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Just need to talk to my friends (191)



  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,361
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    @ronald71111 said:

    "I don't understand her medicine not being able to transfer to another pharmacy unless it's because of what it is. I know from past experence that medicine can be transfered by the pharmacy. I have had a medicine transfered by the pharmacy themselves!"

    Not all medications can be transferred. Morphine is Schedule II narcotic under the Controlled Substances Act. These prescriptions can be challenging to get filled. My son with ASD/ADHD/GAD takes Vyvanse which, along with other stimulants, is a Schedule II medication as well. With the uptick in diagnoses in COVID-times with people trying to work or attend school with distraction, more folks are taking these meds and there's a chronic shortage.

    The psychiatric practice where mom, DS and my niece are seen has a full time employee who spends the day processing these prescriptions which means reaching out to individual pharmacies to find out what doses they have on hand, then cobbling together the available strengths to make up the appropriate dose (DS takes 60mg-- this month it's a 20/40 combo; last month was 30/30) and pushing through the insurance company to get a pre-authorization and override numbers for those doses and hopefully getting it all done before the pharmacy sells out of what they have on hand. The great irony of this is that DS chose this medication with his doctor because it was specifically created to circumvent recreational use/abuse.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Thanks anyway Sayra but head if bed is already elevated and I sleep on my sides. I honestly believe that my problem has something to do with the esophagus scope last month. The sphincter muscles in my esophagus nor working because of the achalasia probably doesn't help. Hopefully they will schedule my barium swallowing test before long and I'll know more. I'm attaching a picture of what happened last night. This is a capsule fir my prostate that I took 2 hours before regurgitating it. At least it's not heart medicine!

    I did lay back down this morning fir about 30 minutes, but I know 2 to 3 hours sleep isn't good.

    I've mentioned this before and know I need to eat smaller meals, but last night was only two slices of pizza and a salad. If I need to eat less than that why even eat.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Ron, sorry you're having so much trouble with swallowing and with Lou sort of forgetting how to eat certain things. Good that she's able to watch you and follow what you're doing. I remember when daddy started having trouble. He would only eat things that didn't have any hard pieces. He'd spit the on the floor. I guess everyone is different about what they can and will do.

    I think the problem with Sarah's medicine is that it was a narcotic. But, I don't see why they can't void that one prescription and do another. I told Sarah when they were told that WM didn't have the medicine to have them call others and see if they had it. Guess they didn't do it. She didn't answer her phone last evening so don't know what happened.

    We lost a baby - hate, hate it when that happens. I went down to check the heifers and saw one red white-faced heifer laying down in the grass. I drove up by her and got her up and baby's head and front feet were out - he was dead. Called Mike and he came and pulled the calf. The cow was red white-faced so would have bigger calves than the angus even though it was the same bull. He said she must have started trying to have it yesterday evening or night because it was swollen. I'll start checking them morning and night. Another angus heifer had just had a new baby. I drove down to see it and it was up but wobbly - was nursing when I left them. I remember years ago we had two or three cows that were calving just south of the house in the old garden. One calf wasn't out - was hanging and I could see it's eyes blinking. I touched it and was able to walk the cow to the barn - she smelled her calf on my hand. Got into the barn and I pulled it. Maybe if I'd seen this heifer starting to calve I could have helped or called Mike.

    This morning when I went out to leave the house Sheena got out of the yard. Went down the driveway and tried to get into the west pasture but couldn't get through the barbed wire fence. Finally stopped her after she'd tried another fence. Got her back into the yard. She was tired and they just now came into the house.

    Battery's low so I'll paragraph this and post it. Hope everyone's well today. He got a call while he was here from Sidney. She had found some puppies at the clinic that weren't there yesterday. He said the Lighthorse Police had called him last night and told him they had some puppies and were going to leave them at the clinic. I think I heard him say the owners were killing them so Lighthorse stopped them and rescued the puppies. Back later.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    Prayers for all who have medical issues great or small.

    While not much is said about how worry impacts the body, it does. All on this site have more worries than a single person should have to endure.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, the ENT doctor told me that the main thing is not to eat anything for three hours before bedtime. Also elevating the head of the bed helps.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Thanks Iris, it's usually 3 to 4 hours after eating before I go to bed and the head of my bed is elevated. I've dealt with this for many years because of achalasia, but never as bad as it is now. I called today and left a message for speech therapist that I had regurgitated medicine. Don't know if that will sped up the scheduling but it want hurt. I really don't care about eating but make myself do it.

    OK enough about me! The weather has been great here the past few days, hope it keeps it up. Can't hardly believe all the different characters I keep seeing on these old westerns. I just saw granny from Beverly hillbillies on wagon train and her hair was dark.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, I have had the same problem for at least fifty years. For me too, it seems a bit worse now, although I am not bothered as much as you are. Perhaps stress makes it worse.

    We have beautiful weather here too in southern California.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Ron, I see that too. I watch Barney Miller and there are people on it that I see on later shows - same with Gunsmoke and so many others. Guess that was the time they were getting their starts.

    HB, the medicine Sarah needed was MS. Why would a Country like ours have a shortage of any kind of medicine? Looks like there should be plenty. I don't know if she has gotten it yet or not - last I heard they told her it would be Tuesday. I know a couple of time over the years when I had my Librium refilled, they didn't have enough at that time - and it was only 30 capsules. I attributed that to the fact that it's a small town and small pharmacy.

    Next week I have to get my affairs in order - I need a living will and a couple of other things. What I don't know and you all probably do know - if something would happen to me - because I don't have relatives - how would anyone know I have a prepaid funeral, who my attorney is, etc. Things get complicated when there's no one to know these things. I have the card with information on my refrigerator but no one might look there.

    I dozed off in the recliner earlier this afternoon so thought I'd lay down for a nap. Of course, couldn't go to sleep.

    Ron, have you tried thickening your food (liquids) to see if that might help. Charles had to do that. Sarah is having the problem you had with your capsule - even with it going down the feeding tube - it goes straight through to the colostomy so she doesn't get much help from it. The best way for her is IVs but, of course, she can't do that at home.

    Guess I'll start checking all the girls just after 7 p.m. and again at 7 a.m. Really hate that we lost that baby. I always feel sorry for the mothers - I know they think about their babies when they see the others running around.

    The grasshoppers are s

    till really bad around the house and barn - don't notice them so much out in the pastures. It looks like they've eaten everything where they are so don't know how they're living.

    It was nippy this morning when I went out - wore a light-weight jacket and it felt good. I think next week will be warmer. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    It paid off me calling and leaving the speech therapist a message. She called back and I have a appointment with her Wednesday to complete part of the test. If I remember correctly when they discovered the achalasia I saw her for a couple of test and then she set up the appointment with radiologists for swallowing test. She did give me some new information I didn't know. When I take my medicine take it with warm water, I always kept spring water in refrigerator and drank it.

    They are going to start closing one lane of the interstate I travel to VA on. Going to do a complete redo on the interstate that was built in the 60s and had just been patched over the years. Guess I'll probably take the old highway through Shreveport and stay off the interstate.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited September 2023

    Hello Lorita, so sorry to hear about the prescription issue for Sarah. Being that morphine is a narcotic controlled substance, transferring the prescription must follow the laws very strictly. I am not knowledgeable in this matter, but I think that the law regarding transfers of narcotic prescriptions was updated in August of this year. If you use Google you can find out the parameters for such transfers with differences between paper versus electronic prescriptions. My understanding is that it can only be done once on a prescription and she sure would need the pharmacist to manage the transfer pharmacist to pharmacist.

    There are many in's and out's re such an endeavor; so the professionals are a necessary part of this and it has different implications for both plus and minuses for the patient's ease of use not to mention price of the drug at different pharmacies.

    I am sorry for the loss of the calf. I understand how painful that is for you. So many babies calved since Mike has upped the herd so to speak; babies everywhere!

    Ron; wishing you some good answers and ease of the problem issues that have been increasing; so hope for the best for you.

    Joan; I am thinking of you and hope that as the days pass you are feeling better and progressing. Tincture of time and soon you will be back to your own self.

    As for Librium, while it is still used, it is an older drug and other meds for the same need are more often prescribed. A statement from, Drugs.com, mentioned that the brand name "Librium" has been discontinued in the U.S., but the FDA can approve the generic for this drug, (and in all probability has done so I would think). Things are always changing when we least expect it. That may be why it is a bit more difficult to have this med quickly available by local pharmacies if there is not a lot of call for it.

    Lovely weather here in the high 70's. Keeps us guessing as to what is happening next weather-wise, but enjoying it now. Son still improving from his COVID. Only slight coughing mostly at night; testing negative I am so grateful. Still having occasional bouts of severe fatigue that can pop up unexpectedly and hope that also soon disappears. His Physical Therapist, (shoulder injury), had COVID last year - a month after he was well he developed blood clots in his lungs - twice. He is still on blood thinners. Really can be an evil disease with long term implications for some.

    Had a wonderful homemade dish made by our son. It was pork and white beans with a rich gravy; so good. He sure can cook to his wife's delight and ours when we are gifted with something he has made. Last month we got some of his turkey chili and it too was delicious. Cooking has become sort of a hobby with him. Hurray!

    Need to find some winter wear for sweaters, blouses, etc. Will look in catalogs for women who are no longer size 5 - gads; one would think that catalogs catering to "mature" adults would remember that some of us are more generously sized as we mature. Ahem! Sometimes I will see something that looks nice only to find out the top is only 26 inches long which means midriff or back showing when one stretches or bends. Trying to save fabric? Don't know, but I will not purchase them. Some of my friends also complaining of the short tops and also those that look good but the fabrics are not good for washing or holding up. Used to be easy; but as with everything, times have changed.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Warm water - I would never have thought of that. I take two big, old, glucosamine caplets , a big multivitamin and two pretty big caplets of calcium every morning. Wonder if using warm water would help with that. Sometimes they're hard to swallow - but, the hardest ones to swallow are the small D-3 and B-12 - odd to me. Glad you called her, Ron, and got the appointment set up.

    Seems like they're working on roads everywhere. Don't know about the roads in Louisiana but the ones in Oklahoma are pretty worn out in places - same with the country roads. Seems like our County Commissioners have another agenda besides keeping roads in good shape.

    Stormy and I just came back from checking the girls in both pastures - really three because the newest mom and her baby and four other little ones were in another pasture. The newest baby was running in front of his mother - about 12 hours old. The cow Mike worked on this morning was laying down away from the others so we drove down and sat with her a while. She got up and walked over toward the others. Her left back leg is partially paralyzed right now. I called and told him and he said it would be that way for a few days. Years ago my favorite cow, Christy, was paralyzed in one leg from trying to calve and could hardly walk. I rubbed liniment on her leg for several days and it finally got better. She had a c-section when she tried to have her first calf. I still miss her.

    Joan, hope you're continuing to improve each day. It won't be long before you're outside again working in your yard and taking walks. I wish the same for you, Day. When did you say you might be able to go back to work? I read things, then forget the particulars. Getting forgetful in my old age, I guess. Barbara, I think of you often and hope your fibromyalgia is getting better. Do you take medicine for it or just tough it out? Can't remember what Carol did - medicine I think.

    It's just 6:45 and already dusk. The sun sets just after 7 p.m. and rises after 7 a.m. - makes it hard to get up early.

    Iris and Jo, how is the weather out in California? Does it get really cold out there or do you have flowers blooming all year? That would seem odd to me. I like the four seasons but seems like we really only have two here - winter and summer. I have discovered I have a little bit of autumn clematis on the north yard fence that has buds on it. Wonder how those grasshoppers missed that one.

    Rest well tonight - see you tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Jo, just read your post - you posted while I was typing. I'm finding the same things with tops. I like longer ones that "cover" everything. I remember when I was much younger I did like the shorter ones but no more.

    When a cow loses a baby I always sit with her later that day or the next and tell her how sorry I am. They grieve for their loss just like we do. I know that's true because I've seen it so many times. Think how sad they must be when they see the other babies running and playing. It's so sweet to see the little calves together - you'll see two or three or more laying or playing together. Just saw four little ones come out of the pasture where the girls were this afternoon. The little white one was with them and when I passed by her mother, and asked where her baby was, she looked in that direction. They pretty much keep an eye on them. Yesterday evening when our girls were coming out of the NE pasture going to the south pasture I saw one tiny baby walking beside a bigger one - then saw a cow running to keep up. Her baby had left her behind. She caught her in the garden. These are silly things to write about for all of you but I find it fascinating how they take care of their babies. When a heifer has her first baby, her life changes forever - just like people, I guess.

    Enough of that. I'll stop again - for the night this time. Your dinner sounds really good, Jo. Glad your son likes to cook. Charles did more than half of our cooking - I did most of the baking - worked really well. I think men are really good cooks. So glad your son is continuing to improve from the Covid. Looks like we'll all be taking another vaccine this fall along with our flu shots.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Just saw this recipe for Chicken, Tortellini Soup from the Pioneer Woman; sounds really good and one can use a rotisserie chicken along with the fresh veggies and garlic. One thing I would suggest; if using tortellini, use the small ones. The regular size ones get "flabby: when put in a soup and worse when re-heating. I have to start using parmesan rinds; I have never done that and I imagine it really does make things much more umami.


    J. P.S. (I'm hungry)

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    I think there is only one size tortellini so I did a check. They are 2g. The larger is a tortelloni and is about 5g. I agree that they would not do well in liquid but with butter and a grate of Parm they could be wonderful. I have never seen them. Luckily we are able to but fresh here.

    Re the MS morphine. Could one Walmart check with the others or is that a transfer?

    Daughter on her way up to the Northwoods. I wish I could see fall up there again. She asked if I wanted some corn. Ha! I told her not to come back to my house ever w/o some. Unfortunately it may be too late for good corn.

    BTW ....read an interesting article on the value of Watermelon. Bottom line? Eat all you can.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    I ate my share of watermelon this summer. Meant to tell you, Loretta, when I was at one of the farmstand this summer they had a sign that said orange watermelon’s. They were all gone so I didn’t get to try it, maybe next year. I’ve never seen an orange watermelon in the store. Found out that one of the farm stand I’m going to this year stays open all year round.

    made an apple cake today and glazed it with butter, maple syrup and powder sugar mixture.The cake was so soft and it tasted like a maple frosted apple donut. It’s a keeper.

    Met my sister‘s new dog today. It’s a rescue dog a Bernie poodle. It was really sweet and it has the prettiest coat in. It was so soft.

    So hope each one of you can get a good nights rest.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Bernese Mountain and Poodle. What a winning combination. Wonder how big the dog will get.

    Sayra....your energy makes my want to take a nap!!!!!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, I always take my meds with water, sometimes with applesauce.

    Lorita, parenteral nutrition via intravenous infusion has been done for years. I don't know why this cannot be done for Sarah. I will ask my brother about this, he is a dietician.

    The weather is getting cooler, today there is still a heavy marine layer of clouds even at this time, 1:45 pm, this usually clears by 11 am. I will have to get my fall jackets ready.

    I feel bad today, I had an appointment that I thought was scheduled for noon, but it actually was for 10 am! I have to be more diligent about checking my calendar!


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 523
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    Thanks everyone for the kind words about our dog, especially Iris. She is hanging in, but frankly I think her will is keeping her going. She is happy and isn't in pain, follows me around, asks to go outside - all be it everything is much slower. We both know and understand we are on extended time with her, and we are enjoying her and letting her enjoy her quality of life.

    Ron have you thought of an adjustable bed? My DH had horrible snoring and reflux prior to his diagnosis. His CPAP solved the snoring and multiple meds have helped the reflux. But when we purchased the adjustable bed, that was the game changer for him. Just a thought for you.

    Beautiful day here, I'm so thrilled to report. I do believe our neighbor might be a tad over zeal's however. She has her Christmas lights hung and on automatic so they turn on each night. We both stand in our dining room and stare at them. I guess to each his own, I'm enjoying them, but its only Sept.

    Be safe everyone. Covid cases here are up 136% over last week. I guess we're suppose to feel better because its being reported that this Covid "isn't quite" as bad. I'm sorry but that gives me no comfort. I'd gotten lax about our masks in certain places, nope, we're masking up 100% of the time now.

    Be well everyone.


  • scott
    scott Member Posts: 10

    Hi everyone, we finally got a little rain and a much cooler weather. My son who is 28 wants to move home and save money. I am not thrilled with having his two cats but his mom is delighted. Between caring for my parents and my wife I am having a lot of anxiety. I am going to doctor next week because my BP is elevated too. It might be time for a anti depressant. There are days that I am a bundle of nerves. On the positive side i have been getting better at giving my worries to the Lord. I hope you all have a good weekend and God bless you all.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,764
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    Children moving home to save money. Been there.

    My suggestion is to write up an agreement that includes helping with utiltites, food (shopping, cooking and buying_), help with yard etc.

    This gets to be your list and the agreement is to have a clear understanding. Upfront. And please include cat care and possible damage to your furniture.

    I would also put a time limit on move duration.

    Please view this as a two way street!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Judith believe there are tiny, mini and standard bernedoodles. He is a mini, weigh 25-50 pounds and 18-22 inches tall. I’m tired tonight Judith but not exhausted, sleep good.

    Scott I’m so very sorry about your burden. I have issues with anxiety too with my mother. Like you I’m better at leaving it with God some days than others. I put too much pressure on myself and you probably do too. You have way more to deal with than I do. My mom is the only one I’m having to deal with now and can be overwhelming if I don’t keep my thoughts controlled. Hope you are able to find some help.

    Eagle that is good advice. Wearing it some but should probably wear it more than I do. Have mainly been wearing where I can’t maintain my distance as you should, so crowded situations.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Hi - I wrote a post, hit the wrong key and it disappeared - I won't try to write it again.

    It's been a quiet day here - spent a lot of time out in the pastures - counting and enjoying it. Tried to watch the Oklahoma/Tulsa football game but it was too lopsided - final score was 68 to 17 - OU. I watched almost a quarter, then thought I'd take a nap. There were three cats on the bed, one on each side of me and one at my shoulder - I felt like a burrito. Didn't think I'd be able to sleep at all but woke up and it was almost 6 so guess I did. I was dreaming of my sister and her first husband. Hadn't thought of or dreamed of him in a long time.

    Went back down to the meadow - such a peaceful thing to just sit there and watch the moms and babies. Stormy loves to go. When I was sitting, watching, I was in the 11 acre meadow daddy used to bale and thought of all the hay we'd hauled off of it - small bales back then. Sad how time changes.

    It's been a beautiful day - I'm wearing a light jacket early, early and it feels good. This morning there was a nice, north wind - makes you think of fall. Very still this evening but still not hot. I think it's supposed to warm up next week. I'm rambling so I'll stop.

    Hope all of you are well and can rest well tonight. We all have to trust in God to get us through tough times which we all have from time to time. I think I probably called on Him every day when I was caregiving and Charles was pretty easy to care for - Judith - except for getting into drawers. Remember that? Sara - that cake sounds delicious - did you use fresh apples? I used to make a fresh apple cake many years ago that was good but doubt I still have the recipe. That cake would be good in the morning with coffee or tea on the front porch. Wish that could happen. See you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    edited September 2023

    Yes I used fresh apples Lorita. Will attach recipe in case anyone would like to try it. If you try it cake batter very thick. Just keep stirring apples in til evenly mixed.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Yum yum, Sayra! You have nice handwriting.


  • GMcG
    GMcG Member Posts: 10
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments

    Jo and others looking for longer tops, have you tried searching on tunic? I primarily buy tunic length tops. I find them on Talbots, Lands end and LL Bean. I need petite proportions (sleeves, etc) but don't want the typical 23-24 inch petite length. Tunics are 3-5 inches longer.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,317
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    Well, that's odd - looked there was going to be a post from GmcG but no narrative - then a post from Jo and then one from Sara from last May, then a post about short tops (from GmcG?). Another glitch, I guess.

    Quiet day here - checked girls abot sunup, then watched some of the news shows. A while ago I was watching a football game - Chiefs, of course, then woke up so guess I slept some. Did get my hair shampooed and made some muffins.

    Thanks, Sara, for the recipe - it really sounds good. Your handwriting is really nice.

    What's happened with Zetta - realized I haven't seen a post from her in a long time. I know she posted that her job was tiring her - maybe she'll post soon.

    Mike called this morning while he was out checking cows and I told him I had a problem - I can't trim Sheena's toenails and they're too long. He said he and Sidney (I need to find out how she spells her name) will come out sometime this week and with the three of us we can get them trimmed. Said he might have to give her a little sedative. I did get her over to the clinic months ago (when I had a car she could get in) and two of the girls trimmed them while I held her head and talked to her. I can trim Stormy's while he's laying in the Gator's seat - need to get that done.

    My shoulder's bothering me quite a bit today - even made my hand tingle a little bit. I know I lean against that side when I'm sitting so need to stop that.

    Jo, about short tops - I buy tops from mostly Denim & Co. on QVC - they have all lengths, but I don't wear short tops either - I like tunic length. I'd like to take a nap but my hair is still damp and if I use a blow dryer it looks I have a bushel of hair. It'll be time to check girls again in a couple of hours so guess I'll watch Shark Tank a while.

    I haven't had any communication from Sarah in two days - the day before that the only thing she said was she was waiting for a call from the home health nurse about her medicine so guess I'll just wait until she or Todd calls. I think she doesn't want to talk to me because she doesn't want me to tell her what to do. I should have learned my lesson by now. Maybe, Sandy as you said - no news may be good news. Hope all of you are having a good Sunday.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good afternoon. My daughter left this morning to go home. I will miss her and her help and love she gave me while she was here. She has enough individual meals in my freezer to last me a couple of months. That will come in handy on the days I feel tired.

    Jo, I was in hospital three days and went to rehab on the 4th day. I was there for ten days and released to home on day 13. It was nice to come home. I wouldn’t have guessed I could be home alone today, but I am confident I can do the necessary things and my daughter near here will help me with things I can’t manage yet.

    I walked 1/4 mile for the first time this morning. It feels great, but I am pretty worn out when I get finished. My back feels pretty weak. My walker has a seat on it so I can stop and sit for a minute when I need to. It’s crazy how weak your back feels. My legs felt stronger from the beginning but I notice more changes every week.

    My surgeon doesn’t believe in back braces, so I don’t have one. Sometimes I wish I had one. I would feel more confident in not bending or twisting. Overall, I’m doing more each week. I’m awfully tired, but the surgeon said I would be, so I just rest and not worry about it.

    We are having beautiful fall weather here. Some of the bushes on the mountains are turning colors already. My flower plots are kind of overgrown and messy looking, but I can’t do anything this fall, so they will have to wait until spring. The grass is super green and beautiful.

    Enough about me. Lorita, I saw the glitches in the post when I signed on too. That’s crazy. I need to get up and stroll around a bit with my walker, so I’ll sign off and check in tomorrow . Enjoy the rest of this beautiful Sunday. Joan

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Joan I’ll just encourage you to hang in there. Sounds like you’re doing the things they ask you to do which is the most important stuff to get done. After those things are done do what you feel like doing but when your body says I need rest or I need to eat then do that .you’re already noticing that with each week improvements. That should be encouraging to you. I’m speaking from experience laugh out loud. Hopefully before too long you’ll think I feel better than I felt in a long time.

    Lorita, hope you hear from Sara soon .

    hope Zetta is OK too. Know she works, and Sometimes pet sits for long periods of time so let’s hope that’s what she’s doing.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited September 2023

    Hello on a new Monday. Joan; you are really doing well - 1/4 of a mile - that is amazing! Good for you. My DH did say that he too has back weakness. Not as severe as earlier, but his back still feels somewhat weak and he must pay attention to it. This stands to reason since a long incision through the muscle/tissues has been made with a lot of manipulation during the procedure. It will take awhile for that tissue to knit and recoup. One bit I read, stated that it takes about a year for the nerves to fully regenerate. You are making very good progress. My husband's surgeon did not demand the very long distance walking that yours did. Goodness; tired me out thinking about it!

    As for the back brace; DHs surgeon has all of his patients wearing back braces following their laminectomy and fusion; so do the other three back surgeons I know. I would imagine if you stated your wish for a supportive brace, that your surgeon would probably prescribe it for you. Perhaps he feels that if he prescribes a brace, that his patients will not strengthen their backs; don't know. DH's is a black brace, not big at all, and it secures with a velcro strap around the waist to the front.

    Are you continuing P.T. at home? Bill had six weeks of home P.T. two times a week, and now goes for outpatient P.T. twice a week for nine weeks. The P.T. at home was marvelous - she was so smart and so good with him. She also had SO many handy tips and later in the therapy, took him all over the house and different areas to even show him how to do this and that in the kitchen, in the laundry, how to shower, up and down off furniture and bed; climbing up and down the stairwell, etc. One thing she did that was so helpful that I never thought of . . . . we have one bathroom with a toilet room that is smaller in size; it was difficult to walk into that area with a walker to use the toilet and turn the walker around. Well; she simply took the walker and removed the wheel portions - she then put them on again on the inside of the walker rather than their being on the outside. This gained inches and permitted much ease of use for closer quarters. Never would have thought of that.

    How dear of your daughter to be so supportive and all those meals! Our daughter flew in from out of state and stayed six weeks. We never, ever would have made it without her. She did so much in so many ways and we are very grateful. Hated to see her go; it was a lovely time.

    Hang in there Joan and remember to take it easy and to sit when feeling tired or weak; DH will get upstairs and do something; but then sits down for a few minutes to rest his back and then up again. He does this pretty much to rest his back routinely. He does not wear his back brace when he gets up to go to the bathroom or to get water, etc.; but when going distances in the house or doing a chore, he wears it. Always wears it when out of the house and out of the car. He now bends using his knees, but I do feel concern he sometimes may forget and bend at the waist, so am glad he has the brace.

    I have been thinking about Zetta too. I pretty much thought she was probably very busy with work and tired afterward; (did she not increase her days at the SNF?) Hope we hear from her soon.

    We just had the most awful tragic news. A young deputy sheriff had just gone on duty. He was in uniform alone in a police car- he had just left the sheriff's station and was sitting at a red light waiting for it to change; had not done anything on duty as of yet. A car pulled up next to him; the driver pulled out a gun and shot him in the head and killed him. Horrible and so hard to believe who would do something so evil. The killer had never had contact with the deputy prior to the ambush killing. The deputy had just become engaged four days prior to his death; his father and grandfather had also been deputy sheriff's. The suspect was identified and has been arrested - he appeared to live in a nice big two story house in a nice neighborhood. The "why" of it is not known as yet. The poor family of the deputy; devastated beyond measure. I had not realized the statistics from law enforcement officer ambush murders:

    There have been 83 ambush-style attacks on law enforcement thus far in 2023, with 101 officers shot – 15 of them fatally, according to a September 5 report. Saturday’s shooting comes three years after two Los Angeles deputies were ambushed at a train station while sitting in their patrol vehicle; they were not on a call and had not had any activity nor did the shooter know them. Both deputies, one a mother of a six year old child, were in critical condition for some time, and both were left with disabilities. Sorry; enough about that. Just hit me, the dreadfulness of it. (DH and two sons involved in law enforcement.)

    It is lovely outside today; about 76 degrees which is perfect weather. No humidity to speak of and a soft breeze just barely moving the leaves on the trees. Won't be long before winter comes to visit; but right now it seems light years way. I did look on QVC looking at winter tops - but did not like much. I do not use items with nylon, rayon or spandex; so much of those garments have one or the other or both.

    Have to give in soon and make a haircut appointment; seems to creep up on me. I am so glad that I am no longer having my hair tinted and high-lighted. I used to have to go in every four weeks for a re-do; and sit there for several hours getting it completed. Sometimes I think I would like to have dark hair again; but then remember how I disliked going in and sitting for so long while being marinated, so am embracing my white dandelion coiffure. Have to laugh when I look at me in the mirror. Who IS that old broad? I think of my busy, busy all together aunt; she is going on 104; is healthy as can be, vibrant, walks long distances each day and is busy helping run activities for the elderly. She cooks, she cleans, she does everything . . . how I wish I could be like her when I grow up - but I think that train has already left the station. She is a wonder to behold and her three surviving sisters are in their late 90's and about to be centurions themselves. Her mother, my grandmother was in her late 90's and totally big time independent. She died secondary to trauma; she had been working in her garden when she was run over by a scooter car pinning her against her house; she sustained multiple severe injuries from which she never fully recovered.

    Lorita, I think all will be okay; Sarah waxes and wanes in her contacts but she knows you are there for her and always comes back to talk. I can well imagine how concerned you are; but she has always managed and when she cannot, she gets herself to the hospital, so that in a way is good to know rather than her not getting to help at all. I don't know how she does it at home; seems impossible, but she does seem to cope. Do hope that she has good oversight with Home Health nurses and also hope she lets them come in and assist.

    Sayra's Apple Cake sounds delicious with the Maple Glaze. I am wondering; I noticed the note with the flour amount - is that self-rising flour? I have not had a cake using self-rising; can it be made with regular flour? Fresh apples and maple syrup glaze sounds like a perfect autumn recipe. Makes me want to dig out slip on sweaters and light the fireplace, but it is still too close to 80 degrees to do that yet.

    Judith; how are things going and how is your head? Are you knitting together as yet? Just such an awful fall and am still so sorry that happened to you. Is your re-do house on the market yet? Will be good when you reap the benefits of all that work. It is indeed a lot of work. Will you think of doing that again? Takes a lot of planning, energy and stick-to-it-ividness to get it all done. That is a lot.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Okay; I think it may be time to make a new Thread . . . . I had written my Post and all was well; then I Posted it and it is missing a couple of small paragraphs . . . . 41 pages are a lot and since multiples of us have begun having problems with the Pages and Posting, it is probably time to start the new Thread and give the poor Platform time to catch its breath. As it is, it is harder to find things and when I do click onto the Thread, sometimes it does not want to give me the page I want. This is the only place that happens. Overload of some sort or other would be my guess.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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