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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Glad you went, Ron. If stress contributes to shingles, you were in for it. Can you put some kind of cream on it to help the itch? They ordered some kind for me to help the pain. Never used it because it didn't hurt so much and I couldn't reach it either. Try to relax today and let the meds work. Very windy here today, sunny and warm but wind is cool.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Iris, the cattle usually have a numbered tag in one ear..

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi Jerilyn, how was the cotton crop this year? I can remember seeing big bales of cotton at our gin. Days gone by here. Hope it made a lot for you all.

    Iris, Mike's heifers do have numbered ear tags. Ours don't. We bought tags but never got them in. I have the tool to put them in. Makes a pretty goid sized hole. I recognize ours by appearance mostly like curly hair on top of their head, maybe a white spot somewhere, white udder, etc. Gray lady has some gray on the sides of her head and shoulders and around her eyes. Sometimes even their personality. Number 36 with the new baby is nervous, not at all laid back. They all have different personalities just like us. If you're around them enough you get used to them and they to you, calves included.

    Bryon didn't make it today. He called and apologuzed. It's very windy and I had thought about calling and asking him to come another day. All worked out.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Lorita, the cotton has been averaging 3 to 3.5 bales an acre.. the great granddaughter wanted to pick some today “to make a decoration “.. she rode/“drove” the golf cart with my husband to see the big dogs and goats and to the back pond.. she loves being with the animals.. I am quietly campaigning to get her a pony..

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ah, I see, about the ear tags. I have seen photos of the numbered ear tags. But Lorita, you must have a remarkable memory to recall all 80 cow by sight by their small markings. I once had two cats who had exactly the same face, but different bodies. If I only saw the face, I didn't know which one I was addressing.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Iris, speaking of not recognizing faces, I was in the bathroom and came out asking Lou who that old man was in our bathroom. She answered, darling that is a mirror. (I just wish she could joke around like that)


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello, All, You Rockers.

    Lorita. Do you have a pad that you wright down all the numbers and just check them off as you see them? Do you count all of yours and Mikes as well? They keep you busy and that's a good thing. Its nice that you have good memories and they come to you often.

    I did get my flu shot and as soon as the covid shots come to our pharmacy I will be getting one of those. No reaction to the flu shot not even a sore arm. -Yes, I still watch Wagon train and Gunsmoke. I guess they are always on, but I have seen them so much I really don't watch. But they are good background noise. I have tried watching the animal shows but it's hard to see one get hurt.

    Ron. Your shower is very nice, so sorry you have not been able to use it. Iam sure you will enjoy it. Hopefully Lou also enjoys it. I hope all your results come back in a good way. Itching is not good, I had a small spot on my arm that got burnt, last week and it itched, and I keep scratching it and it turned into a big blister and took forever to heal. Now I have a scar. I guess at our age the skin is very thin.

    HB. My Mom also had a lot of shoes, as she got older all she wore was slippers. As for me I have 3 pairs of shoes, Iam not a fancy dresser so my shoes match everything. I put on my slippers as soon as I get home. I park my shoes by the door when I leave and leave my slippers there waiting for my return.

    Sara. Every choice you make for your mom is a good choice. I have said many timers she is lucky to have you there for her. It's nice your sister is helping with the care and nice you are getting every other week off to catch your breath and get some much-needed rest.

    Jo. If I live to be 103 I would love some warm socks and slippers. And maybe a throw to cover me while Iam relaxing in my recliner.

    Iris. I know what you're talking about as far as keeping your pets in one place. I have Molly and the 2 cats, Sammy and Emmy I know the cats are inside because I never let them out. We have too many predators in the woods that love to come get cats and small dogs. I put Molly out on her lead and sometimes I forget she's out, and I start looking for her. If she wants in, she will bark but sometimes I think she would spend the night out if I would let her. How is Simon?

    We have been getting down to freezing during the nights, and still having some warm days. Iam not looking forward to the snow. I live 18 miles from a ski lodge, and they are already getting some snow. The weather all over has been so strange Iam not sure what to expect this winter.

    My job is not going as well as it has been. The residents in the AL and MC facility are still getting the best of care. But the employees are being over worked by many hours, due to everyone leaving because of being over worked. My hours have been cut from 30 down to 20 hours a week, with more added to my duties. I told them I plan on giving them 2 week's notice unless they can come up with a plan that works for me. They don't want to lose me so they are going to come up with a different job description and I told them if it looks good, I will do it if not I will be giving them notice. This all will be known, tomorrow we have a meeting at 4pm. I have been there 6 months and doing a good job, because they are short staffed, they are adding more to my list with less hours. I think I will be happier being home especially when the snow starts falling. Enough complaining!!!!!!!!!!

    If I go to Arizona, it will be just the 2 weeks. Iam not really looking forward to the trip. I talk to my daughter on the phone every day so It's like she is still close to home.

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Zetta, Simon, amazingly, is still in bad shape, but stable. He can find his food and water, I think by smell, since he can't see, and he can find the litter box. He used to meow for me to pick him up, but he never does this now. He sleeps quite a lot.

    I spent so much time and attention on Simon and my 91 yo neighbor that I neglected my own affairs and health. I misplaced my inhaler, and I need it, I just found it today. I was overdue one week for a library book, and I am never late. I almost missed a bill due date, due tomorrow. My Maine coon cat is long haired and very matted because I have not kept up with her bushing and combing. I haven't been able to keep up with my own life!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Oof @ronald71111 I am glad you got that checked out. Here's hoping the meds clear this up and prevent any long-term issues.

    @Iris L. There's a reason people refer to a challenging task as "herding cats".

    I had 2 long haired cats when my son was born. DH was supposed to take over their grooming until DS was at a point where I had time for such things. The cats loved being combed and brushed topside but not their bellies. DH didn't want to "upset them", so he skipped that part. The Persian ended up getting a lion cut because he got to a point where he was too matted to brush. I was pretty salty about it, but I do have to admit the lion cut was adorable even if the cat hated it. He was a dignified old cat and seemed embarrassed.

    @ladyzetta . You and me both with the slippers, my friend. I live in my LLBean "Wicked Good Slippahs" year-round. I do have a pretty considerable shoe collection and need to cull it. When my right knee tanked, I lost the ability to walk in heels. I did the PT to get back to about a 1 1/2-2" heel, but now the left is too cranky to do more than 1" most days. I don't have them scattered about except for the few pairs I wear most of the time.

    Mom did get her shoes all stowed in her closet which is great. But she was fussing at me about securing the bookcases to the wall. I was ready to rip my son a new one because he put them together for her (payback for all the Lego sets I bought over the years)-- nobody assembles Ikea better or faster than my kid. He knows these need to be secured. Then she says she told him he didn't have to. So what? So, I can empty them, scrounge around for the necessary tools, bolt them to the wall and re-fill them? WHY????

    I was planning to go over to do her PT homework with her. A few of the moves require her to have a spotter just in case. But I got a call early because she was having a hard time shopping because of her vision. She wanted some corn on the cob in husks, despite me telling her the season was over. She thought she saw some and ran across the produce section only to find stalk of celery and was practically in tears over it.

    I came and helped her shop. I hate to shop with her because she refuses to make a list and shops by meal ricocheting around the massive store collecting ingredients for lunch and the repeats the process for all the other meals she's planning rather than visit each section of the store and put all the meat or all the produce at once. My knees can't handle that nonsense. It also leads to dupes. When I put her perishables away I found 4 quarts of half-and-half when I went to put the new one she bought away. She only uses a splash in her coffee a couple times a week.

    She gets her first AMD eye injection later today. I hope this helps. My cousin arrives later this afternoon to stay with her for a week. My cousin is a caregiver by nature. Her own mom died years ago, her son is doing OK and her grandson is a teenager now, so she's only got cats to dote on. The cats eat dinner with her and her DH-- they have little youth chairs on which they sit and they even wear seasonally appropriate bibs. She loves to dote on mom and mom enjoys the attention. Once I caught my cousin cutting my mom's dinner for her and kind of snapped at the pair of them. My mom doesn't need her meat cut. Sheesh.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    HB, sounds like your cousin's cats have a good life. I used to have one, still have him, who slept with me but had to quit that because he liked to sleep on or near my feet and I couldn't handle that. Now, it's Stormy, Sheena and I who sleep in the bedroom. I think everyone else must be asleep now because it's very quiet.

    Stormy and I went out to check the girls this morning and when we got back took both he and Sheena for a short walk. Didn't get over to check all the others this morning.

    Been trying to get in touch with my trash company - waiting for a callback so they must be really busy. Can't get in touch with the electrician either. He may be on vacation but probably just busy. I want to get the barn lights and security light fixed before winter and that's not too far away.

    It looks like haybaling will be finished today - Mike says his is done. The man who baled his hay is short on hay this year so he's letting him bale some that he doesn't need for his own - probably 200 bales. Just another example of what a good person he is.

    Very quiet day here - I may go up to get some gas after while because it's supposed to be rainy off and on most of this week. We need rain - things are really dry and dusty. This morning I noticed some of the trees in the west pasture are beginning to turn yellow - not sure what kind they are. I know the foliage around Tulsa and NE Okla. is beginning to get pretty. There will be some color in the trees along the west fence and maybe a little bit around the house - from the new leaves. Did I mention I have a knock-out rose blooming and a couple more buds to go. Even have some wild violets blooming. There are a few leaves appearing on the holly so I'll wait until next spring to cut those back - hopefully enough will recover so it won't look so bare.

    Hope everyone's well this morning. Zetta,don't blame you a bit for wanting to cut back on your work or even quit. Doesn't seem possible that you've been working there for six months. I think shortage of personnel is the same everywhere. In ALF and MMC and NH's they have to hire anyone for patient care that will work - experience not needed. Not good for their care. Seems like the pandemic it's hard to find anyone to do anything.

    I may get my covid shot this week if they have some at WM - the only place in town giving them. Even our health department isn't giving flu shots this year - first time that's ever happened - I always get mine there but did get it at WM last year (last time I've been in that store - don't like to go inside). I'm beginning to ramble so I'll stop - be back later.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    HB, I don't have bibs, but I got my cats a cute pumpkin hat to wear but none of them seem to like it. 😕


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    edited October 2023

    @Iris L. I would love to see a picture of that.

    Yesterday was awful.

    Mom was supposed to take an Uber to her PT as I was running late. I hate morning appointments; I like to be able to get my own house in order before ferrying her places because I don't always have the energy to cook and clean when I get home. Somehow the Uber got messed up. She lives in a gated community and the GPS always takes the drivers to a gate without a visitor entry which confuses them and causes them to bail which makes for an unreliable service. Mom typically goes to the police station just beyond the gate which works but this time the Gogograndparent folks who work as a liaison between user and Uber sent the driver to the house instead. She missed PT. The irony is, if I'd driven her, we'd have been maybe 10 minutes late if that. Still unacceptable but with a phone call doable. Mom was very rattled.

    Her retinal specialist appointment went horribly sideways as well. Somebody, somewhere dropped the ball. She was scheduled for her first eye injection to slow the progression of her AMD, but the pre-authorization wasn't done. I had brought them all of the contact information and the card for her Medicare Drug plan so they could get this approved last month. She signed the paperwork to start the process then and I was told they would contact me if there was a problem. We went in expecting treatment and came home without. The assistant tried to gaslight us into not having done the paperwork for approval, then she tried to pass the buck to the person downtown who handles the pre-authorizations and then she went with blaming the insurance company for denying it. There was no record in the chart about the pre-authorization and we never got the obligatory letter denying access to the medication-- so I am thinking somebody screwed up. The doctor came in and she recalled the last visit and confirmed that she had been expecting to do the injection. They're supposedly going to track down the pre-authorization today or completely re-do it and expect to be able to offer the injection next week if approved. I was really disappointed. Mom was crushed. She was on the verge of tears.

    I dropped mom home. My cousin and her husband will be staying the week. They'll tour the local sites, have dinner out and generally dote on her until Sunday which should be a good distraction and a little break for me. I am catching up on self-care-- nothing says "spa-day" quite like a mammogram and dental check-up. Today I plan to catch up on laundry. We went out for pizza last night because I was too wrung out to rustle up something to eat. DH somehow knocked over his beer and managed to soak the two of us-- his jeans, my jeans, my jacket and my new suede loafers took the hit.


    ETA: The assistant called a few minutes ago. The pre-authorization had gone through last month but wasn't put in the chart for some reason. Ugh.

    We are good to go next Monday.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    HB, what a day you and your mother had..Aggravating that someone didn't do their job.

    It was a little rainy this morning before I got up. It's all northwest of us now but lots more chances for us. I went out on the porch just after daylight and saw a truck coming out of the heifers pasture. Had to be Toad or Mike. Called and it was Toad. He gave them their first bale of hay and a mineral tub, I think. Said he didn't know their grass was so short. I had mentioned it to Mike a couple of times but guess it wasn't conveyed. I'll go check them shortly. I dud check ours and Daisy has a new baby. She's had two or three and they were all girls, black white faced. This is a dark brown, baby boy. Our girls are jealous of the hay but they still have some grass. Hay to come soon.

    Got the dishes done - it was a have-to case.

    Waiting for Fedex. They delivered a new humidifier late yesterday but he put it in a plastic bag and tied it on the yard gate. I had Stormy with me checking cows and Sheena was in the house so no reason for that. The Beware of dog sign is turned around. Feel like I'm dealing with kids.

    Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited October 2023

    Wow, how similar and yet how different we are. It often makes me chuckle at how different and yet the same. I love the differneces and always learn something because of them.

    HB...I would drive you mad. I never make an appointment before 10:30. I never need to catch up on laundry ( I have three baskets, white, medium and dark...when there is a load in a basket I throw it in the washer....sheets come off the bed, are washed and put back on). A sandwich is an acceptable meal. Add some soup and ice cream and you are living high.

    Additionally, I almost always have something leftover in the freezer. I go to the grocer and meat market several times a week. Both are less than a mile from me so it is easy to do. Actually, I do not think that I ever cook and not make enough to last at least 4 meals and usually some for the freezer.

    All of that said, I do realize that my name does not go in the organized column. Now I do not have a day job anymore, except flipping houses, but I am trustee in 7 trusts that have equity portfolios ( not a lot of money but must be tended to), lead tours at the museum and paint. I keep up with 13 grandchildren and 3 step-grandchildren.

    Is my house ever in order?????? No but it is clean...lol.

    I am a total failure at growing vegetables and am 3rd generation totally dependent on grocers. Never touched a cow but between Lorita and my grandson have learned a lot about them.

    Never had a cat and will never because they get on your counters and you cannot have fresh flowers. Also, not fond of the litter box.

    Living in the country would frighten me to death. Snakes, wolves, wild pigs, coyotes. Fedex delivering packages 1/2 mile at the road? Nope. I need my 1 square mile bubble.

    VA medical care? Not strong enough to deal with it.

    Similar? We have been or are caregivers. We are strong. We face problems head on. We are loving, kind and learners. We all enjoy a good meal, a good chat and a sunset from our chair on the porch. We are the best of friends. Always will be!!!!!!!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Cluttered but clean, that would be me.

    The trees are so beautiful. This fall is like driving through a painting. Usually I don’t think the yellow ones are that pretty, but they are this year, they’re just vibrant.

    Made a call into the agent today to make sure that my Medicare and my moms are all in order for next year, so that is done.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Clutter Free and a bit dusty, that would be me.

    Weather man said we will be getting some snow soon, like in the next few days. Iam having my snow tires put on November 2nd so I will be ready. We have been getting down to the mid 30s at night.

    Lorita. Your so right they will hire anyone willing to care for the residents and the caregivers do not always last. The caregivers are expected to do so much, and they try so hard to keep up with everything, and with as much as they have to do it burns them out real fast. I think it would be a hard job for anyone. I met with the director of the facility I work at, and we are changing ideas of what she thinks I should do and agrees with some of the tasks that are too hard for me to do. Now we are just trying to agree on if I want the less hours and more duties, I think the answer to that will be No. If nothing changes, I will make October 31, be my last day.

    HB. I bet your kitty looked cute in a lion cut. I have bever seen a cat cut like that, but I can imagine how cute they would be. My cats have short hair, so I do not have to brush them. My little dog does not need to be brushed but she loves it. So, when I pull her brush out, she and one of the cats get right on my lap.

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Beautiful 85 degrees with a nice breeze today. Just wish I felt like going out! Took Lou out yesterday for hamburgers to take home and on the way home with it one of those sharp pains hit. I'm beginning to lean toward staph infection versus shingles but will continue to take the medicine for both. Capsules 5 times a day and ointment 3 times a day!

    I don't believe I mentioned this but 3 days before going to ER I asked Lou's home health nurse what she thought it was. Surprisingly she felt one of the bumps without a glove on and told me she didn't know but if it was her she would burst it and keep it clean. Glad I didn't listen to her. Whatever it is the sporadic pain in not fun. I have noticed the first one has completely drained and it's white in the hole that's left, don't know if that's a healing process.

    While my brother was here a couple of weeks ago we were talking about the three sisters reunion he's planning (on my mother's side it was her and two sisters). He had gone looking at birth places for myself and siblings and taking pictures if what is there now. My grandmother was mid wife for three of us and only the brother that has passed she did not help with. Don't know why she missed out on him, he was the second of four.

    Hope all is well, myself I'm not feeling very good, but able to get up every morning and care for Lou so that's a good thing.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Well said, Judith. Maybe the diversity is one reason we feel close.

    I try to keep clutter down but have two rooms that have too much stuff in them. I don't use those rooms.

    Ron, did the doctor give you a shot for what they said was shingles? They did for me, both times. Didn't hurt when they did it but 30 seconds later it kicked in for at least half an hour. Hope it gets better soon.

    The weather said there's going to be a foot of snow in Montana and that area. Seems early to me.

    FedEx delivered. The guy said he is going to be the driver for this area and there won't be any problems with things being left at the road. He said the other driver's last day was to be Friday but he didn't show up today. They have a big turnover. Being an elder sort of makes you wonder about possible retaliation.

    Checked all the girls and everyone is okay for the night.

    Zetta, maybe you could not work this winter and maybe go back next spring or summer. You wouldn't have to worry about driving in bad weather. Driving to work in the winter was always a worry even here in bad weather. Hope it works out for you.

    Hardly any rain here today but more predicted tomorrow and rest of the week. We need some.

    Sleep well, see you tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Well, guess everyone wasn't okay. Went to the mailbox just before dark and saw one cow way out in the pasture by herself. All the others had come up to change pastures. I drove down thinking she might have a new baby but instead found her three or four month old calf laying down. Tried to get him up but it was too late. Couldn't see what might have happened or when. I talked to her telling her that her baby was gone and she needed to come up to be with the others. She just wanted someone to know her baby was gone. She followed me up to the barn but would stop and look back and bawl. She came through the gate and I closed the pasture. She kept walking up to the others. I hear her bawling now. So sad for that to happen. I called Mike and told him.

    A couple of years ago something similar happened. A cow came up bawling (not a usual thing) so I went out and she started down to the pasture. I followed and she led me to her baby. It was premature and was gone. I talked to her a while and she came back to the house with me. She just wanted someone to know she had lost her baby. This is the hard part of it. A new baby today and one gone. She'll grieve for a few days and I'll keep the pasture closed a couple of days.

    One more example of how they grieve: years ago when I was working I passed a pasture and saw a cow close to the fence. Her new baby was laying in front of her. Not sure what had happened but it was gone. For three days when I passed by she was still there with her baby. The next time I went by she and her baby was gone. I imagine her owner learned what happened and moved the baby. This baby tonight will be gone in a couple of days but her mother will grieve.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    So sad, Lorita.

    My home is definitely not clutter-free.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    I’m so sorry.. you’re right; the hardest part is losing them. I’m glad you’re there to offer comfort..❤️

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, I'm so sorry for the loss of the young calf.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Just got back from doing the next hardest thing. Charles always did this but after he was gone I've had to do it. The cow has been bawling and hunting this morning, checking different places.I closed her into the lot but will let her out in an hour or so. First took the little heifer down to the meadow but decided didn't want coyotes around the little ones so took her where all the others have been. As I passed the lot she was looking so imagine she knew it was her calf. Such a nice little heifer to lose. Doing this really bothers me but coyotes hadn't bothered her so it wasn't as bad as could have been.

    All the others are okay except the calf he treated for scours a while back. Needs more treatment but he's grazing. Looks like our first frost will be Monday morning. There are three or four trees in the west pasture that have turned golden so pretty. Supposed to rain later today.

    Thanks to you all for the kind words. Hard to lose a baby.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I am sorry you're having pain with this. It is possible to have both shingles and for the blisters to become infected with staph. I wonder if this pain is nerve pain from the shingles-- it's often described as burning or stabbing pain.

    @Lorita I am so sorry for the loss of your little one. That is always sad.

    I have the dentist later. I hope I get to see my regular dentist who is semi-retired now. He's brought on a new guy who is quite personable but really pushy about treatment. He was suggesting braces and new veneers/crowns to the tune of about $15K. My teeth are not unhealthy. They're not perfect cosmetically, but not I didn't feel they needed an overhaul until he mentioned it.

    The same thing seems to be happening at the eye doc, too. The new Doctor of Optometry is suggesting some kind of light therapy that isn't covered by insurance for my dry eyes.

    My crazy aunt has a new boyfriend who is doing a family genealogy for her. He claims to have researched my paternal grandfather's family back to the 1400s in Wales. I am not sure I buy that. He's reached out to me for information about my immediate family. My aunt has already given him a lot of material and the omissions are as interesting as what she chose to include. She did give a name and date for her husband, for instance, but did not mention their divorce or his death after that. She was vague regarding her oldest sister's date of marriage giving a year; big sister gave birth to her first child 61 days after her big wedding. Families sure are messy at times.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, HB. I just had a long talk with the distraught mom. She understands what I say. I've talked to all if them since they were born.

    What do you use for your dry eyes? I'm using Ocusoft at night and then a damp paper towel over my eyes. During the day I use TheraTears, Refresh and Systane. Have you seen the ad on TV for the nose spray that's supposed to help?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Geneology...It is not always difficult to trace a line back to 1400 and further. it is a lot of fun to trace history through family trees. I have done trees for family and friends and have stumbled on Henry Vlll, William the Conqueror and the last high king of Ireland. Now could there be mistakes? Certainly but when you get to names found on the internet you have hit gold.

    Lorita...My opthomologist said yesterday to use Systene 2x daily and to take Arends (sp) 2x daily. She said no real need for glasses yet and that the laser surgery looked good. Whew.

    Clutter? Not here but I have a lot of Container Store storage boxes full and stacked. Maybe that is plastic clutter...lol

    Lovely rainy day so far but storm expected shortly. Love a good storm.

    Found a new brand of tortellini....a little butter and some grated Parm. Yum and how easy. One could add broccoli to make it healthy.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, I'm so sorry about the calf! I don't know how you do it with being able to handle the lose yourself and comforting the heifer.

    I'm keeping my infection covered, washing hands often and taking all my medications. I'm also being extra careful with Lou, don't even know if she had chicken pox when she was younger.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Judith, are you talking about AREDS 2 formula multivitamins for vision care? My neighbor takes these twice a day to help her macular degeneration.

    I started using CPAP again, and the blowing air is drying out my eye even more. I'm going to look for an eye mask to wear at night.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    My eye doctor has me on prescription Xiidra twice a day. It doesn't moisture, it works to increase tear production and quality. I can, and do sometimes, use an OTC lubricant drop like Systane. I am supposed to use a microwavable eye mask daily for 10 minutes. The doctor said warm compresses don't stay warm long enough to help.

    My mom's doctor has her on AREDS for her AMD. I don't think it does much for her dry eye issues although I have heard fish oil recommended by some.

    I got to see my old man dentist instead of the new guy. His dad was my husband's lab partner in the early days of his career. Dad and his wife invited DH to their home for holidays. The dentist used to call DH when he had a question about organic chemistry back in his undergrad days. I saw a new to me hygienist who did a great but painless cleaning unlike the one I typically have assigned to me. As always, everyone asked after my mom and raved about what a darling she is. LOL, she has quite the fan club.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited October 2023

    Good evening

    Lorita I’m also sorry about the calf. They are so cute and sweet.

    Saw cotton being picked on a YouTube channel. The picker looks a lot like a corn picker.

    Iris is the air that’s blowing in your eye and making it dry from the exhalation port on your appliance or is it leaking into your eyes? Either way I would contact the company and see if they can’t fix the leak problem so it’s not in your eyes. Maybe a different appliances exhalation port would be situated so it don’t blow in your eyes if that’s the cause, and if it’s leaking in your eyes, then you need a mask that fits better. Just a thought.

    I’ve been so hungry for strawberry ice cream. I could not find any in the lactose free brand. So I went ahead and bought some regular strawberry ice cream and I had a bowl for supper. It was good. fix some tuna salad for supper, hadn’t had that in a long time, it was good too. Going to have to start fixing that more often. It’s much simpler than some other things I do. As you said Judith a sandwich is just fine.

    cannot remember if I mentioned this or not but in mid August I shedded a lot of my hair. There is a name for it, it’s big and long. I can’t pronounce it but this frequently happens after you’ve had an illness or a lot of stress. I know a lady this happened to when she had Covid and her daughter died of Covid back in 20. Her hair has grown back in but she thought she was going to have to get a wig. I looked into it and normally in 3 to 6 months It starts coming back in. I feel like it’s already quit shedding. It’s only been about two months. So hopefully here before too long, will start feeling like I have more than a wisp of hair.

    I don’t know if any of you guys watch Dr. Dray , think Beth does, but she highly room recommends that function of beauty shampoo. So target carries it so I went and got some today. I’m going to try it and I’m gonna try to take a little better care of my hair as it comes back in try to do things to control the static and stuff. I’m always leery of conditioners because in the past I’ve had a lot of trouble with them causing me to have acne. So I just pull it up and let it do its thing. We shall see. I have been looking into the wig thing because I thought possibly I was going to have to do that, If my hair got much thinner. So far it does keep my scalp covered. They look like they would be a lot of hassle, I hope I never have to fiddle with one of those. Told my sister I might just opt to have a collection of hats.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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