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Just need to talk to my friends (196)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm up. I need to work on getting to bed earlier. It was Decoration Day for us growing up in Brooklyn, because the ancestors decorated the graves of the Civil War soldiers who had died for us.

    HB, I never heard of Race Day, what race is this?

    Ron, it's nice that Lou got to talk with and see her boys.

    Lorita, what you need is called "bowel rest". Usually you start with clear liquids, then advance slowly as tolerated. It will take several days to heal.

    Beth, how nice that you spent so much time with horses.

    JeriLynn, is eating outdoor on the ground also called a picnic?


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    edited May 19

    Iris, yes it’s really a picnic. But not burgers and fries. All kinds of homemade food, different meats, cakes, pies. Lemonade and sweet tea. Everyone who had anyone buried at the church cemetery came and brought food. Then in the afternoon, there was a “gospel singing” for a few hours.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita, You need to quit lifting things, can you have WM lighten the load in the bags? Do they bring them out to your car for you? I have never tried that, I always go inside. I probably would save money if I had them bring them out to me.

    Thanks for the updates on Darwin, he is lucky to have a neighbor like you. Its smart that you leave the ringer on, on your phone. I turn mine off most of the time, so if I misplace it there would be no way someone calling me could help. I charge mine at night when I go to bed, I listen to music on my phone, so it's plugged in all night, on my nightstand.

    Beth, those horses are beautiful, is that you on one of them?

    Mint, A lot of years ago I had a beautiful cottonwood in my back yard, and I remember the cotton going all over the place. The tree got so big its roots grew into my waterpipes, I was sad when the tree had to be taken down.

    JeriLynn, Rest is what you need, you have been through a lot of things these past few weeks. Its time for you to take care of yourself and get some rest.

    I have been really busy this past week, they are coming to take pictures of my house indoors and outdoors tomorrow. The inside is ready for pictures I had to get rid of a lot of clutter. It looks so nice now, most went to Good Will and a lot went to my neighbor, who is a junk collector😅. Today my son and I have been working on the outside. Looks like it's going on the market next week. 😒😀 I have lived here 30 years, but Iam looking forward to living with my daughter and son in law.

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Best of luck, Zetta! You got your home ready for market very quickly! Hope it sells soon at a great price.

    Those two horses were mine and yes, that is me riding.

    JeriLynn, what an inserting concept for a picnic! I have, on occasion, seen people do this (no music sing though, just individuals at a grave site). I didn't understand it but I do now.

    Watching NBA playoffs. Rained a bit today. Church this a.m. Relatively quiet day.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Sounds a lot like Day of the Dead celebration. We only put a rememberence on soldiers graves who died while in service

    I am doing nothing today. Absolutely nothing!!!!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    JeriLynn, what you describe sounds very familiar, in fact, I'm getting homesick! But I can't go back in time. We never had burgers at a picnic, also never fries at all, we had potato salad. I never had fries until I left home, they were only at a fast food place, now they are everywhere.

    Zetta, best wishes on getting a great buyer for your beloved home! I have to discard a lot too. We will be traveling by plane to Sacramento, then by bus to Ashland, then along the coast up to Newport, then back down. We never get over to Bend. How is the weather on the coast? I read there can be snow in May in the mountains. Should I bring my heavy jacket?


  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Zetta I'm so happy for you making the decision to move! It was meant to be. My LO bought the house we live in over 45 years ago and I invested it in when I moved in about 25 years ago.

    I promised to keep him here long before his cognitive decline. I hope I can keep my promise to him. What's interesting to me is when we codified our advanced directives, etc. we never thought to include a vascular stroke exacerbating cognitive decline. Who would have thought of including that! I now have included that so my boys do not have to deal with what I am living through.

    Sorry for rambling and if I don't make sense. I'm just glad I have the porch to vent to xo

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    @Iris L. What race? Why, those in Indianapolis would say "The Race" or "The 500". There were many parties in BIL's neighborhood although he usually worked the race as one of the track physicians— on a good day he treated a lot of sunburn and dehydration, on a bad day it could get ugly. MIL would listen on the radio; her favorite part was when Jim Nabors would sing "Back Home in Indiana".

    In my town the actual replacement of the flags on veterans' graves happens all though May. DS's scout troop was heavily involved in many aspects of this. One of the Eagle Scouts did the census for the town's community cemetery. Another one helped restore the graves of the Unknown Revolutionary Soldiers buried at Washington Crossing ahead of the raid on Trenton. And another one cleaned up and refurbished the small graveyard at the old Presbyterian Church where General Washington took the Hessian POWs and offered them a new life and land to start it on out in the center part of the state. The VFW allowed the troop to meet at their event space so the scouts helped with the distribution of new flags in the town's cemetery and churchyards ahead of the annual parade in which they all march— some as scouts but many as part of the high school's marching band. The parade route starts in the town cemetery at the grave of the WW I soldier for whom their Lodge is named and then through town with stops at the Episcopalian, Methodist, AME, Old Presbyterian, Baptist and Roman Catholic church yards— with Taps at each.

    Lady Zetta it sounds like you're good to go. You've earned a nice Chardonnay.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    HB, You are so right I wish I had some. I will have to go get me some tomorrow after the photographers have left. 🍷🤣

    Beth, My house is small, and I keep it picked up, so it was not really a big job, I just had a lot of stuff all over that I was not using and was time to get rid of.

    Ron, Is Lou alert most of the time? Are you getting some rest? Is your help going to come more often? You need to take care of yourself.

    Have a good night and sleep well all. Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, I have had mostly liquids but I was so hungry tonight I had some MOM malt-o-meal. Tasted so good. I have had eight flagyls. 13 to go. Wondering if Flagyl is enough, however that's all I took last time. My doctor is on vacation this next week.. I'm running a temp now. Don't remember if I did before and I have had a couple of episodes of nausea. When I came home from Dsrwins, (next parsgraph) I took a two hour nap. Pain is better, thank goodness.

    D. Called to ask if I had laundry soap. I did but I use washer balls instead. Took it to him. He was doing laundry. Said Donna is doing everything she shouldn't. He said he didn't know what to do. I called daughter when I got home and told her. She said she and her daughter were going to stay last night but it seemed like he didn't want them to. She was going to call the one who lives closer. He's wobbly and he could fall. I think someone should be with them for a few days. This morning he seemed a little confused about what to do.

    When I was growing up and we had a revival, the last Sunday we had dinner on the ground and singing in the afternoon. Lots of good food brought by everyone. Seems like it's getting cloudy several storms predicted next week.

    Good luck, Zetta, on selling your house. WM gives you the option of bringing your own bags or using theirs. I bring mine. They bring things out and sack them. Only takes five or ten minutes. I tell them to make them lighter but doesn't always get done. I love the pickup option.

    It's been a lousy day. I don't like being alone and sick. Tomorrow will be better.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ah, the famous Indianapolis 500 auto race, begun in 1911. Enjoy yourselves, HB and family!

    Was anyone aware that May is Older American's Month?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    HB you understand the cotton frustration. It’s not too bad yet, I’ve been keeping an eye on the air conditioner, and so far none is collected on it, but it’s early.

    Decoration day is what my relatives in Kentucky called it also. We call it memorial day here.

    Lorita there’s been just a few times when I wake up and think I heard the doorbell ring. First time it kind of startled me but I think I must be dreaming or something. I’m not sure what happens.

    Zetta hoping your house sells quickly for you too.

    The bridal shower went well, and was very traditional.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Once again I had a situation with Lou I couldn't handle. Called a nurse that goes to my church and she just had surgery and couldn't help. She was at church when I called and told me she would make sure someone came. I received a text in a few minutes telling me one of the other ladies was o her way. After she helped me with Lou, she went back to church. I hated asking for help, especially on Sunday, but I'm blessed with a wonderful church family.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    under tornado watch…waiting to go to shelter!!!!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, our weather just said it's a warning. Where do you go for shelter? Please be careful

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm praying for your safety, Judith!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good morning

    Hope all are safe

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning!

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    A beautiful sunny day with Church, pick up some hostas and lilies, stop by the grocery, home where DH grilled burgers/chicken/smoked sausage/pork chops. Great grand and I rode the golf cart, fed dogs, goats and chickens and served popsicles for dessert. Fun, but I’m exhausted. Zetta, you’re right. I feel like I could sleep for a month.

    Must finish clearing FIL’s apartment this week and begin notifying agencies of his death. I wrote this Sunday evening but it didn't post.

    Judith, praying you are safe. Please post as soon as you get up this morning.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Everytime I hear of tornados close to my front porch friends, I pray everyone is alright.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, no storms here but there were tornados West of here. Weather just said also north of us,high winds and hail. Storms predicted all week. Judith, are you ok?

    Didn't have a really good night's sleep. Stormy was restless. Felt pretty well when I went to bed but hurting this morning and running a temp.of 98.5 or 98.9 depending on the thermometer. My temp is normally under 98. Just took a tylenol. I'm going to read how it went the other two times. Wish my doctor was not on vacation. He was the last time, too.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, I hope you get to feeling better very soon. I'm praying or you.

    I heard there were tornados in KS and OK. Just contacted my cousins in NE KS, and they are fine - they only had rain. Hope Judith will check in soon and let us know she is ok.

    Ron, glad you were able to get help. I think that would have been a situation where you could call hospice to come out and help, but perhaps it takes them longer to get there than the folks from church? Is Lou bed bound now? You are doing a good job. You are such a loving husband. Praying for strength, physical and mental, for you.

    We had thunder and lightning and rain last night (1.1") but no violent weather. Severe storms are predicted for tomorrow. It scares me, after just going through a tornado about 3 weeks ago. We're just getting things cleaned up and surely don't want to do that again - ever. We also had a tornado in our town in 1983 and some of the same houses were hit! Please pray for our community. Thank you.

    We got our rain barrels replaced Friday. We had and now again have 4, two under each downspout on the back of the house. 2 of them were damaged in the storm. The good news is, we got the new ones set up before last night's rain. Each rain barrel holds 55 gallons and it only takes about 1/2" of rain to fill them up. So all 4 are full now.

    Looking to set up a vacation for this fall. Hoping for a cruise to the Panama Canal. The airfares are sky high so will do some checking around and could change the cruise destination but don't really want to! Once I get my mind set on something, I hate to change my plans.

    Hubby now about 8 months out from his accident. He still has mobility issues/poor balance/difficult and slow walking/odd gait. He has a spinal cord injury. He is going camping with the guys this weekend and it makes me nervous. I worry so much about him falling down. Please pray for him to have a full recovery and for his safety camping.

    I hope all have good week and no more storms!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited May 20

    back from shelter…all OK at my house

    NOTE…wrote this last night so you would know I was all right…..forgot to post….sorry

    The shelter is only 1 mile away…underground parking….everyone and their dogs goes there…it gets packed

    It was a memorable storm. So much lightening. Really beautiful. When the storm passed the air was at least 15 degreesd cooler and so "clear". Mother nature is amazing!

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Glad everyone is safe! These are the newest babies. Boy and girl. No names yet. Gotta run be back soon. REST Lorita!❤️

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm up. When we were in Texas, some of my fellow travelers opened the draperies and watched the lightening and thunder like it was a shown which it actually was, a weather show. But I was asleep. I'm so glad you are safe, Judith!

    What cute kids, JeriLynn!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, was there any damage in OKC, wondering about Sarah and Todd. Glad you're okay.

    Iris, lightning is sometimes pretty -a real light show but I don't watch it. They show lots of pictures people take of it.

    JeriLynn, how precious are those babies. There used to be a few of them on our way to Tulsa by a convenience store where we would sometimes stop. Just fun to watch them play.

    I'm resting today. I have things I need to do! Still hurt and had a temp but it's down some. Hate being so puny while D. is recovering. He was going into town today to get pills for Donna. Time for Flagyl- hope none if you ever have to take it. Terrible metallic taste. Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    sorry you are not feeling well Lorita.

    thankful everyone is safe.

    JeriLynn those little goats are so cute.

    I went to Amish land and bought strawberries today I froze 7 quarts in pints. I got like 13 1/2 pints so I’m real happy with that. And then the other quart I cut up and I’ll just eat them. I might try to go back later in the week and get some more to freeze but right now I need to do outside work.

    take care, everyone

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Mint how do you freeze the strawberries? I froze some and they were mushy.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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