Following our Request
Mom moved in Sept 8th, she has moderate dementia, almost no short term memory, long term is pretty good, last 11 years or so are fuzzy. She was mild to moderate until she got a UTI and low sodium and was hospitalized for 3 weeks, now she's fully moderate. It's difficult because she can remember how to use the chair to get…
Struggling Only Child
Hi ya'll, I've recently become a caregiver at the age of 29 as an only child for my father with dementia who is 74. He was diagnosed back in December 2023 with very little notice and had to be moved into a memory care close to my home - I work a full time job and am unable to stop working. It's just him and myself in our…
Painful Delusions
For about 7-8 years my step dad and I were the main caregivers (we luckily eventually had in home care almost 24/7, but we still managed a lot) for my grandma with dementia, my mom completely checked out and couldn’t face it. It’s been about 8 years since my grandma passed and now my mom is showing signs. We are still…
Challenges over Loss of Control
Good afternoon! I'm a brand-new poster and am an only child to my 79-year-old mom with VD. She's in memory care and has been in decline for years, with bigger deficits after stroke-type symptoms and multiple falls. Over the past year, she's become more paranoid and accusatory about my not visiting enough, the management of…
Feeling guilty
We’re moving my mom into a smaller apartment in Independent Living this weekend since I’ve had to up her caregiver hours recently and the cost of her 1-bedroom has recently gone up significantly. My hope is to give her more time where she is happy before making a bigger move. But of course she’s just annoyed and unhappy…
Sad and caring formy mom 4 years
I'm new here. I've been caring for my 85 year old mom who was diagnosed with dementia/alzheimers in 2021. She just started asking about her mom, my grandmother every night, who I also cared for when I was a teenager right out of high school when my mom was working back in the early 1980's. My grandmother passed away in…
feeling frustrated, alone with problematic family
To start; I'm 44, currently living in Colorado. My mom was diagnosed in 2016 at the age of 63 with early onset. I signed her up for medical trials, the first round did really well and was helping until it was de-funded. Tried again with another one, that treatment didn't take at all. She has obviously gotten worse as there…
what is my aim? I still feel like I'm missing something
Hello dear community, I did take a break from visiting Dad. Mainly because it seemed to be upsetting for him. I've applied your advice (shorter visits, take someone with me, bring a treat to eat, stay in common area spaces) and it helped a lot. I do not go as often and I apply the wise advice given here when I do go. I…
Emotional Abuse
Hi there, This is my first post and, I'm really desperate for help or advice. I am moving cross country to care for and support my mother who was just diagnosed with Alzheimer's (though, I think this has been progressing over the last several years). I am doing everything I can to help her and it never seems like enough or…
Mom With EOAD Lacks Motivation
Hi, I’m grateful to have come across this resource. Last year, my mother (60 years old at the time) was diagnosed with EOAD. While the diagnosis came as a shock for someone of her age, we were noticing a decline in her cognitive functions, particular with regards to time (not knowing what day it is, showing up to to…
Overwhelmed with guilt & grief
It was a long road but my father in law has been living in a memory care facility close to us for about 6 weeks. Even though I know that my husband and I would be unable to care for him safely in our home because he would mostly be alone, I still feel so guilty for this major decision. When family and friends ask about my…
New behaviors from mom
Hi all I am new here. I live 5 hours away from my mom. She recently threw away her wedding rings including her beautiful 50 year wedding anniversary diamond rings my dad gave her. He passed away 12 years ago. She said since he won't come home and doesn't care about her she doesn't care either....the entire family is…
Dad's anger and my mental well-being
Hello, I am beginning to wonder if my visits with dad do more harm than good. He really wants to go home. The demands increase and intensify. I end up just having to figure out ways to excuse myself so he doesn't escalate more. Agitation and pacing have already been concerns for the nurse practitioner at his memory care…
How to Parent a Parent: When They Need Help But Think They Are Fine
Hi, all, My mother has always been a huge extravert. But as her Alzheimer's progresses, she's starting to become more socially isolated and doesn't like meeting new people. She's also kind of "moody" at times and sometimes doesn't even want to talk with her friends. We're no longer comfortable with her being home by…
Losing my mom...
Hello. I'm 100% new around these parts, but I was encouraged by the counselor I spoke with at the Alzheimer's Association to post my story here in search of those with shared experiences. I (53) live in Texas with my wife, and my mom (83) lives in Miami, FL. Since moving to Texas in late 2012, I've traveled back to Miami…
Dad is closer to me now and in a memory care community - we are new to this
Hello dear community, I know that I am not alone. I think hearing from others on this journey will help me cope and understand that some of what I am going through with Dad is part of the disease process. My heart is breaking. So here I am seeking camaradarie and support. My Dad was living independently with an Alzheimer's…
Mother-in-law with Alzheimer's diagnosis refusing treatment/diagnosis
Hi all, I am new to this forum. My mother-in-law was diagnosed with early stages of Alzheimer's about nine months ago. Since then, it has been an uphill (upmountain?) battle. She has refused to accept the diagnosis and will not return to see her neurologist despite MRI and cognitive confirmation of the disease. She has…
Grieving and Planning
Hello All- My first post ever. I am 40 years old and moved in to help my father 78 who was diagnosed with alz in 2020-- but had been declining for over a decade. He has really progressed and is incontinent, very weak, and disoriented. He recently had a fall in the shower and we had to call 911 for a lift assist-- it was…
What rights do other siblings have that aren’t in charge of guardianship
Stuck with what to do
This is my first post ever, on any forum whatsoever! The process of trying to care for and protect my parents (one with Alz and the other with vascular dementia- both in total denial) has opened me up to all kinds of new and unpleasant experiences. At least this one feels positive. I don’t know where to go from here- my…
Trying to Help my Mother with Memory Loss
Hello all, This is my first post. I am an only child and my parents live a 7 hour car drive away. Last year, I noticed that my mother was experiencing memory loss, but my father is in denial. Last May, I went up to visit and got her to see a neurologist. Her memory loss has gotten worse. She can't remember how many days…
I need help
Hi I’m really having trouble coping with my mother.She’s been forgetting a lot lately and repeating herself. I try to remind her of something’s she can’t remember but she gets upset at me. I talk to my children about it and she gets angry because she doesn’t want everyone to no her business. I tell her that those are my…
Moving home
So, I’m moving back home to help out. I’m an only child and my dad is having trouble taking care of my mom on his own. She fell at the beginning of this year and broke her foot and her shoulder. I ended up taking FMLA to help through her healing. I’m hoping that moving home will help me feel less exhausted. I went back to…
Suspected Alzheimer’s/dementia
My mom is 57. She is forgetting the answers to questions five minutes after they’re answered and forgetting what store we bought something at when we were there the day before. She didn’t remember making a decision about travel plans until I reminded her of the decision and told her why. She feels like it’s nothing. I’m…
Coping with a father with dementia in my 20s
At the behest of my therapist, I am looking for the support of others going through similar circumstances as I am. I feel incredibly alone in my slow grieving process for my father, who is 68, and has been dealing with EO dementia for the last two years. I feel completely out of my depth as a 28 year old person without the…
My mother keeps asking if her parents are alive
my mom, 75, is in the early stages of Alzheimers. She recently has been asking if her parents are alive (they both died over 25 years ago) and my dad told her that yes, they died a while ago. He didn't want to lie and didn't know what to do. My mother started crying that she didn't get a chance to say goodbye to her father…
Grieving my dad
Hello everyone, I'm new here and I hope it's ok for me to post here even though I'm not a caregiver. I'm 24. My dad was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia almost 6 years ago, during the summer between my freshman and sophomore years of college. My parents are both in their early 60s and my mom is my dad's primary…
How do I best help Mom, the caregiver?
Hello~ first post. My parents both turned 80 and Dad was officially diagnosed with stage 5 Alzheimer’s dementia the same week. His progression through early stages was very slow~ we’ve noticed little things for seven or so years~ but he had COVID in January, and the big slide began… I live 90 minutes away from them with my…
Hey Everyone
My name is Chris. My dad was just diagnosed with Alzheimer’s this week at the Mayo Clinic. I will be, along with my brothers, assisting my stepmother in caring for him. This is all new and overwhelming at this point. I hope to learn more and find some support here. Thanks!