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Just need to talk to my friends (195)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Thank you Caro Lynn, so good to see a post from Jo.

    Weather has been on TV most of the afternoon. Nothing around here but some warnings north of us. Tomorrow sounds like ir's going to be really bad. I think I posted that we got 1.5" of rain. Just Che ked the barn and several of the girls and babies are still inside, probably to get out of the strong winds. I dread tomorrow because of stotms.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Just got home, they admitted Lou due to the dementia, skin tares and how combative she's been. She is dehydrated, small amount if blood in urine but no uti, gall stones and bloid count a little low. I left because of not having any of my medicine or food today. Will be back early in the morning.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Ron, sorry Lou had to be admitted but, hopefully, they can take care of things to make her feel better. Glad itc wasn't a UTI. They should be able to adjust her medicines to help the combativeness. Charles was admitte once and he was dehydrated. I had no idea he was.

    Things don't sound too bad so maybe she won't be there too long. I've heard that most people have gallstones and are not bothered by them. Try to eat something nourishing and get a good night's rest. I know you'll be at the hospital tomorrow early, early. Prayers from here tonight for Lou and for you.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Dear Ron, know you have had a rough day. Hope you can get some rest tonight.

    When you go to hospital tomorrow you might want to take your meds with you…can't have you missing them again.

    Hopefully Lou will have good treatment and will be home with you again soonest.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, I hope Lou can settle down. But be aware of hospital delirium.

    Lorita, Jo C did not post. King Boo, who was a Peer Volunteer, posted using Jo C's name in the thread. She wanted us to be mindful of Jo C's privacy and not mention her whereabouts. I deleted my mention of her.

    I went to the dentist. My hygienist did a fabulous job on my teeth, they are gleaming! I did laundry and I'm ready for bed now. Good night.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Good Morning. Thinking of you Ron and Lou.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Praying for each ones safety that is being affected by the storms.

    HB thinking of you and your mom. Hard on both of you.

    Glad you were able to get an appointment fairly quickly Judith. Hoping your hearing will return.

    Eaglemom glad you can do a little gardening your way. I enjoy growing in my grow bags.

    Ron prayers for you and Lou. Will be good to hear from you.

    Was able to get moms front bed done. Im so thankful I was able to do it. I also got the ornamental grass cut down. I thought it might be difficult but it was easy. Now Im ready to go plant shopping. Good Lord’s will we are going today. Im looking forward to it. Feel like Im caught up and ready. For me it is a vacation day. Im going to keep my plants on the closed in porch for a while. The cold and heat of porch helps harden them some too. Our last frost date is May 15. I also have some seeds i want to direct sow. I watch for when it isn’t going to get below 50 at night. Usually don’t end up planting til last week of May. Have seen a couple of month long May forecasts and they are only giving a very few nights in high 40s, which would be ok. Im a little leery though, costs too much to lose it and I don’t like covering things. Too much work and feel it is hard on plants. If by 3rd week they are still showing that i may go for it. Some things like cool weather so i will plant them.

    My sister and I think mom is having more trouble with urinary incontinence. We are setting into action things to protect mattress. Wish she would be agreeable to wearing depends etc, at night. So far when i have mentioned it she won’t agree. Meanwhile i have saved a lot of things ive read on here about dealing with this issue, so going to read them, jot down notes and doing things to protect mattress. My sister said she is going to order some things, she seemed to be more prepared than me. Im going to try and hone my skills though.

    Good morning JoC. Sympathize with you on that steroid thing.
    Good morning Joan

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Morning, I have been up and down all night, finally having coffee, will drink a boost, shave/shower and go to the hospital. Hopefully it will be a better day! ER did mention to me about bringing Hospice into the picture, that they can come to the home and be a tremendous help. Also, a generic Dr will look at all her medicine and adjust if needed. Something I've never seen before; Lou was constantly pulling the gauze wrapping covering the skin tares off so they put long stocking over them. Then she started pulling on them and this is what I've never seen, they put what looked like boxing gloves on and cut a little hole in them where the iv was. Problem solved!

    By the way, the thread using Jo. C's name, she posted on it herself giving us a update. Yeah…....she lives!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    I’ve seen the boxing gloves. A lot of them learned to wiggle out of them too

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Mom's Lyme tests came back but I don't understand the implications of what I'm looking at.

    "Negative reactivity for IgM and equivocal reactivity for IgG antibodies to B.
    burgdorferi are noted on confirmatory testing. Results may be consistent with
    B. burgdorferi infection (Lyme disease) in the recent or remote past. IgG
    antibodies may remain detectable for months to years following resolution of
    infection. Consider repeat testing to confirm seroconversion in 7-14 days, if
    clinically warranted. Results should not be used to monitor response to therapy."

    So, is this a thing or not? Her doctor hasn't seen the results yet, so he'll probably call her Monday.

    I would not be surprised if she picked up Lyme; we have a lot of deer and she's always been in her garden futzing around. She has deer and lives on the edge of a wooded pond. I don't recall her ever being treated for it, but I wasn't as looped into her medical care until about 9 years ago.

    Since this situation wakes me out of a dead sleep most nights, I wonder if the early July ER run could have been Lyme-related. She was complaining of joint pain in her wrists. She's got significant osteoarthritis and at the time the doctor recommended better compliance around the custom splints she's supposed to wear at night for carpal tunnel issues. The cat does not approve of the splints. No blood work was done at the time.

    I also looked through her last CT scans from July and September's falls— they noted mild cerebral atrophy (she is 86) and a potential old lacunar infarction. I still haven't heard from the memory center. They ask for patience and promise a callback. I called Thursday and silence since then.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Here is Lou's boxing gloves.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    HB, this is what I found. Basically, you'll have to talk to the Doc is my take.

    The statement you’ve provided is related to the results of a serological test for Lyme disease, which is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. Here’s what it means:

    • Negative reactivity for IgM: This indicates that the test did not detect the presence of IgM antibodies against B. burgdorferi. IgM antibodies are usually the first type of antibody to be produced by the immune system when it encounters an infection. A negative result typically suggests that there is no current or very recent infection.
    • Equivocal reactivity for IgG: Equivocal means uncertain. In this context, it suggests that the test detected IgG antibodies to B. burgdorferi, but the levels are not high enough to confirm an active infection definitively. IgG antibodies are produced later in the course of an infection and can remain in the body long after the infection has resolved.
    • Consistent with B. burgdorferi infection in the recent or remote past: The presence of IgG antibodies might indicate that the person was infected with B. burgdorferi at some point in the past. This could be a recent infection or one that occurred a long time ago, as IgG antibodies can persist for a long time.
    • Consider repeat testing to confirm seroconversion: Seroconversion is the period during which a specific antibody develops and becomes detectable in the blood. If there’s a clinical suspicion of Lyme disease, it may be necessary to repeat the test in 7-14 days to see if the antibody levels have increased, which would indicate an active infection.
    • Results should not be used to monitor response to therapy: Because IgG antibodies can remain in the blood for a long time after the infection has been treated, the test results are not useful for determining whether the treatment was successful.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Jerilynn— That's what I saw when I consulted Dr. Google as well. Probably had it and recovered.

    My fear is the doc will call her and explain the result and she'll either not understand what he says (she's weirdly medically ignorant*) or that she'll forget entirely. I wonder if they'd give antibiotics at this point or not.

    I was treated for Lyme about 6 years ago— I found a fat tick behind me knee 3 days after being in the garden. My PCP treated based on that alone given the prevalence in our area. Doxycycline is not my jam.


    I hope the mitts allow her skin to heal without causing much distress.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Morning, just checking in. Will read and post later. Hope all is well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Morning, Ron, hope Lou is doing well this morning and can get back home soon.

    It's cloudy, warm and humid here this morning. Forecast sounds pretty bad for wind, baseball sized hail and tornados plus heavy rain. This begins mid afternoon and goes through until tomorrow morning. Already have important papers and my purse in the bathroom. It's not too large and is pretty full with two GPs, three cats and me but it's in the middle of the house. I have a big cellar but don't want to go in there by myself.

    I think the girls are already in the barn. Saw the newest baby by the corral calling mom, then he started running when he saw her. She greeted him and they started to barn. Last evening he came out of the barn by himself. I watched and he started toward the south pasture where everyonec was. Guess mom told him where they would be. I watched and he Kept going. Smart little kids.

    Already talked to Mike and Darwin. Mike was on his way from a farm call to the clinuc. Only open until noon today and no appt. Needed today so they're uber busy. Darwin called when I was out feeding birds without my phone Said he waited 15 minutes to try again. They're okay and he's going to work in the barn this morning.

    Keep your fingers crossed that we don't have a tornado outbreak today. Looks like we'll have super cells, then a line of storms when the dry line comes through. Hate those super cells because they form tornados worse than the line. Better find something for breakfast. Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Judith, do you have a cellar or basement? It's in the mid 70s here now but the sun is trying to shine. Hope it doesn't. Watch the local weather channel and be safe.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Wildflowers from the berm around the front pond..

    Enjoying the warm day. Stay storm safe everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    edited April 28

    Those are really pretty. What kind are they? I have never seen them so guess they don't grow here. Your pitcher is also beautiful. I have a weakness for pitchers and bowls.

    Looks like some storms are beginning to form around OKC and west. Weather like this reminds me of a film the school showed to us when I was in grade school. It showed humid, windy weather with storms coming and a woman taking her clothes off the clothesline and later the family hurrying to the cellar. Really stuck with me. I think I've mentioned that we spent a lot of time in the cellar when I was growing up.

    Ron, how is Lou?.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, the boxing glove looks like a great idea to keep Lou from scratching or pulling on skin tags. She is bruising a lot, is she on a blood thinner?

    HB, I don't have anything to add about the Lyme tests. But if you think your mom won't understand the doctor, could you do a three way conference call?

    Lorita, I hope you are not in the path of the tornados!

    Mint, when you talked about mom's bed, I thought you meant the bed she slept in. Now I think you mean a garden bed. Good luck with that. Tell your mom there's nothing wrong with wearing a pad at night, lots of ladies do.

    JeriLynn, the wild flowers are lovely!

    It was so great to hear from Jo C! It's true, she needs her rest.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    "Those are really pretty. What kind are they? I hever seen them so guess they don't grow here. Your pitcher is also beautiful. I have a weakness for pitchers and bowls." @Lorita they're just a generic pack of seed I picked up from the $ store. The pitcher is Jewel T. I have a collection of those bowls and pitchers. My Mam-Ma always served a jello and fruit cocktail salad in her bowl. Fond memories.

    More planting today. While I was bent over to cut the flowers, there was a tiny bird nest sheltered among a clump of flowers. 5 Blue and brown eggs. ?Maybe a robin's nest, but why on the ground when it's right next to 5 tall trees? I'll keep watch. It's sunny and warm today with brisk winds. Our storms are to arrive Monday night. Going out to ride the back acreage. I'll take my phone to get some pictures of what DH has been up to.

    Hope Lou is better, HB: how about a message thru the patient portal to only call YOU regarding test results? Too much? Mint, it feels so good to get a job done, doesn't it? Someone asked @BethL how long it took to get her gardens to current beauty. I'm hoping she says "just a couple years". Not at all likely, LOL.

    Remember I got my FIL hearing aid repaired so easily and quickly? Well, I am encouraged by that since he lost it the very NEXT day. 😒 I have noticed in the past few weeks he wears them less and less. Also, his partial denture plate. He puts it in a new place now and just forgets.

    I did take more dark chocolate and made the mistake of taking it to him in his new dining room in front of other residents. A gentleman asked " Where's ours?". LOL. So yesterday, I took candy for everyone on the floor but gave to the Nursing Staff to distribute since I don't know who may be diabetic. I also took a miscellaneous bag of chocolate bars for the Nursing Staff.

    Back later.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Hi everyone I forgot to tell you that I went to .my step granddaughter's wedding in N.H. it was fantastic and my ALZ did not act up. I thank God that it did not act up.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    no basement or cellar

    everyone charge your cell phones

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    My wife and I drove past the local Crumbl store and almost went in but we are on Weight Watcher's diet and have lost about 35 lbs each but I know that eventually we will give in to temptation.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Handiwork courtesy of DH: this will add 60 feet of planting space to the East for a distance North to South of 1/2 mile!

    He’s happy as a pig in slop and sunshine ☀️ Me 2

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    Wonderful…now what are you going to plant?

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    I lease my land to my neighbor. It was cotton last year, corn the year before. So, we'll see.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Well, I had the four butter fly weeds outside on the back porch and thought I should bring them tonight. Rusty found them and ate two that were in one pot down to about an inch tall. It'll come back, I hope.

    Looks like the weather will be bad all night with loads of rain. FedEx just delivered and she said the roads were already muddy. Driveway alarm sent off as she came through the gate but probably needs new batteries. I had just closed the gate an hour ago but she got through both ways. Said she grew up around cows. Gray Lady got a little feed.

    Hope all of you can sleep well tonight.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    They are keeping Lou over the weekend and possibly extended care to get her sores healed and geriatric dr to see her. I feel guilty about coming home to rest, even though I know I need it, my place should be with her.

    Praying for my son and his family in MO and all my rockers in the path of severe weather.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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