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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    edited September 2023

    Lorita, Pam's instagram says this 2 days ago (her name is @pcarver146 there):

    "I wanted to take a minute to say Thank you so much for the posts and comments I have been seeing on Facebook wondering where I’ve been. I’ve taken some time off from fashion but I’m happy to say I’ll be back Sunday at 7am with my good friend Gary Goben for QVC. I’m also excited that I will be working with Calista hair at 4pm tomorrow for the first time! As well as a hair tool by Sharper Image tomorrow at 10pm. And Saturday during Sat. Morning Q I will be on with Fitnation with the Flex bike. Come check us out! ❤️😁"

    Busy weekend for me!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thankks, Day, I was afraid they had fired her, too. Hope you're getting better each day.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    edited October 2023

    Good evening. Our tree colors are all changing at the moment. Lots of gold and yellow Aspen trees and shrubbery is bronze and reddish brown. We still have a lot of green too, so the valley is looking quite beautiful.

    I went to my one month post op appointment on Monday. The X-rays looked great and everything was in place and healing. He said he thought I was doing fine so far. I’m supposed to start physical therapy for a few weeks but so far, they can’t find an opening until Oct. 16. I guess I’ll just keep walking until I can get in. Yesterday was the first day my back wasn’t feeling extremely weak. It still feels weak, but not as bad as before. I don’t know what to expect, so I’m anxious about needing my walker. I can’t walk without it, so I have to use it. Jo, about what week did Bill walk without his walker? Getting laundry out of the washer is my biggest struggle. If I use the pinchers, it bothers my weak wrist, and if I use the tool with funny little hooks, it is easier, but still hard to lift clothes out without bending or twisting. I’m doing a small load every day so I don’t have a full load to fight with.

    The PA told me that I should start feeling less tired and will probably start doing more and overdoing, and having to take a day of rest. He said it’s pretty common and just try to be aware of taking breaks to rest. I’m still thankful I have you letting me know how Bill is doing. It gives me hope. I was released to drive, so I have been out for a couple little drives just to get out of the house.

    Jerilyn, congrats on your anniversary. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Your cat is beautiful.

    Day, good for you getting back to work. I hope you’re feeling stronger and doing better every day.

    Sarah, the cantaloupe looks good. I don’t care for melons, but it sure looked juicy and good.

    Judith, I hope you’re getting back to feeling well again. I looked at the bread recipe. Would be nice to have fresh bread every day, but I don’t need to be eating alot of bread.

    its very cloudy here and looks like showers but we haven’t had any yet. I saw where were supposed to get a cooler week next week. Our weather has been beautiful this past month. Lots of sunshine and not too hot.

    Hi to all. I keep reading and need to respond more. I’ll get better at doing that. Enjoy your evening and have a relaxing Sunday. Joan

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Joanne have noticed just a few trees starting to change color here for a week or so. Some of them are very pretty so we may have a beautiful fall.

    Have had a pretty weekend. Was able to start cleaning up the front yard yesterday. See they are giving several nice days, so maybe I can get it all done soon, we’ll see. This is my week for 3 days with mom so will have a little extra time maybe.

    would like to have a fall get together for my family at my house. Usually me or my sister that’s helping me have had one. I’m trying to think about how I could have it, but make it very simple. Like Thanksgiving it will have to be simple. We will see if I am able to get the yard totally cleaned up and then go from there. Definitely do not want to make myself feel stressed or rushed. I feel so much better since I quit volunteering. Since I’m not volunteering, I’m cleaning my mothers house slowly. On the surface it looks clean but it’s really not when I did a deep dive. So I clean for one hour on most of my days. Have all the front rooms of the house and the hallway and one bathroom clean now so that makes it pretty easy to keep those rooms up. I’m not gonna get stressed out about it I just want it to not get nasty. I can’t stand it in a nasty house. The kitchen floor needs mopped badly. Can only sweep it so far because she is crossing my boundary. its not nasty but definitely would look better if I could do more than sweep it.

    Hope each one is doing ok

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, sorry, it's afternoon,

    It's a pretty day here but going to be warm. Stormy and I got out early and saw the heifers and then the cows. It's so peaceful out there - wish all of life was like that. It was very wet - big dew - so when I got home I didn't take Sheena for her walk - waited about an hour, then we all went down to the pond. Some of the girls were in the pond, some going to the barn for the day and some were grazing. Yesterday morning I saw a cow coming to the barn so after a while went out to see if she was okay. She had gone to the barn early to "get her place" for the day. She was laying in the pen in front of the stall door so she was getting a good breeze. They're not dumb. The GPs walked around, smelling and enjoying. I think it does Sheena a lot of good to get out early. I know she enjoys it and Stormy enjoys going out to check the girls.

    Joan, so good to hear from you. Be sure to take it easy and not ovedo. Wish I could see those beautiful Aspen trees as they turn. I remember that trip to northern NM and how beautiful it was in October. Hope you can get in to start your PT soon. Seems like we all have to wait so long to get things done. Glad you're going to start posting more often - we love to hear what 's going on with you. How are the granddaughters and is either of them showing heifers or swine this year? Time goes so fast so they may be past that.

    Sara, I know you enjoyed volunteering but seems like it was a little too much for you with all you do with your gardening and yard work. Nice that your limiting your work at your mother's house so it doesn't get to be too much.

    I called Bryon a couple of days ago to let him know I was ready for him to clean up my yard. I haven't done anything in it - hurts my left upper hip to bend as much as it hurts my knees. I only have some grass on the north side and back of the house and I'm letting it go to seed. I don't know what happened to all the other grass. The yard including all the shrubs look like it's the dead of winter. I did notice there are a few leaves on one of the white altheas and there was actually a bloom on a really old purple one out by the corral.

    I think I'll have him start cutting back the holly until he gets to green (if there is any) so I can save it. My glossy abelia is completely dead and in past years it has been so pretty. Beth, I bet you have some of those - I love the smell. We had a couple of them when we lived in the MH on the south side and when we moved down to the house we planted one at the south end of the porch.

    Just put some butterbeans on to cook in the slow cooker. I thought I had a package of pintos but couldn't find them - that's OK because I love butterbeans.

    Day, thanks again for the information about Pam. I set the alarm at 5:55 so I could get up and watch Denim & Co. It went off and I turned it off and guess I went back to sleep because the next thing I new it was 7 a.m. so missed it. My TV schedule didn't show their usual Sunday show so called and they're not scheduled this week. Wonder why? Watching ITKWD now but I need to check on who's playing football.

    Ron, did you make it to Church today? Hope things are going all right with you. Scott, also wondering about how you and your wife are doing.

    I'll stop for now - back later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, I did make it to church, without Lou. It was a hard decision but I've decided if I'm to get anything out of church service, Lou doesn't need to go even though I love to have her with me.

    This Friday night is the mens supper at church and hopefully I'll be able to go. It is good fellowship and even though with my achalasia I don't care that much about eating, the food is aways good. Hate I missed the night they had rattlesnake, I've never eating it and being a louisiana boy, I've tried most everything.

    Hope October brings good fortune to the front porch rockers.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Goodness, I have been up to my eyeballs in alligators; I scan and read but not much time to message; soon I hope. I am thinking of all of you.

    Joan, I saw your Post and want to respond. Bill is at his 13th post-op week. He was able to pretty much not use his walker at about his sixth week, but he has that small lumbar back support brace which helps to not have to use a walker. He does pretty well, and just graduated at his appt. last week to being told he is now able to lift 40 - 50 pounds; is now permitted to bend lightly and slowly a bit at the waist, (flex), and can turn left and right at the waist gently, slowly and not too far. Progress. Back can still get a little tired and at times a bit weak, but nothing like it had been. Still going to take time.

    BUT Joan; he has had a lumbar support brace and he will still wear it when on his feet much. He began P.T. at home because he did not go to rehab. He now goes to outpatient P.T. which is for about 12 weeks; three times a week. No brace in P.T. but they want him to continue to use it when up and about for a length of time. it has not weakened his back, but seems to have strengthened it and permitted more function. It will probably be phased out soon. He also has scoliosis of the spine, so that was also a factor.

    His back is much stronger than it was; each week has made a definite difference and slow healing which is "normal," especially when one is a bit older. However, that being said, sometimes his back does feel slightly weak or tired when he has been up on his feet standing too much or doing too much and then he sits down for a few minutes to rest his back. Doesn't have to do that too much except at intervals and sometimes, upon occasion, at the end of the day he can feel it - but I do notice when he seems tired because his shoulders tend to lean forward and he has to tell himself to stand up straight. Mostly, though, he is doing well considering where he was when he started pre-op.

    He credits no walker to the back brace support which has been a blessing. If he is doing small things, or if he is sitting down, or just going for something from the kitchen or bathroom, he does not put the brace on. But if he is going to be moving around the house room to room and being on his feet for some time, or doing food in the kitchen, etc., then he always puts the brace on. It is comfortable; supports his back and does not go too high. It has two comfortable straps that go around the waist and velcro closure and there is a pull device on one of the straps that he can pull to have it fit to be comfortable. Easy on, easy off. Good old velcro.

    He did say that without the back brace his back would be more of an issue and the brace permits him to do much more for longer and his back is definitely getting stronger. Can you ask your PA for a prescription for a back brace ONLY for when you are doing distance or long lengths at something in the house? Let them know you are alone with no assistance. If you have a prescription, insurance will cover all or at least most of it. Perhaps it is a geographic medical thing, but out here pretty much everyone that has that surgery has a temporary back brace. Bills surgeon's office provides the brace to the patient prior to surgery and shows the patient how to use it and demonstrate putting it on and taking it off. It went to the hospital with him.

    He also mentioned that doing laundry is really difficult. I know; I am here, but he insists on doing his own laundry. We have a top loading washer. He said towels and t-shirts are heavy when wet and are a challenge but he persists. He does use the grabber. He is trying to be very independent and is quite independent by personality and will brook no interference.

    I wonder . . . . you are alone and you have to do so much during the course of a day. Can your house keeper come once a week and when she is there, can she do your laundry? You could have it sorted and all she need do is get it in and out of the machines and use hangers for items needing that. If underwear feels embarrassing to have someone do, just get some mesh bags with a zipper top and put panties in that; then when laundry is done, the bag zips open and spills the items into the machine without having to be touched. Just an idea.

    I know your daughter, bless her, made many meals, but you still have to be on your feet getting it out of the freezer and getting it heated and adding veggies, etc. then cleaning up afterward; it is a lot when post-op healing. You will begin to move forward bit by bit, it is wonderful that your x-rays looked good and all is healing well. I am delighted for you.

    We are so blessed in that our daughter was able to fly in and be here for six weeks post-op. Do not know what we would have done without her. I am not much help what with the arthritis and the slows; frustrating as I have always been a go-er and a do-er and moving fast; but here I am, adapting to what must be and yes; still counting our blessings for which I am deeply grateful.

    Take good care to pace yourself and still get some rest time in and in a few weeks things will be progressed even more.

    Big hug to a very dear person,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Rattlesnake! Ron, would you really eat that? That's one thing I never want to taste.

    I know you'd rather have Lou with you at Church but as you said it's better for you so you can enjoy the Service and probably better for her, too - not having a lot of people around and the noise of the singing. Don't know if you have music in your Church or not. I hope you're able to go to the men's meeting - you'll enjoy that.

    Jo, I think it's wonderful that you are able to give Joan heads-up about what's to come during her recovery. I know she's thankful for that. I'm happy that your husband is continuing to improve daily - he'll soon be back to his old self before all of this began.

    It's a beautiful morning here - a heavy dew and some fog in the lower part of the farm so everything was very wet. We went down and saw all the girls and babies - they're 16 or 17 of them with 10 or 11 more to come. Everyone was grazing or laying around. Then we went up to see our girls - just now they've come through to graze in the lane down to the gate. I wish they'd eat a lot of the grass - it's beginning to look like no one lives here. I see that Billy the Bull is standing in the pond now. I saw him this morning and he's okay.

    There's several of those huge yellow and black spiders on the front porch. This morning I needed the stepstool and one had built or was building her web in it so had to disturb her - those things can really move.

    Last night the light in the pantry went out and when I went to bed I realized the security light that shines into the garden and into the bedroom was out. That one in the pantry will be hard to replace - it has a globe over it so it may not be replaced (the globe, that is). I'll ask Jimmy to put in a new security light when he works on the barn lights. That one has been on all the time and the shade is gone. I think it's been shining for at least 25 years so it's been a good one. I'm so tired of things going wrong - seems like every day there's something new.

    Took Sheena and Stormy for a walk when I got back from seeing the girls and left my phone in the Gator. I was a long way from it when I heard it ring. When I checked it was a call from Todd's phone. Scared the heck out of me - he wouldn't call this early so I was afraid of what I might hear. I called and Sarah answered (thank goodness). Her phone had quit working and she was using his - called to tell me they were on the way to her doctor's appointment. She's been really sick all weekend and not retaining any nourishment. Hope he can help some.

    A while ago I called our health department to see if they had the flu and covid vaccines. She said they won't be getting covid vaccines because the pandemic is over (are they sure?) so only pharmacies and doctor's office have the vaccine. She did say they might have some in November. Not sure I want to wait that long.They have a few of the senior flu shots - said they were not getting too many of them. I'll have to make an appointment to get that and get the covid vaccine at my pharmacy

    . Battery is getting low so I'll stop for now. Be back later. Hope everyone's okay today.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Show of hands, who will admit to having eaten rattlesnake? My hand is up! I've done it, and really it was no big deal. Thinking about it was weird, but the taste was like lite cod - very very mild - almost no taste. I don't want to do it again, it messes with my brain!!

    Our mornings are in the 80's and feel wonderful. We are still setting high temp records, but hopefully by midweek we're to have some rain. That will be lovely - if it will only happen.

    I'm trying to play catchup from the last several weeks with things that I've just put on the back burner. Nothing difficult, just those ridiculous call you have to make to "fix" issues. Like my Kohl's bill with a zero balance (0). Apparently since I've had a zero balance for 6 months the computer wants a minimum payment!! If not it will go to collections! Collections doesn't want a bill that is zero. So that's on the list to deal with today. DH said it would be easier to go purchase a pair of socks & charge them. Then pay it off. He might be correct.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Most exotic thing I have tried is allegator. That was when I lived in Florida. Wasn't bad but would not order it again.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Being from louisiana we always have some louisiana hot sauce on hand. It will make even chicken feet tast good!

    Go tommorow for my cpap machine and class. Hope this one I can use! Next Monday is pulmonary dr and still haven't heard from community care for appointment on test for the leg pain and no call yet on the barium swallow. Legs hurt everyday and eating is a chore.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron. we always have a bottle of Louisiana hot sauce in the refrigerator. Can't eat scrambled eggs without it.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Lorita I put weed and feed on my grass and it has helped it a lot. Plants are a lot of up keep Lorita. It’s a lot of work cleaning everything up in the fall to. Hope I can finish up tomorrow, but will just have to wait and see. Have been thinking about cooking up some pinto beans too.

    Well I have an Appalachia background, exotic for us was squirrel, rabbit, deer, quail and ground hog. That is the extent of exotic for me laugh out loud. Made a loaf of bread today. Had not done that in awhile. Bought bread at farm stand all summer. Saved me some work.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited October 2023

    I ate ostrich in South Africa. No exotic meat in the U S. They sell bison meat in my local supermarket, I've been slow to try it. My husband ate goat meat.

    An acquaintance telephoned me tonight to go to CVS to get something for her mom. I told her I was getting ready for bed now and I don't drive at night. She could walk to CVS in 15 minutes but she probably doesn't want to be on the street in the dark, like me.

    I am trying to stay calm and unstressed. I found out today that I have osteopenia. I am not happy. I still have not begun using my CPAP machine again. The year is almost over and I have not accomplished much.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Me either, Iris. I don't blame you for not going out after dark. It's really not safe anywhere anymore. The Tulsa fair is going on now and the police have found guns on five juveniles. Not safe. When I was in school there was nothing like that and we felt safe at the faur.

    I've heard buffalo meat is very lean but I would not eat it- well I don't eat any meat though. I saw there's going to be a good show about buffalo pretty soon by the guy who did so many good documentaries. So sad what happened to them. My mother had all the Zane Grey books and I read The Thundering Herd about buffalo. I wish I hadn't because it was so sad. Talked with to Sarah a while ago. Saw her PCP today and gas an appt. With a lung doctor tomorrow. She told me to than all of you for the prayers for her.

    Better stop before lose this.. Good night.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Another beautiful day partly cloudy and warm. Supposed to have some rain tonight and tomorrow. Severe weather in western Oklahoma. Quiet day here and looks like it may be for everyone.

    Need to put up the new rain gauge My dry eyes are really bothering me.. I've used Systane and Thera Tears. There's one called Xiidra. Has anyone tried it? Are you all having problems with allergies this fall? Really bad here.

    Need to put up the new rain gauge and shampoo my hair. Girls and babies were okay thus morning. It was wet again so no hay baling right but they will be baling this afternoon for sure.

    Hope everyone is well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I read a tip to put a drop or two of red food coloring into a rain gauge. Then, when it rains, you can more easily see the gauge.

    Also, sleeping with an eye mask may help keep tears in during the night, so when you wake up, you won't feel so dry.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    That's a great idea about the food coloring. I bet I could see the gauge from the porch. Thank you so much - still have to put it up. I went through a time a few weeks ago where I would dampen a paper towel, put it over my eyes, the put on the mask. It did help. I've fixed it now so the air from the AC doesn't blow on me. We'll be finished with air conditioning soon. How are you today?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    I did try Bison, had forgot about that til you mentioned it Iris. I did not care for it.

    Iris I have Osteoporosis and think Beth does too. May be others too. I have found Sara Meeks very encouraging. She is a PT in her early 80s who has osteoporosis. if you would like to hear her talk just Google Bob and Brad with Sara Meeks. She has three interviews which I found very enlightening. She also some of her exercises on there also. I no longer wake up with a stiff back since I started doing her decompression routine.

    We have had a beautiful day. Think the cloudy weather is suppose to start again here also either today or tomorrow. Maybe it will bring some rain for my new grass seed. Got my front yard cleaned up of all summer plants. I left just a few things in back yard that I would like them to self sow. If something happens that I can’t those few cleaned up it will be ok. Still some weeding that needs done but I’ll do that if it works out later.

    Now I hope to make a fall apron. Got the material awhile back. My turn to deal with mom the next two days so we will see. Have things to do there too.

    Ron did you have your cpap class today?

    thinking of all of you

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Looks like Myra may still be having Opossum Hootenanny Events in her back yard. They carry a menu of some very, very nasty diseases as well as seeming to enjoy leaving their calling cards behind.

    A few years back we had a small Opossum issue and called Animal Control to ask what steps to take. Turns out those critters truly have a very sensitive sense of smell and will not tolerate certain odors. They told us to use rags soaked in ammonia at both ends of the block wall that ran the length of our back yard. We did that and voila! No more Opossum runs along the wall. Score one for us!

    Just hope you do not have a doggie door into your house, Myra; turns out Opossums will use such doors to enter houses - there's a scary thought! Animal control also advised if we had any trees with limbs that even stretched near much less onto the house, to trim the limbs back so the nasty creatures could not get onto the roof as they will enter houses through chimneys as well as through vents. Cannot imagine what kind of Opossum frolic that would cause. ( Animal control said the Opossums would set up house and have litters - horrors!) Also supposed to keep brush and debris cut back and picked up.

    Also told us if there were any fruit trees to keep all fruit picked up off the ground, and to never leave doggie dishes of water and/or food outside after the dog is no longer present in the yard, and of course never leave such items out overnight.

    Had a recent issue with some cats entering our front courtyard. They loved the courtyard but more than anything, they liked to poo on the patio and in the flower beds and also seemed content to use the small carpet on our brick porch as a litter box - what the heck? In addition, we have a RING Alarm that sounds "fairy chimes" inside the house when anyone approaches our porch up the walkway; by using our cell phone we can then see who is approaching. Turns out the cats were setting off the fairy chimes which do not bother me, but bothered my husband no end. We tried cat stinkum; but it did not work. DH watched and the cats were entering the court yard through the tall wrought iron fence spans that run between tall brick pilasters. The most common place they entered was through an area of wrought iron that has vines growing completely across it, (night blooming jasmine); so DH got some very handsome blocking sort of wire but not wire; and had it installed behind the vines and plants, can't see it, but - no more cats - hurray! Still perplexes me why they do not enter through the tall front gate, but they do not. So once more, a critter problem abated.

    Delighted to see the inside of Sayra's melon; an event we all waited for. Sayra; you are such a dear - I still wish you were my neighbor. Your mother is truly fortunate to have your caring and doing. Our DIL's "sent from heaven message," Roma Tomato plant is still giving off masses of tomatoes. Unbelievable. Talk about an interesting story . . . So Sayra; you are a Pickle Ball player. I so wish I could if it weren't for these blown knees. I used to play a LOT of tennis for years; singles being my favorite. Pickle Ball looks like so much fun. My brother plays five to six days a week. He too was a tennis buff but has had two knee replacements, so he is now a Pickler. It is a huge thing out here with courts being readily accessible. They held the Pickle Ball Nationals in Palm Springs; my brother flew in from Oregon to attend. Now that is dedication! I also used to play women's volley ball, but we were not the killer players of today and NO bikini's. (Still wonder why the Olympics have the women volleyball players nearly nude, falling onto the ground during games and getting abrasions, and the male players are nicely covered.)

    I feel so sorry for those who have lost their beloved pets and extend my sympathy. It is a heart wrenching experience when that happens; they love us and do not ask for much at all, they are certainly part of our hearts and will always be sorely missed.

    Strange weather here. We had 69 degrees for a couple of days and we are soon to hit into the mid-90's again. Trying to get ahold of our carpet cleaner to get our carpeting cleaned while we have some hot days so the carpeting dries swiftly. Despite several calls, no response despite his answering phone still giving out his information. Hope he is okay.

    Our kids are all coming in again in November. One son who has a serious heart condition has a birthday soon after that, so we will do an early surprise birthday for him with just us. Think we will do a nice lasagna dinner along with a big tossed salad, garlic bread and of course birthday cake for dessert. He will not expect it which will make it a lot of fun. I still have his baby book with notes and photos, so will have that out during the small but happy celebration. Much easier with them flying and driving in rather than us having to fly out what with DH's post-op back and my wonky knees. They also seem to like being "back home;"so many memories for all of us. Those memories are counted amongst blessings for which I am deeply grateful. I miss when the kids were small; but we still have the echoes of those times in the house if we listen very carefully.

    Don't know why, but I am SO sleepy today. Slept well last night, but am heavy eyed feeling; guess I will need a nap and I usually do not do that. Must be the weather? I am making that up.

    Got a summer nightgown from Vermont Country Store and the pretty little thing has continued to shrink in length when washed. Soon it will be a tunic - go figure. Could return it, but too dratted much trouble. Cotton is not always friendly. Old school me; I LOVE cotton/poly blend. Washes and dries in machine so nicely, no shrinkage, no ironing; packs great in a suitcase and stands up; does not wrinkle and dries well when on vacation trips. I will no longer buy any clothing that needs ironing and when getting some new sweaters this winter, no more "lay flat to dry." Interesting that even when flying internationally, I have not found 100% cotton to be any cooler or any more comfortable than the cotton/poly blend. I get nothing with spandex, nylon or rayon in it. Picky me which means harder to find items. My body type cannot do denims; it would be a national disaster alarm dynamic. Ha.

    Old discussion follow-up: Found a facial moisturizer I really like a lot. Non-greasy and does a good job. It is, La Rouche-Posay Double Repair Face Moisturizer. I gave up on the Hyaluronic Acid products, and thank you for all your input.

    Last weekend, I saw the film, "Giant," once again. It is a long film and had been a long time since I had seen it; twas a very good film going over so many years in the lives of the characters and enjoyed it. Recent TV watching has been recording Masterpiece fiction programs for watching later and they have had some good ones. I have always loved a good story whether it is a book or film.

    Time to mosey on down the road, may this Post find everyone doing well and having a decent day of it all.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi again, an ambulance just drove up with lights flashing. Went out and they asked if I needed an ambulance. My medical guardian went off and they called the police station to send an ambulance. When I shampooed my hair I laid it on the counter.After they left I came in to check and it was in the floor. Guess the cats knocked it off and a fall was detected and reported. I did get a call about 45 min. ago that I didn't answer. Evidently they called to check and since I didn't answer they sent an ambulance. I don't answer numbers not on my contact list. This is the second time this has happened. I apologized and they assured me it was okay - said at least I know it works.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Now have my new cpap machine! I asked if they wanted the old one back and they told me they cannot take them to hold on to it in case something happens to the new one. I asked my preacher if he knew anyone that needs one. He told me he has a extra one he always keeps packed for trips and I might consider that. I asked about the oxygen machine the VA furnished and was told to talk to my provider and make sure I don't still need it. Guesstimate is something they can do with the cpap to provide the oxygen needed also while using cpap.

    Speaking of losing your pet, I just recently noticed the glue trap littlebit was stuck to and started crying. I just can't make myself get back there and remove it from all the cables stuck on it. Don't know if any of you remember but before he passed away one night I heard him yelping and he somehow got in back of the TV and was stuck to the glue. I finally got him off and cleaned him the best I could but had to take him to the vet where they shaved him and put medicine on his paws. The stress also sent me to the ER. I need to get someone to get back there and throw it away.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All Front Porch Rockers.

    Lorita. How far of a walk is it to the pond that you do? I am glad you enjoy that, and you get a special place to relax. It sounds like a lovely place. I have a few places I can walk Molly to, but Iam afraid of what might be out in the woods. Sometimes I will walk her down the street and back she enjoys that and the walk is good for me if I would do it

    I have been keeping pretty busy. Like Sara, said she has no idea how she did everything she did when she was volunteering. I wonder how I do everything I do now. I am planning on going to Maricopa, Arizona and spend the holidays with my daughter and her husband. Iam hoping to go the middle of November and staying till the middle of January. We are checking air flights now. Ones that will allow me to take Molly with me. I want her to be right on the plane with me and not be put in luggage.

    I have placed sunflower seeds on my front porch and watching all the birds, chipmunks, and squires eating them. They sure make a mess, with all the shells from the sunflower seeds.

    Iris. I also don't like being out at night unless it's just on my porch. When I leave the AL/MC facility I work at on the weekends I have to walk in the dark to my car. And that is out in front of building and now that it's getting dark earlier, I requested a change in my hours. I will not drive in the snow or ice especially at night So hopefully I get my hours changed soon. I will probably only be working for another month anyway so I guess it will all work out.

    The weather here has been really nice, a little rain during the day and cool nights. It has been a strange summer. During the summer we mow our front and back yard once a week, this summer we only had to mow one time???? for some reason the grass just did not grow. we watered it so it stayed green but just never grew.

    All of those dealing with health issues you have all been in my prayers, Iam glad to see you are recovering as well as you have been doing.

    Hugs to All, Zetta

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    I also have tried bison. I had a bison burger at Wall Drug in South Dakota, and also at a restaurant in Estes Park, Colorado. I liked it. Tasted a lot like ground beef except "richer."

    I do have osteoporosis. My routine includes exercises such as jumping, squats, lunges, working arms with weights. I find a lot of good information on YouTube. In addition, I try to get plenty of protein and 1000 mg of calcium daily.

    Good to hear from you, Zetta! Glad you are well and will be able to spend time with your daughter.

    We had our lawn aerated and overseeded. Following that, we had to water daily for 2 weeks and then every other day for a week. The grass got really long, and looks dark green and healthy.

    Take care all. Hugs, Beth

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited October 2023

    Sayra and Beth, thanks for the info about Brad and Bob and Sara Meeks. I have always had a high calcium diet since childhood and I take vitamin D and I have exercised, so I am surprised that I have osteopenia. Perhaps in my case it's a sequel of menopause--I have lost two inches in height! I have to become more diligent because I don't want it to progress. The late governor of Texas had osteoporosis and she wrote a book, I want to read it. I can't recall her name now.

    Opposums are scavengers and can be a benefit to our urban environment. I attended an informative talk about them from the Opposum Rescue Society. They live in trees. Our locality here has quite a lot of wildlife. There are even skunks here. My adult school in Downey had to be evacuated a few years ago because a mama skunk had brought her six baby skunklings onto the site. Some of them had climbed onto the electric golf cart that the staff used to get around campus. They were so cute! Like kittens. But of course, people were afraid to set mama off and have her feel like she had to defend her babies olfactorily. So we left and animal control was called. I don't know what was done with the little tykes, because there were no woody areas close to that area to put them in.

    Lorita, my neighbor was charged $200 for an EMT response visit. I don't know if she got more invoices. She has needed them at least six times that I know of.

    I have to FOCUS hard this month and get things done! Step by step, this is how I have to go.

    I forgot to mention that I have spondylitis, but not ankylosing spondylitis. My entheses hurt all over my body. These are points where ligaments attach to bones. I have been in pain all over for years. Now I know why.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited October 2023

    ALERT: For those who are unaware, tomorrow, Wednesday, October 04, there will be a massive testing of the National Emergency Alert System on cell phones, radio stations and TV stations across the entire U.S. The cell phone sound should be rather loud or vibrating or both. See link below for full explanation as to how and why.

    The time frame across the U.S.:

    The alert will air at the same moment across every time zone in the country starting at 2:20 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, Oct. 4. The time will vary across time zones, so look to see when you might be alerted.

    • 2:20 p.m. EDT
    • 1:20 p.m. CDT
    • 12:20 p.m. MDT
    • 11:20 a.m. PDT
    • 10:20 a.m. ADT
    • 8:20 a.m. HST

    The test is scheduled to last approximately one minute. It will only go out once, there will be no repeats.


    Sorry I did not think to Post this earlier.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    JoC glad your family is getting to come in November know that means a lot to you. I do enjoy Pickleball but I don’t get to play it a lot.

    Lorita if it’s possible, maybe you could enter the number that called you into your contact list so that when that number calls you would know to answer it. wish my mom would be agreeable to getting one of these. I try to not and do fairly well at not worrying about it, because I have no control over it, I have offered.

    Glad you are getting to go see your daughter Zetta. Nice to hear from you.

    Iris if you listen to the interviews on Bob and Brad with Sara Meeks, you’ll understand that those things don’t prevent you from getting osteoporosis. This is what I found so enlightening about her conversation. She did marathons, triathlon, and was a national and world champion Olympic style weightlifter. When she turned 65 and found out she had osteoporosis she couldn’t believe it at first. Then she realized due to a certain type of fracture she had had when she was in her mid-40s that she probably had osteoporosis when she was in her mid-40s . If you find time to listen to those three interviews, I think you would find them very interesting and educational..

    Iris sent you mentioned a loss of height. You might also find interesting her comments on a brace called spinomed brace. listening to her interviews helped me feel a little bit empowered to be able to help myself live with it. Believe the brace is made by.MediUSA.

    thank you for the warning JoC

    take care everyone

  • CKCMaggio
    CKCMaggio Member Posts: 23
    10 Comments 5 Care Reactions

    Can I join conversation? I can't read all the way back right now but assume it has to do w/ some people w/ dementia/alzheimer's. I really need a discussion group. I see a bit of food talk but am not eating well.

    Thank you, Carolyn

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning porch people.

    It's a lovely day here in suburban Philly. The leaves are starting to turn but it's still pleasantly warm out. I have a quiet week; mom has no appointments and PT is on pause until the stitches from her excision are removed. She has a tidy 4" row of baseball stitches this time. The August excision was sutured using a purse string closure which should leave minimal scarring but has been slower to fill in. DH and I knocked around a bookstore in Princeton for a bit yesterday which was nice.

    Today is DS's "cheat day". He does a quasi-keto diet and has eliminated all processed food from his diet but gives himself 2 days a week to eat as he pleases. He's asked me to make pizza which is easy enough. DS likes pepperoni, DH will want sausage and I'll do a white with sauteed spinach and San Marzanos for myself. I made a couple loaves of cheese bread Sunday but it was very warm in the kitchen and they rose a bit too much and collapsed a bit which resulted in a couple of ugly loaves. Taste and texture are fine, but they're not something I would share with anyone.

    @Lorita I've used Xiidra for several years now. Previously I used Restasis which is the older medication. For me, the Xiidra is a bit better in terms of eye comfort and has less of a nasty taste when it runs into the back of your throat. It is an expensive medication; before I was on Medicare I had decent insurance but paid as much as $650-ish for my first 90-day supply each year. On Medicare I pay around $80 out-of-pocket. YMMV. My new eye doctor has me using a microwavable compress daily but I am not as compliant as I should be. She also expressed my meibomian glands which was weirdly barbaric but helpful. She's suggested some kind of light therapy, but insurance doesn't cover it, it's $$$, and there's not a lot of literature out there supporting it so I am passing for now.

    Maybe you should add the dispatch number to your contacts list so you know who it is. I imagine you might be billed for the ambulance call at some point. I know first responders do that where I live.

    @Jo C. said: " I also used to play women's volley ball, but we were not the killer players of today and NO bikini's. (Still wonder why the Olympics have the women volleyball players nearly nude, falling onto the ground during games and getting abrasions, and the male players are nicely covered.)"

    The short answer? Sexism. This is a battle being waged across women's sports.


    I also like the La Roche-Posay Double Repair Moisturizer. I use the daytime SPF formula under my foundation most days. In this formulation, the glycerin acts in much the same way the Hyaluronic Acid would. Their Cicaplast Balm is very nice as well if your skin gets very dry.


    I would check the CPap you are looking to donate for recalls before you pass it on. Phillips had a massive recall in the last several years on some of their more popular models because insulation was degrading and getting blown into user's lungs. My mom's biPap was one of the recalled models; we put a filter on it while awaiting the replacement and it caught quite a bit of the insulation-- enough that mom's pulmo had her changing the filter monthly.

    Medical Device Recall Information - Philips Respironics Sleep and Respiratory Care devices


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Regarding my skin care routine for rosacea.

    My cleanser is Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser. Morning, I apply hyaluronic acid (by the Ordinary) first. Let it dry. Then apply niacinamide also by the Ordinary. Next I apply sunscreen or a moisturizer with sunscreen. Reapply sunscreen as needed during the day.

    My evening routine is cleanse, then apply prescription Metronidazole. Let it dry, apply Azaleic Acid (I use Boost by Paula's Choice, which also does contain salicylic acid). Apply moisturizer if desired/needed.

    This routine has been very successful for me. I have very little redness on my face.

    "Dr. Dray" on YouTube is a board certified dermatologist and has several videos about rosacea. I have learned a lot from watching her.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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