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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, I'm glad Simon feels well enough to figure out how to get past your barriers. Hope this continues.

    Judith, I haven't talked to Sarah since Thursday. At that time she told me the home health nurse had come a day or two before and she was broken out with blisters all over. The nurse called the ER (not sure which hospital) and they said since they didn't know what was wrong to isolate both she and Todd until they could get results from blood work, I guess the nurse drew. They were delivering meds and supplies and leaving them outside her door. At that time she thought they might have test results by Friday. So, don't know if they did or if she's in the hospital or what. I thought the blisters were probably from a combination of medicine that didn't work well together but, of course, I don't know.

    Haven't heard anything from Leanne in a long time. A few months ago I sent an e-mail to the address I had and there was no such address found. I don't have a phone number, just the e-mail address.

    It's been a strange weather day here. This morning it was chilly and cloudy but the sun began to shine. A little while later I looked out the window and it was beginning to shower. That lasted maybe five minutes and disappeared. There have been dark clouds in the north, then it would lighten up, sun would shine, then dark clouds again.

    Just came in from taking down the trash, then checking the girls. Again, it was intermittently cloudy and sunny - wind is cold. I haven't seen the weather today so not sure what the week will bring.

    I've watched news shows quite a lot today but decided I'd had enough for today so watching America's Funniest Home Videos for a change. Judith, you're right, it's terrible what's happening and may happen - also terrible the way the Indians were treated. Are you going to go to the movies to watch "Killers of the Flower Moon"? I've watched Reign of Terror on TV this past week - about the same thing that happened to the Osage Indians. Back then it was scary to even be an Osage. Charles' grandpa was part Osage and Cherokee but didn't want to claim being Osage - probably because of what was happening to them. They are rich but guess safety was the main reason.

    I took down the trash and kept the main gate closed - some of the younger cows had gone down to graze along the road - just now hearing the driveway alarm go off so they're coming back or others are going down.

    I feel tired this evening, maybe worn out from watching all the bad news - no more tonight.

    Zetta, might be a good idea to just go for two weeks. I know when you were there a long time a few months ago you missed your cats and home. I'm sure the place you work will make arrangements so you can work when you want to.

    I had a nice visit with my BIL this afternoon (Charles' brother). He'll be 94 two days after I'll be 82 (gosh that sounds scary). He lost his wife of 60+ years a few months ago and lived by himself for a while, then making decisions and being alone got to be too much for him so he moved into the nicest-sounding place. It's a 40 acres complex with three small ponds (geese stay on one or two of them until they go south). There are small cottages and separate buildings according to your care level. He has a one-bedroom apartment but there are buildings for assisted living, alzheimers, etc., all with their own facilities. He's been there three months and seems to like it but it's so different from what he's used to. He's slowly adjusting. They furnish everything - meals, housekeeping, and all kinds of activities. Sounds like a nice place. He said they have one much like it in Enid, Okla. He has a couple of daughters who live about an hour away and some grandkids - says he has his PU there and drives to see them some weekends - other times they visit. Hard to believe he's 93 - Charles would be 91. They sound so much alike on the phone.

    I'll stop for now - Stormy's wanting to come inside. I didn't take him with me this evening so he's going to pout. See you all tomorrow. Rest well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Zetta, you gave me an idea. I have one friend who might be able to cat-sit.

    I understand your not wanting to be away from home for so long.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    It a beautiful day, clear and sunny with very littlev wind. It was cold when we were out this morning. Saw the heifers without much trouble but finding Gray Lady was another story. We kept driving and looking on the east side of the pond but finally found her on the west side. Guess we would be looking if we hadn't found her. Sandy, that's another OCD of mine seeing her each day.

    Had some homemade hash browns and scrambled eggs for breakfast which doesn't happen often. Easy to make so won't buy them again.

    Supposed to be in the high 60s and 7Os this week. Sounds like there may be a light frost north and south of us.

    Judith, Sarah called about MN - still no blood work results. Says she'll call again this morning and maybe go to the hospital. I think she's afraid to go thinking she may never come home again. I can understand that. But she needs treatment.

    News just reported that ?Suzanne Summers passed away. She was 77.

    Back later.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Here is Stanley Tucci's favorite soup recipe link; sure sounds delicious and all I would want would be some garlic bread . . . I LOVE garlic . . . . no vampires for me this Halloween . . . . !


    If you use Google, there are also other recipes he has shared.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited October 2023

    Mentioning garlic and vampires brought back a funny memory from childhood. I was the eldest child followed by two brothers. One day, our parents decided to let us go to the movies alone as we were old enough to be trusted to have that privilege. They dropped us off in front of the theater, and would pick us up to go home after the movie.

    Well . . . . we were supposed to go into the theater with the kid friendly movie . . . . BUT we saw a much advertised vampire movie was also showing in an adjacent theater in the same building . . . so being kids who were excitedly enticed; we knew our parents would not know if we went to the horror movie, so we did. It was a doozy.

    Scared the socks off us! Did not tell our parents. However; kids being kids and a bit fearful, we began to talk about how to protect ourselves IF vampires got through our bedroom windows in the middle of the night. We had to take action!

    One brother got a small pointed fence stake that had been in the garage from a little fence our father had made - he kept it under the covers with him so he could drive a stake through the vampire's heart . . . . he also found the last clove of garlic Mother had in the cupboard and took it to bed with him as Vampire's can be vanquished with garlic.

    Second brother had a Mattell Fanner 50 toy cowboy gun that had silver bullets in its holster belt; so he took the toy gun and silver bullets to bed with him so that he could shoot the vampire who we knew could not survive contact with silver . . . .

    That left me. Not a single weapon in site. So . . . I closed my bedroom windows tightly but knew vampires could come through them anyway. So; I arranged myself in bed carefully. Bedding tucked tight and my hands outside the blanket with a rosary wound around my hands with the crucifix on top - vampires CANNOT look at or go near a crucifix, so I was safe as long as I stayed real still while sleeping.

    Evidently our weapon methods were effective because not a single vampire got us!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Thanks Jo.

    I used Orzo pasta and did not add the greens. It is really thick!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    What resourceful children! Why aren't you three advising the authorities about personal defense? ;)


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Jo...wonderful story. May I share?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    I would have had to go to other movie alone. I never have cared for scary things.

    Another great cloudy, misty day here. Feel like I worked in slow motion today and didn’t get much done. Did go get my sticker for my license plate. They send them out a lot earlier anymore so I’m glad I can go get it now instead of when it’s snowy and cold.

    Got the contract in the mail today for plowing mom’s drive this winter. I’m very thankful for that.

    take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Speaking of scary things! I was the youngest of 4, two brothers and a sister. Our house was two bedrooms; one for our parents and one for our sister. My dad and grandfather converted the garage into a little house for us boys. After I was born I slept in a baby bed in my parents room until I was old enough to join my brothers. The very first night after I got in bed both brothers were lurking over me saying; we are not your brothers, we are from Mars and took over their bodies and soon your body will also go to someone from Mars. Needless to say I ran back in the house, jumped in the baby bed and it took weeks to covence me they were human.

    Good thing about being the youngest boy was as I grew older my brothers were gone and I had the little house all to myself with a window leading into the alley.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Older siblings...oh, the thing they can think up to do to us!!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited October 2023

    I only had one older sister, Lorita. She was ten years older than I. I was afraid of her because of her long fingernails she'd threaten me with. Don't think she ever scratched me though.

    Forgot to mention- had a call from my doctor this evening to tell me my cologuard test was negative! Good news. That's one thing I can mark off my "to do" list..

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    There is a two part, four hour documentary by Ken Burns "The American Buffalo"on PBS tonight narrated by Peter Coyote. Going to be good. Sad part of our history is what happened to them..

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    @Jo C. Thanks for sharing the recipe. That looks like a lovely cold weather dinner. Does it really serve 4? The recipe amounts suggest a generous portion size. I love soup for dinner in chilly weather- thanks for sharing.

    I was so disappointed when CNN didn't renew his Searching for Italy series for a 3rd season.

    @ronald71111 How's the new shower coming? I need to update our baths but don't look forward to the inconvenience and expense.

    The last several days have been very mom-centric. I threw her a bone and took her to the big mall on the other side of the city Sunday. I wanted a specific pair of Vionic loafers from Nordstrom so I gave her a chance to ride along. It paid off-- the loafers fit well (this brand doesn't sometimes) and mom paid for them as my birthday gift. The lovely salesperson tried to upsell me into a pair of Paul Greens that felt like a gentle hug but were $400. Yeah, no. My birthday was in April, but I didn't really need or want anything at the time. DH wasn't feeling well, so mom and I had an early dinner together which she enjoyed. The conversation centered around her worry that's she's developing dementia; she sees her psychiatrist tomorrow for a med check and promises she'll mention her concerns but doesn't want me to attend with her. She's scattered and having word-finding issues and doesn't seem to have bounced back from 100% post-UTI which is freaking me out. I'm trying to decide if I push or call the doc ahead of the appointment to share my concerns.

    Yesterday DS and I went over to her house to complete a couple of chores. DS and I have bought her a couple bookcases for shoe storage at Ikea last week. I have tried to buy them Thursday but they were just too heavy for me. Younger me could lift a Billy box no problem but no more; DS and I went Friday to buy them. She has too many shoes and they've overflowed the closet and are lined up along the wall as trip hazards. DS moved the gorgeous cherry file cabinet I bought on Craigslist out of my car and into her office and assembled the bookcases while I rehung her smaller closet's organizer which the previous owner hung too high for her to reach.

    When we got there, the house was a mess. It was like an ADHD nightmare-- a dozen tasks started but not completed because of distraction. This isn't new for her, but she no longer has the stamina to power through into the night restoring order. Normally mom's very tidy and keeps a cleaner house than I do. But she's been on an organizing tear and has everything out. I had to empty the closet to work and it was like flashbacks to clearing out my Aunt Charlotte's compound. I found a few empty boxes on the floor and several marked "Records" which contained really random stuff. There was dad's Home Instead Aide Communication binder, one for the cat's initial visit to the vet, random medical records and "packets" explaining Mohs surgery, TKR (one from FL and one from PA), dad's cataract surgery, TVAR. I kept the cards with emergency and model numbers on them but jettisoned the rest. I planned to leave after I rehung the stuff in the closet, but she was just spinning her wheels so I stayed and helped her wrap up a couple of pieces of her to-do list including culling the shoe collection. It was another flashback to working with my son with autism and ADHD/GAD how to break down projects into manageable bites.

    My cousin is coming to visit next week. I hope I do don't get a frantic call to come help clean on Sunday.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    HB, sounds like you had a busy time. I think as we get older we think about doing something, get into it a bit, then let it go. I know I've become guilty of that. So nice of you to help with mother with doing things.

    I called WM pharmacy a while ago to check on the covid vaccine. They got 140 doses last week and gave all of them in 4-5 days. Haven't gotten their second shipment yet. She said to check back next week. So, that takes one thing off this week's list of things to do. I don't really need anything much that I can't order and have shipped but just thought if I was going to get the vaccine I'd pick up some vegetables - maybe next week. They have plenty of flu vaccines but don't want to get that until the end of October.

    The only thing I need to do today is get some gas in the PU and some Gator gas. I can get some milk at the little store. I have milk frozen but it takes a couple of days to thaw. I'm also using almond milk - lasts a long time and I like it on cereal.

    If you all didn't want The Ameican Buffalo last night, please catch the second part tonight. I had tears in my eyes the whole two hours. How in the world can people be so cruel to other people and animals I'll never know. Millions and millions of buffalo killed off for their hides ($3. each). They'd shoot them by the hundreds, skin them from the head down and leave them to rot. They killed all of them except a few, scattered herds of about a dozen scattered about. After they were all killed off, they then found money in collecting the bones and selling them. They'd kill the mother bufffalo and leave the calves to starve.

    Thankfully, there are people who are helping the buffalo to make a comeback. There's several herds in Oklahoma. Such a magnificent animal. They showed some of the people who have them now and they even have them eating out of their hands.

    I've mentioned this before and they talked about it last night - how when one of them dies, how they stand around the fallen one and mourn - just like people do when we lose someone. I've seen our girls do that so many times.

    On top of man's cruelty to the buffalo how they treated the Indians was disgraceful. They'd make treaties and then break them just to be able to get to the buffalo to kill them. I've talked to my sister about what a wonderful life the Indians had before white man invaded them - they had the beautiful country and buffalo to eat when they needed it. They used every bit of the buffalo and only killed what was needed. Then, we came and all of that ended. Hard show to watch.

    I think I mentioned I read Zane Gray's "The Thundering Herd" a while back and wished I hadn't - sort of along the same line but not as awful. Our Governor has most of our tribes upset about what he's trying to do, too. No idea why he's trying to do these things.

    It was cold here this morning - 41 with a few places already at 32. Stormy and I drove down to see the girls and counted the 30 head in no time flat. I'm not counting calves every day. One of our little calves had gotten separated from his mother and was bawling and bawling. He was in front of the house with a couple of other calves and a cow. He'd bawl and I could hear his mother answer from the south pasture. Guess they finally got together because it's been quiet for quite a while.

    Judith, Sarah was going to the hospital this morning. She said they had destroyed her last blood work because they didn't recognize her last name - still had her down with her name before she got married last December. She said she was to the point she had to have something done. So they were going to Integris this morning. I don't see how they can't admit her but who knows. She said if Integris didn't admit her she'd go to another hospital. I'm waiting or her to call.

    Hope all of you are well this morning. Joan, I hope you're continuing to improve daily. Be careful and not walk too much. Are you wearing a brace yet?

    Day, also hope you're well and improving. I watched part of Denim & Co. this morning - just not the same without Gary who's on vacation. I'm old enough that I don't like change and I don't care for the new people on QVC or the people working with Denim & Co. now.

    Barbara, are you all having warm weather yet? Just can't get used to the idea that we're going into winter and you all are getting ready for summer. Does it get really hot where you are? Hope your fibromyalgia is continuing to get better.

    Have you all had your covid and/or flu vaccines yet?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Regarding mixed up names: I took my 91 year old neighbor to the ER a few years ago and dropped her off. When I returned to pick her up, I was told there was no one there by her name. It turns out that she had been registered under her maiden name, which I didnt know, even though she had been married for over 60 years. And she had turned off her phone, so I couldn't reach her.

    I had a very good doctor's appointment yesterday. He is the only doctor who is giving me actual advice! I think I may actually have a chance to feel better.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Iris glad you found a doctor that you feel has an interest in helping you. Know that that has to feel comforting.

    Lorita I often think about that too how there’s nighttime, daytime, summer and winter, going on somewhere in the world all at the same time. It’s sort of hard to fathom it.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Walk in shower is completed, just can't use it for 12 hours.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Ron, Your shower is beautiful!!!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Wow, that is beautiful! The floor looks non-skid, that's a plus!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Nice Ron

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    So weird.

    I wrote a rather lengthy post on another thread and when I attempted to post it, a small pop-up appeared on the left lower screen that said " 💡 Draft not visible". I checked and the post was there. So odd. I'm posting on a laptop using Edge; had it been on my phone I don't think I would have seen it.

    It's another mom trifecta today-- PT @ 11am, haircut @ 12:45 and psychiatrist @ 2pm. I hope she reconsiders and allows me to attend with her. If not, I will reach out ahead of her next visit in 3 months. And if not, I will slip into Costco for some things I need.

    I'm going to make the Stanley Tucci soup before I head out so I have dinner prepped ahead. DH made a face when I mentioned it. Going forward I will present it as an upscale version on lunch at Olive Garden. DS will probably go get himself a burrito bowl.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, I love your shower. They actually completed it in one day!

    Iris, having a doctor you like, trust and takes time to listen to you means everything. So glad you found one yoh like.

    Did anyone watch The American Buffalo? It was so good There are big herds in several states including Okla. Jasper, the bull in my avatar was almost as big a in ks they are. He weighed 2200 lbs. and was so gentle just like his dad. He'd give us sugar- big, wet sugar.

    I went up to our little store this afternoon. Had to get in and out of the PU nine times. It's really high to get into. My back is really hurting tonight. I have to get something easier to get into. Saw a really pretty vehicle up there sort of long with probably a hatchback. Most of the cars look so much alike. My sister called them jelly beans.

    Ron, I got a pint of strawberry Blue Bell ice cream. That's the brand you like, isn't it?

    See you all tomorrow - sleep tight and don't let the BBB!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...do you use a step stool? My grandson has one for me to use in his pickup.

    HB...let me know how you like the soup. I made some garlic toast to go with. Next time I will add a little sweet Italian sausage that my meat market makes. I love having a meat market They always have coffee and everyone visits.

    Today I will cook ravioli, add bechamel and brocoli. Top with some grated Parm and bake.

    Cut 3 inches off my hair. It is a bit short but a great cut for $15. He spent 45 minutes just cutting. I can get up in the morning and just run my fingers through and I am ready for the day.

    Off to Trader's.......

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    It took two days to complete the shower. Lou did not like all the noise and my lungs didn't like the smell, but it's done now. I turned ceiling fans on and wore a mask, tried to put one on Lou but she wouldn't have it. Anxious to try it out!

    Yes Lorita blue bell is what I like and normally get the homemade vinnala, but at times will get strawberry, butter pecan and cookies and cream. They don't spare the ingredients!

    Ultrasound of legs tommorow!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    HB a comment you made on the caring for a parent thread made me realize why they assign patients certain tables. My thought has sort of been that it’s bad being around 90 and someone tells you where to sit and eat. J has a hard time sometimes when they assign people with major issues to their table. Think I still feel that way but also understand why maybe it is done now.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, Judith, I do have a step stool - used it to get into the PU the first time but didn't take it with me. I should have. Dinner sound delicious.

    Watching The Pioneer Woman right now and she's making good things. I've never been to the lodge or mercantile but Carol and her daughters have gone.

    Spent a good hour and half out in the pastures this morning. Came up one short on the heifers so looked and found one standing on the pond dump looking at the water. I walked up to her and ask what was going on - she just looked at me - but she was looking for something and wasn't happy. I left and she came on down to the meadow - stopping to look around once in a while. I bet I counted heifers a dozen times and little calves almost that many. Had the right number of calves plus one. I had left the gate open to the meadow and she wandered off in that direction. I closed the gates to the other pastures and when she came up she stopped at one of the gates and bawled. I remember yesterday the girls were a little upset, bawling a lot. I have her just north of the house to graze. I didn't know whether to let her in with our cows or what so called Mike and he asked if she had a tag. She didn't have a yellow, numbered tag but he said if it was a heifer she should have a silver tag in her ear - none there and no hole where she'd lost it. He said just to let her stay where she is and when our cows come up if her calf if out there it'll come to the gate where she is. I know one of ours has a white udder like she has. Went on over and checked ours - didn't see our cow with the white udder and could not find Gray Lady. After two or three trips through them finally found her. They're still across on the other side of the pond so I'm anxious for them to come up to see if she's in the right place.

    Ron, I'm glad you got the shower installed. Is it in the same place where your other shower or tub was? It's a walk in - so I'm sure, with the seat, Lou will like if after she's used to it.

    I actually slept eight hours last night - can't remember when I last did that.

    Hope all of you are well this morning. HB, maybe what happened with your post is - when I typed mine last night, this morning it looked like I hadn't posted it.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Ron you shower is beautiful. I bet it was noisy and smelly. But, that's behind you now and you can safely shower and that's a wonderful thing.

    I'm loving that our weather isn't a million degrees out anymore. I cooked our entire dinner on the grill tonight. Steamed potato's & onions, grilled corn on the cob, fresh grilled shrimp and grilled peaches for dessert. DH finished dinner with "ya hurt me mamma." Which is a form of praise. I was going to steam some spinach but didn't - I'll do that tomorrow night. The bonus is minimal to cleanup.

    Time to watch the baseball game. Be safe everyone.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Eagle, doesn't it feel good to have cooler weather after the summer we've had? You meal sounds really good. What a sweet thing for your husband to say! Love steamed spinach.

    I'm worn out tonight- too much looking for cows today. Tomorrow will be better. I let the cow out with our herd. In my heart they will always be ours and I think he understands. He still says "your" cows. They baled hay again today. Nice to see those big bales on the meadow. I think they're going to begin feeding the heifers a little hay because their grass is getting short.

    Enjoy your evening and sleep well.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Ultrasound today and as I was getting ready to shower in my new walk in shower, I discovered a leak at connection and no water pressure. Guess sink bath this morning and be placing a call to installers before leaving this morning. Not happy!!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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