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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Ron, weren't those seats hot? My goodness, enough to burn you. Glad you didn't have to worry about the crispy panties. I wish I had the Mustang now - had to trade it in for a Cougar because I hurt my knee and since it was a standard transmission, couldn't use my leg well enough to shift gears. Loved both of them though. I remember I paid $2100 for it just after they came out in 1965, Cougar was about $4,000 and my next new one - a Buick was $7,000. Can't even buy a used car for that amount now. Ridiculous how they have gone up and they're not made as well as the older ones were.I watch some of the old shows made in 1970 and the cars were beautiful back then. Now, to me, they all look alike. My sister called them "jelly beans".

    Charles was 100% SC for PTSD - he was in Korea. Never talked about it too much but he did have problems in crowds and some flashbacks. When we'd go to a restaurant he always had to sit facing the door. I had a good friend and her husband had PTSD and it was the same for him. With all that goes on in war it's a wonder everyone who was in it doesn't have PTSD.

    Lou's meal sounds good - so she eats one thing at a time. I'm so glad she's still eating and enjoy it. I also love banana pudding - I like mine slightly warm without meringue - never tried whipped topping so bet that's good.

    I've been watching softball this afternoon. OU won and will play again on Saturday. They were playing in OKC and the weather looked good. Still storms and rain out in the western part of the State, our panhandle, Texas panhandle and eastern New Mexico.

    When I woke up this morning there was an extreme alert on my phone that came in during the night - it was a blue alert. Found out that a deputy had been shot in an area west of here and they were looking for the shooter. Still haven't found him.

    Girls are coming out of the barn and are standing in the edge of the pond to cool off. I think they know what I say. I happened to be out on the porch and one cow had started out of the lot. I said to her "why don't you go out there and graze" and motioned to the area north of the house. She actually turned around, went back into the lot and out the open gate to graze. Guess that's because I've talked to them since they were born.

    It's warm here today - 87 - and humid. Supposed to get rain Saturday - we need it because it's getting dry again. Weather says Tulsa is 2.5" below normal rainfall for the year.

    Judith, there are three dots on the screen of my computer, all the time, that's for font size. The ones I was referring to is at the start of our thread. I should click on that and see what it says. Do you know where in OKC they're playing softball. It's a big stadium and I can see a small lake in the background. It was completely full today - somewhere around $14,000 people.

    Sara, I talked with Carol today and mentioned the way my calf feels and she told me an exercise they told her to do to relax the leg muscles so I've been doing that. Feels better.

    Another softball game is coming on in a little while so I'll stop for now. Joan, do hope you can find something that will help with your pain. I also like to watch Bob and Brad. They give good advice and are also funny. Still nothing from Zetta - can't imagine what's wrong.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Ron...my husband was a Navy strike fighter pilot and then was requited to fly for Air America in Vietnam and in Laos until the end of the "war". His service was nothing like being on the front lines but still most days the flying was dangerous.

    He did not talk about much of it for years so I really never had any idea how much PTS he carried. I do know that the amount brought home by him and you is beyond my comprehension.

    The debt we all owe can never be repaid.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I've never thought I had ptsd but after talking to the psychologist she has me thinking. I startle easily, cannot stand fireworks, have trouble staying asleep and lately some memories I've had, I'm realizing the memories were not complete and some of the blanks are being filled in.

    Lorita, try the banana pudding this way sometime. Just use the recipe on the back of the large vanilla pudding box with these exceptions; instead of 3 cups if milk use 2 cups and add 1 can of eagle brand and a tub of soften cool whip, whisk it all together till smooth. I line the bottom of my dish with vanilla wafers, slices of bananas on the wafers, pour mixture over and repeat. Refrigerate and enjoy!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Dick always startled easily.

    Now I want some banana pudding...

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    A few days ago people were talking about living alone and possibly falling. It's a good idea to also carry a whistle to blow if you can't yell loud enough. We might consider keeping an air horn in our house or car for emergencies.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    edited June 2023

    Lorita glad you are finding the exercises helpful. Find many things on Bob and Brad helpful. A great resource.

    My BIL served in Iraq and has some PTS. He also wants to sit in certain places when in buildings such as restaurants. Sad , sorry Ron that this is also on your plate.

    Banana pudding sounds good. I have ate no desserts, and very little yeast bread for a month now due to all the antibiotics I’ve been and am on. Will be on for a short time post surgery also. Plan to continue this for about a month post off antibiotic. Will be nice when I can have a little dessert again.

    You know I had all those trees cut just before the stone made its appearance. Well one BIL sowed the grass for me. My sister and another BIL put down the straw. I’ve been watering back area one day and front area next day. Today out front seen quite a bit of grass coming up. PT has given me permission to do this lol. The BIL who sowed the grass sprayed for creeping Charlie last night. It is in the woods behind my fence and comes under fence into my yard. Normally I watch for it and pull it out. Not happening this year. Go out this morning and my sunflowers are dying. Pretty sure my BIL sprayed them. Oh well a beggar cant be a chooser.

    Have to be at surgery center at 7am Monday morning. Glad it’s early because I get very hungry these days. Eat in between meals now and feel better doing that. Weigh 6 lbs less than before all this happened. Have not lost or gained since getting home.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Syra, sorry your BIL is going through the PTSD. It is sad how much and how many veterans suffer with mental and physical elements due to war. I myself have had changes over the years but just chalked it off to being a grumpy old man. Never realized until lately when memories started coming back that it could be related to Vietnam after all these years. I still didnt believe it until I used mr Google and found out that it is not unusual for symptoms to appear this far out. Already being 100% total and permanent VA disability rating, they know I'm not trying to get a increase in rating.

    7am......they are letting you sleep in! I ways had to be at my surgeries at 6am and then sometimes it was afternoon before I ever had the surgery. They always had everyone lined up and ready, just like a production line.

    Looking forward to the churches mens supper tonight. Only thing I'm worried about is Lou is usually at her worse in the evenings. At least because of my hospital stay and her sitter staying with her, she knows what to expect.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Iris....air horn, brilliant. I will look on Amazon today.

    Sitting in a restaurant, Dick always sat back of restaurant with back against a wall so that he could see the entry.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Afternoon, I have another older post (from yesterday) that shows up every time I plan to post. It's not long so no bother.

    PTSD is not good - for people with it or people who live with those people. Another thing never to do is awaken someone with PTSD quickly. Even in their sleep, they're onguard. I remember once before we moved down to the farmhouse Charles was sitting in the LR looking out the door and imagined he saw Chinese men coming across the pond. Finally got him to realize it wasn't real.

    Ron, so hope you enjoy the dinner tonight with your friends. Lou will be all right - just enjoy. Hate to mention this - but, full moon is here or nearly here. Funny, Carol called this morning and we were talking about an employee who worked at the VAMC who had noticed we had a different kind of patients when the moon was full. I know all of us have noticed it for sure.

    Well, I've given all of the medicine to the cats so don't have to struggle with them after today. I'm glad and they are, too.

    Iris, even if I had an air horn to blow, no one would notice out here unless I was closer to a house and they're few and far between. I walked out and closed two gates and opened another this morning so FEdEx could get through and did take my phone - I need to get in the habit of wearing the alarm. Someone (sorry don't remember who) said someone they knew wore the pendant inside their shirt or blouse. I do that do even though they say it shouldn't be worn against the body. Not sure why that is but I do it anyway.

    Nothing going on today if I can help it. Did start the bread machine a couple of hours ago. It has really spoiled me - I bought a loaf of bread last month and had to freeze most of it - just didn't taste good to me after the homemade kind. Might make that peach cobbler later today - can't be much later since it's already noon.

    With that I'll get off and watch the news. Hope everyone's okay today - still wondering about Zetta. Anyone have any suggestions about how we might find out about her?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I had read that an air horn can be heard for a distance of one mile in the country or over water at night, when there are few other sounds. In an emergency, blow the air horn in three short blasts. Three of anything are supposed to be a signal of need for help. This is what I learned as a teen. If you are lost in the woods, put three stones together, to signify that you are still alive, for the searchers.


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    I've had to catchup on everyone's happenings. I've been particularly busy the last several day and hadn't been on much. I think the air horn idea is brilliant. That would work in any type of emergency. Amazon prime will have another order!

    I don't think I'd shared we have a new puppy. We'd been looking for awhile and one thing lead to another and well, we both fell in love with her. And I think she was quite smitten with DH. She is 5 months now, we've had her a month. Yes, I'm crazy to have a puppy and be a caregiver - I know that. I knew he wouldn't really help, but I also knew he'd enjoy her, which he has. Much to my absolute delight he will take her in the yard and toss the ball or just run with her. That makes me very happy, he's happy and smiling and of course the puppy is eating up the attention. We also have a 14 yr old dog. She's never acted her age, she acts 10 or younger. This puppy has really brought out a cute side of her. As long as everyone is getting along and happy I call it a win.

    I've got to figure out what obedience classes I need to get her enrolled into. The goal was for her to be a calming force for DH and I think that will eventually happen once she's more mature. Right now its all fun and games at our house!!

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    Perhaps you could look into emotional support training.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Eagle, what kind of puppy did you get? I love puppies and would take another Pyrenean Mountain dog in a minute. There's a man about two miles NE of us who raises them - that's where I got Stormy - so maybe if I ever need another one that would be the answer. I know at my age I shouldn't even think about a puppy and right now Stormy and Sheena are just what I need. I'm so glad your husband likes the puppy and will play with her. That will be really good for him and for your older dog, too.

    It's been a warm day - haven't been outside except to the porch since this morning - not sure I'll go out and check the barn but if I do it will be later. The girls came out and crossed the pond and are somewhere in the pasture. The babies are old enough that they go with mom now so don't worry about that.

    What kind of flea and tick medicine do you give to your dogs? Did I mention that last month, April 30, I put Vectra 3d on the GPs and on the second of May is when Sheena ran the high temperature - I'm thinking it may have been a delayed reaction to the Vectra. I'll ask Mike and see what he thinks. Scares me everytime I put the medicine on them. When I was growing up we sprinkled Sevin on the dogs for ticks and fleas - same with vegetables in the garden. Not even sure you can buy Sevin now.

    Today must have been my cooking day - I made a loaf of bread, a quick peach cobbler, fettuccini alfredo and glazed carrots. Now to do the dishes!

    My leg has felt better today - I rubbed it several times yesterday with Theragesic, BioFreeze and Rugby pain relieving pain (this took the place of Theragesic that's no longer made). It has the same ingredients. When I woke up yesterday morning the little pillow I put underneath my knee was against the footboard so I bet I had my foot pushing against it during the night and that caused the painful muscles in my calf.

    Sara, how are you today? Did you set out tomatoes this year and are they growing like they should? We haven't had rain in a couple of weeks and could really use some. But, the Texas and Okla. panhandles and western Okla. are getting much-needed rain even though the wheat harvest has begun. We're supposed to get some tomorrow and Sunday.

    Nothing much to write about so I'll stop and get ready to watch OSU play softball after while - and do the dishes. Hope all of you are well today. Still looking for a post from Zetta. Jo, would the Admin. contact her to see if everything's okay? I think we went through this some years ago with someone else who wasn't posting. Just a thought.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    I use Sentinel for heartworm and Bravecto for flea and tick prevention. Both are pills. Sentinel monthly and Bravecto every 3 months. I didn't like Vectra cuz it's hard to get it down to the skin and it does no good on top of the hair.

    Sara, you found a stone in your yard? I follow FB groups for found things and it is amazing what people find when remodeling, or digging in the yard. Also with a metal detector many, many good finds (for others - I don't have one).

    Company coming soon. Peach cobbler for dessert, salads and mac and cheese for the entrees.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Thanks, Beth, I used to use Bravecto but stopped for some reason. You're so right about getting the Vectra down to the skin - the GPs have double coats so you have to part the hair to get it down and they don't like to stand still for that.

    When I read Sara's post I thought the same thing about the stone - then I realized she has a kidney stone so that's probably the stone she's talking about.

    It's cloudy here this morning and 77. We even had a light shower but they say this afternoon we may get some better rain. I hope so. I have wild violets in the north side of the yard and last year they were all around that elm tree but they didn't come back up this year. Now I'm finding them scattered around in different places in that part of the yard. Since I didn't get bedding plants for the big pots I've decided I'll dig some of them up and put them in the pots - already did one pot. Think I put eight or ten in it. I already have one pot they got into somehow and it's overflowing - but they bloom early so no blooms this year. I'm hoping it'll rain some this afternoon so they'll be easier to dig.

    I've been sitting in the recliner watching Planet Earth: Blue Planet and kept falling asleep. Don't know why because I slept well. Really need to go up to the store and get some gas for the Gator, top off the diesel in the PU and get some milk and pop. I buy a gallon of milk and divide in three parts and freeze two so when I run out of fresh milk, I thaw a bottle of it. I had maybe a quarter bottle yesterday and didn't get the lid on good so spilled part of it. I don't use much but do like cereal occasionally. I should go today while it's cooler but around noon they're really busy - so I'll go later - or tomorrow.

    There's a couple of softball games on this afternoon I want to watch beginning about 2 p.m.

    Beth, have your dogs ever had a reaction to the Bravecto? Wish I could remember why I changed to Vectra 3d - might have been because when I was at the vets with Stormy they put that on him. Always worries me anyway when I put something on them. Sheena's scratching - she goes out and lays in the dirt and gets fleas, then scratches. I have some Adams flea and tick mist that I've had for years so not sure if it would be good to use it on her or not since it's so old. I've used it before, mostly on cats, and it really works. Hope everyone's okay this morning.

    Really am dreading the hot summer.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    edited June 2023

    We used Vectra. Never a side effect but you have to be certain that the "nozzle" is next to the skin. If some gets on the fur and licked there can be a problem.

    We then used a chewable. I suggest you use whatever Mike says to use....asap...Sheena is miserable. Can you just email Mike's office with a question.

    Also...if there are fleas on the dogs they are being brought inside. Same with ticks...UGH. You may be getting them from in the house.

    Ron...how was your dinner?

    Everyone OK? Lemonade at 5p CST?

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Eagle, congratulations on your new family member. She sounds wonderful and it seems she has rejuvenated everyone! Lots of work, but you have a winner! You will have to send us a picture.

    Lorita, I just spoke to our DIL who is a Vet Tech; and while she always advises to check with one's own Vet, she said based on her experience, they do not see reactions to the Bravecto, and the Vectra will probably not get through those uber-thick coats; she said there would be far more risk of reaction to the Adams than anything else mentioned. Judith it right; it had also occurred to me that you may be picking up tics from inside the house from being carried in by the animals. Tics do not stop at the door if they have a host to ride on; they simply come in and make themselves at home with all and sundry.

    As it is, never use very, very old substances whether topical or oral. Least result would be they would no longer be effective, and the worst possible outcome would be that there would be chemical changes in the substance which could cause some pretty nasty effects or negative reactions; so tossing out those ancient bits and pieces and tubes, jars, bottles, pills and other stuff that have been laying around for a very, very long time as in years, would serve all better whether animal or human.

    Sayra, I will be up early far before the crack of dawn as usual on Tuesday, the 5th, so I shall be thinking of you and will be with you in spirit. You will also be in my prayers. I was so astonished at how easily the ureteroscopy with laser went for me with that monster stone, and the recovery was really easy; no pain. Glad they are keeping a close eye on you with caution re the antibiotics. If they wish to keep you one overnight, I would let them. One thing I do even if going in for a daycare procedure is to carry a small bag in the car with items in it should I find myself unexpectedly needing to stay overnight. Can't go anywhere like that without clean underwear, my Kindle, my toothbrush, a light robe and a pair of slippers, just in case. Sure will be thinking of you for certain.

    Crazy weather. Mostly down in the mid-60's; but today we will be in the mid-70's. Monday and Tuesday a little rain expected. I'm like you, Lorita; I dread the coming deep hot, miserable summer. Interesting news in that both State Farm and Allstate will no longer write any new homeowner policies in California. I imagine some others will follow suit. It is due to the multiple major fires in the summer time each year that have decimated the hills and forests which are quite a bit away from us. We flatlanders do not have that issue, but no more writing of policies anywhere in the state. As it is, this year our Homeowner's Insurance went WAAAAAY up by the multiple $100's. So did my neighbors; we live in a very low, low fire risk area and a no flood area, but evidently all policies were raised - we are paying for the costs the insurance companies had to pay out from last years fires . Forget their mega profits, they are going to hold the line. I always wondered why they continued to insure homes in those uber high risk hills and canyons covered and often overgrown in shrubs, bushes, trees and weeds, etc. Always seemed foolhardy to me, so now everyone gets passed over for insurance. It would be far best that no one lets their existing insurance policy lapse accidentally; may not be able to recover it.

    Got some more cherries; they are so good. Also got some of those orange and cranberry Biscone; oh my, they are yummy. Will have one tomorrow with a cup of tea with my breakfast. The banana pudding sounds wonderful, will have to try it. Paula Dean has a recipe for Banana Pudding made with Chessman Cookies and cream cheese; I always meant to try it but never did; sounds good:


    Got a graduation for a wonderful young man; he was such a delightful, sweet child when he was little. He is President of his Senior Class and is also Valedictorian, am looking forward to hearing his speech which I understand is awesome. He is considering becoming a Priest. He is really a very nice guy, active in sports and very handsome; the girls will be highly undone if he does move in that Priestly direction. Hope he follows his heart and does what is his calling, whatever that will be.

    Horrible occurrence. An RN, Deanne Niedziela, who has been Supervisor of the NeuroScience Unit in an Orange County Hospital, was on vacation in Costa Rica with her husband, Ken. They were near a waterfall in a forested sort of area; other people around them. Suddenly, a loud CRACK was heard and a huge branch fell from a tree onto her, knocking her out. She was rushed to a hospital a distance away which took awhile for an ambulance to get to them. Horrible nightmare, she is paralyzed. Initially she was on a ventilator, but was able to be taken off of it. She is awake, alert and all cognition and memory intact. She now has feeling in the upper body; do not know how much movement in that area, but she still has no feeling from the waist down. It is such a dreadfully stunning thing to happen. A friend had started a GoFundMe page to raise money to get her flown home to her area so she can be admitted to her hospital that will have the expertise to care for her. They needed to raise $200,000 to be able to secure an ICU level life flight to the states which is horrendously expensive. Two of our TV stations carried her story and it appears she may be able to fly home today. Sure hope so and hope it all goes well and that she will be able to fully recover.

    DH still having terrible back pain; he is miserable. He was doing a bit better for two days, but without any activity to cause it, he is back to square one again. I feel so bad for him. He really cannot have a spinal injection as he is seriously allergic to steroids either oral or injected. I am hoping he gets an order for P.T. and can be fully evaluated. Perhaps a TENS Unit will be helpful; hard to know; still do not have results of his MRI as yet.

    Ron; hope all goes well at church tomorrow and that all went well and you were able to relax and enjoy with the men' night out. That seems it would be a very happy event and hope it was.

    Have a good rest of the day,


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Afternoon Front Porch Friends.

    It's going to take me forever and a day to get caught up with all of your post. I was pet sitting and did not have internet access. I am home now but will be gone on and off throughout the summer with pet sitting jobs.

    Molly and I just spent 2 weeks with Maggie she is a labradoodle I have been her pet sitter since she was a puppy, she is now 13 years old. Her and Molly used to run all over the place, but age has slowed them down, me as well. It's good to be home.

    I will be back later Iam going to try to get caught up.

    Hugs to all, Zetta

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita glad your leg is feeling better.

    lol I was talking about kidney stone.

    Think violets are pretty too. They are a weed here along with the dandelions. They bloom about the same time here and I think they are kind of pretty together.

    Lemonade sounds good Judith.

    JoC appreciate your prayers. The doctor told me you have already been through the hard part this is the easy part. Your thoughts seem to be the same so that has been comforting. Hope someone is able to help DH with his pain.

    JoC my home owners insurance for several years now goes up a crazy amount each year.

    Zetta glad you were pet setting.

    Had such a good day today. A guy I worked with and his wife came to visit me for a couple of hours today. I had no brain fog today. Get so much less tired when I don’t have that. Am able to do a lot more therefore. My sisters friend did not get septic but she had a very bad infection and was on IV antibiotics for quite some time. She told my sister she had brain fog then too. Slowly with time she said it totally cleared up.

    Lorita I do have several tomatoes. They are all volunteers from compost I put in the grow bags. My nephew and I had already got them all ready to go before the stone made its grand appearance. So I was going to do nothing with any of the bags but once I saw plants growing in some of them I started watering them when I water the grass seed back there every other day. They aren’t looking too bad. Some were in smaller bags that weren’t big enough. Realized today have bigger bags with nothing in them. So placed the smaller bag on top of a large bag. The roots will grow through into bigger bag. I’m not staking them, would not have energy for that. Just going to let them grow on ground. This will be interesting.

    Been nice sitting on porch, feels like old times today. I’ll have a dish of peach cobbler if you don’t mind sharing Lorita.

    Hope each one gets a good nights rest

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi, Zetta, I was hoping you were petsetting and had no internet. Glad you're all right and back home for a while. Lots of posts to catch up on for sure.

    Sara, plenty of peach cobbler - wish you were here to have some with me. Glad you're feeling better and are able to do some things you'd like to do. My prayers will also be with you on Tuesday morning and we'll all be anxious to hear how things go.

    Judith and Jo, I'll stop by the vet's clinic Monday or Tuesday when I go into town. Have to have a release on my insurance claim notarized so they can send me the check. I didn't use the Adams - can't even remember when we bought it - I know I haven't used it on the cats we have now. Sheena just has spells of scratching - she's been sound asleep for the past three hours. I just had an eskimo pie. I eat the chocolate off of it and a little of the ice cream and she eats the ice cream. She didn't even get up to eat it this time. Funny, when I got her she wouldn't have anything to do with any kind of food except her dog food. Now she eats all kinds of things - guess I spoiled her in changing her over. They both seem to be eating a lot of dry food the past couple of weeks and usually have a milk bone every day.

    I have spent most of the afternoon watching softball. OU won their 90th straight game and are in the finals now, I think. Good game. Looks like the weather in OKC was just right for softball.

    Thought about going up to get some Gator gas but since I have to go into town soon I'll get what I need then as far as PU diesel and groceries. There are four things Adrian said he uses in his diesel trucks so I'll either order them from WM or stop in when I'm close by.

    I'd like to have at least a couple of geraniums for the porch but I know Rusty would eat them. Remember last summer I couldn't figure out what was eating the plants on the porch? Rusty. We only got a few sprinkles of rain so looks like we won't get any more today. I'm looking out the front window and can see leaves blowing so the wind must have gotten up - there was a severe thunderstorm warning a couple of counties east of us so maybe it's moving this way. Thought my weather radio was going to be okay but doesn't seem to be working right so guess I'll get a new one. Necessary to have when TV reception is off during storms.

    Ron, hope Church goes all right tomorrow and that you had a good time last evening. Glad everyone is back in place tonight.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi again, just sort of needed to talk to someone right now. Yesterday I called by BIL, Charles' brother who lives in the Texas Panhandle. The call went straight to voicemail which was unusual but I left a message. Thought he might be out with one of his daughters.

    Tonight I tried again - no answer. I was calling his house but also had a cell number so tried it. No answer - left a message. He just returned my call. He said he was no longer home but was living in an apartment in Amarillo. He said he was worn out - he was caregiver for his wife for over a year until she passed away a few months ago. The last time I talked with him he sounded so good - said he was stronger than he'd been in a long time and felt good. He was riding his stationary bike and going out with his daughters.

    Tonight he sounded tired. He said the stress of dealing with everything had gotten to be too much and just couldn't make decisions like he used to. Said he just needs rest. He's in a complex that has apartments, assisted living and a nursing home. He's in an apartment. He said he has his meals and if he needed help there was someone to call.

    They're having an estate sale to get rid of everything in his house but I imagine the daughters are dealing with that. He'll be 93 the 23rd of this month. I so hate to hear this but he's optimistic about things. He has two daughters and two grown grand daughters to visit.

    Just needed to talk to someone about it - makes me sad. He's always been so strong and able to deal with everything - he was 41 when Charles and I got married. Thank you all for being here to talk with - makes me feel better.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Welcome back, Zetta!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita it is sad. I feel like him though. I know a little bit about how he feels,it is hard to make decisions when you are tired. I hope to find something like where he is living when that time comes for me.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited June 2023

    Good hard rain yesterday, which we needed. Could have done without the loud thunder!

    Looks rainy this morning; I hope it holds off till I can get Lou to church. I guess another project when I get the carport would be a ramp on the door leading out to the car. Not sure if it would work due to short steps and not much room to maneuver. Might be easier to have a cover built over front porch ramp leading to the carport, but that would probably be expensive for the long ramp.

    Dont feel well this morning...dont know why.....just blue and down and lots of aches and pains. Hopefully church will lift me up!

    Lorita, I thought about assisted living one time for Lou and I, but I hate to leave my home. The VA has a Veterans home in Shreveport that allows you and spouse, with a section for dementia, but also a long waiting list. Who knows what the future might be!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Morning, You know I think in the backs of our minds all of us have thought about it. I have and it will be a last resort for me but as we get older and more infirm the reality of what might happens comes to the forefront. I know it was so hard for Jerry to give up - he's always been so independent - just makes me sad to think about it.

    Ron, glad you got some rain, even with the thunder. I wish we could have gotten some here - the ground is really getting hard. I tried to transplant some wild violets yesterday and it was hard to get the trowel in the ground - hard to believe after how muddy it's been. Hope Church goes all right for you and Lou this morning and that you feel better afterewards.

    Sara, I think Jo was thinking your surgery is Tuesday - and I went along with her - I think it's tomorrow morning, isn't it? We'll be right there in the OR with you and will be saying prayers that it goes easily.

    Zetta, you had us scared. We couldn't hear from you and didn't know how to contact you. I thought maybe it was because you were petsetting but you hadn't mentioned it - just glad you're all right. Might be well to let one of us know your phone number so we could contact you if you're out of pocket for a while.

    It's sort of cloudy here this morning - didn't catch the weather so don't know if they're talking about rain or not - hope so, later today. Bryon's coming today to mow and cut down a couple more shrubs. My crepe myrtles died back but have come back from the ground so the tops need to be taken off. I used to be able to do that but now with my costo I can't reach up and use the loppers with any strength. Getting old and not able to do things you've always done is not an easy thing to cope with. I watch the softball games and the girls being so active and running and jumping and I think "I used to be able to do those things" - what happened? I think a lot of it has to do with a visit from Mr. Arthur.

    Haven't seen the girls this morning - I had opened the gate to the NE pasture and they went down there yesterday evening. I imagine they're in the barn right now.

    We slept in again this morning - it was almot 8 when we got up. The GPs went outside and are back inside again, sleeping. Cats have been fed and one's in the chair with me. I've had half of my crumb cake and juice and I'm waiting for the hot tea to cool enough to drink. I had thoughts of going up to our little store to get some diesel in the PU and some gas for the Gator but I think I'll wait until I go to town one day this week. I've only driven about 140 miles since I last filled the PU and the tank holds 30 gallons so probably have only used about 10. It really gets good mileage for a big PU.

    Guess I need to go out and feed the birds and Rusty. He's so cute with his big, fluffy tail. When I went to the mailbox yesterday I saw a rabbit sitting in the road and I see one in the yard occasionally. We used to see rabbits all the time but hardly any now - guess the coyotes and wolves have taken care of that.

    Thank you Sara, my leg seems to be okay now - somehow I strained the muscle during the night or I did something to strain it during the day and don't remember. Charles and I used to be in a bowling league and I remember how awfully sore our legs would be after the first night's bowling. It was awful - could hardly walk up stairs. Just using muscles we weren't used to using. Enjoy the day - I'll be back later.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    Good morning, Porch-peeps.

    I am glad to see you back @ladyzetta. A few hours without internet service would make me twitchy-- more power to you.

    @ronald71111 I hope you feel better once you get to church. I think last night was the Strawberry Moon; I hope your dear Lou didn't notice.

    I am planning to putter in the garden today. I have a little watering to do as we haven't had rain in over a week. I want to cut down the last of my daffodil leaves now that they've yellowed. My peonies need some deadheading as well before I put my trash out for the week. I should really buy a bin for composting my kitchen and yard waste. Does anyone do this? The tree guy is supposed to come grind out my stumps this weekend; I hope he shows without me pestering him. He seems flakey but has good pricing and was terrific with work done here and at mom's house.

    My new range came Wednesday and I'm quite happy with it but now I want new countertops and a tile backsplash. DH wants me to make him some long-promised chocolate chip cookies. And I'm catching up on laundry. I think strangers are sneaking into my house and showering when I'm not looking.

    I have a friend whose mom just got a dementia diagnosis of some sort. It seems like early days and my friend seems more than a little in denial. She's the 6th of 7 and I suspect the older sisters have the wheel, but I feel sad about what's next for her.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Glad you got needed rain Ron. We haven’t had any rain in quite awhile. Hope you are able to find a little peace Ron.

    Yes my surgery in morning. One of my sisters is fixing me a spaghetti supper. I’m going to drive over there. Having another day without brain fog. It isn’t too far but the farthest I have driven since back home. Will not drive when I have brain fog. the sister who stayed with me at first will stay with me tomorrow night. You are suppose to have someone with you for 24 hours.

    HB sounds like you and I have some of the same agenda today. Hope there’s enough chocolate chip cookies to go around on front porch too. Looking forward to baking goodies again but will still be a bit.

    No JoC I’m not playing in the dirt just watering. Leave the dirt things for my nephew. Just ate dinner and will be resting rest of day. Have to keep myself out of trouble with my caring front porch friends. Thank you for caring.

    HB I compost. Have done so for several years. Compost bins work have had them in past. I just have 3 - 18 gallon totes now. Put holes in bottom and side as you need ventilation. Put nongreasy food scraps, things I deadhead off of plants, shredded paper, leaves etc. keep my lids on. Also, leave a small amount of compost in each bin to help start next batch quicker. You can Google composting and it will explain about how to do it. Want to keep it damp like wrung out washcloth. There will be no smell if you keep combinations and moisture right. I turn mine with a long handled garden fork once or twice a week. Helps it to compost faster. Sometimes worms will get into bin and that is a good thing.

    hope you like that new stove

    take care everyone

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Bulky trash pick up is Wednesday so I am trying to get things ready for the curb. Why is it so hard to let things go...

    I ran into two more boxes that had Dick's things. Journals with just the front pages written on. Of course I have to stop, fix a cup of coffee and read. He wrote beautifully. I think he was well aware of the grim reaper.

    Rain again last night...the jungle continues to encroach.

    Yea for the OK baseball teams. I even watched a bit. That softball looks smaller than the ones we used to play with.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    edited June 2023

    Good morning all! We seem to all be needing rain. Things are very dry here. We had just a short shower last night but not enough to make any difference.

    Hope that all who have aches and pains improve. Getting old is no fun. I have back trouble when I have to bend over very long so not much happening with flower beds except weeds growing...lol. Son-in-law coming over with hedge clippers to cut them down to the ground then will get mulch with weed killer in it to hopefully keep it looking good for a while. Dang weeds will grow when nothing else will!

    I don't post often but I sure do enjoy reading your posts.

    Lady Zetta so glad to hear that you are ok and were just pet sitting.

    Iris, I am sure the earthquake was disconcerting. After I moved back to Virginia we had one here...talk about surprised...very unusual. I had to laugh...all the times I was in Cali for business and never a tremble...then a fair sized one in Virginia!

    Lorita, I know how easy it is to keep putting things off which takes us from home...I am so bad about that and my store is much closer than yours. I often have to have a stern talk with myself to get me out the door...lol.

    Wishing each of you a peaceful and blessed day.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    I dearly love this thread and my friends here on the porch! Thanks for starting and maintaining it, Lorita.

    Ron, hope church went well. I wanted to let you know I copied your banana pudding recipe. I hope to try it soon. I have made a banana cream pie before, from scratch. Delicious!

    Sara, you are in my prayers. Hope all goes very well and you regain strength and feel well again soon.

    Marie and Lorita, it has been dry here too but last week we received rain on Tuesday, Weds, and Thursday for a total of 2.4" - so grateful.

    HB, you asked about composting. I compost kitchen scraps (veg and fruit - no meat, no bread etc) and weeds from my garden (no weeds with seeds). The home compost does not get hot enough to kill weed seeds - hence, I grow volunteer tomatoes etc in my compost or from my compost when I apply it. My husband built me a compost bin. It has 2 sides. One side is for nearly finished compost, that I am not adding anything to. The other side is what I actively add to. You will see I have potatoes and something else growing in my compost! I am letting it grow for now.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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