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Just need to talk to my friends (192)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited November 2023

    You're right, probably all of the above and probably more. There is an open doggie door to the building. I know there's some of mother and daddy's clothes out there plus Charles' and mine. There's two trunks and a freezer out there that has dishes and quilts, I think. Oh, well, that's for another day or someone else. Judith, are you over your concussion?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited November 2023

    The little cow has called her baby all day and I still hear her. She's at the gate where we came through because the driveway alarm just went off. How sad it is. I know the baby was gone - don't think it ever took a breath or would have been moving. On top of all thus Samson is ",girling" as my aunt would say, so he's been bellowing.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    In the 50’s here today with gusty winds so turtleneck dress for church today for me. We have 3 great grandchildren being baptized today!

    Yesterday another great granddaughter had spent the night so we shopped till we dropped 😂 and made a big pot of meatballs and sauce.

    Tomorrow begins the barn raising so begins another busy week.

    My FIL seems to have fully recovered from COVID so that’s another thing to be thankful for.

    Thinking of all our Friends here, Jeri Lynn

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,357
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    @ronald71111 You're a handsome devil.

    @Lorita I am sorry about your baby and his sad Mama. That's got to be hard on your heart.

    @JeriLynn66 Enjoy the baptisms. How nice that they're local and able to share the day. That's really sweet.

    I cleaned out my breakfront yesterday. The dining room is just off the kitchen and it can get pretty grimy on the glass and even inside. I'm guilty of "too much stuff". I complain about my mom's acquisitive nature, but I fear I am becoming as bad. I mean who doesn't have 3 sets of fine China in addition to the everyday stuff?

    Mom left the breakfront when I bought the house from them; she was going in a different decorating direction. Mom had over 6 sets of dishes when I packed the house for her retirement move.

    It's kind of dated Queen Anne cherry, but it's a beautiful piece especially when filled with China and sparkling crystal. Normally, I break it down and clean the contents yearly, but the 'rents have been running me off my feet so "it's been a minute" as the youngs say. The wine glasses in the front weren't bad as they get used pretty regularly when we have a nicer bottle but the one in the back and the heavy crystal pieces were cloudy with dust and grease. The glass shelves, too. And while I was in there I gave the silver serving pieces a quick polish. This took me a good couple of hours since everything is hand-washable. Even DH came in and admired how nice it looks. I'm hitting the foyer and living room today because I have a Welsh dresser filled with stuff out there collecting dust.

    Last night on my way home from dinner with friends I got a call for the man who cuts my hair. He and his husband both got positive COVID tests yesterday. I got a cut, color and blowout as a little self-care. Oh, the irony. I hope they do well and it would be great if I dodge it but will consider myself radioactive for a while. I need to let mom know so we can make other arrangements for her PT this week. Ugh.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    HB, I too have 3 sets of china and lots of glass.. my children have absolutely no interest, sadly.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    It's a beautiful day in Eastern Oklahoma - no wind, bright sunshine and clear, blue skies. Couldn't be better - and not too cold. I slept until a little bit after 7 so had to get up and get on it so I could watch the morning news shows. Don't know why I keep watching them because it's the same thing over and over.

    Stormy and I hurried and got out to check everyone. Guess Toad had fed earlier because all the girls were around the bale of hay he left them. Imagine 30 head all around one hay ring - babies were just behind them except for a couple who had crowded in. I drove around the ring a couple of times trying to count, then we drove out in the pasture to check. Didn't specifically see #42 so hope she's better today. Came back and took Sheena for her walk. We walked down to the pond and saw one cow in the south pasture so drove up - it was Gray Lady so got to see her. Got back inside a minute after 8 so I'm in the midst of the shows right now.

    JeriLynn - barn raising? You're building a new barn? I've never seen a barn raising except for the time daddy and a carpenter friend rebuilt our barn. Scary stuff - I remember one day it was windy and they were trying to put long sheets of sheetiron on the roof but it got built.

    Congratulations on the three baptisms today - how wonderful that is.

    HB, I don't have that much china - I don't think I ever had a set of china - had milk glass which I loved but right now and for a long time we've been using plates we bought at the Dollar Tree. They're brightly colored and sturdy. I hardly ever use a plate anymore - just shallow bowls or big saucers, sometimes paper plates. I think mother had some china which is in the freezer in the storage building.

    Judith, the boxes in the storage building, for the most part, are the plastic kind with lids that fasten on so nothing in them but around them is another thing. It would be scary to delve around in there.

    Just got a pop-up about Froot Loops (which I dearly love) on sale for almost $7. I've mostly stopped eating them because of the dyes used in the cereal - not sure it's good for me.

    Wish we could hear something from Jo about how she is and how David is doing - probably need to read that other thread.

    Joan, hope you're doing better and getting stronger each day. I know how you loved to take those walks and hope you'll be able to do that again soon.

    Sandy, I watched OU play West Virginia yesterday in Norman. Thought about you even though it was WV instead of your homestate. Hope things are good there today and the horses and mules are enjoying the pretty weather you're probably having.

    I'll stop and finish my hot tea and crumb cake. Was going to have scrambled eggs, hashbrowns and toast but was too hungry to wait to cook it.

    Enjoy the lovely weather while we have it - winter's on it's way.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    30° this morning and a very big frost. Mom said we had a snow, I told her that I thought it was frost, but she told me all the reasons it was not frost but snow. It was gone before I got to her house, but she still was trying to convince me. No I didn’t bring it up. She was the one that brought the subject up then I just smiled and said OK .

    Made her some stewed potatoes this morning. I hadn’t fixed her any in a while so she seem glad to get them when I brought them. I watched her fix her dinner before I left and she did fine. She won’t admit it but she’s stronger since she started eating boiled eggs. I’m glad my sister was able to convince her to do that and hopefully she will continue.

    If my mom dies before I do, one thing for sure, her house will be easy to clean out for which I’m thankful.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, how do you fixed the stewed potatoes? I bought ten pounds last week so I'll have to finds ways to fix them. Glad your mother is doing better. Boiled eggs,huh? I sort of agree with your mom, a big, heavy frost does look a bit like snow. I hope we don't have snow this winter and buck the persimmons. Too hard on things. We've had a couple of heavy frosts but there is still green grass and green leaves on the roses. It's 58 right now.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    It still looks like my attic vomited but progress is being made on the stuff it vomited.

    Found treasures; flag from Dick's father' casket, WWl helmet, Red Ripper flight helmet, some wonderful photos, some old pewter and ssome English Blue Willow. Ugley hand painted small plates, French ivory hair brushes, old letters and old year books. One box of my things and 4 containers of fabric to go through. One had fabric left over from the eighth grade graduation of my daughter who is now 57.

    I can now vouch with certainty that I only have two sets of china.., my wedding china (white Wedgewood) and my mother's china ( Wedgewood queensware), also white) which was purchased in Jamica and brought back by boat by my parents in 1927. No glassware to speak of.

    90% of everything was in plastic tubs like Lorita's stuff. The only signs of wildlife was a bit of blood and a few feathers. Seems to be a hole around the vent in the roof. I think some steel wool held in place with some lath is in order.

    My daughter came by and shed a few tears. Her MIL has become very dependent on her and she is realizing that we do not do much together. This must be remedied asap which means that AIA am going to tell her about my physical limitations so we can plan accordingly

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, talking about persimmons reminded me of my first one to bite into. My country cousins thought it was funny telling me how good they were green. You know the rest! Learned how to pucker up real fast!!

    Sara talking about stewed potatos reminded me of a potato dish that my mother use to make. I'm going to have to find out from my sister how to make it, all I remember is that it was good, potatoes cut up and cooked in a real creamy sauce.

    Went to church this morning and everyone always ask about Lou. Still feel a little guilty about not having her with me but I know its best not to. She has a follow up appointment with her primary care tomorrow and I'm dreading getting her ready. It's always a bigger chore, but we manage. Thursday several from my high school class is meeting for lunch. This will be the first time I've been able to attend one of the luncheons.

    Still praying for my front porch friends!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita melt a tablespoon of butter in a sauce pan. Sauté about a half of an onion for about five minutes. Add 2 cups of diced potatoes, a quarter teaspoon of salt or so to taste, pepper to taste and a teaspoon of parsley. Then pour in 3/4 a cup of boiling water. Cover and cook till tender. That takes around 15-20 minutes. You need to stir them pretty often they will stick easy but if you keep them stirred they will not stick.

    My mom has not eaten meat for a long time. She was eating around 7-8 bananas a day. She would c/o weak spells. My sister convinced her to try replacing some of those bananas with eggs. She drinks milk, eats 2 slices of Cheese a day and eats a variety of vegetables . She is definitely doing better since eating more eggs and less bananas.

    Judith if you don’t plan on keeping that material for something, don’t throw it out if you’re able to get it to Goodwill or somewhere like that. That would be a treasure for some people to find that . I’m working on a pot holder right now from scraps. My days are pretty busy so I just sew one or two pieces at a time. Today i finished piecing it. Now have to put the binding on.

    Ron if you’re able to get a hold of the recipe and feel like sharing it, I would enjoy that. If I could only have one vegetable to eat, I would probably choose the potato laugh out loud.

    Glad you’re able to have a little away time for yourself Ron. Understand the guilt thing. I deal with that a little too.

    Thinking and praying for each and every one. I hate to mention any names because there’s so many and I don’t want anyone to feel like they’re left out. Not just on this thread. It’s on all the threads. I know several caregivers have mentioned that they are very ill as well as the one they’re trying to take care of kind of like Ron. I feel for each and everyone. Whenever any of you have the strength and feel like checking in it’s always nice to hear from you.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Fabric is heading to Goodwill along with the painted plates and a lot of quilting batting.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited November 2023

    Morning, It's a beautiful, sunny,cool, calm morning. Got out early with Stormy to check everyone - looked okay. Then took Sheena for a walk. She waits by the yard gate for us to get back to go for her walk.

    Judith, when you declutter or rearrange, or whatever, it seems like everything's in an awful mess for a while - much worse than it was originally. Then, gradually it all falls back into place. I remember that from when I'd change my clothes out spring and fall.

    Did you used to sew and quilt? When I was younger and working I sewed almost all of my clothes - so did all the other women - but the price of material and notions went up so it was almost cheaper (counting your time) to buy readymades. Good luck in getting everything sorted out.

    Sara, thanks for the recipe. I will try that. I'm with you - if I only had one vegetable to eat, it would be potatoes - in all forms.

    Talking about your mother eating so many bananas - Carol had some routine bloodwork done and her doctor asked her if she was eating a lot of bananas - potassium was higher than normal. She had been eating one for breakfast every morning so he told her to cut it down to half of one each day. Maybe your mother's potassium was higher than normal and since she cut back on the bananas things have evened out. Glad she's feeling better.

    Ron, I've tried to eat persimmons before a good frost. If you do it one time, you'll never do it again. How they can pucker your mouth so much is beyond me but they certainly do.

    Your potato dish sounds kind of like the way we used to cook new potatoes. We'd cook them in water until just about done, then add a slurry of flour and water to thicken them. Made a nice, tasty sauce. We never cooked them with peas like most people did.

    Nice you got to go to Church and have a little "me" time. I know you enjoyed having Lou with you but she's probably happier being at home.

    Need to get up to the store to get some gas today. The last few years I've become the world's worst procrastinator. Never used to be like that. When something needed to be done, I did it. Now, I always think tomorrow will be fine.

    Talked with Mike a couple of nights ago and he was picking up his supper from a restaurant in town. I remember and remarked that it was the only restaurant I'd ever seen chocolate gravy on the menu. He asked for the recipe - said his mother used to make it and had what he remembered as Indian Head biscuits. He said he used to make them when he was in college but lost the recipe. I've heard of cat's head biscuits - think they're just really big ones. Have any of you heard of Indian Head biscuits? What about chocolate gravy? We used to have that, sometimes for breakfast, sometimes for part of supper. My folks used water instead of milk so it wasn't as thick as if made with milk. Very easy - they brought 2 cups of water to boil in a skillet. Combined 1/2 C. sugar, 1/2 C. cocoa, 2 T. flour and a pinch of salt and whisked it into the boiling water and cooked, whisking, until thickened. Then served it with butter over hot biscuits. I liked to break my biscuits up into the butter and gravy. That makes me hungry and I just had my breakfast.

    Think I mentioned I talked with another electrician and he's going to try to come out after today to see what needs to be done. I'll be glad to have lights in and around the barn - seems so very dark out there.

    Hope all of you enjoy the day and the pretty weather if you're having it. On the news they keep showing pictures of the pretty leaves - looks really pretty around Tulsa and probably NE of here. Also said the peak is here for the foliage on the Talimina Drive - it's beautiful drive from around Talihina to Mena, Arkansas, across the ridge of the mountains - Ouchita, I believe. Back later. Just checked and it's Winding Stair Mountain.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Have never had chocolate gravy. Sure I would’ve loved it when I was a child.

    Lorita the recipe I gave you it thickens and sort of makes a sauce too. That’s why I told you to be sure and keep it stirred because if you don’t, it will stick. You don’t put any flour in this. I think the potatoes themselves, the starch in them causes it to thicken . Peas would be good Stirred into this. I might try that someday. I eat peas a lot but not the stewed potatoes. Yesterday though the little jar I took mom it was full and just a little bit was leftover so I ate them with my lunch they were really good. Try to limit the amount of butter I eat and use more avocado oil, and olive oil as they say they’re more heart healthy supposedly. But I might have to make those stewed potatoes 🥔 once in a while they were pretty tasty.

    Got my housecleaning done today so if nothing happens tomorrow I’m going to try to make a pumpkin roll. If I’m successful with it, I’ll probably make them more often. I do like them. I want to make a pumpkin pie pretty soon too. I’ll just freeze it to have for myself. I’ll take the pumpkin roll to Thanksgiving because I think it would be more popular.

    Was hoping not to have to go anywhere today and then maybe I could finish the binding on my pot holder and then it would be done. But you know I have to drink 2 ounces of lemon juice in the morning in the evening as that supposedly is good at helping to prevent kidney stones from building up. Normally I buy (2) 2 pound bags of lemons each week and that covers the week but this week it is not. The last lemons I got had really thick skins and they were not very juicy. I have noticed that before that the ones with the thinner skins produce a lot more juice . I’m going to have to try to start learning how to tell by feeling them whether their skins are thick or thin. It’s probably pretty easy once I just start doing it and get it figured out hopefully. They are not cheap. I pay about eight dollars for the two bags so now this week I’m going to have $12 in lemons . I don’t complain about it because it is cheap medicine. I don’t mind drinking the lemon juice but I despise getting the juice out. It’s very boring and it’s a little hard on my arm, squeezing that handle so many times my muscles get aggravated from it.

    Messaged J and asked her to let me know what she wants from the grocery store this week. I was hoping she would message me back before I go this afternoon so that I could get her stuff while I’m out this evening, but so far I haven’t heard from her. she normally gets four avocados and then sometimes some type of fruit. But as sure as I would just go ahead and pick up four avocados. She would say she doesn’t want any this week for some reason cause that does happen once in a great while. So I must be patient. Calling her since she had her stroke does not work very well at all. She seems to have a little trouble navigating a phone call, but does really pretty well with messaging overall. And when I’m there some days, her speech is much better than other days. She knows what she’s wanting to say and is very aware when it is not coming out right and she finds that very frustrating which I understand.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Love chocolate gravy!

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Could not find Indian Head Biscuits but here is another recipe for the gravy.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Maybe it's a southern thing, JeriLynn. Hope things are good for you today. Was there a good cotton crop this year?

    Sara, can you use the bottled lemon juice? I saw a juicer on QVC where you just out the cut lemon in half and it juices it automatically. I wouldn't be able to juice them either. Yesterday I moved and carried a short car ramp and two feed pans and it really made my left lower rib cage hurt. Spread out a huge car tarp to dry so I could fold it. Thought I might close that barn door but maybe not. I'll look at it and decide. Do you drink the lemon juice straight? Doubt I could do that. But if it works guess I could - better than having stones. After all this potato talk, think I'll have a baked potato after while.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Back again. Does anyone have a recipe for French fries? Do you soak the potatoes in water first? I air fry instead of using oil..
    Sara, do you like avocado oil? I've never tried it so just wondered.
    Maris, that recipe for chocolate gravy sounds good, too. Anything chocolate!
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    My grandmother had a cup of hot lemonade every morning. Real Lemon bottled juice...3T = juice of 1 lemon.

    You buy lemons based on weight and squeeze.

    I will pass on the chocolate gravy and the creamed potatoes which I prefer roasted with a bit of light oil (not always easy to find) and then a bit of butter and a sprinkle of Fleur de Sel which I get from Williams Sonoma. Do not get me started on salt...I have some for cooking and others for finishing.

    Salt/olive oil...I got really tired of people talking about wine so I picked up salt and olive oil. They really are interesting.

    Lorita...does Darwin have a barn???

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, I think mom added milk to the potatoes not sure but I will find the recipe.

    Today hasn't been good! Hope the rest is better!! Started with Lou getting ready for her Dr appointment, she was a handful. Of course blood pressure and flu shot was no better, very hard to get it done and telling us to get the hell away from her. Then the lab......oh boy what a job, trying to get her to stay still and her yelling as loud as she could, I want to get the hell out of here. We finally got everything done and back in the car. I asked if she wanted some pulled pork, potato salad and Cole slaw from the BBQ place. She was happy and smiling after I mentioned the bbq.

    I'm worn out!!

    Still praying for all my friends on the porch.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, Ron, I was thinking a while ago - maybe we did use milk instead of water at the end - after they'd cooked and we were ready for the sauce. At any rate, they were good. So sorry for the hard time you had with Lou today. Reminds me of one time when Charles had to have bloodwork - took me to try to calm him down while they did it - dentist was a hard thing, too - just couldn't understand what to do. Sounds like the barbeque did the trick. Now's the time for you to lay down and take a nap - bet Lou's tired, too.

    Judith, Darwin has a huge equipment barn - not for cattle but for his equipment which he has sold now except for his Mule (sort of like a Gator). He had two huge tractors, haybaling equipment, etc. He told me the other day he has it almost full of wood he's cut. I don't know of any place around here that does have a barn for cattle - ours are sort of spoiled. He told me the other day there's between 400 and 500 head of cattle on his place now - that's probably a section and a half - quite a few more than he ran.

    Shirley, you'll never guess what - I just got home from going up to our little convenience store. While I was there I saw this gorgeous, white car sitting beside the post office. So I had to go in to mail letters and I asked the girl working there what kind of car it was. I had walked all around it and couldn't see a name but the insignia on the front looked like a Chrysler. It was a Chrysler 300. Asked her how she liked it and she said it was her dream car. She did say you really have to be careful on dirt or gravel roads or any place that's a bit lower or it'll bottom out. It does look really low - specs say 4.4-6". My Mercury was about 5" and it worked okay but this really looked low. Might be able to put on bigger wheels and tires. When I had my Cougar I had to have them change out the wheels because they were too wide and picked up gravel that scarred the fenders. The car is beautiful.

    When I was going up to town some of the heifers were by the fence next to the road and two babies were outside the fence. When I came back one had gotten back through but one was still out. People go up and down that road 90 to nothing and I was afraid one would get out in the road and get hit. I called Darwin to ask him to call Toad and tell him so he could check the fence. I don't have his number. That's the only old fence on the place - I've had all the others replaced and that one will have to be done eventually.

    Glad I got that trip made - need to shampoo my hair so it'll dry before I have to go out and check again.

    Judith, I've never used it but have you used pink Himalayan salt? I've heard salts taste differently - do you find that to be true?

    Think I'll have a baked potato for supper - sorry, already said that a while ago. I have to use up those potatoes. Maybe I could put them down in the cellar where we used to keep our potatoes. They kept from June until the next spring when we had new potatoes. But, I haven't been down there for a while. So, I won't. One of my favorite ways to have potatoes (I've never made them) is the potato wedges you can buy in the deli at WM. They are sooo good.Have to learn how to make those - did read a recipe a while ago that sounded easy.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,357
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    It's always best to get a thin-skinned lemon that feels relatively heavy for it's size when juicing-- not easy to do when you're buying them in a bag of some kind.

    Microwaving a lemon for about 20-30 seconds until it just feels warmish will soften the membrane that holds the juice. This not only make it easier the squeeze, but you'll also get more juice as a result. Another tip is to roll them on a hard surface first. I think the former hack works better. I use a handheld lemon or orange press when my hands are up for it and an ancient glass one when they aren't.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I do not like the pink salt.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    HB Thank you for those tips. I’m going to try the microwave one and work on the weight thing because I know that works for other fruits. I have one of the old type of lemon juicer’s too. That’s what I was using at first, but that was harder on me than the squeeze one. I thought about looking into juicer’s, but before I get one, I want to be sure they are easy to clean because I’ve heard people complain about that before and I don’t want something that’s hard to clean.

    You can use the bottled lemon juice because I asked them when they told me they suggest I do this. But when I looked at the bottle, it has a lot of ingredients in it besides lemon juice and I’m gonna be drinking a half a cup of it every day, so I decided no I’m going to go with the fresh. You’re supposed to dilute it in 12 to 16 ounces of water are usually put in a pint of water.

    I do really like avocado oil, it’s my favorite oil. I only use avocado oil and olive oil. I like my french fries and I make them in the air fryer. Sometimes I’ll peel a potato and then place the potato in a bowl of water and just set it in the refrigerator for a few hours. I do think that this makes a nice french fry. Other times i’ll cut the potatoes up and get it all prepared like I’m gonna put it in the fryer but then I set it in the refrigerator for a few hours I like that way too. But most of the time I just peel it cut it up and fry it. It’s good enough for me. I place about a teaspoon of oil for a medium potato in a bowl and then I just sprinkle in a good shake of some type of paprika. Cut potatoes up and put them in there and then I just toss them with a spoon. until they’re coated and you’ll know when they’re coated because they’ll all be covered with paprika . And then I use 400° on my air fryer and I shake them every three minutes and usually they’re done by nine minutes sometimes a little sooner than that if the fries are skinnier.

    Ron glad you had a nice day. Know it makes for a nice breather. My mom has been quite a bit easier to deal with for a few weeks now except for when I clean house. I so dread that day and I only do it every two weeks and it’s Wednesday that I have to do this again it’s so sad when you’re being kind and helping someone instead they see it is, you’re doing something awful. I would like to do it every week because it really can use it but two weeks are OK. I don’t like making her all upset like that but sometimes you have to do what you Gotta do.

    I’m far and away no salt expert. I use real salt which is a got a pink tint to it, but it’s not pink Himalayan. Actually mined in one of the western states I saw a video on the mind. I think it’s Idaho or Utah but I’m not sure. I don’t use a lot of salt because they asked me to eat a low salt diet.

    Guess that’s enough about potatoes lemon and salt. Laugh out loud. Hope everyone has a good nights rest.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Love this thread! We talk about everything and get answers to questions we have about anything.

    Thanks, Sara, for your tips on French fries. Wonder what putting into water does? Maybe gets rid of some starch? Also love sweet potato fries. Usually cook some of each and the sweet potato ones are dessert. I use a unsafe oven and it works great. Usually spritz the fries with olive or vegetable oil. What is it you like about avocado oil, Sara? I looked for it in our grocery store before it closed and they didn't have it - maybe WM.

    Shampooed mg hair and dried it, then went down to check heifers. All seemed good but they were scattered.

    I'll stop for tonight. Sleep well.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    @Lorita ee did get a good crop this year, around 3 bales per acre.

    The barn is going up! The Inspection stuff is a pain.. makes the project take so long as each piece of the work requires inspection and you have to request 24 hours in advance. Not like the “old days”..

    @jfkoc I’m not a pink salt fan either. I pretty much stick with my coarse sea salt for cooking..What are your favorites? I also love different types of oils..

    @Sayra We have an air fryer, my husband uses it. I don’t. I have a favorite pot, skillet or pan for everything I cook. Same with wooden spoons. My kids call me eccentric:

    which I believe is code for

    “Mama’s crazy “, LOL

    @ronald71111 BBQ is good comfort food! I bought a nice tenderloin today to use for Brunswick Stew when it gets cold again..

    Hope everyone has good rest tonight..

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Jeri...I should branch out into oils.

    Salt...Diamond Kosher for cooking. The Fleor de Sel fromm Il de Re for about everything else. Ina Garton uses a sea salt from the vouth of france and another kings of salt in baking.

    Sayra...check the ingredients on the Real Lemon brand.

    Ron...can you simplify Lou's clothes. Pull on knit pants, camisole and a loose knit top. I hope you are not trying the bathe her the same day she goes out and at this point I would question blood work.

    Made a roast w/vegies. Thankfully someone was here to get it out of the oven. I need to stop making it is a cast iron pot. Any suggestions???

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    ? Crock pot for the roast? I dear mine first on the stovetop but then use the crockpot all day on low.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited November 2023

    Judith real lemon has two preservatives in it and since I have to drink a fairly large amount every day that’s why I don’t want to use that. But thank you for saying that because it just made something click in my brain and said I wonder if you can get lemon juice, frozen.. You can Minute Maid makes a frozen lemon juice. But only one store out of the five or so in the area I could use carry it. Hopefully that store will keep carrying it and that I’ll be able to get it at least part of the time if not all the time.

    I cook a roast for about 12 to 14 hours in crockpot on low because I like mine fall apart. I never do brown mine first, I think many years ago I did until someone told me I don’t do that. What I’ve never done is cook vegetables in with it which I know a lot of people do but I was never sure about that. Also, you don’t really have to put water in it but I do I almost up to the top because I like the broth. I defat the broth and freeze it so then I use it in a lot of my cooking and it’s way better than beef broth that I buy. As a single person I also freeze quite a bit of the roast which can be used for many things. One of the things I like to do is take a chunk of the beef roast cut up veggies like you would do originally and then put a jar of my broth in the pan and I let it cook for a while and it’s really good. It really to me tastes as good as it does when you first make it, I enjoy that with a piece of cornbread.

    take care, everyone💐

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,357
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    This conversation certainly drifted. I love it.

    @Sayra I hope the microwave hack helps. I forgot to share the bit about my niece giving me a handheld squeezer and me loading the cut fruit into it backwards for over a year before figuring out why it was so messy. Duh.

    Realemon just tastes different. I know it has sulfites added to preserve freshness and lemon oil added. IME, lemon oil is more intense a lemon flavor. If I want that, I either boil peel in a simple syrup to extract the oil or add zest.

    @jfkoc I am particular about salt as well. I have Morton Sea Salt with iodine (my endocrinologists insists) at the table and also for baking. Morton Coarse Kosher for cooking and Maldon flakes for finishing. I have quite an assortment of flours and oils as well. I use either EVOO, regular olive oil or avocado.

    When I make a pot roast, I use a heavy stainless NSF commercial stock pot after starting it stove top, I transfer to the oven at 210-215F which means I don't have to babysit it. I do this with a couple of soups I make as well. I kind of don't see the point in dirtying a pot and stovetop and then dirtying a Crock Pot, too. Call me lazy. I have a Lodge "dutchie", but it's not enameled so it is a PITA to clean.

    Today is 5 days out from my 2 1/2 hour unmasked COVID exposure. I had a headache yesterday which was my only real symptom last year when I got a faint positive while my entire family got sick. I did test negative yesterday and stayed away from people. I feel a lot better today and will re-test tomorrow. I'm supposed to have an in-office appointment with my PCP on Friday that I really want to get out of the way.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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