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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • Ed1937
    Ed1937 Member Posts: 5,084
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    Jo, in all my time here, I don't think I've ever posted on this thread! But I saw where you told Hoot to check it out, so I did. It must be really hard to adapt to your new way of life, and I wish it were better. But I'm glad you posted, and gave us an update. Keeping you in my prayers.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    BTW Ed, how's Suzy??

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,761
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    edited February 6

    Ron....You can get the Pedialyte powder online as well as grocery and drugstore. I am not certain how long an opened bottle lasts in the frig.

    Welcome Ed...pull up a rocker and jump in with any topic you want.

    I went to the meat market as soon as it opened to pick up a roast to feed to family who are headed to Cabo to whale watch tomorrow. Now that is something I would like to do.

    Anyway, I mentioned to the butcher that I had started watching Alexander the Great on Netflix. It happens that his major in college was history so we had a great chat. Interesting how the very long spears allowed Alexander to win so many battles. Sarissa - Wikipedia. Also interesting how at that time the Gods were believed to "live" with humans. Alexander believed that his true father was Zeus.

    The documentary is watcher friendly. Future conversations with the butcher will verify it's accuracy. Soo far I give it 5 stars.

    We are starting Spanish speaking tours at the museum along with bringing back tours for people who sign. I will continue my Monday at the Museum with mentally challenged persons.

    West coast friends....do we need to provide overnight accomodations on the porch or are you still OK?

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    It sure felt good having Jo check in. The gang was all together, and were growing.

    Iris I hope you can do your trip. The rains you describe and I've seen on the news are just awful.

    I'd love to be cleaning out closets, but if I'm not in the right mood all I do I rearrange things! Besides this pinched nerve is wearing me out. I went to our chiropractor yesterday and that helped some. He isn't a 'regular' chiropractor, but rather a head / spinal specialist. Its the weirdest / oddest thing - you lay flat on your back and he looks at the length of your legs - then he has you turn on your right shoulder and he does 3 or 4 tiny taps behind your ear. That's it - that's the adjustment. You sit up, he then feels your neck & shoulders and your done. What that adjustment does is get your head in alinement with your spine. If I hadn't had it work on me numerous times I wouldn't believe it. I've gone in with a migraine so bad I couldn't open my eyes & with a bucket - 3 taps later I'm standing there chatting with him feeling 100% better. Now my shoulder muscles are very sore - he said they would be, but I can move my neck and shoulder freely. I'll go back Thursday again and we'll go from there. Best $25.00 I can spend. Everyone that goes to him just loves him.

    I've got to get busy for the tax account. I give him way more info than he ever asks for, but I like to see exactly where everything goes. That's just me, making more work for myself.

    Be safe everyone.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Eaglemom, many many moons ago when I was young and better looking a chiropractor had me walking after I hurt my back. I hurt it at work one Friday night on the midnight shift, drive home and fell on the ground after getting out of the car. I had to crawl up the steps to get on the house. Lou went and got my dad who took me to the chiropractor. Since it happened at work the plant sent me to a orthopedic and he asked what the chiropractor did. Back then chiropractors weren't recognized much in the medical feel but the orthopedic surgeon told me he would have sent me to a physical therapist but the chiropractor was doing what they would so I kept going to him. Years later I still had to have surgery and the surgeon told me he ha to work that it looked like a explosion went off in my back.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,761
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    i, like you eaglemom, hand over more than is needed. I keep all records for each year together in a Container Store Sweater box. They are just the right size and stack well for attic storage.

    I also make a spread sheet of relevant credit card charges and checks. I too like to have a clear picture of just where my money went.

  • Ed1937
    Ed1937 Member Posts: 5,084
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    She's getting big. She'll be a fine dog, but still has a lot of learning to do. She'll be 4 months old on the 15th. I'm surprised you remembered her name. I call her Gracie quite often. 😊 That was the name of the one we lost last year. Maybe I should change my avatar (Gracie)??

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Fried okra and tomatoes would be good with mashed up pintos and cornbread.

    HB know what you mean about the grape hyacinth foliage. I still think they are beautiful. Agree that daffodils look much nicer clumped.

    Ed its nice having you in a rocker on the front porch.

    The last time I went to Chiropractor he used that little gadget. Pretty amazing how it worked.

    Take care everyone 🌙😴💤

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    @Ed1937 I have a Suzy too. I thought your avatar was your Suzy; Gracie is beautiful! Have you always had shepherds? My German shepherd growing up was named Kelly. Best dog ever! My Suzy rescued me 11 years ago and helps me get through every day. Off Topic: I'm so glad your are still around and posting. Want to thank you for responding to my first post when I was feeling unseen and unheard xo

    This is my Suzy:

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Ron, I drink lots of water but recently talked with a pharmacist about a different matter and asked het what to do for achy calves. She recommended electrolytes, too. I bought some but haven't drunk any. To combat the dehydration, maybe you could just keep a bottle or glass of water or some liquid nearby all the time and drink a little frequently. I'm never without a bottle of water near me - even when I go somewhere.

    Welcome, Ed, pull up a chair and join in. Always room for more.

    Stormy and I decided to go out and find Gray Lady. Some of the girls were in the pasture south of the house so checked there first - didn't see her so tried to find a way up to the hayrings that wasn't so muddy. Managed that and started checking. Lots were laying down, including the newest baby. He's so cute - not used to the Gator yet so got up and moved closer to mom when he saw us. Drove around all the rings trying to see her so finally just got out and made them move so I could see their heads. Actually, some of them seemed glad to see me and I was glad to see them, too. She wasn't there so went back to check the south pasture again. I had just about given up and decided to check the barn when we checked the last one - it was Gray Lady grazing a little green grass or weeds. She was glad to see us - came over to the Gator and touched her nose to Stormy's. Made me feel a lot better to see her.

    Quiet day here - pretty day and will be tomorrow but Thursday we'll have high winds so guess the flag will come down again.

    When I was taking my tax papers to Sam I took everything - income and all the receipts for the farm. The last three years I've sent papers to him - now only the income papers. I still don't use his form so write everything down and send it. Will do it again this year - hope to get them in before next month. Shouldn't take too long since I don't have many expenditures for the farm - no feed, etc. We'll see how it works out.

    Hope all of you have a good evening. Sleep well.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Well yesterday was very busy. I went to the Funeral Home and pre-paid for my arrangements. Didn’t like the liner of the casket so the Owner (he grew up out here) gave me a higher priced casket with a prettier liner for a discount price. Wooden casket. Notes entered on their computer about lipstick and nail polish colors. My clothes and shoes are labeled in the closet. I’m marching into Heaven in a black Ralph Lauren dress and designer maroon suede peep toed 3 inch lacquered tapered heels 👠 wearing Revlon Red polish and lipstick. Feel better that job is done and my girls don’t have to worry with that.

    Jake the GP killed a skunk and was guarding his prize, but Lilly stole it when he wasn’t looking . She wouldn’t put it down but finally took it out to the fencerow to hide it from me 🙄🙄.

    I made banana bread today. Worked on tax documents and finished paperwork for my Father in Law to move to Assisted Living at his facility. My brother in law has his second cataract surgery tomorrow, so another busy day ahead. Looks like each of you are busy too!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    edited February 7

    JeriLynn, bet it makes you feel better getting your arrangements made. I made mind a couple of years ago. Still haven't taken over the clothes. I think it may be a cattan. Hadn't thought about shoes, probably will be socks. I don't wear dresses but do wear caftans. Your chosen clothes sound beautiful .Mother had a friend whose mother passed away and she had her dressed in overalls.

    Do your GPs smell like skunks now?

    Years ago our GPs had a raccoon standing up against a tree. Got them in the house and the coon got on top of the house. How are the babies and is Lilly okay with them.now?

    Received the Vionics today but maybe I shouldn',t wear them.until my ankle is fully recovered. I hear coyotes so guess they're going out to hunt.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Lorita I don’t know HOW Jake killed that thing without getting sprayed but he nor Lilly smell “skunked “.

    We have not had time to make introductions yet with the new babies and dogs. Every single day has just been jam packed with “must do today” kinds of things. Between getting things decided about my father in law, William’s visitation and funeral, my brother in law’s surgery and meetings about the sale of husbands business property- we just slap ran out of time

    Boogie doesn’t seem to mind being in the stall so maybe this weekend we’ll have time to get this done. But I’m still not ready to let them run unsupervised in the pasture while we’re at the Shop.

  • Ed1937
    Ed1937 Member Posts: 5,084
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    @Caro_Lynne your Suzy is a cutie! We've almost always had a dog, sometimes three of them. Most of our dogs have been German Shepherds. I guess we've had enough of them we should be experts on the breed by now. But that didn't happen. 😕

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Caro, Suzy sure looks comfy

    Good morning JoC.

    How is Joan this morning

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Suzy is adorable 🥰

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    We’re at the Vet clinic to have Sunny the Poodle put down. He’s 16 and struggling. What a day 😢😢

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    I am sorry to hear that it's time to cross the Rainbow Bridge for Sunny.


  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    JeriLynn so sorry about Sunny. They are family. Is he a standard poodle? Beautiful dogs. Good luck with everything else you have on your list for today. It will keep your mind busy.

    Thanks all for your comments about Suzy xo

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    JeriLynn, I am so sorry to hear about Sunny! I know how hard it is since it hasn't been that long since I had to put out Littlebit down who was 18.

    Had a rough night with acid indigestion coming up my esophagus and the neck pain radiating down my shoulder. Also low grade temperature of 100.7 which has gone down to 100 after taking tylenol earlier. Had Lou's sitter put a heat patch on before she left.

    Been nice the last few days but rain coming back for the weekend and colder next week.

    Going to rest today and get over whatever is going on with me. Still dizzy with low blood pressure on standing, but drinking lots of water.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Morning, JeriLynn, so sorry about your little poodle. We used to have lots of poodles but eventually lost most of them to a tick disease brought up from Texas. I noticed at our vet's clinic the other day they have a flame they light when someone has lost their pet. I think that's so nice. Mike never says "put down", he says he lets them go to sleep. I like that. We love them and want to keep them but sometimes the time does come when it's best for them. I'll have so many pets waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge along with Sunny waiting for you. You've had so much going on with you and your family the past few days. I hope things will slow down after a bit.

    Ed, we've had almost every kind of dog you can think of - even had a German Shepherd - Sable. He was a big puppy when I brought him home and was such a good dog. Now, I have two Great Pyrenees which are now my family, along with my cats. We've loved every one of them just as I'm sure you have.

    It's a pretty morning, a little windy and cool, but sunny. Girls have left the hay and are south of the house grazing. I used the binoculars and I think I saw Gray Lady grazing.

    Well, Sandy, I got the Vionics yesterday - tried them on this morning and they'll fit just fine, without socks but I won't be able to wear them until my ankle and foot are healed completely - hurts the arch. The heel is sort of high - might have to return them and try Crocs. I wear a size 9 and they kind of look like boats on my feet - maybe because they're a birch color.

    I am so tired of the phone ringing - if it was someone I knew or wanted to talk with it would be different but most of them are numbers I don't recognize. It starts about 8 a.m. and doesn't stop until 8 or 9 at night. How do they get a cellphone number anyway?

    This morning when I woke up I was dreaming of Charles and Lorita, my sister. I dream of him often but not of her so much. It's the first time I've dreamed of both of them at the same time. For some reason this dream has made me sad - normally I'm happy when I dream of him.

    I'm going to have to get my car tag and title and pay the excise tax before the 25th. Normally I get those things done in our little town but the salesman told me it's less expensive in another town about 15 miles away so guess I'll go there. Guess he was talking about city tax or something - we'll see.

    Joan, I saw on the weather this morning that parts of Colorado are going to have up to three feet of snow - hope that's not where you live. Think it was in Southern Colorado. Many, many years ago my parents, Sarah's mother and I went on a vacation to Colorado Springs. It was in late July when mother got her vacation and it was HOT to say the least. But at night it was very cool, even had to use a blanket at night. On our way home we came through Raton Pass and it was so nice and cool. Hated to leave and get back into the heat.

    I've written enough so I'll stop for now. I need to call Todd to see what he's done about calling Hospice. Back later. Hope everyone's well this morning.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    We're back from mom's PCP/post-ER appointment. It went mostly well.

    He mostly wanted to be sure we were following up with appropriate specialists and was relieved that we'd seen the pulmonologist and had her TEE and cardiologist appointments scheduled before the end of the month. He cautioned her to "take it easy" and told her to go directly to the ER if she develops chest pain, dizziness or worsening of her breathing and not to fight me if I insist. I appreciate that last bit.

    After I took her for a pedicure and to the farm store. She wanted to carry heavy bags but behaved herself when I insisted she let me get the heavy ones.

    We did have one amusing thing happen. After her appointment we checked out and the clerk asked if she wanted a printed copy of her visit summary. I said "yes, please". Taking @Iris L. 's advice, I wanted to check her weight against recent visits. The first page was next appointments and I noticed a mammogram scheduled on 2/19. That's mom's birthday and I wondered aloud what sort of monster would schedule their mom for a mammogram on her birthday? I don't recall doing it, but it does sound like something I'd do reasoning I'd take her out for dinner after. She wasn't thrilled at the prospect but didn't complain. In the elevator to the ground floor, I paged through the packet looking for her weight and came upon her meds list. The lancets and insulin immediately jumped out at me-- diabetes is one of the few chronic conditions she doesn't have. They gave me the wrong paperwork-- she's not getting that mammogram for her birthday after all.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Sunny passed peacefully in my arms. DH and I both had tears streaming down but it was the right thing and right time for our Sunny Days. I’m at the Surgery Center now with my BIL after going to the care facility and the Shop. So not much time to dwell on the events of the morning.

    Put revisions in the contract language for selling the business property. Everyone is on the same page so that’s good.

    The facility cannot locate the most recent POA reflecting me and/or my daughter as Agents. I’m about to have to have a “come apart “ over there.

    Lorita , I’m confused: Lorita is your sister’s name? Maybe I’m sleep deprived. Dreams are sometimes hard. I sometimes wake my husband with screaming in my sleep. He always gently holds me to wake up safely while telling me “you’re ok, I’m here “.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    edited February 8

    HB, glad your mom's appt. Went well. And, a pedicure to boot! and a trip to the farm store. I like to go to those, too. JeriLynn, Charles is I could never stand to be in the room at the end. When Susie had to go to sleep, Mike gave her the first injection and she fell asleep on my foot but I had to leave then. It's just too hard for me. Can't be out there when one in of the girls has to go.

    Yes, Lorita was my sister who was ten years older than I. She had alz and left us four years ago. My mother also had alz and Charles had vascular dementia. too much for one family, I think. One of my nieces, Scarlet, was always worried that she or I might get ut. She passed away from MS. My given name is Dixie, a good, old, Southern name. I think the water is boiling for my farfalle so will stop for now. Enjoy the evening.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I have not been able to read all the posts because I am in New Orleans and we've been on the go. In a couple of hours we have grandstand seats to view a pre-Mardi Gras parade. The weather is a little chilly and a little windy but very comfortable.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Have lots of fun, Iris. Glad the weather's good. Be safe.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    edited February 8

    Hi agsin, watching ITKWD and they mentioned orange cinnamon tea. Reminded me of spice tea that was so popular in the 70s, I think. Do you all remember that? If so, do yoh happen to have the recipe?

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    I think you'd love the farm store. It's run by the dairy farm and on a nice day, the ladies are in the pastures behind the shop grazing. Most are black & white and the rest brown. They bring in nice produce, bulk nuts, grains and dried fruit, their own baked goods, bread, cheeses/deli meats and snacks and their prices are lower than even Costco on most stuff.

    Their butter, ice cream and milks are terrific. The chocolate and strawberry flavored are amazing.

    I remember when everyone was drinking herb and spiced teas in the 70s. My parents drank the orange spice a lot-- they used the Bigelow "Constant Comment" bags. It smelled divine. You can still get them.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I remember a store ran by a dairy farm, I loved the burgundy cherry and rum raisin ice cream.

    No low grade fever this morning and neck nit hurting. Still a problem with blood pressure being low from sitting to standing. Everybody I talk to seems to think it's either dehydration or medicine. I didn't take my ateneoll yesterday and drank so much h water I was peeing every 20 minutes. I have taken it several times since being up and even before morning meds it was 123/63 sitting and 83/49 standing. I have PC nurse's phone number, so called and left a voice mail.

    Getting old isn't fun,


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Ron, Atenolol is used to treat angina and high blood pressure. Thinking maybe dr.needs to discontinue it or decrease the dosage. Thinking of you and wishing you improved health. Be careful not to fall - when getting up, sit for a few seconds before getting up to hopefully allow your blood pressure to normalize.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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