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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, I just can't express how sorry I am about Simon. I know most of us who have had pets feel the same - we feel your sorrow. We've had to let so many go and it never gets easier. I like what our vet says - he lets them go to sleep. It never gets easier no matter what it's called. How sweet that you took him outside to let him feel the grass under his feet and the sun on his back. I know he liked that so much. I think back to when I lost Kitt. He had lost one eye so only had vision in one eye and then it began to go but he could get around the house because he knew where things were. Found his gone in a chair one morning. I'm crying now thinking about it - he was so sweet.

    Sara, I can only imagine how hard it is for you to stay calm when your mother expresses so much anger. I had a little of that with my mother - it is not easy to take. I'm sure your mother wouldn't accept anyone else being in the house with her. Is she able to get around all right and cook for herself? It got to the point with my mother that it was dangerous for her to try to cook. I'd call her and ask what he had to eat and she'd say she found a piece of bread. I thought she was kidding but finally realized she wasn't. I'd take food down for her and find it later in the refrigerator. She lost so much weight.

    I'm going to have to charge the laptop now but I'll be back - I'm not finished talking yet. I should check the power before I begin. Bundy, good to see your post. I'll be back in a while.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    edited October 2023

    Judith, thank you for sharing this with Ron. It was excellent.

    Brought back two memories to me. Had a patient not that old I’m going to say probably maybe mid 30s this patient had been feeling really really bad and they had made a doctors appointment. But one night the individual just felt so bad and thought I can’t wait and came to the emergency room. The patient was admitted to a step down unit and this was after I had left for the night. after patient got to the floor their heart rate dropped way too low like two or three times. Finally the nurse was in there when it happened and observed that they stopped breathing when this happened . Patient was placed on cpap and had no more episodes of decreased heart rate that night. The next evening when I came on and went to their room, there was already a CPAP machine for home sitting in the room, and I remember how happy the patient was.

    The other individual was even younger. This patient had had surgery and was in recovery room, workers observed their sleep apnea. Think this patient was in their early 20s so they put CPAP on the patient in recovery room. This is where it’s discovered many times that a patient has sleep apnea and has the first encounter with CPAP. Anesthesia exacerbates sleep apnea. So anyways when I came on that evening and went into the room to talk with patient about sleep apnea as soon as the patient knew what I was therefore, says I need one of those things ASAP.

    Hopefully, Ron, you and your health care workers can work together to find something that will work for you.

    mom does not get around real well Lorita. My sister worked with her on some exercises for strengthening her legs but of course she won’t do them. She can do them, but she doesn’t do them. She can still go down to the basement which is good for her legs. I don’t notice any shortness of breath with that and she actually does OK. She just has to take her time.

    She has a very limited diet. She cooks but doesn’t really have an appetite except at breakfast. My sister and I would cook for her, but when we do bring her something now and then after she eats it, she’ll say don’t bring me any more even if she likes it and there are times when she just won’t eat it at all.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita. I plan on taking my computer with me if I go to Arizona, so I can keep up with things. Hopefully I will have an easier time keeping up with all you guys. I told my work today that I was probably not going to be here over the holidays, they told me they would hold my position for me if I wanted them too. I told them, thanks but I was not sure I wanted them too. I enjoy my job and like being around the people, and I will try going back but I also enjoy being lazy, in my recliner with Molly, Sammy and Emmy.

    Iris. I am so sorry 😥 about Simon, he has had a good life, and you will miss him so much. Just hold him as much as you can he knows he is loved.

    Ron. That was very nice that the sitter did your floors for you. I wish someone would come do my floors. Iam sure you will enjoy visiting with your brother and SIL. Hopefully your finding time for some rest.

    Sara. Please take care of yourself and don't let your mother take advantage of you. You know that dealing with someone with dementia can be very hard and she probably, hopefully don't remember what she is saying to you. Iam glad your sister has been helping you.

    Bundy. Have you thought about adopting an older cat. I think cats are easier to care for and it will give you someone to love. When my dog Molly is gone, I will not get another dog my cats are much younger so I will have them for at least another 10 years.

    We have been getting light rain during the day and waking up to morning frost, looks like winter is on is way.

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Got my laptop charged, checked the heifers, checked the barn, put on my gown so I'm finished for the ight. Did feed the cats and put some Adams on Lilly. She hates it but it seems to prevent her from having to have allergy shots.

    While we were in the pasture FedEx delivered two big boxes of things from Chewy, however, for some reason he didn't put them on the porch, left them by the steps so I'll have to open the boxes and get them inside. Maybe he thought they were to heavy, who knows.

    Bundy, I'd like to have a puppy but, like you, I'm too old and it wouldn't be fair to the puppy in case I left before he did, however, if someone offered me another Pyrenees I'd be happy. I have talked with Mike about finding a home for Stormy and Sheena when something happens to me. Maybe he can do the same for the cats.

    I'm glad you posted, Bundy, maybe you can post more often. We have a good bunch of friends on our thread. Sorry about your little dog. I still cry about the ones we've lost. Like you, I can't stand to see them suffer - much better to let them go to the Rainbow Bridge. There's going to be a crowd there when I arrive.

    I called the pharmacy I use today to check on the covid vaccines and they said they weren't going to give them. Called WM and they only have Moderna. All the others I've taken have been Pfizer so don't know if it's really good to mix them. Have any of you all done that? Haven't checked with my doctor's office to see what they have. I imagine it's time for me to go in to get lab work anyway so may do that before long. I don't want to take the flu shot until late October.

    They're cutting the crabgrass on the section east of us to bale again. This is the second cutting. He says he'll have plenty of hay for all his girls this winter and is hoping it's not a bad winter so he can have some carryover.

    I think I've mentioned there are new leaves on a lot of my shrubs and trees. We talked about it and agreed we've never seen new foliage on plants this late in the year. I hope we have another three or four weeks to let them grow more. Still nothing on the glossy abelia. Carol says hers is blooming like crazy. I'm wondering if there will be time for the roses to bloom a little bit before frost. The bermuda grass is even coming back some in the yard and pastures. That 2022 drought was something else - killed lots of trees including my Southern Magnolia. I had no idea it was that dry or I would have watered it - the leaves dropped all at once or at least it seemed like that.

    Sara, I know it must be hard to deal with your mother and you have so much patience to do so along with your sister. Do you think you'll even go back to volunteering? I know you really enjoyed it but maybe it was just too much for you.

    I was able to get the clump of hair out of Sheena's foot today. I know it must feel better for her and when she gets her nails trimmed she'll be good to go. She's really enjoying getting out in the mornings for her walks. I need to walk, too, instead of riding - just seems like I don't have much energy and tire easily - wonder if the stuff I had a few years ago is back. Isn't this awful - I can't remember what it was called - oh, EBV and CMV. Funny how you can't think of the name of something, then all at once you do.

    Need to find a bite of something to eat - maybe some cereal would be good. I'll see you all tomorrow. Have a good night's sleep.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Nice to hear from you, Zetta.

    Lorita as you know, we never know what life holds. But at the present time, I am not able to volunteer the hours of my day are full.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    It's going to be another pretty day - pretty chilly this morning though. Had a hard time getting the right number of heifers this morning but finally did. The little calves were scattered everywhere. Took Sheena for a walk when we got back. They've had their Prednisone, glucosamine and vitamin and are asleep now.

    Zetta, so good to see your post. I'm glad you'll be taking your computer with you. Are you not really sure you're going? Just think of the nice, warm weather in Arizona - know you'd enjoy that.

    I know you enjoy being around people and also enjoy just being home with your cats and Molly. Maybe you could not work this winter and work a little bit in the spring and summer.

    Got one of the boxes opened and things put on the porch. The other one has a sack of dry dog food and two case of 22 oz. cans of dog food. May break those cases - they're really heavy.

    Do any of you all know about computer hacking? After it's hacked, can they still get information from it? Just a word of warning - do not let anyone, anywhere, take control of your computer. Just wondering if it's safe to use different cards and continue ordering.

    Guess I'd better get that dog food inside before it gets too hot - supposed to be about 80 today.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    were you hacked????

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    @Iris L.

    I am sorry to hear of Simon's condition. We lost my son's childhood cat to cardiomyopathy/ clot that rendered his hind legs immobile. We did cat-hospice but I always feel like perhaps we let things go too long because DS wasn't dealing well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited October 2023

    Hi again,

    Iris, how is Simon tonight? I hope he has improved. Please let us know. We're all concerned.

    Judith, I don't know if I was or not. I haven't noticed anything different about the computer like they say there will be when you're hacked. Just being uber careful - cancelled credit cards, etc.

    We went down before 5 to see the heifers (wanted to ee the world news). It's so peaceful way down in the west pasture - there's a wide line of trees so there's plenty of shade and the prettiest pond completely encircled with trees. It's so relaxing just to sit there and watch the cows and calves graze. But who knows what's in those trees, if anything. I don't think there's been new babies but they're everywhere and so curious. They walk up pretty close to the Gator and I talk to them so they're used to my voice.

    Finally got my cologuard test picked up (second try) and it was 5:30 before UPS came. I was on the phone with Exact Science asking what they had heard from UPS. They were about to reschedule it when the truck drove up.

    Judith, have you fully recovered from your concussion? It takes a while so hope you are.

    Sleep well tonight.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Thank you, everyone who posted about Simon. If you didn't know how ill he was, he would appear okay. He has made a remarkable spontaneous recovery because he can walk now, and can find the litter box and the water bowl on his own. But he is still blind, still bumps into things, and sleeps a lot. Today I took him in a little wagon to visit my 90 year old neighbor who I've been posting about. She and her husband loved Simon. He used to visit them on his own. They had a cat, Sheba, and when Simon saw Sheba outside from the window, he would run to the door to be let out so he could go play with Sheba! He's a bit better now, but I know this won't last. The vet gave me a pet hospice chart to chart his condition daily, so I can keep up with his changes.

    I'm going to read more postings tomorrow.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    HB, a friend of a friend has been hospitalized for a few weeks with recurrent low sodium and impaired cognition. I found out today that she has a drinking problem and has swollen legs. I immediately thought of Wernike-Korsakoff dementia. I told the friend to suggest this to the doctors and to measure her B vitamin levels. I thought of W-K because of what you have been posting about your dad. I hope this person can get some relief!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    JoC noticed I haven’t seen you on any threads for a few days. Hope all is OK.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, It's windy this morning and it will be worse the next couple of days. I took down the flag so it wouldn't blow away and checked the heifers and cows. Saw Gray Lady - that's always my goal in the mornings. She's not due to calve until next month but I want to know she's okay. Sheena didn't seem to want to go for her walk this morning - maybe later today. I was ready to come in anyway.

    Iris, I'm so glad Simon is better. He'll do all right in your house as long as you don't move things around. I couldn't do that with Charles - really seemed to upset him, and then I couldn't do it with Kitt who only had one eye and it had less vision near the end. Now I don't move things around because it's too hard to move furniture. I'm not good at arranging furniture anyway.

    Sara, I've noticed that Jo hasn't posted lately either. Hope everything's okay with she and her husband.

    Nothing to write about so I'll stop and cook my oatmeal. Enjoy the day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    edited October 2023

    A quiet day. Went and got my flu shot. Then picked up J some avocados and blueberries and took to her. Hope all of you are ok.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited October 2023

    Thank you Sayra for caring and asking. I have been up to my eyeballs lately. Also had been a bit under the weather.

    IRIS: Have you seen the new Kaiser contact phone number for your neighbor on your Thread on the other Forum? It is for the HMOs LCSW Social Work Department - if you get your neighbors Kaiser Member Number, they can begin to direct matters to success on multiple fronts. Do take a look; it is difficult to get a direct number to the Social Work Department; took awhile. There are multiple SW Departments for various departments, etc. Geriatrics has their own dedicated staff of SWs as does Hospice and Palliative. That Member number is absolutely necessary and will be key to obtaining needed services. Use her Member Number at that phone number - they are helpful and will begin to direct all in the right direction.

    I have been wondering, due to your 91 year old neighbor's non-compliance with meds and MD appts, and upsets with falls and declining condition, if she would not be better served with Hospice at home if she refuses a care facility, rather than Palliative Care. BUT she would need someone in the home with her for that service and as of now, it sounds as though she has no one. Her CHF is in terrible straits and she refuses her meds. Perhaps she would have more peace with Hospice. Kaiser also contracts with various NHs for patients who need some respite or short term intense skilled care before returning home; that too may be an option although I would bet your neighbor would reject that out of hand. If her CHF is way out of control, she may need a short inpatient stay to stabilize her. Whatever services she gets, having as much at home as is possible would i all probability serve her best if she refuses moving to a care facility. She is no longer capable of attending an Outpatient Palliative Care Clinic due to her condition and her mental makeup. My guess is that the SW services would screen her for safety in the home and take it from there. Don't know what her financial situation is like, but we certainly know how all of that goes. Can she afford an in-home aid if she would accept such a service?

    So hope it works out for the best and that all goes well.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Really has been a quiet day on our thread today. Guess everyone's enjoying the pretty weather before winter gets here.

    Sara, does J cook or are the things you take her for snacking, etc.? Hope she's doing all right. Did you get the senior flu shot? I usually get mine the latter part of October. Right now it seems they're in pretty much short supply but later they should have more. I've only been able to find the covid vaccine in one place in our town - Walmart and they only have Moderna. Even my doctor's office isn't giving them. All the vaccines I've had are Pfizer so not sure about taking the Moderna. The pharmacist said it would be better to have Pfizer if I can find it, otherwise Moderna will be okay. Maybe a little later they'll have some. I'm surprised the health department isn't giving the covid vaccine.

    Jo, good to see your post - I'd been wondering where you were. I hope your husband is still on his way to full recovery. It's good that you're feeling well enough to post - we'e missed you and hope you're feeling much better.

    It's been a quiet day here - did a load of laundry and got that put away, checked girls twice, did some more work on the credit card thing and made a loaf of bread. Still had about a third of a loaf but it was pretty hard.

    We had some odd cloud formations in Oklahoma today - mostly in the western part but some here. It was like a roll cloud but only had the roll, not the clouds behind it. These rolls were north-south, instead of east-west like they usually are. Can't remember what our weatherman said they were called but pretty unusual.

    Late this afternoon I drove the PU to the mailbox - Stormy won't get in it so he didn't go. When I got back I went to check the heifers and he didn't want to go. He was paying me back for going somewhere without him. I imagine he'll be ready to go in the morning.

    Very windy here today and supposed to be worse tomorrow - up to 40 mph. I don't like it when the wind blows so hard.

    I'm going to make a concerted effort tomorrow to count the little calves the heifers have had. Late this evening I probably could have but didn't take the time. Now this is unusual - UPS was coming up the driveway when I was leaving the pasture - they had actually come to pick up the Cologuard (it was picked up yesterday). Seems like they can't get it right.

    I took Sheena and Stormy for a walk - all three of us walked this time and I'm going to try to do that every day. Don't like getting so tired when I walk some - too much TV lately.

    I'll stop for now and watch some more of Shark Tank. I was watching 20-20 about the war in Israel but most of it was on the evening news - pretty hard to watch.

    Sleep well tonight - will see you tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, Jo C has been on the telephone searching for a resource for me to help my 91 year old neighbor. It seems we Front Porchers spend a lot of time trying to help out people we know who are in dire straits. Even helping from afar is exhausting! I am exhausted! But I'm exhausted from dealing with my cousin's knee post-op situation and now Simon's situation. At the same time, I have my own health situations to deal with. It's almost the middle of October. The end of the year will be here shortly. I have a lot of things to catch up on.

    I read there will be a total solar eclipse on Saturday over the western states. Where I live the eclipse will be 70% visible. I'm looking forward to it. But not directly into it, that's dangerous!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Lorita I do not know which type of flu shot I had, I did not ask, they’re the pharmacist I just let them do their job. But I have a feeling that I did because I have never really had a reaction to a flu shot before other than maybe a little bit of a sore arm. I felt a little bit flu-ish yesterday evening my cheeks got red and I was freezing, but I feel better this morning. it should show up in my chart eventually and I’ll look and see. I looked yesterday evening and it’s not there yet. I’m not sure how long it takes for results to get floated over.

    J has some problem that makes her platelet count real low. She read when she first got this that eating avocados will help so she has eaten lots of avocados ever since then. I buy her four every week. It has helped her. She also takes a shot for it too, if needed I’m not sure if she still getting that or not I know she did when she was still at home. Then usually she asks for some type of fruit too like this week It was blueberries. They supply her meals there but she still watches what she eats so , sometimes that makes it a little difficult there.

    Walmart has Moderna here also because I asked. I received my last two vaccines there and they were Pfizer. Anyway I checked around and CVS has Pfizer. They don’t go by Moderna and Pfizer now Moderna is spike vax and I forget what Pfizer is think it started with a C.

    glad your cologuard got picked up. I’m lucky and that I have a store close by so I can always just take mine and drop it off. it’s always so far went really smoothly for me.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning to those who populate the porch.

    @Lorita I have a friend who is a pharmacist who works in R&D for one of the big drug companies and feels that mixing mRNA vaccines (Pfizer's and Moderna's) is not only fine, but it might also be preferable for better results. The pharmacist who fills my scripts feels it's OK either way, too. My initial series was Pfizer, but my last booster and my 2023-24 vaccine were both Moderna. When I was exposed last winter, I had a faint positive for about 24 hours and nothing more than a mild headache more than 6 months after my last jab. I have a friend who is immuno-deficient and will be getting the Novavax from her immunologist as soon as it's available.

    It's still quiet and dark here. I seem to have shifted my sleep cycle to favor earlier sleep/wake again. I did some serious adulting yesterday in the form of a colonoscopy my husband and PCP have been nagging about. They were right, it wasn't that awful. I got a clean bill of health and they can back off for the next 10 years. My tea is extra good this morning having missed it the last couple of days. The cheeseburger I had last night was pretty awesome, too.

    I talked with my mom for 90 minutes after about her "lack of storage". The woman has 3 clothes closets and bedroom sets (2 highboys, 2 dressers and a bachelor chest) she no longer shares with anyone and complains she doesn't have enough room for her things. I found a lingerie chest on Craigslist that would match her Queen Anne set and sent her a picture, but it took me a good 15 minutes to talk her through finding it on the phone. She asked me what she would put in it-- I said "how about your undies, socks and bathing suits". Note to self: I should introduce her to Marie Kondo-style folding as it would appeal to her OCD-ish tendencies and keep her busy.

    I also found a file cabinet in cherry that would match her desk (one of her highboys is full of "papers"- some important and others not-so-much) and a bigger nightstand but didn't have it in me to go through sending them again. Maybe this morning. The other highboy has several drawers full of medical records and X-rays (films and CDs). She got a little spicy when I tossed dad's after he died so I expect pushback when I try to throw away 25-year-old mammogram films or the fractured elbow of 2003. That's a battle for another day.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited October 2023


    Thanks, everyone for the information about the covid vaccines. I think I'll wait a little while and see what happens. I will get it and I will get the flu shot the end of the month. Wondering, now, about the RSV shot.

    Iris, I have several things I want/need to get done before winter. I've just been procrastinating, thinking I'd do it next week and next week, etc.

    I need to call Jimmy today about the barn lights and I thought I was going to have to have something done about the pantry light and the security light that gives some light in the bedroom at night - but, yesterday I thought I'd check to be sure it wasn't a breaker for the pantry and outlet outside the pantry door. The list was sort of hard to read but did finally see the word pantry and checked and that breaker was a little bit out of line. I reset it and the light came on, then checked the outlet and it worked. That problem solved except for the globe. Got on the bottom step of the stepstool and got it put on.

    Last night when I went to bed it was dark in the bedroom. Woke up a little later and it was lighter. The security light had come back on. Wonder of wonders - don't know how that happened, but it did. I like a little bit of light in the bedroom at night so I won't step on one of the GPs when I get up.

    I have more to write but ,as usual, I have to charge the laptop. I'll be back

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I'm back - HB - good for you for going through with the colonoscopy - I didn't have enough nerve after I talkedl with the doctor who was going to do it. I've done the Cologuard for at least six years so that was the easiest for me. Stormy and I went down to check the girls - I counted the babies - there's 16 of them at least if one wasn't laying down somewhere. They're so cute and curious about everything. It was cold this morning - temp wasn't too bad but the wind is strong and it cuts through you. Supposed to get colder tonight.

    Sara, you're so good to J and your mother. I know J appreciates it and deep down so does your mother. Did you save the cantaloupe seeds? Pretty soon you'll be getting seed catalogs again. Do you plan to plant very many things next year?

    HB, I bet that cheeseburger did taste good - haven't had one of those in a long time.

    I have a headache - just took an acetaminophen so think I'll lay down and maybe take a nap. I went through all the mail this morning and got rid of what wasn't needed. I get so much mail but it's just organizations asking for money. Wish I could contribute to all of them but there's just too many.

    Enjoy the rest of the day - it's really windy here and only 70 degrees. Guess fall is really here. I'm not even going to try to see the eclipse this time - maybe next April when it's a total one.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...why do you count the cows? Twice??

    Mix-and-match COVID-19 boosters - Mayo Clinic Health System

    Do make some sort of chart for your breaker box. I have one and it helps.

    It is cold here. Guess we will have to get used to it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, the heifers are calving with 11 or 12 to go, so I need to check to make sure one of them isn't beginning. That's what happened with the one we lost. She probably began late in the day and we didn't know so she could be helped. Heifers sometimes have a hard birth and need help. Just checked them and everyone was present up and about. Also was able to see all the others and they looked ok.

    I have a chart that shows what area belongs to which breaker. Mr. A wrote it 20 years ago and it's a bit hard to read his writing plus it isn't at eye level so hard to get to. Guess I could rewrite it and put it somewhere else.

    Before I left the house our water pressure was really low. I called Mark a few days days ago to tell him the water was beginning to taste bad so they may be flushing the line. We're next to the last on this line and our bachelor neighbor is last so they put in a place to flush it at his house. Guess neither of us use a lot of water. Always sonething.

    Still have that headache but not as bad. Took a 1 1/2 hr. Nap. Took the GPs for a walk when I got back and even took them to the barn.

    We have a few blooms on a Bradford pear tree and there's a rose bud on a bush. Clematis are beginning to leaf out, too. They think it's spring!

    The wind is really blowing and it's cold here, too. Going to get colder. Thanks for the link, I'll read it tonight

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    NASA and others will provide livestream of the solar eclipse. I don't know if special glasses will be needed for the livestream.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Brother and SIL has left to go back home! I am worn out and dint know why, they did everything while they were here. I enjoyed the visit and feel so much more relaxed now, hope it last.

    I have started the new medicine for anxiety and depression, but can't tell if it's made a difference. My SIL said she could tell, but I can't. Also have been trying to get use to using the CPAP and have done everything I'm suppose to and still don't like it. I will continue to try every day for awhile!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    The front came through about 8 this morning - no rain, but higher wind speeds. Stormy and I hurried and checked everyone before the wind came up. It's completely sunny and chilly

    now. Iris, you won't need any special glasses to see the eclipse on TV - just if you happen to look at the sun. I remember many years ago while I was still working at the hospital, some people used exposed x-ray films to view it - or punched a small hole in paper or cardboard and let the sun shine through the hole - it worked, you could see the eclipse that shined through the hole onto a wall or floor, etc. I think it's going to be partly cloudy here so I won't bother.

    Talked with Carol this morning - her husband checked with their health department and they said they would have the covid vaccine at the end of the month. Our County Health Department said they weren't going to give them.

    Nothing to write about today, as usual, so I'll stop. Hope all of you who are recovering from surgery or from an illness, are feeling better today. Seems like it's going to be a quiet day on the thread.

    Ron, I was wondering if you've gotten your new shower installed yet? I bet you and Lou are having a visit with relatives this week. Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Ron ..I doubt that you have any idea just how tired you are and not getting rem sleep will keep you tired so please do keep working on the CPAP. What kind of head gear did they send you home with???

    Lorita...that explains the counting of the cows. Next question....when do the babies get sold? I assume they go to ranchers like the Crumplers in TX who get them ready for market, That is where Grandson worked for several years. He still wants to buy and raise baby cows for market. He has the land in sight and the horses and truck ...just need funding.

    Grass seed is just taking root. Beats me why I need to re-seed.

    Time to put my twig wreath on the front door in honor of fall. My neighbor across the street decorates for everything so it is the least I can do.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, Just saw your post. Judith is right. You need rest as much as you can get.

    Judith, we sold spring calves usually the next January. Not sure when Mike sells, probably when the prices are up. He takes his to the stock yards in OKC. Darwin sold in Ft. Smith and we sold in Tulsa. He has so much land, he'll keep them until they're old enough to sell.

    Probably need to overseed because of the dry weather making the grass die. I hope your grandson can get some land so he can raise cattle. It's a hard business and lots of work but it gets in your blood and is very addictive.. People who sell out really miss it. I'm lucky the girls are still here where I can see and be with them.

    I called Wal-Mart to see if they have the vaccine. He said they're only allocated a certain amount and don't know when they'll get more. They'll be out by the end of today. Walkins welcomed- no appointments. Surely by the end of the month more will be available. Don't they plan ahead?

    I just hate to go to WM. I hope someone will reopen the grocery store that went out of business. One of the girls at the pharmacy next door said she had seen some trucks over there , so maybe someone is looking.

    It's a pretty day, very little wind, sunny and cool.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I just talked to our county health dept. She said they have very few senior flu shots and won't be getting more. May have some covid shots by mid November. She said since the pandemic is over they're not doing mass vaccinations. May be hard to get both shots this year.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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