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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Bundy
    Bundy Member Posts: 26
    Seventh Anniversary 10 Comments

    Thank you for the welcome back, have been reading the posts from the front porch friends for several years and did post some before hubby got into the later stages of his alzheimers but I have always read the posts from Lorita's site. I was born in Tennessee and moved to Indianapolis, Indiana since that is where my husband was from. He was an auctioneer and we had our own auction here for over 50 years. He did auctions for others for a few years but the alzheimers caught up with him around 2015 and he retired. I clerked at the auction after the children got into middle school but have always been a homebody.

    Bundy was just a name I picked when I joined the Alzheimer's Site so just call be Barbara, Barb, or Bob. lol

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    We all took another 1 1/2 hr. nap this afternoon - makes two today but we lost three hours so maybe that comes out even. When I go in to the bedroom, Stormy and Sheena come, too, and take their naps. A while ago I heard a commotion in the kitchen or utility room so figured I better check it out. Sammy, son of Max and Lilly (big cat, he) had gotten after Stormy for some reason. He does that occasionally. Stormy was standing in the utility room waiting, I guess, for me to come and rescue him. I picked Sammy up and held him while Stormy got into the LR. Let him go and he ran and jumped on the table ready to get Stormy again. Don't know if Stormy was eating his food or what happened. Now when I go somewhere I'll have to keep the GPs and cats in separate rooms - will be too hot to leave them outside this summer.

    It was 84 today and getting muggy. Do not like Oklahoma summers when they're hot and muggy - and they always are. When I got up went to the front door to let the GPs out and saw some of the girls coming out of the barn. One cow came out, then a baby running like the wind to catch up, then another cow. This last one was the newer (not last) baby so she may have left him in the barn for a while. They all congregated at the south end of the pond where it's more shallow - to stand in the water and cool off. Sometimes they swim across the widest part of the pond, babies and all, and I hold my breath until everyone reaches the other side - then, sometimes they'll swim back.

    Beth, saw on the news tonight that a 80 unit apartment building collapsed somewhere in Iowa late yesterday. Was that close to you? All those people now without a place to live - they're going to demolish the whole building tomorrow. Luckily, no one was injured, they said.

    Judith, on your last post you said you also wanted to know - what was that? Guess you probably got some rain today - none of it got this far. It's dry enough now to drive almost anywhere in the pastures. I think they've planted all the grass across the road but still haven't fertilized or sprayed our pastures - just too much to do, I guess.

    I need to order some things from WM. Think I'll make it in two orders. If I order heavy things along with lighter ones, some things get crushed so I'll see if this will work. I wanted to put a float valve on the water tank in the lot but I've put it somewhere to get it out of the way. If I was a bit more paranoid? I'd say someone's coming in and taking things, one by one. If I ever get that way for sure - someone call the guys in the white coats, okay?

    Adrian told me what the puts in his trucks so I need to order that stuff (three things, I believe) to help the PU. He put some in the PU but I'll need more when I fill the tank again. Do wish I could get the gas gauge fixed but the dealer said it was too old to get parts so I guess I'll fill a gallon can with diesel and keep it in the PU bed, just in case. Need to get more gas for the Gator, too, but didn't go today because I know that little store will be busy with people going to the lake and stopping for things.

    Looks like Tulsa's having a thunderstorm with thunder and lightning. Our weatherman is stressing that people should get inside when they hear thunder. I remember a couple of years ago it was raining and thundering and I needed to go to the barn and I went holding an umbrella - silly thing to do.

    Glad you found our thread, Bundy, like Jo said, your rocking chair is waiting for you. It's a pretty view from the front porch of the pond and cows and the pretty land east of us - lots of pretty trees around to enjoy. We have some of the prettiest trees imaginable - Hackberries, mostly, just huge and gorgeous. I would have called the farm Hackberry Hill but mother had already named it so her name is fine with me. When I'm telling people how to get here I can tell them the name of the farm and they usually know where it is. Charles and I had a big sign made with the farm's name on it to hang from the arch over the gate. Before that mother made the sign but the one that was up there must have blown down and I never found it again.

    I've written enough so I'll stop and drink some more water. Zetta, if we knew how to find you, we'd come and see what's wrong. Know you're working tonight, I think, but please post tomorrow so we'll know you're okay.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    We're up early again today. About 5 this morning Sheena began to bark every once in a while - not a big bark, just enough to wake me. Don't know if she was hot or what. The AC in the bedroom is set for energy saver so it's a while between times when it's really on. I have to change that. So she may have gotten warm. The cats were awake because every once in a while I'd hear things falling in the kitchen area. Finally gave in and got up - they're outside now, cats have been fed and Max has had his medicine.

    My eyes feel like they have sand in them - not sure why. I've started to wear a sleep mask - we keep the fan on all the time in the BR at night so even though my eyes are closed the air still gets in and dries my eyes. I was just out on the porch and gave Rusty some sunflower seeds along the bannisters - girls are still out in the pasture grazing and it's really nice outside.

    My Chewy order is supposed to come today so need to open the gate to the driveway - closed it yesterday thinking some of the girls might come in and eat the grass - they didn't. Turned on the TV this morning to see what the news said but found that Denim & Co. was on so have been watching it - it was a beach edition. They had short shorts, 3-4" inseams and they had a brief underneath. What's this? A pair of shorts with another pair of shorts underneath? I haven't worn shorts in years - never did wear short shorts. Reminds me that when I was a little girl mother made a lot of our clothes and she had a pattern for a pair of shorts with really wide legs - almost like those wide-legged pants (can't think of the name right now) and I loved them. They were nice and cool. Now it seems everything needs to be so fitted. I'll stop complaining for now and drink my hot tea. Hope everyone is up and at 'em this morning and feeling well. I'll be back later. Weather says we may have some pop-up showers later today but looks like it's going to be south of here. Humidity is high so it's a bit hazy.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Wide-legged pants: culottes? Palazzo pants?

    I don't wear short shorts either but do wear shorts these days as it is hot here also. It's 62 this a.m. and will get to 87 later today. I need to get around and walk the dog and "piddle around" in the garden while it is cool. I watered last Thursday and Friday and will do it again Thursday and Friday if we don't get rain. It's pretty dry here. Praying for rain. Farmers need it too, for their corn and soybeans. Picked some lettuce and radishes from the garden yesterday. They were tasty.

    The apartment building that collapsed was in Davenport - on the Mississippi River - not close to us. I feel sorry for the people. They would not let them go back inside to get belongings as it was not structurally sound.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Beth, I guess they were like what they call beach pants now - almost down to the knee. I don't see them anywhere now.

    It's awful that they didn't let the people get their belongings but I can understand the danger - surely there would have been some way - they lost everything they had.

    It's going to be about the same temperature here today and the rest of the week - I'm not ready for the hot summer. I like wintertime much better - at least you can wear more clothes to keep warm. Do you have a sprinkling system for your garden or do you have to water by hand. With all you have I bet that's a big job. When we used to have a garden we watered some by hand and we had some kind of tall stake we put a sprinkler on and it watered a big part of it - much easier.

    You know I haven't had a radish to eat in years. We used to grow Easter Egg and Champion radishes and they were so good - also French Breakfast. What kinds do you raise?

    I've been watching Denim & Co. this morning - didn't order anything but I need to order some things from WM and Amazon. My float valve wore out and I need a new one, also another weather radio. The weatherman says by the end of the week we may have some pretty heavy storms.

    Got the medicine down the cats and GPs - only three more days for the cats and one for the GPs. I'll be glad when that's done. Looks like it's been a quiet day on the thread this morning - everyone must be busy. Enjoy the rest of your day, Beth.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Hello, We don't have an irrigation system. We do have a sprinkler and can get a fair amount done at one time. I often water a few things by hand: newly planted seeds and vegetables. I only get the sprinkler out to do a large area. The perennials, bushes and trees have deep enough roots they can go longer without a "drink." I keep track on my calendar of the rain we get, and the amounts. We got close to 2" the month of May. The last rain was 0.1" on 5/15.

    Not sure what kind of radishes we planted, maybe Cherry Belle. I have forgotten!

    Anyone on the porch like rhubarb? We have one plant that I transplanted from my MIL's home many years ago. I made one pie off of it this spring but don't have enough left to make anything else. Thinking I need a couple more plants. Will go look at a garden center and see if they are available.

    I also have blueberries, raspberries and serviceberries - and, for the first time, peaches! I had planted a peach pit and it grew and this year it bloomed beautifully and has hundreds, if not thousands, of little peaches. Google says to thin them to 1 peach every 6-8"; otherwise, they will be too heavy and branches can break.

    Our roses are so beautiful right now. In the back yard we have Buck Roses (developed by and named for Dr. Buck who developed them at Iowa State University.) We also have some Knockout roses. Lots of red and pink ones. I'll try to get some pics of them soon.

    Lorita, I was interested in the size of lakes today - got to thinking about it because there were 3 drownings at lakes in Iowa over the long weekend (sad). Anyway, the largest lake in Iowa is man made and it's 15,000 acres. I looked up Lake Eufaula and it's 105,000 acres - wow! Lake of the Ozarks at 54,000 acres is big too but not as large as Eufaula.

    Have a great day, everyone! How about some tea (sweet, or not) on the porch this afternoon?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi Barb nice to see you on porch. I live in Ohio about 4 hours east of you.

    Very dry here too.

    Beth I like rhubarb, usually make a crisp.

    Miss Zetta hope you are ok.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi, Beth, I've never eaten rhubarb. They say strawberry-rhubarb pie is really good. Does it come back every year?

    Lake Eufaula is one of the largest man made lakes. When they built it they took farm land so a lot of the water was really muddy for a while. They always have a lot of accidents on it on Holidays. It's a pretty lake but really has made our humidity bad. When I was growing up the lake wasn't there and the temperatures would get way over 100 but the humidity was low -- only ponds to cause humidity. There's several lakes north of us that are really pretty. In fact. Charles proposed to me when we at one of the lakes.

    One of my uncles was a heavy equipment operator and he helped build Lake Tenkiller. We watched him working once and he would get a lot of dirt in front of the dozer and drive it right up to the edge of a cliff and push it over. Scary.

    Been a quiet day here - FedEx delivered things from Chewy so I sprayed, then opened the boxes - still on the front porch - heavy cans and sacks.

    Sara, are you feeling all right today - and still feeling a little better each day? Surely hope so. Enjoy the rest of the day and sleep well. Zetta?

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    This afternoon we went to a garden center and I bought a lilac and two rhubarb plants. Rhubarb does come back every year. Strawberry rhubarb pie is indeed very good!

    It is quite interesting to read about the construction of the man-made lakes. The ones here is Iowa were built largely for flood control but they are also used recreationally. Lake Red Rock actually covers 6 little towns. I'm wondering if some towns were covered by Lake Eufaula too.

    I'm happy and grateful to say we are getting a nice rain this evening!

    Sara, Ron, Zetta - thinking of all of you and hoping you are getting along ok. Sara, glad your echocardiogram showed improvement! It's amazing and scary what sepsis can do to the various organs. Ron, Lou's BD dinner looked amazing! You do a great job making her feel happy and special.

  • Bundy
    Bundy Member Posts: 26
    Seventh Anniversary 10 Comments

    I am just going to give up, no matter what I do I cannot get past this page. #4

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Bundy, there is nothing past page 4 at this time.

  • Bundy
    Bundy Member Posts: 26
    Seventh Anniversary 10 Comments

    Thank you.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    NOTE: Something very strange is afoot. When I came here and was simply reading, there was a copy of an OLD Post of mine at the very bottom of Page 4 which had been pulled up from three days ago written on Page 3 and inserted here. The original three day old Post is still in its place. Don't know if it is tech glitch or whether there is a jokester here toying with the Thread which would not be a healthy behavior.

    I even logged off and came back in just in case it was an isolated electronic glitch, nope - still the same.

    This is the second time that has happened, so I shall report to Admin and Tech to see if there have been other complaints from other Members. Very strange indeed.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I like to read about people getting up and out of the house early. For some reason, I have fallen back into sleeping until the afternoon, so my functional day is very short. This is not good.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Jo, what about #163 of our thread showing up, how did that happen? I started reading it and was wondering why I'd missed so many posts - then I noticed the number. I didn't see your old post - may be gone by now. Do things like that happen - someone from another thread interferring with another?

    It's hot here today and humid. I spent a good half hour out in the sun trying to disconnect the hose from an old float valve - finally gave up on the end that it connects to, then couldn't get the end of the kwik connect piece off the hose - finally gave up there but later I'll spray it with WD40 and see if that helps. I finally got the new float valve together. Why in the world it was so hard to get together this time beats me. I've put six or eight of them together - not easy but not this hard. Could it be that I'm getting more mature and things are harder to do? Several years ago Patsy told me it was getting hard for them to open bottles and jars.

    Did close the gate to the lane and opened the lot gate by the water tank thinking, maybe, some of the girls will come out and graze and get rid of some of the grass north of the house. I so hate to have good grass mowed when they can eat it. Talked with Mike last night on his way home from a farm call and he mentioned it would be good to let all the girls out in the lane to eat that grass. Bryan mows down the lane but can't get but a narrow area on each side of the road. I have things coming from WM by FedEx so don't want to close the main gate yet. I think I almost got too hot - probably not - but I was tuckered out when I got back inside.

    Bundy, when you get on our thread the last post will show up so no need to go to another page - at least that's on my laptop. On my tablet I have to start at the first of the thread and scroll down to get to the last post. Take it easy - you'll get the hang of it. Took me a long time and I still don't know much about it.

    I slept or at least stayed in bed sleeping most of the time until 8:30 this morning. I've never done that - feel okay - guess I'm still catching up on my sleep. The GPs were quiet, too, and they always wake me up if I don't awakened first. Gave medicine to two cats and two GPs. Two more pills to go with Max and Lilly - finished Stormy and Sheena's this morning. Now I need to remember to take my vitamins. I have a bottle of Prebiotics and have ordered some Probiotics to take with them. Says you need both at the same time. Daja Vu - really seems like I've posted this same thing about the Pre and Pro biotics before.

    I guess we're going to have to ask Judith to check on Zetta because she hasn't posted in so long. Judith is good at this - remember she found me several years ago when I hadn't posted in a long time.

    I love fettuccini alfredo so yesterday I had some farfalle I'd cooked a couple of days ago with some of the jarred sauce - really good. It says you need to use it within three days so guess I'll have to cook some fettuccini tomorrow and freeze the rest of it. Just remembered I have some english peas I opened a day or so ago - I like pasta and english peas together.

    I drove up late yesterday, just before dark, to check on the two newest babies. Some of the girls were in the south pasture and some in the east one. Back in the winter when it was so muddy Toad took down some of the old fence between the two pastures so they could go through there. I saw the two moms and two newest babies at that opening and after I backed off, they came through. They are so cute. I remember years ago we had 20+ little ones and it was so much fun to watch them running and playing. Time for Barney Miller so I'll stop for now - back later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I've started to make sure I look at the thread # before I open; makes my life easier. Spent some time at the VA Tuesday with my psychologist for a chat. I've started remembering pieces Vietnam that I've only had partial memory of. I thought it was unusual since I've left Vietnam in 1966. She told me that was not unusual especially if someone had been very active and once they slow down some memories come back. I had found out that the VA now has a PACT team for veterans. This team consist of your primary care physician, a nurse, social worker and psychologist with the veteran as the center of the team.

    Lou's sitter has agreed to come late Friday where I can meet with the Friday night mens meeting at church. They use to meet in Friday morning at 6 for breakfast which was to early for the sitter, but now moved it to Friday night.


  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
    Legacy Membership 25 Likes 10 Comments

    Good afternoon,

    It’s a beautiful day here in Virginia. We did get much needed rain over the holiday weekend but now the sun is shining and it’s 78 degrees. I’ve been staying indoors, I broke my toe and it’s been difficult to walk. Yesterday and today I did walk up to the barn to visit with the horses. My daughter-in-law brought a bench for me so I can sit for awhile before walking back. Much appreciated.

    Jo, my step-granddaughter did go to Ireland for her fall semester. She then traveled to Portugal and Iceland before returning home. I can’t imagine doing that when I was 20. She has now graduated from Boston University. Her twin sister has a summer job at Glacier National Park. My granddaughter has one more semester before graduation, she will be a chemical engineer and has an internship at Argonne National Laboratory for the summer. Four of the grands have been here and gone this month. Hard to keep track of coming and going.

    Ron, I’m glad Lou’s birthday a success. You’re doing a wonderful job taking care of her. I hope you can find the right doctor to help you feel better.

    Joan, sorry you’re having so much back pain. I had fusion many years ago and I was supposed to have surgery again last year. After it was cancelled 4 times, I decided it wasn’t meant to be. Now that I don’t have a house to take care of, I haven’t had nearly as much pain.

    Sayra, I hope you’re feeling a little better each day. Just take it easy but don’t lose your ability to keep walking. A little every day.

    Lorita, I enjoy our talks, I’m glad we were able to connect. You’re a good friend. Now I’m rambling, so everyone have a good night.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Very hot and very dry. My nephew is here weeding my beds. It’s so hot even at 6 pm. I go out and instruct then come back in awhile. I’m ready for bed will be glad when he is done. I’m thankful for his help though, he has helped me so much.

    Nice to hear from each of you today.

  • Bundy
    Bundy Member Posts: 26
    Seventh Anniversary 10 Comments

    Well I finally got back to where I should be. I see there are others still having issues since this has been changed so will be glad when things finally work correctly without having to redo every little thing.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Sara, it's hot here, too. Let the GPs out and they were ready to come back inside in five minutes. They have a doublecoat so can't stand the heat. I've gotten most of the Chewy things in the house - have one more big case of dog food but that will be for tomorrow morning. So nice your nephew is weeding for you. I'm happy you have relatives nearby that will help so you won't be tempted to do it yourself.

    Ron, how nice that your sitter will be able to come so you can go to dinner with your Church friends. It seems that Lou likes her so that makes things a lot easier for everyone concerned.

    Sandy, did you go up and see the horses today? That was nice of your DIL to get the stool for you to sit on. You could spend a lot of time up there when it's cool enough. Glad you posted.

    Bundy, it's taking some time for everyone to get used to the new format. I just learn what I need to know to get along.

    Girls have left the barn and are way up in the pasture. I don't think I'll even go out to the barn tonight - the moms have been taking the babies with them and everytime I go out there I step in a fresh cow pile. My sister said our grandpa (I never knew him) would say when she stepped in one that she "cut her foot". Sounds better, doesn't it? They didn't go out north of the house to graze - maybe early in the morning when they come in.

    I'm going to wait to put on the new float valve until the water tank is almost empty so I can clean it out. Somehow it's gotten a lot of dirt in it and when I fill it, the water's brownish until it settles. It's a big tank so can only turn it over when it has 2-3" of water in it.

    Sara, I think I'm going to lay down on the divan for a while. I sit in this chair and even with a pillow behind me, it makes my back hurt. Hope all of you have a good evening and a restful night. See you tomorrow.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Anyone heard from Lady Zetta? I did a search and found nothing for her after May 16.

    Sure hope the new job was not too much for her.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Hi all. I’ve been out the last two days following my granddaughter around the golf course. She wasn’t expecting to place anywhere in the top pairings, and didn’t, but was a great experience for her to play in the State tournament. Fun for me to ride the cart and watch.

    Sara, I’m going to Google that brace. It might be helpful for me. I don’t have osteoporosis or a fracture. I have stenosis and spondylosis, which causes the spine to compress. It’s a degeneration of the intervertebral discs. Probably very similar to osteoporosis problems. Thanks for the tip.

    Lorita, I’m glad all the babies are doing fine. Glad you got the barn door open. I could never do that. Please be careful. My mom had a medical alert button and it would go off when she opened things by pressing them to her chest too. The people would ask if she was ok and chat for a minute and hang up. She wore it around her neck and put it under her blouse so it didn’t bother her dangling like a necklace.

    Ron, glad Lou had a great birthday. I’m happy you are taking advantage of the help so you can enjoy yourself a bit.

    Barbara. Glad you’re back.

    Jo, I’m taking it slow and going to therapy which I like. It seems to help me from being so stiff.

    Hi to all on here. I’m going to relax and go to bed and read in a bit. All the fresh cool air the past few days has me relaxed and ready to rest. Have a good night. Joan

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    We just had a 2.4 earthquake! It was a jolt, coming up from below. I looked outside but no one else was about. We are supposed to check for damage after a 'quake, but apparently this wasn't strong enough for people to be concerned.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Glad you are ok Iris.

    Joan don’t believe that brace is for stenosis. If you Google Bob & Brad spinal stenosis may find some help. Believe maybe Brad has that.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    edited June 2023

    Morning, Iris, earthquakes would scare me to death - can't get away from them. We have them here but they're mostly in the central part of Oklahoma. I do have a couple of cracks in the LR walls from an earthquake a couple of years ago. Glad you're okay.

    Joan, I bet it was fun to ride the golf cart around and watch your granddaughter playing. I do hope your back is better - seems that when you have a backache you hurt all over. I'm having lower back pain, from what I don't know. When I was in my 20s I had a lot of trouble with lower back pain - I used Absorbine, Jr. to rub on it to make it feel better. At that time I had a Mustang with leather seats - no AC. When I'd get off work the seats were as hot as all get out and leaning against them was awful. By the time I got home the back of my panties were crispy - almost like paper from the medicine and heat.

    This morning my right calf feels like it's had or is about to have a charleyhorse - no idea why. I just went to the mailbox and getting up into the PU wasn't that easy. I had left the gates open so the girls could graze in the parking area and there were several in there but have gone into the barn so I was able to open the gate to the driveway so FedEx can come through.

    Before I went outside this morning I kept hearing a cow or two bawling - went out on the porch and saw six little babies coming toward the house from the south pasture. Guess they were together sleeping when their moms left. I put the float valve on the water tank after I cleaned it out. There was a good inch of sludge in the bottom so now they have good, clean water. There was one cow waiting to drink while I put it on.

    When I turned on the news and weather this morning they showed the sunrise and I thought I saw a sun dog. They didn't mention it - doesn't happen that often so I thought they would have. It changed to the news and the sun dog was still there. For some reason there's a light spot on the screen - shows up mostly when there's a lighter background. Don't know what happened so there's another problem if the TV goes out. Also have a headache over my right eye - just took something so it should disappear - guess it's my right, frontal sinus. Used to have a lot of trouble with that.

    On the way to the mailbox I saw all the little heifers (they're not little - no idea why I keep calling them that) and a couple of bulls in the shade by the fence. They're really a pretty bunch of girls and boys. When I came back by they were on their way to better shade west of the house.

    I can't imagine what's going on with Zetta unless she may be dog sitting and there's no internet - that's happened before. Wish we had a way to connect with her. Does anyone happen to have her phone number?

    I found something a while ago I'd never seen - it was a list of how to do things on the new format. I do have a question for you all - when you first get on discussions what is the icon with three dots in the right hand corner - before you begin to post?

    Guess I'll watch softball today. OU plays Stanford at 1:30 and OSU plays someone at 6 so that'll take care of the afternoon. I'll stop for now and drink some more hot tea - already had part of a crumb cake for breakfast. I'm thawing out some peaches so may make a peach cobbler later today. Haven't had one of those for a long time. Enjoy your day .

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi Sandy, you're in my thoughts today. Hope your day isn't too bad - just good memories. Maybe a visit to the horses for a while would be good. If you need to talk, I'm here.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Thanks Sara. I googled and realized it’s not what I need. I like advice from Bob and Brad, so will see what they have to offer. I do feel pretty good today so hoping maybe I just might be a little better.

    It hasn’t been above the 70’s here yet, so guess I’ll take that as a blessing and enjoy it while I can.

    Enjoy your day. Joan

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited June 2023

    Good evening

    Another hot dry day. Watered outside some this morning and did inside things this afternoon. Plan on resting rest of evening. All my supper was already cooked so all I have to do is heat it up. Laid down for a hour after lunch and I fell asleep too. Hadn’t done that in awhile.

    Lorita sorry you are having so many aches and pains.

    Do you guys have those cotton trees? Probably have asked you that before. They make such a mess in the garage. Always glad when they quit dropping their cotton. Wouldn’t be so bad if I could keep it out of garage.

    Hope each one has a nice evening

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 100 Insightfuls Reactions

    I think the three dots you are referring to have to do with your computer i.e. this is where you change the font size.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I also had a mustang with leather seats and remember how hot they would be when I first got in the car. Glad I didnt have to worry about crispy painties! LOL

    Was reading my psychology report and it stated PTSD/provisional. From what I understand is that means ptsd is suspected. I dont know if the determination of that came from the Q&A that I took are the recent Vietnam recalls I've been having. Didnt think Vietnam would have any part in it but was told it is normal for it to show up late.

    Good day today and prepared Lou a good supper. Funny how she eats; but she eats it all. Had steak, baked potato, salad and roll, she eats the salad, then the potato, roll is next and steak is last. I made banana pudding, but she prefers cookies so I told the sitter to take some home with her. I like it with the cool whip better than the old fashioned kind.

    No taking blood pressure medicine tonight, it was 106/60. I believe I mentioned after my fainting spell they took me off deltizem and told me anytime my top number is under 120 not to take my ateneoll. It doesnt happen often, but it does happen and I don't know why. I have noticed when I dont take it I have tachycardia the next day. Have a primary care visit next week so need to mention it.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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