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Just need to talk to my friends (195)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, I'm sorry about the news about Lou's sitter. It's good that she is up and walking.

    What lovely plants, Beth!

    Thanks for the warm weather, Lorita! It was chilly and drizzly early today.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    We just got a Crumbl store a few months ago. My nephew shared a chocolate chip cookie with me. It was good.

    Trilliums are so beautiful. Think Ive mentioned before that on the farm there were a lot of them in the woods,

    l hope I will be able to get mom’s front bed done today . My sister is feeling better and is going to take care of mom this morning. So I’ve decided to have a nice brunch and then go over there good Lord willing. Hopefully that will give me enough time. Yesterday I didn’t get there quite as early as I wanted to. Then the neighbor man and lady each talked to me awhile 😊. My sister has two bags of pine needles she is bringing this morning.

    Prayers for all

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Mint, I'm glad your sister is better and able to help out.

    Beth, thanks for posting the pictures, flowers always brightens a day.

    Lou's sitter is doing better and if everything goes like expected, she will be released from the hospital as early as Monday. After that she will go to a cancer specialist to go over next treatments.

    One of the church ladies came over yesterday where I could go get a haircut and groceries. Same lady is coming next Tuesday where I can make my VA appointments and a different church lady is coming next Thursday for my Gastrologist appointment. Finding help was difficult at first due to work schedule, and other commitments, but it worked out in the long run.

    Lou had a stomach problem yesterday and I hope she's better today. Complained with her stomach hurting Wednesday night and I got up with her several times. Finally had a BM which was normal. No fever and no pain when I pressed on her belly! When i came back from the grocery the church lady said she slept the whole time I was gone. As I was putting groceries up, Lou threw up! She seemed ok rest of the day and u just scrambled her some eggs for supper to make sure. She did drink more water than usually after the vomit.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    edited April 26

    Morning, storms west of us, d verbal tornado warnings. We had some rain come through a few minutes ago. Winds are about 70 mph with spin ups along the front of the line of storms. A Line of storms is going through two counties west of us. Hopefully, all will go northwest. The whole line is moving east and the storms are going NNE. 6:04. Severe thunderstorm warnings moving into the area about 20 miles west of us. Springtime in Okla. Is tough sometimes. All of this will be repeated in a day or so. Says we could get up to 7" during the next ten days.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    ,6:35. Girls are headed to the barn. I hear thunder and there's torrential rain and 60 mph winds getting closer. Just said if would be through here in about 15 minutes. There have been little spin ups along the leading edge of the storm. I hear thunder along with the TV and weather radio. Weatherman sags probably 60-65 Mon winds. It's raining now.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning.

    Beth L Your flowers are gorgeous. My aunt in Maine had Trillium naturalized all around her camp in Maine. They're a favorite. Thanks for sharing.

    We do have Crumbl. It's very popular with the tweens and teens in my town. There's a shopping district less than half a mile from both the middle and high schools with Chopt, Mod Pizza, Chipotle, Crumbl, 5 Guys, Rita's, 2 Starbucks (and a third less than 1/4 mile from those), Lululemon, Free Movement, Athleta and Ulta— it's like moths to a flame.

    Ron I hope Lou's sitter responds well to treatment. The poor dear has a lot on her plate right now; I'm glad the church ladies can help as needed.

    Iris I am giggling over the notion of you referring to me as a "young person". I am really not feeling it. I used to use a paper calendar, but the phone is better for me as it is always on my person and eminently sharable.

    I did talk about when we in the IEP-world would call a graphic organizer (a common ADHD accommodation for the kids with ADHD) aka calendar. She said <brightly> "Oh, I already have one". It was hidden on the backside of her pantry door. FTR, she stores her tea, coffee, bread and cereal elsewhere so days could pass before she has a need to open it. Not only is the calendar hidden away, it is pristine with nary a notation and opened to display March. Plus, she's distracted by the New Yorker cartoons on it. Mostly she tacks appointment cards on the far side of her fridge but doesn't keep them current. Last fall she was insisting her dental appointment was on the 12th when I had the 11th in my phone. I called the office; it was the 12th last year.

    JeriLynn You sure do sound busy with everything. I hate those phone calls with insurance and/or providers— the repeating your situation over and over when sent to a new department and the ghastly music they play while you wait and wait.

    Judith I am glad you got your ice maker fixed. Mine died just after it went out of warranty during COVID isolating. We don't use much ice, so I bought a countertop model which is some much faster and makes nicer ice mostly to have on hand for first aid. I bought it ahead of DS's wisdom tooth extractions. It was just to hold me over, but I figure it's not like this fridge has many more years of service so I'm good for now.

    Judith said: HB…TBF (to be frank?…lol) your mother has memory issues. Please read all you can about the correct protocol for diagnosis so that you can be certain that your mother is correctly taken care of. Do not let the PCP tell you it is just an ageing problem.

    I totally agree about the memory problems. There is definitely something afoot. It's part of why I chose to bring this up with her PCP and not her psychiatrist who I think would blow me off.

    My faith in her phlegmatic PCP double checked her vitals, reviewed her meds list for updates, side effects and interactions and asked us each what we were seeing/experiencing. She did the MMSE 28/30 (points lost for recall) and he explained the limitations around subtle changes.

    We left with an order for testing for TSH, B-12 (both back and normal) and Lyme Disease (not back yet). She's scheduled for an MRI w/contrast in late May (first available). OMG, I had to call the periodontist and orthopedic surgeon for MRI clearance as well as the manufacturer of her artificial aortic valve. The valve requires special safety protocols but can be done at the satellite imaging center. She also got a referral to neurology. It's a 6 month wait regardless, so we opted for the Memory Center. I'm waiting on a callback to firm up a date and hoping the 6-month estimate is reasonably accurate. We're not in a crisis mode; waiting might bring more clarity when we do go.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, praying you stay safe the next several days as storms pass through!

    Forgot to mention earlier that when Lou threw up the church lady asked if she was pregnant. LOL, if she is some other guy must have snuck in when I wasn't here.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Looks like the main line of storms has gone thtough. Still lots of thunder and rsin. I put up the rain gauge a few days ago so am anxious to see how much rain we got.All of this will Be repeated tomorrow evening and night but more severe, they think.

    Talked briefly with Mike -wondered if Toad was better. He is and worked part of yesterday. I wondered because I needed to know if I needed to out GL in the back pasture and open the gate for him.

    Ron, sounds like the lady sitting with Lou has a sense of humor.Hope Lou is much better.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Storm is over, for now. They say storms in southern Okla. May come our way later. Just fed GL and got her in West paddock so Toad can feed and FedEx can deliver paint for the porch and the fan this afternoon. We got almost 1.25"of rain and it's still sprinkling. Girls are out grazing. Need to change pants and socks because they got wet walking through grass. Need another cup of hot tea.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    abruptly lost hearing in my right ear….yikes

    original icemaker not working…new icemaker not working…put original back in and now it is working…I will concern myself with that next week

    off to Edward Jones to get a Schwab account transferred ….they need to have first and last pages of the Trust….they already have the information needed…oh well ….I will sit, listen and have a cup of coffee

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I'm scared…......will probably be calling 911 for help with Lou. When she wakes up in the morning is always best time of day. In a good mood and talking. This morning since 8am she has been hollering off and on and acting confused. If I try to help she starts fighting on me and acting strange. Only thing different was her sick spell yesterday morning, but after that she was fine and in a good mood when I helped her in bed.

    Prayers please!


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Prayers for Lou. And Judith’s ear!

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Prayers for Lou and you too Ron. It may be a UTI which ER can help with.

    Prayers for Judith's ear, and all those who have medical issues or just need an extra boost to make it thru another day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Ron, maybe Lou had a nightmare and it scared her. You know how real they can be. Have you had a thunderstorm with lots of loud thunder? Will she eat or drink something? Think before you go the ER route,- everyone there is sick and there is usually a long wsit. If you go, both of you should wear a mask. There are things going around here that we don't need. How about a call to her doctor? Prayers it straightens out soon.

    Judith, my goodness. What could have happened? Does your ear hurt? If you're going to be driving, be careful. Your ability to tell sound directions will be off. Open your mouth deadly wide, maybe uf's just stopped up. So hope it corrects itself soon.

    Icemakers, I've probably had three replacements but my refrigerator is 24 Years o!d. We had another really bard rain a while sgo. I got up really early and fell asleep in my chair. Toad came and fed. Didn't see him until he was leaving. A day or so ago I noticed the covering on one of the owl's eyes was gone so I bet rain got Inside. The detection thing is in the shape of an Leo's head. Will have to check. As I said, always something.

    I can imagine how muddy the roads are so hate to see what two trucks will do to ours. Ron and Judith, keep us up to date.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    Ron…I would put my money on a UTI. Let the ambulance take Lou. She will be seen faster. Be prepared to stay by her side.

    No ear report…ice maker still churning out ice.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Ron I'm so sorry. I know your scared and nervous about your Lou. Of course prayers for you both.

    Lorita your storms are here now. Tornado warning and bands of rain coming through, Its supposed to be done by this afternoon and another round tomorrow morning.

    I have great big garden envy. I can do pots on the patio, but serious gardening is just too difficult. I've had 4 surgeries on myy left knee with one being a replacement & my poor right knee has had 8 surgeries. Three of them being replacements. I don't bend more than 90 degrees on my right and can't kneel down. So I end up sitting backside to garden & that's difficult.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    At ER with Lou now! Her blood sugar was low but emergency personal got it up and still having problems. ER got a urine sample to check for uti. When the emergency guys were there they also had to check me out. I'm OK now and Lou's resting.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm here. You Rockers post quite a lot in the morning, I couldn't read it all because I have a telephone appointment in a few moments. BBL (be back later, Judith)


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Prayers for you both Ron. I agree with those who suggest transport to the ER given the vomiting and sudden onset with extreme behaviors. UTIs can become serious quickly.

    My sympathies on your hearing Judith. I lost the hearing in my right ear with a virus in December; it was the one that came with the "100-day cough", fluid in both ears and swimmer's ear on the right. I did drops to clear the external infection which calmed down quickly but the hearing didn't come back fully for almost 3 months and well after the fluid was gone. I even tried a reducing steroid pack to hasten things. It was awful. I had to crank up the TV from 16 to 25+ and couldn't hear when the cycles for the washer and dryer were finished.

    Eaglemom, that sounds miserable. I have one TKR and am this close to a second. Walking in my tilled and mulched beds is awful; I weeded for about an hour this morning before I gave up and my knees are happy to be done. You sound like a good candidate for a couple chair-height raised beds.

    Off to buy some of the deer spray that was suggested.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    Ron…thanks for the update

  • Sweetwater
    Sweetwater Member Posts: 7
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    Jfkoc, a couple of years ago I awoke to diminished hearing in my left ear. An ENT diagnosed it as inflammation and prescribed steroids. In about 2 weeks my hearing returned. If you think this may be happening, the sooner you see an EMT, the better.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    They took blood, urine sample, xray and just took her for cat scan. Guess it's now a waiting game.


  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Ron, praying for the both of you xo

    Have been trying to catch up with all the posts. Hope to respond later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Thanks for letting us know, Ron. We're waiting with you. Do they have any ideas? Has Lou settled down some?

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Thanks for the update. I hope you get answers soon and a plan to relieve the situation.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    appt for ear Monday afternoon…whew

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Wow, so good to hear from JoC!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Where, Caro?

    Weather just said Iowa. Is being hit hard along with Nebraska and Waco. Heavy storms around Tulsa.. Super Cells are developing. Very windy here with sunshine which isn't good.

    Glad you got an appt. Judith.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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