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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    JeriLynn love the silo. Lots of silos in Ohio. Looks like if nothing happens will be a wonderful crop of corn and soybeans. Got beautiful apples at the orchard last week.

    Oh my Iris that was an experience.

    My sister told me today that she is not going on vacation. That was a big relief. Told her I said you took care of her for 2 month when I was sick. She said Sara I’m not leaving you here to deal with her for two weeks by yourself. Told her I’ll be honest I was dreading it. I’m so thankful that I have help from her. God took care of me in May and will help me get through this.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra, how wonderful that your sister is going to stay! You and your sister seem close.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited September 2023

    WHOOPS! on the prunes, Lorita. Snuck up on you they did. The babies playing together in the fields sounds like such a joy to watch; babies anything make me smile and feel happy. I am so glad to hear you have been wearing your Medical Guardian pendant each day; that is terrific.

    Iris! What in the world was that I wonder and am glad it did not get all tucked in before you disengaged. What a surprising thing to have happened.

    The photo of the farm from the front porch is so pretty. When I was visiting someone on their large farm for the first time, it was lovely; they had a large pond and it was filled with goldfish; what a surprise. They did not have a silo, but their next door neighbor's farm had two. It too was a large, beautiful farm. One silo evidently held grain, but one held and reeked of something pretty obnoxious; that is when I learned it was from the second silo and wondered what the term "sileage" meant. Didn't ask what it was or how they managed it and then used it. Thought best not to get too curious and maybe accidentally be impolite but boy it did smell awful. City girl.

    Two of our adult kids want to come at separate times and visit and stay with us. One in the first two weeks of October; the second one the last two week of October or first part of November. Ordinarily love to see them, but it will be flying in and in the midst of highly ramping up of COVID not to mention early flu season. We just very recently escaped COVID ourselves from early COVID exposure from our youngest son and DIL. Sounds awful saying it like that, but it is a concern. DH has diabetes and neuropathy as well as body still going to be somewhat still recovering from the surgery and is 81 years old. I feel like a terrible mother even thinking that. During the pandemic we did decide no house guests at all and stuck to it. Now here we are again, feels dreadful but would be more dreadful if something was picked up on plane or just unknowingly carried to us they were already beginning to percolate as they both work with the public; one in acute hospitals. Wavering and feeling uncertain.

    Judith; I noticed you have a seated rollator; do you keep it downstairs or do you have one upstairs too? Was wondering if you had a walker upstairs so that could help with fall risks. Just wondering. How are the aches and ouchies doing? Hope they are improving.

    Found with my LOs with dementia, they ate better if someone was with them rather than eating alone. Of course my mother had multiple delusions re food that ever evolved, so that was one of the ongoing challenges. Sometimes my step-dad, if he did not have an appetite at a meal, would do better with good snacks fixed and put on the end table next to his recliner chair where he watched TV. He would nibble on them and get nutrition in. One thing he LOVED was a Marie Callender Lemon Meringue pie. Had to be a Marie Callender's. So; we would buy one quite often and then it got to one a week. He so relished them; it was his delight.

    i graduated to a cup of Campbell's Chicken Rice soup last night and three saltines so far this morning; so far so good. Honestly; parts are wearing out even my tummy is rebelling. Should be like Lorita's aged refrigerator; get a new part inserted when the old one goes funky. With no surgery of course, just slip it right in. Wouldn't that be something. I remember that old TV movie with Maureen Stapleton; it was a good one, "The Electronic Grandmother." She was a sweet dumpling of a grandmother but was really a robot. Simply slid out a troubled part and slip in the new one - good to go.

    Turned on the news at 5:00 am;, heard the first couple of disgusting criminal disasters and decided to turn it off again. Nothing different from day to day and sometimes enough is more than enough.

    Been lovely weather in the mid 70's. Going to go up into the 80's later this week, it thus far has been a mild time for an August to September out here and hope it decides to stay that way. Really enjoyable to have it be cooler despite a bit of humidity for a few days.

    Just realized it is time to begin to look for winter nightgowns. I have really liked the long gowns with sleeves that are satiny on the outside but warm kind of brushed back on the inside. They are so nice and warm in the winter. I have two older ones from Barbizon and Vanity Fair when they used to do higher quality goods; but they are getting over the hill pretty soon and those brands of gowns are no longer available in quality. Vermont Country Store has one, but it is not of good design nor of good quality. Like them far better than flannel, even better than the Lanz flannel. Guess that quality and pretty design will not be seen again.

    A friend sent me a link to Scully and Scully, a New York fine extravagant everything store. They are very proud of their wares. I started to chuckle; the prices are in the upper very rarefied atmosphere. Some beautiful things, but oh my! Asked her if she wanted to know what I wanted for a gift and then she sputtered and chuckled' said she would have to put a mortgage on her house.

    DHs back has started aching; all along where the surgery has been. I am wondering if he has been doing too much and also wonder about the free standing P.T. he has been seeing. They even have begun to do massage around the surgical site area and I feel a bit concerned. The surgeon's office has an extension where they have their own P.T. , but it is quite a drive twice a week for him to do that. Still think it would be best to have had them write a prescription for specifically what should be ordered. He has another seven weeks of P.T. to go.

    So peaceful and serene at 5:00 am; the day has not yet started, the neighborhood silent, the air nice and fresh. This is the time I used to like to take my a.m. mile and a half walk. Really pleasant. Brand new day with nothing written on it yet.

    Well; we shall see what this day will bring as it moves along, may it bring positives in one way or another for everyone,


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Curiouser and curiouser; I completed Posting at 5:48 am; no Iris or Sayra Posts at that time nor when I went back and highlighted.

    Now here are two Posts, one from Iris and one from Sayra which are Posted prior to mine. I wonder how they ended up Posted prior to mine or if they were indeed Posted earlier than mine why they were not there; or if they Posted later than mine, why they ended up prior to my Post. Interesting in that neither has a Posted time on their writing.

    As the months slowly pass, I find more "interesting" and some frustrating things on the new platform. Sometimes feels like going down the rabbit hole. Ah well.

    Sayra - I am delighted to hear your sister is staying; that is a life saver for the stress and labor involved as well as for one's own physical and mental health. So very, very glad for you.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    One of the things you have to watch for on this new platform is the pages...you can write a comment from the end of any page but then it posts in date time order. I have found that I have missed some posts because some new ones were at bottom of previous page.

    The time now shows on Iris's post as just after midnight...Sayra's shows as posted yesterday. The time designation only shows for the current 24 hr day...after that just the date.

    Always something new to try to figure out!

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 523
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    I am having the same issues Jo. Also I'm having issues signing in each time. I'm not sure why either.

    Going to try to post those pictures in a minute.

    FYI - our Covid cases went up 126% last week. Masking back up. I'd gotten somewhat lazy, not anymore.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Morning, Jo, this morning I read your post and the ones from Iris and Sara were above it. Just now when I logged on, it took me to #37 and I had a hard time getting to #38. There are gremlins lurking and I always seem to find them.

    Sara, I'm so glad your sister isn't going to be gone those two weeks. You and she have almost more than you two can handle if you're both around. I know how frustrating it can be. I'd call my mother in the early morning and ask how she was and she would tell me she didn't sleep at all. Asked why and she told me there were people in the LR watching TV all night - she was too polite to go in and turn it off so she stayed awake. Also imaged people looking in the windows - one time she thought Charles came down and stole some paint so she kept her paint under the dresser in her bedroom. All kinds of things she would imagine. You have your hands full for sure.

    Iris, what kind of animal was it that tried to get into your t-shirt or do you know? Poor little thing was looking for his mother and thought he had found her. I bet that was scary.

    Jo, I have a question for you and for Iris, too. I'm not familiar with private sector hospitals so this probably will sound silly to you both. At the VA we had a Chief Nurse, Assistant Chief, nursing supervisors (usually two on a shift) and then the head nurse on each ward who was over the staff nurses. Is it the same in private hospitals? Asking because I think Sarah or me need to talk with the Chief Nurse. The nurses on her ward or floor aren't giving her the pain medication on time. She'll call them when it's about time but it may be an hour or two before they get around to giving it. I don't know if they're doing it on purpose, been told to do that or what's going on. But, if she doesn't get it on time, the pain builds and by the time she gets the medication it takes sometimes an hour to kick in. Seems to me if they gave it on time, it would keep the pain at a tolerable level. Also they're really slow in cleaning her up - she's incontinent of bowels so sometimes she has to lay in it for a long time. I know they're busy but it seems like they could do better. These things would not have happened in the VA Hospital.

    She has another swallowing test today - so hope she is able to take some liquid by mouth - it's been over two weeks. No idea how she tolerates that. The doctors seem to be concerned and are trying to figure out how to help her but so far not much has changed.

    Stormy and I went out early this morning and checked our girls - everyone seemed happy and content. Several babies always seem to be laying together. Then, we checked the heifers. I think there's a new baby so that would make nine. They were scattered except for two or three who were together. There's a patch of tall grass and I saw a baby in there - only could see his little ears. One little one couldn't find his mother and was bawling his head off. He's go to one cow and decide it wasn't mom - even the girls were concerned. Before we left I did see him find his mother and he latched on - guess he was hungry. He was really loud. I could sit and watch them for hours but needed to get back to the house before it got too hot.

    Opened the gates around the barn and closed the main gate so they can graze in the driveway - and some of them did. Kept Stormy on edge because they'd pass in front of the driveway alarm and it would go off and Stormy would bark and go to the window to check. My shoulder is hurting and I think it's from steering - tried to use my left arm but still hurts - maybe it's shifting gears.

    Jo, I know how you feel about your relatives coming to visit. Sarah and Todd wanted to come right in the middle of the epidemic and I put them off. I feel bad about it now but I surely didn't want to get the virus.

    Jerilynn, your pictures are so pretty. I think you like where you live as much as I love where I'm living. No silos around here but there a few graim bins. I think they're really pretty and interesting. Can't figure out how they work. Probably are some in Western Oklahoma where they raise more grain - I know in the Texas Panhandle they have huge grain elevators where they store their grain before it's sold or used. I was born in our front bedroom over 81 years ago and have lived on this farm 79 of those years. I don't want to leave here - like Darwin has said he wanted to leave this world on his tractor. Won't happen because he's sold both of them. Mike says he wants to go when he's out in a pasture or meadow.

    Mike told me yesterday that Sidney had a wreck in her pretty, turquoise, new Jeep. She and her sister were driving on a dirt road, almost home, behind her parents. A dog ran out in front of her parents' car and he swerved to miss it and put on his brakes and she ran into the back of their vehicle - probably a PU. Completely totaled her car, didn't hurt her but she's really sore and slightly injured her sister's ankle. He had to postpone some earclips or whatever they call them because she couldn't work with him. To show you what a nice man he is, he told her she could use one of his trucks until she found a new vehicle. Last summer when my car and PU were both in the shop, he told me he'd bring a truck over for me to use. I didn't take advantage of it but the offer was there. She says she's not going to get another car - will buy a pickup this time so she can haul things if need be - just no room in the Jeep. Makes me wonder if I'd be satisfied with a small car - maybe another PU - half ton this time so it wouldn't be so high so the GPs could get in.

    Going to be a hot day - 100 with heat indices of105-110. I almost lost this - it's way too long, sorry, so better post it before I lose it. My fingernails are longer than usual and it's too easy to hit the wrong key. Hope everyone's okay this morning/afternoon.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited September 2023

    JoC, I posted last night after Sayra. I think what happened is that your post was placed onto the top of a new page and ours were at the bottom of the prior page. Yet, due to computer dynamics, our two posts are now at the top of page 38. That's my best explanation.

    While we're talking changes, I really miss the Musing board. I have had a lot of musings that I wanted to muse about.

    Do you really do your morning constitutional st 5 am? I'm still in bed.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I don't know what type of animal it was that climbed onto me, I was on a trip to Brazil in the Amazon. That was in 1978. It wasn't at all aggressive, just searching.

    I have had the same experience with my cousin at the rehab hospital, that I posted about on the other board. Her nurses were slow in giving her her pain medication, and that kept her from participating in her physical therapy exercises. Her two nieces went to Administration and raised heck, afterwards she began to get her pain meds in a more timely manner. The answer seems to be to have relatives who will make demands on the staff. My cousin says her care now is like night and day, bad before, but acceptable and even solicitous now.


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 523
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    Here is one of the paintings that I was talking about. Frankly a flat photo doesn't do it justice. When viewing in person you are able to feel the depth of the painting.


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 523
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    The perspective on this one is what DH loves, that and the colors. Again, the colors jump off the page when viewing. He loves them and they evoke a large amount of discussion - that's a win win in my book.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    JoC believe you asked what silage was. It is done quite a bit here in Ohio. Not a farmer so don’t have a good explanation, but can give half of a one. Here they use corn a lot but think it can be done with other green things too. They chop up the green stalks, store them in a silo and they ferment. Used as feed for their animals. I have never smelled it but have seen them harvesting it many times. Most things that ferment stink.

    Glad sidney is ok.

    Enjoyed the picture Eagle.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Re hospital care. I do not think the care in a VA today is the same as it was. There is simply a shortage of staff. This is everywhere. Hospitals, SNF, Rehab etc. and there is no reason to believe that it will get better.

    I continue to have no problem getting on this site or page. Those of you having difficulty might want to check the memory on the "machine" you are using. You may need to clear out history especially if you are using a pad.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Sayra is correct !! My PaPa used corn for silage.. and also correct: it stinks!!

    when I moved to Washington State, I asked coworkers: What is it here that smells like silage??? It was HOPS!! Used to make beer 🍺

    Lorita, I do love where I live… worked all my life to get back “home”, build a house, raise a few animals and have some big dogs and drive a tractor again!

    And to your question about hospitals: Yes, there should be a Nurse Manager, a Shift Supervisor and a Chief Nursing Officer. I would start with the Nurse Manager: that position has direct line of management responsibilities for nurses on the Unit. If that doesn’t work, make your way up the chain of command.. good luck… and keep us posted

    Well I am sorry to report Mr Linus the guinea wandered too close to the goats and Jake got him.. my Pyrenees are not exposed to the chickens, so Jake did his job to protect his herd… I cried and cried.. but Jake didn’t know the guinea wasn’t a threat.. it still made me sad 😞

    On top of everything else, that was too much 😢

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Hi again,

    I think I have the letters too large but I'll go on anyway. Eagle, the colors in the pictures are beautiful - the last one reminds me of a road around Eureka Springs and how it looked in the fall. I can see why anyone would like to look at them. I see you all have been really hot today - we were 101 with a heat index of 110. One of our weathermen is predicting this will be the last 100 degree day of this year - so hope he's right. Looks like Judith just got a thunderstorm in OKC - they said the winds were pretty strong, too.

    Jerilynn, we never fed silage but the family of one of my schoolmates had a dairy and fed it - they put they're in a big trench until it fermented. Never did smell it - glad I didn't. Sorry about Linus. I cry when any of the animals are killed or get sick and die. Pyrenees are really protective. Ours have never been out around the cattle except in the Gator. Forgot, a few days ago I did take Sheena for a walk - we got close to the cattle and they were so curious about her they gathered around and scared her. They're used to Stormy riding in the Gator - not walking. Thanks for the information - I'll see if Todd talks to someone.

    Today, 62 years ago, was my first day at the VA Hospital. I was barely 19. Karen started the same day and she wasn't quite 18. I was there 33 years and 3 months and I think she worked another four or five years after I retired. Good place to work - at that time it was just like a big family - everyone knew everyone else. I think we had nearly 500 inpatient beds. That hospital has now changed to mostly behavioral science - very few inpatient beds. Really doesn't seem like that long ago. I remember our supervisor took us around to all the services - engineering, supply, laundry, etc. and we were wearing high heels. He introduced us to everyone and by the time we got back to the office, we were worn out and didn't remember any names. Medical terminology was something we never had encountered - I came home and told mother I wasn't going back. She calmly said "yes, you are". I did and after a few weeks, really liked it.

    We're under a severe thunderstorm warning and it's just gotten dark - hope we get some rain.

    Jo, not sure I mentioned it but the guy's coming tomorrow to see if the ice maker I received this weekend will fit and be secure. We shall see. I like this refrigerator so hope it does.

    Judith, how are you feeling by now with your concussion. Hope it's much better. Also wondering about you, Joan. I know you're taking it day by day which is really smart. Hope you're well. Also, Day, on your last post you were already taking Chucky for a walk. Hope you're still doing well. I'd better stop and go check the barn. Sleep well tonight.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Hope you didn’t get a bad storm Lorita.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 523
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    Day 50 above 100. Ugh, just ugh. We are to set records with this heat, 110 all week. The power grid is already struggling and we are under power warnings. I am so over this heat.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    What vibrant colors, eaglemom!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Your paintings are beautiful, Eagle! Hope it cools off for you soon. My daughter lives in Houston so I am well aware of the heat there.

    We got a cold front last night and it is a very pleasant 66 degrees now at 10:30 a.m. It was in the 90s the past few days. Very dry here. Praying for rain. I've been watering the grass; it looks awful!

    Today will be a good day to work in the garden since it is nice and cool. I still have many flowers blooming and plenty of tomatoes. I picked 60 tomatoes last week (off 3 Jet Star plants). I think production will slow down with the cooler temperatures and that's ok. I have more than I can use. I guess I will probably freeze a few more; they're good in chili and goulash.

    Sara, I am very sorry for the trials going on with your mother. I'll keep you in my prayers.

    Prayers for all who are not feeling well or dealing with life's issues. (Guess that's all of us.)


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited September 2023

    Myra; I really like those paintings. The first one, when I look at it, evokes a feeling of joy - love the colors and the movement on the water . . . joyful. The colors in the works "tickle" my brain in a very nice way.

    The second one evoke a sense of peace and contentment in me as if I were walking at dusk in the autumn and everything around me is peaceful and fulfilling. Who is the artist? I would love to google him or her and see more of his/her work. Really great the enjoyment that is felt when looking at them. Big win for sure. I am very sorry for the dreadful heat - that is far, far too much. Just saw on the news where heat in Texas is supposed to take another big leap higher again; may the power grid keep working although the electric companies in Texas are often "interesting." Sending hopes that all the heat breaks soon and brings better days.

    As for the frustrations with the platform, yes; in all honesty, me too. So many of them from little to large. It seems rather than using Vanilla, it may have been better to go with Chunky Monkey. (Joking.)

    Got my stomach issues back BIG time. Had to call doctor. Clear liquids another day and then re-evaluate. I think I know what it is and guess I shall have to offer my opinion should this continue. I had something like this long ago and it may well have reared it's very ugly head again; thankfully, I recall the effective treatment. .

    As for the levels of nursing admin/supvn. in a hospital. Each patient unit will have a Superviser RN; sometimes called a, "Charge Nurse." Above that is the RN House Supervisor who oversees all units and departments that have nursing care including the ER, and she/he oversees all and is a trouble shooter - very busy person. Then there would be the Asst.DON and DON that are Administrators over all nursing in the entire facility; that is the, "Director of Nursing," and right under her/him would be the Asst.Director of Nursing. I found for myself that even though I am a highly experienced RN and had Admin. responsibilities as Director of other departments, when hospitalized I had to sometimes be my own advocate when things really went sideways. I was always a very good patient, but things can really need attention. As for my elderly LOs, it was necessary for me to be an advocate for them if something was really off. Having a caring advocate to be with one when in a hospital is the best thing to do if one can. I wish that every patient with anything serious or heavy duty could have their advocate with them, but that is not always possible.

    The newest Kaiser Permanente Hospital in the area has designed their facility that every single patient room is a private room and every room has space for a family member and has a nice sofa that opens up into a bed so a family member can even stay the night if they wish. Wonderful and how I wish every hospital was designed in that manner. Private rooms are very helpful for peaceful healing and also keeps infection rates down. I do not have Kaiser insurance, our MDs use a large independent med center. Staffing is a big issue for ALL hospitals. Salaries, wages and benefits are the hugest costs for any hospital that must stay afloat. Reimbursement from insurance is lower than ever, especially from Medicare and Medicaid, and the uninsured are many leaving much indebtedness that is never recovered. So; staffing is very, very tight to hold costs down, and the patients are quite often discharged or transferred much quicker and sicker. There are penalties for inpatient re-admissions and it can even cause a hospital to lose its ability to admit Medicare patients . . . so . . . .in many hospitals, the patient will often be readmitted as an "Outpatient"status rather than an inpatient. Outpatients carry no "readmission" penalty, so; big hospital advantage. Today, the outpatient status can go for many days; I have seen it go to ten or so days.

    Problems with outpatient status, that if one is Medicare and needs to go to rehab, one needs THREE 24 hour INPATIENT days to meet Medicare criteria. If one is an outpatient on any of those three days, then one cannot be accepted to rehab with Medicare. Also, if one is Medicare then the only coverage for everything is under Part B of Medicare - no outpatient coverage in Part A which pays for the room, etc., so the patient can potentially end up owing a bundle. Remember; Supplemental Insurance varies in what they cover if the elements re not met with Medicare; so check your Supplemental policies to see how they handle that.

    Sayra; does your mother have any meds at all? Since she has not seen a doctor that would be an issue. If she somehow even had Ativan or some like med, since she now refuses to take meds, there could be the possibility to add it to food or drink in amount prescribed so she gets the benefit for her quality of life. You and your sister are in a very hard spot and I am truly sorry. It will be a matter now of how much one can do and how far one is willing to go as this is a tremendously difficult and unacceptable situation that has no answers as it stands. One could even contact the supervisor of a local GeroPsych Unit, explain the situation and find out what the options may be for the future whether it is them or some other resource assistance. Guardianship may be the only better choice and if there are no funds to pay for such an endeavor, all courts manage that and it gets done. One can even get an emergency Guardianship in a few days if things are really in dire straits. I send best thoughts to you and your dear sister.

    JeriLynne, I am very sorry about Mr. Linus; that is a heart breaker. I know you care for your animals very much from what you have written.

    Lorita, hope all goes well with that refrigerator; if the part fits, you get to keep your favorite appliance and that is something we all like when we have one.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Head is no worse...

    Weather is cooler.....

    Family is off to St Louis for a big wedding celebration....happily staying at home.

    Re Sarah...since she is at a different hospital I am wondering if the neurologist treating her MS has been contacted.

    Beautiful paintings. They look like stained glass.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Eagle, Texas and Oklahoma have really had it hard this year as far as heat goes - will include Ron's Louisiana, too. Next week we're supposed to be in the 80s but we need rain in the worst way - some places haven't had rain for 50+ days. It's a bit cooler today but it's smoky. Weatherman says the front brought down the smoke from Canada. Just went out to the barn and the smoke along with dust from the roads surely doesn't make for clear air.

    Jo, the ice maker fit and it's making ice so will have my old pal for a while longer. The repairman got here about 11 and it didn't take long to replace the old one. He said the new maintenance agreement I have will replace any appliance that can't be fixed. For small microwaves they don't even try to repair them - just replace. I'm letting the icemaker go through two or three cycles to clean it out good.

    Thanks for the information about how the private sector nursing services work. Sarah told her doctor about the delay in getting pain meds and he said he'd talk to the nursing staff and also write orders that she's to have it on time. Hope that works.

    Judith, it was Scarlet who had MS - Sarah has CP. I don't recall that she had a doctor specifically for that. She had another dysphagia test yesterday and they told her she passed with restriction that things would have to be thickened- not sure that's the only one. Charles had to have thickening, too. I don't recall that he said it changed the taste of things too much - don't think coffee thickened was too good though.

    Glad your head isn't worse - how about your vision? Probably a good idea to not go back to St. Louis - you just need to take it easy.

    Nothing going on here today except the ice maker and checking girls this morning. There were seven little ones being babysat by one cow this morning. The other two were together with a sitter. Those little guys have an attitude. When we checked ours one came within 15 feet of the Gator and stared us down. They're like little dogs who think they're big dogs - they think they're big cows or bulls. Most of or girls have gone to the south pasture - still a few grazing out front.

    Interesting thing - I asked Jason, repairman, if his grasshoppers were still bad - they are. Then asked if he lived on a hill - he does. Mike says it seems that they're worse in elevated areas, like here. I think I mentioned our neighbors who are down by the road have crepe myrtles blooming and their trees look good. It looks pretty much like winter time here. Don't know if I should have the holly taken out or not - not sure if the leaves will come back.

    Jo, hope your stomach problem goes away soon. Nice that you remembered what helped it before. Sometimes after I eat my stomach is sort of crampy - scares me about an ulcer - which I do not need.

    Joan, hope your recovery is progressing at a fast pace. It won't be long before you're outside taking your walks again and doing things you enjoy.

    Day, you're already taking walks - really good. Just take it easy and don't do too much.

    Ron, don't recall seeing a recent post from you - hope things are all right with you and Lou. Don't think the front has made it down your way yet. Far southern Okla. is still hot today. Fall is getting closer and closer and I'm so ready. Better stop before I lose this portion of my post again - don't know what I'm doing wrong. It may be these dratted fingernails. Need to shorten them. Enjoy the rest of the evening and sleep well tonight.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Sara, forgot to mention to you that we didn't have any bad weather. Near OKC and up through Tulsa and on to the far NE part of the state there was a lot of wind damage. In one small town an electric line fell onto a car and the owner touched the car and she was electrocuted. It was a pleasant day here - in the 90s but not much humidity. They're promising storms late Sunday and then cooler weather next week. How are you today? Hope things can improve for you and your sister caring for your mother. Jo mentioned Adivan. When my sister first went to Memory Care she was very aggressive and disruptive. When people came into the facility she'd yell at them to get out of her house. She wouldn't take oral medication so they tried rubbing Ativan on her arms and it worked - really calmed her. She finally settled in and was okay for oral Adivan. Maybe if you and your sister tried that she wouldn't realize you were medicating her - just a thought. Caregiving is hard enough without having to deal with someone that doesn't understand you're trying to help. Take care of yourself, Sara. You've had a rough few months. Rest when you can.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good early morning from the front porch. Waking up around 2 and not being able to go back to sleep is like a double edge sword; I know its not enough sleep, but I enjoy my me time. Still haven't heard about my sleep study.

    Have two dr visits next week, pcp and radiology oncologist! Several concerns I have; sleep study, hernia that was found at the gastroesophageal junction, ct and pet scan showing a nodule but not finding it with a scope and swallowing from achalasia getting worse.

    Have been having a busy last few days. Trying to get license renewed was a hassle. First day I went the system was down and after two hours of waiting I finally had to leave. Went back Tuesday and was in and out in 10 minutes. I use the new express place, doesn't do everything that the DMV does, but does take care of the major things like drivers licenses and car plates. Yesterday I went to the car dealer for car service and was there for three hours. Today I have a appointment for bathroom remodeling. I'm looking for a new shower without a tub. I us to enjoy laying back in the bathtub and relaxing, but it's gotten almost impossible to get in and out of it. I will attach a picture of what I'm looking at.

    Also had a bad day with Lou, guess I'm getting overly sentimental. I asked her fir a little kiss and she pushed me away like I was a stranger. I know it wasn't her, but it still hurts and I sulked up like a 2 tear old.

    Hope all my friends are feeling better and know I'm praying for all of you.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Ron, we had a similar shower installed for my father in law here at my house.. it worked out well for us… I was a little sad to do that in my newly built home but it helped while he was with us.. sadly he moved to Independent Living very shortly after (his choice).

    i hope your swallowing issues improve soon: that is very uncomfortable. Saying a prayer for you ❤️

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,361
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    Good morning to my fellow porch enthusiasts.

    I am sending warm thoughts for those who are recovering from surgeries, those in healing for injury and for those dealing with other medical issues.

    I have survived to make it past hump day of a particularly challenging week.

    My son wears a white short-sleeved dress shirt when he's working on the trains. These do get really grimy, especially when they run their steam locomotive and keeping them white isn't easy. He bought a new batch and they were washing up with a pinkish stain along the collar and hem of the sleeves. It turns out, one of the chemical sunscreens in his Neutrogena SPF reacts with the iron in our city water to create a rust stain. So I bought him a mineral sunscreen to use instead. Now he has "tattoo sleeves" comprised of what is either contact dermatitis or hives. He is miserable; like a lot of people with high-functioning autism he has a high threshold for pain, but a really low bar for sensory triggers. I was able to get him an appointment with his doctor Friday (because I was in the office for other reasons and pushed hard) but it can't come soon enough.

    On Tuesday I had a double-header planned for mom. PT at noon, followed by a dental cleaning at 2pm. When I picked her up she seemed a tad more scattered than usual. In the car she seemed confused about where she was going and plans for the next day (the funeral of a friend of mine). On the short drive to PT, she shared that she'd taken a nap at 4pm and didn't wake up until 1am. She got up and took her nighttime meds and went back to sleep until 7:30am. I signed her into PT as I typically do; with her AMD and essential tremor, computer screens are a nightmare for her. The PT came out for her and quickly picked up that something was "off". The PT checked her vitals and her BP was elevated 190/100; she canceled the session and turfed us to her PCP's office. It was already noon and they had no same-day appointments, so one of the RNs assessed her and turfed her to the ER-- high BP and altered mental status which was how dad's dementia was finally diagnosed. Ugh.

    I have to say that as a group, PTs are some of my favorite medical folks. The one who turfed mom to her doctor, wrote down her vitals and asked me to leave a message about what the doctors said because she was worried about her.

    At the ER, her BP dropped a bit. It was still high but not scary, so we waited about 2 hours to be called back. She was uncharacteristically belligerent as we waited. This was new. The doc there studied her chart and checked her for COVID, heart and lung issues, EKG, did a CT scan, ran bloodwork and checked for a UTI. I was able to check results on the portal as they came back. Turns out she was borderline for UTI which would explain the confusion. My niece took her out for dinner Saturday and they drank too much, so mom probably got a little dehydrated.

    The CT scan also showed some atrophy and some vascular calcification which has me wondering if I should be pressing her PCP doc for a more robust exam. Two of her sisters had vascular dementia, so that's always in the back of my mind. Given mom's ADHD and general quirkiness, it's really hard to tell if I should be concerned or if it's just mom being mom. She did do OK on her MMSE in January and I do have eyes-on, but this possibility takes up a lot of mental real estate.

    I scheduled her an ER follow-up visit with her PCP for later this morning. When I stopped by yesterday, she seemed really shaky and out-of-sorts- a little worse than she'd been in the ER. She had a full day on the abx, but seemed a little worse. The ER did culture but that isn't back yet. I did get her a clearance letter for PT and set up a session late next week to re-start therapy. My son also asked me to go to the doctor with him tomorrow which is unusual. I don't know if it's because he feels I've been too distracted or if he wants me to lay out the change in sunscreens or laundry stuff.

    Yesterday was my friend's husband's funeral. It was a really lovely service. It was well attended; many of the judges and local politicians came to pay their respects, a lot of her people did too-- including her pharmacist, electrician, plumber and former husband with his wife. His family behaved themselves-- they've been through a lot (2 sisters lost their husbands in the last year, one last month) and were rather proprietary about their brother who married for the first time in his late 50s. I skipped the lunch because I had to check on my mom. We'll meet for dinner next week if she's up to it. I was kind of shocked at the number of unmasked people there-- oh the irony if this becomes a super-spreader event.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    HB, could your son wear a sun protective shirt instead of using sunscreen?


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,361
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    edited September 2023

    That's an interesting thought and a good one, at that.

    He needs to wear a plain white dress shirt as part of his uniform. He works on an historic railroad in a public-facing capacity. While I have never seen an SPF 50 dress shirt in the wild-- a quick Google search produces several options. I'll see what he thinks.

    Mom's visit with her PCP went well. The culture came back overnight and the antibiotic is appropriate.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    HB, glad you got your mom to the doctor and got some medications for her - hope it helps soon.

    Ron, I think the shower looks great. That will be a big help to you and Lou. I used to take tub baths, too, but no longer. Like you, if I could manage to get it, I'd never get out again. My shower is in the tub so I have to step over the side - isn't very high - but still have to be careful. I have a grip on the side that helps to steady me as I get out. I try to keep the cell phone and alert close by.

    This morning when I put the medical guardian on it wasn't blinking as it usually does so I tested it and it said a cell connection couldn't be gotten so after we went to check everyone I called them. When I left the house, they weren't open yet. It had to be reset - why that happens I don't know but it's okay now.

    It was really nice this morning - cool with hardly any wind (which isn't too good). I need to get out a little earlier before sunup - when the sun shines it's hard to see them if you're looking into the sun. I think there's nine babies in the heifer pastures and 14 in the girl's pasture. There's all sizes from grown cows to little babies - everyone seemed okay.

    My laptop still hasn't updated the temp - says 75 but I know it's warmer than that. Supposed to be in the 90s today. Eagle, I don't know how you all have handled all this heat. It's been very hot and dry here but occasionally we've gotten a little reprieve from a front coming through but those haven't gotten down to you. Thank goodness, it'll be fall and cooler weather before long. The seasons and weather are really changing - can't depend on it being like it used to be.

    Just ordered a different kind of catfood from Chewy. They've been eating Friskies for a long time so I'm going to try 9 Lives and see how that goes. Had to get some more dry dog food and also got a couple of new leashes for Sheena and Stormy. I had two but lost one. The next time I'm in town I'll get new collars for them - get them at our feed store. I measured and they'll have to be 24" at least. I realized this morning I've never gotten cat toys for my cats so ordered some illuminated balls for them. Hope they like those.

    Nothing else to write about - ice maker seems to be working all right. I did freeze some extra in a couple of silicone cube containers yesterday. I just heard the ice maker dump some ice.

    Hope all of you are well this morning. Joan, hope you're doing well today - are you still in the rehab facility? Day, take it easy on those walks - don't walk too far at one time. I'll be back later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Here is the shower I will probably get if the price is right. Of course it will be bigger and I'll probably have the seat higher, also I'm thinking seriously about a retractable shower head where I could even use it sitting down.

    Salesman is coming tommorow for measurements and finalize the price quote. Just hope I can afford it!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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