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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Sara, your torte looks amazing!!!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    It’s on the porch, plenty for all

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I'll provide the ice cream or whipped cream! The torte looks delicious Sara. I've never made one.

    Sara, do you have any idea of how that tool was used? I bet your dad put the loop around his wrist. Can't figure out the rest though.

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    the trees with purple flowers are jacarandas, originally from South Africa. They usually flower around late November/early December, near the end of our school year [We have 6 weeks school holiday over the summer, around Christmas]. So they flower at around the time of annual examinations, hence we used to say we had the 'jacaranda blues!'

    Thanks for asking about the fibro. Those last pills seem to be doing the trick. I am back to what I call 'normal' pain levels, due to widespread osteoarthritis. But maybe the flare up was due to end anyway. Will have to wait and see if I get another flare sometime in the future. Sure hope not. But I am feeling much better in myself, able to get out walking, and working in the garden.

    Take care, everyone.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all. I just finished reading and thought I’d write a note.

    Ron, enjoy the dinner tonight. I hope it’s relaxing for you.

    Sara, your Apple tort looks delicious.

    Barbara, glad you’re feeling better and are able to get out and do things. Those flares are not fun.

    Jo, I start my pt next Thursday. This week, I have noticed a slight improvement in my back strength. I’m so hoping they will get me a brace so I can walk easier. I’m going to ask when I go in for my first appointment. Thank you for providing answers and encouragement to me. I’ve been feeling a little defeated lately, but know that is all normal, so am keeping my head up. I so wanted to go watch my granddaughter play volleyball this evening, but wasn’t sure I could get to the gym and sit for the length of the match. I’ll wait on that one for a couple more weeks. It sure would improve my mood. Lol you were right about the meals. Sometimes I just leave the dishes in the sink for awhile and rest before I clean up. I use the dishwasher, but only load the top rack to avoid bending. I’ve been doing silverware by hand so I don’t drop it on the bottom of the washer.

    Iris, I hope Simon is home and resting by now. Poor guy. He’s lucky to have you taking care of him and loving him.

    Im envious of all of you cleaning up your gardens this fall. I’m going to leave mine and if I can’t do it by spring, I’ll hire help then. I have always cleaned it up in the fall. I guess it really doesn’t matter.

    I’ve been looking at Vionic leather shoes for fall and winter. They look like they have a good support in them, and come in slip ones which I’ll need for awhile longer. Has anyone worn them before?

    I hope you all have a peaceful night. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Joan, I think you're doing great after your surgery. As active as you have been before the surgery and not being as active may make you feel it's going slowly but it just takes time. Next spring you'd be out in your yard just as before. Take your time - winter is on the way so you have plenty of time to recover completely. There will be lots of volleyball games I think you made the right decision.

    Iris, what did the vet say about Simon's tests? Hope he's home with you tonight. Please let us know.

    The cold front came through and it's colder with a strong north wind. A coat will be needed in the morning when we check the girls.

    Ron, hope you enjoyed your dinner tonight.

    Good night, everyone. Sleep tight.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra, what's that sharp thing? The torte looks yummy!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Enjoyed the church gathering last night with good food, fellowship and Bible study. The lady from church that stayed with Lou was wonderful and had no problems at all. Now if I can just get over some of my health issues everything will be great.

    I'm sure some of you remember my baking a d cooking I use to talk about all the time. I miss those days and wish I had the drive and energy to get back to that routine. Maybe someday!

    I was thinking about the possums this morning and remembered how they would play dead when threatened. They also put off a odor when they played dead.

    Also, about armadillos: I believe I eve I told this story before but will tell it again. When I was a young boy we had a dog named big boy. Neighbors complained about him so dad built a fence for him. He would jump over the fence so dad made it higher and he would dig under it to get out. Ended up sending him down to my grandparents in the country. I remember the first time we drove down to my grandparents and how excited big boy was to see me. He ran straight to me and jumped on me and started loving on me. I noticed he didn't have a tooth in his head and when I asked granpops what happened; he said, well he liked to chase armadillos and every once in awhile he would catch one.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I hope you made it to the church function last evening. I am sorry you are having a difficult time adjusting to the CPap. Sadly, it' not uncommon for people to struggle with this. I wonder if you might be a candidate for a BiPap instead. One of my friends was recently diagnosed with OSA; when she trialed a CPap in the sleep lab she really didn't like it, so they trialed on and sent her home with a BiPap which has a different pressure on the exhale. My mom has COPD and central sleep apnea-- she's always relied on Bi-Pap.


    The tart looks lovely-- worthy of a food magazine. I have a similar looking one that has almond paste in the filling but my favorite is the one made in Alsace by the folks who serve Tarte Flambee on Sunday evenings. They splash it with brandy and ignite before serving. So good.

    @Iris L.

    I hope your dear Simon is home and comfortable with you by now.

    Yesterday was very Mother-centric. I took her to Costco and the farm store. She wanted to go last weekend when I went, but I have a rule against taking mom there on weekends. It's so crowded and she neither hears or sees well enough to not be in people's way and we both end up getting a lot of stink-eye. Plus, she currently has 5" of stitches on her knee so getting bumped by some out-of-control child could be a real problem. It's better to go when it's not so busy and let her paw everything. The woman loves to shop. I spent $135 on household staples; she spent over $300 for her one-person household.

    It's drizzly this morning and very gray. I was hoping to get the lawn mowed but I think that'll wait until tomorrow. DS is working nights this weekend so he could do it before work or maybe I'll give it a go. The railroad where he works runs a lot of specials this time of year. There are the longer fall foliage trains and wine tasting runs-- the trains are on an old rural short line and very pretty in spots. Later in the evening they run haunted trains which are very popular with teens and younger adults who don't always behave; DS is generally tasked with "baby sitting" although this year they've hired security guards as well.

    Dinner with friends tonight. I'm trying to decide between amazing fried chicken or a perfect Trenton-style pizza. I got my bloodwork back yesterday and while my overall cholesterol is fine, my LDL is right on the edge. I expect a talking-to on Friday when I see me PCP. I shouldn't be surprised; I have been eating more prepare ahead red meat-based meals like chili, stew and pot roast for days when I am chasing mom around. I am also not exercising as much as usual because of my knee and her many appointments. I need to do better.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Y’all could bring that delicious torte over here to the bank of the Tennessee River.. we’ve got a campfire going, it’s 50 degrees, bacon is sizzling and biscuits are warming… coffee is strong and it’s a beautiful morning..

    I hope Simon is better..

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    It was about 43 here this morning but no frost on the pumpkin. I even broke out my trappers hat when we went to see the girls. It's sunny and will warm up.

    Iris, how is Simon?

    Jerilynn, breakfast sounds good.

    HB, glad you got your trip made to Costco. I don't like to go to town on weekends either.

    Ron, so glad you had a good time last night. Hope today goes well.

    Time for breakfast. Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita....I felt a little cold this morning so checked my thermostat. It was 65. Your report confirms that it is indeed cold out. Where did that come from? Heat is going on since the perdicted high is 66.

    Wow...an option for the tarte. A fall campfire to sit by would be wonderful. Maybe I need a fire pit. So they come with remotes so that I could start it from inside? I know I would not have real logs. The ones in my kitchen fireplace look real enough for me. No sparks or smoke or logs to carry. It is a dandy substitute.

    Ron...you are not the only one who is not cooking anymore. It took me a while not to miss it. I do "cook" about once a week....something like a roast that will last and can be frozen. Have you been using your crockpot? Did you all know that they have liners so you do not even have to cleanup?

    My TV has now been out for 9 days. There was a major outage that had Cox working 24/7. I think about cutting the cord but I think you need a smart TV for that or a Roku which is very inexpensive. Problem is that I surf and know which channels I switch to and can not imagine having to go through all of the little pictures. Lazy me.

    Joan....think of it as your garden will have extra nutrients this winter from the stuff not cleaned out.

    How is Simon?

    HB...she bought $300 worth at the market? Wow. That must have taken forever. You have the patience of Job.

    The yard was scalped, fertilized and overseeded. Now I am to water 2x daily. Hm.....think that will require a post-it on my computer. Better do # 1 right now


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Iris the sharp thing is for picking corn. Lorita I do not know what the tool was called. I don’t know how he used it because he was never around me picking corn you know I was off picking by myself, so I’m not sure how it was used. If I knew what it was called, maybe I could look up and see how it was used.

    Joan I hope your day is going better today. It’s hard to be patient and wait upon our healing sometimes.

    HB is right some people tolerate bipap better. You have to meet certain criteria though to qualify for it of which central sleep apnea is one. Ron the ones over seeing your care should would be able to tell you what the criteria is and if you meet it.

    i’ll bake another torte and bring to breakfast.

    Yes I know about those liners Judith.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Maybe he had the strap around his wrist and held the metal piece in his hand and used it to break or pull the ear off the stalk.

    Trying to watch OU and Texas. Half time and OU is ahead 20 to 17. I haven't gotten much good out of the first quarter. Had to break up a cat/dog fight - Stormy and Sammy. Sammy has it in for Stormy and this time Stormy tried to get by him and the fight began - cat's fault. Of course Lilly had to help her baby. Got Stormy outside but they had knocked over a full mug of hot tea so had to clean that up.Maybe the second half will be quieter. I missed most of the good plays.

    It is a beautiful day but still cool with a good north breeze. I don't think I'm ready for cold weather

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    OU won the last Red River Rivalry. Gabriel took his team about 80 yards in 1.2 minutes to make a TD. One if the best games I've seen in college football.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Think you’re right Judith. A corn husking peg.

    Thank you everyone for your nice comments on my torte.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited October 2023

    Sara, I think you and Judith are right. He used it to shuck corn instead of an aid in picking it, Didn't know there was such a thing. Judith is so good at finding the answer to things for us.

    Judith, what kind of grass did you overseed with? Did you lose grass this year? We really did, mostly bermuda. Our trees and shrubs are putting in new leaves so might have a bloom or two.

    Rest well tonight.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Another cold morning - it was 43 - it's now 62 and there was a really big dew. Hope everyone's okay today.

    I'm watching the morning news shows - really depressing to see everything that's going on in our world and in our Country. Seems like the whole world is in turmoil.

    Nothing going on here today, I hope. I closed the corral gates last night to keep a young heifer in - didn't like the way she was acting. She's up this morning but heard her cough. She's drinking and grazing. Did call the vet to see if he wanted to look at her. He's at the Tulsa Fair today - his grandkids are showing livestock today. He'll come to check on her either late today or in the morning. Did ask him to bring allergy medications for the GPs - they're scratching again, Stormy more than Sheena. It's been almost two months since their last shot so they've done well.

    Have a good Sunday and enjoy the pretty weather. It's going to be a lot warmer the next three days, then cool again. This time of year Mother Nature has a hard time deciding what kind of weather we're to have.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    It was a game for the history books!

    Forgot to post the post-it. No watering yesterday but just turned the system on.

    I have no idea what grass was lost or what kind of seed went down Friday. Maybe Fescue.

    Allergies? I take a once a day Zyrtec. Works very well.

    One today's menu is shrimp. Picked up a bag of frozen on sale and will make my own sauce...Hunt's catsup and grated horseradish I just found out that my market has a lot of deli meat. Yea! My sandwich world has blossomed.

    Well, sprinklers did not come on. Hope the manual is online.

    Whew, it was. It was a video. Not as easy as a reading one or better yet one that I could print out.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, wasn't that game good? I think OU may have another Heisman Trophy winner in Gabriel. I wouldn't mind seeing a rerun of it. Glad OU won the last of the RRR.

    Fescue is a good winter and early spring grass. We have quite a lot of it in the pastures.

    How is the flip house coming along?

    I can't rake an antihistamine because of my narrow angles and the possibility of acute glaucoma. I try to remember to wear a mask when I'm outside but forget sometimes plus it makes my sun glasses (wearovers) fog up.

    Used to like an occasional shrimp or two - have even made shrimp scampi a couple of times for Charles. I'm thinking about soup this week. Maybe potato soup from scratch because I have some potatoes that are beginning to shrivel and need to be used.

    Need to go out and fix the flag. One of the ropes has gotten tangled up in the pole but it's still flying. Looks like the wind is from the south.

    The Chiefs play about 3 so guess I'll watch that. Glad you got the sprinklers going.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    I cheered for OU for you Lorita!!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Was 41 when I got up this morning and 72 now. Changed my thermostat to heat/cold where I'm not having to adjust all the time.

    Lou's sitter cleaned and mopped the floors while I was at church this morning sure appreciate her. Brother and SIL should be here in a little while and looking forward to the company.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, while they are there, ask them to get rid of that sticky thing for you.. Glad you got your floors mopped.

    Thanks, Jerikynn, wasn't that a good game! OU has good quarterbacks and several have gotten the Heisman trophy. Getting ready to have some Ramen noodles while I watch KC.

    Took down the trash and cut back some limbs that were hitting the PU and Gator. Didn't help my shoulder much but it's done.

    Most of my trees and shrubs have new leaves, thank goodness. All but one of the big spiders on the porch are gone. Cold weather got them, I guess but they left lots of the balls with eggs in them.

    Soup's ready!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I have not been able to read today's posts. The vet called me to tell me that Simon has cardiomyopathy, in addition to his other illnesses. The cardiomyopathy probably caused him to throw clots in his blood vessels that affected his legs on Thursday, sort of like having a mini-stroke. This is terminal, with a life expectancy of three months to three years. That's in the younger cats without comorbidities. Simon is ambulating better now, but he is still weak, and also blind. I'll see how he does over the next few days, but if and when he collapses again, I'm going to let him go. He is not going to get better. He has had a good life. I took him outside so he could feel the grass and the sun on his back. I think he liked that.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Iris, I'm so sorry to hear about Simon. I know exactly how you feel! Littlebit was getting blind and having seizures but he was still eating good. When he got to the point he wouldn't eat all I could do was love on him and thank him for the 18 years he gave me. It was hard to let him go but I knew it was selfish of me not to.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Oh Iris…. I’m so sorry..

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Iris, I am sorry about Simon.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited October 2023

    Iris I’m sorry that Simon is not doing well, we get attached to them.

    Ron glad you are getting some help.

    Went mom’s this morning. I hung out her wash, cleaned the front rooms that I’ve been cleaning and then I swept the garage. It had a lot of leaves and Pineneedles that had blowed in. She became very angry with me for cleaning the house because she told me not to do it and I did it anyways. Very sad when all I’m trying to do is to keep the house nice for her to live in, it hurts. When I go back on Thursday, I wanted to clean the bedrooms and the other bathroom. Now I don’t know whether I should or if I should give it a break and do it all next week. I was able to stay very calm, talk very quietly and not feel agitated inside for which I’m thankful. Nothing calms her down though she will not allow you to distract her hardly at all. Once in a while I can but it’s just for a real short period of time and then she’ll be right back to where she was.

  • Bundy
    Bundy Member Posts: 26
    Seventh Anniversary 10 Comments

    I hardly ever make a comment but have been following Lorita's posts for several years and started when my husband had Alzheimers and took care of him until he passed away in December of last year. I enjoyed her posts so much as I have always been as much as an animal lover as she is. Seeing several of you now having to do what I had to do with my Pepper a few months ago has me crying again. We had gotten him from a rescue place when he was probably a year or two old and he was such a sweetheart for the 12 years we got to keep him. He went with us everywhere we could take him and he loved riding in the car. He was diagnosed with a collapsing trachea over a year ago and it had gotten so bad I knew I had to put him down. Hardest thing I have had to do after losing my husband . Will not have any more animals since I just turned 80 years old and live in Independant Living now. We can have pets here but I am afraid I will go before he does.LOL

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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