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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    edited January 28

    I am not fearful that something get taken from the mailbox. I fear they will think no one is in residence and break into the house. Mail in the mailbox has always been seen as an invitation.

    So tractors can go fast. Always something to learn.

    Where do they keep the hay bales?

    Arm never hurt and I was only really tired for about 7 hours.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Judith , most of the big, round bales are kept in the open but not on the meadows. If there happens to.be a big, open barn some can be put in there. The bales have netwrap on them so the rain sheds off. During our recent ice they put as many as they could under cover so they could get the wrap off.

    Glad you recovered quickly. Tractors don't go nearly as fast as a car or truck can but pretty fast if they don't have equipment on them.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Morning, Cold, cloudy and kind of foggy. Promises of warmer weather this week. Hope everyone is up and well this morning. Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Rainy, dark , will be good for water table.

    Looked up a hot cocoa recipe last night. Might try to make it today. Haven’t had any in a long time. Just got a craving for it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Sara, my friend, Carol, makes hot chocolate mix for all her grands at Christmas. I have the recipe, or did, but I know she uses powdered milk and powdered sugar, I think.

    You have a basement, I know, but do most homes up north have them? My sister lived in a house in OKC with one but I think very few in our area have them. Don',t know why though.

    The sun is out' looks so nice. GPs are outside enjoying it. I just filled the bird feeders and left sunflower seeds for the squirrels. Also swept the porch which had sunflower seed hulls all over it. Need to go out and start car and PU. Also need to get my mail. Debating if I want or should make two or three trips out to Gator with trash bags and boxes for trash tomorrow. Just bathed my foot and have been up on it a while. Maybe take what I can carry or drag when I go start the vehicles.

    I have a pretty good sized flower pot on ground by steps and this morning it was turned over. Why or how I don't know unless there was something green in it and the squirrels wanted it and turned it over. Last summer I couldn't keep any green plants on porch because of them but that's okay.

    Two good football games on this evening so better do what I need to pretty soon.

    Ron, are you over your soreness from your fall? Hope you were able to go to Church this morning.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Hi porch peeps, hope all are doing well.

    Do any of you own a Vitamix? If so do you love it? There's an Explorian 2.0 on QVC special value today. Of course I went to research Vitamixes and am now totally confused as to what to buy! I haven't owned a blender in a long time and want to start making smoothies, shakes, etc. using ice, frozen fruits & veggies. They had a Ninja one serve thing the other day but after reading reviews on how it did not do well with ice and frozen fruit decided not to buy it. I do not mind investing in something that will last me a long time. Any advice is appreciated.

    LO and doggies are napping so I'm going to get some things done around the house. Back later. xo

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Caro Lynn, Never bought a Vitamix but I do have a Ninja blender. Had it for years. It does well with crushing ice and making ice cream,- frozen fruit, milk and maybe a little sugar. Mine is an older model. Don't use it much but I do like it. I think Vitamixes are pretty expensive for something I wouldn't use much but do like the soup making option.

    Well, got it done; wrapped my ankle/foot, took out one bag of trash and a bunch of boxes stacked inside each other. Stormy hasn't ridden in Gator for a while so took him. Felt good to be outside again. Road is filled with water puddles halfway up from the road. Good I went because the mailbox was rimmin'full. Started the car and PU just fine. Back inside now and ready to watch the Chiefs. By the way, I had left one of the PU windows open so the seats, and mine, are wet.. After the past two weeks if awful weather, it's a beautiful day and not very cold.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    edited January 28

    Just saw the price for the Vitamix- pretty good. Also would be good for making nut butters.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    Good afternoon-

    Gray and drizzly here, too. The sump pump is getting a good workout but it's keeping up, so it's all good.

    I made chili the other night when we ended up having Chinese takeout. So chili tonight with cornbread. I'm going to do a workout for my knees in a bit and then run a few errands on the way to mom's to pick her up for dinner. Maybe I'll make a green salad to go-with. With her COVID exposure, I've been limiting my contact to essential stuff only.

    I don't like her to be too isolated. I read something that said something like a day isolated takes as big a toll on health and longevity as 16 cigarettes. Yikes. She has a couple of people she talks with on the phone, but they're mostly downers (2 with good reason and my aunt who is living the dream) and she comes away feeling worse for the call. Her one friend is so negative that the conversations are ridiculous-- last week she was complaining that her one granddaughter-in-law "doesn't seem to like housework or entertaining" (the girl has 2 little boys and works fulltime as a nurse) because she asked her own mom to host a First Birthday Party for the younger one. Her mom is delighted to host. The mom's friend complained about her own granddaughter who "seems to be a good mom but dresses her baby in a lot of black and gave him a stuffed rat toy". The granddaughter is into goth clothing and had pet rats in the past which mom's friend complains about as well.

    I need to drop off my sewer bill-- it's due in a couple days and I don't want to risk mailing it. There's been a lot of check washing in this area. Scammers aren't just pulling mail out of curbside boxes, they're fishing it out of actual mail drop boxes. The local post offices installed chain deterrents on the boxes so the thieves went at a few with a crowbar. Guidance is to use the slots inside the post office for now. So annoying.

    @Caro_Lynne My niece has a Vitamix. She loves it. For a time, it was the usual bridesmaids' shower gift to the bride-- her friends all have and swear by them. She burned out a couple of Ninjas before she splurged on a Vitamix for herself. I'm not sure which model she has, but it's at least 6 years old and she uses it a lot. Mostly smoothies but her husband uses it to puree soups and sauces, too.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    Wow...did we all watch about the Viatmix??? 6I too came downstairs and googled. I decided not to buy something that would outlive me...lol

    Then I got on a kick and wanted a Brandy Alexander. That led to a Brandy ice and back to a blender.

    Hot chocolate recipe. ..Milk, Hersheys chocolate and little marshmellows.

    Beuatiful day here. I am planning nothing. Will check on Travis and the game about 4p. I do hope the Chiefs win but can not for the life of me make myself sit and watch for hours.

    Down to some pizza I froze and some Greek yogurt.

    Spille RootBeer on the remote for the Christmas lights and now it does not work. That will leave just two homes on the block still lite up. I bought 10 new strands of lights on sale and now will look for a timer to use onsale. Thinking of putting lights in the trees in the backyard. I hate looking out at black nothing. Might even create some sort of metal sculpture or maybe bury some memorial poles for family to paint when they are here. What do you all have in your backyards?

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Thanks HB and Lorita for sharing your info on blenders. I didn't know that was a go-to gift for brides; learn something every day. The one on QVC seems to be basic entry level which is all I need. Have no idea what nut butter is or how to make it LOL

    Sounds like you got alot done Lorita. I signed up with USPS for a free service which sends me an email every morning with images of my mail (junk mail not included) called Informed Delivery. Here's a link to the site if you are interested:


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    caro_lynn...'it is peanut butter but made with whatever nuts you want.. How do I know? That happened to be what they were demonstrating on TV this morning...lol

    Good link to a serrvice. It is only 5 steps to my mail box or I would certainly use it. Still...not a good idea to have mail left in the box. Sort of like don't keep money unnder your mattress.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Thanks Judith, I was just watching about it online. Chiefs are doing well so far! I put cafe lights (I think that's what they're called) on my back patio. I too dislike looking out at the dark at night. My real Christmas tree is still alive and well in my living room. Took all other decor down but still have my tree - makes me happy to look at at night with it's lights :-)

    My mailbox is right outside my door too, I just like to see what's coming before it gets here. No reason why, just do lol


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited January 28

    Lorita, we do indeed have basements in the Midwest - most of us, anyway. We are sort of in "tornado alley" so that's one good reason to have a basement. The other is storage - persons who do not have basements may use their garage for storage and thus be unable to put their cars in the garage. That would drive my husband crazy. He is very picky about his cars. Geographic areas that do not have basements may be due to high water table or very hard rock under the top soil.

    Sara, your carrots look amazing! You also have a lovely glass compote (?) on the table - perhaps a family heirloom? So pretty.

    HB, I've heard about check washing. There is a certain type of gel pen that is supposed to be difficult to do that with: Uniball 207 Signo gel with 1.0 is top rated on Best Reviews.

    Caro_Lynne, I have a Ninja. It crushes ice with no problem. Let us know how you like what you end up purchasing. By the way, your dogs are super cute! I have made Texas Trash - my recipe is a lot like what we call Chex Mix (made with wheat chex and other chex cereals, nuts, pretzel bits etc.)

    Ron, glad your testing was ok.

    JeriLynn, you are a very busy lady! You mentioned getting your husband's property ready to sell. Is he selling the business as well? Do you farm your property (crops)? I know you have animals. The little goats are so sweet. You will enjoy having home grown vegetables (and flowers). I grow many flowers; my food crops have included blueberries, red raspberries, tomatoes, green beans, sugar snap peas, lettuce, spinach, carrots and cucumbers - I am sure there are some others but that's what i can recall off the top of my head.

    Time to watch some football.

    Hugs, Beth

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita i do have a basement and most homes here do. My uncle who lives in Tennessee does not and he said, if I remember right, ground is too rocky there.

    Do not own a blender except for a Braun immersion blender which i really like.

    Laugh out loud Judith, have a bunch of grow bags in my back yard, waiting on spring. Have no artistic bones in my body. I got left out.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    Which Ninja???

    Sayra...everyone is artistic. Do not ever think that because the tree you draw does not look like the real tree that it is less. Paint a hot pink tree and love it!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Judith, you mentioning spilling root beer had me craving either a good A&W frosty mug of root beer or a root beer float. Memories of days gone by! I know that making it might self would be easy, but it's nothing like driving up to a A & W with one arm on the stirring wheel and another arm around a girl waiting on the car hop to come take the order.

    Didn't make it to church this morning having some problems. Have started back on my blood thinner but woke up this morning with the leg hurting like it did when they found he clot. Also, since the fall my knee has been trying to give out when I'm walking. With all that, when I got up this morning wasn't feeling good, blood pressure high and HR 126. Blood pressure has gone down but everytime I get up I'm light headed and checking HR it's up and down. I just walk to the kitchen and back and it's over 100 and takes several minutes of rest to go down. Told Lou's sitter if it's not better tommorow expect a longer stay because I'll probably go to the VA.

    Going to kick back in the recliner now. Hope everyone's week is a good week!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    Ron...when you get up count to 10 before waking. Do you have a rollator? It wouldbe a good investment for now and the future. I use mine religiously and cart stuff around on the seat. I need another to replace the old walker upstairs.

    If you go down the house of cards is doomed!

    4:30 check....Chiefs are ahead but not by much.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Beth we must have been posting at same time. Beth it is a candy dish. I like vintage candy dishes and have 3 of them. None are family heirlooms. A guy i worked with liked vintage things also and we would chat about it. Apparently i told him once if he ever ran into a pink candy dish to pick it up for me. When I bought my house he brought it to me as a house warming gift.

    Thank you Judith for your encouragement .

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Nothing in my backyard except trees and crepe Myrtle which I hope are still living. I'm worried about the trees and shrubs. They completely defoliated last summer because of grasshoppers and drought, then leafed out after the rain.

    Game was pretty good but the Ravens had two many penalties. I should have put the flag back up when I was out today but didn't think of it- maybe tomorrow. Carol's sisters grandkids went to school with Me homes down in Texas. They said he was good in all sports and was super nice.

    Ron, be careful when you get up. Like Judith said, count to 10 before you move.

    What did you decide, Caro Lynn?

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    @BethL DH will close the business but sell the property. There’s no one around that knows how to do that work of rebuilding big radiators. We have customers come from 100 miles away. We just finished a job on a loader for a cotton gin. The radiator was $4800.

    Blenders: I just have a small Hamilton Beach cheapie for smoothies. I use ice and frozen fruit with no problem.

    Well Porch Friends: we got BABIES! Miss Boogie did a great job. She had them between church and supper feeding time. Had them both cleaned, dry and warm when we went to feed.

    Here they are in birth order:

    1. Miss Jilly-Jelly Bean and 2. Jax Jr.

    Both are looking healthy and are nursing. Boogie got shelled corn in addition to her sweet feed.

    God is good!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    edited January 28

    Congratulations on the two new babies!! Both of them are besutuful. Now you can rest and sleep without worrying about Boogie. I always talk to the new moms and congratulate them on their new baby. JetiLynn, about how much does a newborn baby goat weigh?

    How do you take your heart rate? Ron, is it your pulse that's so high? I guess I'm asking about respiration rate.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    Iam still out here trying to read all the post, but I have 20/20 in my left eye, and I get the right eye surgery done on Thursday. It's amazing how good I can see far away but with my right eye still needing the surgery it's not so amazing how I can't read anything in front of me. Iam looking forward to having both eyes done.

    I loved that picture of the little kitty I saw a few pages back. So sweet.

    Jackie the Bald Eagle has laid 2 eggs, the second egg was just laid 2 hours ago. If you remember I was watching her and her partner Shadow last year. If you would like to watch them, go to, Big Bear Bald Eagle nest, you will be able to keep up with Jackie and Shadow, and the babies.

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Lorita I’m going to say Jax weighs about 5 pounds or better. I moved him up to get a picture and he felt like about a 5# bag of sugar lol. You really can’t handle them too much right at first- Mama wouldn’t like it and may reject the baby. She’s pretty comfortable with me and was checking my pocket for treats when I was touching the babies. Jilly toddled right up to me when I walked in the stall. Jax was still laying down and Boogie was laid next to him keeping him warm. They both went to nurse when Randolph gave Boogie her food.

    Heart rate: locate your pulse lightly pressing on your wrist just above the bend of your hand on the thumb side. Count the number of beats for 1 minute = your heart rate. You can also buy a pulse oximeter at Walmart, most drugstores or from Amazon. Are you feeling ok?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Those babies are precious. 💓

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    The babies are here, the eggs have been laid and all kinds of records went into the books when the Chiefs won. A good day overall.

    You will not believe this but 1/2of the Christmas lights are on. After I thought they were all unplugged. Guess it had to get dark before I realized it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Zetta, keep reading. It takes a while to catch up. I posted esrlier, watched the game, came back and had to catch up. Isn't it early for eggs? I will watch for sure.

    JeriLynn, how has Lilly reacted to the babies? Was she in with Boogie when she had them?

    I have one of those oxymeters. Now, there is temperature, pulse and respiration. I think that's the number of times you take a breath in a minute and the wrist is pulse, isn't it?

    Judith, what a surprise for you when it got dark and you looked out! Not sure I'll watch the game'j that is on now. Watching Shark Tank and Doc Martin later. Sleep tight tonight. See you tomorrow

  • NUMber2
    NUMber2 Member Posts: 92
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    You must be in my neck of the woods. Looking forward to the "warmer" temperatures but I'm really looking forward to seeing the sunshine.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Lorita, we haven’t let Lilly in the stall but she’s calmer today than she’s been all week. Since she’s had food aggression this week and has really just been very “growly” with the other animals, we’ll go slow with introducing her. I interpreted she was “protecting “ Boogie but it shook me a little. These are the first babies she and Jake have been exposed to. I’m sure open to your advice!

    Yes, the respirations are breaths per minute and the heart rate is heart beats per minute

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Number2, I'm in Eastern Oklahoma. Born in the house where I live. Haven't gone very far in my life.

    JeriLynn, I think you're doing the right thing. I'd let the babies get some older before I introduce Lilly to them. She may see the babies as intruders since they weren't there and now are. Maybe when they're up and around you could take her in, on leash, at first, letting her get used to them. I know Lilly must be really big so that might be safer.

    Our GPs have never really been out with the girls. I keep them in the yard except when Stormy goes with me in the Gator or Sheena walking on a leash. The girls sort of scare them because they're so curious(,the girls) The GPs are territorial so they keep everything away from the yard fence.

    You know, when we were looking for a big dog after losing another one,, we also almost adopted an Anatolian Shepherd. He had just been neutered - brought him home the next day. I walked around the yard with him and he kept checking out the top of the fence. When I let him off leash he jumped the 5 1/2 ft.fence,- cleared it completely. I called the shelter and the owners came and got him. He was a really nice dog., That was when Charles was still with me.

    Shortly after that a GP puppy came to visit every day with our neighbor's dogs. One day they left him but came back the next day and he went home. A few days latter they left him again and he stayed. There was something wrong with Prince and we lost him when he wss ten months old. I had lost Charles shortly before that. Two months after Charles was gone, Mike found Sheena (one year old)for me and a month later he found Stormy, eight weeks old. Most wonderful dogs ever. I know you feel the same about Lilly. Sorry for that long story. I know I've told it before, sorry.

    Looks like it will be the Chiefs and 49ers in the Super Bowl. See you all tomorrow. Sleep tight.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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