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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    CKCMaggio you are welcome to join this conversation or any other ones here . You’re free to ask questions, vent just whatever you need.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Hi CK and welcome to the porch

    Every once in a while dementia is discussed but it is mixed in with a lot of talk about pets, cattle, food, health issues, meds and now facial care. The last two topics can lead to considerable time spent on google...lol

    Please feel free to join in with anything and we will chime in.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    edited October 2023

    Carolyn, all are welcome here.

    This is not really a discussion group regarding dementia, but a "front porch" group who talk about daily lives, issues, current events, etc. Some things about dementia care giving do come up, but most of us have LO's who have passed who had dementia.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Heavens to Betsy, I feel like I've been gone a month and I haven't been. I've just read some of the most interesting things on our thread that I want to respond to. I have no idea why I hadn't read those before.

    First, Carolyn, you are most welcome to join the best group of people you could ever hope to find. Some of us have been on this ongoing thread of 15 years from the beginning - others have come and some have gone but most have stayed. We've become a long-distance family, always caring about each other and worrying when someone doesn't post. We will enjoy hearing about your life - if you have a problem you want discuss, someone is always around.

    Zetta, I cheat about going down to the pond. I drive the Gator and the GPs walk. When we get down there I get out and walk around with them - then I drive back and they walk. This is after I've been in all the pastures checking the girls and babies. It's maybe a city block away from the house - I'm not good at judging distances. When you go to Arizona, be sure to take your tablet or whatever you use so you can visit with us. I'm glad you'll be taking Molly with you.

    Ron, when the lady comes to stay with Lou, ask her to take care of getting rid of that thing. You don't want to have to deal with it - it's just too hard. I still cry when I think about Barclee and Kitt - guess we're just too soft-hearted. Glad you got your new CPAP machine. I hope you will be happy with it so you can use it.

    I also have osteopenia - I know several of you mentioned you also have it and/or osteoporosis. Years ago I had a Dexascan and that's what it showed, mostly on the left side. I religiously took calcium for the next year and when I had another Dexascan there was improvement. I've not been taking it like I should and haven't had another test so don't know how it is now. I do know that my upper left hip bothers me a lot. Sara, I'm glad to know that Bob and Brad has a video about things to do to help with that. I will watch it. I also need to watch the one they have on Morton's Neuroma. Strange but it bothers me most when I'm lying down - either on the divan or in bed. Darn stuff, wish I didn't have it.

    Sara, good suggestion about adding the Medical Guardian call number to my contacts. I didn't know previously what it was until yesterday - it's now in my contact list. I need to call them to check on who they were to call. They were supposed to call Darwin first and if he couldn't contact me, they'd call an ambulance. Don't know if they did that or not. I know they have in the past. Really good to know the fall detection option works.

    I'm going to have to reread the previous posts and write down what I wanted to talk about. Guess the memory along with other things are going. I think I've lost half an inch in height, too. Used to be 5'6" and I believe the last time I checked I was 5'5 1/2".

    Haybaling has been going full-force - trying to beat the rain. I think they've baled the section east of us - beautiful to see all those big bales of hay. I told the girls they were baling the hay so they'd have something to eat this winter. Their hay has already been baled and stacked across the road from where they'll be fed. It's so interesting to see how those bales are made - they roll up the hay til the baler is full, then stop and it wraps it with netwrap. The back of the baler opens up and the big bale rolls out. Seems like the grasshoppers aren't quite as bad - but they're still around.

    My dry eyes are really bad today - odd that some days they don't bother me too much and others it's pretty bad. HB, if I remember correctly, you said you've been using Xiidra. Does it really help? A few years ago the doctor had me use some kind of drops to see if I could use Restasis. I couldn't so I've been depending on Thera Tears, Systane, etc. I haven't tried the eyecompesses yet. I ordered them - think Sara had used them. I have narrow angles so am sort of leary about what I use. I did call my doctor and she said it was all right.

    Supposed to be much cooler here this weekend with rain. Hope that materializes. It's hard this time of year for farmers vs. ranchers. Farmers need to get hay baled and soybeans, cotton, etc. harvested and ranchers want rain to have the grass grow as much as it can. I've lived with that my whole life - I remember when daddy was in a NH for a while, the first thing he'd ask when we went to visit was "has it rained?"

    Our drinking water is tasting a bit "off" so yesterday I called Mark, the water guy, and told him. Of course our conversation went to possible rain, haybaling and whether our ponds were full. They mostly are. When I was working at least once a year the water tasted bad and we were always told the lake "turned over". Don't know if that happens or not.

    I need to stop - I've written a book. I'll read and respond to some of your posts that were so interesting. HB,something I wanted to ask you - since you live in or near Philadelphia, have you ever been to QVC? I think they have some kind of store there - not sure. I'm watching it now and they're showing boots. I'm not ordering anything but still like to watch.

    Back later. Enjoy your day.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I do think the Xiidra helps. It's not 100% but it does make me a whole lot more comfortable most of the time. It would be better if I was compliant with the 10-minute session of warm compresses once or twice daily. I just don't have it in me to sit and rest my eyes. I need to work on making it a part of my routine. If you try the Xiidra, it takes a while before you'd notice an improvement-- at least 2 weeks or more.

    QVC Studio Park is a good 70 minute drive on the other side of the city. They do have a store there, but I don't know what they carry. I've never been although I do know people who have worked there out of school or as interns. I'm told production there is a great first job. There's a QVC Outlet near Lancaster PA this is filled with the most random collection of things imaginable. They had acres of creepy dolls that last time I was there. I do sometimes buy from QVC as they often have better deals than elsewhere, but I only ever watched it once. LOL, it was not long after my knee replacement, I was full of opiates and would have bought a dozen Dooney & Burke bags had my American Express card not been on the other side of the room.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Need advice from my front porch friends that have health care experience or use cpap machine. I once again have problems using the machine! Thought I would check everything out this afternoon and started having a tightness with pain in my chest. Removed the mask immediately and tightness went away and no pain. My question is; could the problem be with my end stage achalasia or is it something I just need to continue trying and get use to.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Hello everyone!! Lots going on today on the porch!!

    Well, here in North Alabama most of the corn is picked and shelled and the beans are turning yellow and brown as they get ready for harvest..

    but a special surprise for @Lorita who’s been waiting on the cotton; if you can enlarge the picture you’ll see the first picker of the season in the field: too far away to get a closer shot. I’ll get another when Noel comes to pick here.

    Glad for the good news posted this past couple days! Take care everyone ❤️

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Ron, I have used a Cpap machine for more than 10 years, and never had that problem. Don't know about your other condition, so can't comment about it. Just wondered, do you think you were over-anxious when you tried it, and that may have brought on the pain?

    Barbara in Aus

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    We're getting buckets of rain! It had rained almost half an inch when we went to check the girls just after five. There's still lots of rain west of us. Sheena's scared so I've had to have my hand on her the last couple of hours.

    HB, how interesting about QVC. I'd like to go to their studio sales place - or maybe not which would be better. I'd probably spend too much. I haven't tried that compress - do you use the little piece of material that goes between it and your eyes? I put it over my eyes today and it felt heavy. I remember one of the girls at my oph. office told me she tried Restasis and it took a while for it to work, too. My eyes have been much better this afternoon - seems like they're drier in the mornings - maybe I'll go back to the damp paper towel under the mask.

    Ron, Barbara may be right - you probably didn't notice that apprehension but I know when I'm trying something new I get nervous. I'm as old as dirt and do not like change of any kind so trying something new is not my cup of tea. Maybe you were tired when you tried it - maybe early in the morning when you first get up and things are very quiet would work better.

    Jerilynn, thanks so much for the picture. The field of cotton is pretty - I haven't seen one of those in years. Brings back a lot of memories. I don't know of a prettier crop than cotton. Sounds like your harvest is going well down there. They're harvesting beans here now - in fact, they showed a combine in a field somewhere around my home town on the weather last night.

    I've never seen a cotton picker in real life - just on TV. I can't figure out how they really work - I know all of the cotton has to be open before you can use them. I wonder - does it really pick the cotton or does it pull the bolls and then somehow separate the cotton from the bolls or does the gin do that? The only cotton pickers I've ever seen are people. Daddy used to go to a nearby town and bring back a PU load of pickers to work during the day, then take them home that evening. Carol said her daddy did the same thing - different towns. Picking cotton is hard on the fingers and cuticles and it's hard to wear gloves picking.

    Mike called this evening on his way home from a farm call. He said they had all the hay baled they had down. They've moved all of it off the section east of us so the grass can grow again - after this rain with three to four weeks it should do well. I asked about how many bales they baled and he said between 5,000 and 6,000. I know it's expensive to bale - diesel and netwrap and manhours but imagine paying $100 a bale for it, or more. He said he has enough for the winter for all the cattle. I know that's a load off his mind.

    I'm watching In The Kitchen with David but with the rain the reception keeps going off - showing lots of good things to eat.

    I mentioned we'd had almost .5" of rain earlier with the first round so my new rain gauge is working! Glad of that. I think I'll put the other one up someone on the corral fence so I can compare.

    Barbara, how are you feeling by now? Hope your fibromyalgia is better. I know that must be painful - I remember how much pain Carol was in when she had it.

    I'm going to stop before I write too much again. That last post of mine was ridiculous. My fingers just do not want to quit typing.

    Rest well tonight - see you all on the front porch in the morning.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, I used CPAP for several years and never had chest pain associated with it. Was the machine on? It's supposed to gently blow air into your nose. Did you add distilled water into the chamber? You have to humidity the air.

    JeriLynn, what part of the plant is the cotton? Is it a type of flower? I know there are seeds inside. Is it a fruit? I'm a city-girl, as you can probably tell by my questions.

    I have to do something about my dry eyes. One eye tears terribly.

    Ann Richards was the name of the governor of Texas that I was thinking about. I want to read her book.

    I don't remember if I mentioned that I have hearing loss. The ENT doctor suggested a trial of hearing aids, but I don't think my hearing is bad enough for aids at this time. The other day I heard the ice cream truck jingle from far away.

    Lorita, how to keep hay bales from getting moldy when it rains?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Ron i’m not sure about achlasis and CPAP. That is a question for your doctor, I would ask the pulmonary physician. But anxiety can be a big issue with some people and CPAP. So that is a very real possibility of the cause but I do not know, again discuss with your pulmonary physician. But something that you can do if it is anxiety is just put it on in the daytime when you’re not trying to sleep and just wear it for like say maybe at first five minutes. I know with all your caregiver responsibilities this may be hard, but if you could just sit, maybe and watch or do something that relaxes you while you’re wearing it and then when you start doing OK with five minutes increase it to 10 minutes and for some people that works . Just continue to increase amount of time as you tolerate. I assumed from what you’re saying that you wear a full face mask. There are people who do way better with say like nasal pillows and a good chinstrap one that will keep your mouth closed. Do you sleep with your mouth open at night if you do, that’s probably why they went with a full face mask. Because you cannot have a leak, your open mouth would serve as a leak and then the pressure that’s required to keep your airway open at night won’t develop because of the leak. If you don’t like nasal pillows, there’s also a nasal mask. It only covers your nose. It doesn’t go into your nose. Again, you will have to have a good quality chinstrap if you sleep with your mouth open. The reason I kinda keep stressing a good quality chinstrap is because a lot of the chin straps out There are very Poor they will not keep your mouth closed, but there are really good ones . You have a lot going on, you have a lot of frustrations, so it is going to make it harder for you maybe to stick with it. All of this is understandable, but sleep apnea can cause many different issues or worsen them so it’s just hard.

    Thanks for sharing the picture of the field of cotton. I have never seen one. I did raise a cotton plant one year many years ago I got a seed from some seed catalog. And if I remember correctly, our season did last long enough that year till I actually got the cotton.

    Lorita. Glad to hear you guys are getting rain and that you have enough hay for the winter. For sure, that is a load off of Mike’s mind I think they probably got pretty good hay production here this year and I’ve seen a lot of hay out in the fields.

    They are giving it to turn much cooler here and giving some rain.that would be good. We can use a little rain. I’ve planted some grass seed and it’s coming up nicely and that would be good for it.

    I got half of mom‘s basement swept yesterday and hopefully if it’s a good Lord will I’ll get the rest done today. Hope I can find time to make it to the grocery store too. On the days that it’s mine to check on mom it seems like it’s hard to get very much done. Feel like I spend all my time running back-and-forth that’s OK.

    take care everyone

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Ron, I think you should call your physician about the CPAP. I wonder is the air pressure is affecting your esophagus. But having said that, I don’t want to speculate further. It may take some adjustment to the settings. Please let us know what the Doctor says!

    Iris, the white part is the cotton plant is harvested for its fiber and seed. The seeds are not edible for humans. Lorita, the picker has spindles that “snatch” the cotton and seeds from the bolls. From the field the cotton goes to the Gin to be further cleaned and the seeds separated. Pickers are very dangerous machines. That is the only farm equipment my Grandfather NEVER allowed me to drive or ride with my uncles.

    We’re also going to get a little rain next couple of days. We need it.

    I use Restasis for dry eye with Systane drops in between doses. An eye mask from WM or Amazon while sleeping helps.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    We had 2" of rain so everything is wet, wet right now. Didn't take Sheena for her walk because it's too muddy. Stormy and I did go down to see the heifers and new moms. They were scattered so had to drive down part way into the meadow and I was driving in water all the way. It's bright and sunny with a few clouds in the east - tomorrow is the day when it cools down.

    I think Stormy must have seen a coyote or wolf while we were down there because he was really watching and leaning out of the Gator. I put the end of his leash over the gearshift but I was holding his collar anyway.

    Jerilynn, don't know how it is down there but here when people grew crops there was a cotton gin in every little town - even had one in our little one. I remember that one of our neighbor boys was working in the gin and he got his arm caught and lost it. Now, you don't see a gin anywhere in our area.

    I've been thinking about how the cotton boll forms - correct me if I'm wrong; first comes the square, then the pink bloom which turns white, then the boll forms and when it grows it opens up to show the white cotton. The cotton blooms look like small hibiscus blooms. We didn't have cotton picking machines here unless it was very near the end of raising cotton here. Maybe someone, Jo?, can find a picture of people pulling their sacks and picking cotton. I'm not good at that but it might be interesting to the "city" people on our thread. If you get to see the picture you'll see the cotton sacks and why I say when we start a new part of our thread that it's like starting with an empty cotton sack. They're pretty long so they can hold a lot of cotton or bolls without weighing up too often.

    I can remember daddy taking a wagon load of cotton to the gin and me riding on top of the cotton. Those were the good old days for sure.

    Another thing very few people around here had was corn pickers. WE picked the corn by hand. I remember not long after Charles and I got married daddy had corn in the field to pick so we taught Charles had to pick corn. I think at that time our tractor pulled the wagon where we put the corn after we'd picked the ears. Probably before I remember when he was working with a team of horses he let them pull the wagon. They'd walk slowly so it was easy to keep up with them. You'd pull the ear down and twist it to get it off the stalk, then throw it in the wagon. We had a corn sheller in one of the corn cribs in the barn. You'd put the shucked ear down in the hole and turn the handle and all the kernals would come off the ear. Now I've started thinking about milk/cream separators. That's story for another day.

    I just had a bowl of froot loops with almond milk. Had to leave a few for Sheena and she liked them. Our herd is split this morning - some in the NE pasture and some in the east one. I didn't go over to check them - too muddy to get across to them. I could see the ones in the NE pasture. Last night and this morning our girls went to the barn and babies and moms would get separated and of all the bawling - even this morning as they were leaving the barn.

    Gave Rusry some sunflower seeds. He's eating them but haven't seen him in a few days. Zetta, you're so right - those sunflower seed shells do make a mess. Guess I'll have to get another sack of them - he's already eaten half the big sack I ordered from Chewy.

    This is the OU/Texas Red River Rivalry - biggest game of the year for them and this will be the last year for it. Both teams are going to the SEC - leaving the Big 12. Don't know why they're doing that except maybe for financial reasons.

    Ron, so sorry you're having problems with your new CPAP machine - but isn't it great that we have a respiratory therapist, a doctor and nurses to tell you what might be wrong. Our thread is great - ask a question about anything and someone has the answer.

    I better stop and finish my hot tea while it is. I'll be back later. Hope all of you are well this morning.

    Barbara, what time of the year do those beautiful purple trees bloom? I've seen pictures of them and they comparable to our Royal Empress trees. Ours didn't bloom this year because of the dry weather and dropped their leaves a couple of months ago - but, I am beginning to see new leaves since we've had rain. What are those trees called with the purple blooms? Hope your fibro is better.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited October 2023

    CPAP....I have the nasal pillow,,,one strap over the back of my head. I was told that water was optional and only if your nose gets crusty. I do not need the water. I did have to use oxygen at one time. It hooks right up to the CPAP.

    I agree that either anxiety or pressure are your likely problems....or

    CPAP chest or lung pain (sleep-apnea-guide.com)

    The rain...it was a toad strangler here. Wonderful. No storm just rain.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    @JeriLynn66 The cotton field is beautiful!!! I have never seen cotton growing before. I live in Iowa and the farmers here grow corn, soybeans and alfalfa mainly.

    Hello to everyone. I'm off to get my yard work done (or partially done, I should say!) It cooled off a lot. I turned the A/C off and I should open the windows and get some fresh air.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I have been prescribed sertraline to help with my depression but don't know about trying it while I'm trying to get use to my cpap. I tried it today for a little over 5 minutes after making sure the mask fit. I was able to keep the mask on, but still had the tightness and this time tightness stayed for awhile after taking it off. Still wonder about my multiple problems with cpap; copd, diaphragm paralized on one side, deviated nasal septum, hernia at ge junction and achalasia. Just wondering if because of any of those is what's causing the chest tightness with cpap pressure.

    Cotton fields are beautiful when they are in full bloom. Especially when your looking at the field from the road instead of in it with a long sack behind you. Being a city boy picking Cotton wasn't something I had to do, but for some reason my dad thought it would be a good experence for me. My fingers didn't agree with him! Took several weeks to look normal again!!

    Finally had the appointment for ultrasound on my legs scheduled for the 17th. They are now supposing to be getting the barium swallowing test scheduled. When I was talking to the VA community care, she said barium enema instead of barium swallow. LOL I asked her with all my calls I e been making did she think I was being a pain in the you know what and was cha going my test. She couldn't stop laughing with the rest of our conversation.

    A lot if rain last night with the heaviest to the north and south of us. Any rain at all is welcomed around here as dry as it's been.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra, I supposed I had a poor chin strap because it never kept my mouth closed while sleeping with THE CPAP. Instead, I learned to tape my lips closed with cloth tape. That worked.

    I had to read about cotton online because I became curious, cotton is indeed a fruit, developing into fibers after the flower stage. Also, it is a part of the hibiscus flower family. How interesting. Nevertheless, seeing that huge cotton field is a reminder of slavery, so that's all I'm going to say about it.

    I had planned a lot of catching up at home today, but when I awoke, my almost 19 yo cat Simon had gotten stuck in a corner. I don't know if he had been stuck all night. He couldn't stand up. I carried him out, gave him some water and his pureed food, then carried him to the litter box. He likes to be held in my arms like a baby, so I've been holding him. I don't think he has a lot of time left. Yesterday he walked downstairs and into the yard. Today he can barely stand. I'll see how he does over the next few hours.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, I'm so very sorry about Simon. How did he get stuck in the corner? How long have you had Simkn? I imagine a long time just as I've had my fur babies quite a whike. They are my family what keeps me going. My neighbor is a retired man, maybe in his sixties , not sure. He has never married. He has a little dog and years ago Charles and I were talking to him and he said his dog was the reason he got up in the morning. Guess that's how it is with me. They are so much company. Hold Simon, cuddle him and talk to him,- I know you are doing that. He'll respond. Max, my older cat is on my lap now. I hardly ever sit down without at least one of them on my lap and sometimes all three are the chair with me. What would we do without them?

    Ron, have you talked to your doctor about your cpap problem? Take your time, don't rush it. Could you use your old one without a problem?

    I feel lonely this afternoon. Been thinking about old friends and relatives who are gone. Never once thought I would be living here alone. Guess that's the advantage of being young and not thinking about the future. I need to get outside with the girls to get out of this mood. May be back later.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    The bag is bigger than the child!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Marie. The sack is pretty big for him. Carol said her daddy used a tow sack for their cotton sacks when she was little. Brings back a lot of mrmiries. Daddy would fill a gallon jug with ice and water and wrap if with burlap and wet it. When you put it in the shade at the end of the row it stayed cold for a good drink. I was just down in the field where we had cotton. It's about 35 acres and the rows were close to abquarter mile long. Awfully hard to begin two new rows. Saw a new baby. I thought it was a new one when they left the barn this morning. He has a heavy coat - looks like dark brown or black velvet..

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Loveskitties, That was about hiw old I was when my dad thought I needed the experience and yes I remember the sack was never going to get full with me picking.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I don't remember how many pounds I could pick but pulling bolls resulted in higher numbers. You could even stripe the plants because there were no leaves on them when bolls were pulled. Cotton was picked first, then bolls later. I really miss seeing fields of pretty green corn and cotton. After they stopped planting those crops so much people turned to soybeans. Also a pretty crop. We raised a field of them one time. I think a few miles North of us they still raise them. Here it's mostly rangeland. Still a gamble. No dairies near us either. Used to be a couple east of us but guess milk prices forced them out of business.. I went to school with kids from a family who had a dairy. Really ties you down because cows are milked twice daily. Think I mentioned my parents had a small dairy when I was very young. I remember watching them milk the cows -no milking machines here but many years later the other family had them.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    edited October 2023

    Lorita we picked corn by hand for several years because my dad didn’t have the funds yet to buy a corn picker. I actually sort of enjoyed it. My dad had a gadget, I’m not sure what it was called but he used it someway to help him pick the corn. Us girls didn’t have one laugh out loud but I picked a lot of corn. Anyways, whatever the gadget is, I have it and it lays up on my dresser. We just threw the corn into the back of a pick up truck and then at the end of the day we got pizza, which was a big deal for us . I always enjoyed working with my dad. He was very easy to work for.

    Hope you feel less lonely today Lorita. Can understand having those feelings sometimes, as I do too and do have some family around. Like you I find just going ahead pushing forward and doing something helps a lot.

    The picture of the girl with the cotton sack was interesting

    Iris, I had a few patients who made their own chin straps. They were interesting, but they worked. One guy just had a a woman’s big scarf. He just tied around his head and his chin it worked. He brought it with him when he came into the hospital so I got to see it in action. Then I had another guy who told me he was having trouble with the CPAP because at home he used something around his chin and head to keep his mouth closed. So I said just out of curiosity what do you use.? He said I took an old woman’s cloth belt and poked it full of holes and just strapped that around my head at night. He was too embarrassed to wear it at hospital. People can be very resourceful.

    I got the rest of mom‘s basement cleaned yesterday. So next week hopefully I’ll get the bedrooms done. The only bad thing about this is I think it’s giving her the thought process that I’m doing this to move back in. So she kind of was giving me a hard time about some things yesterday. I have thought processes about why this may be occurring, but I don’t like to say too much in case I’m wrong. Time will probably tell though. Maybe with time she will figure out I’m just cleaning because cleaning needs done, maybe not.

    Take care, everyone

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Iris, how is Simon? My heart just broke when I read that he'd been stuck in the corner. I would have done exactly what you did - sit and hold him. Let us know how he'd doing, and you.

    Jo, yes I knew about most of those things about opossums. But remember I'm in TX. Here, our opossums wear chaps, boots and a cowboy hat - they are tough!!! Absolutely no doggie doors here, we'd wake up to squirrels, opossums, racoons and who knows what else running amuck in the house.

    Ron your CPAP with everything else just might be too much. I think you might be on to something there. Your plate is overflowing with appointments and trying to make appointments. That exhausts me.

    I'll be back later to check on everyone. Off to pickup groceries at Walmart & Sprouts.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lou's home health nurse was just here, all vitals good. I don't have the dementia but a unhealthy body and she has dementia and bad legs but healthy otherwise.

    While her nurse was here I asked her to take a measurement of both my legs right above the knees. The left was 42.5 and the right was 40. The left calf was where the blood clot was a few months ago and still have a lot of pain even though the clot is gone. Hopefully the ultrasound on the 19th will give some answers.

    Having the men's fellowship supper at church tonight, hope I get to feeling better where I can go. The preacher called and told me he has one of the ladies from church welling to stay with Lou.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, I've also been hoping Simon is better today. It's so hard when one of your furbabies is sick and you don't know what to do for them. But, I think you did what I would also have done - I'm sure that's what he wanted to make him feel better. Please let us know.

    Ron, I hope you get to go to the men's supper tonight. How great that your Church family is so good and willing to stay with Lou while you attend different things. Can you just use your old CPAP machine until things settle down a bit and you can see your doctor and see what he says? Sometimes we just get too much on our plates to deal with which makes everything much harder.

    Sara, what did that gadget look like? Maybe you could post a picture when you have time. I can't imagine what it could be except maybe something to either pull the ear down or twist it. We didn't raise corn to sell - at that time we were raising hogs so the corn went to them. You know those were the good old days and we didn't realize it - until now.

    I used to like to work with daddy, too. We could work for hours without saying anything - and, other times I was full of questions. I loved to watch him chop cotton or corn. I learned to drive on our Allis Chalmer tractor and rode with him a lot of the time. On the side of the seat where I'd sit there was an opening that stayed open until the clutch or brake was applied. I was always barefooted so sometimes I'd put my little toe in that opening. One time it was in there and daddy had to stop the tractor - almost lost my toe but needless to say I didn't put my toe in there again.

    I loved to dig potatoes with daddy. We always had 6-8 rows through our garden and we always dug them on my birthday. Daddy would plow them up with a lister and then we'd pick them up and put them in piles, then on a wagon to take to the cellar. We kept onions and potatoes down there and things mother and grandma would can. We always had potatoes and onions all winter long until it was time for new potatoes in the spring. The celler is still here - we spent a lot of time down there. Daddy even put benches to sit on because our neighbors would come when there were storms.

    Where were you living when you picked corn? My distant ancestors were from Kentucky. I've been wondering if you or your relatives ever used the term "vittles". My grandma said that a lot.

    Eagle, same here about doggie doors. We have one in the storage building and things do get in there but don't have one in the house. I know you all have armadillos - I saw one yesterday that something had killed in the ditch in our driveway. No idea what happened to it but the vultures or hawks are dining on it today. Worries me when I see those big birds around - always afraid we've lost a cow or calf. That makes two little animals that have been killed or died - the armadillo and the opossum - no idea what happened.

    I put the two additives in the PU gas tank this morning, then drove a couple of miles to slosh the diesel around and mix it. While I was out I passed the prettiest golden rod down on the road. Of course I stopped and picked some of it. Seeing golden rod means fall for me, for sure. I used to stop on the way to work and pick it and the small sunflowers to take to work to put in a vase in our offices.

    Stormy and I had a hard time this morning finding all the heifers - the were scattered in three different places. It's always the hardest to find the 30th one. There's a line of trees across the west side of the farm and it's hard to see the black ones against the dark trees in the mornings. Then we checked our girls - they were also scattered so didn't drive into the east pasture but from what I saw, all was well.

    Took Stormy and Sheena down for their walk. I don't know what they smell unless a wolf or coyote has come to drink there. Those big dogs are strong when they pull. I just brushed Stormy - he has had a lot of loose hair I'd been pulling out but I think I brushed all of it out. I think he needs an allergy shot because he's scratching - not so much for Sheena.

    While I was out, of course, I met a truck in the muddiest part of the road - we passed all right but I can only imagine what he must have thought of me. I had on my sunglasses, mask and my silver hair was falling down. I looked in the mirror the other day and my first thought was that I looked like Ma Kettles. I've been pulling my hair up and sort of twist it and put on a clip. It falls down around the sides - thus, Ma Kettle.

    The cold front is just north of us - it's 75 right now but soon it will be much cooler and windy from the north. Supposed to be in the 50s tomorrow morning and during the day and in the low to mid 40s Sunday morning with some light frost north of us.

    I'll stop before I bore you all to tears. Again, my fingers wouldn't quit typing.

    Sara, I'm fine today - getting out in nature with the girls does the trick for me. Need to do it more often. Hope you're not working too hard on those bedrooms today. Has your mother said anything to you about you moving back in with her? Probably wouldn't be a good thing for you to do - just thinking. You enjoy your new house and keeping it and doing some gardening and cooking. Best thing for you. I'll probably be back later .

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Surprisingly, Simon was a little bit better this morning. He was more alert, meowing in response when I called his name, and he managed to take a few steps on his own. He's at the vet's right now, getting blood tests and having his blood pressure measured. The vet said something about blood clots. But I wondered if this change might have been due to him missing three days of his thyroid medication, because I ordered online for the first time and it had to come from Omaha NE, instead of me picking it up at the vet clinic. The urgent care exam, blood tests, blood pressure and fluids cost over $600. The vet suggested a consultation with a neurologist--no, I don't think I will go that far. Simon just is an old guy cat who needs his medicine every day. I'm waiting for them to call me to pick him up.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    So glad, Iris, that Simon is better. Hope the vet can find what's wrong and fix it. I know the waiting is so hard for you, too. I didn't know they could take their blood pressure- guess I never thought about it. Thanks for letting us know. Hoping for the best. Vet's are expensive.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Lorita I will post a picture. We didn’t sell corn either. Dad raised beef cattle and he raised corn and hay for them. I had to drive the tractor when he baled hay. I was unable to lift the veil without stretching the strings too much, then some of the heat fell out. I didn’t like driving the tractor because I wasn’t real comfortable with it and I was always afraid I would hurt my dad. But I was blessed that it always went well. We lived in Ohio when dad was raising the beef cattle in Kentucky we raised tobacco. I was too young to help with that except for when they would hang the tobacco up in the barn to cure they would throw the worms down for me to kill laugh out loud.

    Don’t believe my family use the word vittles. My sister dealt with mom today. Probably won’t work on the bedrooms till next week sometime. Yes she still is on to me about moving in. She’s very persistent about anything she wants so I’m probably going to have to listen to it off as long as she’s able to think and talk.

    Judith a while back you mentioned you liked apple crisp and an apple torte. I found a recipe for the apple torte and I made it today. I will attach a picture. I agree it is very tasty.

    Hope each one gets a good nights rest

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Sayra, bring that apple tart to the front porch before its all gone. One of Lou's uncles had a big farm in Kentucky and corn and tobacco were there main crops. I was able to see all the stages of tobacco growing with the exception of hanging in the barn.

    Lorita, I've heard and said vittles all my life, if your looking for food you ask where re the vittles at. I have never been able to use any of the cpap machines they gave me, but will try real hard on this one.

    Gotta get ready for church!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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