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Just need to talk to my friends (199)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Morning all

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning, bright, sunny, calm winds and cool this morning. Darwin said it's ,60 degrees. Hasn't been that cool since May. Hope everyone had a good night. Ron, how are you this morning?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Good morning!

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,352
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    Good morning. It's kind of gray but dry in my neck of the woods. It's supposed to be sunny and lovely the next week or so.

    David— You may have an age-related tremor. Mom and her surviving sister have one they call Essential Tremor. It runs in families; their mom had it as well. Aunt's involves her head at times which upsets her and they both drop things sometimes. I've dodged it so far.

    Judith— My mom wasn't big on back-to-school shopping as it's still pretty warm here until mid-October and we were at the beach until a day or so before the start of school. She always made it a point to get us new shoes though as our feet always grew. I always ended up with Buster Brown oxblood penny loafers. LOL, I still wear some iteration of penny loafers to this day.

    Iris— How cool that you were able to get your question answered by the vet on the call-in show. How's he doing with the added Metamucil? I have a friend whose old cat was on it for a couple years and it worked well for said-kitty. She mixed it with wet food and mixed in a couple tablespoons of water.

    Jerilynn— I hope you are shopping the Labor Day appliance sales. My local indie dealer has the Cafe line on sale.

    Beth— I hope the move is going well.

    Mint— Clematis gets unruly here, too. At the moment mine is threatening my deck, crawling up my bay window and enveloping the mailbox. My old mailman refused to deliver when it's in bloom. He was kind of a jerk anyway. I'm going to cut it back and rip some out after it blooms. It's just starting now.


    Mom saw the surgeon and PT last week. She's decided to move forward with both. She has the official consult on Wednesday to go over the details and sign paperwork. She'll have the procedure on the 20th. Monday she's having her AMD injections. She's complaining that her left hearing aid isn't working. So I'll need to deal with that and also get her flu and COVID jabs. Her pulmo says to do them asap and repeat the flu in February of the season is a bad one. I feel like she or I have 2-3 appointments a week until the middle of October. Ugh.

    The hearing aid supposedly charges but isn't working. I'll double check that it's really cleaned and then take it in. I'll be salty if they tell me her ears are clogged with wax like last time. She's supposed to use a kit for a week every couple of months, but I don't trust her to be compliant around this. She's great with medications and her PT but resists her eye compresses, splints and ear wax treatment for some reason.

    The plumber came back and fixed the drain leaking into my office and installed the proper faucet set and grab bars. DH, who tried to convince me not to insist on the showerhead I specifically ordered, admitted the new one is much, much better. But now the drain plug isn't working again. I had to manually adjust it last week after they left. I was not happy at all last night when I attempted to have the first long hot soak in 2 weeks. Grrrr.

    A friend's 90-year-old mom came down with COVID. The family acts like mom is just "forgetful" but her PCP has her on Aricept. I hope she does OK with this as she's living alone and unsupported in a senior apartment complex. The friend told me her SIL dropped mom off a pulse ox with instructions to check it a couple times a day and call if it goes under 90 or she feels worse. Her mom's progressed enough that mom forgot a heart-to-heart with said friend about friend's recent diagnoses by the next morning. This is not good.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    here….sunny and bright outside…cooling off so I need to get someone with a machete to cut back the jungle that surrounds me now

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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    Morning all nice weather today

    I know that the cold weather is coming I took out my winter pants and put away My summer pants next week I will do the same for the shirts. Eventually I will check out my sweaters and get rid of the ones that no longer fit. I havelost 30 lbs.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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    Harshedbuzz, I hope my tremors are only age related.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Good for you David on losing 30 lbs!

    HB, I loved my Buster Brown oxblood oxfords!

    It was too hot to get the Metamucil yesterday, I'll go today.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    48 here this morning, 63 high today, windy too. Going to get back in 80s first of week they say so think i will just work inside today.

    usually get flu shot mid to late October. Seems like by Thanksgiving the flu has started, so i tried to be prepared. Going to have to relook at how long it takes covid shot to take effect and how long the short term effect of it lasts. Im hoping i can get Novavax, at least that is my thought right now. From what I can tell may be available at CVS . I have not taken any since my initial 3, 6 months apart. Those who worked in the field thought that would give you the maximum immune response longterm. I may just wear my mask at holidays and forget the shot. I will have to decide. Seems like to me so far COVID knows no season. It is always here and anything that starts putting people in a building together causes a surge. I believe a lady, who is a virologist , from the beginning said it would not settle down til summer of 2025. I thought about that the other day. She said it would still exist but no longer be a pandemic. Will be interesting to see. I finally by accident found where to follow statistics for Ohio. They made it difficult. It comes out once a week. Cases etc have been increasing, wastewater is stable so far in our county. Only found it a few weeks ago. Guess if i see it increase will start wearing my mask. WAs hoping not to start that til first of November.

    HB your poor mom. Hope things go smoothly for her.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Good for you, David. So far I have lost 32 since May. I'm back Into clothes I wore ten years ago.

    Iris, what will you give the Metamucil for to Simon? Hope it helps.

    I'm ashamed to say this but I have discovered my seat belts don't work. Donna used the ones on the passenger side in May and a couple of weeks ago I tried mine and it wouldn't extend. Tried again this morning with the same results. The one on the passenger side doesn't retract. So will have to take it in sometime when I'm in town.

    Mint, covid cases are going up in Oklahoma, too. I still wear my mask for covid and now for ragweed, too. I usually get my flu shot in mid to late October and will get the covid shot around that time but not the same time.

    It is gorgeous outside with sun and a North wind. The GPs want to stay outside. Just fed Matilda,the big black and yellow spider on the front porch. I think I posted that she had caught a grasshopper a couple of weeks ago. She had finished that so when I filled the water tank st the barn there were two grasshoppers in it. One was swimming so saved him. The other. not swimming much so got him on a brush and took him to Matilda. Got him in her web and when I went by a little later she had put webs all around him. So now I'm feeding a spider, too. Charles and I did that years ago,- another Matilda.

    Watching the Arkansas Razorbacks playing the Oklahoma State Cowboys. Hogs are ahead of the Pokes 21-7.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I saved a bug from a spider web once. I saw it struggling in the web, so I got a stick and gently uncovered the web, and it flew away.

    Simon has hard stools, and his body is so weak, he has a hard time pooping. I have been giving him chia seeds with limited improvement.

    I've lost 14 lbs, I need to lose more. I was on a low calorie diet before and I lost a lot of weight, but I had a bad dizzy spell, which I attributed to not getting enough to eat.

    I had a defective seat belt with one of my former cars. I had to have the seat removed to install a new seat belt. I think it cost around $300.

    I found a couple of COVID tests in my back bedroom. Isuppose they are expired. I know people who have recently gotten COVID, I don't wear a mask unless I am in a close crowd, but I so wash my hands thoroughly and I wipe down things that I touch.

    Our temp reached 109 degrees yesterday. I let the cats sleep on the balcony all night. It is cooler today.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Itis, I have probably done the same thing. Matilda is next to a column on the porch so nothing much goes by her. Thought she needed a meal.

    Repair of the seat belts shouldn't cost anything since it's a new car. Just hate to have to take it in.

    Stormy has the opposite problems. Having loose stools. Hope the Science Diet works. It may be the Moist & Meaty I have been giving them each nite. Hope the Metamucil helps Simon.

    It is the most beautiful day here.Humidity is only 38%, almost unheard of in Okla. Temp is 79.

    What a ballgame! Okla. State won by 8 in The second OT. It lasted about four hours so all of us are ready for a nap!

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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    Lorita, my wife and I did Weight Watcher about one year ago and we each lost about as I said 30 lbs each we gave up WW but we are staying about the same up 4 or 5 down 4 or 5. I have lost 2 inches in my waist. My wife has bought me a whole new wardrobe. I have also had my suit adjusted. So I better not put my wait back on.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Lorita are seat belts required in Oklahoma? Wore mine way before it was the law. I had taken care of too many patients with the imprint of a steering wheel on their chest and multiple fractured ribs. Recovery is not easy, sometimes not possible. The older you in general harder the recovery.

    Glad you guys are being able to lose weight that are trying.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    They are, MInt but unless the law has changed not required in a PU or truck. Guess that's why I'm not in the habit of wearing them because I been driving a PU for a long time. . I remember when I commuted to work, at least 25 miles each way, I did wear a seat belt when I drove a car most of the time. I should get in the habit of wearing them.

    Tried to take s nap but the driveway alarm went off and that was the end of that. Sheena and Stormy are really enjoying the nice . Just had supper - green beans, cottage cheese and instant mashed potatoes. Love those and so easy, no peeling.

    Wanted to watch the world news but college football has taken over tofay.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    A bicyclist was coming out of McDonald's parking lot and rode right in front of me without slowing down, I had to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting him. I can't stand these bicyclists! We spent a lot of taxpayer money to create bicycle paths and to cut back on lanes for cars why don't they stay in their lanes??!!

    I got Metamucil for Simon but it is orange flavored. I gave him some, I'll see how he does.

    I always wear my seat belt.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 792
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    Good morning,

    Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day. Sunny, cooler, light breeze. I opened all the windows and turned on all the ceiling fans. The GPs were so happy for cooler weather. They played in the pasture all day. Goats are healthy, chickens are fine (Bertha is no longer broody but Little Mama has taken up her spot). Super dry here and we need rain, but none expected for several days. DH worked on pulling fence wire and had a good day. His therapy seems to be helping.

    HB, hope your Mom's hearing aids get straightened out.

    Lorita, you must wear a seatbelt. Please.

    Ron, I'm looking for that roux you posted. Haven't seen it here but may have to look on Amazon.

    Mint, did you order those tulips?

    Beth, how is the packing going?

    Iris, I'm thinking about Simon and hope the metamucil works for him. My Oliver kitty is slowing down too. I've noticed a big change in him in the last few weeks. I'll be very sad when he is gone.

    HB, I discovered my oven works on convection at the correct temperatures. So that was a temporary relief. I've still been browsing, but haven't made a decision. I'm thinking about just calling a repair person to look at my oven. Can't decide. Don't want to decide. Decision paralysis. I think dealing with the Estate has done that to me.

    Cooked yesterday. Made a pot of chili. Grilled some ribs. Made twice baked potatoes, fried squash, white beans, cornbread and sliced watermelon and cantaloupe. So I don't have to cook today. If time permits, I'm going to learn to drive the 4-wheeler today.

    Today is supposed to be just as pretty as yesterday. Hope everyone has a good day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    good morning

    JeriLynn I got the tulips @ Menards, a local big hardware store. I was kind of surprised when I saw them. Its wonderful that therapy is helping DH. Isn't it wonderful when we don't have to cook. I fixed some stir fry and chicken tenders yesterday so I'm good for today too.

    HB hope the drain issue gets fixed and you can really enjoy your new bathroom. Always something

    take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning, nice and fall like this morning. Getting ready to watch morning news shows. Hope everyone is well. JeriLynn, fencing and repair is a never-ending job, right?

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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    Morning on our way to Church

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,352
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    The tub is leaking and mice got into my oven again. Grrr.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 345
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    Happy Sunday everyone! So jealous of those enjoying cooler weather; here in SE Florida we have heat warning. Between doing twice as much laundry as I used to ( DH incontinent) and running A/C 24/7 at cooler temp, my electric bill was close to $600 last month! I almost fainted. That's with running ceiling fans too.

    HB, I found Ron's roux on Amazon. Yikes! Mice! Did you see them? Always something, right?

    Enjoy church Ron.

    Iris are you still sleeping well?

    Hope you're healing Judith.

    Lorita that was nice of you to feed the spider. Ever since watching the movie Arachnophobia, I keep my distance. A friend of mine was bitten by a brown recluse spider last summer. She didn't realize it until she was deathly ill and her friend called 911. She almost died. Took her couple of months to feel better. BTW how is Todd doing?

    Hugs to all - Mint, Beth, David, Sandy, JeriLynn and anyone I forgot xo

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    edited September 8

    Caro Lynn, I was biten by a spider on the front of my thigh years ago. During the night probably. It began to swell until I felt like the front of my leg was going to fall off. Went to the ER a couple of days later. Don't remember what they did but it got better. Tried giving her another grasshopper yesterday but didn't get it in her web. I'm afraid of spiders so keep my distance. I was walking behind a cow once and she kicked back at me. Her hoof caught the front of my thigh on the way down. Talk about pain. Both things were similar..

    Just had scrambled eggs, with Louisiana hot sauce and hash browns for breakfast. Didn't have frozen ones so used a sort if mini food processor to make the hashbrowns. Took about five seconds. As fast as getting frozen ones out of the freezer. Love potatoes fixed any way at all.

    Really a beautiful cool morning. Fall is on the way but we can have really hot weather in September. Haven't talked with Todd in a week or so. He sounded good, had found a small job and was working and keeping busy. I need to call him. Thanks for asking.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Foot back to normal. Thanks everyone for the healng "vibes"

    Our vets have always said Pro Plan.

    Unless your pickup is 1966 or older you must wear a seat belt. I think there may be a few more exceptions.

    So…..I turned on HSN/QVC and have come to the conclusion that I need a quick course in technology. I could ask my grandchildren to explain some things but they will simply think I am coming down with old age…lol. The fact is that I can't keep up with it and think I might do with some upgrading.

    For example, do I need a shredder that will self feed 80 pages? Do I need a voice activated Roku? That one I will research. I have a smart TV in the kitchen and a Roku but have no idea what all it can do. Hmmm

    Your thoughts???

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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    Hello everyone, Today is Sunday a day that should be happy but I am having a down day. Went to church and after Mass we (my wife and I) went to the coffee hour In the church hall then it hit me 51 years ago I had married my late wife at 12 noon in this church. After coffee hour we bought some flowers and took them to the cemetery and put t hem on my late wife's grave. Then my current wife surprised me by taking me

    to lunch to cheer me up (and it did) and later we went the local chocolate candy.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    edited September 8

    As long as I can turn on the tv and get sound and a picture that is enough. My mind is crowded enough. I'm not even sure I want to get another tv for the bedroom. I may change my mind later. I have enough trouble keeping things done on the farm or at least finding someone to do the work. Seems like it gets harder and harder to get someone to work.

    David, we tend to never forget the anniversaries. Glad your wife was able to cheer you up.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited September 9

    CaroLynne, my sleep is up and down, I just keep working on it.

    HB, mice, UGH!

    The temp was only 97 degrees yesterday. My cond will have water shut-off tomorrow all day for plumbing work.

    Brown recluse spiders are very dangerous, they cause a lot of tissue damage.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Good night, sleep tight.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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