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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Oliver Kitty Man bids you all a good evening!! He’s 16… loving cooler mornings.

    Tomorrow is my 1 year wedding anniversary. My husband and I lost our spouses within 6 weeks of one another..

    So yesterday and today I’ve been “getting pretty” for our weekend camping trip..

    The days are still warm and very dry here, with burn bans in place. But the colors of the wooly worms 🐛 indicate snow for winter: I guess we’ll see.. Mostly we get black ice on bridges and enough dusting of snow for folks to make a mess of wrecks on the highway..

    hope everyone is well..

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Jerilynn, Oliver Kitty Man is beautiful. He looks very happy, too. Congratulations on your first wedding anniversary. Glad you found someone to share your life with. Have a good camping trip. Hope the weather is good for you.

    Hadn't heard anything this year about the color of the wooly worms. Is it when they're black that there's going to be snow? Also haven't looked at the corn shucks. Today I heard of a new one - if the skin on an onion is thick and tough it means snow. Here we mostly look at persimmon seeds. All of them seem to have spoons this year so that means snow. I like cooler weather and an occasional snow but not so much. I don't like ice which is what we used to have most of. Normally we don't have too much snow but have had up to 20" on the ground at one time. My Great Pyrenees love being out in the snow - they can't take hot weather like we've had all summer so they've stayed inside most of the time. They make great housedogs - very quiet except when they hear the driveway alarm.

    Stormy and I drove down to see the girls - heifers - just before sundown. This morning I got the right number on the first count - tonight I kept coming up two short. We drove and drove but never did find them. Probably in the tall weeds or briars - I'd much rather be two short than only one. Everyone else looked fine. A couple of the moms were babysitting while the other moms grazed. The little calves are so cute - trying out their legs running and playing. I'll be anxious to get out in the morning to count again.

    Again, Jerilynn, Happy Anniversary.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    I pulled the melon Tuesday I think. It was close to falling off. Thinking about cutting it this evening.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Good luck! We:re all anxious, so let us know.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited September 2023

    So much to respond about and to share, but am in the midst of other "stuff." Have to say, that is one gorgeous cat . . . beautiful eyes and what a soulful look. Oliver is a great name for him; truly, he really does look very special.

    As for Hackberries; have never seen a Hackberrie tree, so I looked it up. Did not realize berries are edible and that hackberries were found in the ancient Peking Man tomb, 500,000 years old! Anyway; found this link from a forager chef who speaks about hackberries including eating them and recipes. Thought I would include it: https://foragerchef.com/hackberry/

    Oh yes; about staying logged in. When you "Sign In" near the top, there is a click on a second icon, toward bottom of page that also displays your name and an **** box - there is also a tiny square that says, "stay logged in." If you click on that tiny square and make a check mark in that box, you will stay logged in even if you have left the site. If that is NOT checked and you sign off, then you are completely signed off and not still logged in. I am not comfortable with staying logged in when I am not online, so I always uncheck that little box.

    Will see you later,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, again,

    Just got back from spending a good hour out in the meadow and pastures - it's wet, wet this morning. I kept coming up two short last night and this morning on my first and second count, I was one short (don't like that at all). So, Stormy and I drove around and around, looking everywhere for that one cow. There were seven around that old bale of hay with several babies laying down and some playing while moms ate.

    Evidently one of the heifers (cows, now) is in esterus so she and the three little bulls were not with the others. Mike says Toad thinks he only brought two bulls but I know there's three and 27 heifers. At the north end of the meadow, there's a low place that holds water so many of them were around that getting a drink. I drove around and around, counting, - finally got the 30. That made me feel better. Samson, our big bull, was across the fence watching what was going on. With the sun coming up the three white cows and their babies just shine in the sunshine. When

    we got home Sheena was waiting by the yard gate ready to go for her walk. Got the leash on and got Stormy out of the Gator so he could walk with her. We got down to the pond dump (when they deepened the pond the dirt was piled up next to the pond in a pretty, big mound. I overseeded it with bermuda grass seeds years ago so it's grass covered. There must have been a coyote or wolf there last night because all they wanted to do was smell of the grass. Two, big GPs pulling on their leashes are hard to hold. So, after a bit, we came back home.

    Cut up some old bread for the birds and gave Rusty his breakfast (didn't see him yesterday). Now, I'm having my morning juice. My crumb cakes will be here tomorrow (I hope). Ate the last one a couple of days ago. They're on auto ship so I get a dozen 6.5 oz. cakes every 60 days. They are so good. I'll probably have froot loops or toast with apricot preserves and peanut butter. I sound hungry, don't I?

    Seems my computer is working all right so I don't think I'll let anyone do anything to do unless something goes wrong that I can't figure out. I'm leary of anyone who says they're from tech club - unless it's Nilesh. Glad I got that charge disputed and the card discontinued. Also put a freeze on the card I use for WM and Chewy, also for Amazon. Talked to my financial institutions so they won't let anything go through that's unusual.

    I think Jimmy, electrician, is going to try to get the barn electrified the end of next week so will have to figure payment out. It'll really be good to have that extra security light on and have lights in the barn - just in case I need to go out at night.

    I ordered a denim jacket with embroidery on it three or four years ago and never have worn it. Got it out a few days ago and then found two others - the last two are a bit smaller than I like but I don't button them anyway. They're the longer ones - too old now to wear the short ones. I like to wear jeans and a denim jacket (Texas tuxedo) in the winter with a turtle neck or shirt.

    I wore jeans this morning - it's a little cool and very wet from dew (no fog right here but I see it in the distance). The grass is pretty and is growing again with the rain and warmer weather - it has another month to grow but there won't be any grass stockpiled for winter so it's good that hay is making a lot this year. A big bale is around $100-120 each now and feed is higher so glad I don't have that responsibility. Guess I have the best of both worlds - the girls are here for me to enjoy but no responsibility in feeding. I realized a couple of days ago that Mike has been feeding hay for me for about nine years (he began when I lost Charles). A really good man and friend - to everyone.

    I'd better stop - I've gone on way too long, sorry about that. Hope everyone is all right this morning.

    Sandy, enjoyed our visit last night - hope you're still better this morning. I'll be back later. Do you all agree I shouldn't let anyone fool with my computer - at least for a while?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Jo, I posted to tell you this about hackberries and just realized I hadn't done that. Hackberry trees do have "berries" on them but they're very small, round, hard things. About the size of a holly berry. I don't see how anyone could eat them unless they could be cooked.

    The trees are beautiful - have a pretty shape and are very strong. The big tree that was lost this year was over 100 years old and was a beautiful tree. I took pictures of it in each season, enlarged and framed them and have them having in the front bedroom (where I was born). Charles and I had a sign made with a picture of that big tree on it and have it hanging from the arch over the entry gate.

    We have a lot of Hackberry trees on the farm. Mother named the farm years ago - if I had named it, it would have been Hackberry Hill - but her name really fits it in the spring and summer particularly. She made the original sign that was over the gate but it blew down and I could never find it so that's why we had another one made.

    Interesting information about how old the Hackberry trees are - glad you posted that for us.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Oliver is indeed handsome

    Happy anniversary Jerilynn.

    Glad you have Mike, Lorita.Going to attach a picture of the cantaloupe I just cut it. It’s indeed ripe it’s very very juicy and soft. I like them a little firmer. I’ve never raised them before, so I guess that’s why it was getting ready to drop off the vine. But the outer shell still had quite a bit of green. That’s why I didn’t think it was ripe yet.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, the melon looks delicious. How good that will be with either cottage cheese or ice cream in the middle. I used to take that to work for lunch. I like mine a little firmer too - not mushy. Be sure to keep the seeds for next year. It looks like it's a perfect size.

    Thanks, Judith, for that link. Lots of good things to cook.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    The scream heard far and wide. I have no idea what opossums obsession with our house is, but it needs to stop, and stop now. That scream around 1:45 am today was me letting the puppy out and just sitting on our patio was a opossum. He just looked at me - my reaction was to scream! The puppy looked at him and walked on by. Two nights prior I saw two on our back fence walking along. I live in the suburbs for goodness sake. I now understand the odd poo I've found on the patio and walkway - I bet its coming from the unwanted opossums.

    Yesterday both of us presented at a large event. I believe that is the last 'formal' thing on our schedule and I'm oh so grateful. Our presentations went very well, and I always think when I can have the audience laugh, giggle and then tug at their heartstring with a possible tear, my speech went well. I struggled mightily with this one, & finally I had my idea's on paper. Then I walked to the podium, put my paper down, took a deep breath and spoke from my heart - I didn't refer to my paper. Those long 12 years ago when we received DH's diagnosis we vowed to be a voice of ALZ / Dementia. And we will both continue until our last breath.

    I really need several days of chill - but that won't happen, I know me! My fuel tank is running on fumes, but I realize it and that's progress for me. My expatiation's for the next several days are low!!! I'm going to go back and catch up on everyone, once again. Now, hopefully I'll be able to be a regular here.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Good for you, Eagle. Glad things went well. Now you need to relax a bit. It will be good to have you back more often.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    @JeriLynn66 Happy anniversary! Enjoy your special day! Your kitty is just beautiful.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Thank you so much Lorita! It’s 5am and there is a German Chocolate cake in the oven for my husband also has a birthday today!!

    The RV is packed and ready to go tomorrow for a long weekend at the river.. more family will also be there so should be a relaxing time.

    Yes, wooly worms having mostly black color do indicate snow; I haven’t seen one yet but others have posted pictures.

    Gotta get that cake out of the oven to cool and ice before we leave for work..

    Pretty Boy Bird wishes you each a wonderful day ❣️

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions
    edited September 2023

    Eaglemom, look up opossum receipes, print it and put several copies outside where the possums can see them. They will leave and never come back! If they can't read.....print some pictures! You would be surprised that thy are healthier eating than fish.

    By the way......hot again in Louisiana and road kill has to be put in the pot as quick as possible. (Only write this to get 92 back ahead of 81)


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Last edit didn't work, needed a new post.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, we used to have a boy in school whose nickname was opossum. I always wondered if his family ate then. He was in high school and much older than I. Opossums are not pretty and cuddly , are they Eagle? But I bet the babies are cute. You know they're the only marsupial in our Country. All babies are cute. Didn't sound like your scream scared him very much. They really do play opossum, too. Hope they're not out there tonight. We had a huge one that stayed in our barn but came to the carport to eat Tom and Jerry's food. He wasn't afraid of us either.

    Hot here today, too. UPS left my crumb cakes and new Cologuard test down at the mailbox at 10:30 this morning. Guess he thinks I live in the mailbox! All the babies and moms and our girls seemed okay this evening. We did take a nap.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Lorita, your issue may not be with UPS. There is a delivery service used by Amazon and probably others that combines UPS with the US mail. Initial leg get delivered by UPS to the local post office when then does the home delivery. Only reason I know this is I have looked up details of order deliveries using the UPS tracking site and it shows the combined delivery.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Where is everyone today? Marie, I think it's our UPS Service. I've had trouble with them from the get-go. I've called so many times I made friends with the girl who answered the phone - they no longer have anyone answering. She told me they hire city boys (no offense intended to you all who live in town) who know how to drive on city streets but not on country roads. She said numerous times they've had to call a tow truck to get them out of a ditch or unstuck in the mud. I just think most of them are too lazy to drive up to the house. They stop at the gate, put the items in a plastic bag and leave it at the gate. I've put signs down there telling them not to do that and they leave the pkg. underneath the sign.

    You can't see the house from the road because of trees so maybe they're afraid of what they'll run into. Several years ago we had a couple of really good drivers but they've transferred them to other areas. I know a lot of pkgs. are shipped via UPS to be delivered by USPS - I get those but a lot of delivered by UPS. I've known our mailcarrier for many years and she wouldn't leave a pkg. down at the gate. Many times when we'd be getting medications and supplies from the VA for Charles she brought them to the house. I don't order a lot from Amazon, partly because of this. Food isn't supposed to be left in places other than the house or porch. Just really aggravates me (can you tell?). Enough of that for now.

    Stormy and I were down in the meadow this morning at sunrise - you can't imagine how peaceful it can be - with the girls grazing and the babies getting their breakfast or playing. Everyone should be able to experience this. We finally found everyone. I thought they'd finished that bale of hay but there were eleven of them around it this morning. Got back to the house and took Sheena and Stormy down to the pond. Sheena's really looking forward to her walks - she's always standing by the gate waiting for us to get back.

    When I went outside this morning I heard this really loud noise, then noticed they're cutting the grass east of us to bale later when it dries.

    Nothing going on here today. Hope all of you are well today and enjoying good weather. It's 90 degrees here and will be for the next few days. Mornings are in the upper 60s and just beautiful.

    Did you all see the full moon last night? They said it was another "super moon". I think that makes three of them in a row. Try to see it tonight if you can.

    I think I may take another hap this afternoon - doesn't take any time to get into the habit.

    Ron, how are things going with Lou. Are you having trouble now because of the full moon?

    Sara, are you and your sister doing all right with your mother - I hope things are improving for all three of you. How was that cantaloupe? Looked really good. Did you save the seeds? We always took the seeds off the membranes and dried them on paper towels, then froze them until year. Always worked really well.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I have noticed the full moon, but surprisingly it hadn't had its normal affect on Lou. She is sleeping more and has fewer awaken hours! I have to tell her to get up in the morning for breakfast and naps all day. Had company today and she nodded most of the visit.

    VA called and I was told my new cpap machine was in and have me set up for class Tuesday to pick it up. I told them I have been to two of the classes with two different machines I haven't been able to use either one. Was told settings are different and I need to try the apap because my lowest point at the sleep study was 79.

    Love bugs are bad again! Can't stick your head out the door without the two love bugs flying around you. The male might be enjoying himself, but if he only knew his fate. LOL


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I use cpap set on 50 every night. I have the air pillow which is truly small.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, what are love bugs?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, love bugs are flying insects that fly around with the male and female connected for approximately 3 or 4 days. Once they disconnect the male dies and the female dies after laying her eggs. They have also been called honeymooners and two headed insects. They are more of a nuisance than anything but I have heard they were good fir the environment. Found mostly in humid areas and mate two times a year.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Guess I've never seen those, Ron. Not my loss either. We still have hoards of grasshoppers. Sarah says they also have them in OKC.

    My TV picture went off just before 6 so we went down and saw the girls. Still off when we got home. Don't think I can handle much more. Called Directv just as it came back on. It's done this a couple of times in the last week or so but only for a minute or two. The technician told me to unplug it for about 30 seconds to reset it. I did and it seems ok.

    Glad the full moon isn't bothering Lou too much this time Sorry she's sleeping so much. Darwin says his wife is doing that, too. Don't recall that Charles did.

    It's been pretty warm today with some wind which helped. The driveway alarm keeps going off because the wind blows a tree and it sets it off. Really keeping Stormy upset.

    Hope everyone is well and others still on the recuperating road.

    Day, not sure you're watching QVC much but I'm wondering what happened to Pam, the model who was always on Denim & Co. Have e seen her for three weeks. Customer service doesn't know, they say. Not liking the changes they're making.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Thanks for asking Lorita, my sister and I are doing OK. We were just talking about Thanksgiving today that we are going to have it but we are definitely going to simplify it. I’m not complaining as many people on here Have it much rougher than we are having it. But it still is very time consuming and it’s why I can no longer volunteer. Now that I’m not volunteering, I’m not sure how in the world I was doing it two days a week. It’s no wonder I was having palpitations.

    Got my banana bread made today. I baked it in a cast-iron skillet instead of in a loaf pan. It turned out beautiful.

    Never have seen a love bug.

    good night everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Your banana bread is beautifull, Sara. I would never have thought about baking it in an iron skillet. I like to use them, especially for corn bread. I think you posted your recipe? Not sure but I remember making banana bread a year or so ago that was good. I'll check and see. What size skillet did you use?

    Glad things are pretty much on level ground with your mother. I know you miss volunteering though.

    How was the cantaloupe?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Cantaloupe was very sweet and flavorful. It was probably a 10 inch skillet. Took 35 minutes at 350 in my oven.

    Saw the full moon this morning

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Beautiful morning. Stormy and I saw all the girls without much of a problem then checked the others. Came back to the house and of got Sheena and went back to the pond. Let them wander a round on their leashes a while.

    Someone is still mowing East of us. . Also heard several gunshots - don't like that.

    Wasn't the moon pretty,Sara? Zetta, how are you? Let us know, please. I know you're really busy -:makes the time go fast, doesn't it?

    Nothing planned for today, I hope. Still worried about the computer. Do need to put up the new rain gauge.

    This tablet adds words so if something isn't right, sorry.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    That's a good idea Rod - printing off recipe using opossum and leaving it outside to scare them off! Now, do I want to bake or bar-b-que them? LOL.

    Yesterday afternoon we were both just dragging. I decided it was nap time for all of us - which is something I simple don't do. I turned the air conditioner down to get it cool and comfy, put the puppy between us, turned on soft music and we were all out immediately. I woke up 3.5 hrs later and couldn't believe it. I tried moving the puppy but she was quite happy snoozing away with her daddy. An hour later he woke up. I'm thinking I might do the same thing today!

    The full moon hasn't caused any issues here. It seems I remember one time when DH was very agitated & out of sorts during a full moon. Glad that's not the case now.

  • Bundy
    Bundy Member Posts: 26
    Seventh Anniversary 10 Comments

    where is page 5

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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