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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    Good morning porch-people.

    I feel you all on the issue of the stuff we leave behind being sent to the dump. It pains me. It's not just the disregard of carefully curated collections but also the loss of random everyday objects that might delight others who collect vintage items. When we cleared out my auntie's home after she went to MC, I took her very MCM wedding china and some silver for sure. But the more prized possessions- to me- turned out to be quirkier things- her vintage salt & pepper shakers, the retro tin kitchen canisters, old Pyrex, crocks, the old cookbook my grandmother gave her at her bridal shower, and the cake topper from her wedding.

    I gave the cookbook to my mom because her copy was falling apart from almost 60 years of use. My DH had found me a copy at a used book store; I balked that they wanted $12 for it. When I bought my niece a copy when she bought her first home, they'd gone up to $55. These are the kinds of things being lost because those cleaning out a lifetime of stuff don't always recognize what they have.

    @ronald71111 , I hope you day exceeds expectations and makes Lou feel as special as she is.

    I power washed my front walk. I was kind of embarrassed by how shabby it looked in the pictures Amazon emails to confirm delivery. I didn't get to it last year, in part because I lent it to a dear friend who told me it was broken. It was fine; she's a city-girl who doesn't know much about things like gardening and exterior maintenance. I'm nowhere near as stiff as I expected. It wasn't hard work, but some of the angles are awkward and very repetitive. It looks so much better. I was at dinner with friends last night when my son came home from work-- he called to ask what I'd done. I did the weed & feed on the front lawn. I don't object to weeds, per se, but the HOA here is pretty rabid about such things so I do try to meet the standard set by the neighbors.

    I have an MRI and benzo story. I needed a knee MRI and am very claustrophobic. PCP told me I really didn't need medication but he'd happily give a single Xanax so I didn't worry about it. He made me promise to have someone drive me. I took the pill an hour before the 2pm appointment and spent 15 minutes in the waiting room fussing at my poor husband that it wasn't working. I was fine with the MRI and, relieved, we went home where I decided to take a nap and slept until 6:30 the next morning.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    First - Ron, give Lou a big hug for me and wish her a Happy Birthday. Hope things are going well for both of you this morning. I don't remember if you told us how old she will be - somewhere around our age I imagine. May both of you have a very good day together.

    Well, this was a shock. I turned on the computer, went to our thread, started reading and I was reading things I didn't remember. Ron was talking about noises Lou was making. I didn't remember any of that. Happened to look and it was #163. How in the world did that happen - now 163 and 191 are both on the list. I may go back and read what was going on then - might be interesting.

    I had an interesting? night. Stayed up until MN to watch Barney Miller and I let the GPs out about 11:30. When it was time for them to come in, Sheena didn't want to so went on to bed with her outside. Since she got too hot a few days ago I worry about her being outside. I was going to leave her out for a while, then get her in - but, I went to sleep. Woke up at 3 and realized she wasn't in the bedroom. I went out on the front porch and called, then heard her out back. Locked the door and went out back. She was standing a few feet from the back porch but wouldn't come to me. I went out to her and she started around to the front - just a few feet ahead of me. When we got to the front, of course the door was locked so got her by the collar and walked her back around to the back. All of this at 3 a.m. in the yard without a flashlight. Of course the security light was on but afterwards I thought I could have tripped and fallen. At any rate she was inside and we slept until 7. They're outside again but she has her leash on this time.

    Girls are coming into the barn - bet they're surprised about the door being open - probably won't like it because it makes it lighter inside but they need the ventilation.

    I need to put the flag up - forgot it yesterday. I keep it down a lot of the time because of the awful winds we have. They don't last very long when they're being blown around so much. Charles always wanted to have the flag flying so I try to do that as much as possible.

    Hope all of you are well this morning. Zetta, looking forward to seeing a post from you today. Barbara, I'm wondering how you are doing after your bout with costochondritis. If I pull on something or lift something a little heavy I surely feel the discomfort. Hope yours is better. I'll be back later. Time to find something for breakfast. Enjoy the day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Just hugged Lou for our front porch friends! She is 85 today and looking forward to 86. Slept good and in a good mood this morning, plan on trying church with her and take out Red Lobster.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Happy Birthday Lou!

    Be careful out wondering around in the dark Lorita.

    HB love finding old Pyrex dishes, old dishes in general.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited May 2023

    Happy Happy Birthday to beautiful Lou and to Lou's handsome sweetheart, we wish you a very good day too. What a lovely photo, thank you for sharing.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    edited May 2023

    Some things you just do not want to get rid of. I gave away a lot of Dick's clothes but his closet is still full. Remaining also are his Tilley and Borsalino hats he had to have and never wore. I am going to ask Mike, our mailman, if he could use the Tilley. Funny thing about the Tilley. When he got his I decided I had to get one too knowing full well I would never wear it. Now you can just go to amazon and order them.

    Speaking of Amazon, why not get a Big Ass fan for the barn?

    Lorita and Sayra....could does not mean should.

    Got the flag up just in time for the day. Had to use a paper clip to hang. Guess it's time for a new one and maybe a new flag pole also. Almost 1/2 of the people on my block fly flags, 24/7 and yes, they are lit at night.

    Will go to a friends for dinner this evening. Just 4 of us all told. Friends of long standing. It will be good.

    I do keep my phone next to me when I am alone. I never take a shower or do anything in the yard unless someone is in the house with me. I only go up/down the stairs once a day. I think a medical alert is important and need to pick one. I will wear it when I am alone but I do not know why I would wear it when I am with others "in town".

    Still in love with the Bengal cat that walks across the yard every day. It is really exotic looking. Way too expensive to think about getting.

    This week is flip house week. Hopefully my dream plan is within the budget. One does want to make money and the investment.

    Patio dress...hmm. Might need one of those.

    Happy Birthday, Lou.

    HB...old pyrex seems to be valuable and the cookbook is???

    Special thoughts sent out to those who served.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    @jfkoc said:

    HB...old pyrex seems to be valuable and the cookbook is???

    The Womens Home Companion Cookbook. It's very similar to "Joy of Cooking" in that it is quite comprehensive. It's my most used cookbook and worth the price just for the banana bread recipe which you can google and find online.

    This is the edition my niece and I have.

    Woman's Home Companion Cook Book by Kirk, Dorothy (Editor): Very Good Hardcover (1943) | Turn-The-Page Books (abebooks.com)

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    edited May 2023

    Ron, please wish Lou a Happy Birthday from me too! Hope the two of you have a great day...Red Lobster is one of my favs.

    My mother was adverse to the pendant type medical alert and the wrist bands were not very good for her either. We ended up convincing her to get an I-watch with fall alert on it. Yes they are expensive and there is a monthly monitoring fee, but peace of mind is worth it. Added bonus is she can actually see the time...lol.

    My mother has lived in the same home over 60 years so you can imagine all the accumulation that goes back generations. She has given away a few pieces and has done a bit of declutter, but it will be a chore to empty when the day comes. Biggest issue is that none of us has room to take her things without getting rid of some of our own first...lol. At least the attic space has been dealt with.

    May all of you have a great weekend as we remember all those brave souls who have their life for our freedom.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Since you can't erase my comments here are several days old. For some reason the post didn't post.

    Many fire or police departments have packets that you can place on your refrigerator. EMT's know when making calls to look there. In the packet you have a list of current medications, physicians, conditions, etc. I also know of several communities that you can go and get a lock box. You have to have a screen door, it somehow is attached to the top of the screen door and your house key is inside the box. Just like when selling your house. The police, EMT's have master key's to use in an emergency. The only issue I have with that is I like to lock the screen door and you can't if you have this box.

    We have all of our legal paperwork in order. I do need to 'fine tune' a couple of things, but it feels good having that done. Our issue, if you want to call it an issue, is that we have 2 living blood relatives. Our son, whom can't / won't deal with his fathers dementia diagnosis so he's not been seen in 7 yrs. Not heard from in 5 yrs. I am not playing the 'feel sorry for me' card. I've reached out, called, text done all that I know to do. It is usually ignored or a one or two word response is text back days later. I got tired of trying, and that does sound bad, but its truthful. He knows ignoring me is hurtful, thus he continues to do it. Its easier to not play his ridiculous game, so I don't. Many people have tried to talk with him, they too are ignored. I hope he figures this out while he could still have time with his dad. The other relative is DH's mother, whom has some mental issues herself. So all of that to say their will be some very surprised smaller nonprofit charities receiving the benefits of our hard work should there be any funds left when we both are gone. We've left provisions for our pets also, I'd never want them to be a financial burden to anyone.

    It is time to try and pull some weeds before the heat of the day. I hope everyone is having an enjoyable Memorial weekend.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    HB, I was thinking of the red plaid cookbook (Better Homes & Gardens). I received one as a wedding gift in 1976. I also bought an updated one later, plus, when we cleaned out my mom's house to sell, I took hers.

    The only cookbook I use regularly is "Ms American Pie" by Beth Howard. Otherwise, I have "scrapbooks" into which I have placed recipes that I've been given by others, and, for the most part, ones I've cut out of magazine or newspaper or printed off the internet.

    Eagle, I'm sorry about your son. That is indeed hurtful.

    Sara, glad you are getting along. Praying for you.

    Ron tell Lou Happy Birthday for us! Sweet picture!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Grilled Rainbow Trout, broccoli, loaded baked potato, biscuits and chocolate cake for dessert.

    Did get her to church but had to leave before sermon was over. During the singing portion she was singing right alone with us.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Ron, what a lovely picture of you and Lou - you can see the love in your eyes. Hope Church went well today and that you all have enjoyed your Red Lobster lunch.

    I love old Pyrex dishes - mother had quite a few of them and I still use them. I have an old Watkin's cookbook that mother used, then my sister also used it. Both made notes on recipes they tried. Also have a Good Housekeeping and a Betty Crocker bookbook from the 60s - good recipes there but really don't use any of them often. We used to like to go to garage sales and thrift stores - usually ended up in the glassware section. My weaknesses are pitchers and bowls. Haven't been to one in years though.

    It's a pretty day here but I've only been outside to top off the water tank and to get Sheena back inside, twice. Rest of the time I've watched news shows and QVC - Denim & Co.

    Judith, I buy the patio dresses from Blair. They come below my knees and have a square neck with embroidery around it and short sleeves. Very comfortable - I've worn those for years. They're on sale right now, too, - just got a catalog a couple of days ago. If you want to get a good medical alert - try Medical Guardian. I pay for it by the quarter. You have to charge it - I keep mine in the charger most of the time - except when I go to town. You're right that you might not need it there but I have a distance to travel to get to town. I should wear it always when I'm outside, but don't. I've wandered around in the dark for years - lucky I haven't stepped on a snake. Usually have a flashlight but didn't have time to get one last night - but like I said, the security light is very bright so it wasn't dark, dark.

    My weather radio has been on the fritz but just now came on so I'm struggling with getting all the things set on it, again. They really come in handy when we have storms and the TV reception goes off.

    Just put in the ingredients to make a loaf of bread. Last time I forgot the yeast for about 5-10 minutes, then put it in and it made the biggest loaf of bread I've made. This time I waited a little while before I put it in - we'll see what happens this time.

    I'll stop for now - weather radio just went off again so need to figure that out. I didn't make it out to Decoration Day this year (it's Mother's Day at our cemetery). There's a National Cemetery about half a mile from the one my family is in and it's always beautiful with the flowers and American Flags they put on the graves. Our Cemetery is the oldest in Oklahoma and there are lots of veterans buried there so they usually put the flags on those graves, too.

    Good to have the flag up again, too. I think you can see it from the main road - unless the trees have grown too tall. Enjoy the pretty day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi again, Does anyone know about or have heard about something called Vital Reds? It's by a Dr Gundry. Supposed to have lots of vegetables and fruits in the powder to supply needed mostly vitamins B? It's on QVC and sounds good. Says one scoopful of powder a day in any liquid or plain yogurt.

    I just read an entry in #163 of our thread by Jo C. She was telling us about a friend or someone she knew called Marilyn, I think, that fell in her home and wasn't able to get up. Over a period of four days she was able to move a little at a time to another room but couldn't reach a phone. She had no water or food during that time and, of course, soiled herself. Luckily a young man was putting a pamphlet in her door and she was able to make enough noise that he thought he heard someone call for help. He called 911 and they came and got her to the hospital. She was very weak and took a very long time to recuperate.

    Same thing happened to our neighbor who lived across the road from us when we lived in the MH. I think I wrote about this a while back. He had water but no food - fell on Sunday getting ready to go to Church. He called us on Wednesday and Charles had to break the glass in the door for us to get in. Got an ambulance to take him to the hospital but he didn't make it. He had actually bought some sort of medical alert thing and had called me to ask if he could put our name on it to call. Of course I said he could but he never got around to doing it.

    Stories like this should really show us the value of getting some kind of medical alert with a fall detector and wear it. I should do it because I'm out in the pastures and barn a lot. I have my phone but like friend, Sandy, has told me many times - if I wasn't able to use the phone not one of the cows would come over and use the phone to call someone for help. Sandy, I think of that every time I'm out in the Gator - but still don't wear it all the time.

    Judith and others, when Mike's mother was living alone his wife called lots of different places about medical alert devices. She found that Medical Guardian did the most for the least amount of money so they got that one for her. I have fall detection and it does work because I've slid down and someone immediately asked if I needed help. I do test it periodically. Those of us who live alone or even don't live alone should have one of these. Mine works anywhere I might be - has gone off a few times when I was in town - when I got it against something that pushed the button. Okay, I'll stop.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited May 2023

    Like Judith; I keep my phone with me when alone. I have a small size fine net mesh bag; (can get them as gift bags at any party store or hobby type store), that has a small ribbon drawstring at the top - I put the phone in that and carry it with me when I am alone. If need be, I can simply dial right through the mesh bag. Learned to do this based on a dread experience that very nearly killed a friend. It is also good to NOT take a shower if alone in the house once one passes a certain age or state of being. (Wonky knees or hips, etc. count as a "state.") If one must be alone when one bathes; best to have the phone or button right next to the shower or tub being very, very easy to reach. When going downstairs, I use the chairlift to not risk disaster. As it is, that sure saves me a lot of pain. Having a phone on a counter top or end table top does not count for urgent help needs as the nearly killed friend found out. More about that later.

    Omigosh; Lorita. Outside, in the dark, no flashlight, and no safety button on a cord. The risk! We love you dearly, but sweet friend, what were you thinking!?. Why wear the safety button in town when there are people around BUT not wearing it when home and out on the property where you are so very much alone where the risk is far, far higher and no one would hear if you were in great need. Way far out in a rural area, no neighbor close to hear; etc. You are the most awesome and caring person, ever; please be safer.

    Perhaps it would be best if you would consider your safety button to be part of your daily wardrobe; in other words, put it on first thing in the morning and wear it all day, every day inside or outside. It needs to be part of you as a routine. If you became ill; heaven forbid with a stroke or other event, or if you fell or were injured and could not call for help, you could suffer for days; one can even die in such an event and body not be discovered for days. PLEASE wear the button every single day without fail. You DO need it in the house as much as outside the house. It does not do any good laying on a table or hanging from a doorknob. Why pay for it if not using it?

    Told this story before, but will relate it again about an elderly acquaintance who nearly died in her home:

    Marilyn was elderly; she was quite totally independent and still drove; she was of absolute sound mind; a lovely person. She was indeed older and of course that has an impact upon various body parts and joints. She lived in a nice one story home next to other nice one story homes and she knew her neighbors.

    One day, Marilyn was doing some laundry in the laundry room which was attached to her kitchen. Something happened; she slipped hard and fell hard; she hurt herself but it appears there were no fractures.. However; she was sufficiently hurt that she could NOT get up. She said she sat against her washing machine for quite some time trying to regain her breath and strength; but could not get up.

    Slowly and painfully, she dragged herself slowly, slowly, over time, inch by inch into the kitchen. She was in great pain and also was exhausted. When there she could not drag herself up leaving her leaning against a kitchen wall. A phone was on top of a counter, but she could not reach it. She lay there against the wall all day and all night. There was no water she could reach and no food as well as no phone. Water so close but might as well have been on another planet. She called and called out for help; no one heard.

    The next morning; she thought of the phone on the end table in the living room. Again; over hours, she painfully dragged herself across the floor inch by inch stopping when the pain was too great or she was too exhausted; she dragged herself through her dining room where she had to lie for more hours and then dragged herself into the living room. BUT . . . she could not reach the phone that was on top of the end table and the table was too sturdy to knock over. Of course she tried to call out for help but was not heard.

    Another day and night; no water, and to her horror, the body still eliminated waste products over which she had no control. By that time she was so weak, that she could hardly move any longer and her voice had become very weak; almost a whisper.

    She was able to lean against a living room wall and there was no one. A third day passed and she was pretty much feeling delirious, seeing things not there and was by then far too weak to move herself at all and her voice was pretty much gone.

    The following morning, a young man was going house to house putting ad papers in screen doors. He went up onto Marilyn's front porch and put one in her screen door. She heard him; tried to call out, but had almost no voice. He left the front porch and was walking away - BUT - he later said he thought he had heard some mewling noises that sounded odd, so he returned to the porch and called out asking if someone needed something . . . Marilyn again tried to call out but could not; but she was able to slightly moan.

    That young man still wasn't sure, but he had a cell phone; erring on the side of caution, (bless him), he called 911. Fire Department rescuers responded and broke into the house finding Marilyn.

    Marilyn was in critical condition; badly dehydrated, had gone into kidney failure and other severe conditions and was very near death. She suffered horribly. She was in ICU for a couple of weeks and survived! Cognitively she was still intact, and with rehab, could walk again, but she remained weaker and had some new ongoing health issues. NOTE: First thing Marilyn did when she got home was to get a safety button on a cord which she wore day and night. In order to stay living in her own house which she so much wanted to do, she had to hire a lady to come in part time days to assist as she was still much weaker for the rest of her life following that experience.

    So . . . therein lies a story of warning for all of us. We all think we are okay and could do whatever if we needed to. Thinking that couldn't happen to us is a fallacy that has a very high price.

    Terrible weekend for any good program on TV unless one likes old war films. (Memorial Day.) It is an overcast day today with temp in the 60's where we are. Last night, I could hear the far away sounds of the fireworks going off at Knotts Berry Farm. That happens every night at 9:30. Sometimes they can be heard far off, other nights they are not heard. Lots of money going up in smoke! Disney does their nightly fireworks too, but we do not hear those as they are farther away from us.

    Omigoodness; we had takeout last night from Olive Garden. DH was still a little bit in woo-woo state with the half life of the Ativan still percolating downward. We ordered, Chicken Marsala Fettucini. It was SO delicious and a nice surprise though high in fat. It had of course, a sauce made with marsala wine; I really like marsala in cooking a lot, but it also had a good amount of spinach in it as well as quite a bit of fresh mushrooms. The chicken pieces were of good size and a generous amount and had been floured before being lightly sauteed and added to the sauce. Really was good. The chef that night did a very good job of it. The amount of spinach and mushrooms really added to the dish. I ordered an included side of minestrone soup instead of a salad, so will have that for lunch today.

    So hope that Ron and Lou's birthday dinner is good and that it will be a good day for Lou, making it also a good day for Ron. She will have her favorite seafood dinner just as she likes it. Very nice indeed.

    It is almost lunch time; nearly one o'clock here, please be good to yourselves and also take good care, Memorial Day tomorrow.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Happy birthday Lou. You two look great. I’m sure Lou loved her take out lunch. It looks delicious. I hope your afternoon and evening go smoothly and you both get a good night’s sleep.

    Jo, I have empathy for your dh and his back. I have compression issues and am trying to deal with it without going through surgery. I sure hope the dr. can find some relief for him. It’s no fun not to jump up and move around with ease. I love to be on the go, and I’m still trying to do my best to keep going even if it’s at a snail’s pace.

    Marie, your little animals are so cute. I bet they sell quickly. Any little one would love to snuggle with them. I used to crochet, but I can’t do it anymore. It was always relaxing for me. One of my favorite projects was making baby and toddler hats, and also the sweaters that organizations collected to give away.

    It’s cool and cloudy here today. Im like the rest of you—cleaning out closets and getting rid of all the extra things I don’t use. I’ve gone through most of the house but still have the coat closet, my closet, and one other catch all closet. I drive to GJ to see my sister and drop off loads at the Goodwill there. It’s so nice to drive up to the door and the helpers unload everything. No need to get out of the car.

    Sara, it’s good you’re resting more and taking time to heal. I imagine your sisters are enjoying helping you while you recover. You’re so independent that I bet they rarely have needed to help. What a blessing they live near you.

    Lorita, be careful out in the dark. Maybe get the pups in before bed time so you’re not worrying about them.

    I put flowers on Harv’s stone this morning. The cemetery is decorated with flags and flowers. Sure was pretty driving through and admiring all of it.

    I need to get off here and get the rest of my bookkeeping done and put away. Have a happy Memorial Day. Joan

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Joan are your impression fractures from osteoporosis? If so Google spinomed brace. This is the brace I am looking into if I get into this issue.

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Hi all, Ron a very happy birthday to Lou. You are so caring for her I also cared for my husband at home during his time with Alzheimer’s. We were married 54 years when he passed peacefully at our home. It will be 7 years June 1st.

    Lorita, we’ve had the medical alert conversation many times with you saying you will wear it faithfully. We all care about you and want you safe, please be careful and wear it.

    With all the conversations about get rid of our accumulations, please consider estate sales. When my son and daughter-in-law invited me to move with them to Virginia, I had to choose what to take from my 3 bedroom tri-level home of 53 years and move to the masters suite of the new home. It was really difficult and it took a month to decide what to give away, what to donate and what to keep. My son arranged an estate sale after we left. At least I know my things didn’t go into a dumpster. What didn’t sell was donated to a shelter.

    It’s a rainy day today. We do need it. I don’t mind the cooler weather, I know the heat and humidity be here soon. The granddaughters are here from college so it’s been a revolving door if coming and going this month. So nice to see them. I hope everyone had a good weekend. Sayra, take care.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Thanks, everyone, for caring about me. I didn't mean to go outside but I needed to get Sheena in and she walked very slowly around to the front of the house. I know I shouldn't have but did anyway. I will make a concerted effort to put on the pendant when I get up every morning - just sort of hate to have it hanging around my neck. If I put it in my pocket I often get against something and it goes off.

    Do you all remember the commercial where the woman had fallen and said "help, I've fallen and I can't get up". When we were younger we probably thought that was funny - why couldn't she get up. Now we know, don't we. You know I've been out in the pastures around the girls all my life and it's hard to change old habits. I'll try - keep reminding me, please.

    I just took down the trash and put it in the barrel - again, I filled one sack too much and it was heavy. Had to get it out of the house, into the cart, into the PU, then into the barrel. Another thing I'll try my best to do - only fill the sack half full. I'll try.

    I did go out to the barn to check - no one inside but decided I'd drive up and see the girls. Passed one big cow laying down bathing her baby. Saw the newest baby with his mother - didn't go on up but saw three or four other little ones. When I came back I stopped and realized we have another new baby! A big, black cow and the baby is coal black - already standing for his bath. Mom got up while I was there. I'm realizing the cows are calving easier but the calves are smaller since we've been using an Angus bull. I like the big, Brangus cows and calves but they do have trouble sometimes so guess this is better. I'll adjust - they're not mine but in my heart they still are - Mike doesn't mind. Probably glad I'm here to watch over them.

    Opening those shutters - had to reach way up even though I was standing on a stool, to get the wire through the eye to hold them up. Then opening that door. It was stubborn and the sheet iron at the edge is sharp so had to be careful. Had to shake it a few times ad that didn't help my costo - but, I got it open. If I decide to open the other one I'll dig out first - had to use a hammer to do the digging this time. It's a bit cooler today and cloudy this afternoon so the barn felt comfortable. They were in there from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

    Wish he'd bring the backrubber so I could get it put up for them. He never forgets anything so he will eventually. They only last a year or two because the girls go under them and go back and forth rubbing their backs to get the diesel and insecticide on them - funny to watch them, especially to watch the babies go through the first few times. I put fly bullets at the ends so they hang down and rub against the babies and cows when they try to avoid the rubber.

    Ron, I used to like trout so I have a trout story: years ago we went to Rockaway Beach on Lake Taneycomo, near Branson fairly often. One year we decided we'd like to have trout so finally found a place that served it. When it was served it still had the head on. I could not stand to even look at it so Charles had to take care of that part for me. I did eat it and it was good. I like the way yours looked better, Ron. Your dinner looked so good - hope Lou and you both enjoyed it.

    I had a sweet potato with butter for supper - really good. Sheena and Stormy kept looking at me so when it was almost all gone I gave Sheena a bite and offered one to Stormy - he said he wasn't going to eat sweet potato so Sheena got his bite. Seems like they'll eat most anything.

    Made another loaf of bread and delayed putting in the yeast for about five minutes and it was another bigger loaf. Can't understand that but I'll continue to do that. I'll have a slice of the top of it with peach preserves after while.

    Joan, sorry you're having to be so careful getting around - I know how hard that must be for you. I remember you loved to go walking and kept so busy but it's good that you're realizing you have to slow down. I had a dear friend when I was working who had osteoporosis. She would have a fracture doing almost nothing. Had to wear a back brace a good part of the time.

    Sara, keep taking it easy and let your sisters do things for you - you've done for them so don't feel bad about it.

    Jo, sorry your husband is having so much back pain. Did the Xanax help with the pain any? I posted a few posts back that I took Ativan before my dental surgery - realized it was Xanax when I saw your post. Good stuff - really kept me calm.

    Enjoy the rest of the evening and hope everyone has a good night's sleep. The flag was blowing this afternoon and was so pretty but now it's just hanging there - no wind at all.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    please be aware someone started a new discussion thread...titled just like this one but without the parenthesis around 191.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra, are you okay for stairs? I get very short of breath on stairs.

    Lorita, what you call a patio dress we used to call a house dress. I bought one yesterday from Aldi's, they call it a beach dress. I got it to wear around the house and to do housework in.

    My late uncle lived in a nice senior apt and had lots of books and record albums (lps). He also has lots of CASH in between the pages of the books and between the albums. My aunts (his sisters) had to be careful to go through everything before they threw things out.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Yesterday was a good day for Lou's Birthday! Weather was nice, a lot of Birthday greetings and most important......a good day with Lou. The only drawback was we had to leave before church service was over. I wished all of you could have seen her singing right along with me. She ate her lunch good and finished off my shrimp alfredo lagrenia for supper. Since my esophagus problems I cant eat a big meal and had a little over half of mine left, that alone with another biscuit and a little fish she left, gave her a good meal.

    Lorita, I know how frustrating it is to get use to a medical alert device. My life alert has been a pain! I cant stand it around my neck, the holder on my side kept coming off and the wrist band was uncomfortable. I know that it is something that I need to figure out, but haven't yet. At least the wall one in the by the bathtub is good!

    Mens group from church use to met on Friday mornings at 6am for fellowship and breakfast, which was to early for my Lou's sitter. This friday they are meeting at 6pm and hopefully Lou's sitter can come later that day where I can go. She has also offered to come on Sundays where I can attend church service, but I enjoy Lou being with me when I can.

    Remember at 3pm to pause for a moment in memory of all that sacrificed their life for our freedom!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited May 2023

    Joan are your compression fractures from osteoporosis? If so Google spinomed brace. Sara Meeks PT who is well known in osteoporosis world says it is the only brace for osteoporosis. She says it is the only brace that strengthens the muscles it is designed to protect. What I plan on asking for if I develop them.

    Sandy thank you. Estate sales are a great way to go.. I really enjoy going to them. Here some people do it themselves. Other people sell their estate to someone and then they become responsible for sale and getting rid of what don’t sell. I had an uncle who did this.

    Thank you Marie for warning.

    Iris I have no shortness of breath when climbing stairs. Was doing that at the hospital. PT watched me do it at home and it is part of my plan for this week. They come see me once a week and leave me with a plan for the week. When I was in septic shock understand my echo of heart was not so good. It had to be repeated before I could leave hospital and it was normal per report on chart. If it had not been I would have had further testing before being discharged. I do have a follow up cardiac appointment in late July.

    Glad you and Lou had a nice day Ron.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    A quick funny story about my mom and her "button" as she called it. She had a serious fall and surprisingly thought wearing a medical alert button going forward was a good idea. She was faithful in keeping it on.

    Her 'issue' if you want to call it that was with Tupperware lids! She divided food up into various containers & froze some & kept some out. Probably 2x's a week she'd have trouble putting the lid back on the container, so she'd hold the container on her chest to help push the lid on. You guessed it. It sent a signal and immediately she'd hear a voice "are you alright Mrs. ?, " If she didn't respond immediately she heard "do I need to send for help?" She say no, I'm sorry I was closing a lid. They were always very kind. The first couple of times it startled her, then she waited to hear who's voice would be on! They would casually chat making certain she was fine then go away.

    I was so impressed with the service. I called and thanked them several times. Its a good peace of mind for everyone at hand to have a "button."


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Eaglemom which service did you use

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    It's a pretty day here but there's rain around OKC so we may get some this afternoon which will be fine. I woke up at 3 this morning to hear Sheena panting. Didn't seem hot in the bedroom to me but we went into the LR where it was cooler and I directed the fan toward her. She didn't want to go outside so we were up a while. Then, I began to think about the cow who had the new baby. I left as soon as she started to get up so began to think maybe she wasn't fine - maybe she was going to have another calf. We've had twins a few times. So as soon as it was daylight I got in the PU and drove out to check on her. Part of them were in the south pasture so checked them - she wasn't there. Then saw some in the east pasture so drove over and saw them. Mom was grazing and baby was a few feet from her looking at the grass. When he saw the PU he hurried over and got close to mom. So both were okay. He's as cute as can be. I came back and went to bed and slept until 10:30.

    That's been my morning - feel like I could go back to sleep and may take an afternoon nap. Ron, glad you're, hopefully, going to get to go to the meeting with the men from the Church. So nice that Lou and you had a good birthday. I bet it thrilled you to the bone to see her singing along with everyone. Sweet lady, she is. Marie, I saw that other thread. I think it's Bundy trying to get onto ours. I posted on her first thread and told her how to get here but guess she thought I meant to start that thread. This site is confusing at first - still is sometimes.

    This is a day to remember those who gave everything during the wars to keep us free. To me, I think anyone who was in the Service and in combat is a hero. So glad I got the flag up and it's flying this morning. I'll try to keep it up all summer - maybe the winds won't be so bad. Also glad I got the barn door open so it'll be cooler for everyone.

    Ron, what branch of the Service were you in. I think you've probably told us but memory escapes me. Charles was in the Korea War. He enlisted before he was old enough and when they found out, they discharged him just two or three weeks before his birthday. Then he went back in. He had three periods of Service and was in Japan when the war began. He was there during the whole war. As it did with so many men and women, there were scars from the war that couldn't be seen. War is an awful thing.

    Lots of boat accidents over the weekend at our Oklahoma lakes - people drowning and one boat rammed another one on purpose. Couldn't pay me to get out on a lake - anytime. Years ago we had a small boat and we put it in the water in the lake south of us - we went across a big, open part of the lake (scared me to death). We put in for a while, then started back and the motor wouldn't start and we were out in the lake not too far from the shore. Someone pulled us back to shore. Was I ever glad to get out of that boat. Last time I was in it for sure. Our largest pond is big enough for a paddle boat which I don't mind but we never got one which is just as well.

    Sandy, enjoyed our visit last evening. I found your post - looks like we were probably posting at the same time and I didn't see it. Always glad to see a post from you. Hope you have a good day.

    Happy Memorial Day to all of you - I'll pause at 3 p.m. and give thanks for all the people who lost their lives to protect us.

  • Bundy
    Bundy Member Posts: 26
    Seventh Anniversary 10 Comments

    Happy Memorial Day to all. Hope this note gets on Lorita's new page as so far I don't think I am doing anything right in getting back in touch. I was known as Bundy but my name is Barbara.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi Barbara, your note is on our thread. Glad you made it. How are things with you? I remember you posting a long time ago. Always glad when someone who used to post comes back. Many of us have been here a long time and enjoy visiting on the front porch.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    edited May 2023

    I want to know too.....

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Hi Barbara...glad you made it...your rocker has been waiting!

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hi Lorita, I did see that Thread by Marilyn S., using the exact Title and number of this ongoing Thread; I did write her a message explaining the problem issue and hope it is helpful for her.

    Glad to see you made it over Bundy; do you prefer to be called Barbara or Bundy? We here on this Thread are "Front Porch Friends" who sit on Lorita's front porch and we each have a rocking chair of our own. Those chairs are all easy to get out of and fit every size back side; it is always, without exception, perfect weather on Lorita's magic Front Porch; even in the throes of deep winter or deep summer.

    Lorita, DH did not have Xanax; he was prescribed Ativan for the purpose of relaxing him so he did not get claustrophobic in the MRI machine; it was not meant for back pain and it did not help that at all. He was to take only two Ativan, but he arbitrarily took three. The three mgs of Ativan had him doozy-woozy the rest of the day. He wanted to go out and do pick up for dinner, but I had to do fast talking to keep him from getting in the car; he was too sedated and unsafe to do so. His speech was just a bit thick and his conversations took out of context gaps now and then. He napped in his chair most of the afternoon.

    I am so sorry about the fractured vertebrae, Joan; that is gosh-awful to have to put up with. I know how active you always have been and that is an understatement. Hope that there is some relief for you soon.

    Sasue; I seem to recall, (I think), that you had a daughter that was going to go to school in Ireland; did she go and if so, I hope it was a good experience for her.

    I shall pause at 3:00 pm today in respect for our fallen service men and women.

    Ron; Lou's skin is really lovely. I am happy for both of you that she had a good day. Her Red Lobster dinner looked very good and so much of it! I love fresh lake trout. Living in the U.P. of Michigan, there is much to be had by fishing oneself or by going to the dock at Lake Superior and buying a fish right off a fishing boat that is docking. SO good! Been awhile since that has been an option. Sounds like it was a half success at church for Lou and it is great that she enjoyed singing along with you and the congregation.

    A story told about me at around five years old, was that my father took me fishing with him; he went to the woods and fished in a favorite wide, deep stream. He had a creel to carry the fish in and they were really biting and almost hopped onto his rod. Well . . . I had not seen death before; he would catch a fish and would toss it up on the bank and on to the next one and the next and the next . . . little did he realize I was picking up the fish and throwing them back into the water so they would not die. He was not happy; let's say that was the first and last time he took me fishing with him. I also hated deer hunting season. I recall his car with a large buck tied to the roof that he had brought home - I was undone and cried - "You shot Bambi's Daddy!!!" May have been raised in the U.P. where fishing and hunting was part and parcel of living there, but somehow I was off beat from everyone else.

    In the Leisure World community my mother and step-dad lived in, estate sales were always happening. There would be a time set, and a line would form. The professionals running the sale would price things and let the people into the house (if all was being sold) about five at a time. The professionals took a percentage of the sales and the rest was profit for the owners of the items. Wonderful bargains to be had. Sometimes the community held a HUGE outdoor sale where residents brought their goods and I loved to go as there were wonderful items and bargains to be had. Many items were from another generation and were no longer available in stores. Leisure World in Seal Beach is a gated community that has about 9,600 residents in over 6,500 one and two bedroom houses that were built in the 60's. Lots of services including churches, a health clinic, pharmacy, library, multiple club houses, an amphitheater, a gym, very active security, free small bus tram transportation, scores of social clubs, many activities, a nine hole golf course, a large public pool and much more. Very interesting community where prices of homes go up and down depending on demand. Right now, the demand is very high, so prices are quite up. My Mother had a corner two bedroom unit on two green belts; all lawns outside taken care of as is the plumbing, stove, refrigerators, pest control and more. Quite a system.

    So glad you are going to try and do better with your emergency button, Lorita. That makes us all feel a lot better on your behalf. I can understand it is easy to forget, but if you get into the habit of wearing it every day as part of your routine dressing, it will become habit I would think. Delighted to know you will be much safer.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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