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Just need to talk to my friends (196)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Eaglemom nice to see you on the porch.

    Lorita I hope your day is a little better.

    it is very windy here today. There was a 50% chance of rain. I still had a flat of alyssum to put out so I got out and I got it all out. It thundered and it’s sprinkled. That’s all it did and now the sun shining again. it showed that we had a chance of showers at one but right now on the radar looks like it all went South of us maybe. After I get my dishes, cleaned up and everything I’ll check and if it still looks clear, I’m going to go get grocery shopping done for the week. The peonies are in full bloom. So I cut myself a vase because I know if we got hard rain that would be the end of them.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita…what are the balls youn use for laundry?'

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, Eagle, I hope you can find a car you like. I really like mine the more I get used to it. I'm just used to.a bigger car but this all I need. Really good on gas. This is the fourth new car I've bought by myself as far as agreeing on price. I did have either mother or daddy with me though.

    Judith, I don't remember where I bought mine but both Amazon and WM have them. I've used them for years. I think you only need one but I have two in the washer, probably used one a long time, then added another. Lorita first used them and liked them before I tried.

    Not much pain today but not feeling up to par. Been on liquids only two days and only a piece of toast and a couple of bowls of MOM before today. Feel sort of weak and wobbly but am on the mend. Thanks for asking. Mint.

    Been forgetting to tell all of you that D. Told me to thank you for the prayers and good wishes for him. Said he was going to stay in and rest today.. Doubt that.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Happy Birthday JoC

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, how is Lou today, and how are you?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Morning all!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good Morning everyone

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Good Morning Everyone,

    Mint, I've never tried to do peonies but I'd like to… what would you tell me to do? DH set out the lillies all around the backyard fence perimeter. He keeps planting things and finally I told him to stop. I want a pathway around the backyard with the fence perimeter and pathway filled with flowers and plants and trees. The trees are in place (crepe myrtles) inside the back fence with Purple Haze just outside the fence. Around the pool I want cone flowers, zinnias and ? something. I guess with all this stuff going on right now, that may have to wait until next year.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Hope and pray that during this tornado season everyone stays safe. It's always good to know that no matter what is happening around us, Lorita's front porch is always a safe place fir friends.

    Lou was real restless last night during all the thunder and lighting. She was also complaining a lot with pain! Hospice had FedEx bring two prescriptions; one for pain and one for anxiety. I gave her the morphine sulfate oral solution for the pain and she is still resting this morning. The other is lorazepam oral concentrate and was told that I could give it to her before cleaning when the aid comes. I just wish that my strength hadn't deserted me where I could have taken care of her by myself.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, do not feel bad. The time comes when we can not do all we would like to do,no matter how much we want to. You've done a wonderful job taking care of Lou. Do not blame yourself.. You're still there with her and that is what is important to you and to her. We all have limits.

    Side is hurting this morning, at my waist. Don't know why that happens but it did last time,too.

    Darwin just called - he's in WM and wanted to know if I needed anything.Said the roads were okay to get out and thought he had better get groceries while he could. Told him I wasn't eating anything so was fine. He said his side was hurting, too.

    Think I might have some MOM. I poured some app!a sauce from the broken jar out on some paper on the porch and someone ate it last night, so did it again.

    Ron,thought of you last night when the weather showed storms around Dallas moving east.

    Eagle,hope you were safe from the storms. We have had an awful May. Okla.has had 88 tornados already this year - average by now is 57. Please be careful. Back later.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Yes, we had several warnings for severe weather but thankfully only rolling thunder. It was some of the loudest and longest lasting thunder I've ever heard. Several sprinkles and that was it.

    Ron, your care and love for Lou is truly a love story. If I'm half the caregiver for my DH that you are for Lou I'll be happy. Don't doubt yourself one minute.

    Lorita would a heating pad help? Goodness, I know you want to be feeling better.

    More later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita…drink some Pedialite…drink some V-8….make a smoothie with healthy stuff.

    I think peonies are foolproof but take a while to bloom after planting?

    Ron…you are taking care of Lou. You are doing a great job at that. Now is the time to let go of some of the hands on and just sit and hold hands….read to Lou…sing to her and chair dance.

    Looks like a sunny day here. Oops, now it is getting dark. Oh well, all the plants will be happy for a drink.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I woke late because I fell asleep late. I went on a day trip with the seniors to a focal state park. It was originally an old railroad dump and was to be converted to housing, but the community wanted more green space. There was quite a lot of walking, plus I had to get up at 5 am in order to be ready to meet the others. So I was exhausted by the time I returned home, and I fell asleep for four hours. So I wasn't ready to sleep again until 3:30 am. There were many people walking dogs and I even saw a cat on a leash! Fresh air is great for city folks and city animals!

    Lorita, I hope you didn't mean that you ate applesauce from a broken jar.

    Judith is right, try clear fluids temporarily to rest your bowel if you still have pain.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    JeriLynn I don’t know a lot about pennies I inherited ones I have. I would suggest that you Google how to care for peonies to get better information. I do know they want sun unless it’s really hot and then they can take a little shade. Can’t be too hot though, because they need cold in the winter in order to set their buds. So you’ll have to know what zone you’re in and see if they do OK in your zone. Think I remember too when I’ve read up on them that when you initially plant them, you have to be careful and not plant too deep or that will hinder their blooming also but I could be wrong about that. That’s why you need to read up on it, unless someone else on here can help you like maybe Beth. The one thing I do know is that their stems are not real strong, so I always put flower cages around mine. If you get any storm at all and don’t have a cage is around them, they’ll all blow over.

    Ron sorry you’re not feeling so well. Try not to be so hard on yourself. You have really pushed to try and meet your own expectations. I know it’s very disappointing that you’re not feeling so good and I understand that. You have been through a lot with your own health as well as Lou’s, mainly on your own, it seems.

    Eaglemom i use a heated, rice, bag or heating pad for about in the ache or pain I have lol. Works pretty good lotta the time.

    Lorita sorry you are having another tough day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Only in Louisiana would you have this kind of accident!

    A lady on her way to work ran over a alligator.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, poor alligator. Wonder why she didn't see it? Hope you're feeling better today.

    You're right, Mint, you don't plant peonies very deep or they don't bloom.

    Thanks, Judith. I've been on liquids the last days, nothing solid at all. Did have MOM a couple of times, maybe shouldn't have. Just had the best baked potato in the world with a spoon of cottage cheese. Took an afternoon nap but still hurt some. I would have to strain V8 to get rid of pulp. Been drinking cranberry pomegranate juice and straight cranberry and my orange cranberry. Found some peach herbal tea so that has been good. I have two Flagyl tablets left. Hope.none of you ever have to take them. I just don't have any energy and am sort of unsteady.

    I am so sorry to keep complaining to you all. No one else but GPs and cats to listen. Stormy is sticking close to me. Guess he knows I don't feel well.

    Our weather does not look good the next several days. Just heard OKC had a severe thunderstorm this afternoon. No rain here today but humid and 82. Looks like it will be in the 80s from now on with awful humidity.

    Iris, I had a jar of applesauce I was eating. They were plastic jars and the lids broke. Ordered more today to come tomorrow.Hope they fare better.

    Mint, I have a rice bag I have used so much. Really good for around your neck or arm.

    Have not swept or done dishes all week - been doing bare minimum- feeding cats, GPs and Gray Lady. Did feed birds today. Tomorrow will be better. Seems like everything goes wrong when you don't feel well - cellphone isn't charging right and the TV decided it wouldn't change channels p!us not turning on or changing volume. Sandy, still haven't unplugged it. Afraid nothing will come back on. I will when I feel better. Thanks for the information though. Have a good night, everyone.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, there was a time in the late 1980's when my GI system was very upset. I could only eat applesauce and cream of wheat and drink apple juice. This went on for weeks until I was able to advance my diet slowly. Try to stay hydrated. Rest up! Feel better soon!


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Re: the alligator: Ouch! Yuck!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Good Morning.

    Overcast here today with storms moving in later. But for now the barn swallows are swooping and singing, the geese are on the pond with their babies and the chickens have come out of their roost. Except the two silkies that I have to catch up in my arms each morning and carry around to the run because they will not cross thru the chicken house and come down the ladder! So, another bathrobe sight each morning. DH shoos them out from under the house, I catch the second one while holding the first and DH opens doors/gates for me to hand deliver them to the chicken run. I told them this morning this has got to stop but I am not sure they are listening. LOL

    We are cooking this morning to deliver food to BIL in Scottsboro before the weather sets in. SIL is coming this morning to spend the day/night while her DH is out of town. It should be an interesting day. At least a day away from dealing with the Department of Defense and so on.

    Everyone stay safe during the continuing weather events and have a good day. See ya later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions
    edited May 24

    Please keep Lou and I in your prayers! This morning she started gurgling real bad, heavy breathing and not responding. I called hospice emergency number and a nurse was sent. The nurse after checking her told me I might want to call family, it could be days, weeks are months. They are starting a nurse visit daily!

    I was told to call family….…I have learned to think of my front porch friends as family!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited May 24

    Ron, I am praying for you and Lou. Ron, be sure to call hospice back if any questions or concerns. They are there to help and support you, both physically and emotionally.

    5 a.m. wakeup from a siren - severe thunderstorm warning. Went to the basement. Lots of wind, no damage here, thank God. My outside table was blown over but it was ok. Heard of trees down and power outages in other areas but not here.

    Thinking of all of you.

    Lots of flooding, drought pretty much over for our state! Below, pics from a town not far from here where river has closed the roads.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, rain beginning here but will stop until mid afternoon when severe storms are predicted. I am so tired of severe weather.

    Thanks, Iris, your diet sounds like mine except apple juice- my side is hurting some and over my left hip. I read about when I had this in 2019, same things. It's been nine days - took my last pill this morning. I think I may call and talk to the nurse if they are open. My doctor usually calls in if he's out of the office.

    Ron, I pray for you and Lou each night as well as everyone else. Keep in touch with hospice. Keep us informed. Wish someone of us was close so we could help. Beth, the flooding looks awful. I feel so sorry for the people who have had storms and lost everything. Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi again, talked to the nurse. Dr. is not having surgery. She Didn't think I needed more Flagyl (glad of that)). Recommended soft diet and keep Tues. Appt. Go to ER if symptoms get worse. I read about last time I had it and it was the same. I did sleep a lot last time. I'm just not used to being sick- sprains, strains, etc but not sickness. I have been lucky. Guess we missed the morning rain.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron prayers for you and Lou. Know this is stressful.
    Prayers that God will help all of you through the storms.

    HB hope you and yours are OK. Don’t think we’ve heard from you for a little while.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning on the porch.

    Lorita— I do hope you are feeling a lot more yourself soon. I recall Sarah has an appointment with a new provider soon? I hope that goes well.

    Beth— I loved your travel pictures, but the flood ones? Not so much. We lost our first home to a flood; we'd had flooding before but not to this magnitude for over 40 years since they put in some flood control dams. Rumor has it that the most critical flood gate was not activated to spare homes upstream. Imagine water 36" up on the second floor of your house. What a mess— we pretty much lost everything. Thank the Lord I thought to grab the cat on my way out.

    Jerilynn— I hope the little ones are able to lift your spirits given all of the sad tasks associated with your dear FIL. I am still giggling at the thought of your morning "Chicken Dance".

    IME, peonies are fairly bullet-proof if planted properly. They may take a year or 18 months to bloom the first time even if you plant one that previously bloomed. I've had the best success with bare-root plants. My best performer is a cheapie I got at Walmart for $4. Of the 3 potted plants ($80) I put in mom's garden last spring one bloomed pretty well, one has a single flower and one is kind of gnarly looking. I opted for potted since they tend to bloom in 12 months and since she's 86— we kind of need instant gratification. LOL, every time she buys a multi-pack of something she declared it a lifetime supply.

    Eaglemom— The story of your F5 tornado is so sad. I can only imagine how hard it was to be in the midst of losing not just your own home, but those of your friends and all of the familiar places in one's day-to-day routine.

    Iris— I have heard we lose tastebuds with age. I crave strong flavors— strong black tea, big wines and "bitey" bitter IPAs— and wonder what they'd be like if I had the full complement I was presumably born with.

    Ron— I am so sorry to hear of the changes your dear Lou is having. This is very hard stuff. I hope your sons can come soon.

    It's been a quiet week for me. I took mom for her eye injection on Monday and then had her for dinner. She seems to be responding well to the Syfovre. It's supposed to slow GA progression somewhat, but her last 2 vision tests were a bit better than they'd been in her right (good) eye. She's been reporting this, but the vision test is measurably improved in the left margin letters.

    I met my niece for our haircut and dinner date. That was nice as I don't get to see her alone often. We went to a trendy new place for small plates and (too much) wine. The Chardonnay was lovely though. She's off to Paris for work tonight and things are great with her bathroom remodel and marriage.

    He father is being a jerk but that's him. I wasn't impressed when I first met him 45+ years ago. The night my sister told me she was engaged (2 months after she picked him up hitchhiking— some meet-cute") I expressed concern and was told rather sharply that I wasn't the one marrying him. She'd been dead 30 years, and I am still dealing with his nonsense. Last summer, he left my mom out in the cold rain after she'd babysat his 3rd family overnight. Now he wants to quit his job after being fired from the last 2. He's 68, I get it, but he's got 2 minor children from his 3rd marriage and needs to work. He's always hitting niece up for money for car repairs, electricity, his phone, etc. to say nothing of the extras she provides for her teenaged younger half-brothers. She even gave his estranged 3rd wife $5K towards the downpayment on their home so the kids didn't have to move. His latest was leaning hard on my niece's sister to get him some illegal inspection stickers for his car. The girl is finally getting her act together and he's willing to put her parole at risk with this ask. I hate him.

    Thanks for letting me rant.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Ron…good that you called Hospice. They have a social worker as well as a chaplin to be with you and we are here 24/7 so come out and rock anytime. Bring Lou with you. A tall lemonade will be waiting for you.

    Beth….way to much water

    Jerilynn…we need a pic of those spoiled chickens…

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
    100 Likes 100 Comments 25 Care Reactions First Anniversary

    Hi all, trying to catch up on all the posts I've missed.

    Ron, praying for you and Lou - we're all here for you.

    Lorita worried about you too and hope that you start to feel better soon.

    HB your BIL sounds like a prince! Your niece is very generous for giving him (and his family) so much support.

    JeriLynn those babies are adorable!

    Beth, that's lots of rain, glad you are safe.

    Iris, Mint, Judith, David, Sandy and anyone I missed - hope you are all well. xo

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, I'm praying for you and Lou.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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