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Just need to talk to my friends (190)



  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,365
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    @telinde My mom is 85-- I am amazed that she still wears them. She loves clothing, but shoes hold a special place in her heart. I don't wear anything higher than a 2" and only if I won't be on my feet for any length of time.

    @Lorita I haven't personally sewn double-knit fabrics but I know my mom was a fan of them in the 1970s. I recall a junior prom dress she made me out of poly double-knit. I have sewn some dresses from Ponte de Roma which has similar qualities in terms weight/opacity and how nicely it behaves. It's made from rayon with a little Lycra, so you get gorgeous colors, elegant draping and a bit of stretch. The dresses I made were performance dresses for my godchild when she graduated from a conservatory school with a degree in musical theater.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Beth the tulips are beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    Joan only got a bag and part of another out but that is a start. Don’t know if it will be warm enough to do any tomorrow or not. Will have to wait and see. Didn’t know if my stomach would tolerate any Mexican last night. Made a little guacamole tonight. With you Joan I need a top about 22-23 inches. Hard to find those too sometimes. Joan do you like your rhumba?

    Iris thank you for the sea lion vs seal education. We learn all kinds of things on here.

    Nice you are getting rain Lorita. We get a lot of cloudy damp weather lately but not a lot of rain. We probably could use some.

    Marie thanks for letting us know about quilting brings calm. Will try to find her post.

    Was a nice day at work.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    The new hamburger place we went to was good. The menu had about 12 different types of hamburgers and they were over twice the size of regular hamburgers. Lou got a hamburger and fries and I a hamburger steak and fries. Needless to say half was brought home for supper.

    Well I'm getting disgusted with the VA! Today, for the second time I asked why is my blood pressure now within normal range without medicine. I have not lost much weight nor any other lifestyle changes. All this started when I had a episode with blood clot and the echocardiogram showed minor lvh. PCP doesnt serm to want to address those questions which makes me feel as if preventive medicine is not her goal on my case. Just tired of dealing with all of this!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Iris, thank you for the information on the differences between seal lions and seals! I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my question.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Hi, Ron, glad the hamburgers were good. I bet they were pretty high. Carol talks about how expensive eating out is now.

    This afternoon I kept hearing a little calf bawl out at the barn. Went out and the barn was full of cattle so I couldn't get in. If it was only the ones we raised it would have been fine but Mike's heifers are too skittish. Went back out when some had left and there were a few in the back of the barn and I saw one laying down. Later I saw them out of the barn and one was laying down flat. Went out and got them away from her and she got up. Couldn't get them separated but it looked like she had recently calved. I called Mike and he came out to check and just now left. He said she had calved and he found the little calf in the cowshed almost completely covered in dirt. She had the baby and the little bulls kept bothering her and she couldn't protect the baby or herself either so they probably stepped on it. I just hate things like this. We have the cow up in the lot and I'll let her out in the morning with Susie. He brought some feed for them. Such a shame. As long as we've been running cattle this has never happened before. He said the little bulls smelled the blood and just worried her almost to death. Sad that she lost the baby. He's going to move the heifers and all the little bulls. I think I'll keep them out of the barn until he does because there's just too many in the barn. This was the little cow's first baby - her mother Penny, Jr. and she look alike with horns and her mother has a little baby. As you all know, things like this bother me - maybe the baby died quickly. It wasn't it I heard bawl - I could tell it was a bigger calf - probably got separated from his mother. Sounded like the one I heard last night out in the pasture. It's really muddy around the barn and he said the roads were awful and we've only had .6" of rain. Supposed to be rainy all day tomorrow. See you all tomorrow - sleep well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Hi again, Couldn't sleep so decided I'd read some of the comments. Then I remembered I'd asked about how to post pictures. Marie, thanks so much. The smiley face does show up on my laptop - but not on the tablet which is fine because my pictures aren't there. Tomorrow I'll try to post one. Looks easy. Thanks, again.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, so sorry about the baby. Heartbreaking.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Thank you for the white tulips. I will try to copy then print and will stick it on the window that I look out of ....pretending that they are in my garden...lol

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Sorry that happened to your little calf Lorita.

    Cold frosty morning. Sun out and very nice out after lunch. Was able to get a few more bags of mulch down, felt good.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Thank you all. Sad things happen when you deal with livestock. I know you could talk to anyone who has cattle and they'd have sad stories to tell even if they happened a long time ago. The memory is still there with you.

    It's been rainy here today but still only a little over an inch of rain. How it can be so muddy with so much standing water I don't know. I feel like a duck - I've out in the rain so much today - closing the lot gates to keep most of them out, then reopening when the rain stopped. I fed the two girls north of the house this morning and they really enjoyed it.

    I kept watching for FedEx to make their delivery but found they had decided to delay because of weather conditions. Maybe tomorrow those two girls will be west of the house so I can open the gate for him to come through. Haven't done anything else today - been very quiet. The soup I made a couple of days ago has really come in handy.

    Sara, glad you got some more mulch out. Do you remulch every year?

    Judith, you could have a poster of the white tulips made and hang it where you'd see it every day. When I worked I had a big picture of buttercups across from my desk. When things got busy or I just wanted to rest from everything a bit, I could lose myself in the flowers.

    Enjoy the rest of your day and rest well tonight.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Lorita I'm so sorry about the little one. I know you must be use to incidents like that, but is still probably hard on you.

    Well I finally got a little nasty with a secure message to my PCP. I mentioned that I thought secure messaging was a avenue to ask non emergency questions. I had asked at least twice about my blood pressure going down and no longer needing medicine after taking it for over 40 years. It has been as low as 100/62 and use to always be in the 130s and 140s with medicine. I also stated my Dr. stated my heart test was within stable range. I asked if its stable why did the echocardiogram show mild concentric left ventricle hypertrophy and impaired LV relaxation. Since they have not answered any of my questions I would stop using secure message as a tool for answers and find them elsewhere. I already received a reply from the nurse stating "this writer understands but try's to relay information from primary care as instructed."

    Is it wrong to want to be aware?

    Raining here but the heaviest has once again stayed above and below us.

    Lorita, I forgot to tell you; yes the hamburgers were expensive at 11.95, but huge and with fries and drink. They also make fresh buns. Lou still loves to eat and I'm proud for that. After we left it wasnt 5 minutes she was asking when are we going to eat. She's not hungry, just forgets she has eaten.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    A little cow info please. If the cows are in the pasture why is the driveway gate closed?

    @Ron...I think you have to be a squeaky wheel. I message my Dr and she replies within hours. I think she sets aside time to do this with her patients.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Judith, I do message my Dr., the problem is I dont get answers. The way it works at my primary care is the head nurse monitors all the messages, talks to the dr, reply with what she is told to say. According to the nurse she tells me what the dr tells her to say. I just dont get the answers to my questions!

    Raining here.....I should be in bed!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,365
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    I am sorry. That sounds really frustrating. Here the physician who orders the tests explains the results. DH's cardiologist typically calls and leaves a brief message. My mom's cardiologist explains at her next follow up appointment unless there is something potentially critical that concerns them.

    The lunch sounds amazing. The 4 of us went to a drive-in up county from here last night. We had 2 burgers, 3 dogs, a basket of fries and onion rings to share, 4 sodas and an ice cream each and it set me back just about $100. And it wasn't as good as I remember but we enjoyed it.

    @Lorita I am sorry for the loss of the little calf.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Ron, I think you probably will need to make an appointment and ask your questions face to face.

    Perhaps be willing to accept, "I don't know" from the dr regarding your blood pressure. That question may just not be answerable. There are unknowns and mysteries in medicine.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    @ Ron....I understand that your messaging system is frustrating. There was really no point in sharing that my mine works except to keep trying.

    Rain, drizzle, rain, drizzle etc.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Afternoon, it's been a drizzly morning and pretty chilly. I slept in a bit this morning - felt good - I think we had about 8 1/2 hr. sleep. The GPs stayed outside last night - after 1:30 but are in now and have had breakfast and are sleeping.

    Day, if you're reading I've been watching 2 hr. of Denim & Co. They had those utility shirts on again this morning. I love them - have four and would like to have a light pink - I think that's the only color they don't have yet.

    Thank you all - it hurts me to think about the baby and the new mother. It was her first baby and I'm sure she must have been frantic when all that was happening. When I went out and she was down with them around her, her eyes were huge like they are when they're scared. She's safe now with Susie. When I last looked they were laying down resting. She'll have more babies. I saw her mother looking for her yesterday - she has a mother and grandmother out in the pasture. I have to quit thinking about this - I cry everytime I do. We had a man brushhogging for us a few years back and he ran cattle - big, strong man. He asked me if we had little calves out in the pasture - then proceeded to tell me he was brushhogging for his son and ran over a little calf with the mower. You could tell how hurt he was over that.

    Judith, we now have what might be called a "lane" down to the main road because we fenced in the meadow which was on the left side of the road and the other side is also fenced. There's a gate at the road which is now open, because we have the lane. The two cows are out north of the house and if we left that gate open they could walk down and get out on the road. I sort of counted yesterday and we have 26 gates on the farm, not counting the six yard gates. And, I can think of a few more places where I'd like to have a gate. I don't think a place could ever have enough gates so you can separate cattle if you need to.

    Ron, I know how frustrated you must be - reading that there are things you'd like to know the answer to but can't seem to get it. When I have a question for my doctor I call his nurse and talk to her. She finds out what I need to know and calls me back. She doesn't always deal with patients in the Clinic as much as the other one. There are things I google to try to find out - sometimes I can, sometimes not. A year or so ago I'd have a little brown spot on my arm, I'd touch or rub it and it looked like it was about to bleed (didn't but looked like it). After a day or so the redness would go away and it would be like a scar. Never did find out what that was but yesterday I was reading about costochondritis and something popped up about the red spots. Not sure they're associated with it but there it was. Beth is right - there are things the doctors don't know the answer to so even though we know they should, sometimes they don't. My doctor didn't know about the red spots.

    I have the two girls gated so FedEx can deliver today. I watched for him yesterday and about 2:30 checked again and it said it was delayed due to weather condition - didn't attempt delivery. The other night Mike said the road east of us was terrible - probably just graded it before the rain. I know it's awfully muddy around the barn and even in the yard.

    I've writiten too much so I'll stop for now. I'll wait for FedEx today, tomorrow and Saturday. When I order from WM or Amazon they don't send things at one time - yesterday I had my medical guardian on and it fell off on the floor so had to order another lanyard for it which should come Saturday. It detected the fall so it's working right. I try to remember to wear it when i go to the barn or out in the pasture - I'm trying but don't always follow through. I think the rain is about over for today. As muddy as it is around the barn and just outside the corral where they load cattle, it'll be a week or more before it's dry enough for Mike to move the bulls. I kept most of them out of the barn yesterday. Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Going to see if I can post a picture - this is taken from the MH in early spring with a few of the cattle grazing. I think it worked - hardest thing was finding the picture. This was taken in early spring - leaves not on trees yet and grass just greening up. This is where I've lived most of my life - this was taken from near the MH.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    edited April 2023

    Lorita, great job on getting the picture posted! The ease of posting them is one of the benefits of this new platform.

    Lots of little ones in this picture. Is that a creek/stream/river shown there ot just a roadway on the property?

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,365
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    I have a dumb question. What does "MH" stand for? Main house? Motor home? Manor home?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    edited April 2023

    I do remulch every year but I only use a thin layer. Sort of just hit the bare spots. Just want enough to keep water from evaporating and so that volunteers can still sprout.

    Tree guys are still here but all the trees are down.

    Believe MH stands for mobile home.

    good night

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Beautiful photo of your lovely ranch! Thanks for sharing!

    HB, "MH" is mobile home. There is a mobile home on the property that Charles and Lorita lived in when they were first married. It is still there; no one is living in it.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Loved your picture Lorita, no wonder I feel so much at peace when I'm on your front porch.

    Not going to say much, just when it rains it pours. COPD flair up and I guess washing bedding and making up the beds didnt help. Oxygen level 86, but back up to 92. Been coughing a lot but at least I have oxygen that I sleep by and if needed I can use at other times. Will try to rest, drink a lot of water and stay at home. Just dont want to deal with my primary care right now, if it gets worse I'll go to ER. Anyway, one of these days I hope to stop complaning.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Hi, glad you all liked the picture. It's much prettier when the trees are leafed out and the grass is pretty and green - like it is now. It's very peaceful - closest road is 1/4 mile away so hardly ever hear anything except cows bawling and coyotes. Marie, the dark line across the picture is the south end of the pond. The ground slopes down from where I took the picture so you can't see that part of the pond from there. It's a great big pond, shaped like an ice-cream cone. I'm used to the place and rue the day I might have to leave it - hopefully, never. I can really understand why daddy didn't want to leave the place to go anywhere - I'm the same way now.

    Ron, you're not complaining - you're talking to friends about how you feel - and we want to know how you are. Do you use the oxygen very much or just at night if you need it. Might be time to use it more during the day when you're doing all the work a caregiver has to do.

    Just called Mike about the little cow. I'm worried about her. She lays down a lot, stays humped up most of the time and hasn't cleaned. He's in surgery but will come out early in the morning. I think those bulls may have hurt her. I've noticed today they're at it again - this time bothering Gray Lady. They were just in the lot and I went out hoping I could get her separated but no way - she's receptive so maybe this will be over by morning. While this is going on her baby can't nurse and if she gets close to all of them could get hurt. Always something to worry about.

    Ron, think seriously about going to the ER to find out what's going on. I remember years ago when they thought Charles might need oxygen they said if the O2 level was 90 (not sure about that number) it was needed. They brought out a big machine that made it's own oxygen. He never used it very much but we felt better that it was here.

    Hope all of you can rest well tonight. See you tomorrow. Oh, by the way, MH is mobile home. No one lives there - it's been ransacked because no one is close enough to see that someone is there. Seems like they do that in all the places that are empty. They even found someone making dope in the house across the road where Carol was born.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi everyone. We had a beautiful day here and thunder, lightening and rain tonight. Our trees are beginning to bud and a few bushes are getting leaves. It feels so good to see things growing again.

    Sara, I love my Rumba vacuum. My house keeper vacuums and mops every two weeks, and I use the rumba in between cleanings. It works well, but I have to sweep out corners and under counters where it can’t reach. Overall, I’m pleased with how much it picks up.

    Lorita, I’m sorry about the calf and her mom. I hope your deliveries made it to the front porch. I loved the picture. It looks so peaceful.

    Ron, I hope you’re feeling better tonight. I sometimes think that doctors have no answer to our questions. I learned that when they were trying to diagnose my autoimmune disease. I would ask why and they would tell me they didn’t know or just ignore my question. I think a lot of medicine is testing and guessing.

    It was a busy day here and I enjoyed every minute of it. I’ll sleep well tonight. I hope you all rest well too. See you all tomorrow Joan

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited April 2023

    Physicians really don’t and cannot be expected to know everything. The human body is a very complex machine. Patients would ask me if certain things they were experiencing was a side effect of drug they were taking. My answer would be it’s not something I normally see but In medicine I’ve learned to never say never. Also learned things by listening to my patients.

    Always told my students that medicine is like a jigsaw puzzle. I loved trying to fit all the pieces together. Remember I had a patient once who had a diagnosis I had never heard of and had not had time to look it up. When I went into to see her told her I had never heard of this. She told me it is very rare and that it took her doctor 6 months to figure out what was wrong with her. She was disappointed in that amount of time at first. When he figured it out he told her she had to go to Boston as that is where they know how to treat this. When she got there they were super impressed that her doctor had figured it out in 6 months. They told her it took most people about two years to get a diagnosis. Needless to say she came back home with a new found respect for her physician.

    Also understand the frustration of having a physician who seemingly don’t take much pride in their work. Have dealt with that personally too.

    Speaking of pride in your work. My tree guys, could not believe my eyes when they got done. Those young men take pride in their work. They did exactly what they told me they would do. All the trees are gone, the roots are all dug out, it is leveled out and ready to sow grass whenever I can. They are giving rain for several days. I’m just so happy and it was a very reasonable price. I told the one I had dealt with and told him to tell the others how happy I was with the job they did. Told him if I hear anyone saying they need trees cut I will mention you. Anytime I’ve had tree work done before was disappointed with the mess they left. Now I know that it does not have to be left that way.

    Take care

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,365
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    Good morning.

    It's chilly and damp ahead of a storm forecasted to start up just as Scholarship Benefit Garden Party is meant to start. It's a tented event, but it's a hike to parking.


    My mom has COPD. Her pulmonologist has her using an OTC device to improve her breathing along with the usual meds. Insurance doesn't cover it, but it's not crazy expensive. She's not had a flare since she got it 3 years ago including when she contracted COVID in December.

    Home - Aerobika® OPEP

    Ah, mobile home. I suspected but didn't want to assume. The aunt I refer to as my favorite auntie lived in a little MH right after she got married as well. Her groom returned to college to complete his masters after the war, and they lived in married-student housing at Rutgers. In the middle stages of her dementia, she often time traveled to that happy time in her life believing the MCF was student housing.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Felt better when I got up but after moving around started coughing, oxy level dropped and tachycardia.

    HB, I also have the medicine, breathing device and oxygen I can use, but still have flareup.

    Going to VA ER when sitter gets here!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,365
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    edited April 2023

    The Aerobika is meant to be used in conjunction with medication and other strategies.

    My mom has a lot of pulmonary stuff going on. Not just COPD from smoking early and often-- she also has reactive airway disease (certain pollens and pollution are triggers) and asthma (stress-induced, sadly too often my doing when she frustrates me with her tech; in my defense I spent 28 minutes talking her through texting a picture to her sister that I could have done the next morning when I saw her). She has a Trelegy Inhaler plus a rescue inhaler, nebulizer, O2, and concentrator (the device @Lorita mentioned). Using the Aerobika ~4 x daily plus the Trelegy has meant she almost never needs the rescue meds or O2 and hasn't had a real flare since 2020.

    None of her previous pulmos mentioned this device which is why I brought it up. It's been life changing for her. Stepping off my soapbox.

    Good luck with the ER. I hope they're able to get you back to your old self.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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