too. My wisteria has grown up into a Royal Empress tree so it blooms way up high. I usually find pieces of the blooms that have fallen off but no blooms this year - nor in the Royal Empress trees either. Our drought last year did lots of damage.

    Zetta, how are you doing - I think you work this evening. Haven't seen a post lately - hope you're okay.

    Last night before I was ready to go to bed I went in to get another piece of chocolate cake, tried to open the silverware drawer to get a fork and it wouldn't open. I tried and tried to no avail. It only opened enough to get my hand in, partway. So had to take everything out of it piece by piece - even had to cut up the small, plastic tray I have in front of the bigger cutlery tray, also plastic. Finally got everything out but the tray, then found a long knife right at the side of the drawer that had it wedged in. The backs of my hands hurt like crazy - thought they'd be black and blue this morning but they're not. I found more things in there that I hadn't thought of in years - small knifes galore, bottle openers, everything you can think of - and more. Amazing how much can be put into drawers and forgotten. Now I have to go through all of that and get rid of lots of it and store the others. I had parts of three or four sets of stainless steel so I'm only going to keep maybe 4-6 of knives, forks and spoons and big spoons and try to keep it organized. I found knives I hadn't seen since I put them in there years ago. What a mess. I pity the person that has to go through this stuff and dispose of it.

    In our storage building over the cellar we had put an old deep freeze and I think I put two or three sets of dishes in there along with some of mother's quilts. There's no way I can even get in it to see what's there because things have been piled on top of it. I doubt I can even get into the big storage boxes where I keep my winter work coats. When they replaced the utility room floor they took things out there and it's piled in front of it. Summer will be too hot to do anything with it so maybe this fall before it gets too cold. Seems like it's either too hot or too cold to do things anymore.

    Last evening I drove down in the PU to see how all the girls were and no new baby - so checked the barn and mom had let her in there so closed gates and waited for her to come back to get her baby. A little after 9 p.m. I heard a low noise when I was out on the porch - mom calling her baby so went out and baby was at the fence. Let her through and she got her supper so guess they went back down to graze during the night. Everyone was in the barn when I got up - they're going in before 7 and staying until about 5, then graze all night and sleep during the day. Trying to decide if I want to open the back doors - maybe one side or part of one side so air will flow through. I know they're in there in the dark to get away from the flies so don't want to ruin that for them.

    They made new shutters - five or six - for the cowshed and I need to paint them, too. The main trim on the barn is white with green accents - same with the corral - white with green gates. Lots of painting to do. Corral really needs it again but no way would I even attempt to do that. When we originally had it painted we found a guy who did it for under $500 with us supplying paint and paint gloves and brushes, etc. He really went through the gloves. You wear them, dip them in paint and then rub the paint on. They also can spray on the paint but I think that's wasteful. Also still haven't painted the corners and things made with pipe when we had all the new fences made. Does everything ever get done? I doubt it.

    Better stop and go out and see about the water in the lot - the float valve quit working and I know I have a new one so need to put it on. Also need to feed Stormy and Sheena and give them their medicine. Lilly was a pill this morning when I gave her medicine - Max did all right.

    Watched a good softball game yesterday - Oklahoma State played the Oregon Ducks - OSU won. University of Oklahoma plays today so hope I can find it to watch. Hope all of you are well this morning. Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Sayra...I agree, you are doing too much.

    Lorita...same for you and please do not store anything else. When we die someone is just going to rent a dumpster...lol. I am still going through closets and only keeping a bare minimum.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sara, please take it easy, just relax in your designated front porch rocker and talk to your friends. We care!

    Lorita, first thing that popped into my mind was.....dang, she sure wanted that piece of chocolate cake bad.

    Jo C., hadn't been very good here lately. One day it's going smooth, the next day I want to scream bloody murder. Night before last I actually slept 7 hours, last night between 2 to 3 hours. I believe I'll take your suggestion of take out on Red Lobster for her birthday. If we go to church I can pick it up after church and if I cant get her to go to church, I can still go get it for home.

    I've got several VA appointments in June; primary care, cancer, oxygen, Urologist and I believe hearing and maybe dental. Not sure about last two, they wanted cardiology and primary care clearance before the lower implants.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    You guys are right. I did too much and now have palpitations. I have to learn to be bored.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited May 2023

    Um-m-m-; Sayra, you are a dear and independent person who is a "doer," I know what it feels like to be on the upswing after having been SO sick, but dear Sayra, it is probably too much too soon. Your body is still evolving and in recovery at the cellular level from literally near death septicemia, that was quite an assault on your body; your immune system may also not yet be working at its highest level and is in the process of getting there. Probably best to take it easier to lower risk at this point and also NOT to be working in the dirt right now . . . you have an important procedure that is scheduled in an O.R. in just 10 days. Most important right now is to have your body continue to be healthy for that procedure in which you will have general anesthesia and will have some recovery from that. Not best to work in the dirt right now to expose yourself to dangerous microbes that abound unseen; that are unbelievably microscopically teensy but come with all sorts of ways to work their way into a host. There will be time for that dirt digging and planting after all is taken care of and you are a bit past all the medical folderol. We care very much; please take good care.

    Ron; I am truly so very sorry that you are exhausted from lack of being able to sleep, from being over stressed, from your own multiple health issues, and all else. What is hard to recognize and even harder to accept is that things cannot continue as they always have been in the past and that the situation will continue to worsen and we, ourselves become ill because of that high level of constant stress and exhaustion from constant care on a 24 hour basis, seven days a week. When we finally realize in honesty within ourselves and accept that we cannot continue to do what we always have and expect it to benefit our LO and ourselves any longer is when we understand we need to make difficult decisions and sometimes they actually turn out to be best for our Loved Ones; something we never thought would be.

    I would like to think Ron, that there are ways you can be the loving, doting husband who is not exhausted and whose physical conditions could be doing better because you are not the 24/7 overwhelmed, over exhausted person. If one finds an acceptable alternative, one can be present in person, well rested, as much as one wishes or can be that loving spouse without the helatious effect upon oneself. I have seen this work well. Just putting it out there for thought. It is not giving up, it is giving to your LO as well as yourself. Of course there are a variety of options, but the options become less and less as the disease advances and the behaviors become more florid and continue on not just during the day but at night on most all days; the LO's badly damaged brain does not follow a clock or calendar. Hopefully, Lou will permit you to take her to church. But if she balks at this, it makes it the third time she has done so in recent days and it would indicate that it is probably no longer a positive but rather a negative dynamic for her to be out amongst people and too much activity. Perhaps that nice lady that helps could come Sunday mornings to permit you to attend church with your new church family. You deserve whatever moments of respite you can glean for yourself and would in all probability be the better for it.

    Lorita, jfkoc's comment about a dumpster is absolutely true. We had a lovely elderly lady who was a casual friend whose home was lovely; she had collected a lot over the years. She actually had a collection of decorative bird houses that were really unique and very pretty. She died suddenly. Her adult kids came; hired a dumpster and literally threw away everything. Furniture went, her collections and clothing and household goods went. I was shocked and felt horrible; she had so treasured her collections and belongings, but into the trash dumpster they went. I think they actually had two or three huge dumpster loads rather than donate which felt awful.

    Our DIL's father suddenly died of a heart attack last month. His house will soon be put on the market. His three adult children are scheduling a big dumpster and are planning to just dump pretty much everything. DIL did find someone to donate clothing to, but the brothers will not save anything and she cannot take items herself as she has no need and no room. Boxes of goods will be tossed without emotion. It is what is. I imagine our kids would also find they want to toss a lot. Or will sell things at a miniscule fraction of their worth as they probably will not know. It will have ceased to be anything to us as we will be gone; just feels odd. I think I need to label some items and some smalls as to where they came from. There is much history in some items through the families. Stuff - it is just stuff - yet; some "stuff" has sentimental and family value that someone may enjoy.

    If I were wise, I would liquidate things and donate to favorite charities. Whatever is left will be taken out of the credit unions or sold and the house sold and divided amongst our four children. if you are planning to donate to charity as you have mentioned, Lorita, it would be best to make that appointment with your attorney asap before the heat of summer makes driving a distance an issue and get everything into place including making him/her your executor.

    You can also give paperwork to the doctor spelling out your Advance Directives and DPOA and HIPPA Waiver. You can put them in an envelope and post the info on your refrigerator and also find out if rescue workers have the capability to put names of significant others in electronic files. As it is; you can let Mike know the name of your attorney so he knows that information. Sarah would not have an easy time being a primary person for obvious reasons, so she would not have to know. The attorney could have a list of people's names and contacts for when the times comes so he can notify those who need to know. He should have the doctor's name and contact number and the doctor should have the attorney's name and contact number in his file.

    You could get a bracelet or necklace with a tag that lets you put in your attorney executor name as well as your doctor's name and contact numbers. Just trying to think of ways you could get this in order; BUT it needs to be done asap; probably within the month. Time is fleeting; things happen to us when we least expect it. If one is ill and cannot return home; the executor with the DPOA, etc. could make plans for care needs. Hopefully your attorney is not in late elderly years. If so, then he/she may have a younger partner who could be secondary executor. It is such a bothersome thing, but necessary.

    On such uplifting notes I will sign off before I depress anyone any further.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    You are so right JoC. I am going to behave better. I did wear disposable gloves , my hands were clean when I took gloves off but no more playing in dirt for now. It is very hard for me to just set around but I must think of it as my medicine.

    appreciate all my caring friends

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    I think it is the doing that is depressing. Once done one can stop thinking about it.

    My children and grandchildren are taking things now that I really have no need for. I seem to make weekly trips to the Goodwill depository which, believe it or not, is only .5 miles from my home. I have few choices of what to wear in my closet but then I 90% of the time pull on knit pants (a bunch of black ones) a top and maybe a scarf if I am going somewhere. You know Katheryn Hepburn was said to only wear trousers.

    I have one pair of earrings and one bracelet. One pair of sunglasses, maybe 3 purses that I use, 3 pairs of shoes and one pair of sandals. I do have one formal outfit if needed. It works.

    Sayra...it would be good to do some non-physical things for a while. Keeping your mindbusy instead of your body.

    Ron....you too need to smell the roses. Lou is on a different page from you. Join her on hers just doing nothing except being together. You will not regret it. I cherish the doing nothing times I had with Dick.

    Beth...pics are turning me green.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited May 2023

    Jfkoc; I salute you! How I wish I had myself organized at that level; that is really awesome. My closet is a walk in and omigosh; I know I have things in there that are FAR too small and far too out of date and useless. I do need to manage to get someone to help drag stuff out and purge it. I did our kitchen when we had it redone and the living room tables and cabinets are done; but the rest of the house needs it. You are an inspiration and I hope to be as good as you some day. Guess it is time to get rid of the dozens of plastic Easter eggs we used in games and tons of wrapping paper and ribbon, and story books, and oodles of Christmas pillows, and kids games and just lots of stuff.

    Sayra; heavens, I just saw you had palpitations. Your body is talking to you! And; no more planting is good right now. One can inhale organisms from the dirt, so no more playing in the mud for you for awhile! (I will now go and slap my smart aleck mouth or at least my typing fingers.) Please, please, please take it easy and when feeling like being up and pushing a broom around; sit down again! It will take a little while; but you will work through this in tincture of time.

    Had the lady come to do cleaning today. It is a relief to have the big jobs done with entire house vacuumed upstairs and downstairs including the stair well and' floors washed and all three bathrooms done including the shower stall, etc. I do bathrooms in between cleaning visits. We are hopefully going to have this done every other week and see how that works out. Between my arthritis and DHs severely bad back, we need to keep the house up in whatever way we can and this seems to be it. I do nor have her change sheets due to time constraints, but that would be awfully nice if she had the time as it is something that is now quite difficult with running around and around the beds to get it done. Dratted bad knees and tendonitis. I used to strip and make the five beds each week when the kids were home before the joints went bad. Have to laugh at myself when I think how I thought i would NEVER have such things happen. Ah, youth!

    Speaking of joints, I saw a greeting card the other day . . . on the front of it was an actual black and white photograph of two old ladies dressed awfully scruffy. One old lady said to the other in a balloon; "My joints are too stiff." The second old lady said, "You're rolling them too tight." Took me a few seconds and then started laughing; it was unexpected.

    Chicken breast with rice and carrots tonight. Got some cherries that are pretty good, so that will be dessert.

    Exit stage left . . . .

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited May 2023


    Sara, do be careful. We all care about you and want the best for you.

    We are in drought, still, so I watered the gardens. It took me about 8 hours total and I started yesterday and finished today. Also did a dog walk and got groceries. Then went to cemeteries to place flowers on parents' and grandparents' graves. Will have our son and his family over tomorrow. I'm going to make burnt ends, baked beans, cut up some veggies and make a key lime pie.

    Zetta, haven't heard from you in awhile. Hope you're ok and the job is going well.

    Hugs to all, Beth

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi, So much to think about and to do. I realize the easiest thing to do is - nothing - but that won't work. I don't want what my parents worked for and what Charles and I worked for to be for nothing as far as what we want. Everything will go to maybe ten charities I routinely donate to - some for Sarah if she's still here. The PU will go to Bryan - as old as it is he has told me when I decide to sell it, he'd like to buy it.

    Judith, you're right, thinking about it and what to do is sort of depressing. But, a couple of years ago I made my final arrangements and paid for them so that's out of my mind and it really didn't bother me too much. In fact, it was a relief to have it taken care of and I know when I do this, it will also be a relief. I have a list of my account numbers and the charities I want to donate to so that much is done.

    Why would I need a HIPPA waiver? I've been reading about living wills and advance directives and those are things that are needed. I remember when we first started working with them in Social Work Service at the hospital. Didn't give it too much thought then - but, I was much younger and thought the time wouldn't come - but it's getting there. The hardest part will be to sell the farm to Mike. I think of the years of work my parents did to pay for it and the work Charles and I have done to improve it after they were gone. But, because I can still live here will be something - I won't be away from it, I hope. I know he'll take care of it. My wish is to leave this world here on the farm - like a friend of mine my fear is to do that and no one know about it. She retired and lived alone and her fear is that she would pass away and no one would know it so she sold her home and moved to a new retirement home in Kansas. I don't want to do that but who knows what time will bring. Enough of that for tonight - I get teary-eyed thinking about it.

    Went out to check the barn after the girls went to graze and the baby wasn't in there so drove down and saw him laying down in the grass close to his mom. The other new baby is just one of the boys now. You all should see them - they are so sweet. I watched as three tiny ones came out of the barn by themselves this afternoon. Last night I had closed gates and put an old backrubber and some boards under the gate they use when they come out of the barn - the last pipe is about high enough they could go under it if they really wanted out. They got close to the stuff on the ground, looked at it, backed up and tried to decide what to do - then the bravest one went over and the others followed and they all took off to be with their moms. That's just one thing that I would miss if I had to leave here - there are many others.

    What you all said about the dumpster is so true. That happened to our neighbor who lived across from us when we lived in the MH. He had fallen getting ready for Church - tried to put on his pants while standing. Broke his hip and never got to come home again. He had a niece in Chicago and she and her husband came down, rented a dumpster and in went all of his things except for a few things they kept. Carol has been getting rid of things for four years - she has three daughters and a son so has been giving things they wanted to them. She said the neighbor lady across the street from her passed away and her relatives brought in a huge dumpster and everything from her home went into it. She doesn't want that to happen to her things. Really something to think about - but, again, what difference does it really make? We've enjoyed them while we've been here and will have no further need of them. That's another way to look at it.

    I did a load of laundry today and decided I'd change our my winter gowns and robes for the summer ones and put away the thermal underwear and winter tops and pants so got that done. Did some of the same things yesterday so today and tonight both of my sides are hurting. That's what was happening when I was feeding - lifting the 50 lb. sacks of feed. Hard to pick up something and move it without twisting. But, it's done.

    I so need to do what you've done, Judith, go through the closets and get rid of things I no longer wear. They say you should get rid of or donate anything you haven't worn in the last three years. If I did that my closet would be in much better shape. I still have things I wore when I worked - over 28 years ago. I've mentioned before that I had an aunt who had only about four or five changes of clothes. They were well off so could afford whatever she wanted but she said she could only wear one outfit at once so only needed four or five. It would really be much better if we all thought like that - but, I'm still ordering things from QVC. Guess I should dress up every day to wear them I watch Leave it to Beaver and women who didn't work outside the home wore jewelry, dresses and heels. Times have changed.

    I'm beginning to ramble so I'll stop for tonight. Ron, I really did want that piece of cake - and it was worth the trouble. Sara, wish you were here so we could have a piece together - that goes for all of you wonderful friends. Sara, sleep well and tomorrow don't do anything except sit in your chair and read or nap. You need to rest. Ron, you need to do the same - good idea to get take-out and enjoy Lou's birthday luncheon at home where it's quiet and she's comfortable. Being around a lot of people gets to be too much for them - know it did for Charles.

    Thanks to all of you for your suggestions - they are taken to heart and will be acted upon. Our hot Oklahoma summer is getting nearer each day - in fact, will be in the mid 80s the next few days so need to get things done before then. I don't like to go anywhere when the weather is hot and muggy. Sleep well tonight and I'll see you all tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Sayra, oddly, there is a time after being very sick that I can enjoy the recuperation process. I enjoy just resting and healing and letting life flow on around me.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Today at the supermarket I ran into a former neighbor who recognized me from about fifteen years ago. I didn't recognize her. I'm glad she spoke up.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions
    edited May 2023

    Iris, talking about running into a former neighbor and not recognizing her; I saw a older looking woman in the grocery store that looked familiar. I thought maybe she was one of my old high school teachers. As she got closer she came up and hugged my neck, turned out she was a old girlfriend from high school. (Didn't really happen......just thought I would start the day with some fun)

    Lou let me sleep last night and seemed to be in a good mood this morning. I hope it carries forward to tommorow, even if it does i will order Red Lobster take out. Had been thinking about doing this in the past because her table manners have changed and its easier for me to help her at home.

    Yes sister Jo C. and all my other front porch sisters, i hear what your saying but i am very selfish. I will keep Lou at home as long as possible where i can be part of days like today. I have listened though, i now have her sitter coming in Monday through Friday to give me a couple of hours break each day. She also keeps the house clean and has offered to come on Sundays where i can go to church, problem with that is i never know when Lou will not go.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Morning, It's nice and cool with some sun this morning but it's going to get hotter as the week goes on. I need to do some adjusting to the way the AC in the bedroom is running. It's really complicated - at least to me which doesn't take much. It comes on for about 85 seconds, then goes off for about ten minutes. I need to reset it. It's keeping the room nice and cool and with the one in the utility room (which I already adjusted) it keeps the house nice and cool. I have two rooms shut off - not really using them so it's fine.

    I got up before 7 this morning and went out on the porch when I let the GPs outside. The girls were coming up and it was funny to watch the little ones running into the barn - guess they wanted to get their place before the others came in. Couldn't really tell if the newest baby was among them but imagine he was staying with his mom. I was going to open one of the back doors but my costo is hurting this morning so didn't want to push it.

    Called Carol this morning about 8:30 to wish she and her husband a happy anniversary - it's 45 years today. Neither of us can believe it's been that long. They were at a new place at one of the Oklahoma resorts called The Kitchen Lookout - used to be Swadley's Foggy Bottom Kitchens. They seem to love to go there because it's on one of our many lakes. They went there because it wasn't too awfully far and they could be home before noon when Oklahoma girls play softball at noon. I watched their game yesterday and it was really good. They've won almost 50 games in a row - they are so good.

    Dried the clothes I washed yesterday so got them folded and ready to put away. I haven't changed out of my gown and robe for the last two days but guess I will today - it's time to begin wearing the patio dresses which are so cool and comfortable.

    Ron, I'm so glad you're going to be getting some help with Lou. It'll be good for you even if you just take a nice nap while your sister's there and if you want to go run an errand, you can. What do you all usually order at the Red Lobster? When we used to go there I liked the sword fish but the last few times we went they didn't have it. I could make a whole meal on just salad and cheesy biscuits. I've heard they have the mix for the biscuits in stores but have never noticed it at the little store where I shop - WM probably has it so might see if I can order some when I order again.

    Sara, hope you're planning on doing nothing today. I know how easy it is to overdo when you're feeling better after an illness. You feel good and want to get back to working. I'm so glad you had already decided not to have so many plants and vegetables to take care of this summer so you don't have to worry about them.

    Gave Lilly and Max their medicine this morning. For some reason it was really easy to medicate Max - Lilly was another matter. I couldn't find her this morning when I fed them so worried that she might have gotten outside when I let the GPs out last night. They tend to get very close to the door when I open it and a couple of times they have slipped out on the porch. I don't know where she was but she showed up - they seem to have a knack for hiding.

    Jo, so sorry your husband is having so much trouble with his back. I think when your back or feet hurt, you hurt all over and don't feel like doing anything. Has he tried the higher mg. of Motrin? Maybe that might help. I found a bottle of 800 mg. Motrin in the cabinet the other day but I got it in 2017 so threw them away. I used to have headaches so would take one of those and it knocked it pretty well. Hope he can find something that helps. I also hope your hand is getting better - takes a while to recover.

    I'll be back later. Need to get some more hot tea. Has anyone found an easier way to paragraph other than typing the whole thing and then going back and making the paragraphs? There should be a way.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello dear Lorita, I have no trouble making paragraphs; it works for me just like it used to. What I do have a problem with is that I cannot get Bold except for one paragraph at a time which is annoyingly time consuming, so I write everything in regular text and when done, I Post and then go in to "edit" and Bold everything at one time using my laptop to Bold. The new platform continues to have issues that have not yet been resolved if they can be. Photos are easier and better though are awfully large for taking up space, but it is still good to have the photos; they are very interesting and I enjoy them. I do so enjoy the Front Porch and being just another Member when here.

    It is so silly a thought that I laugh at myself; but it comes from having uber strict English teachers as a child. I cringe that we post a, "Comment." We do not make a Comment; we post a "Discussion." Wish they would correct that semantic, but it is small potatoes in the scope of the universe. A comment is; "I like your dress." "Yes; it is hot today and we do need the AC." "You are right; it is a pretty color." etc.; sometimes of course a bit more in the comment. We do not make idle passing comments; we discuss issues, we share and support with our discussions; often in depth. Guess the Members mostly dislike and complain about the "gamification" of the site which has been commented on quite a bit in not a positive manner. I ignore it and do not even bother to look at mine or anyone elses; I left sixth grade long ago and did not carry the sixth grade games with me. Ha!

    Ron; your dinner will be delicious and I am sure Lou will really enjoy it. I am delighted to hear that the helping person can come to the house on Sunday mornings and that you have her help as often as you do; that is great. Ron - since Lou no longer enjoys crowds and noise and has demonstrated how that upsets her; why not let her be in peace and treat yourself to having the helper in and you taking the morning services yourself in your own peace and connecting with your new church friends. In many churches, there is a coffee after service in a hall, and some Members get together and go out to breakfast or brunch or lunch. That would be such a nice respite for you and as said, you are a lovely social gentleman who enjoys being with people. You do deserve to treat yourself well and be kind to yourself. I vote for, "Be Kind To Ron Day!"

    Sayra; it is so hard to stay settled down when one is feeling a bit better and especially when one can see things that need doing. Years ago, when younger, I had a radical hyst for early stage ca. Cure rate was 100%, but it was a lengthy 10 hour surgery and needed blood transfusions. Was in the hospital for nearly two weeks. Could not wait to get home. I remember sitting on the sofa and spying dust on top of the TV cabinet. I had a cloth near me; I got up and commenced to simply wipe off the top of that cabinet BUT I got the wobbles and the shakes and got so horribly weak just from that. My poor body was telling me to cease and desist. Little by little it got better; but I had to wait which was not easy. Your situation is simpler, but that same dynamic is at play for what our bodies need and how they tell us. Soon you will be flying with all engines on go again. I do know that is all much easier when one is very young, but as one matures, it all takes much longer. Drats.

    Lorita, when doing the Trust, Will and DPOAs, the HIPAA Waiver is part of it and is important. If one is hospitalized and will need assistance for formatting a care plan or if one cannot assist with their own planning; it gives your assigned person the right to receive information about your condition so he/she can help with your care plan or discharge plan. Very important. Sure hope you do make that call soonest. As deep summer heat rises, it will be far less likely you will want to go into the lawyer's office to start the process and then the last part to sign the papers in front of witnesses and getting it notarized. We had an office visit; then ALL papers were sent to us to read and comment or have amended and mailed back. Then we went into the office to sign the papers when they were complete. If we needed, the attorney could have come to the house; most of them will do that. Costs a bit more, but in many instances depending on circumstances, that is worth it.

    DH went for his MRI this a.m. He was supposed to take two one mg. Ativan 45 minutes before the procedure which took 45 minutes to complete. Being who he is, he decided to take three Ativan instead, so he has 3 mgs. on board. Oof Dah! as the Norwegians say. He thought it would be better. Well; he is now fast asleep in his chair in the family room. He has been having some changes that waft and wane, and while I am not looking for anything, I am beginning to feel a wee bit concerned.

    Lovely weather today; it is a cool high 60's into low 70's and air crystal clear. Can see the snow on the mountain tops in the distance. Bet it would be a lovely day at the ocean; I love it down there, but we go weekdays when there are no crowds around. My favorite time is in the winter. We used to go to the ocean after big storms passed, our youngest son loved going as there would be so many interesting sea shells washed up and he would gather them to take home. It was a lovely walk along the seashore and almost no people around. Smelled SO good.

    Got a couple o spots on the rug I have to get after today. We have hardwood floors in the large entry and down into the family room and kitchen, but the rest of the house is carpeting. We considered changing the flooring to all hardwood, but we are more "mature" now. If one must use a wheeled walker, those suckers slip like crazy on hardwood and the non-wheeled walkers are a pain in various parts of one's anatomy. Also, if someone elderly falls on hard floors, they are far more likely to sustain injury, so it looks like we will continue with the carpeting. I do love hardwood floors though.

    My brother just called . . . off I go,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    True, it does not matter about the dumpster when you are dead...lol.

    I fear being injured when I am alone and just lying there. I only have one day when I am entirely alone but still...

    Dick's Aunt Marie had a window shade that her neighbor could see. She pulled it up every morning and down every night. That was the way the neighbor checked on her.

    People who post here could use the forum to check in.

    Today I am going through all of Dick's writing and storing in a under the bed box. Yesterday I put all Christmas decorations in a box and will put on the Origami shelves I bought online.

    Caveat .....I do not get rid of stuff that means something to me and I am home most of the time so my clothes are hack around comfy.

    I think the secret is to do a bit every day. ...maybe one drawer or a foot of closet space. Then again the thought occurs "why bother".

    Outside still looks like a jungle. I now have some maybe ivy that is growing on my kitchen window screen and there are several baby trees that need moving.

    Food: someone brought me a lemon

    Jo....I transported a friend last week to an MRI. She took not 1 but two valium and sort of happily floated through the next 24 hours.

    No carpeting or rugs in my house. I have a walker upstairs and a rollator downstairs. I have not noticed any slipping but now that you bring it up I may...lol

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    The Decorah eagle baby is growing up! He/she has full set of feathers and I observed him standing on the side of the nest, and also flapping his wings. He is about 2 months old. Soon he will fledge. For anyone who is interested, here is the link https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/decorah-eagles/

    Have a good evening friends.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening my friends,

    Lorita sounds like you have some good thoughts in place.

    Ron I’m also glad your getting a little help.

    JoC sorry your husband is struggling,

    I have done well today. I can do things but not so many things. I have walked fast, multi tasked ever since I started working in a hospital. That is a hard habit to break. It’s one I wanted to break as knew better for me as I got older. Maybe this is how I learn.

    As my sisters tell me I have no clue how bad off I was or I wouldn’t be thinking I should be able to just get back to it. I do have a clue on a Professional level but really have no clue about me personally as I slept through it. I could read my chart, it is all there, but feel that would not be good for me mentally. With the job I did, didn’t see what it took to get back to normal once discharged. I was told I didn’t qualify for rehab so to me that is saying go home and take off lol. When the home care RN came and assessed me she said you do not qualify for nursing services but she did stress to me that I would not be able to push through this that it would take time. I listened to her and filed it away but still thought I can do this.

    Today I did my exercises from PT which take a bit of time, I am to climb the stairs every day and take a walk outside everyday which I did. I rested a hour or so between any activities I did made sure I felt refreshed before doing something else. Did nothing strenuous. My youngest sister went and bought rest of flowers for front yard and planted them. I watered them in with the wand. Rest of the time I sat in chair and watched her work. Told her guess that was my new job, sit in the chair watch people work and me talk. Nothing will be planted in back yard this year, there are volunteers back there and they will have to care for themselves.

    Zetta still thinking about you.

    Hope each one gets a good nights rest

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited May 2023

    Hi, everyone,

    Jo, I didn't make myself clear about the paragraphing - my problem, if it is one, is getting everything to bold. I type everything in one long paragraph, in bold, then go back, proofread and paragraph. No big deal, just takes a little time but I'd proofread anyway - hard habit to break after all those secretarial years.

    I've only taken Ativan once (think that's what it was) when I had dental surgery. The doctor told me to take it on the way in to his office (30 miles from home) and I did - didn't feel a thing - wasn't nervous - didn't bruise, etc. The next day I saw a man who had something done just before me and he was bruised to high heaven. I usually bruise easily but not that time. When my sister first went into AL or MC they couldn't get her to take pills but rubbed it on her arms to calm her. Guess it's good stuff. Was the MRI your husband had about his back? Hope it was okay.

    Sara, I think it's a good idea that you don't read your chart about all that happened. It's not good for you because you know what could have happened but didn't. I know it would upset me. So glad your sisters are closeby to help you when needed.

    Judith, do you have a medical guardian to wear when you're alone - and when you're not? If you did, it would give you a feeling of security. I've had mine on a time or two when I slipped down in snow or mud and someone immediately asked if I needed help. My problem is that I don't wear it. Always do when I go into town but normally not around here. Last night I went out just on the other side of the barn and stepped in a fresh cowpatty (didn't see it) and almost went down. I had my phone but not the guardian. It can happen anytime when you least expect it. What about those stairs - be very careful going up and down.

    I watched four hours of a softball game this afternoon - long time but it went fast. The OU girls had won 47 games straight, tied with some other college (don't remember which) and they got behind in the game. It went nine innings (usually it's only seven for softball). They won so will be in the softball world series beginning next week and now hold the record for most consecutive games won. OSU is also in the series.

    I just got back in from doing something that needed to be done. We have five shutters on the east side of the barn that open into what used to be called cowshed (and I still do). Mother and daddy used to have a small dairy and that's where they milked the cows. They raise up and I had to stand on a stool to put a wire through them to hold them up so the girls will have some air circulating in the barn. Not easy to do. Then, worked on opening one of the big barn doors on the north end of the hallway in the main part of the barn. I unwired them a couple of days ago but Bryan put in a couple of stakes to hold them securely when we closed them last fall and I could not move the stake by the door I wanted to open. Finally got it loose enough I could get the 2x6 out that wedged in the door. Then, couldn't move the door so had to shovel some dirt and other stuff away from the door - took a couple of trips around the barn to get inside but finally got it open. Now the air can circulate some and keep them a bit cooler. They probably won't like it because it won't be as dark but it gets too hot in there in the summer. I didn't see anyone left in the barn and they're out grazing so guess I won't drive over and check on them tonight. I may open the other door later but need to figure out a way to keep all of that dirt, etc., away from the doors next winter.

    Haven't seen Rusty in a day or two - or the snake but still am feeding the birds. Ordered cat and dog food, dry and wet, glucosamine and vitamins and cat litter from Chewy today. She broke it into three or four shipments so they wouldn't be so heavy. They are shipped by FedEx so they'll bring them to the porch and I can get them inside. You know I pay much more for cat and dog food than I do for my food - same with vet bills.

    We're not seeing a post from Zetta lately - hope everything's okay. I know she's working tonight but maybe she'll post tomorrow.

    Judith, I wear patio dresses around the house in the summertime and pants when I need to do something outside so most of my clothes are casual. Still have most of the clothes I wore when I worked so need to donate most of them. You're lucky to be so close to places to donate. I do know of three drop boxes in the town where I go so I can drop things off there when I go to town. I've given some of Charles' things to Bryan and Todd but most of them are still in boxes in the sunroom. There's a couple of things I can't donate though - you all know how that is. I remember my mother still had her daddy's overcoat a few years ago and he passed away a few months before I was born. Hard to let go sometimes.

    See you all tomorrow - rest well tonight.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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