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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    edited September 2023

    JoC I don’t know that you have to, but I always peel my apples for my cakes. My mom has made cakes without peeling the apples. I didn’t like it as well.

    Jerilynn is there enough banana pudding for everyone on the porch? That looks really good.

    Those pie sound good Beth. As a child, my mom used to make plain raisin pie and I always liked it. I’ve heard several people mention that they really like the sour cream raisin pie but I’ve never had that.

    where I live in Ohio at times, we’ve had dry spells, and then other times we’ve had plenty of rain. But like you, Beth, the corn and soybean crops here look wonderful, thankful for that.

    Beth, your flowers are beautiful as always. I’m starting to clean mine up even though they’re beautiful still because I don’t want to wait till it gets too cold and wet. I’m starting in the backyard though which will take me a little while before I go to the front yard, still leaving a few plants that the pollinators like to because I still see lots of them.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited September 2023


    Beth, your garden is gorgeous. That last picture is beautiful. You should enlarge it and make a poster of it. Did you raise the pumpkins?

    Jerilynn, your pudding looks delicious - banana pudding is one of my favorites. Mother used to make it a lot - she'd put meringue on top and brown it a little bit in the oven. Tried that once and it didn't work for me.

    I'm looking forward to the pictures of the cotton. When my sister was young our parents gave her a little patch of cotton. She had a big can that had contained something like 10 lb. of something in it. She'd pick it full of cotton and tell daddy she had picked ten pounds. Picking cotton is hard on the fingers as you probably know.

    We had rain last night - woke me up raining during the night and rained off and on all morning until noon. I checked the gauge and it said almost 1". I washed it yesterday and the funnel kind of top broke so I don't think all the rain got into it. They got over 2" east of us. When I went down to check the girls there was lots of standing water. It just got cloudy again - had been sunny for an hour or so. The rain was great. Glad the crops in other States are good. I miss seeing row crops. This used to be farming country but has turned into pastureland mostly.

    Decided I'd make that peach cobbler - just took it out of the oven and sprinkled the top with sugar. The only problem is it doesn't stay crispy on top - same with my muffins, maybe it's the humidity.

    Nothing going on here today - waiting for a FedEx Deliver and UPS pickup. They may be late because of muddy roads.

    HB, sorry about the reaction to the shots. Did you get the flu shot and covid vaccine at the same time? I don't think I'll do that - one at a time is enough for me. Also seeing ads on TV for the RSV vaccine - no sure I'll take that one. Has anyone taken it?

    Hope everyone is doing all right today.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Thank you very much for the repeat of the face mask information; it is greatly appreciated and I will indeed put it in a "safe" place. Again.

    Guess it is pretty much time to get our COVID vax next week. Hate doing it; but will not want to do the combo, will wait a week or two and then get the stronger senior flu shot and then the RSV. I prefer one at a time for the immune system to acquaint itself to the unique help of each. Just my idiosyncratic feeling. Also, less concerning, even with a single vaccination we get two to three days of fatigue, sore muscles and a few other unwanted effects and then it goes away. If we combined the vaccines, wonder if side effects may be a bit harsher.

    Beth; those photos are beautiful. It always seems to me to be a magical garden where at night, in the moonlight, the fairies come and flit around and about the beautiful flowers. The pumpkins were exquisite; did you grow those? Beautiful photo with such rich colors.

    I do have springform pans and enjoyed using them, but have not in quite awhile. One is a stainless steel one, the other has non-stick coating which can make getting things out much easier. Sorry Sayra; I do not know the brands. I think I got my non-stick one on sale at the WIlliams-Sonoma store. My springforms were used for cheesecakes or cream type desserts and even for some spreads for crackers and breads, and other things I wanted to come out of a pan in one solid presentation onto a pretty round crystal dish or platter. Wonder if your apple cake would do well in a non-stick springform; it would be a nice presentation with the dripping glaze.

    Silly; but for some reason, the family loved when I made a boxed cheaters cheesecake instead of the more difficult from scratch ones. I used two boxes of good quality mix, and when mixing, added large package of very softened room temp cream cheese and a bit of fresh lemon and then refrigerated it. Made strawberry or other topping and they ate it in a flash. Interesting and certainly easy. Lots of mixing though and it HAD to be made in a sugar/butter graham cracker crust - absolutely.

    As for using apples in a baked item, I have always preferred peeling them first; I did not want cooked apple peel in the dessert due to texture issues and it always worked well. Gosh; I need to go over some of the older recipes I have not made in a long time. I loved my winter time Farmer Chowder which is a ham, potato and corn chowder. The sauce takes so long to make because we have to make a very large pot for everyone. Served it with homemade from scratch biscuits or popovers; sometimes both so each family member had their favorite.

    Been craving homemade U.P. of Michigan pasties. Oh; they are so good and the house smells wonderful with them baking in the oven, but they take forever and ever to make. Lots of beef, potatoes and onion to small dice along with a very little bit of very tiny diced rutabaga if one wishes, only seasoning is salt and pepper. Then have to make the dough for the crust for each pasty. Takes forever to make; especially the dough for the individual pasties. Roll out one for each pasty about the size of a small dinner plate or large saucer. Meat/veg mixture on one half the dough, then fold the other half over the top, seal and crimp the edges with fingers; not with a fork, and make three slits in the top for steam to escape; baked on a cookie sheet. Used to make them but now with the knees being wonky, no more. Shucks. (And NO hamburger permitted; must be good grade diced beef for the meat.) Gosh; I am on a food kick, autumn must be around the corner followed by cold winter days and warm food.

    DH went for three month post-op laminectomy/fusion checkup. He is now allowed to pick up 40 - 50 pounds instead of just five pounds. He can also slightly bend at the waist but slowly; and may also slowly turn from side to side at the waist if he wishes. He goes back in eight weeks. They do an x-ray of his spine each post-op visit up to this point and all is well. He has a bit of a sore back on the right side; it is because he has scoliosis which he has had since childhood and after the surgery, the muscles are weaker and pulling a bit on that side. As he gains strength, that should improve. As he says; it is minor and nothing like the pain he had prior to surgery.

    I think Rusty has indeed made friends with you, Lorita. What fun it must be to watch him. He is lucky he landed on your property and you found him. Talk about a bonanza for him with the kind food and will help with the cold weather looming not too long from now. Well; here I am throwing cold water on a happy happening: If he seems very friendly, do not touch him. Squirrels carry some nasty diseases and they also carry disease laden ticks. You can find out more on Google. Apologies for bringing that up on a happy event, but do not want anything to happen to you out there, dear Lorita. So hope he is also foraging for food himself to store up. They are sure cute to watch. I used to like to watch them carrying acorns when I was a child. They fussed and fussed.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I have a spring form pan that I have used for different things;

    Springform Pan Recipes (allrecipes.com)

    Squirrels.... nope. do not want them here...ever. They chew the bark off trees and that eventually kills the tree. Also they do carry a lot of diseases. UGGGH

    Jo... you have me thinking soup. Who has a good easy vegetable soup???

    Lorita, I think the best thing on top of a cobbler is a scoop of vanilla ice cream. No additional sugar needed.

    Love the pumpkins in the garden.

    I personally do not like fall. Everything is dying. I do not like cinnamon nor pumpkin either. Give me winter with all of it's beautiful subtle colors, a fireplace and a good book.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Soapbox time: Fall is the time to think about fall prevention! We can't prevent all falls, but we can prevent a lot of them.

    I always liked fall, it reminds me of school and playing in the fallen leaves and apples and cider.

    Lorita and all who love reading about animals, I saw a book in the library with an Angus cow on the cover. "Never Turn Your Back on an Angus Cow, My Life as a Country Vet" by Dr. Jan Pol. I believe he was from Minnesota. It looked like good reading.


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    talking of gardens ... here in Aus we are in Spring, with a hot and dry summer ahead of us. But I wanted to share a photo of cymbidium orchids. Hubby had more than 100 plants at one time, but we only brought about 10 to the retirement village. I still have 5 or 6, but don't look after them as I should. But they still flower from time to time. Makes me remember him, and how much he loved them.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    My sweet AnnaBelle has doggie dementia and has begun sundowning.. she started on medication this week ❤️‍🩹😞

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi again,

    Iris, I have that book. I've watched The Incredible Dr. Pol on TV for years. Years ago we had a woman on our thread, Bridget, from NJ, I think. Anyway, she went on a trip to Michigan and went by Dr Pol's clinic. She knew I liked watching him so she sent me his book, autographed, I believe. I haven't read all of it. But, I don't really agree with the title. Angus cattle are beef cattle and may not be as gentle as Holsteins who are handled all the time. Our cattle are Brangus, half Angus and half Brahman and they're gentle - I've turned my back on them many times. In fact, we had one cow, Sweet Pea - Billy the Bull's mother - who would come up behind me and playfully push on me - not meaning to hurt at all. Mike's heifers are Angus and they're gentle. It all depends on the owner - whether they want wild cows or gentle. Mike gentles his just like we've always done. We've raised every one we have from the day they were born. He may have had a cow back up on him or something and that's the reason he says that. I've heard him say it on his show. Each cow is different - you need to be careful around all of them. They can hurt you not meaning to at all. Some day I'll read that book - probably is good reading.

    Jo, Rusty wouldn't let me touch him and I wouldn't want to - I just enjoy watching him because he's so cute. We have a big black walnut tree in our side yard so there's plenty of nuts for him. I have no idea how he breaks into them but there's half shells all over the yard so he does it somehow.

    Judith, fall is my favorite time of year. The hot, humid summer is over and you can enjoy the beautiful, cool weather and the fall leaves (if you live where they are). In a way it is sort of sad but it's a good transition time. In Oklahoma, sorry to say we don't have a long fall most years, especially since our climate is changing. Around here we don't have many pretty trees - mostly yellow and an occasional red one but 60 miles NE of here and over into NW Arkansas the trees are beautiful. We always liked to go to Eureka Springs, Ark. in October when the leaves were turning - so pretty.

    Joan, that reminds me - this evening on the world news they were talking about the Aspen trees beginning to turn in Colorado. Do you have Aspens where you live? One year we were in Taos and came back home through Kit Carson National Forest in NM. The mountains were beautiful with the yellow Aspen scattered among the pine trees - absolutely beautiful.

    Jerilynn, so sorry about Annabelle having dementia. My sister told me once that she thought her cat had it from the way he acted. Animals are like us - they have the same diseases so guess they could get dementia, too. How old is she and what kind of medicine are you giving her? Really hope it helps with the sundowning.

    So - UPS didn't pick up the Cologuard. I called Exact Science and they'll send another kit. UPS actually told them they attempted to pick it up but were unsuccessful. I let him know the trouble we have with UPS and he said they've had other people tell them the same thing.

    Our FedEx guy delivered things today and he told me he almost got stuck on the road south of us today but he made it through. I've been stuck on that road before - walked home in my hose, about a mile and got blisters on the bottoms of my feet.

    Ron, I hope things are a little better with you today. You sound like a worrier - just like me. It's something we can't help even though we know it won't help things. Rest well tonight - see you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    good morning 🌞

    Judith thank you for the site. I ordered a set of 3 pans, different sizes. Have seen lots of recipes calling for springform pans.

    No squirrels for me either. To me they are a problem. Know too many people who have had to find ways to get them out of their attics.

    Spring is probably my favorite season because my least favorite season is coming to an end. Hall is often very pretty here.

    when I was a child, I thought my mom‘s vegetable soup was wonderful, it was very simple recipe. I have never been able to make good vegetable soup, even when I tried to follow her recipe, but I do enjoy good vegetable soup.

    Littleme the orchids are beautiful.

    Annabelle is beautiful, sorry she isn’t doing so well.

    take care

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    @Lorita said:

    "HB, sorry about the reaction to the shots. Did you get the flu shot and covid vaccine at the same time? I don't think I'll do that - one at a time is enough for me. Also seeing ads on TV for the RSV vaccine - no sure I'll take that one. Has anyone taken it?"

    Yes. I did do Moderna COVID 2023-24 and Fluad Quadrivalent at the same time. DH did as well. He did a lit search (retired pharma R&D person) and said it would be OK for effectiveness. He felt puny too but was less symptomatic and for a shorter period of time. My resting HR still isn't back to normal-- Thursday it was up over 20 bpm from my usual 52-55. It's around 65 so far today.

    I am seriously considering doing the general flu vaccine next fall. I had a rough go with the Senior Flu vaccine last year, but not quite this rough. Previously I have had some reaction to the general flu vaccine as well. Given that flu vaccines aren't all that effective historically (2022 version was considered 39-44%) the risk/benefit ratio doesn't seem worth it.

    I decided to combine them because I had recently gotten the new Prevnar 20, then waited a month for flu and COVID and need to get the RSV-- not so much for me but to avoid giving it to my mom. Timing these around driving mom to her various appointments is an art form-- she's averaging 4 things a week. She's got 2 PT appointments, vaccines and a skin cancer excision this coming week. The latter will pull her out of PT for 2 weeks, so I'm cramming in my own PCP and colonoscopy. The fun never ends around here.

    Mom got the RSV vaccine a month ago. DH said research shows that the RSV might not be as effective if take with the others, so you might want to break them up. She didn't seem to suffer any reaction with that one at all.

    It's very gray today with Ophelia spinning off the coast. I plan to stay put. I may take mom to see the Barbie Movie tomorrow. She's down in the dumps because she's not getting as much interaction as she'd like and is self-soothing at Talbots. If you see an 85-year-old-woman prowling around in Faux Leather Portland pants, message me. She also bought a faux leather skirt (as one does), and a bright orange boiled wool jacket; I know she owns a winter white one and a bright red one (she denies owning the red, btw). She tried to by a baby wale corduroy jacket last month at the Red Hanger Sale. I had to stop her as she bought that exact jacket last spring. I need to keep an eye on her.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Oh @harshedbuzz , I would LOVE to go shopping with your Mom!!! Our tastes sound very similar 😂. I will admit, as I’m about to be 67, I have given up the faux leather, I STILL cannot bring myself to donate that pair of Harley Davidson pants!

    And, my maroon colored peep toe sling back heels 👠 with a 3 inch enamel heel are in a special box on the top closet shelf for my funeral.. my daughter says “well Mama, that’s not even a bit weird for you, now is it?”…. Lol

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    @JeriLynn66 I am so sorry about Annabelle. I watch a YouTube channel, Schnauzer Mom - this lady has 7 schnauzers named Mozzie, Miggy, Marley, Milo, Magnum, Max and Mr. Grant. Mr. Grant is 17 years old and he has doggie dementia. He will sometimes go into a corner and doesn't know how to get out. Her channel is far from a downer; she takes great care of her cuties and shares their ups and downs. (I have a little black miniature schnauzer named Josey.)

    @littleme Thanks for sharing your orchids. They are stunning! I've never grown them. Believe it or not, I have zero houseplants. My last time overwintering my elephant ears in pots inside resulted in getting a lot of gnats in the house! Not doing that again, but I will get a poinsettia this winter.

    Summer is my favorite season. Part of that has to do with the things I enjoy doing (gardening, swimming) and part has to do with the memories of my childhood where summer meant bike riding, horseback riding, horse shows, etc.

    @Sayra , you'll have to let us know what you make with your springform pans. You're a good cook! You seem to enjoy cooking. I like baking but not cooking. Do you (or others) watch Master Chef? A man from Iowa, Grant Gillon, won the competition. I never watched the show but Grant was interviewed on local news. He indicated he is active on social media, cooking with his 5 year old son. This is on Instagram. I subscribed to his Instagram - it's great. Yesterday's video on his Instagram was him and his son Grady making donuts. Awesome!

    @Jo C. and @Lorita I did not grow my pumpkins. I bought 3 orange ones at a grocery store and then bought the yellow one and two white ones when I went to a greenhouse to get my mums.

    @harshedbuzz you have a lot of patience to do all you do. I wish you peaceful days and good results on your medical tests.

    @telinde Joan, I hope you are getting stronger and feeling better.

    @ronald71111 I am so sorry for all you are dealing with. I hope getting CPAP in place can help you get better rest.

    @dayn2nite2 I hope you are getting stronger and feeling well and able to do the things you want to do. How is little Chuckie?

    Regarding osteoporosis - which I have and some of you may have, Dr. Doug Lucas has a fantastic YouTube channel called "Optimal Bone Health with Dr. Doug Lucas." If you go to his last video, and go to the description box below the video, there is a link and he will send you (free) his e-book. The book is "The Osteoporosis Breakthrough, The Natural Way to Reverse Causes of Bone Loss and Build Strong Bones." You can also get the paperback book for $4.95 on Amazon. There is a lot of controversy on osteoporosis, particularly diet. I like his approach. He is a retired orthopedic surgeon, now working in bone health and longevity/healthy longevity.

    We could have a severe storm today. On TV they were saying that if you are going to a football game, the officials there do have a plan for storm safety. I'm not going to a football game but found that comforting. There are many thousands who attend.

    I hope you all have a great weekend.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Received a call from care in the community yesterday with standard questions; do you have any preference where to go, do you have preference on time/day, what is the best number to contact you and can a voicemail be left if we can't reach you. Now to wait on call for the ABI test. I did a lot of washing yesterday and today and legs have been hurting a lot. Wanted to catch up on everything where I can chill tommorow o my birthday. Both boys will probably call and I'll probably order dinner and that's it. Wish I would hear from care in the community for my barium swallow test, I need it as much as the ABI test.


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    I think I might have caught back up. Goodness, so many have so much going on. Its the 23rd of Sept and its a blooming 104 degrees with heat advisories for today and tomorrow. Ugh. I hope to see cooler than 100 degrees soon!

    For those of you whom are animal lovers, you'll be able to relate to what we're going through. I'd previously shared about our dog being ill with acute kidney failure. She so tried to feel better, and frankly I think was willing herself to hang in there for us. On Monday she let me know it was time. I've had lots of dogs and gone through this with them, but this one just seems to hurt a little more. At 11 lbs it seems odd to say, but she really ran this house - maybe that's what is different. Or that she and DH had a very special bond, maybe. I don't know but phew. We do have the puppy, Madison. She's 8 months old and equally lost. We are are grieving in our own way which is a process.

    The good news is the non-profit I was trying to keep going is limping along. We have a daily program, and I'm thrilled we're able to offer that. There is a HUGE fundraiser on Wed and both DH & I are speaking. Yikes! It's quite the guest list with over 200 people expected. We are trying to share our program and vision and of course will gladly accept and donations offered. I have what I want to say worked out in my head, I haven't written it down yet. I've casually mentioned it several x's to DH but will make sure he has something on paper on Monday. Fingers crossed we can do a good job. Public speaking isn't something that I'm comfortable with - but sharing my passion, that I am comfortable sharing.

    I hope everyone can have a relaxing recuperative weekend & start next week off fresh.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Eagle, so sorry about your little dog - I know how much it hurts to have to give one up but we do it for their sake not wanting them to suffer. He's waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge. I have to remember that when I think of Barclee and Kitt. Glad you have the puppy.

    Barbara, I failed to remark on how beautiful the orchids are. I think I've heard they have a long blooming season. Shame that you could only bring a couple with you. I've never grown orchids. I used to have a lot of houseplants - now I don't have any. These cats would eat any of them I might have. I can't even have a bouquet of flowers without them pulling them out of the vase. I do pick wildflowers from time to time and they take them out, too. I think they're just smelling of them and pull them out. I hope your fibromyalgia is better - maybe the warmer weather will help.

    Iris, thank you for the information about the styptic pen. I need to get one of those. A few days ago we were talking about home covid test kits. A couple of nights ago I saw that we would be able to ordere them beginning on Monday. You can order four of them - website is CovidTests.org. I will do that, too. I think I'll get the covid vaccine in a couple of weeks - then the flu shot the end of October or first of November. Then, I think you have to wait 30 days to get the RSV vaccine - guess I'll get it, too.

    It's been a lazy day - checked everyone this morning - heifers were out of the meadow so had to hunt for them. Just came in about an hour ago from checking again - still not in meadow so had to hunt. The third white heifer had just had her baby, probably less than an hour before I found her. Baby was up trying to nurse. Another of the white cows was near her with her baby. Have to be careful where I'm driving because babies are everywhere. Last evening Stormy and I spent a long time with them. We'd park and several babies would come up to the Gator and watch us - very curious.

    I took Stormy and Sheena for a walk down to the pond this morning. Spent a while there with them just wandering around. Very relaxing - the girls were on the other side of the pond, the water was beautiful - looked like there were diamonds all over the surface from the sun shining in it. Sheena isn't eating well the last two or three days - only about half a can yesterday and today. Worries me.

    I woke up this morning at 4, laying on my left side which is not good. My ear, neck and chest really hurt. I think my left earlobe is sort of infected from the earring I was wearing so I'm keeping Neosporin on it. Guess I was laying wrong that made my neck hurt and I can't lay on either side with my costochondritis. I did go back to sleep after a while, laying on my back.

    Ron, glad you got a call from care in the community. Maybe they'll get on the ball and get your appointments/tests scheduled before long. I hope you're able to go to Church tomorrow - just listening to a good sermon and being among Church friends is good for you.

    I know there was more I wanted to write about but don't remember now what it was - I will later. I'm watching one of the Zoo shows - amazing how they care for the animals and how tame they become even though they are wild animals. They're about to let a lion go to sleep - he has a tumor on one of his kidneys and only one ureter. I don't like to use the term "put down" - letting them go to sleep is much better. Neither is good.

    Hope all of you have a nice evening and a good night's rest. All of eastern Oklahoma is under threat of severe weather tonight - really looks dark in the north now. See you all tomorrow.

    Sara, almost forgot. I watched one of the cooking shows this morning and they made flat bread - gave the ingredients but not the proportions. I think you've made it before - do you remember the proportions - guess I could look it up but maybe you remember. It was only flour, salt, vegetable oil and water. Looked pretty good. See you all tomorrow. This is the first day of Autumn - finally.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Eagle? I'm so sorry you lost your little girl. Like Lorita says, she'll be at the Rainbow Bridge. I said that poem over my little girl Callie when I lost her last year. I thought she had kitty dementia, because she would walk in circles. But I came to realize that she was totally blind and deaf. She used some extra proprioception because she could still find her food and the water bowl, plus the litter box and the scratching pole. Towards the end I had to carry her to the litter box because she was getting weaker. My boy cat Simon has been living with hyperthyroidism, hypertension and kidney disease for over a year now. I have two more senior cats and one middle aged cat. My cats seem to be more attentive as they get older.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    @eaglemom I’m so sorry you’ve lost your baby.. I’m glad she had you for her Mom ❤️

    When I read your post, my immediate thought was a movie quote:

    “ A Lady always knows when it’s time to go..”

    God bless ❤️‍🩹

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning.

    Happy Birthday Ron!🎂🎈

    I have not watched Master Chef, Beth.

    I make one flatbread so adjust for what you want.

    1/4Call purpose flour, 1/4t salt, 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder, 3/4 teaspoon of oil, approximately 2 ounces of water. Add the liquid a little at a time. I have replace the water with some butter milk at times and that works fine too.

    I fry them on a hot ungreased griddle just takes a few minutes each side just till they start getting a little golden

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Thank you Sayra for the birthday wishes!

    Stormy right now, one band moving in now, clearing, than another one. Lou's sitter text and probably want be here today. U will probably fix a big birthday breakfast with eggs, sausage, biscuits and either hashbrowns or potato gravy. Tonight will be steak, baked potato, green beans and rolls.

    Was on my feet a lot yesterday and didn't sleep well with leg pains. Hope they set up my test fast, seems like my legsare hurting more, left leg where the blood clot was is worse but both hurt. I know my esophagus problem is not good, but at least I'm not hurting with it.

    Eaglemom, I'm sorry for your loss, I know it was hard and still is, for me to get over our Shih Tzu, but Lou's sitter bringing her Yorkie helps.

    Had a bad couple of days with Lou but hopefully the dementia angels will watch over her on my birthday.

    I have a bad habit of not proofing my post but trying to get better. I've noticed since I upgraded my phone, the phone changes some of my words without asking me and sometimes it doesn't make any since.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    May your day be peaceful and easy and pain free. Wishing you many more! Hugs

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Happy, Happy Birthday, Ron. Hope your day is filled with good things. You have your lovely Lou with you so that's one good thing to be thankful for. Your meals sound delicious - I bet both of you will enjoy them. Wouldn't it be nice if we all couodl be together and have cake and ice cream on the front porch for Ron's birthday. We can, in our hearts and minds.

    We had lots of rain last night. My gauge said 1.1" but I know that isn't right. When we went down to check the girls there was water everywhere and muddy so didn't get down into the flat land. Mike said Toad (three miles east of me) got 3.5" and he got over 3". Every time I woke up last night it was raining - and thundering which scares Sheena. I ordered a new rain gauge, another jumbo one that I normally can see from the front porch with binoculars. Should be here Tuesday. The ponds looks full, - always good to go into winter with full ponds.

    Thanks, Sara, for your recipe. I may try that. Do you split them and make sandwiches? I'd like to know how to make pita bread - have you tried that? I used to get some kind of bread that you could cut in half and there was a pocket - so good to make sandwiches with. That was at WM but the last few times I was there (a long time ago) they didn't have it).

    There must have been a lot of wind last night - things on the porch were in different places and my boots were wet inside. A town west of us had lots of big hail - tore up a man's roof and demolished a mobile home - glad we didn't get that.

    Again, Happy Birthday, dear Ron. You're a brother to all of us and we care so much for you and your Lou. Enjoy your day.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 100 Insightfuls Reactions

    Flat Bread;

    Skillet Flatbreads Recipe | King Arthur Baking

    Happy Birthday Ron!!!

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy Birthday Ron.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    @ronald71111 HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🎁 🎊 🎂

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Oh let’s do have a BirthdayParty on the front porch for Ron!! I’ll bring pulled pork bbq, cole slaw, fresh skillet fried corn and maple baked beans!!

    Happy Birthday Ron!!

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    I wanted to share, my oldest biological Sister has been diagnosed with Lewy Body dementia.. sad days…

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Birthday party -- I'm for that. I'll bring a peach cobbler and ice cream. Ron, hope your day is going good.

    It's cloudy and humid here today - only about 80 but it feels hot. I wanted to watch the Chiefs play the Bears but we're getting Cowboys and Cardinals - strange because we usually get to watch the Chiefs.

    Jerilyn, so sorry to hear about your sister's diagnosis. Hope she gets along all right.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Thanks to all my front porch friends for the birthday greetings. If the video will take on this site you will see something that made today extra special.


    Dang....system wouldn't take it! It was Lou singing happy Birthday to me. I had to remind her of my name, but that's ok.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I will bring napkins...lol

    Ron, please try again to load Lou singing.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions
    edited September 2023

    I get message back "the uploaded file does not have a valid extention". I used my phone to video her singing and pulled it from my phones album.

    Don't really understand why since I had no trouble uploading to my Facebook page.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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