New to this forum. Diagnosed over 4 years ago
Not sure if this is the place to introduce myself; but I had Encephalitis twice - from West Nile Virus and Powassan Virus AND Lyme Disease 7 times. Dr. told me the viruses started this ball rolling. I was doing well, dealing with changes in my life, except not driving. I haven't accepted that well. I've been going between…
Mother-in-law with Alzheimer's diagnosis refusing treatment/diagnosis
Hi all, I am new to this forum. My mother-in-law was diagnosed with early stages of Alzheimer's about nine months ago. Since then, it has been an uphill (upmountain?) battle. She has refused to accept the diagnosis and will not return to see her neurologist despite MRI and cognitive confirmation of the disease. She has…
From The NYT: The Ethicist- Spouse with Dementia
I have so many thoughts on this starting with "has this columnist ever lived with a PWD?" https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/14/magazine/husband-dementia-divorce-ethics.html?unlocked_article_code=1.z00.2GoA.8KLGpmxh2ufJ&smid=url-share
Navigating Family Dynamics: Post removed
Post removed
How do you process your thoughts, feelings, and slow burning grief?
Hi everyone. I’m new here. So glad I found this online community. The last three years have been super intense. From my mother getting diagnosed to losing her job to hiring at-home care, and the moving to assisted living in Jan 2023. This is a short summary, of course. But now she needs 24/7 supervision and it’s just SO…
Not Diagnosed yet
I have been left with the responsibility of caring solely for my grandmother who is showing very progressed signs of dementia. My issue is, how do I get her a diagnosis and help, if she refuses to go to the doctor and her son (who is states away) has POA over her and refuses to acknowledge there is a medical need? I am so…
Separating Parents in AL - How to handle the physical move itself?
Suggestions for Thursday's move? We have to: Tell our mother (stage 6a/6b with anosognosia) we have decided that she and Daddy need separate rooms in order to receive the care they each need Respond to her confusion, frustration, fear, and anger (her symptoms manifest with great anger) Support our dad (who already knows…
ALSP support group
My mom was DX with ALSP it’s a rare/genetic for of Alzheimer.. I was wondering if there was any type of support groups even virtual support groups that anybody has or has gone through that could help me. I love to join a support group, but I don’t know where to start, Can guide me?
My DW & Hospice Education
Today, my DW of 25 years was released from the ravages of of this evil disease (+ cancer) and is, truly, in a better place. I was lucky enough to be by her side, holding her hand, when she passed. And I might have been alarmed at the changes she underwent, if not for having learned about the signs and sounds and changes…
Grandmothers recent diagnosis - guidance
Hi everyone! My grandmother, and very best friend, was formally diagnosed with Alzheimer’s yesterday. We knew this was coming, as her mother had it and she began showing signs about a year ago. However, I feel so completely lost and heartbroken. I was hoping for a bit of guidance on how to handle the utter darkness I feel.…
Competely overwhelmed and in tears or on the verge of tears ALWAYS
Hi all! I'm new here. My 59 yo DH was diagnosed with early onset alzheimer's and primary progressive aphasia in Sept 2020. He was able to continue working until Dec of 22. He's been home and frustrated and bored and angry since then. He gets so confused and believes things that haven't happened. Sees things and people do…
It's so lonely
hi I am Amy (61) and my husband (64) was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's in June 2023. Since I am also disabled I knew we had to get out of our house and into a care environment before disaster struck. We are in a really nice Assisted Living place now. Currently Ive been feeling lonely even though we're together all…
Children of parent's who have died from Alzheimer's
I have been the caregiver for my mother for the last 16 years. This August she died from the disease. I have not been able to find a single book or group about this and find it very frustrating. I thought since I grieved the loss of my mother for the 16 years that her death would be easier. Stupid I know....this is hard as…
Wife refuses medical help
After 3-4 years of increasing memory loss, Finlay was able to get DW to her PCP (prescribed sertraline for anxiety) and neurophysiological testing. Diagnosed with presumptive AD but she is in denial and refuses further follow up. Related: about 12 months ago she began to not recognize me. Not sure what to do
Suggestions please
Hey everybody, 1st time posting. I noticed hubby having memory loss and confusion over a year ago, he is 52. Last July, he ended up in the hospital for a week, and scans confirmed something was going on in the area of his memory and emotions. Bad short-term memory loss, can't remember places he went the same day, says he…
Mom thinks I’m wearing a mask
Hi all! For the past few months my mom has made comments about how I am not her daughter although I look like her. She has made comments about me wearing such a good mask because I look so much like her daughter. She also says that her daughter hates her and does not want to be around her so I cannot be her daughter when I…
Finding balance while managing guilt.
My mom is heavily dependent on me. Even though my mother is living in a AL, she expects and asks to see me everyday. I try to see her as much as I can as I know seeing me comforts her but I am having trouble balancing everything. In addition to caring for her, I also am trying to maintain my own household, care for my…
Unconditional vs Obligation
The apple certainly doesn't fall far from the tree. I simply can't cope with caring for her personal challenges and then all of the other incidentals- bills, wills and care for example. I've been managing her bills, finances, doctors visits, care for 5+ years. Has it been easy, no. Has it been emotionally manageable, yes.…
I'm new here and I want out...: (
DH diagnosed one month ago and our lives are out of control. I am the caregiver, now only driver, home caretaker, as well as the target of his anger, rage, distrust, you name it. Not sure what to do, where to start. I dont even know this person really...and I now realize thats been going on for years. Here I thought we…
How did you get through the diagnosis?
My partner has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, he is 72 and I’m 64. Three years ago last August I lost my 91 year old mother to Alzheimer’s after a 6 year battle and I have no illusions about where this disease is going. I don’t have any friends or family that has lost their beloved this way, apart from my father,…
Newly diagnosed DH
I'm not sure what resources are available to me. I know that there is so much that I need to do, but don't know where to begin.
Sadness and acceptance of my grandmothers late stage dementia.
I’ve joined this support group in efforts to make peace with acceptance. I would like to share an experience I had today with a beloved family member of mine with Alzheimer’s disease. In hopes that sharing, communicating it with someone will help bring some peace. My beautiful grandmother, Peggy, has been going through the…
Hi All- Just found this site and wanting to learn. Wife was practicing Endocrinologist diagnosed in april 2023. Lost all income and moved to another state to be closer to family. She is only 57. We were not ready for this-- Financially or emotionally. Finally able to find a house so settling in, but just overwhelmed with…
Angry forever?
My moms delusions and anger have become so taxing that our family feels like it may be time for full time care but she’s voiced she doesn’t want to go to a nursing home and “nothings wrong” with her. I KNOW she’s going to be irate with everyone. My question is, do you have experience with this and was your loved one angry…
Safety when cooking
My 76 yr. old DH is becoming more and more forgetful. He has several of the symptoms of cognitive impairment. He hasn't been tested or diagnosed yet but agreed to have me attend his next medical appt. in February. I've told him I'm noticing more instances of forgetfulness, which he'll accept for the moment, but doesn't…
I am realizing that my friends,
while trying to support me, do not truly understand my situation of having a sibling with dementia/Alzheimer's living in a far-off state, commenting "things will get worse before they get better," or "hope things look up for you soon," when there is no "getting better" or "looking up." I think that perhaps my situation is…
It's been 4 months since my mom moved here to my neck of the woods. She moved away from her home of 40 years, her things, her friends, the sunshine, warmth and the ocean. She was worried that when the time came, when dementia was in full swing and she was stuck in SC, she would be all alone. Yet, she's so very unhappy…
Feeling Conflicted and Guilty about moving on…
My wife is in the mid to later stages of AZ and is struggling to communicate, she sits quietly most of the time. In addition to AZ she has a genetic eye defect that is incurable, she is legally blind and needs help with everything. I am her caregiver and have given up most of my exercise and outdoor activities to support…
How to hold a conversation with a relative who has dementia?
I have a relative who was first diagnosed with dementia a few years ago and over the last few years I have noticed it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a two way conversations with her. I feel awkward about asking too many questions as I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable and she is quick to hang up the…