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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    all about ticks;

    How To Avoid Ticks — And What To Do If You Get Bitten : Shots - Health News : NPR

    about fleas;

    Fleas lay eggs on your pet -- tiny white ovals -- that mostly fall off into the environment around it (your bed, the dog bed, the carpet, that favorite chair), only to hatch a few days later into flea larvae.

    I guess we are all targets!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Thanks, Sara and HB for the information about the mask. I'm going to order one - should have when we talked about it a while back.

    HB, I've found that vinca do better than anything in my bathtub north of the house. It's in full sun and they seem to like it. I tried bluebonnets in it one year and they were beautiful - for a while. Guess they don't last too long. This year, there's nothing in it except little weeds. When the girls are in that area, they eat whatever is there.

    It's a pretty morning here - went to bed early and slept late. When I went out on the porch the last of the girls were coming to the barn. It's in the 80s now with prediction of some rain this afternoon.

    I just put Frontline on the cats. They're all shorthaired and it's hard to get the hair back enough to get it just on the skin. Did all right with Max but not so good with the others. We used to have two long haired cats - Suki and Sasha and I used it on them all the time with no problem. I haven't done anything else this morning except feed all of us.

    I'm thinking I may go into town early in the morning - get my groceries, go to the Credit Union and then by the vets. Thanks for the information about the notary publics. I used to go to our bank and they always had at least one. So I imagine the credit union will but I'll call to be sure. There's two other banks in town so I'll find one somewhere - or two witnesses. I think the man mentioned that would sufficeth. I've always enjoyed living way away from town but as we get older it's not as easy. Judith has the ideal location - everything within a few minutes of her - and, in town you can get grocery delivery. That will never happen out here. I can get all I need from WM FedEx except dairy, produce and frozen things and for that I'm thankful. I used to occasionally see a Swan's truck (think that's it) on the road east of us but haven't seen it for years. My SIL in Texas used to order from them and she was well satisfied.

    Need to order the diesel additives from WM. Filled the tank yesterday and it was only half empty so will need to add some. Ron, you know about these things - Adrian told me about four different kinds, 911, Diesel Kleen, Sea Foam and Lucas Injector fluid. I didn't ask him but do you think I should use all of them at once? If I order them, there won't be anyone to ask so maybe I should stop by WM but you never know - the guy you ask in there might not know anymore than I do. The place where we've always had work done on cars has closed so can't ask them. Maybe the bottles will have that information.

    I was thinking this morning about how lucky you all are who have someone to rely on, to take you somewhere when you need a driver, etc. I never thought it would get to the point where I might need someone like that. When you're young, you feel invincible but as time goes on, you realize you're not.

    I'm going to try the vinegar and water even though Mike said it wouldn't work - also thinking about flea collars. We used to use them all the time. I think I mentioned we had one poodle that thought he couldn't walk when we put on the collar - guess he thought he was tied up.

    Ron, hope yesterday and today are better. The moon's waning so maybe that will help. Just watching the weather and it says in the eastern part of our Country the smoke from the fires in Canada is really bad. Here the ozone problem what we're dealing with. Temps here are in the upper 80s to low 90s. Just not ready for the hot weather.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good afternoon,

    Lorita I was just going to suggest bank for notary too.

    Planted a few zinnia seeds today. Hope to plant some more tomorrow. Zinnias are one if my favorite flowers. Hope they come up.

    My sister brought me some pulled pork her husband made. It was really good, made a nice lunch.

    Today would have been a work day. Went and saw my cowotkers for a little bit. Was so nice to see them.

    PT coming 3-3:30, too late for me. Just ones more week after today so I shall endure.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    Haha. I offered to go to the nursery to buy some; we're in zone 6 so they're still available. She declined to spend more money this year as she paid to have a dead tree taken out and replaced it with a Strawberry Vanilla Hydrangea standard (that was over $700 not including planting and delivery). She also added 3 peonies and 6 coral bells.

    I did some planting in her garden last year as her Mothers Day gift-- she didn't mind the fancy New Guineas when I was paying for them.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Bravecto is what the Vets use at my DILs office; she is a Vet Tech. As for the vinegar; no, it will not help for what you want, and I would ask if there is a problem using it as sometimes it can be caustic to skin. Why shortchange it from what is best advised by the Vet? Not worth it for either the animal or yourself if it prolongs the problem.

    As for notaries, the credit unions will have that available as well as banks and real estate offices almost always have them.

    Those tics are evil and can carry even deadly disease, must not short cut keeping it all at bay as much as possible and diligently keep up with it. I am going to be Posting news information out on the Forum which tells the story of a healthy man diagnosed with Young Onset Alzheimer's Disease which progressed, but only after time, it was later found that he actually had Lyme Disease from tic bites - AND his Lyme Disease test had been negative - took a lot of specialists, etc. to get the accurate diagnosis as his condition evolved. He improved somewhat with antibiotics as long as he could take them, but the disease was stronger; he eventually passed away and it was not an easy process. I think he ended up in a NH at a young age due to the effects of the disease. SO . . . no short cuts re tic protection; and Judith being our best teacher has educated us all about how they travel and multiply inside our homes. Heavens! This may well be something you are now facing considering the dogs and where they have been on the chair and living room furniture and on the rugs. We love you dearly and are trying to keep you in one piece! If it isn't nagging about wearing the emergency button; it is tics! Or old medicines and old food. Isn't it a pain in the fandango to have so many irritating "sisters" on the Front Porch? Wish I had one in real life; I could use a little nagging.

    I had never seen a Strawberry Vanilla Hydrangea, so looked it up. Wow! Some of them are absolutely gorgeous - what lovely color and beautiful form! However, whether in tree form or not, I did not see any of them in the $700 range! Some were over $100, did your mother buy a rare plant? I can imagine how she enjoys looking at it in full bloom, that must really be something.

    Though WalMart does not deliver, Lorita, you can hire a delivery service; BUT in most larger stores, WalMart has grocery pickup. DH sometimes wants to order from WalMart; he orders online and pays for it with the credit card online, sets a date and time for pickup. When one gets to WalMart, there are special stalls one pulls into for grocery pickup - he calls the pickup number on his cell phone and within a few very short minutes, the person comes out with the groceries and puts them into the vehicle. No problem with refrigerated or frozen items, they have the capability for that. Tips are not allowed. It has worked very well with no problems; perhaps this would work for you? Could call your WalMart and find out if they are doing that. They may; it has turned out to be a good deal for them as well as the customers.

    Spoke too soon yesterday; had a big fire up north of us; over 1600 acres. Started on flat plains in farm country but they do not know how it started. Only one barn was burned down; all other structures were okay, but it is not a highly built area.

    Now I wish I had a place to have a Strawberry Vanilla Hydrangea; I first heard it here!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    In case it was missed on the Forum, here is the link:



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    edited June 2023

    I would not use all of those products at once w/o a lot of info

    Best Diesel Fuel Additives (motortrend.com)

    Grandson says it was 9 innings because the teams were locked in a tie. Don't you love that OU pitcher???

    The cost of taking out a tree can bring you to your knees!

    Jo...hope your husband is feeling better.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Thanks, guys, it's like having a room full of sisters - I like that!

    I've lived with ticks my whole life - they're really bad this year and have been for the last three or so months. I've gotten quite a few off of me already. Got one off Sheena's ear a while ago - it was dead so the Vectra is still working evidently. I think I mentioned that Bryon's son's dog has what Mike thinks is lyme disease - don't know if it made it or not. Years ago when we lived in the MH we got infested with fleas - we had carpet everywhere except the kitchen, bath and dining room but the worst was in the second bedroom. We'd go in and they'd get on our feet. We had some kind of spray in a can that really did the job but no idea what it is. We don't have carpet anywhere, only the two dog beds and a bigger throw rug. I haven't noticed any fleas on me or on the cats.

    I did check and the credit union has a notary so when I go in, I'll use that one.

    Jo, our WM has that service but I've never used it. The store where I shop is a block away and I sort of like to select my own vegetables but I may try it if I don't feel like walking around the store, however, the store is not that big.

    I found the mask and am ordering it - should be here by Friday. Does it seem to really help?

    I was just watching the weather channel and they showed New York and Philadelphia - the smoke is so bad you can hardly see the skylines. I can only imagine how bad that is when you're out in it. It's 87 here right now. I thought I heard thunder a while ago but checked the radar and there's nothing around here.

    I'm going to look up that plant, too, sounds beautiful. I don't have anything blooming but roses and they've finished their first bloom - did have honeysuckle everywhere - all down the driveway. Patsy once told me she could remember laying in bed with the window open and smelling the honeysuckle on the south fence. I know I can really smell it when it's in bloom and I drive by.

    I checked and Vectra and Bravecto has the same, or mostly the same ingredients. I hope that it was just the heat that was bothering Sheena. We've had really hot weather since I've had them and can't remember either of them ever having problems - maybe because she wasn't used to it.

    Haven't talked with Sarah today. She said Hospice was going to take a look at her medical records and would let her know if she's eligible. The woman who came said she didn't see a problem. I hope they do accept her. I think it would be good for her to have someone to call if she needed something.

    Sara, take it easy - I know you feel so much better but your body still needs time to get completely back to normal.

    Again, thanks for all the information and the gentle pushes you all give me. Miss having Charles to do that. Enjoy the rest of the day.


  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
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    Sayra, glad to hear your surgery went well.

    I need to catch up with all of your posts before I respond 😁


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Nicole, it'll take a while - we've been a talkative bunch.

    Our PBS station is having their fundraising and I just happened onto The Concert in Black and White with Roy Orbison. I enjoyed every minute I saw of it. Brought back so many memories. He was our favorite singer and we were privileged to see him in concert with Conway Twitty back in the 80s. Enjoyment and tears.

    I didn't know Bruce Springstein played with him - or maybe it was just in this concert. Really, really good. I think Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard are on next - wish they've have the Highwaymen on again. We liked them, too.

    I went out to check the barn and started into the cowshed and ran smackdab into Samson coming out. I backed up. Then started back to the house but heard a baby bawl so went back and Billy was still in the barn and a baby was in the pen. Guess his mom left him there with Samson and Billy. Billy came out and I finally got the baby out - he followed Billy out into the pasture so I went down to check to make sure he got back to mom. All is well.

    I have a lot of CDs but no player so I'm going to order one. I kwow we have some of Roy Orbison and several of Yanni. PBS used to have concerts by Yanni years ago but haven't in a long time.

    Looked like rain late this evening but guess it's passed us by. Hope you all have a good, restful night. See you tomorrow.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good day with Lou yesterday, enjoyed my time spent with her knowing and loving me.

    Ticks.......oh boy, dont remind me of my childhood and unspeakable places those blood suckers go on little boys. Haven't had to deal with ticks in a long time!

    Zetta, glad to hear from you, we all have been worried. Don't know if I mentioned this but Lou's sitter has a small yorkie that she brings with her. That dog has helped me through my grieving of littlebit. As soon as the sitter comes in the dog is running to me giving me more sugar than I can handle. Isnt it amazing how good the therapy is with a animal!

    Jo C., hope your husband is better by now!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    @Jo C.

    It's a tree form and fairly tall-- over 6' planted. Mom claims that, at 85, she doesn't have time for bareroot perennials and baby trees. The price included a 2 year replacement. My friend bought a standard "Limelight" that set her back $400, but it's only about 3' tall. Pardon the messy mulch. That's my son "Fabio" (he's 5'10") standing next to it; I do wish he'd get a real haircut.

    Lyme Disease is pretty endemic where I am. I know people who golf, hike and/or garden who do a course of abx each fall just in case they've missed a deer tick which is easy given how tiny they are.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Ron, glad you had a good time with the men and that Lou was at her best yesterday. Hope you are feeling better.

    There is a video I recently watched on YouTube on the correct way to remove a tick. If you wish to watch it, here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKLk5Q_w7IQ&t=157s

    I do like that it's easier to post photos and links in this new format of the forum. However, I have an issue and it is this: when I enter the forum and see where you click on the post you wish to read, it'll say, for example, 12 new. Then I enter and it only shows me 3. I had totally missed some posts, such as the one where Jo and HB were discussing the hydrangea - I didn't realize I'd missed them till I read today. Anyway, what's with that!??!

    We are going to a softball game for our granddaughter this a.m. Looking forward to it and hoping it isn't too hot.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Beth, I have discovered that with me, when I open the thread, the first new post I haven't read shows on my phone. I just discovered that when I started scrolling up and realized that was the last one I opened.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    I find that to be true, too, Beth - and I have missed posts and not knowing it until I see something someone mentions. Right now it says there are four new comments - I don't see them and I've read all that are there.

    It's a beautiful morning - girls are coming in, getting their fresh drink of water and finding their place in the barn for the day. Stormy and Sheena have been outside and the cats and me have been fed. I had a horrible charley horse in my left calf this morning before I got up. Felt it coming on and jumped out of bed and stood on that leg (that does hurt) but it's really sore and makes getting around hard. No town today. Like I've said - not out of anything. Just wanted to get the Bravecto for the GPs (I'll call and ask them to send it) and get the release signed (no hurry for that) - so I'm good to go. I've rubbed my leg a couple of times but it'll just take time to get better. I am going to start taking Magnesium again. Found an unopened bottle with exp. date of Nov. 2020 but google says they don't go bad. Google says 320 mg. is the recommended dose for my age but these are 240 so l 1/2, I guess. I remember when I was losing weight a long time (need to do that again) I took Magnesium.

    The cats had frontline put on them yesterday and they don't seem to be scratching as much. Poor little Lilly was staying away from everyone but she isn't doing that now - guess she feels better.

    OU plays softball again today - Florida, I think, best of three? Not sure but this is the first game so I'm looking forward to that.

    HB, the hydrangea looks really good and healthy - hope it blooms soon so we can see that. Your son's hair is pretty - that's the style now - long hair and beards. Charles used to always grow a beard (not long) every fall. He kept it for a couple of months, then shaved it. I think a lot of men look good in beards - he did.

    I ordered a small CD player last night so I could listen to our "forgotten" CDs. The Roy Orbison concert is going to be on again tomorrow night so I'll watch it again.

    Going to be a quiet day here, I hope. When I buy a gallon of milk I divide it in three containers and freeze two. I had never been able to freeze milk and have it be good until a couple of years ago. I don't drink much but do cook with it and like it on cereal.

    Hope everyone is well today. Ron, so glad yesterday was good with Lou. Isn't it nice when they're having a good day. I know Darwin is always happy when his wife is having a good day. I'll be back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Thank you Nicole.

    Glad to hear you and Lou had a good day Ron.

    Ticks scare me because I don’t know how to ID them. Also afraid might not be able to see it. Loved to walk in fields and woods but no longer feel free to do so.

    Beth I saw that video you posted. Dr Dray is the one who helped me to get my Rosacea under control. She gets a lot if comments from people about how much she helped them. Have only had a few minor flares since following her advice. Before that was a struggle constantly to stay out of a flare.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I got a tick bite once while inside the house. Apparently it rode in with my uncle after he cut the grass, then it got onto me. Ugh! Fortunately it was on my arm and I was able to remove it, I'm glad it was not on my back. Another reason for me not to move back east.

    Here's a photo of a monarch butterfly in my yard.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Iris, that photo is gorgeous!!! Thanks for sharing!

    Sara, glad Dr. Dray helped you. I, too, have rosacea but not ocular. I use Metronidazole and Azelaic acid and it is controlled. I guess it never totally goes away but I also am happy with the status of it.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited June 2023

    Beautiful photo Iris; what a good catch to get that butterfly at just the right moment.. HB; when that Vanilla Strawberry tree blooms, it would be great to see a picture of it. I had never heard of such a hydrangea before; what a really extraordinary pretty plant. By the way, the house is lovely with the brick and the color paint . . . also the plants are doing so well and really adds to the curb appeal.

    Thank you folks for asking, but DHs back is in even worse shape. When walking, he is somewhat bent over; he is miserable and understandably cranky. I wondered if he used two canes and "cross country skied" when walking, OR if he used a front wheeled walker just to support himself when walking if either one of those may help support him and make it a tidge easier. We have both available at the house, but thus far he has not tried. Have to leave it in his hands. Basically, though a very intelligent person, when it comes to himself and his care needs - especially with his Diabetes, he is his own worst enemy, and is not compliant with following good practices despite being great with ongoing doctor's appointments. He now has moderate bilateral neuropathy in both feet. On so many meds; I think last count it was thirteen. I am deeply concerned for him and am not much help with the big things due to the severity of my own knee issues that nothing can be done for. Cannot have knee replacement due to lymphedema that developed years later after a cancer surgery performed over 41 years ago when I was so young, where all lymph nodes were removed in abdomen and pelvis. Wonderfully grateful that the cure rate was 100%, but oh boy the unexpected after effect. Two years after that long ago surgery, they stopped removing lymph nodes for the type of radical surgery I had as it was not necessary after all. Rather than being angry and carrying on, I am instead grateful the cancer was discovered as early as it was and that it gave such good outcome results.

    A Member on another Forum gave information about the following person regarding dreadful state housework struggles and more. The person did a TED Talk; I found it oddly fascinating and another way to think. She does do a lot of counseling with people who have issues such as autism, ADHD, depression, etc, and has written books. The TED Talk photos of her house when not addressed had my hair standing on end;I would find it so overwhelming I'd be catatonic. I've included the link to her Ted Talk; it is worth watching. She has a website. I looked at her Resources and found the issues regarding showering interesting and may be something some of our LOs with earlier phase dementia may find helpful.


    Well Sayra; I thought I had recently developed redness from either a face mask or reading glasses that went at that area, turns out I have suddenly developed mild to moderate rosacea. What???? I am now in the midst of this new happening and with product choices to be made. I will order some of the items listed, but would like to find out which foundation makeup is best. I do not use it often, but like to have it for when I want it. AARGH! What next, I wonder. At least I can no longer get pregnant, so that is at least one certainty. Why in the world this waited until I was "mature" and decided to make an appearance is a puzzle.

    Ron, that little dog sounds like a sweetie; they are so loving and do not ask for much; just to be loved and to please us, and a safe place to sleep and a bit of food . . . and of course, a cookie treat now and then is a happy, happy event. Lots of responsibility having them, but truly rewarding.

    Oh boy, Lorita, sure am glad Samson did not take issue with you and become a, RUN! situation. Must have been a bit startling to have both bulls come out like that. I would have been able to go into orbit. But then you are an experienced person and probably did not even blink an eyelash.

    Got to get going, got to call radiology; they forgot to give DH a copy of the MRI disc for his spinal MRI, so now have to hunt it up and hopefully can still get it. I am better at problem solving those sorts of things and have a lot more patience than Mr. blue eyes.

    Good afternoon everyone,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi again, My leg (calf) is finally getting back to normal. I hate charley horses - wonder why they call them that? I've walked as much as I could today so maybe that helped. I'm going to have to get out and walk more bit it's too dratted hot and humid - no wind at all. I think Samson has gotten used to me, somewhat. Every time I see him I talk to him and he looks at me - same with Billy the Bull. Billy is as tall as his daddy but not as heavy - yet. Samson has little, nubby horns - probably was partially dehorned. My sister was always telling me to be careful around the bulls - she was afraid of them - and you never know what they might do. I can remember when I was little - and this is probably why she was so cautious - my parent had a bull that was not friendly to people. When the girls were out in the pasture they'd send my little dog (Rat Terrier) to bring in the cows. Little dogs sort of scare cows. So, that may have been why she was always cautioning me.Iris, I'm sure the picture of the Monarch is beautiful - it seems to talk a long time for them to come through on my laptop. I seldom see butterflies anymore - probably a result of spraying. I thought today was when OU played in the softball world series finals but it's tomorrow. I'd like to take a nap but not sure if Bryon is coming today or tomorrow so I'll stay awake. I woke up early with the charley horse so haven't had enough sleep yet. Sara, unless you check or someone else does you won't know there's a tick on you unless you feel it crawling or the spot begins to hurt. I had one on my back a year or so ago - just far enough down or up that I couldn't reach it so had to use a back scratcher to get it off. Sort of tore up the spot on my back but got it off. The worst kind is the tiny, tiny ones, that you can hardly see. We got them on us once when we went to a singing out in the woods way up by Jay, Okla. I think we stood in them while we ate lunch. It was awful. Laptop is about out of power so will stop - charge doesn't last too long because I also use a cooling pad. Back later. No time to paragraph - sorry.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita. Sorry about your charley horse, my mother used to get them all the time, I don't think I have ever had one. Maybe just get lost of rest today and keep your feet up, like in a recliner. I can't remember if I told you but I took Molly in to have her teeth cleaned and they pulled 4 of them. Poor girl she was on soft food for 14 days, no treats or chews, I felt so sorry for her, but she pulled through fine.

    Iris. That butterfly was beautiful, you must have a camera that zooms in. we are having problems with mosquitos right now, it seems like every time I open the door 10 come in.

    Ron. You are so right dogs are such a comfort, Iam sure you are really enjoying Lous sitters' dog and all the sugar you get. I would sure miss my Molly if something ever happened to her. Do you like cats? they are easier to care for then a dog. I have 2 cats and they don't go outside so all I have to do is keep the cat box cleaned and feed them. One loves to be held and the other one not so much. It is so nice to hear when you and Lou have good days.

    Sara. Now that you are on the mend, please take care of yourself and don't overdo anything. It sounds like you're feeling a lot better.

    Jo. I am so sorry to hear that your DH is not feeling well and that you not as well as you usually are. You are a good caregiver for your DH. Do you have someone that comes in and cleans your house for you and helps with things? Iam pretty lucky there I have my son and nephew that live with me, and they both are a real big help.

    Nicole. You're never going to get caught up I was without internet for 2 weeks and I tried to get caught up, but it kept putting me further behind. So, I just gave up. It is nice hearing from you.

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited June 2023

    Here you go Lorita!

    Why is it called a charley horse in calf?

    "In the 1890s, an old horse named Charley was used in the old Chicago White Sox ballpark to pull a roller across the infield. He was old and his muscles would get so stiff he could hardly walk. Players and spectators who caught a cramp thought of the old horse and started calling the condition a charley horse."

    Still be careful with your Charlie horse, that's what I thought I had but it wouldn't go away and found out it was a blood clot.

    I might have made a mistake today by not planning for Lou's sitter where I could get out of the house. I've been having ramp, porch, rails and doors painted. Everything has been outside until today when he had trouble with the front door. Had trouble removing old paint and had to use a paint stripper and door had to be opened. Fumes are still hanging around and I know it's not good for my bad lung. Good thing I have a VA appointment tommorow and will probably get a good checkup anyway. Looks like this is a VA month for me, I have a appointment with different Drs one day every week this month.

    Suppose to start on my carport tommorow! Still waiting on a call about my kitchen backsplashes. Spending my money like I'm going to lose it if I dont.

    Almost forgot to mention that I dont remember small tics in Louisiana. Growing up I had more on me than I can count and they weren't small. Mom use to heat the tip of a pin and stick it on the tic to loosen it and than mashed the head between her fingernails.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    edited June 2023

    Zetta, you don't ever want a Charley Horse. They hurt so badly and what you're supposed to do is stand up on the leg - really hard to do - but I jumped out of bed and did that so maybe it helped. It's okay, or mostly okay, this evening. I've walked quite a lot so maybe that helped. i have sat in the recliner with my legs up when I wasn't outside or doing something inside.

    It's hot here and humid and there's been an ozone alert around Tulsa but it's getting better. The wind isn't blowing so that's part of the problem. Feel sorry for everyone in the east and NE because of the smoke.

    Ron, thanks for the information about how that cramp got it's name. I've always wondered. Good you're getting painting done but don't you hate to have someone around doing work - bothers me. I still haven't gotten the porches painted and may not until fall. It's getting to be summertime - supposed to be in the 90s after next Monday.

    Opened the gates and closed one and let the girls out north of the house to graze a bit. They all came in but have left. There's thousands of tiny, tiny grasshoppers in the grass, mostly outside of the yard. That's the way it was last year and the darn things ate most of the leaves off the holly and roses.

    Zetta and Ron, about the Charley Horse. I called the vet's office for them to send the Bravecto to me and told the girl I've known a long time that I had a Charley Horse. She said she's heard drinking pickle juice will help. I didn't do that but did take a drink or two of tonic water. Karen used to have leg cramps at night and she kept a bottle of it next to her bed. I was doing that but got out of the habit but had a full bottle in the refrigerator.

    I just heard that the first of the softball finals is tonight - sometimes those games go four hours - it's OU and Florida.

    You're right, Zetta, it's hard to catch up when you get behind reading. Still haven't seen that picture of the butterfly but I'll check. Rest well tonight. Just saw the picture of the butterfly - gorgeous. It's on Lantana and the colors match. Love Lantana - used to grow it here and it did so well in the hot summer. Thanks for the picture.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Jo, I do see a dermatologist for rosacea. Mine is so well controlled (at least to my satisfaction) that I really only go yearly. "Dr. Dray" on Youtube has videos on rosacea. She is a board certified dermatologist in Houston. Her real name is Andréa Suarez. Another good derm. on YouTube is "Budget Dermatologist." She also has videos on rosacea. As far as products go, my derm. also recommended Cetaphil Redness Relieving Moisturizer. There is a day formula and a night formula. I won't use the day formula because it contains mineral sunscreen. I dislike mineral sunscreens because they are hard to remove. I use chemical sunscreens, currently using a facial one by Trader Joe's and also Bondi Sands brand. Anyway, you inquired about foundation. This might not be what you like, but I like the powder foundations. I use Mary Kay; have used Bare Minerals in the past. Hope this info is helpful.

    HB, I liked your photo. The hydrangea will be beautiful. Your mom's home is lovely too. You have done a very good job helping your parents. I know it's not been easy but you did and continue to do great!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Enjoyed the monarch butterfly iris too. Haven’t seen any large butterflies here yet just seeing the smaller ones.

    If I remember right, there are four types of rosacea. I do not have the type where you get the pink cheeks so far. I have the ocular and then I have the type where I get hard red knots, and they get large around the rim of my nose. Now and then they’ll come up somewhere else on my face but mainly my nose anyway, it’s very much under control now.I’ll have to look up the budget dermatologist was not aware of that one.

    JoC so sorry your husband is having trouble finding any relief. Know this is hard on yOu too.

    Zetta I am doing more but at same time I am aware of my limitations. My nephew is coming once a week and helping me maintain my garden. He hopes to help me clean up my garage too. Cotton has finally quit falling so maybe we can get that done in next week or two.

    I have had a few charley horses. Since I have started getting more calcium in diet by eating yogurt and using buttermilk in things I don’t get them. Have found I’m very tolerant of yogurt and buttermilk. No lactase needed with them.

    HB your landscaping is beautiful. Thank yOu for sharing.

    Take care each and every one

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Sara, I remember you asked if any of us had cottonwood trees. There aren't any around here but seems like many years ago our neighbor had one and the fluff would fly around. Our trees are mostly Hackberry, Maple and Mulberry - all pretty trees.

    Looks like it's going to be another "warm" day with high humidity and another ozone alert for Tulsa - probably won't be as bad here in the country.

    Put a load of clothes in to wash - not clothes, but covers I keep on the divan and chair. Now I only have one or maybe two loads a week compared with a couple every day in years past.

    Really good ballgame last night - OU won the first of best two out of three games. Another game tonight. In OKC they had a one hour delay before the game began and another 45 min. delay after the game started. Guess I'm going to have to get interested in baseball for the summer.

    I found a container of what I'm not sure in the refrigerator yesterday. It looks like and tastes like salt but why would I have put salt in the refrigerator? Just goes to show you that putting the name of what's in the container is a good idea. Do you all use Lock n Lock containers? They had a really good deal on QVC yesterday - 13 pieces for about $27.00. When you buy that in the grocery stores it's really expensive. Didn't order it because my cabinet where I keep it is already full. I use those containers every day - in the refrigerator and freezer.

    I saw one of the girls going into the barn a while ago so guess they're finding their places. I put birdfeed in the feeder and along two of the bannisters last evening and it's gone this morning so maybe Rusty's still around - haven't seen him for two or three days. Did I mention the grasshoppers are back? Right now they're about half an inch long or maybe less but they'll grow. You walk through the grass and they fly everywhere.

    Looks like we're going to have some rain and storms this weekend - need to order another weather radio. I thought mine was going to work but doesn't seem to be doing so.

    Enjoy your day - hope all of you are well. Sara, I'm so glad your nephew is willing and able to help you with your yard work - nice to have relatives who will help. Jo, I so hope your husband can find something to help with his backache pain - does a heating pad help? I'll be back later in the day - time for juice and hot tea.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    @Jo C.

    I am sorry you and your DH are living in pain. I've had one TKR and am waiting on #2 to reach the point where I am ready to have it replaced as well. I did and continue to do PT for both my knees. I use a stationary bike most days to keep the joint as lubricated as possible and also some videos on YouTube that are based on yoga and Pilates. It takes the edge off for me.

    I maybe, probably, sorta have mild rosacea. I'm not willing to give up my spicy foods, wine or craft IPAs, so I manage with cosmetics. For foundations, check out IT Cosmetics. The founder is a woman with severe rosacea and the line is created to cover without irritation. I'm wearing her "Your Skin But Better CC+ Illuminating Full-Coverage Foundation SPF 50" at the moment; I'm headed into the city for a haircut and will be outdoors. It's enough for me for a daily look. They have foundations with more and less coverage. Both Sephora and Ulta carry the line and you can buy a smaller travel size to try rather than the larger tube. QVC sometimes has deals, too.

    Foundation Makeup | IT Cosmetics - Page 2

    One of my favorite products is this stuff.

    Cicapair™ Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment SPF30 | Dr. Jart US E-commerce Site (drjart.com)

    I wear this over moisturizer for a no-makeup look. It's a leap of faith to slather green cream on your face, but it's magical and feels wonderful on. IT makes a similar product called Bye Bye Redness but it seems kind of drying and not as long lasting. I get all day out of Dr. Jart.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I have had a busy day today! Primary care follow up, which I didnt enjoy since I've lost confidence in this Dr. After returning home they put up my carport and the painter also finished, so after writing checks my checkbook started crying again.

    I believe I'm going to have them come back and add some metal to the side away from house.

    Had problems with Lou earlier, but she has settled down now. Ever once in awhile she gets real mean but thankfully it doesnt last long.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi, Goodness, don't know why this is so big - sorry.

    Ron, it all looks so nice. Now you can put your new car under the carport and keep the hot, Louisiana sun off of it. Might be a good idea to have them add some more metal on the side to keep the sun and wind off - which direction is that away from the house? Your place looks so nice - such big, beautiful trees. Sorry Lou was troublesome earlier but glad she's better now.

    It's been a hot day here - no wind and so humid. I saw one place that said our heat index was 105. Way, way too early for that. Makes me worry about how hot it may get this summer. It's so odd what the drought did to the grass. My yard is almost bare of grass except a little bit in the front - there was grass there last year. I also noticed that the grass just outside the first gate toward the driveway is turning brown and so is the meadow. If the hay doesn't make this year I have no idea what will happen. Our neighbor has gotten hay somewhere - looks like at least 100 big bales - he doesn't have enough land for that much hay.

    I went to the mailbox later this afternoon and the Bravecto I ordered yesterday was there. It had been in the mailbox for probably six hours - guess it's still all right. It's a chewable thing so better than a liquid, I guess. Stormy doesn't seem to be having trouble with fleas, only Sheena. It says not to give it to a dog who has a history of seizures. He's had two; one at the vet's office after I had gotten him in the PU and back out at the vets (might have been stress related) and the other one here in the bedroom so I worry about giving it to him. Might give it to Sheena and think about something different for him.

    See you all tomorrow - rest well.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Ron, your carport (and your property) look very nice!

    More gardening for me today. Also it's grocery day.

    I have an outside cat - feral, who has been here since she was a kitten. She's 15 now. Since I feed her, numerous other cats have come here over the years. Currently there is a yellow and white boy who comes. He's pretty. He is afraid of us, though. He likes to lay in an area where I have no mulch and have planted seeds that I'm waiting to germinate. Not good for the seedlings! So I placed plastic forks, tine side up, sticking in that flowerbed. Once the seedlings are bigger I'll remove them. Looks kind of funny!

    Yesterday morning I relocated 7 purple coneflowers. My coneflower journey began with me picking seedbeds from a public garden many years ago. I have always loved them! Once you get them started, they seed themselves prolifically. Anyway, I am creating a new "drift" area of them so that's why I was moving them. Also went to Lowe's and bought 2 orange, 1 yellow and 2 white coneflowers yesterday.

    If I can find one, I'll post a pic of my coneflowers - not current, but there was a time when I had many more than I have even now.

    Have a good day and weekend!

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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